View Full Version : ToS Exhibition: Moonlitdreams vs. PhoenixRivers

2010-04-12, 04:12 PM
Buff rounds?

Map preference?

I have no preference for the map, beyond it not being a tiny one.

2010-04-12, 04:18 PM
No map preference. What do you want for buff rounds?

2010-04-12, 04:20 PM
Hm... say, All days + 3 rounds?

And how about Columns 2 for the map, then? I'll start at the bottom unless you have an objection.

And sorry, but just found out that I have to go for a few hours. Be back later tonight. Go ahead and post your first turn if you win init.

Init: [roll0]

2010-04-12, 04:31 PM
Buffs:All day: Dispelling buffer, ML 13: [roll0] (1-5= Enervate)

Round 1: Schism (ML 12)
Round 2(Schism): Activate Karma beads
Round 2: Vigor, augmented to 16pp and surged for 4 lvls (+100hp)
(Enervation:[roll1] (1-20 = Enervate)
Round 3: Touchsight, augmented to 13pp (100 ft)
Round 3(schism): Synchronicity (3pp)

Init: [roll2]

Location (top): E3

2010-04-12, 05:57 PM
Columns II:


What say you to 30 foot ceiling, floor to ceiling columns?

Location (bottom):



All day buffs: Greater Mage Armor,
Heart of Fire,
Heart of Water,
Heart of Air,
Heart of Earth (All Hearts cast from Runestave),
Contingency (Forceward; triggered "when I am targeted by a force spell")

Buff rounds:
Round 1: Remove Rod of Absorption from Haversack and hold in left hand (move action).
Cast Arcane Spellsurge from scroll.
Round 2: Fill eyes with two Empowered Shivering Touches (turned into rays via Ocular Spell). One of these is a standard action decreased to a swift action (Metamagic Specialist fast metamagic ability for reducing to standard, Arcane Spellsurge to swift) and the other is a standard (decreased by Arcane Spellsurge).
Round 3: Cast Draconic Might.
Cast Indominability from scroll.

2010-04-12, 06:08 PM
Okay, I go first then.


Cast Mirror Image for [roll0] images.
Cast Sheltered Vitality from scroll.

My current senses are normal vision and Mindsight 100'. Can I see/sense you from the bottom three rows? If not, your turn.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-12, 06:19 PM
I'm normally not supposed to give advice on contingencies, but you have no idea IC that you have hit points. Contingency can't be set to trigger on metagame elements like that. You change it if you want.

2010-04-12, 07:05 PM

Ah, that makes sense. Would just Contingency (Forceward; triggered "when I am targeted by a spell with the [force] descriptor) be alright? If so, that is what I will use.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-12, 07:21 PM
The specific language is too metagamey still. "a force spell" would be better than mentioning the descriptor, which I'm unsure is IC knowledge.

2010-04-12, 07:24 PM

Fair enough. I will go edit that into my sheet now, but note that I also am editing one of my actions from my first turn, since Phoenix isn't back yet.
And thank you for telling me that the wording was problematic.

2010-04-12, 09:39 PM
Depends on your position. Some squares within 3 rows would, some wouldn't.

OO:My sheet doesn't note the trigger for my induced Timeless body. The trigger is: If I would be affected by any effect that I am not immune to.

If you are in A23-B23:No detection.
If you are in E23-F23:I'm in E3, and my intelligence is 11.
If you are in G23-H23:No detection
If you are in K23-L23:No detection
If you are in any square on row 24 or 25:No detection

2010-04-12, 09:53 PM
No detection then. Go ahead with your turn.

2010-04-12, 10:10 PM
My Turn: Synchronicity (3pp)
Schism: Synchronicity (3pp)
Move: to B8

Vision modes: Touchsight 100 ft.

If you are in columns A or B, I should be able to detect you.
If you are at Row 8 or north, I should be able to detect you.

