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View Full Version : Fallen Star (Pathfinder Base Class)

Real Sorceror
2010-04-12, 04:44 AM
Not sure where the inspiration for this class class came from, but heres a flying monk/warlock with a major "from space" theme. I'll work on some flavor for the class, as it could have some very interesting concepts.

Anybody have any ideas for a good name? Maybe Starchild? Moon Knight? Fallen Star?

My worries right now is that the class might be very inferior to both of the classes its modeled after and that it won't deal enough damage in the early game (levels 1-8). The Star Bolt is not meant to match the damage of Eldritch Blast, but the class should be comparable to Monk in the unarmed department. I was thinking of upping the unarmed damage and just making Star Bolt deal the same damage as an unarmed strike. Alternately, Star Bolt could deal 1d4 every other level.

I will definitely be adding an epic progression. I may or may not turn it into a monster class with a corresponding base race.

Fallen Star
Role: The Star is a self-sufficient striker. Charisma, Strength, and Constitution are the Star's most important abilities.
Alignment: Any non-Lawful
Hit Die: d8
Base Attack: Average
Good Saves All
Proficiency: A Star is not proficient with any weapons or armor.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature, the planes), Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Stealth
Ranks per Level: 4+Int modifier
Fallen Star
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Star Bolt, Incandescent, Unarmed Strike 1d4

+3|Mettle, Falling Star

+3|Invocation, Flash Step 1/day

+4|Lucky Star

+4|Invocation, Rising Star

+5|Celestial Body, Unarmed Strike 1d6

+5|Invocation, Flash Step 2/day

+6|Shooting Star

+6|Invocation, Improved Mettle

+7|Improved Unarmed Strike 1d8

+7|Invocation, Flash Step 3/day

+8|Star Dust

+8|Invocation, Astral Body

+9|Unarmed Strike 1d10

+9|Invocation, Flash Step 4/day

+10|Timeless Body


+11|Unarmed Strike 2d6

+11|Invocation, Flash Step 5/day

+12|Heavenly Body, Wishing Star [/table]
Class Features:
Star Bolt (Su): A Starcan fire a supernatural bolt of energy at will as an attack action (gaining additional bolts with her iterative attacks). The bolt deals damage equal to the Star’s level + positive Charisma modifier. It does not provoke attacks of opportunity and ignores spell resistance. The bolt has a range increment of 60ft.
Incandescent (Su): While not wearing armor, a Star gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier.
Unarmed Strike (Ex): A Star gains the Monk’s unarmed strike ability except that she deals less damage, as shown above.
Mettle (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever the Star would be subject to a partial effect on a successful Fortitude or Will save, she instead suffers no effect whatsoever.
Falling Star (Su): At 2nd level the Star naturally resists gravity and is always under a Feather Fall effect. This functions even while the Star is unconscious or otherwise disabled and activates automatically.
Invocations (Su): A Star learns a number of inherent supernatural powers that enhance her abilities. Starting at 3rd level, she learns a new invocation at every odd numbered level. These can be chosen from the following list:
Bolt Invocations
Solar Ray (Su): The Star Bolt can deal fire damage equal to twice her character level plus her Charisma modifier instead of its normal damage.
Lunar Ray (Su): As the Solar Ray invocation, but dealing cold damage.
Gamma Ray (Su): The Star Bolt now deals temporary Strength damage equal to the Star’s Charisma modifier.
Solar Flare (Su): The Star Bolt can strike all creatures in a 20ft cone. All affected creatures can make a Reflex save for half damage.
Moon Beam (Su): The Star Bolt can affect all creatures in a 5ft wide line. All affected creatures can make a Reflex save for half damage.
Gamma Burst (Su): The Star Bolt can affect all creatures in a 5ft burst radius. Affected creatures receive a Reflex save for half damage
Dark Star (Su): Once per day per point of her Charisma modifier, the Star can deal 1d4 damage per 2 characters levels with her Star Bolt. This damage increases to 1d6 if using the Solar Ray or Lunar Ray invocations.
Melee Invocations
Meteor Strike (Ex): The Star’s unarmed damage improves by one step.
Meteor Storm (Ex): The Star gains the Two Weapon Fighting feat for free. She takes no penalties when attacking unarmed.
Meteor Smash (Ex): The Star gains Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike) for free. She need not meet the prerequisites.
Asteroid Drop (Ex): (prereq: Meteor Strike, lvl 12) The Star’s unarmed damage improves by one step.
Asteroid Field (Ex): (prereq: Meteor Storm, lvl 12) The Star gains the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat for free.
Cosmic Power (Su): (prereq: lvl 5) The Star’s Unarmed Strike and Star Bolt are treated as +1 magic weapons.
Power Cosmic (Su): (prereq: Cosmic Power lvl 11) The Star’s Unarmed Strike and Star Bolt are treated as +2 magic weapons.
Utility Invocations
Moon Knight (Ex): The Star gains Light Armor Proficiency and can now wear Light armor while still gaining the benefits of Incandescent.
Warp Speed (Su): All of the Star’s speeds improve by 10ft.
Light Speed (Su): (prereg: Warp Speed, lvl 11) All of the Star’s speeds improve by 20ft. This stacks with Warp Speed
Star Fish (Su): The Star gains a Swim speed equal to her land speed.
Astral Worm (Su): The Star gains a Burrow speed equal to half her land speed.
Flash Step (Su): At 3rd level the Star can move supernaturally fast once per day, enabling her to take an additional move action as a Swift Action, in addition to whatever actions she took that round.
Lucky Star (Su): At 4th level the Star adds her Charisma modifier as a luck bonus to all saving throws.
Rising Star (Su): At 5th level the Star gains the ability to Levitate at will as a supernatural ability.
Celestial Body (Ex): At 6th level the Star no longer needs to eat or drink and becomes immune to all natural poisons.
Shooting Star (Su): At 8th level the Star gains a Fly speed with perfect maneuverability equal to her land speed.
Improved Mettle (Ex): At 9th level, as per the Improved Evasion ability, but applying only to Fortitude and Will saves.
Star Dust (Su): At 12th level the Star gains spell resistance equal to her class level + 10
Astral Body (Ex): At 13th level the Star no longer needs to sleep and becomes immune to all natural diseases.
Timeless Body (Ex): At 17th level, a Star no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Age bonuses still accrue, and the star still dies of old age when her time is up.
Heavenly Body (Ex): At 20th level the Star no longer needs to breathe and becomes completely immune natural cold and heat, enabling her to survive in space and similar hostile environments. She is now considered a native Outsider.
Wishing Star (Su): Also at 20th level the Star can use the Wish spell once per year with no exp cost.

