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2010-04-10, 03:54 PM
The world of (literally translated from elven) Eternal ocean sky welcome zagan Unre9istered Zipding Gnorman Shadowmind Gaiyamato

2010-04-10, 04:02 PM
Hello all ! I hope we have fun playing together.

If it's alright with everyone Sterl (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8358) will talk in Dark Orange and in case it matter Morph (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8362) in Dark Red

The Shadowmind
2010-04-10, 04:15 PM
Ooc -thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148587)

I'll pick the color Silver for Farid then.

And, I added Elven and Draconic to know languages from bonus languages from INT, for some reason I must of forgot to save after adding the known languages last time.

Good luck everybody.

2010-04-10, 04:15 PM
Ok everyone we will officially start the thing tomorrow by then I will probably have a coherent intro (hopefully)

I have set up the OOC thread as thershadeth

2010-04-11, 12:45 PM
Alright Althios and Sterl are meeting face to face tell me your actions

2010-04-11, 01:28 PM
Sterl was currently in the form an brown skin Orc with a few scar on his face, a solid looking tunic and a big axe on his back, he was also wearing an helm seemingly made entirely of crystal, a pair of solid boots with blue ring around them and two belt one metalic blue and a leather one with a number of pocket. All in all a weird attire but most people ignore it in favor of starring at what might have been a bat on his shoulder.
He was surprised at seeing someone teleport so casually still he was expecting something so perhaps that was it.
He walk cautiously toward the newcomer. "Hello stranger. Would you perchance know anything about a message asking to come here and wait for further instruction ?"

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Bat shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Tiny
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +1 (but use master initative)
Speed: 5 ft, fly 40 ft. swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 31(+2 size, +1 dex, +7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 28
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 10(12) Ref: 5(7) Will: 11(13)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus:
Range attack bonus:
Ability score: Str: 3 Dex: 13 Con: 12 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 4
Special quality: Blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +3 bonus on master listen check, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+4)+ Hide +9, Listen +8*, Move Silently +5, Spot +8*
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Blindsense (Ex): A bat notices and locates creatures within 20 feet. Opponents still have 100% concealment against a creature with blindsense.
Skills: *A bat has a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 01:58 PM
-I think you meant Farid, instead of Althios.-

Teleporting from where he was the Assimar, appeared his eyes covered by golden tinted goggles, hands coated by a pair of near pitch black velvet gloves, a blue gem adorned his neck, while a light gray cloak with silver trim draped the shoulders of the a Mithril chainshirt with the likeness of feathers etched into the middle chain links made from a craftsmen with skill surpassing that of humans, and finally a golden circlet etched with runes and symbols adorned his head. Turning to the "Orc"
Ah hello there, I heard the message perchance you sent it, or possible another is responsible?

Male Neutral Good Lesser Aasimar Warmage 6/Rainbow Servant 9//Binder 15, Level 15, Init +3, HP 101/101, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +15, Base Attack Bonus +11/+6/+1
Wand Chamber +1 Adamantine , Morning Star, +1 (1d8, x2)
Healing +1 Sanctified Feycrafted Mithril Chain Shirt, + Thistledown suit, (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +3 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 28
Condition None

2010-04-11, 02:05 PM
Just don't leave town square yet

2010-04-11, 02:09 PM
Sterl was dissapoint by the response given but try to smile none the less. "No, I receive the message too. I was hopping you were the sender. I suppose we have to wait together then. I'm Sterl by the way and this is Morph. He point at the creature on his shoulder.
Despite his desir to talk some more Sterl manage to restrain himself, it was better to reveal as little as possible before thing become clearer.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Bat shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Tiny
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +1 (but use master initative)
Speed: 5 ft, fly 40 ft. swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 31(+2 size, +1 dex, +7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 28
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 10(12) Ref: 5(7) Will: 11(13)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus:
Range attack bonus:
Ability score: Str: 3 Dex: 13 Con: 12 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 4
Special quality: Blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +3 bonus on master listen check, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+4)+ Hide +9, Listen +8*, Move Silently +5, Spot +8*
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Blindsense (Ex): A bat notices and locates creatures within 20 feet. Opponents still have 100% concealment against a creature with blindsense.
Skills: *A bat has a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.

2010-04-11, 02:11 PM
My new color
I am glad you have met each other just know that there are going to be others
this is not a sending nor speech

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 02:17 PM
Tensing up slighly at the new message, the Aasimar responds,Ah, and my name is Farid, and perhaps you heard that last message as well? I understand secrecy but I hope other benefactor provides some information soon on why we are being gathered here.

2010-04-11, 02:20 PM
Patience the voice echoes in your heads when the others arrive I will tell you your mission and He/She is interrupted by a slight tremor Um right where was I yes just hang tight the message is cut

2010-04-11, 02:27 PM
Sterl manage to not jump but barely. "Yes I heard that too. I wonder what happened" Quicky he adress Morph. "Can you detect anything ?" Morph didn't respond but try to feel if there's anything hidden arounf them.

OOC: Morph as Blinsense in a 20ft radius.

Also rolling for spot and listen check.
Listen: [roll1]

Sterl aid another: (Dc 10 if succesfull add 2 to the result for Morph)
Listen: [roll3]
Failed in both case

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Bat shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Tiny
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +1 (but use master initative)
Speed: 5 ft, fly 40 ft. swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 31(+2 size, +1 dex, +7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 28
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 10(12) Ref: 5(7) Will: 11(13)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus:
Range attack bonus:
Ability score: Str: 3 Dex: 13 Con: 12 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 4
Special quality: Blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +3 bonus on master listen check, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+4)+ Hide +9, Listen +8*, Move Silently +5, Spot +8*
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Blindsense (Ex): A bat notices and locates creatures within 20 feet. Opponents still have 100% concealment against a creature with blindsense.
Skills: *A bat has a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.

2010-04-11, 02:31 PM
Morph doesn't sense see or hear anything after that neither do you MUAHAHAHAHAHaha
Sterl what do you do?

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 03:02 PM
From that tremor I'm going to get off the ground in case something happens,, Farid begins casting a spell(Floating Disk), then quickly gets on the materialized disk. Well at least I won't lose my balance if who ever is sending the messages appears under me.. Farid then looks around to see the local scenery.

OOC:No spot check since buildings, and plants aren't actively hiding...normally.

Stat block:

Male Neutral Good Lesser Aasimar Warmage 6/Rainbow Servant 9//Binder 15, Level 15, Init +3, HP 101/101, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +15, Base Attack Bonus +11/+6/+1
Wand Chamber +1 Adamantine , Morning Star, +1 (1d8, x2)
Healing +1 Sanctified Feycrafted Mithril Chain Shirt, + Thistledown suit, (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +3 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 28
Condition Resistance acid 5, cold 10, and electricity 10, fire 5
Racial, Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5,
Raiment of the four, +5 Cold, +5 Electricity, Fire 5
Dark Vision 60ft.
Vestige Abilities:

2010-04-11, 04:01 PM
An elf hops up from the bushes nearby, bow in hand reaching for an arrow in his quiver. "Did you feel that too? Who are you?" the elf interrogates. "My name is Althios." He pulls the string of his bow back, ready to release at any point. The elf is wearing a breastplate that seems to engulf him in dark shadows. He is wearing a green tunic underneath and green leggings. His face is covered in dirt from where he just was. His hair is tied back to keep it out of his face.

2010-04-11, 04:05 PM
Now now all you need to know is that they can become valuable allies :smallbiggrin: but they choose what they say

2010-04-11, 05:03 PM

A sharp-tipped metal claw bursts forth from the soil nearby, spinning rapidly. Another pops up, spraying dirt in every direction. Slowly, a metallic head shows itself from beneath the earth, covered in mud and flecks of rock. The claws stops spinning and the creature hoists itself out of the earth up to its waist, scanning the area with its red, glowing eyes.

Confused Statement: Where are we? This doesn't seem to be Granqul. I spot a notable lack of short, bearded organics.

The creature is tall and covered in crystalline spikes, ranging in color from deep purple to a burning crimson. They seem to change of their own accord, shifting slowly from one hue to the next. A large sword is strapped to the creature's back, looking much of the same construction - jagged, translucent, and seemingly very, very sharp.

Smug statement: I told you you should have taken that left at Albion.

Response: Don't take that tone with me, Unit Five. It was your idea to travel this way in the first place. I simply could have teleported.

Defensive statement: Oh, yes, Unit Seven, that would have been a wonderful idea. Let us be reduced to our component particles by your ineptitude. Perhaps we could have materialized within a sheet of solid rock. Or a castle wall.

Statement: Shut up, Unit Five. We are not alone. We are... oh, delightful. Meatbags. Just exactly what I wanted to run into - gullible, squishy, and disposable.

The creature pulls itself completely out of the dirt, towering over you. It is obviously not human, a collection of iron plates, metallic cable, and a wooden frame. It looks very old - splotches of rust have stained its hide, and its movements carry an odd creak with it now and then. But a cold, calculating intelligence shines forth from its eyes.

You there. I require your designations, your purpose in this place, and sufficient reason why I shouldn't atomize you completely where you stand.

Complaint: You atomized thelast ones, Unit Seven. Can't we try something different this time?

2010-04-11, 05:16 PM
Good more and more people are coming along oh by the way did you run into anything on the way here?

2010-04-11, 05:54 PM
The streets begin to become more active
Dwarves are coming out setting up their shops the time is 7:00 A.M. soon enough it becomes more and more crowded it seems the dwarves slept through the tremor "Rumble Rumble" not that one though
Everyone I grow afraid of something big approaching

2010-04-11, 06:02 PM
Urgent statement: Meatbags, we don't have time for pleasantries. Not that they'd be that pleasant, anyway. These tremors are increasing, and I do not believe that they bode the appearance of something friendly. You have two choices: you can either stay and help us fight off whatever threat is on its way, or you can run away like the death-prone sacks of squelching flesh and water that you are, at which time you will be promptly and irrevocably disintegrated for your cowardice. I suggest you decide quickly.

Seven unstraps his sword from his back and focuses his will. There is a faint glimmer in the air around him, and his plating seems to gleam with a keener shine.

Gaining Psionic Focus, and expending it to overchannel Inertial Armor for +12 AC. PP cost: 17. Current PP total: 240.

Using a swift action to get into Hearing the Air stance, and using my blindsense to try and determine the presence of anything approaching. Unit Five has Mindsight, and can detect the appearance of any non-mindless creature within the range of his telepathy (30').

Basically, unless it is both mindless and immune to detection via blindsense, I can detect it. A zombie with the Darkstalker feat, for example, would qualify. But very, very little else, I believe.

2010-04-11, 06:13 PM
I sense nothing with my telepathy, but I know there is something coming closer "Rumble Rumble Rumble" What is it?

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 07:05 PM
How dreadful, a possible enemy is coming and I haven't prepared my more special abilities hoping off the disk, Farid begins to draw a circle in the dirt, I really prefer doing this is secret, the clerics get all bent out of shape of someone talking to beings outside of the reaches of the gods, you think they would jump at the opportunity, but instead the narrow minded fools hate the idea of it, it is a pity really. Will take about 2 minutes, to do it, but even I can't finish I'm still combat ready

ooc:If it is not dirt but stone, change it from drawing in the dirt to craving a circle with the morningstar's spikes.
Will take 1 minute to draw, and 1 minute to make the pact for Zceryll, "The Star Spawn". DC 25 on pact check versus d20+28 or d20+18 to make a rushed check, full round instead of 1 minute, picking plus +6 initiative for the Pact augmentation abilities.

If sign and pact are made then this appears for the second minute:
The area in and around the seal fills with thousands of tiny circular mirrors. A beautiful human woman is reflected in all of the mirrors, yet something is off about her features. After a few seconds, a scream is carried on the air and the image of the woman changes into a hideous mass of writhing tentacles. The mirrors then shatter, covering the floor with beautiful but alien patterns of glass that hurt the mind and cause the nose, mouth, eyes, and orifices to bleed black blood.

2010-04-11, 07:33 PM
well I am pretty sure that the enemy will appear before you are ready, but if you want you can rush both the circle and pact if not then just keep going though you will be interrupted cause you can't stop the carving now

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 07:43 PM
Cancel then since only the pact and not the circle can be rushed, I'll try to fight whatever it is with just spells then. There is nothing stopping Farid from simply not finishing the circle leaving the incomplete symbols on the ground, if Farid actually completed the circle then 1 full round action has to be used for summoning the vestige.

2010-04-11, 07:48 PM
This is not good the creature is fast approaching and back up has yet to arrive now I ask you 4 what will you do? you have 1 hr to post all of you including Gaiyamato and Unre9istered for today at least cause I am out of here at 9 pm

The Shadowmind
2010-04-11, 08:02 PM
After barely getting a line, much less a circle, Farid bends up,Well darn it, it looks like whatever the thing is, is coming to fast for me to complete this. A defensive spell should help, at least till we get a view of the being.
Casting Blade Barrier: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bladeBarrier.htm)

[Casting the 6th level spell Blade Barrier, centered on self, forming a 35ft radius circle barrier of whirling blades to appear, any creature going through it takes 15d6+2 damage, DC 26 reflex for half damage, duration 15 minutes Spell resistance applies..]

2010-04-11, 08:17 PM
I do hope that you 4 can take on whatever is approaching and if necessary I might be able to help for a little while

2010-04-11, 08:48 PM
Ok everyone I am giving my schedule and then logging off

Sunday I am usually free the whole day if possible focus posts after 2 P.M
Monday Free
Tuesday Free
Wendsday busy till around 6 P.M.
Thursday most busy almost no chance I will have activity
Friday sometimes busy but I'll be around by 4:00 P.M
Saturday I'll either be free till 5:00 P.M or the whole day

If anything comes up I'll tell you

2010-04-11, 09:21 PM
Ten thousand eyes had carefully watched the scene unfold before them. They had been mildly surprised when the giant metallic creature had suddenly burst forth from the ground. But more concerning was the voice that spoke, aware of their presence, and worse seemingly able to tap the mind without any effort. The warning was of no concern, whatever was coming could be escaped and surely would not be as bad as anything they currently dealt with... Still there was always a nagging doubt about the safety of the group.