If you are in L23:No detection
If you are in K24 or L24:No detection
If you are in J25, K25, or L25:No Detection
If you are anywhere else:You detect me in B8. My intelligence is 11.

2010-04-12, 10:16 PM
You do not detect me. Is that the end of your turn?

2010-04-12, 10:25 PM
Yep. You are up.

2010-04-12, 10:39 PM


Move to B21.
Cast an Arcane Fusion > True Strike and Empowered Maximized Orb of Force at Phoenix's character. (swift action because of Arcane Spellsurge)
Then, discharge my Ocular spells. (standard action because of Arcane Spellsurge)

Having detected you, Ideva moves to B21. She is a tall human with shining silver hair who is currently holding a long scepter pointed at you, but you don't get more of a look at her than that before she shoots a hand out, sending a blast of concussive force at you.

If you do nothing to stop this,

Assuming a Ranged Touch Attack of [roll0] hits, you take 60 + [roll1]*1.5 damage.
Edit: 112 damage altogether.

Next, her eyes glow pure white and two streams of energy streak straight toward you. If you do nothing to stop this,

Assuming a Ranged Touch Attack of [roll2] hits, You take [roll3]*1.5 Dexterity damage from the first stream of energy, and [roll4]*1.5 Dexterity damage from the second.
Edit: 37 Dex damage altogether.

That concludes my turn, barring any need for immediate actions or revising based on your actions.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-12, 10:51 PM
How are you casting an Empowered Maximized Orb of Force as a 4th level spell? As far as I can tell you can cast it as a 6th level spell (+1 for empower, +2 for maximize, -1 for Arcane Fusion)

Also, you multiply the rolled part of an empowered maximized spell by 0.5, not 1.5. Your Orb of Force should do 77 damage, not 112.

You must roll a separate touch attack for each Ocular Spell.

True Strike only applies to one attack, not to all your attacks in a round.

2010-04-12, 10:55 PM
For me: You see a humanoid sized figure, shrouded in a heavy cloak.

You triggered a couple readied actions when you arrived at B21.

First: OO:Schism - Manifest without display psionic dispel at 10pp.
Concentration DC 18, it's automatic pass.

There's a targeted dispel effect on you, with no Displays, no detectable effects, and no indication that it's coming.

Provided a contingency doesn't alter that in some way:Dispel Checks

1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]
5: [roll4]
6: [roll5]
7: [roll6]
8: [roll7]
9: [roll8]
10: [roll9]
11: [roll10]
12: [roll11]
13: [roll12]
14: [roll13]
15: [roll14]

After the results of that, I'll take my second ready action.

2010-04-12, 10:57 PM

How are you casting an Empowered Maximized Orb of Force as a 4th level spell? As far as I can tell you can cast it as a 6th level spell (+1 for empower, +2 for maximize, -1 for Arcane Fusion)
(+1 for empower, +2 for maximize, -1 for Arcane Fusion -1 for Practical Metamagic (empower) -1 for Practical Metamagic (maximize))

Also, you multiply the rolled part of an empowered maximized spell by 0.5, not 1.5. Your Orb of Force should do 77 damage, not 112.

You must roll a separate touch attack for each Ocular Spell.

True Strike only applies to one attack, not to all your attacks in a round.
All good points. I will make the adjustments if they matter, as it looks like Phoenix has a readied action that could invalidate that attack anyway.

Edit, @Phoenix: The dispel effect is absorbed into the large scepter Ideva is holding.

Absorbed into the Rod of Absorption. 4 spell levels absorbed.

2010-04-12, 11:01 PM
If this becomes relevant after your readied actions:

The first attack does 77 damage rather than 122, due to a mistake on my part.

Also, RTA for the streams of energy: [roll0]

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-12, 11:01 PM
I was already taking Practical Metamagic into account. Normally Empower is +2 and Maximize is +3. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

2010-04-12, 11:05 PM

Okay, then the True Strike wouldn't have applied. I wasn't clear on that, and with that error of logic, the worth of Arcane Fusion for this build decreases. Ah, well. :smallsigh:

Thanks anyway.

