View Full Version : Jailbreak!

2010-04-10, 12:13 PM
Life's hard in jail. You'll get beat up if you do somthing wrong, and you'll get beat up by sombody different if you do somthing right.

All the people here did somthing wrong. Realy realy wrong.

This jail, in an undiscolsed location in northern ontario (Canada), holds some of the most dangerouse people in the country. They have commited unspeakable acts of violence, treason, and theft. Surronded by a forest on all sides, and only accesible by helicopter, this is the Alcatraz of canada.

But even Alcatraz has had escapees.

One day, while staying late in the halls to wash the floor, explosions where heard, folowed by gunshots, and people yelling. One of the explosions went off nearby, blasting a hole in the wall, killing whoever was nearby. You where in the exact right spot in the exact right time. You where far enough away from the bomb to be able to not get hurt, but far enough away from the cells to not be locked in.

About 20 people have ran out of the prison, the guards are nowhere to be seen, and about 400 people are still locked up in their cells. You now have a choice: Let the prisoners out, or run for it.

The gaurds barracks have the main door slightly ajar, and are about 20 feet away from the area you are all in. The kitchen is also nearby, about 50 feet away, and the control room apears to have the door shut, and it about 40 feet away.

Basicly your choices are:

1)Realease the prisoners, causing mass chaos and have more competition to get suplies

2)Run the the barracks, kitchen, and maybe control room, gathering supplies, but risking the guards coming back.

3)Just running.

Remeber, you're all seperate right now, but you all have agreed to work together.

2010-04-10, 12:56 PM
Jack darts for the Barracks door, trying to recall if there was a helicopter at the prison at the time.
He opens to door carefully, in case any guards are on the other side, and looks around the room.
Search [roll0] If he sees no guards, jack will move into the room quietly, just in case. [roll1] Edit: I mean he moves in regardless and searches the room, wrong check, oh well.

2010-04-10, 06:12 PM
No gaurds are to be seen.

In the room, jack finds a few candy bars, pictures of people, books, a PSP, and a Pathfinder revolver. Beside the gun are 5 bullets.

There are also some sheets and pillows on the beds.

(Jack does not remember a helicopter, but there may be one he doesn`t know about.)

2010-04-10, 06:46 PM
Jack grabs one of the sheets and the revolver, as well as the rounds.
"Better than nothing I 'spose." He says to himself, he spins the cylinder, then loads the rounds if it isn't already.

2010-04-11, 02:37 PM
Alistair DeLauzon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=198282)

Surveying the situation with a visual sweep, Alistair thinks this might be a good opportunity to unleash a few dogs. As Jack searches the barracks, Alistair moves calmly and silently to the control room door. With one hand behind his back and another bracing himself on the wall, he puts his ear to the door, trying to pick up any sounds from the other side amidst the hoopla. He makes sure to position himself behind the arc of the door's swing, in case it is opened.

Taking 10 on Spot and Listen, results of 22 and 30 respectively.
Personally, I think it's a good idea to release all the prisoners if you don't mind the moral implications. It's a lot harder to find four badasses amongst a hundred or more escapees and twenty times more chaos, as opposed to four of us in one group alone with Johnny Law basically operating at full capacity.

2010-04-11, 02:45 PM
You can hear one man sitting in the room, talking.

Ok, I'll be there in a second. Put some presure on Jake's leg, it'll stop the bleeding.

He stands up, and walks towards the door, putting the key in the lock and turning it, but turning away from the door and back to his computer, to turn off some programs.

2010-04-11, 03:49 PM
Breathe in. Hold the air in your lungs. Breathe out.

As his fellow conspirators search the control room and sweep the barracks, Samuel("Never call me Sam") calmly and coolly walks out of the cell, heading for the mail room. Hopefully, the package he had sent for, the new laptop had arrived. Forging one of the guard's signatures to the catalog it had come in had been child's play.

Taking 10 on Spot, Listen, and Search for results of 11, 11, and 27, respectively.

2010-04-11, 05:29 PM
The man inside is visibly shaken by your sudden intrusion.

"Please don`t shoot!" He puts his hands up, to show he has no weapons.

In the mail room, you find many things. Some money, lots of paper, a zippo lighter, an exacto knife, a pen, and a few boxes of candy. Your laptop has not arived yet.

2010-04-11, 06:01 PM
"Looks like a certain guard is getting an early gift." Shrugging at the unlamented loss of his laptop, Samuel moves on. It didn't do any good to dwell on it. For now, the knife, the lighter, and a healthy stack of paper along with the pen are picked up. The prison uniform had no pockets, but tucking in his waistline would suffice for now. A new wardrobe would be of importance soon, though.

Finally, the corporate spy efficiently sorts through the mail in the room, looking in particular for bills, bank statements and the like. He doesn't waste any time while doing so, though, knowing that he has a specific timetable.