Close to the circle of the group a small group of worms and maggots began to writhe their way up from the already disturbed soil about the feet of the party members. A few beetles and flies began to drift into the area, followed quickly from a thick mass of millipedes and scorpions rising to join the growing mass of crawly things building into a heap upon the ground. Locusts, spiders and a vast assortment of other vermin quickly joined with these, seemingly working in unison to form a vague shape. A quick cursory glance showed however that something was not quite right, the larger vermin were obviously in some state of decay and the air around them was cold beyond all natural means. A feeling of dread emanated from the pile as it grew quickly into the rough shape of a humanoid.

A soft but somehow disturbing voice, slightly echoing as if from a long way away, deep in a cavern, and very raspy as if speaking aloud was not something the creature was used to, crept out into the air for all the hear.
"I come here as a friend and ally, beckoned by the same voice as the rest of you here. You may call me Evarnam"
It greeted the group.
"Something comes! Something comes! Be warned! Be warned! For something comes!" a high pitched and agitated, almost excited voice sounds from the swarm of bugs.
The warning of the voice elicited only a slightly irritated sounding grunt from Evarnam.

It chants some words and bluish-green energy begins to flow about the mass of insects, forming a glowing field of ectoplasma enhancing it's form.

OOC: Casting Ectoplasmic Enhancement.

2010-04-11, 10:29 PM

A shadowy figure rises up out of the ground. It is shrouded in a winding cloak making it difficult to make out any details of its form. The entirety of the being has a smoky translucent appearance as though its not physically present. Barely visible peering out of the hood of the cloak is a pair of vivid blue eyes.
The sound of whispers rises from the creature. Individually the whispers are unintelligible, but collectively words can be made out.
Greetings. By the sound of it, I was summoned by the same, elusive, persona as the rest of you. You may call me Geist. Perhaps now that I've revealed myself it will let me hear it as you all apparently do. By the sounds of it we should prepare for whatever approaches.

I'm assuming that Geist's mindblank kept our summoner from realizing he was hiding underground listening to the conversations. If he was aware then maybe he was keeping quiet as far as Geist was concerned out of concern for Geist's touchy notions of privacy?
He will prepare for the battle by manifesting the following (provided he has enough time): Concealing Amorpha (spent the pp on my sheet already), Chameleon. If things get too much worse and he has more time he'll manifest a couple more.

Edit: didn't like the look of the font so I changed it. It's far easier to read this way.

2010-04-12, 05:09 AM
Sterl was startled by the apparition of all those people so suddendly but he looked very interest in the artificial being, and smiled almost like a kid when the bug guy appear. Still he manage to refrain his curiosity and prepare for battle.
"Morph, Sailsnake !" His only reponse was a "You got it."
The bat like thing on his shoulder immediatly jump down an began expending until it was the size of a large snake with membranous wing.
Sterl mount him and they began circling the place from the air.
He also take his axe in hand.
"Hey ! Mysterious voice do you have any clue on what it could be ?"
Sterl would very much have like to ask more question but he choose to concentrate on the present threat.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Sailsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +6 (but use master initative)
Speed: 20 ft. Climb 20ft, Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 10ft (20ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +2 dex, +6+7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 16 Flat 31
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 13(15) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: Bite +19(+21)
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 (2d6+11) +Poison
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 22 Dex: 15 Con: 19 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Venom spray, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess, Improve natural attack, Flyby attack
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+14)+ Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8, Balance +14
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor: (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water: (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Venom Spray(Ex): 20-ft cone, once every 6 round, blind for 1d4 round, Fort save DC 13 half

Skill: +8 bonus on balance and climb, +4 on listen and spot, Use dex on climb, can take 10

2010-04-12, 06:05 AM
Good everyone is here, but "RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE" So does the creature Roll initiative

2010-04-12, 06:40 AM
Althios turns his bow from the two in front of him to the source of the rumbling. He mutters a curse under his breath and quickly dives back into the bushes in front of him.
Init: [roll0]
Hide check (if possible) [roll1]

2010-04-12, 06:41 AM
"Get ready !"

Initiative: [roll0]

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Sailsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +6 (but use master initative)
Speed: 20 ft. Climb 20ft, Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 10ft (20ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +2 dex, +6+7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 16 Flat 31
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 13(15) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: Bite +19(+21)
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 (2d6+11) +Poison
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 22 Dex: 15 Con: 19 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Venom spray, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess, Improve natural attack, Flyby attack
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+14)+ Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8, Balance +14
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor: (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water: (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Venom Spray(Ex): 20-ft cone, once every 6 round, blind for 1d4 round, Fort save DC 13 half

Skill: +8 bonus on balance and climb, +4 on listen and spot, Use dex on climb, can take 10

The Shadowmind
2010-04-12, 08:12 AM
Initiative [roll0]

Stat Block

Male Neutral Good Lesser Aasimar Warmage 6/Rainbow Servant 9//Binder 15, Level 15, Init +3, HP 101/101, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +15, Base Attack Bonus +11/+6/+1
Wand Chamber +1 Adamantine , Morning Star, +1 (1d8, x2)
Healing +1 Sanctified Feycrafted Mithril Chain Shirt, + Thistledown suit, (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +3 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 28
Condition Resistance acid 5, cold 10, and electricity 10, fire 5
Racial, Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5,
Raiment of the four, +5 Cold, +5 Electricity, Fire 5
Dark Vision 60ft.
Vestige Abilities:

2010-04-12, 08:59 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-04-12, 02:59 PM
Ok I rerolled for the Shadowmind and Zagan so far it is
Sterl 25
Geist 23
Althios 20
Farid 11
Gaiyamato ? and yes it is day 7:00 A.M
Gnorman ?
Monster 1 but he appears and acts cause you can't attack it yet
??? 31 hold until end oh and geist it can't penetrate your mind blank unless you are willing that is oh and if you really concentrate all of you can refuse to talk to it

Ok monster's dramatic entry start by coming out and biting a dwarf cause it has darkvision 60ft and 120ft tremorsense
Music do this and the picture in as close succession as possible for full effect

2010-04-12, 03:59 PM
"Damn ! What is that thing ? Well no matter we must stop it."

Knowledge check: [roll0] +22 (dungeonering), +17 (arcana), +16 (the planes)

Sterl and Morph charge/dive at the creature and attack as soon as they are in range.

Sterl attack:
Attack roll:[roll1] (14 Bab+4 Str mod+4 enhancement+2 charge +1 higher ground (mount))
Greataxe Damage (slashing): [roll2]
Bonus damage from thunderstep boots(sonic):[roll3]

Morph attack:
Attack roll:[roll4] (14 Bab+6 Str mod+2 competence+2 charge -1 Size)
Bite damage (B,P,S): [roll5]
Bonus damage from thunderstep boots(sonic):[roll6]
If hit the creature must also save against the Poison DC17 1d6 con damage
(Edit: roll on OOC thread: (1d6)[4])

Sterl Stats: (-2 AC)

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats: -2 AC

Sailsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +6 (but use master initative)
Speed: 20 ft. Climb 20ft, Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 10ft (20ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +2 dex, +6+7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 16 Flat 31
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 13(15) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: Bite +19(+21)
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 (2d6+11) +Poison
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 22 Dex: 15 Con: 19 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Venom spray, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess, Improve natural attack, Flyby attack
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+14)+ Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8, Balance +14
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor: (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water: (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Venom Spray(Ex): 20-ft cone, once every 6 round, blind for 1d4 round, Fort save DC 13 half

Skill: +8 bonus on balance and climb, +4 on listen and spot, Use dex on climb, can take 10

2010-04-12, 04:01 PM

A transparent bubble apears and envelopes Geist. Every thing behind it is clearly visible as though nothing is there. Geist, however, appears to have been distorted like a reflection in a fun-house mirror, making it difficult to tell where in the bubble he really is.
OOC:That's Concealing Amorpha, as described in my action before initiative. Didn't get a chance for Chameleon though.

Geist floats up to the monstrous centipede with no sign of fear. He moves directly through it to the other side. Once in a flanking position with Sterl he attacks.

Hopefully that pulls it's AoO; if it's for some reason considered magical I've got 20% miss chance from Concealing Amorpha and 50% incorporeal chance to ignore attack.
Setting action to attack once I've got a flanker. Sterl conveniently provided a flanker so no point in waiting.
Incorporeal Touch Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage (if it is not immune to crits.) [roll2]
Penetrating Strike (if it is immune to crits.)[roll3]
Hope this all makes sense.

2010-04-12, 04:12 PM
No info is gained from knowledge checks
All attacks hit DR makes it come out to er 17 Damage

AoO on Megapede uses it's back tentacles (see image) needs to roll over 50 to hit
1d100+0 46
1d100+0 76
1d100+0 7
1d100+0 20
1d100+0 100
2 hits
1d20+32 35
1d20 +32 37
2d8+16 24
2d8+16 28
52 points... ouch

2010-04-12, 04:14 PM
Why does it get more than one AoO?

2010-04-12, 04:15 PM
oh nevermind sterl takes massive damage ignore miss chance rolls

2010-04-12, 04:21 PM
Ok rolling for poison 1d20+26 AAANNNND 1 JAW DROP WHAAAAAT NO WAYYY!!
64 points of damage

2010-04-12, 04:32 PM
Okay wait, could someone explain to me since when charging provoque AOO ?

If I forget a rule from somewhere I use an immediate action to cast greater mirror image. [roll0] edit: sharing it with morph of course.

So you need to roll to see if he it.

2010-04-12, 04:37 PM
Ok I looked at the rules and it seems that you only provoke a AoO if you perform a distracting action within a threatened square or you move out very different from moving in, but casting a spell is a distracting action now do you cast it before you move in, as you move in, when you are threatening a AoO, or not at all?

2010-04-12, 04:38 PM
If he didn't attack i don't cast it and anyway immediate and swift action spell never provoque AOO.

Edit: I'm going to sleep now so if Sterl is attacked before I get back tomorow I use greater mirror image as I said earlier.

2010-04-12, 04:41 PM
If has reach, you'll provoke when you leave one of the outer squares that threaten to close. Also, if he's using quicken to cast that spell then it doesn't provoke.

2010-04-12, 05:23 PM

Initiative: [roll0] +6 = 11 (Ring of Anticipation lets me choice the better of two rolls)

Statement: Lovely. An extremely large insect of some kind.

(Sorry, initiative count misreading.)

2010-04-12, 05:27 PM
Ok I rerolled for the Shadowmind and Zagan so far it is
Sterl 25
Geist 23
Althios 20
Gaiyamato 14
Seven 12
Farid 11

Monster 1 but he appears and acts cause you can't attack it yet
??? 31 hold until end oh and geist it can't penetrate your mind blank unless you are willing that is oh and if you really concentrate all of you can refuse to talk to it

Posting so it is easier to get to it and waiting for zipding please hold Gnorman oh hey did you check out the OoC thread recently?

2010-04-12, 05:29 PM
(OOC: still going to post a few knowledge rolls here)

Knowledge (nature): [roll0]. (This result is my Knowledge Devotion amount and my monster identification result, with a +5 bonus on the latter from Collector of Stories skill trick). That gives me a +5 to attack and damage rolls against it for the duration of the combat.

2010-04-12, 05:41 PM
WHOA nice roll okay
Bite poison DC 44 2d6 Str 1d6 Dex both
AC 18 all natural
attacks 5 tentacles +32 2d8+16 or Bite 4d6+16
Face/reach 15ft by 100ft/ 10ft
Tremorsense 120ft
Dark vision 60ft
SR 31
DR 15/magic and adamantine
What else you want to know?
Lost 109 HP so far

2010-04-12, 06:14 PM
(OOC: Might want to throw that into spoiler tags in the future.)

Recitation: This creature is a Megapede, an extremely large species of Archispirostreptus gigas. Beware, for its carapace is strong and will deflect all but the most powerfully enchanted blade. Magic alike will bounce off its hide. As a mindless crawling thing, do be aware that enchanting magic will do little to hinder it, as its only motivation seems to be to devour. However, its rudimentary senses are surprisingly well-developed - it can feel the air with the cilia positioned around its body, so do not think that hiding or spells of invisibility will give it pause.

Half-hearted warning: Meatbags like yourselves (wraith-like former meatbags notwithstanding) will wish to be very careful of its devastating poison. It is suggested that either myself or one of our ghostly companions distracts it, as the venom dripping from its mandibles will likely liquefy your internal organs into a substance the color and consistency of a mud puddle.

Smug statement: But for all its strength, the Megapede does have one significant weakness that we should do our best to exploit: it is extremely clumsy. We should be able to confuse it with swarm tactics or spells that reduce, impair, or shut down its movement or agility.

(Using 4 power points to manifest Greater Concealing Amorpha, and a swift action to enter Pearl of Black Doubt stance. Moving in to melee range, taking AoO's if and when they occur.)

The Shadowmind
2010-04-12, 07:25 PM
[Since Farid goes after Seven]

Taking a 5-step back from it.Resistant to magic you say?, hmmm I think have a way to get around that little obstacle. Unless the thing is outright immune to magic I think this like spell I learned back in the academy should harm it quick so.

[Using all 3 charges of the Circlet of rapid casting to cast a Orb of Fire as a swift action.]

And perhaps another one as well, but this time with extra punch. and the Farid fires another orb

Casting Empowered Orb of Fire-Standard action.