2010-04-12, 11:15 PM
Second Readied action:

OO: Celestial Conduit. Suppress Displays, Manifest defensively. DC 25. Concentration check: Auto success.

Wild Surge +4 levels, Use Torc of power Preservation (1/5).

Spend 16pp (effectively 21). Total augment -12pp

Wilder Enervation shot: [roll0] 1-20 enervates
EDIT: Dazed after power, -6pp (enervation endurance halves loss)

A beam of energy shoots out, from my position to yours, and beyond. Again, no visual displays, nothing to indicate it's coming. Anyone in the line (you, your familiar if you have one and it's in your square) needs to make a reflex save (DC 41). Success will halve the following:

Positive energy damage: [roll1]
+ [roll2] if you are alive or undead
+ 42 if you are undead.

Even though it's positive energy, it does not heal.

2010-04-12, 11:21 PM
I can make the save anyway if you like, but the power is absorbed by the scepter, so I do not take damage.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-12, 11:24 PM
It is not in fact absorbed by the scepter.

It is an area spell, which are not affected by a Rod of Absorption.

2010-04-12, 11:30 PM

Judging by the way he stated it, I thought it was, but alright.

Nevermind then. Reflex save: [roll0]

Oh, and I forgot about the images around her. Roll a d6, if it is a 1 she is hit.


A hit would activate Indominability.

2010-04-12, 11:43 PM
Images? As in, things that aren't really there?

As in, things that touchsight ignores?

Even if it wouldn't, area effect does not suffer from such chances. Af you're in the area, you make the save. If you fail the save, you take the damage.

This is not targeted. This is not aimed. EVERYTHING in the area eats it.

If you're in the area, you take the damage. Touchsight automatically pinpoints you, per its description. That lets me know what square you are in. It's not sight, so it's not subject to visual illusion.

If I hit your square (which I do), you eat the power.

2010-04-13, 12:07 AM
Assuming that the effect hits, and you are not incapacitated, resolving 1st effect:

Induced timeless body triggers, Capacitor is drained.

Provided you still cast your spell:I do not appear to sustain any damage, though the force blast hits squarely.

2010-04-13, 11:32 AM
You are, of course, correct about touchsight ignoring images. My mistake.

The power hits solidly, but is not incapacitating. Rather, Ideva narrows her eyes and does still use both of those spells.


The hit activates Indominability.

2010-04-13, 04:02 PM
Did the energy effect I shot appear to damage you at all? Did it appear to have its damage lessened?

Both are visible effects (precedent for the second is Damage Reduction, which is a visible effect by RAW), and will assist me in figuring out whether or not you're mitigating damage (such as from a damage reducer spell or power, or one that renders you immune), healing it (such as from a contingent heal or pact spell), or ignoring the effects of it (such as from delay death).

The streams do not appear to negatively impact me.

OO/DM:Under the effect of Timeless body. On top of that, undead are immune to damage to physical ability scores.

If I'd thought about it, I'd have shot the conduit in response to the casting, and disrupted the orb. That would have prevented my Induced power from triggering, in this case. Eh, we all make mistakes. Need to get back into the habit of interrupting powers and spells with damage.

2010-04-13, 07:48 PM
I am not entirely certain how to state the visual effects of this, but your blast of energy did damage Ideva. She was left standing, however.

Alright. That's the end of my turn, so you can go ahead with yours.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-13, 07:51 PM
The damage was reduced from its full amount.

2010-04-13, 08:21 PM
My action:

OO:Well, wilders are the sorcerors of the magic community, so let's do what we can. I'm dazed, but my schism's not. On my opponent's turn, my daze ends.

Schism: Synchronicity 1pp - Celestial Conduit
Suppress effects - Concentration autosuccess

No movement. You're up.

2010-04-13, 08:30 PM


Swift action: Dimension Hop to H24, breaking LoS.
Full-round(?): Fill my eyes with two Maximized Empowered Rays of Stupidity, this time.