Search check:[roll0]

2010-04-11, 06:03 PM
Jack grabs a box of candy, and frisks the guard. He utters a few curses in Russian at his lack of weapons, before delivering a knockout punch to the guard across the face. Jack yells out the armory door.
"Grab what you want brainiac, I have what I need. But make it fast, we don't have much time."

2010-04-11, 06:49 PM
Jack finds a tazer, and a few coins on the gaurd. In the corner he finds a large backpack.

If the gaurds laptop screen is looked at by anybody, a list of cell numbers is seen. Beside most cell numbers, is the word "closed".

After ripping open a few envelopes, Samuel finds no checks. He does find, in a flat but slightly bulky envelope, a ipod touch. It appears to have a full battery.

2010-04-11, 07:42 PM
Jack slings the back pack over his shoulder, and stuff most of the items inside it. When he gets to the taser he waves it over his shoulder at Samuel and Alistar.
"Sam, Al, wanna trade me for a taser? Or a fresh set of clothes?" He calls to them.

2010-04-11, 07:46 PM
Bouncing the iPod once in his hand, Samuel turns towards Jack.

"Samuel. Not Sam. And I don't think I have much of interest. Other than this little device, I mean. Unless you want to trade it for an exacto knife or lighter."

2010-04-11, 07:53 PM
Jack turns and pats Samuel on the shoulder. Jack yells out the door again. "What ever you say Sam, and If I come across either of those, you'll be the first to know."

2010-04-12, 07:48 AM
Alistair walks into the control room and examines whatever systems they might have for clues on how he might open the cell doors.

Search check to find appropriate controls

2010-04-12, 03:07 PM
On the laptop screen, you can see the program I mentioned eirlyer. After scrolling around the page, you see a button marked "Open all"

If it's pressed:
The computer screen says: Are you sure? This will release all prisoners.

2010-04-12, 05:07 PM
Jack ties the sheets with the rope into a makeshift pack, and puts the uniform in, looking at the unconscious guard. Atleast I didn't kill him. He thinks.

2010-04-12, 10:54 PM
Alistair leans his head out towards the doorway. He calls to his fellow inmates:

"Gentlemen, listen up! Your days of confinement are officially OVER! Now let's see what we can do to let those basterds know we will never be going back!

Gentlemen... CRY HAVOC!"

With that, he presses the button labeled Open All. Nothing like a little rousing speech just to make sure the mob turned riotous. It was a grand gesture, and as such would be followed by anarchy rather than a game of hide-and-seek. He turns to Jack.

"Starting right this moment, we need to get as far away from this mob as possible. Search around if you like, but opportunity only comes once, and the guards will get organized eventually. We have to make our move before that happens."

He bolts out the door to the site of the explosion, a gaping void where the wall once stood. He climbs out, and takes a few silent steps out to the edge of the trees. He crouches and remains silent, but motions for the others to join him.

Taking 10 on Hide, Move Silently moving at normal speed, result of 26 on each.

2010-04-13, 06:40 AM
As the button is pushed, a loud alarm goes of, and nearly all the prisoners sprint out the hole in the wall. A couple head into the barraks and kitchen to do some looting. None seem to notice you.

2010-04-13, 09:58 AM
Master Gunnery Sergeant Griffin O'Neil pulls out his cellphone, a luxury he was afforded due to the circumstances of his incarceration, after his cell door opened. First the facility was compromised by a bomb... now the entire penitentiary was set loose... the call to arms over the PA was chilling over the Veteran Marine. The situation was out of control, and having the rest of the scum imprisoned here would be a disaster. He had to call for backup on behalf of the guards, since they were apparently compromised.

If he does get through, he tells the operator; "Get me through to the police. There's a jailbreak in progress at *insert prison name here*. A bomb's gone off on the premise, no security officers are to be seen, and the escaping prisoners are starting to riot!" He'd stay on the line as long as necessary, giving any requested information. As soon as the police ensure they will be around to clean up the situation, he'd hang up and head to the Control room, hopefully to meet up with whatever security detail remained and offer to help restore safety... or evacuate. One bomb meant his safety was at risk, and even though the police would show up, they are always too late... he had to get out.

2010-04-13, 11:22 AM
Jack starts to run out the door, but turns around with the thought, I ALWAYS forget something. To his supprise he notices the Back pack in the corner and grabs it up. sprinting out the door after Alistair.
"Hey Al! wait for me!" He yells as he jumps through the bombs handiwork.

2010-04-13, 03:22 PM
O'Neil does get through to the police, but the connection is very bad.

Thank......where......wh.......hel.....ar......zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Is all he hears.

2010-04-15, 06:47 AM
(Assuming your all done inside......)

Outside, amid the broken stone and metal, is a large, grassy, courtyard. It extends all the way around the fort, and at it`s edges is a 10ft tall chain link fence. Past the fence you can see the forest. Prisoners are fleeing in every direction, seemingly avoiding gunfire, as well as other prisoners.

You are facing north right now. I need a dex check if your heading into the yard, and a climb check if your hopping the fence.