Swift action Orb-
Uses 1 4th level spell slot
Attack roll-ranged touch attack
[roll0] versus Touch:0
damage [roll1]
DC 24 versus Fort save for Dazed 1 round

Empowered Orb of Fire
Uses 1 6h level spell slot
Attack roll-ranged touch
[roll2] versus Touch:0
DC 24 versus Fort save for Dazed 1 round

It only fails the save against a natural 1 anyway, so no need to do the math for that.

Reason the attack rolls are +10 instead of +14, because Farid is firing into melee.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-12, 07:29 PM
Sorry for the double post, but screwed the tags for the empowered orb of fire's damage.
15d6*1.5 then +2 to that, and

2010-04-12, 07:34 PM
OK Farid does 102 points NICE unfortunately no daze
241 HP lost you guys are doing good
Alright I want Althios to go soon hopefully he'll show up
Wait he is here oh boy

2010-04-12, 07:38 PM
Using his many eyes in bug form Evarnam called out warnings to his fellow party members to help them avoid the creatures blows and how best to attack the creature.
Perhaps I could perhaps force it to cower or even control it? It may follow a fellow lord of vermin such as myself.. he thought to himself.
Slowly he began to chant, the sound coming out of the mass of bugs as a rhythmic clicking and chirping, the swarm of bugs shifting and moving in a pattern around the ground. Upon completion a burst of energy shot out in a ring from the pile of bugs, seeking out other Vermin and compelling them to obey the commands of Evarnam.

Assisting party members with advice was just describing the use of the Motivate Dexterity Aura.
Rebuke Vermin attempt. Failed unless there are ordinary vermin in the area.

2010-04-12, 09:56 PM
The elf jumps up and fires some arrows into the megapede.
Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot if within 30ft, Distracting Attack and Sneak Attack if possible.
[roll0] on FF if possible [roll1] plus [roll2]
[roll3] on FF if possible [roll4] plus [roll5]
[roll6] on FF if possible [roll7] plus [roll8]

2010-04-13, 05:56 AM
Ok 21 damage that is 262 HP lost so far
Now it is the Megapede's turn

2010-04-13, 06:02 AM
Bite farid
1d20+32 [12] 44
4d6+16 plus poison
26 Points plus DC 34 poison
Does the blade barrier go into effect? Ok it did
1d20+8 18 failed reflex 49 points
311 Damage suffered so far

The Shadowmind
2010-04-13, 04:23 PM
[fort roll]
[roll0] versus DC 34

The Aasimar holding his injured arm,Now now, that quite hurt, and I believe I will be feeling that one again in the morning.I might be needing assistance in with after effects of the creatures bite.

2010-04-13, 05:48 PM
(I'm going to go ahead and post this action out of initiative order to save time - if things change significantly between now and when I actually get to TAKE my turn, I'll reevaluate.)

As the creature moves to munch on Farid, Seven takes a passing swipe at one of its many legs, slicing into the exoskeleton and causing a spurt of viscous black ichor to come gushing out.

Smug statement: I told you to stay away and let the non-organics handle it, didn't I? No matter. I shall destroy it soon enough, and you will not need to worry about it further putrefying your pus-filled sacks of goo and water, sloshing around mercilessly in your frail, pathetic form.

Pulling his sword back slowly and waiting for an opportunity to strike between one of the plates of chitin on the megapede's back, Seven focuses his will and slams the sword down with precision force into a gap in the beast's armor.

Using a move action to obtain psionic focus (auto-succeed)
Hitting with Greater Insightful Strike [roll0]
Expending psionic focus to take 15 on the concentration check, giving me a result of 50. So the strike (assuming it hits, it can only fail on a 1) does 100 damage, minus 15 for the DR, for a total of 85.

2010-04-13, 06:20 PM

(Also out of initiative order, sorry didn't realize that.)
With out taking his eyes off of the beast, Geist raises his hand and a silvery blue ray shoots out at the creature, leaving a trail of mist in its wake.

Defensively manifesting Energy ray. Using cold and augmenting fully (15pp). If for some reason I'm no longer flanking I'll move to flank.
Concentration Check (DC 16 can't fail) [roll0]
Touch Attack: [roll1]
Sneak Attack:[roll3]

2010-04-13, 07:10 PM
4500 XP for everyone YAY!! warning very long description
As the creature writhes in pain it calls out with its last breaths. Suddenly it's mate comes through the same hole the original Megapede made and closes in to attack you when suddenly a Metal colossus standing 23 feet tall jumps from one of the buildings and slashes the monster with a silver great axe. Soon followed by and Iron, Sand, Stone and a black golem of some kind all swarm the Megapede. The creature runs back into the hole using one of the two paths found beneath it. The Colossus stands with a grace that belies its powerful humanlike form, and you see that its metallic sheen is no suit of armor. Like its eyes the rivers of silver run through its entire body. (sorry no picture MMV though)
"Director" It cries out in a booming voice "these adventurers seem to be exactly what we've been looking for"
It seems to concentrate and nods
"Adventurers" It's tone is friendly and powerful at the same time "call me Beta I work for G.A.B can't tell you what that is, but we need your help you see there is some new technology that we need you to retrieve and though my team is powerful we can not stretch out our numbers can we trust you with the assignment?"
Okay now no treasure and I think unless sterl can finish him off than geist kills the Megapede

The Shadowmind
2010-04-13, 07:54 PM
*Dismissing the blade barrier, the pulling out the Staff of Healing, and putting the morningstar back in it's "sheath".
Using 3 charges of the staff to restore the CON damage.

It does look like you have a decent fighting force here, you should really work on your response time, there was only one victim from the first insect, if it had even a few more seconds who know what damage it could of done. I aslo recommend if none the companions I just met have any use for the bodies of the insects, you should find a mage that can turn the being's body to salt and sell the salt, giving that dwarf's family the proceeds as restitution for your poor response time.

2010-04-13, 08:03 PM
I thank you for the suggestion the dwarf's family will be compensated. I can not tell you why we were late nor the extent of our forces, but I can tell you that we will keep in touch and so will "The director", but what I need to know is will you be willing to take on the quest G.A.B has for you?

2010-04-13, 08:24 PM

Geist turns to Farid and says, "In the future I can repair the damage that poison and the like does, if you wish. That way you can save your staff for emergencies."
Geist then turns to the Collossus.
"If I am not mistaken it was for this quest that we were summoned. If that is the case..." Geist waits a moment for the "voice" of the being that summoned him to tell him otherwise. Hearing nothing, he continues, "Then I, at least, have no objection."

OOC:I'm assuming here that our purple voiced friend doesn't say anything there, of course.

Who all is injured? Giest functions quite well as a healer (out of combat, at leas).

The Shadowmind
2010-04-13, 08:34 PM
Cure serious Wounds from staff.

Secondary Fort Save against the poison
[roll1] versus DC 34
con damage
Dex drain

Quests are good and all, but I haven't finished lecturing you. The insects should weight at least 125 tons each, so that would be a minimum 1,250,000 gold if you sell at the standard rate minus expenses to the dwarf's family, and repeat the process again with other insect. Then use the money gained from the other one to research a more efficient method to retrieve water from the sky, so the slaves can be released. Slavery is cruel, vile, and certainly just plain rude, not to mention inefficient. So if they are no further problems I'll accept the quest provided to heed my advice.

Turning to Geist, I think the secondary effects are kicking in, so if you are willing I could use that helped you just offered

2010-04-13, 10:29 PM

Geist manifests several healing powers on Farid, then himself, then Farid again.
"For as short lived as it was, that thing did a fair amount of damage."
OOC:Before the secondary damage is from the poison occurs Giest woud manifest Empathic Transfer to take the poison into himself adding hp of healing for 2pp (total cost 5pp) as well. Taking 1/2 of that (11) as damage to himself. He will then manifest Body Adjustment for 7pp, healing [roll]2d12 (see OOC thread for this roll) 12 hp.
Fort save 1d20+10 vs. poison.
After the poison damage hits (only suceed the save on a nat. 20) He'll manifest Psionic Restoration (11pp) to heal the ability damage.
Another Psionic Restoration for Farid
Total 34pp spent. I need to try and be more efficient in the future.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-13, 11:40 PM
As the bones in Farid's legs become back into bone and less the sponge-like mass they were. Thank you sir, I estimate it took only 15 seconds or less from when it appeared till it stopped twitching. While I'm glad to see noone else was hurt, I don't think I'm going to willingly make a habit of it.

Actions as soon a possible

Would Bind, Zceryll, "The Star Spawn" DC 25
Buer, Grandmother Huntress
and Dahlver-Nar, The Tortured one.
Placing Naberius, The Grinning hound, in the "box" (Vestige Phylactery)

2010-04-14, 04:36 AM
Evarnam gathered himself together, the mass of insects, now grown much larger rose up to form a body. Very quickly the mass of insects solidified to reveal a humanoid figure swathed in dark black robes. Insects still crawled all through the robes. Two red pin-pricks of light showed through a deep darkness in the hood. A massive sword, seemingly made of ice, was strapped to his back.

Evarnam seemed very disturbed by the light of the sun, forming and standing in nearby shadows, yet still cowering from the light slightly. Swarms of insects gathered about him in the air and on the ground.

"Why would I help you at all, who are you? Why did these creatures attack us here, so far from their homes? What will happen if you do not gain this 'technology' you speak of? I doubt it is any concern of mine." he spoke aloud to the large figure before the party. His voice still sounded as if coming from a great distance and as if forced.
"Yes, yes. Why? What is in it for us!!" chirped a sound that seemed to come from the sword at his back.

2010-04-14, 06:04 AM
OOC: Sorry for my absence but I get the impression that most of the post are done when I'm not around. My time zone being so far out of yours might become a problem. But we will see.
Okay, so I will assume that Sterl and Morph attack with the AOO and normaly but miss, could I get a confirmation to know if I'be taken damage or not ?

After slashing innefectively at the beast, Sterl was happy to see it go down.
The golem performance was very impressive and their offer even more so.
"Yes, I think I like to work with you if only to discover more about your mysterious director. But as our companion said what can we gained ?"
Meanwhile Morph was staying alert in case of another attack.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Sailsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +6 (but use master initative)
Speed: 20 ft. Climb 20ft, Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 10ft (20ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +2 dex, +6+7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 16 Flat 31
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 13(15) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: Bite +19(+21)
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 (2d6+11) +Poison
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 22 Dex: 15 Con: 19 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Venom spray, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess, Improve natural attack, Flyby attack
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+14)+ Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8, Balance +14
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor: (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water: (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Venom Spray(Ex): 20-ft cone, once every 6 round, blind for 1d4 round, Fort save DC 13 half

Skill: +8 bonus on balance and climb, +4 on listen and spot, Use dex on climb, can take 10

2010-04-14, 02:48 PM
Althios keeps his bow out even after the golems show up. He listens intently to what the constructs have to say before responding.
"Is the 'director' the person sending these messages to our minds? What exactly is this 'new technology'?" the elf asks.

2010-04-14, 03:13 PM
We offer items 'gives a ring of telekinesis to Farid, a gem of seeing to geist, and a special staff of vermin to Evarnam', Gold 'throws 75000 GP to everyone else except seven', our services like crafting custom items or renting a construct, and if you help retrieve and protect the technology than we may let you have one of your own :smallbiggrin: Now Seven you wish to go to 'The factory' correct? well we may be able to help and if the adventurers beat us to it take this sword in advance.

Details on Evarnam's staff
1 charge Giant vermin
1 charge Insect plague
1 charge Repel vermin
1 charge summon swarm
Cost 78750 to make
Details on Seven's sword
only 1 effect can be active at a time
+4 profane bonus on 1 stat Note: Weapon does not need to be equipped for this effect to activate

Weapon gains enchantments equal to 36,000 GP cost so like +4 with 2000 GP left

Requires a standard action to change enchantments for weapon, which stat gets the bonus, or from stat to enchantments (Choose a command word oh and go ahead and name the weapon)

2010-04-14, 03:15 PM
Well Althios "The Director"was not the person who gave the sendings, but will from now on be in constant connection with you. As for the new technology, retrieving the blueprints will answer most of your questions

2010-04-14, 07:38 PM

"You mentioned some adventurer's beating us to it, will we likely find other groups going after the same target? Should we worry about other powerful cabals trying to stop us?" Geist asks, while examining the gem he was given as it floats in front of him.

2010-04-14, 07:45 PM
"Well um the people who beat you to it managed to trick some of the guardians into going for a diversion while the majority of their forces broke in and took the technology while the guardian's strongest fighter was gone. There will be undoubtedly many others who will be sent after the technology in fact they may be building it right now. If you can get the blueprints than we would be indebted to you and we and perhaps others will grant you great rewards. Understand that the design that G.B.A or G.A.B which ever you prefer could change how people live in this world" Beta looks at each of you his face is stern yet pleading

2010-04-14, 10:15 PM

"So you want us to get it back from people who've stolen it?" Geist asks, "Perhaps you should just give us all the details you can."

2010-04-14, 11:11 PM
A sound comes from Evarnam that a listener could construe as a chuckle as he receives the staff from the speaker. "Bribery will take you everywhere. Being paid to fetch an item is good enough for me, though knowing it will help the lives of others is a good thing. Though I would still like to know who it is we are up against." he nods to his new employers. As he does so a very large millipede bursts from the ground about his feat and coils around where he stands, joining the writhing mass of other insects swarming about him. The millipede is about the same mass of an average adult human male.
"As an aside, I think that large corpse should be reused to assist us on this quest. Would anyone mind overly much if I made use of it?"

The Shadowmind
2010-04-15, 12:09 AM
Use the secondary corpse as you wish, but I really need to do something, so I hate to run, but I'll be back in a few minutes, , as Farid takes off to the nearest empty ally.