You see Ideva disappear. Your turn again.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-13, 08:39 PM
You can't put two Maximized Empowered Rays of Stupidity in your eyes this turn, since you've used up your swift action already. You could fill your eyes with one as a standard action, and you'd have a move action left over.

2010-04-13, 08:45 PM

By my understanding of the feat, filling one spell into each eye takes a full-round action. Arcane Spellsurge would decrease this to a standard action, yes?

If not, I will just fill the one and ready an action to 5-step out of LoS if I see Phoenix.

2010-04-13, 08:51 PM
Excellent. Thankfully, you decided to not go after me while I was dazed.

My action:

OO:Schism: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp)

Swift: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp) Via Circlet of Rapidcasting.

Standard: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp)

Move from B8 to B14

Provided you are still on the map, in this plane, and have your mindsight up:I moved to B14.

Your turn.

2010-04-13, 08:59 PM
Well, I have my reasons, you know. :smallamused:


Move: 5-step back to I24.
Standard: Fill other eye with a Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Swift: Cast Indominability on myself again.

Your turn.

2010-04-13, 09:01 PM
My actions:

OO:Schism: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp)

Swift: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp) Via Circlet of Rapidcasting.

Standard: Synchronicity: Celestial Conduit (1pp)

No movement this turn. You're up.

Claudius Maximus
2010-04-13, 09:02 PM
You use each spell's normal casting time when putting it into your eye. Arcane Spellsurge reduces your metamagicked spell's casting time back to a standard action. So you're limited to one per round, unless you use your Metamagic Specialist ability to do it again as a swift action. Since you used your swift action to dimension hop, you can't do that this round.

2010-04-14, 08:13 AM

Swift: Cast Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords on myself, augmenting with a 6th level spell slot to heal: [roll0] points of damage. (*Note: As a Silverbrow Human with the dragonblooded subtype, each die rolled does +1 healing. Thus, +11 to whatever result is rolled.*)
Standard: Ready an action to unload my Ocular spells on Phoenix if I see him.

No movement. Your turn.

2010-04-14, 08:24 AM
Standard: Haste SLA
Schism: Ready action: Celestial conduit

No movement. Go ahead.

2010-04-14, 08:38 AM

Swift: Activate stoneskin effect from Heart of Earth.
Standard: Ready an action to unload my Ocular spells on Phoenix if I see him.

No movement. Your turn again.

2010-04-14, 08:46 AM
OO:Move action: Move to B24.

Remainder of turn based on LOS.

Moving from B14 to B24. LoS? I'll stop as soon as I have LOS without cover.

2010-04-14, 02:37 PM
Without cover? As soon as you step into B24, you see Ideva at I24.

However, first I have a readied action.

Two gray streaks of energy fly at you from Ideva's eyes.

RTA: [roll0]
Damage: 5 + [roll1]*.5 Intelligence damage. *6 total*

RTA: [roll2]
Damage: 5 + [roll3]*.5 Intelligence damage. *6 total*

2010-04-14, 02:57 PM
OO:Well, with the capacitor drained, this time, it actually eats my Timeless body tattoo.

Only the first hits, and it doesn't seem to incapacitate me.

And my Return Salvo.

OO:Swift: Synchronicity 1pp (Celestial Conduit) - Circlet of Rapidcasting
Standard: Celestial Conduit 16pp with a Torc (17d6 damage) augmented for 8
Schism: Celestial Conduit 10pp with a Torc (11d6 damage) augmented for 2

All powers suppressed, all manifested defensively

The same energy ripple lances out. As before, no displays manifest, no signs they're coming until they're in the air.

First beam:
Positive energy: [roll0] damage
+ [roll1] if living or undead
+ 34 if undead.
Reflex Save DC 38 for half.

Second Beam:
Positive energy: [roll2]damage
+ [roll3] if living or undead
+ 22 if undead.
Reflex DC 32 for half.