2010-04-15, 07:34 AM
Griffin crouches down once outside, if there is indeed gunfire. He tries to identify any firearms being used by sound. He crawls through the courtyard, sticking as close to the other three prisoners he met fleeing the control room while using the broken debris as cover, keeping his head down. Once he reaches the fence, he'd look for any breaches in it... the fences are usually designed to make climbing impossible.

2010-04-15, 10:01 AM
Jack will approach the fence and undo his makeshift pack, throwing the sheets over the barbed wire on the fence before he climbs in the hope of lessening the effects of the barbs.
I'll take ten on the climb if I can for 13, If i can't EDIT: Dex check for heading into the yard. [roll]d20+8 If you mean just dexterity and not reflex subtract 4 from whatever comes up.Right, edit rolls don't work, forgot.

2010-04-15, 03:04 PM
About halfway through his trot to the fence, jack is struck in the back with a bullet coming from the upperfloors of the building, taking [roll0] points of damage. Jack slips right off of the fence when he tries to climb it..

Griffin finds a small area where a few lose strands of metal are missing.

2010-04-15, 03:59 PM
Alistair hustles over to join Jack at the fence, helping him steady the blanket and giving him a leg up.

"Go ahead, I've scrambled over worse before. Once we get everybody over and relatively safe from crossfire I'll have a look at you."

While he does this, he does his best to remain hidden.

Alistair is assisting Jack in his next Climb check. Taking 10 on Hide and Move Silently, 26 each.

EDIT: Whoops! Accidentally rolled 1d120+8 instead of 1d20+8. I'll reroll in OOC.

EDIT2: Success! Jack gets +2 to his next check.

2010-04-15, 05:05 PM
The gaurds don`t shoot at Al.

I`ll need scow to roll hide check. (I meant hide, but said dex :P )

2010-04-15, 08:36 PM
Jack groans as he lands back down, but pulls out the rope now, and puts it in his mouth as he tries to climb again. He knots the end of the rope, large enough to get caught in the chain link, and climbs over.
Once he gets on top he will stick the rope through the fence from the other side, to aid Alistair as he climbs over.
Climb [roll0]

2010-04-16, 01:07 PM
Eyes wide as Jack gets shot, Samuel thinks quickly. Moving carefully away from his intended destination(the improvised rope ladder), Samuel takes out his lighter, and sets fire to the field. Then, he runs like hell.

2010-04-18, 06:18 PM

Did you light before climbing, or after?

If before:
You now each have 3 moves (Rounds) to act before you begin to burn to a crisp.

If after

The rope catches on fire. Take [roll0] damage if you try to grab it. 3 Rounds on your side of the fence before you burn

2010-04-20, 10:33 AM
Alistair Hurries up the sheet and makeshift rope ladder to the other side. He motions to Samuel to join them.

"Samuel, what are you doing? We don't have the time! Get over here before they get a bead on our position!"

His voice communicates a level of stress you've never seen in him before. Whatever the truth behind this extraordinary escape, it has him on edge.

Taking 10 on Climb, my +8 mod combined with Jack's assist gives a result of 20.

2010-04-20, 06:06 PM
You make it.

You hear a few gunshots in the distance.

2010-04-23, 06:39 PM
Anybody doing anything?


2010-04-23, 08:30 PM
Hoping that everybody is over the fence already, Jack pulls the sheets off the top of it, his wound burning as he jumps up to grab it up to grab it. He leaves the rope, as it's to far gone now, and takes off into the woods.
hopefully it isn't out of the frying pan and into the fire. he thinks remorsefully.
"Get your rears in gear, we have ground to clear!" he yells over his shoulder as he enters the woods.

2010-04-23, 08:44 PM
After setting the fire, Samuel also breaks out into a run, and get over to the other side just before the sheet is pulled from the fence.

2010-04-23, 09:06 PM
Griffin tries to pull himself through the gap in the fence before the inferno blazing across the dry grass consumes him, breaking the torn gap wider if he has to to get through... Since there were no warnings, he had to conclude the shooters were the hostiles, and that group of three inmates causing so much trouble were merely overthinking escape from the compound... An unpredictable bunch, but he'd rather risk sticking with them than trying to survive on his own. As much as he hated to admit it, he was now guilty of Jailbreak, and wasn't willing to surrender to just to go through these legal hoops again.

Strength check to tear open wire as far as possible: [roll0] (Extreme Effort used, of course)
Dex Check to slide through:[roll1]

2010-04-25, 11:14 AM
Ok, you make it through.

If your all going into the forest, what direction (north,south,east,west) are you heading?

2010-04-25, 12:55 PM
Jack is going west.

2010-04-30, 02:50 PM
In the interest of staying in a single coherent group, Alistair follows Jack westward. He catches up to Jack and moves ahead of him.

"If you don't mind, I'll take point. These ears will take us where we need to go."

Taking 10 on Hide, Move Silently (26 each, full move), and Listen (30) as we get deeper into the woods, listening particularly for any sounds that indicate either a road or a body of water.