As soon as he is out of sight Farid casts Tiny Hut,

Ah, here I won't be disturbed for a few minutes at least. And now where was I before that overgrown insect interrupted me.
As Farid begins the process of Binding.
DC is for good pacts, suppressing sign for all if a good pact is made.
Zceryll, "The Star Spawn" DC 25
Buer, Grandmother Huntress DC 20
and Dahlver-Nar, The Tortured one. DC 17
Can't fail, but rolling anyway
Taking +3 insight on saving throws as pact augmentations.

2010-04-15, 06:05 AM
Well the details I can give you are that when the invaders came me and my team were just returning and the other team and our master left for a request that I don't know much about. Somehow they knew about our return and before I had positioned the golems in their proper place they gave a diversion by blowing a hole through the east wing while their stronger forces came from above how they did this still surprises me because the roof has multiple antimagic field traps so they couldn't have flown there with magic. Anyway after sneaking in they knocked out the artificer guarding the blue prints and ran so the only clue I can give you on who did it are that they were Sand pirates because I saw the flag on their ship and it was one of a river flowing below a Sun. as for the others all of the most powerful princes will chase for the technology in the attempt to burn the blueprints.

2010-04-15, 08:20 AM
Evarnam nods at the story given him. The entire thing seemed odd to him, and rather unsettling (even for a wraith). If this lot were some sort of super powerful group of constructs led by a being that could easily pick and chose who's heads it invaded - even those of the dead - then whoever took the plans is powerful beyond normal mortal reckonning or extremely clever. Both are dangerous.

Evarnam removes a tiny vial of a black inky substance from somewhere in his robes and covers himself in it. When he has finished he carefully placed the empty vial back into his robes and draws his sword. Completely ignoring the rest of the group and the Collossus and co he floats over to the Megapede, landing beside it. He begins to carefully cut away a large square section from the thick chittin and flesh.
A voice came from his sword - "hee hee hee, that tickles" as he does so.

As he cut the pile of vermin and the giant Millipede make their way back over to Evarnam after he seemingly abandoned them.

2010-04-15, 08:50 AM
OOC: I didn't realise but I level up because I've spend xp I was only 500xp away from level 15. i will update my stat soon

With the new detail add in Sterl think about it again but the offer seem geniune and very profitable. While not really greedy by nature he does need money to aquire the material for is graft.
"Yes, I'm definitively in." He take the money offered. "I need to think about it but I will probably take up your offer for crafting item. We have time anyway our comrade apparently need it to make use of the vermin"

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 166/166 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 17(23) Touch 14 Flat 16 (22)
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (3/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Sailsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +6 (but use master initative)
Speed: 20 ft. Climb 20ft, Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 10ft (20ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +2 dex, +6+7 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 16 Flat 31
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 4 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 13(15) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +14/+9/+4
Melee attack bonus: Bite +19(+21)
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 (2d6+11) +Poison
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 22 Dex: 15 Con: 19 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Venom spray, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess, Improve natural attack, Flyby attack
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+14)+ Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8, Balance +14
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor: (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water: (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Venom Spray(Ex): 20-ft cone, once every 6 round, blind for 1d4 round, Fort save DC 13 half

Skill: +8 bonus on balance and climb, +4 on listen and spot, Use dex on climb, can take 10

The Shadowmind
2010-04-15, 03:07 PM
*10 minutes Later, summoned Bralani's and had them use cure serious wounds to finish healing to full with in the Tiny Hut*
Farid walks back to where the group is, crossing the stone streets, and admiring the stonecraft dwarfs are famous for. Farid holds up the new ring his eyes and admires its craft. Ah there we go, I'm prepared all refreshed incase of another attack, so where were we. Yes, now I remember you needed us to fetch some technology for you, and I've already to agree to it.

Pseudonatural Farid.

Male Neutral Good Lesser Aasimar Warmage 6/Rainbow Servant 9//Binder 15, Level 15, Init +3, HP 116/116, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +18, Base Attack Bonus +11/+6/+1
Wand Chamber +1 Adamantine , Morning Star, +1 (1d8, x2)
Healing +1 Sanctified Feycrafted Mithril Chain Shirt, + Thistledown suit, (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Natural, +3 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 28
Condition Bound:
Resistance Acid 20 cold 10, electricity 20, Fire 5
DR 10/Magic SR 25
Dark Vision 60ft.
True Strike 1/Day Su
Able to use Alternate Form, to cause a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls.
Telepathy, Mindsense
Fast Healing 3
+4 on Heal, Knowledge(nature) and Survivor checks
Immunity to Disease and Poison, Wisdom damage, Wisdom Drain, Madness, insanity, Weird and confusion effects, Negative levels, Energy Drain,
+1 Natural Armor.
Shield Self
Slippery Mind
Maddening Moan.
Bolts of Madness, and Summon Alien up to VII.
+3 on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

2010-04-15, 03:21 PM
Farid check
Sterl check
Evarnam check
Althios Check
Seven ?
Geist Check
Though 1/2 have agreed we will undoubtedly need more people will the remainder join or do you have any other questions? Oh shoot seriously! only a 100 hundreds days until they complete the thing! C**P!

2010-04-15, 03:38 PM
Althios puts his bow away, but is still wary of the collossus. Finally, he sighs. "Very well, I shall help with this excursion as well."

2010-04-15, 03:45 PM
Althios do you seek wealth, fame, adventures, or other? of course 'pause' you don't have to answer

2010-04-15, 05:38 PM
The elf looks at the colossus at his question. "I am going because it is curious. It may also prove my skill with bow and arrow."

The Shadowmind
2010-04-15, 06:28 PM
The Aasimar looks to the point in the sky ocean where the sun is at, and he steps back a bit. A Djinni suddenly appears beside him.Pardon my interruption, but I believe it is time for Midday-wine. Turning to the Djinni, A table if you would please, big enough for 10 at least, I'm feeling in the mood for silver. As the Djinni nods, and large silver table about 2 feet off the ground appears. Give me a moment to get another one, another Djinni appears on the opposite side of the silver table.Ah, now for some glasses, let us go with gold this time.. And the new Djinni nods, the golden goblets appear on the table. And now for the food and wine. One nods then quickly the other follows, wine filling the goblets, and the bread and simple foods appearing on the table. Then the Djinni's disappear right after each other. So anyone want a glass of wine?

2010-04-15, 08:50 PM

Geist eyes the ostentatious table settings that Farid has provided for a moment before turning to Beta. "I'd said I was in before. Not that I mind some of the payment up front."

2010-04-15, 09:10 PM
Beta looks at the metal and slowly walks to the table "Um may I join you? and erm I must warn you my favorite meal is SILVER, gold being a distant second. I only ask because it seems it is easy for you to conjure these delicious looking tables. Beta looks at Farid longingly

The Shadowmind
2010-04-15, 09:26 PM
Farid, sitting on his knees in front of the table, Sure, the trouble with the conjured stuff is that it doesn't last that long, I figure in about 6 hours, it would disappear into nothingness. So if it is just the taste you like then, tastes great less filling.I can get them to produce permanent plant matter though, gave me a chance to try Black Lotus, which is surprising tasty if you can get it to not kill you.

2010-04-16, 05:01 AM
Sterl admire Farid work and nod to him. "Yes, thank you for the offer. Eating something after a rude fight is always nice." Morph change into a big cat-like creature and stay at his side. Deciding to relaxe Sterl decid to change too, into an elf this time. he rarely use it but this seem to fit his mood.
After that he adress the Beta. "I think I found in what I could invest the money you gave me. Would you be able to find a Ring of Wizardry for me ? I never did manage to got my hand on one."

OOC: Link: Ring of wizardry III (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#wizardry) the one that double the number of third level spell and cost 70000gp.
Shadowmind: Did you use anything to hide your change into a pseudonatural creature ? It's something that Sterl would recognize.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 23(+6 armor, +1 dex, +5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 22
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 31( +2 dex, +8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 27
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

2010-04-16, 05:51 AM
Because you are asking for a standard and not custom item we will be able to get you the ring tomorrow and Farid I thank you for the silver I need no nourishment and just love the taste as you said

2010-04-16, 05:53 AM
"Thank you I appreciate it."

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 23(+6 armor, +1 dex, +5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 22
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 31( +2 dex, +8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 27
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

The Shadowmind
2010-04-16, 06:25 PM
Speaking of items, I'm going to need to find a tailor since it seems my pants did not teleport with me for some reason. I'm surprised no one has said anything about me being in my undergarments., *Several minutes past as more Djinni's appear and disappear and fruits and vegetables and a silver gear appears on the short table, and *, The ocean light is getting in my eyes, so if they are no objections then I'll produce some shade.Two of the remaining Djinni nod as two large palm trees appear and shade the table with there fanning leaves, the trees obviously no longer living due to the their cut off bases.If one was paying close attention to the one of the Djinni they would see it was slight off, an extra finger or two, an odd growth here or there., Ah isn't this Midday meal wonderful, after a fight, I could say it was beyond the stars.

OOC:If there is a way to detect the pseudonatural template from sight when not in the alternate form, then Farid has taken no actions to hide it, but all vestige signs are suppressed, and I think not even true seeing can see them

2010-04-16, 10:43 PM
Well what size are you Farid?

The Shadowmind
2010-04-16, 11:01 PM
The aasimir responses without thinking, 38 by 32, then slaps himself in the forehead, I could just get one the Djinni to produce a pair, I think while weaker cotton would make a decent material. , focusing for a few seconds as one more Djinni appears, and Farid then stares at for nearly half a minute with his brows wrinkled and eyes closed as if intense concentration. Then the Djinn nods as a pant of pure cotton pants appeared beside Farid. Brushing his long silver hair out of his face, Thank you for the offer, but I've figured out to handle it., then Farid places the pants on.

ooc:Farid does have the Absent Minded trait, and he doesn't realize he is still not wearing any shoes. The concentration was using the 100ft telepathy to give detailed instructions and size measurements to the Pseudonatural Djinn.

2010-04-17, 09:39 AM
:smallsmile: 'chuckle' at least buy some boots with your new found wealth :smallwink: oh I almost forgot shoves his greatsword into his body where it reabsorbs Now I wish to ask how long do you plan to stay in the city?

2010-04-17, 07:50 PM
A horrid aquelching sound comes from the Megapede corpse and Evarnam emerges from within the fallen beast. He is covered head to foot in the bodlily fluids of the creature, the dark glow of his ice blade muted by the red and yellow contents covering it. He makes a strange clicking sound and his swarms of bugs move across his form, devouring the gore as they do so. Poiting Evarnam directs them next to consume much of the insides of the Megapede corpse.

He looks over at the strange sight of the table and a Colossus dining with other members of his group (even if it was eating the cutlery). If he had eye-brows they would have just raised themselves.

2010-04-17, 07:58 PM
"Evarnam" Beta cries out "care to join us?"

2010-04-18, 01:45 AM
A strange strangling sound of amusement escapes from Evarnam. "I gave up the consuption of matter as a form of survival several hundred years ago." he paused, thinking that there was something he was meant to say right now. Then it came to him. "But thank you for the offer." If he had a face he would have smiled just to top it off.
"Besides, I'm still busy gutting and cleaning this carcass."

2010-04-18, 08:49 AM
oh oh um can I help? :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-18, 11:21 AM
Althios joins the rest of the men and constructs at the table. He only eats the bread and greens, taking some sips out of the wine if any is available. The elf remains silent throughout the meal.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-18, 05:08 PM
Boots? What about boots?, oh now I see.I guess I'll pick up a pair of boots of landing.Don't have much spare coin on me so I'll avoid thinking about fancier ones for now., then the glass in-front of him floated over, then Farid grabbed it and took a sip, How long do we plan on staying before we headout for the mission?, Farid begins munching on a black plant, which some might recognize as the highly poisonous black lotus.

2010-04-19, 12:09 PM
Sterl was taking the time to observe Farid and quickly realise something."You've change, somehow you gained a connection with the far realm. I admit I'm really curious on how you manage that ?"

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 23(+6 armor, +1 dex, +5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 22
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 31( +2 dex, +8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 27
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

The Shadowmind
2010-04-19, 12:26 PM
Farid response the Sterl's inquiry.Ah you noticed, remember back when I tried to etch a circle in the ground earlier? I was trying to contact an old acquaintance, Lady Zceryll to be specific. Sadly, the giant insect interrupted our meeting, so while I was off earlier I decide to continue where I left off. Pity what happened to that kind old lass, gone mad in the head she did at the end of her time, from dealings with the star-spawn. Oh where I was going with this? Oh yes, I gained the connection through her, but the exact dealing are a bit of a secret I'm afraid. Never could find any of the artifacts she speaks of either, but that is a problem for another time., then Farid continues drinking the wine.

2010-04-19, 01:08 PM
Sterl get a pensive look"Circle ? Zceryll ? That remind me of something. Ah I can't remember, Morph help me out there." Morph try to remember too and whisper a few word that come to him.

Knowledge(arcana) check: [roll0] (8 int mod+10 rank +2 aid another from morph)
DC 15 to 25 to learn thing about binder 28 or 30 for a particular vestige.
I'll edit the post depending on the result.

Suddendly Sterl remembered. "Ah, of course ! You're a... No you're right we shouldn't talk of thing like that in public. I considered at some point trying the art myself but finnaly my love of the arcane prevail. I heard about Zceryll during my study of the Far realm and as you can see Morph benefit from it."
Morph proudly show himself and everyone could see the weird thing about him.
"If we have time and we find yourself in a better place I'll like to talk more on the subject."

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 23(+6 armor, +1 dex, +5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 22
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 31( +2 dex, +8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 27
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

The Shadowmind
2010-04-19, 01:31 PM
Farid eyes looked relieved at Sterl announcement that he is dropping the subject till we are out of public. If we get time, I'll try to tell you what I can, when the academy found they kicked me out, they might of even tried to kill him if they didn't realize the collateral damage it would cause. Being able to wipe out a platoon of soilders in mere seconds, and the amount they spent to diamonds from the deaths from the normal dueling training makes an organization realize you're not worth the fight., thinking back for a moment, Farid's brow bent in concentration.It was a few years ago, but if I remember correctly, I was given the nickname Overkill.