2010-04-14, 03:06 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

Reflex save: [roll1]

Ideva takes the damage, and this time it seems to be less than it should be. Is that your turn, or do you have more?

2010-04-14, 03:17 PM
3rd Salvo:

OO:Synchronicity activates on the foe still up.

16pp, Using torc, +4 ML from wild surge.
[roll0] 1-20 dazes after this.

Manifested defensively without visuals.

Another no display, no warning blast:

Damage: [roll1]
If living or undead: +[roll2]
If undead: +42 damage

Reflex, DC 42 half

2010-04-14, 03:25 PM
Your blast does not hit, because large wings of crystalline-looking scales emerge from the air and wrap around Ideva, shielding her from sight momentarily.

Anything else?


Wings of Cover

2010-04-14, 03:30 PM
Your action.

2010-04-14, 03:37 PM
Thank you.

Another gray ray shoots from Ideva's hand towards you, and then she shifts, and is suddenly gone.

RTA: [roll]1d20+28
Damage: 5 + [roll0]*.5 Intelligence damage. *8 total*


Arcane Fusion> True Strike + Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Then, Dimension Hop to I15 to regroup and refuel.

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 03:38 PM
RTA: [roll0]

2010-04-14, 03:50 PM
OO:No more fun.
Move north to B12.
Ready action: Energy stun (LOS)
Schism: ready action: Energy stun (LOS)

You're up.

Edit: Moved north to B12. Sorry, forgot you had mindsight.

2010-04-14, 03:55 PM

Swift (lowered from full-round to standard by metamagic time reduction ability, then lowered to swift by Arcane Spellsurge): Fill eye with Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Standard: Fill other eye with Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Move to K15 (should be still out of sight, unless he moved)

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 03:57 PM
Please review my above action. My movement may have affected your actions.

2010-04-14, 04:03 PM
Okay, we still don't see each other, so my actions are only slightly altered.


Revized actions:
Swift (lowered from full-round to standard by metamagic time reduction ability, then lowered to swift by Arcane Spellsurge): Fill eye with Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Standard: Ready action: Arcane Fusion > True Strike + Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity upon LOS.
Move: Moving to D15 instead.

Your turn now, then.

2010-04-14, 04:10 PM
OO: Ready action Energy stun upon LOS
Schism does the same.

No movement. Your go.

2010-04-14, 04:18 PM

Retain readied action.

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 04:23 PM
OO:Ready action: Energy stun if I detect opponent
Schism Ready: Energy stun if I detect opponent

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 04:25 PM

Retain readied action.

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 04:28 PM
OO:Ready action: Energy stun if I detect opponent
Schism Ready: Energy stun if I detect opponent

You're up.

2010-04-14, 04:32 PM

Swift: Cast Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords, augmented by a6th level spell slot to heal [roll0].
Standard: Ready action: Arcane Fusion > True Strike + Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity upon LOS.

Your turn.

2010-04-14, 04:44 PM
OO:Ready action: Energy stun if I detect opponent
Schism Ready: Energy stun if I detect opponent

Your turn.

I'm guessing we're both ready/passing. You haven't successfully damaged me in any way yet. I'm undead, and I can simply wait for... what? 3? 5? 13 days? You can only last so long. I can hold a ready action for a century, if need be. Your move, but I'm done chasing you while you hop and run away. You want me? You know where I am. I chose a place where your mindsight can reach no matter where you are.

2010-04-14, 05:09 PM
You make a very good point, but I am trying to figure out a way to counter your inevitable counterattack. Ah, well, I'll just go.


Swift (lowered from full-round to standard by metamagic time reduction ability, then lowered to swift by Arcane Spellsurge): Fill other eye with Maximized Empowered Ray of Stupidity.
Move: Move up to D13.
Standard: Discharge eyes at him.

Well, Ideva moves to D13 and a gray ray shoots from each of her eyes again.