Kuma Kode
2010-04-12, 06:27 PM
Use that table instead, it makes things easier to read. Just click quote, then copy the table code. Table Removed to avoid redundancy/confusion

Otherwise, this class is definitely interesting, and something I might even play. I'm not terribly familiar with Pathfinder (since I've never actually played it, just skimmed the books) so I can't really tell you about balance, but on a cursory examination it seems like it may suffer from the same problem the monk does; jack of all trades, master of none. It seems like the Fallen Star can do quite a bit of things, just nothing particularly well. Still, that's not bad, as it makes a great 5th character who can pick up and assist some of the other characters in what they do while still not stepping on their toes.

Starbolt shouldn't match the damage of Eldritch blast, because it can be used for iterative attacks.

Also, you have a few instances of "Arc" in there (Role, Starbolt), which I think may have been the class's previous name?

I'll check this class over more in depth later against the Pathfinder monk...

Real Sorceror
2010-04-12, 11:58 PM
Use that table instead, it makes things easier to read. Just click quote, then copy the table code.
Hey, thanks chief. :smallsmile:

Otherwise, this class is definitely interesting, and something I might even play. I'm not terribly familiar with Pathfinder (since I've never actually played it, just skimmed the books) so I can't really tell you about balance, but on a cursory examination it seems like it may suffer from the same problem the monk does; jack of all trades, master of none. It seems like the Fallen Star can do quite a bit of things, just nothing particularly well. Still, that's not bad, as it makes a great 5th character who can pick up and assist some of the other characters in what they do while still not stepping on their toes.
I'd like to try and get it around to being a good 4th character choice, or a great option for solo campaigns. I was considering giving a few invocations that buff and heal, probably by having the Bolt deal positive energy damage a few times per day.

Starbolt shouldn't match the damage of Eldritch blast, because it can be used for iterative attacks.
Agreed. If I did up the damage I'd need to nix the multi attack, or at least change some of the invocations to be less broke.

Also, you have a few instances of "Arc" in there (Role, Starbolt), which I think may have been the class's previous name?
Yup, that was the placeholder name I was using just before I posted it. Guess I did find em all.

I'll check this class over more in depth later against the Pathfinder monk...
Cool beans.

Real Sorceror
2010-04-15, 01:02 AM
Heres the epic progression. I also edited the opening post to show whether an invocation is extraordinary or supernatural.

Epic Fallen Star
Epic Invocation: The Star continues to gain invocations at the same rate except that she may now choose from the following list in addition to those available at non-epic:
Solar Body (Ex): The Star becomes completely immune to fire damage, both natural and magical.
Lunar Body (Ex): The Star becomes completely immune to cold damage, both natural and magical.
Death Star (Su): (prereq: Dark Star) Once per day per point of her Charisma modifier, the Star can deal 1d6 damage per two characters levels with her Star Bolt. This damage increases to 1d10 if using the Solar Ray or Lunar Ray invocations.
Jump Drive (Ex): (prereq: Light Speed) All of the Star’s speeds improve by 30ft. This stacks with previous invocations.
Atmosphere (Su): The Star can share her ability to survive in space and other planes with creatures within 5ft per point of her Charisma modifier. While within this distance they can breathe normally and are unaffected by natural temperatures and radiation.
Gravitation (Su): The Star “carry” other willing creatures, allowing them to fly at her speed so long as they are within 5ft per point of her Charisma modifier.
Unarmed Strike (Ex): The Star’s unarmed damage continues to improve at the same rate, starting with 2d8 at 22nd level, 2d10 at 26th, 2d12 at 30th.
Flash Step (Su): The Star gains additional uses of her Flash step ability at 23rd and 27th level, and every 4 levels after that.
Bonus Feat: At 24th level and every 4 levels after that the Star can choose a bonus feat she qualifies for.