2010-04-19, 04:58 PM
"Oh my that seems a bit harsh" Beta says "What I want to know is why you went on adventures cause I'm guessing that you want to go out and vanquish as much evil as you can using methods similar to evildoers to give them their just desserts. G.B.A can sympathize with that.":smallsmile:

The Shadowmind
2010-04-19, 09:42 PM
The other methods I use are completely neutral in nature, it is the narrow minded priests that give the thing I'm talking about a bad name. They do realize a it is a method to gain power with few strings attached, and that the power could cause others to turn away from the gods. You see all the food I produced with little effort? Cities could be feed with little effort, and no one would have to go hungry, and water is just easily made, but instead make have to suffer from their ignorant view., calming from his rant, taking another sip of wine to calm his nerves from that rant, Farid begins to answer the silver man.
Ah yes why I adventure, here is the short version.After getting kicked out of the academy, I packed out the essentials and began wondering the desert. Encounters several bandit parties and slavers, killed them, looted the bodies. After this for a few months, I came across a surprisingly well kept ruin. In the center was a quite old Couatl, seems he was the one maintaining the place. He was a nice ole chap, and I spent about three years there helping him fix up the place, and exchange he taught me a few tricks. Since he newer heard about the thing I was talking about, he had no problems with it, and he's seen weirder things in his time. I then settled down in the city, bought a small house seven room house in a city, ran a small eatery out of it, using the Djinni to have a large supply of food, to make turning a profit quite easy. The eatery lasted about four years before competition made it to hectic to contuie, and I had more then enough retire already. Spent about a years relaxing, before that got horribly boring, then decide to try by had adventuring again.

OOC:There Farid, now has a completed back story.

2010-04-19, 10:08 PM
Althios sits calmly as Farid tells them his life story. "That is quite interesting," he notes. "My family worked as part of the sky river system. I personally did not want to work there, so whenever they needed help, I would always hide in the undergrowth. Eventually, I left and began using the bow and arrow. I travelled around, mainly through the scarce woodlands and shrubbery, hunting and killing unnatural creatures, no offense to any non-humanoids here. I have learned many techniques used for the bow over the many years I have spent practicing. However, where my skills excel is in sneaking and scouting."

2010-04-20, 12:19 AM
Evarnam was slightly puzzled by the response from Beta. "I am fine thank you. But again.. umm .. thank you for the offer." he responded to Beta. Listening briefly to the conversation going on around him, Evarnam took some mental notes about the history and motives of the others.
As Althios finished he nodded at the group. "I'll leave you all to your sharing session then. I have work to do." and turned around to get back into cleaning out the Megapede corpse.

2010-04-20, 06:40 AM

Geist floats near the table, listening to the stories. After a bit he realizes how socially awkward he is being and takes a seat at the table, not quite sitting in a chair but in a sitting position over one of them.
"I had just left the family for the first time to go see what there is to see in the world when I received the summons. I didn't have anything else to do and was curious as to how he had heard of me so I came."

2010-04-20, 02:58 PM
"Oh well I wish to ask who was this family or would you prefer to tell us another time" Beta says in a hearty and kind manner "As for how we contacted you well The Director knew um say what your previous life's mission shall we say and after seeing you grow strong enough to block out his mental powers so we got our um Specialist and he/she was the one that contacted you"

2010-04-20, 03:10 PM
"It seems that you have all told me a lot about your background stories and motivations now" Beta smiles "Would you like to hear about me?:smallbiggrin: Because Sterl seems to know a little" :smallwink:

2010-04-20, 03:24 PM
Sterl look surprise by that comment but respond anyway. "I know a little of your, hum let's say species, Merchurion if I'm not mistaken. But I would love to hear more detail."
He turn toward Morph. "Please try to remind me to find a way to become protect from mental intrusion."
Morph just nod still studying their surrounding in case of another attack.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 23(+6 armor, +1 dex, +5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 22
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 31( +2 dex, +8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 27
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 17 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

2010-04-20, 03:45 PM
Well let me tell you that I am very different from other Merchurions you see we were originally giants and after our cruel god told us to make weapons better than even the adamantine weapons of the dwarfs and fail he through us into the strange quicksilver (this is all a short summary) now I am one of the strongest Merchurions you'll be able to find and we were originally a dying race until G.B.A made me. See he/she found a way to take the Merchurion that broke into the fortress and after it was killed and melted back into the magical quicksilver he took a cursed helm of opposite alignment or something like that and used a what was it a Fabricate spell and made me and I became a very powerful constuct and his colonel. of course if when G.B.A gets some free time he'll reverse engineer how to make more of me and then we will be a more defined 'species' if you will

2010-04-22, 04:21 PM
The elf looks at the construct when he finishes his story. "How interesting, you sure you want to become your own species?" Althios asked.

2010-04-22, 04:25 PM
Well if the evil ones die off because they can't reproduce I can start the Merchurion race anew. When more Merchurion's are created than I can teach them to be different than the originals.

2010-04-24, 08:55 AM
Now it seems that with no more questions I will depart and return with my troops tomorrow you may do whatever you want and if you don't want to do anything than we will skip to night sleep and you will be briefed on the first part of your mission until then signing off. Remember that if you have any questions that "The director" is always listening.:smallwink:

2010-04-24, 11:34 AM
After giving the magic items to the appropriate buyers Beta waits for any preparations you may have
I hope you all had a good nights sleep because here comes the hard part. As you know you have about 100 days to cripple or destroy the operation that the sand pirates have you see while you are taking down one part of the "technology" G.B.A and I will go and take down another part. I will meet up with you guys every 10 days. The first part of your quest is to find out where they are making the ("pause" wait what can I tell them? I see alright ahem) where they are making the Airship you see we had a powerful artificer/psion that could figure out this, but when he used an experimental um can't tell you what it is he was forced into recuperation. The powerful divine seers of the Sun kingdom will likely be able to discern where you can get a method to find the hiding place. The thing is you can't simply teleport there. The Sun kingdom is known for having Maximum protection and has a forte on defense so the only practical way to get in is to sneak in and likely have guards crawling all over you or you can get passports like any other person. Passports can be gotten at the cities surrounding the country. When you get in seek an audience with the princess which let me tell you will be tough, but if she comes to trust you enough than she will find some way to help.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-24, 08:12 PM
Yeah, eating your own regents and spellcomponents are typically an experiment that reeks havocs on one's mental health mind you. So there first part will be to locate where this sky sailing ship is. I hope the thieves are at least using the Halphax steam system over the more common elemental binding method, because the elemental binding method is quite cruel to the elementals., pausing for a few moments to thing, Farid's eyes took on a glazed look from wonder, not that anyone would know, because the eyes are hidden behind the goggles.
Now, Halphax, now he was an inventor, probably one of the best architects there was, hard to read copies of his journal, all written in the same fashion as the origin, backwards and in Draconic.

ooc:The "Halphax steam system" is a Decanter of Endlesswater plus a permanent wall of fire, to produce a constant rate of steam in 3 rates, more decanters for more steam, and more degrees of steam rate.

2010-04-25, 01:28 AM

Geist floats down into the ground to meditate and rest.

2010-04-25, 07:14 AM
Sterl accepted the ring with pleasure and give back the correct amount of money. After that he will find a quiet place to prepare his spell
Once he is done he use is bead of karma: UMD:[roll0] DC 20

In all case after that he cast the following spell sharing them with his familiar:
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 18 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 18 round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
He also cast 2 spell on his familliar:
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)

Once ready he rejoin with the other.

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Linx shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation (Earth)
Size: Medium
Hp: 104/104 (14HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +2 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC: 34( +2 dex, 3+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 17 Flat 30
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 7(9) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +17(+19) 2 Claw +12(+14)
Damage: Bite 1d6 (1d6+2) +Poison, Claw 1d4 (1d4+2)
Range attack bonus: +17(+19)
Ability score: Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 7
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Pounce, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 25, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Balance +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4(+9), Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Pounce(Ex): Can make a full-attack at the end of a charge

2010-04-25, 08:28 AM
We have three people prepared. Let us wait for the others.
ooc: did anyone have anything they wanted to do during the night?

2010-04-25, 09:59 AM
Althios lays down in the bushes out of sight and rests for the night.

The Shadowmind
2010-04-25, 01:52 PM
Farid teleports back to his home, for a good rest, and get an empty barrel to fill with wine,which he puts in the haversack. After binding the vestiges, he will teleport back to the dwarven city in the morning. (1 5th level spell slot used).

ooc:Does wearing a +X item, allows one to cast more spells per day, provided they don't take it off, and are wearing in during the preparation time?

2010-04-25, 08:29 PM
ooc: did anyone have anything they wanted to do during the night?

Yes. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-26, 05:42 PM
Condescending statement: Yes, frail fleshlings. Enjoy your rest. We shall keep watch.

2010-04-27, 05:55 AM
Seven...Seven... why stay with these pitiful creatures when I can take you to the Factory now? Surely we can help one another yes?

Oh sorry um he also casts mass hold person just on Seven

2010-05-08, 08:38 AM
Sigh well I'm waiting for Gnorman to respond to my PM, but I can't make you guy's wait forever. sigh if Gnorman really drops out I'll go look for a replacement.

Well you know your mission so travel to the Sun kingdom and seek out their powerful seers


You travel toward the kingdom for 2 days noticing that as you travel the hotter it seems to be, but the nearest city on the way is about half a day travel we'll start at this point of travel.

A veiled woman with golden hair made into braids on the side calls out to you. As she comes closer you notice her emerald eyes, 5ft 6 inch, she wears a robe covering her arms and legs and she wears leather boots undoubtedly used to counter the heat. whew cough okay what do you all do?

2010-05-08, 09:06 AM
Sterl was back in his orcish disguise and was travelling on Morph back in Krenshar shape.

Upon seeing and hearing the woman cries for help he want to go immediatly. But a caution bred from year on the road held his hand, instead he approch slowly not going to close (20ft away) and ask as studiply as he can. "Help ? heu, what help ?"

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Krenshar shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 106/106 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +1 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +1 dex, +5+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 13 Flat 32
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +18(+20) 2 Claw +16(+18)
Damage: Bite 1d8+4 (1d8+6) +Poison, Claw 1d6+2 (1d4+4)
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 19 Dex: 12 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 13
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Scare, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite law once a day
Feat: Multiattack, Track
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Hide -1, Jump +13, Listen +3, Move Silently +5
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Krenshars use solitary scouts to drive prey into the waiting clutches of the pride. The scout appears from hiding, uses its scare ability, then chases the fleeing target to join the attack.
Scare (Ex or Su): As a standard action, a krenshar can pull the skin back from its head, revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull. This alone is usually sufficient to scare away foes (treat as a Bluff check with a +3 bonus).
Combining this scare ability with a loud screech produces an unsettling effect that works like a scare spell from a 3rd-level caster (Will DC 13 partial). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same krenshar’s scare ability for 24 hours. The shriek does not affect other krenshars. This is a supernatural, sonic mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Skills: Krenshars have a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Move Silently

2010-05-08, 09:55 AM
My caravan is under attack "huff huff" we were leaving Yagoran when Your monster of the week! Humanoid figures with 2 claws and a stinger on below their waist attacked us there were at least at least 3 dozen, and they commanded a great deal of giant scorpions.

2010-05-09, 11:34 AM
Althios looks at the person skeptically before starting. "You mean to say that you are under attack as we speak?"
The elf turns to the others. "I think that we should help these people. This could be very useful for us." he stated.

2010-05-10, 03:08 PM
If you are willing to help it is just above that sand hill. There should be around 20 people on the caravan.

The Shadowmind
2010-05-10, 06:11 PM
Ah lass, I'd be glad to help., as Farid begins to walk around the hill he stops and says, I know just to spell to use when see those scorpion like things, couldn't use it back in the city. To much collateral damage even for my tastes there, but in open ground it is perfect.

Pseudonatural Farid.
Has Mind sight range 100ft, so should know the type(animal,humanoid, fey, dragon, etc.) and Int score of all non mindless creatures that don't have protection from it, like Mindblank.

Male Neutral Good Lesser Aasimar Warmage 6/Rainbow Servant 9//Binder 15, Level 15, Init +3, HP 116/116, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +18, Base Attack Bonus +11/+6/+1
Wand Chamber +1 Adamantine , Morning Star, +1 (1d8, x2)
Healing +1 Sanctified Feycrafted Mithril Chain Shirt, + Thistledown suit, (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Natural, +3 Deflect, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 28
Condition Bound:
Resistance Acid 20 cold 10, electricity 20, Fire 5
DR 10/Magic SR 25
Dark Vision 60ft.
True Strike 1/Day Su
Able to use Alternate Form, to cause a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls.
Telepathy, Mindsense
Fast Healing 3
+4 on Heal, Knowledge(nature) and Survivor checks
Immunity to Disease and Poison, Wisdom damage, Wisdom Drain, Madness, insanity, Weird and confusion effects, Negative levels, Energy Drain,
+1 Natural Armor.
Shield Self
Slippery Mind
Maddening Moan.
Bolts of Madness, and Summon Alien up to VII.
+3 on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

2010-05-10, 08:02 PM
Althios draws his bow as he follows Farid up to the hill. As the spellcaster stops to use his divination, the elf continues up the hill, dropping just as he gets to the top to look over to where the caravan sits.
Init roll [roll0]
Ready an arrow to fire at the scorpions.

2010-05-10, 10:41 PM

Geist floats along just beneath the surface of the hill, manifesting concealing amorpha as he goes. When he senses he is on the far side of the hill he will briefly poke the top of his head out of the ground to get a view of the melee.