RTA: [roll0]
Damage: 5 + [roll1]*.5 Intelligence damage. *8 total*

RTA: [roll2]
Damage: 5 + [roll3]*.5 Intelligence damage. *6 total*

2010-04-14, 05:24 PM
OO:Immediate: Power Dampening from my cloak. All variable effects of the spell are treated as their minimum values.

Energy stun from schism will be augmented to 10pp.
Energy stun from me will be augmented to 16pp and surged for 4.
[roll0] 1-20 dazes.

Ready actions trigger: Entering visibility.

A blast of electricity forms beside you, enveloping your square, and all the squares around it.

Followed by another.

First: [roll1] electricity damage, Reflex DC 32 half. If that fails, Will DC 32.

Second: [roll2] electricity damage, Reflex DC 37 half. If that fails, Will DC 37.

2010-04-14, 08:01 PM
Wings of Cover to the first one.

Reflex save for the second: [roll0]
Will (if necesssary): [roll1]


Saves augmented by Spin Fate DC modifier points.

Edit: Alright, saves failed. What happens to me?

2010-04-14, 10:24 PM
You failed the first: full damage.
You failed the second: Stunned for 1 round.

2010-04-15, 07:49 AM
Alright. At this point I am going to invoke one of my daily rerolls (provided by a PrC) for the Will save:

Edit: Well, I failed that one too. I am stunned. Go ahead.

2010-04-15, 02:23 PM
Your stun ends when my turn begins. Your turn hasn't come up yet, though, so no more immediate actions just yet. My bad, Immediates on your turn use your swift action for that turn. Your last Wings of Cover used the swift action on your turn.

Energy stun from schism will be augmented to 10pp.
Energy stun from me will be augmented to 16pp and surged for 4.
[roll0] 1-20 dazes.

Electricity:[roll1] damage, Reflex DC 32 half. If that fails, Will DC 32.

Electricity: [roll2] damage, Reflex DC 37 half. If that fails, Will DC 37.

2010-04-15, 03:23 PM
The reroll was a free action. But it didn't matter anyway.

Reflex 1: [roll0] Will 1: [roll1]
Reflex 2: [roll2] Will 2: [roll3]

Ideva is barely standing.


Indominability keeps me up. Barely.

2010-04-15, 03:49 PM
No, I meant last round, the wings of cover from one of the blasts was an immediate. It wouldn't count against last round, because immediates on your turn use the swift action for the turn they were used on, not the next round's swift.

Then let's see:

OO:Same story.
[roll0] 1-20 dazes

Electricity: [roll1] damage, Reflex 32, if failed, Will 32.

Electricity: [roll2] damage, Reflex 37, if failed Will 37.

2010-04-15, 03:54 PM
Yeah, that volley sends me very far into the negatives, even with half.

Great match. :smallsmile:

I don't understand why none of my attacks did anything, though.

2010-04-15, 03:57 PM
Well, I attached an inducer and a capacitor to a Timeless Body Tattoo (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a), with the trigger of "being affected by any effect that I'm not immune to."

It prevents it from triggering again when the first is still in effect. As long as the first is in effect, I'm immune to everything.

2010-04-15, 04:10 PM
Well, I attached an inducer and a capacitor to a Timeless Body Tattoo (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a), with the trigger of "being affected by any effect that I'm not immune to."

In that case you should have accidentally triggered it several times during your buff rounds, and been affected by the rays. EDIT:Also rendering your own buffs ineffective.

2010-04-15, 04:34 PM
In that case you should have accidentally triggered it several times during your buff rounds, and been affected by the rays. EDIT:Also rendering your own buffs ineffective.

Good point. I'll add in non-harmless. I've noted other discrepancies, particularly concerning LOS issues and actions.

For example: When I moved to B12, I had LOS to I15 (not announced).
When my opponent used Wings of cover on his turn, he couldn't, as he already used another swift action on that turn.

There's multiple mistakes made. It's a learning experience (hence, why it's an exhibition).