Hide check: [roll0] -10 for moving at full speed (included) +10 if having just the top of my head out of the ground counts as improved cover (like an arrow slit, not included)
Init: [roll1]
3pp spent for Concealing Amorpha

2010-05-11, 06:18 AM
Without a word, Sterl ordered Morph to race them after the other.

initiative: [roll0]

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Krenshar shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 106/106 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +1 (but use master initative)
Speed: 40 ft. swim speed 20ft (40ft)
AC 35(-1 size, +1 dex, +5+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 13 Flat 32
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 6(8) Will: 10(12)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +18(+20) 2 Claw +16(+18)
Damage: Bite 1d8+4 (1d8+6) +Poison, Claw 1d6+2 (1d4+4)
Range attack bonus: +15(+17)
Ability score: Str: 19 Dex: 12 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 13
Special quality: Low-light vision, Scent, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Scare, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, true strike once a day, Smite law once a day
Feat: Multiattack, Track
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+8)+ Hide -1, Jump +13, Listen +3, Move Silently +5
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Krenshars use solitary scouts to drive prey into the waiting clutches of the pride. The scout appears from hiding, uses its scare ability, then chases the fleeing target to join the attack.
Scare (Ex or Su): As a standard action, a krenshar can pull the skin back from its head, revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull. This alone is usually sufficient to scare away foes (treat as a Bluff check with a +3 bonus).
Combining this scare ability with a loud screech produces an unsettling effect that works like a scare spell from a 3rd-level caster (Will DC 13 partial). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same krenshar’s scare ability for 24 hours. The shriek does not affect other krenshars. This is a supernatural, sonic mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Skills: Krenshars have a +4 racial bonus on Jump and Move Silently

2010-05-14, 03:41 PM
Alright Geist when you are passing through the hill you notice something very interesting on your way out for you see a large humanoid vermin seems to be with oh my 3 other ones and they appear to be casting a spell when they notice you well is that not awkward :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-16, 02:04 PM
We have company OK Geist if you have it roll a nature knowledge check if you can't well they cast their spell turning say a scorpion each into colossal sizes everybody there are 4 casters below the hill they know we're here take them down before they take you down. Battle has started if you want to get to the scorpion folk you need to get past the vermin humanoids and their scorpions. Good Luck

2010-05-16, 04:16 PM

While he doesn't have the arcane knowledge to recognize the spell being cast, or even the type of caster, Geist does know that spell casters are dangerous. He dives back beneath the ground and approaches them under ground.

I intend to come up and hit them from behind. No idea how far away they are but if they are 50' or less away, I should have enough movement left to still attack.
(Incorporeal touch attack, hopefully flat footed.)
Attack:[roll0] Damage: [roll1] Sneak Attack: [roll2]

If you missed it, my init is 11+the bonus from Evarnam (so 20, I think).

2010-05-17, 02:54 PM
Althios crawls along the ground, stopping at the top of the hill, ready to fire some arrows into the caster.
[roll0] Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] Skirmish
Hide: [roll3] -10 for attacking.

2010-05-17, 03:04 PM
There are 4 casters althios
Vermin 1,2,3,4 which one do you attack (this is for technicality sake)
1 has a red amulet
2 has a blue scimitar
3 has a green cape
4 has a gold vest

2010-05-17, 04:07 PM
As soone as he is at the top of the hill Sterl will asses the situation and finnally decid to cast a spell.

Standard action I cast Black tentacles (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Black_Tentacles) at least 25 feet away from where the hostage are so that I can't hit them and as much as possible in the center of the enemy group if possible including the caster.
Here's a few grapple check to use tell me if you need more

No damage this round. Please tell me how many are grappled and how many are left.

Meanwhile I ask Morph to change into a Starsnake. (stat below it's a full-round action for him.)

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Starsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 106/106 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +8 (but use master initative)
Speed: 10 ft. Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 39(-1 size, +4 dex, +6+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 33
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 9(11) Will: 12(14)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +18(+20)
Damage: Bite 1d6+4 (1d6+6) +Poison + Poison
Range attack bonus: +18(+20)
Ability score: Str: 17 Dex: 18 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 16 Cha: 26
Special quality: Dream shield, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Poison, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+12)+ Diplomacy +18, Listen +11, Search +9, Sense motive +11, Spot +11
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Poison: Injury, Fort save DC 14, Initiale and secondary 1d6 dex

Spell-like ability: Caster level 12
At will: Charm Person DC 19, Hold Person DC 21;
3/day: Charm Monster DC 22, Suggestion DC 21;
1/day: Eyebite DC 24, Hold Monster DC 23

Static Discharge: When asleep any creature that touch him or attack him with a natural or metal weapon take 1d4 point of electricity damage

Dream Shield: When asleep any target spell or spell-like ability directed at him is absorbed and convert into electricity that strike back at the caster delaing 1d10*level of the spell electricity damage.
This bolt is 5 feet wide with a max rnage of 200ft, a Ref save DC 20 halves the damage

2010-05-17, 06:26 PM
The Scorpion folk are large so only 2 are successfully grappled, but you managed to grapple 5 monstrous scorpions medium sized

2010-05-17, 07:57 PM
Althios attacks the first caster dealing 23 points, but he continues the spell.

Althios 31
Sterl 30
Lance 29
Evarnam 26
Geist 20
Farid 18
Everyone else please roll
Vermin 1 15
Vermin 2 14
Vermin 3 11
Vermin 4 6

2010-05-18, 06:55 AM
Lance a lanky human who is fleet of foot also answers the call for help. When he crests the top of the hill he sees his prey. He draws his scimitars and continues toward the scorpions as fast as he can.

Not sure how far away the scorpions are but lance has a 60' move. His initiative roll is [roll0] and he has blind sense 30' and can take ten on his tumble checks for a total of 34. He also gets a free spot and listen check due to quick reconnoiter spot[roll1] and listen[roll2]

2010-05-18, 03:06 PM
If you want to rush the casters they are about 50 ft away, but there are 4 of them so which one do you attack?

2010-05-18, 04:33 PM
If I've started at the top of the hill then Lance will attack the nearest one (or if they are more or less equidistant then one that hasn't been engaged). As he approaches the scorpions the scout shouts Let them go!

1st primary hand attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] Skirmish [roll2] insightful strike and DD +7

1st second hand attack [roll3]dmg [roll4] Skirmish [roll5] insightful strike and DD +7

2nd primary hand attack [roll6]dmg [roll7] Skirmish [roll8] insightful strike and DD +7

2nd second hand attack [roll9]dmg [roll10] Skirmish [roll11] insightful strike and DD +7

My 3rd primary attack was prevented since my movement ended @ 60'
Dervish Dance round 1 of 9 Allows me to move and make a full attack. Must move 5' between attacks and if prevented from taking my movement my further attacks are prevented. While dancing my attacks and damage are enhanced by +4. Having moved 40' my ac is 41 vs all attacks and 42 (specified by dodge from swashbuckler) vs the scorpion that I'm attacking.

2010-05-18, 04:42 PM
Alright I should have pointed this out earlier, but the vermin casters aren't scorpions they are actually completely different oh and that was a lot of damage and the casters aren't happy that you guys are interfering

Edit: what does the DD stand for?

The Shadowmind
2010-05-18, 07:22 PM
Eying the casters Farid says, Casting a spell on while your friends takes hostages? Can't have that can we? So I'll give you a spell or two and a word of advice, Die. It is a word isn't it?.


Using the 3 charges of the circlet of rapid casting and and a 4th level slot for a quickened Black tentacles (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blacktentacles.htm). In a area to hits all 4 if possible, if avoiding getting Lance in the Area of effect. If avoiding Lance and still getting all 4 is not possible, then Number 3 with a green cape will be the area to target, aiming so Lance isn't in the Area of Effect.
Using 2 7th level slots to cast Sculpt Spell[Metamagic] Earthquake (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/earthquake.htm),taking the form of 4, 10ft cubes one centered on each caster, or off centered slightly to avoid having Lance in the Area of effect.

Black tentacles rolls.
Caster number 3 [roll0]
Caster number 1 [roll1]
Caster number 2 [roll2]
Caster number 4 [roll3]
Grappling rules quick linked:
(http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grappleChecks), Remember the casting a spell part.

So the casters, can not move or attack(no save), have to make a 20+spell level Concentration check to cast/continue casting,
Because it is Open ground: a DC 15 reflex check or fall down(prone), and make a DC 20 reflex check or fall in a fissure(dieing at just before Farid's next turn(unless they have a item based teleport method or manage to cast a teleport spell.

2010-05-18, 07:53 PM
Althios crawls 20ft closer to the casters before hopping up and releasing another arrow into the vermin with the red amulet.
Using Distracting attack to count allies as flanking at range.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] Skirmish and [roll3] Sneak Attack.

2010-05-18, 11:18 PM
DD=Dervish Dance +4 is added to attack and damage rolls (not skirmish etc) only while using that ability. Was trying to keep the post from becoming even larger. BTW the skirmish and insightful strike are precision damage, but do affect undead due to the greater truedeath weapon crystals on his scimitars.

What do he casters look like?

2010-05-19, 03:07 PM
Evarnam rolls a Knowledge nature check 31

These 4 casters are Vermin Lord 12 feet 4 arms 2 holding a sword and shield in chitinous hands with the other 2 being scorpion like claws. beneath the armor there is green and black chitin. pincers protrude from it's face and it's beetlelike carapace holds wasplike wings.

They have command over vermin

They also really like magic items

2010-05-22, 01:00 PM
where is everybody? :smallfrown: I'm sorry it's just no one has posted for a while

2010-05-22, 03:16 PM
OOC: I'm still here, it's just that I already attacked.

2010-05-23, 08:53 AM
OK I'm posting this for convenience


Althios 31
Sterl 30
Lance 29
Evarnam 26
Geist 20
Farid 18
Everyone else please roll
Vermin Lord 1 15
Vermin Lord 2 14
Vermin Lord 3 11
Vermin Lord 4 6

Alright so while the scorpionfolk are distracted by the black tentacles since they got to save their rides

All the Vermin lords finish their spells (the arrow didn't hit) which makes a colossal monstrous scorpion each and now that the spell is done they all hide behind their respective scorpions and cast a spell causing 4 rows of locust swarms to appear in front of the monstrous scorpions.

The Shadowmind
2010-05-23, 10:55 AM
OOC:What about Farid's black tentacles spells, and the reflex saves, and concretion checks from the Earthquake?

2010-05-23, 12:16 PM
Just how hurt does the vermin lord that I hit look? Also how big are the vermin lords, summoned scorpions, and locust swarms?

2010-05-23, 12:52 PM
OK Elonin you half killed the one you attacked (blue #2)

the Black tentacles have grappled the medium scorpions so the scorpionfolk are slowly taking the nets and walking out of the tentacles

The Earth quake is avoided by the colossal scorpions and the vermin lord also avoid it and of course the locust swarms
oh right Elonin make an easy fort save and you take [2d6] 6 points from being in a locust swarm

question if you are auto pinned by the Earthquake how do you get out?

2010-05-23, 01:21 PM
Okay first the damage dealt by my black tentacle (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Black_Tentacles) spell:
Grapple check: to oppose the grapple by the creature caugh and deal damage and to grapple other that might have moved in.

Damage: (I don't know how many you need so I just rolled 10 times

Now for my action:
Morph fly 40ft up and 20ft forward.
He use is Eyebite (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Eyebite) spell like ability on one of the catser DC 24.

Meanwhile I cast Disintegrate (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Disintegrate) at another caster:
Range touch attack: [roll20]
Damage[roll21] if he succed on the fort save he instead take only [roll22]

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Starsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 106/106 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +8 (but use master initative)
Speed: 10 ft. Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 39(-1 size, +4 dex, +6+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 33
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 9(11) Will: 12(14)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +18(+20)
Damage: Bite 1d6+4 (1d6+6) +Poison + Poison
Range attack bonus: +18(+20)
Ability score: Str: 17 Dex: 18 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 16 Cha: 26
Special quality: Dream shield, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Poison, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+12)+ Diplomacy +18, Listen +11, Search +9, Sense motive +11, Spot +11
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Poison: Injury, Fort save DC 14, Initiale and secondary 1d6 dex

Spell-like ability: Caster level 12
At will: Charm Person DC 19, Hold Person DC 21;
3/day: Charm Monster DC 22, Suggestion DC 21;
1/day: Eyebite DC 24, Hold Monster DC 23

Static Discharge: When asleep any creature that touch him or attack him with a natural or metal weapon take 1d4 point of electricity damage

Dream Shield: When asleep any target spell or spell-like ability directed at him is absorbed and convert into electricity that strike back at the caster delaing 1d10*level of the spell electricity damage.
This bolt is 5 feet wide with a max rnage of 200ft, a Ref save DC 20 halves the damage

2010-05-23, 01:50 PM
Althios curses under his breath before unleashing many arrows at the scorpion that stands in front of his target.
Full Attack with Rapid Shot, Distracting Shot
No skirmish or Sneak Attack.

2010-05-23, 01:51 PM
OOC: sorry, I forgot to add damage in there

2010-05-23, 02:07 PM
Alright Althios you hit one of them
Morph fails Eyebite
Sterl please tell me which one you hit with the disintegrate

2010-05-23, 02:14 PM
I tried to disintegrate the one with the gold vest.

2010-05-23, 02:40 PM
Was the earthquake in existence before my action? And the locust swarm? I'm behind the vermin lord I attacked unless he moved. If he did move do I get an attack of oppertunity?

2010-05-23, 03:50 PM
OK Elonin you do take the damage, but only if he finishes the spell make an AoO

2010-05-23, 06:29 PM
Attack of Opportunity
attack [roll0] damage [roll1] skirmish [roll2] +7

2010-05-24, 06:14 AM
Elonin when you attack the Vermin lord dodges, but now it's your turn

2010-05-25, 04:29 PM
So Hit points =141/147 and the fort save is [roll0].

2010-05-25, 04:34 PM
Alright so what is your move?
oh yeah you make the save easy

2010-05-26, 06:09 AM
Round 2

Quick Reconnoiter spot [roll0] listen [roll1]
Lance then moves out 20’ avoiding the black tentacles and then moves back 20’ with a tumble result of 34 (move 45)

1st primary attack [roll2] damage 1d6+10, skirmish [roll3]
2nd primary attack [roll4] damage 1d6+9, skirmish [roll5]

Moves 5’ (move 50)
1st secondary attack [roll6] damage 1d6+10, skirmish [roll7]
2nd secondary attack [roll8] damage 1d6+9, skirmish [roll9]

Moves 5’ (move 55)
1st tritiartiary attack [roll10] damage 1d6+10, skirmish [roll11]

Lance’s ac becomes 41 vs all and 42 vs the vermin lord he is striking.

2010-05-26, 06:15 AM
Sorry about the double post but forgot to add some roll tags to my regular damage. BTW I've added my dervish +4 and insightful strike to these to shorten the post.

damage [roll0]
damage [roll1]
damage [roll2]
damage [roll3]
damage [roll4]

2010-05-26, 06:51 AM
Alright let's say you kept attacking the same one. You just delt like 167 points the caster is in serious trouble

2010-05-26, 07:05 AM
Evarnam casts necrotic skull bomb barely missing Lance

MS=Monstrous scorpion
V=Vermin lord


4 negative levels fort save .... that all of them make (dang it sorry I couldn't help I totally forgot about the saves)

2010-05-26, 04:23 PM
Forgot to check for critical results and I managed to get one. Here's the confirmation roll [roll0] and if it confirms [roll1] Don't think that any of the other damage qualifies on a critical. Waiting on other group members to take their turn.

2010-05-26, 06:46 PM
OK geist your move

Dang Lance you didn't get the critical

2010-05-26, 09:31 PM

Rising up from the ground in the same space as the Human who seems to be helping them, Geist says, Don't mind me, I'm just going to...
and attacks the Vermin Lord.

According to the Rule Compendium, when an Incorporeal Creature and a Corporeal creature of the same size share a space the Corporeal one gains Concealment and the Incorporeal one gains Cover.
Also, I'm pretty sure I can attack from hiding given that they had no way to know where I was, at least the first one of these should get sneak attack. Not sure one the second one, does the surprise given by attacking from hiding cover all of the attacks in a round or just the first?
Incorporeal Touch Attack #1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]+Sneak Attack [roll2]
If the Vermin Lord dies from the first attack the second will go to one of the Giant Scorpians (if they're within reach of course).
Incorporeal Touch Attack #2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]+Sneak Attack [roll5]
Wow, good thing those are incorporeal touches, otherwise I'd have no chance of hitting rather than a decent chance.
Edit: Also, that first attack has no chance of hitting due to it being a 1 and all.

2010-05-27, 06:08 AM
OK so Geist you deal the 38 points now since the Vermin Lord is still alive you keep your cover unless the caster moves out of the way if that happens you need to go back into the sand in order to get your being hidden thing

2010-05-27, 06:39 AM
I'm not in the same space as the caster. I'm in the same space as Lance.

2010-05-27, 02:30 PM
Althios continues to stand where he is, unleashing more arrows into the giant scorpion.
Rapid Fire with Full attack and Distracting Attack to gain flanking bonus.

2010-05-27, 03:16 PM
Ok Geist than your standing in Lance's space now um we will use Althios' rolls later Farid you go and a yes

Althios 31
Sterl 30
Lance 29
Evarnam 26
Geist 20
Farid 18
Everyone else please roll
Vermin Lord 1 15
Vermin Lord 2 14
Vermin Lord 3 11
Vermin Lord 4 6

The Shadowmind
2010-05-31, 08:47 PM
Walking till he is close enough Well, it looks like you ole chaps were lucky enough to not get swallowed by the earth, nor the tentacles got you this time around, but let us see you resist this., as the aasimar lets loose a piercing moan.

ooc:Maddening Moan ability mind effecting sonic ability, in 30ft spread those who fail the save are dazed for 1 round. Will save DC 26. Supernatural ability.
Second round of tentacles grapples:
Caster 1 [roll0]
caster 2 [roll1]
Caster 3 [roll2]
Caster 4 [roll3]
Darn it the casters made the concentration checks to cast the spells earlier, I guess.And the pinned condition lasts until a move action is take to get up.

2010-05-31, 09:32 PM
AFAIK as not the dm the pinned condition applies until the victim breaks it (or applies freedom etc). The problem is that at this level the grappled/pinned check is too easy to beat with a dc 20. We really need to deal almost massive damage when the spell goes off.

Are we in the spread of the shout?

The Shadowmind
2010-05-31, 10:04 PM
The condition is prone, not pinned, that explains why we were having problems, so a simple move action to undo is the right, I just used the wrong wording.
The DC 20 is death, the DC 15 is prone.
And in range of the Moan? Maybe.

2010-06-01, 03:03 PM
The 1st caster makes the save, but gets grappled
the others don't make the save, but avoid being grappled
and the range thing only Geist and Lance is in range of the moan so they need to roll

2010-06-01, 04:59 PM
It's a mind affecting effect so Mind Blank protects me.

2010-06-01, 06:02 PM
Ok with only one caster grappled the vermin lord activates a spell-like ability making 10 swarms of centipedes appear 1 on each of the spaces you are occupying and then in front of 3 of the monstrous scorpions and to the right of the only Scorpion that made the save which is in front of the 1st caster and it's action is to run up to Farid and attack lets see um- Critical 50 points total... ow and the last 2 swarms are behind the hill so that you won't escape

oh and I must remind you guys the Vermin Lords are all covered in a Vermin cloud that surround them and 5 ft around so Geist and Lance also make a fort save and Lance you take 2d6 [8]

2010-06-01, 07:15 PM
Is the vermin cloud able to hit Geist given his incorporeality? If it's a spell-like or supernatural effect then it has a 50% chance to hit him. If it's an extraordinary ability then it can't hit him.

2010-06-01, 08:22 PM
Don't worry I already rolled for damage they missed, but you still gots to roll for the nausea

2010-06-01, 09:43 PM
Fort save: [roll0] 1pp spent for Elan resistance (a racial power for +4 to a save as an immediate action).
I'm betting this fails.
Geist appears to be experiencing some sort of distress. If he were a corporeal being with a stomach to empty, it appears he would be emptying it. He fades away beneath the ground.
Moving 5' down (underground) and 10' feat away on my inititative of coarse.
Should now have full cover and be effectively undetectable to all senses (that I'm aware of).

The Shadowmind
2010-06-02, 11:49 PM
Other action:No action
making a spellcraft check to find out what the spell that was used in summoning the scorpions. The DC is spell level +20,
Scorpion 1 [roll0]
Scorpion 2 [roll1]
Scorpion 3 [roll2]
Scorpion 4 [roll3]
Doing this is a non-action.
And are the colossal scorpions fiendish templated?, If they are the they bypass the DR 10/magic, Farid has.

2010-06-03, 06:10 AM
Actually they are not fiendish they are actually just made from the Vermin cloud using Giant Vermin a lvl 4 spell

Almost forgot Althios you hit the first caster, but not the others Sterl it is your turn

2010-06-03, 07:22 AM
Third round already ?

Okay the damage dealt by my black tentacle (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Black_Tentacles) again:
Grapple check: to oppose the grapple by the creature caugh and deal damage and to grapple other that might have moved in.



Now for my action:
Morph fly forward until we're behin the group of caster.
Two round of Eyebite (http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/SRD:Eyebite) remaining, targetting any caster I don't kown wich one are alive) Will DC 24.

You didn't tell me if my disintegrate work last round ?

In any case I use Telekinesis (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htm) on the same caster target by Morph.
I attempt a Bull-rush to push him into the tentacle.
Strength check: (using int) [roll20]

Sterl Stats:

Medium humanoid (Shapechanger, Earth)
Hp: 171/171 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Ability score: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 27 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Init: +7
Speed: 15ft
AC: 26(+6 armor, +1 dex, 3+5 natural, +3 Def ) Touch 14 Flat 25
Save: Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 12
BaB: +15/+10/+5
Melee attack bonus: +23/+18/+13
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+10
Range attack bonus: +17/+12/+7
Damage: 1d8+4
Special quality: +2 Saving Throw against sleep and charm, Alien Blessing (+1 insight to Saving Throw), Elder secret: Choker (+4 to Init, +1 to ref save) Humber Hulk (+2 racial to nat armor), Incarnum defense (2/day Share)(Immunity to paralysis), Familliar benefit (Alertness, +2 saving throw against mind effecting spell and ability, + bonus if familiar in basic form)
Special ability: Spellcasting, Meldshaping, Minor change shape, Summon alien, Smite Law/Evil (4/day)
Chtin plating (+3 natural armor)
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Greater Magic Weapon (Greataxe become +4)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)

Morph stats:

Starsnake shape:
Anarchic Pseudonatural Aberation
Size: Large
Hp: 106/106 (15HD) (30 temp hp)
Init: +8 (but use master initative)
Speed: 10 ft. Fly 60ft (average) swim speed 5ft (10ft)
AC 39(-1 size, +4 dex, +6+8 nat, +3 def, +2 dodge, +6 armor) Touch 19 Flat 33
Base save: Fort: 9 Ref: 5 Will: 9
Save: Fort: 11(13) Ref: 9(11) Will: 12(14)
BaB: +15
Melee attack bonus: Bite +18(+20)
Damage: Bite 1d6+4 (1d6+6) +Poison + Poison
Range attack bonus: +18(+20)
Ability score: Str: 17 Dex: 18 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 16 Cha: 26
Special quality: Dream shield, Morphic Familiar, Darvision 60ft, Amorphous form (Immunity to critical hit), Size increases, (one size category larger than normal), Improve evasion, Spell resistance 24, Resistance Acid and Electricity 15, Resistance Fire, Cold, Sonic 5, DR10/Magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to polymorph and petrification
Special ability: Poison, Spell-like ability, Static discharge, Granted Alertness to master, +2 to saving throw against mind affecting effect for master, Speak with animal of his kind, Alternate Form, True strike once a day, Smite chaos once a day
Feat: Improve Initiative, Weapon Finess
Skill: Master's skill rank + Swim (+12)+ Diplomacy +18, Listen +11, Search +9, Sense motive +11, Spot +11
Poison fang: (1d6 Con) DC17
Added tail: swim speed equal half land speed, +8 swim check, +4 to balance, if grappling deal 1d4+1,5 Str (1d4-2(1d4))
Thunderstep boots: Deal 1d4+1d4/essentia sonic damage at the end of a charge on each melee attack if bound when doing damage the creature must make a fortidude save of be stun for one round

Illusion veil: Gain a +1 insight bonus to save DC of illusion spell or spell-like ability, augment duration of illusion by 1round/essentia.

Crystal Helm: +2 resistance bonus on will save against charm and compulsion, deflection bonus to AC = essentia, melee attack gain the force descriptor

Vitality Belt: +4 morale bonus on constitution check and bonus hp equal to melshaper level * essentia (in this case half character level)

Active Spell, caster level 18 with bead of karma):
Greater mage Armor (+6 armor bonus to AC)
Heart of Water (swim speed 15ft, +5 to escape artist, freedom of movement for 17 round once)
Heart of earth: (+8 to resist bull-rush, overrun or trip, 30 temporary hp, stoneskin for 17round once)
(With both spell active I also gain Light fortification)
Enhance Familiar: +2 competence bonus to saves, attack, melee damage, +2 dodge to AC
Elemental body (Attune to earth dominant plane, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, immune to critical hit, flanking, Darkvision 60ft, gain the earth subtype, gain +1 to attack and damage roll if both me and foe are touching the ground, can bull rush without provoquing AOO, +3 natural armor to AC)
Imbue familiar with spell ability (Morph can cast: Detect magic, Silent image and Augment familiar *1)


Poison: Injury, Fort save DC 14, Initiale and secondary 1d6 dex

Spell-like ability: Caster level 12
At will: Charm Person DC 19, Hold Person DC 21;
3/day: Charm Monster DC 22, Suggestion DC 21;
1/day: Eyebite DC 24, Hold Monster DC 23

Static Discharge: When asleep any creature that touch him or attack him with a natural or metal weapon take 1d4 point of electricity damage

Dream Shield: When asleep any target spell or spell-like ability directed at him is absorbed and convert into electricity that strike back at the caster delaing 1d10*level of the spell electricity damage.
This bolt is 5 feet wide with a max rnage of 200ft, a Ref save DC 20 halves the damage

2010-06-03, 12:19 PM
Eyebite fails Disintegrate worked very well and the bullrush works so roll another grapple check

2010-06-03, 12:22 PM
Grapple check: [roll0]

2010-06-03, 12:25 PM
Though the caster is struck the tentacles are no match for him and he easily shakes off their clutches oh right and the monstrous scorpions get killed so the Scorpion folk have been forced to slowly take the hostages up the hill on their own. You have 10 extra rounds so that is like wait no they have to get to the hostages and pick them up total is 2 minutes so take down those casters quick

Lance Roll fort save and take your turn

2010-06-05, 09:27 AM
Sorry about the lack of posting but my hard drive died and with my laptop out of power (left charging cord at a friends house).

3rd round actions

Will save [roll0]
fort save [roll1]

Quick recoinoter
free spot [roll2] Also has blind sense 30'
free listen [roll3] also has hear the unseen

damage rolls include dervish dance and insightful strike
attack 1 on hand [roll4] dmg [roll5] skirmish [roll6]
attack 1 off hand [roll7] dmg [roll8] skirmish [roll9]

5' step
attack 2 on hand [roll10] dmg [roll11] skirmish [roll12]
attack 2 off hand [roll13] dmg [roll14] skirmish [roll15]

5' step
attack 3 on hand [roll16] dmg [roll17] skirmish [roll18]

If I drop the first caster I'll move more to get to them if possible. My 34 result on tumble means I shouldn't have a problem with this along with flawless stride. My ac is also 41 and 42 vs my target at the end of this round.

Guess the dice gods hate me.

2010-06-05, 10:44 AM
You manage to kill the.. wait no as a contingency spell he greater teleports before you deal the finishing blow and then you move on to the next one dealing 41 points of damage and your saves are good OK Evarnam's turn let me see what he can do

2010-06-05, 11:17 AM
All right seeing as I don't know how to play Evarnam like at all I'm just gonna attack so lets see so since the 1st monstrous Scorpion is now out of range it disappears and so Evarnam attacks the 2nd monstous scorpion hitting once dealing 13+(2 for 5 rounds) points and 5 con drain cause of necrotic focus so another 80 points that is pretty good

Question Implacable (Magic Item Compendium) is a +3 bonus and necrotic focus +3 (Libris mortis) that means it has a +6 bonus, but the weapon says +1 fullblade HOWW????

The Shadowmind
2010-06-05, 01:07 PM
To add a effect enchantment, the weapon only needs to be a +1 enchantment on it. So a blade with a +3 effect and another +3 effect, would be a +7 cost, but still only have a be a +1 weapon, just with +6 in effects, and +1 enchantment.

2010-06-05, 01:11 PM
Cool thanks ok so that is 11+(2 for 5 rounds) damage huh ok that can be really useful muahahahhahahhahah :smalleek: did I just type that?

2010-06-05, 02:42 PM
Oh Farid since you are on take your turn cause geist had to move away from nausea

The Shadowmind
2010-06-05, 03:39 PM
Taking a five foot step back.Ah, so one of you ran away, perhaps you would like to chill out?, as a wide ray of blue energy washes over the casters, scorpions, and swarms. As a pillar of white frost appears and obscures all vision within it.
The spell is Cone of Cold (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/coneofCold.htm), using one 5th level spells to cast it. Dealing [roll0] damage to each in the area, the area is the max of the enemies I can hit without hitting Lance. Reflex save of 25 for half damage.
And, a quickened Sleet Storm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleetstorm.htm) spell, taking two 6th level slots. Placed so it the area is over the giant vermin enhanced scorpions. Avoiding Lance is possible.
Third round of grapples:
caster 1 [roll1]
caster 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
caster 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]
caster 4 [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Edit:Oops forgot, Farid's health 73, (116-40(50-10 from DR)+3(Fast healing)

2010-06-05, 04:01 PM
Roll a CL check should have been doing this before damn it

The Shadowmind
2010-06-05, 04:13 PM
Caster level check: [roll0] for the Cone of Cold. this is The first spell/ability that Farid has used that allowed Spell resistance

2010-06-05, 04:23 PM
ok um how about roll 2 more times for the other casters cause the first failed oh and 2 of the scorpions take full damage

The Shadowmind
2010-06-05, 04:26 PM
Caster level checks:[roll0],[roll1]

2010-06-05, 05:09 PM
OK so 2 suffer half their scorpions suffer full and the green caster and his scorpion take no damage and half respectively now it is their turn lets see
ok they attempt to move now the monstrous scorpion on the lefmost takes a full round action to almost reach Farid the 2nd monstrous scorpion slips and the 3rd monstrous scorpion slips The Vermin Lords fly out of the storm unable to cast any spells

2010-06-06, 10:12 AM
Ok let's begin the fourth round
Althios 31
Sterl 30
Lance 29
Evarnam 26
Geist 20
Farid 18

Vermin Lord 1 15
Vermin Lord 2 14
Vermin Lord 3 11
Vermin Lord 4 6

2010-06-06, 10:20 AM
I'm waiting to post my round to keep the order, unless you wish otherwise. Just how high are the vermin lords?

2010-06-06, 10:24 AM
The Vermin Lords are up 60ft to get out of the Sleet storm and avoid interference so they can cast some spells

oh and for now let's wait for Althios if he takes too long then I'll ask for posts ahead of time and we'll put in Althios afterwards

2010-06-06, 06:30 PM
Althios quickly looks around as the vermin fall before him as he unleashes more arrows into them.
Full Attack with Rapid Shot and Distracting Attack.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

2010-06-06, 10:36 PM
Alright you hit the Vermin lords and the Monstrous scorpion that is near Farid

Just to make sure what does Distracting shot do again?

The Shadowmind
2010-06-07, 12:15 AM
Distracting attack makes is to if the attack hits, the hit target is considered flanked till the next attack, or till begging on the shooters next turn(which ever comes first)

2010-06-07, 01:53 PM
Sterl attacks doing 17 points of damage staying on top of morph who succeeds on using eyebite so sickened monstrous scorpion

Lance take your turn

2010-06-08, 07:18 PM
Lance will hold action until just before the first vermin lord acts, hoping that one of his new allies can help him.

2010-06-09, 10:04 AM
Evarnam attacks from the side hitting the monstrous scorpion that Sterl is fighting dealing 13 points and 5 con damage doing another 80 points easily killing it

Geist you ain't sick now go ahead and take your turn

2010-06-09, 10:35 AM

Geist rises out of the ground, his discomfort ended, and sends a misty blue ray towards one of the vermin shrouded insect creatures flying over the others.

OOC:Energy Ray, Cold, Augmented to cost 15pp.
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0] (this should have been +17 so 34)
Manifester Level Check (in case spell resist=power resist)[roll1]
I can't remember my attack bonus and can't get at my sheet from here. I thought I put it at the minimum of 15th level Rogue with 22 Dex but messed it up. Pretty sure it hits anyway.

2010-06-09, 10:44 AM
the blue (Scimitar) Vermin Lord is p***ed so yeah 74 cause his boots resist hot and cold, but that's still a lot

2010-06-09, 11:35 AM
That's what I was going for.

2010-06-09, 01:34 PM
Alright Farid make your move

The Shadowmind
2010-06-09, 03:49 PM
Taking a five-foot step (West), Farid says,"Pesky wounds, throwing off my concentration. Well I know just how to take care of that with a little friend"., as he begins concentrating. A tall bird like humanoid appears (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/avoral.htm) beside him. http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG142.jpgTwo can play the game of bringing friends. [Telepathy]- Heal me up, and then see about teleporting the civilians to safety. As the Avoral uses lay on hands to heal Farid.


5-step south:No action:
Full round action:Summon Alien:Summon Monster VII:Pseudonatural Avoral.

Pseudonatural Avoral:Standard action:Lay on Hands:Farid-40 points.
Move action: Fly 60ft towards the Scorpionfolk.
Pseudonatural Avoral (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/avoral.htm):Add Alternate Form ability, 1/day True strike, Resist acid and Electricity 5 points, and DR 5/Magic.

2010-06-09, 04:03 PM
Just make sure the Avoral doesn't get hit by the black tentacles and going through the Sleet storm will slow him down so he/she just makes it out cause going through is quicker than going around

The Shadowmind
2010-06-09, 04:17 PM
Make that 20ft up, then 40ft towards, since going over is safer.

2010-06-09, 06:28 PM
as long as you can get past the Vermin Lords

OK Lance since you can't seem to be able to get the Vermin lords this round what is your plan?

2010-06-11, 09:28 PM
Round 4

Quick Reconnoiter spot [roll0] listen [roll1] and has blind sense 30’
Lance is upset about having to strike at secondary targets, but doesn’t let that stop him so he will move 40’ with a tumble check of 35 and strafe at the giant scorpions.

1st primary attack [roll2] damage [roll3], skirmish [roll4]
2nd primary attack [roll5] damage [roll6], skirmish [roll7]

Moves 5’ (move 45)
1st secondary attack [roll8] damage [roll9], skirmish [roll10]
2nd secondary attack [roll11] damage [roll12], skirmish [roll13]

Moves 5’ (move 50)
1st tritiartiary attack [roll14] damage [roll15], skirmish [roll16]

Lance’s ac becomes 41 vs all and 42 vs the scorpion that is the closest at the end of Lance’s action. Lance will also attack against one scorpion until it is down then proceed to the next. He also has cleave (dance of death from dervish)

2010-06-11, 09:40 PM
Alas with those rolls I wouldn't have hit the vermin lords anyway except for this one that requires a confirmation roll [roll0] and if that hits it does this damage [roll1]. Not sure if the extra 4 damage from dervish dance +4 or the +3 from insightful strike (these weren't included in the result).

2010-06-12, 10:03 AM
Ok Lance does 161 points if there is any other modifiers to damage please tell me

Lance you spot someone on the edge of the left hill who just climbed the hill and is wearing an out fit that covers his entire body he also has a bag of holding and his sword. This guy 1) is not the replacement 2) is hacking at the scorpion folk just telling you

Vermin lords time for the pain the blue one uses his scimitar to attack geist hitting for 8 points and 3 cold damage so 11

The green pulls out a scroll and casts irresistible dance on Sterl and he starts dancing

The gold uses a wand of fireball so geist roll a reflex, sterl takes full 40, evarnam takes 20 and the monstrous scorpion takes 20 oh right Lance you roll too The blue Vermin lord Evades it

2010-06-12, 10:54 AM
Fort saves against the Nauseated again?

Here's mine just in case: [roll0] (spending a power point on elan resistance again.)

On the hit, did you account for the Concealing Amorpha (20% concealment miss chance) and my 50% incorporeal miss chance? Just want to make sure.

2010-06-12, 11:03 AM
Sorry for the double post, didn't see the fireball.
Reflex save: [roll0]

2010-06-12, 11:26 AM
OK Geist I rolled for the miss chance and the scimitar has ghost touch
you only take 20 points still a lot
no nausea
Althios your turn

2010-06-12, 12:11 PM
20 points from what? If it's the fireball I've got evasion.

2010-06-12, 12:18 PM
Ah very good than let's wait for Althios for now while I organize something else

2010-06-12, 01:14 PM
reflex save vs fireball[roll0]. I've also got evasion.

2010-06-12, 02:19 PM
No damage for Lance man that fireball didn't do that much

2010-06-12, 03:40 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

ooc: Which means I get to act after Geist's next action, correct?

2010-06-12, 08:28 PM
So we have 3 vermin lords (hopefully the 4th doesn't return quickly) and 3 or 4 swarms. How many Scorpion thingy's are up at this point?

2010-06-12, 08:46 PM
only 2 monstrous scorpions, but let me warn you just watch out for the gold Vermin lord


Althios 31
Sterl 30
Lance 29
Evarnam 26
Geist 20
Farid 18

Vermin Lord 1 15
Vermin Lord 2 14
Vermin Lord 3 11
Vermin Lord 4 6

2010-06-13, 11:13 AM
Althios quickly scans the battle before unleashing another barrage of arrows at the gold Vermin Lord
Full Attack using Distracting Attack and Rapid Shot
[roll0] Damage [roll1]
[roll2] Damage [roll3]
[roll4] Damage [roll5]
[roll6] Damage [roll7]

2010-06-13, 12:12 PM
20 points on the gold vermin lord just keep wailing

Sterl does the chicken dance

OK Lance what's your plan?

Since Elonin has yet to show up Evarnam will go first

attack the third Scorpion doing 14 points and 4 con damage so 80 points and 2 per round so it will die next round (only one HP left)

2010-06-15, 09:33 PM
Sorry bout that. Was waiting for you to post bad guy actions.

Lance notices the scimitar falling and not knowing what else to do decides to take a risk. After moving 40' (staying away from the tentacles) he sheathes one of his scimitars and picks up the fallen scimitar from the vermin lord. If nothing else that should prevent him from getting that back.

2010-06-16, 08:43 PM
OK so one Vermin lord is about to die Geist, care to take the kill???

2010-06-16, 09:36 PM

Geist blasts another misty azure ray at the wounded Vermin Lord, then retreats underground.

OOC:Concentration to Manifest Defensively (I think I'm threatened by one of them):[roll0] (can't actually fail this)
Manfesting Energy Ray, augmented to 6pp.
Touch Attack: [roll1] (Hopefully that hits.)
Damage:[roll2] (And hopefully that's enough without being a ridiculous amount of overkill.)
5' step into the ground and drop prone as a free to get full cover.

2010-06-16, 09:42 PM
and you do not disappoint
the Vermin Lord cries out as his body begins to freeze including the wings and so he falls some parts shattering, but the gear is fine

Farid care to give it a shot?

The Shadowmind
2010-06-20, 07:06 PM
Get straight to the civilians, and help them out as the flying Avoral blinks out of sight reappears much further away. Farid turns and point at the least wounded looking the vermin lord, as a ray that travels in a n non-euclidean path towards the vermin lord. Then a orb of ice forms in his hand and he hurls it at the other one.

Avoral:Dimension Door. Next to the one of the scorpions the scorpionfolk are riding.
Farid:standard action: [ranged touch] [roll0]Bolt of madness, DC 26 Will save, Dazed for [roll1] rounds on a failed save.
Farid:swift action:Quickiened Lesser, Orb of Cold, [ranged touch] [roll2], damage [roll3]
Black Tentacles: [roll4], [roll5]

2010-06-20, 07:18 PM
The Green Vermin lord proves too much shaking off everything you throw at it

Now they go both Vermin Lord's cast Giant Vermin creating 2 more Monstrous Scorpions to the side of geist, lance, and sterl continuing to dance

The monstrous scorpions in the sleet storm keep failing their balance checks

2010-06-24, 09:14 AM
The next round has begun

Everyone post what you want to do this round