View Full Version : [Game 2] Nobody expects ANOTHER Playground Inquisition! (Civ4 succession game)

2010-04-13, 06:52 AM
Guidelines for this game:

Play as Isabella
Discover 1 religion only. Raze the holy cities of all other religions.
Once we tech to Theocracy, switch to it and never come off it the rest of the game. This means defying resolutions if necessary.
Make all decisions about diplomacy, which wars to join, how to respond to random events, based on religion. "The in-laws held a lavish Buddhist wedding against our wishes? DECLARE A HOLY WAR!" "Shaka wants to give us corn for iron, but he's our religion? Sure! Sounds like an excellent deal!"
Try to get the Apostolic palace so we can force our lunacy on the rest of the world.
Missionary spam continuously.

Goal at end of game (besides winning) is to have our religion present in every city on the map.

Extra win if every nation has the national faith of our religion.

Extra extra win if every nation has theocracy as well.

What do we say? Anyone up for a Spanish Inquisition? :smallbiggrin:


Since it's on Marathon speed, we should up the number of turns per player. 30 sound good?

Players who are in so far:

Game 1: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148179)


Game 2 (this thread):

Winthur temporarily out due to computer issues
Rhydeble -UP! Turnset due May 10

Because the last game died, let's make a firm deadline of 3 days to play your turnset before getting skipped. If you're busy, you're busy. No hard feelings, and hopefully you can get your turnset in next time it comes around.

2010-04-13, 08:18 AM
I died, I live....long live Isabella!!!

2010-04-13, 09:17 AM
Well, you ended up with me. And I have the game now. For those who were reading the other two SGs up to this point, you know what that means. http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Smilies/whipped.gif C'est la vie.

2010-04-13, 09:29 AM
Well, I'll be ready when my turn comes.

2010-04-13, 10:24 AM
Well either way I get to play soon so I'm excited!

2010-04-14, 03:53 AM
I'd prefer not to be the starter - aside from inexperience, I won't have access to my home computer for the next 18 hours or so as I am staying at a hotel.

I also suggest that the first player should get 60 turns. Since this is marathon, more scouting can be done with the initial warrior than on standard, but the first few turns still don't require much strategy. We're already devoted to the religion route, so no pesky questions about worker/warrior first.

2010-04-14, 06:34 AM
Then I nominate Winthur to get us going. He seems to know what he's doing.

2010-04-14, 07:35 AM
I know what I doing.

Move 'zig.

For great justice.

(Tomorrow, because today I'm working.)

2010-04-14, 08:24 AM
I'm overseas this week, but from next Wednesday onwards I should have enough time to begin playing :smallsmile:

2010-04-14, 08:28 AM
I juggled the turn order. Will that work for everyone?

2010-04-14, 10:25 AM
Looks fine for me.

2010-04-14, 01:31 PM
its allright with me

2010-04-14, 09:45 PM
If winthur starts in a lousy position, someone set up us the bomb.

2010-04-15, 11:14 PM
Which of the early religions will winthur go for, I wonder. There's no lake, sadly, and the best tile in view has cows so racing for meditation is a risk. Since this is a capital location, there should be another food resource somewhere.

2010-04-16, 06:36 AM
So I noticed I'm second...have we started yet as I don't see a report from Winthur.

2010-04-16, 07:54 AM
Sorry for beating around the bush. I will have it all up today. :smallsmile:

2010-04-16, 02:39 PM
'Scuse me for double-posting, but am I the only person for whom the save doesn't work? :smallconfused:

2010-04-16, 02:40 PM
Want me to email it to you?

2010-04-16, 02:40 PM
Want me to email it to you?

I downloaded it and tried to play it. It gets me back to main menu. And I have 3.19 version - the newest.


Maybe I will just start the game on my own save to avoid troubles?

2010-04-16, 02:42 PM
Makes sense. Feel free to tweak the settings if you want to make it harder on your minions. :smallwink:

2010-04-16, 02:42 PM
Are you guys going to be posting pictures in your updates so the rest of the forum can mildly participate? Let us play vicariously through you.

2010-04-16, 02:47 PM
If you read through our previous epics, you'd see that we tend to wrap them up in nice narration, strategic explanation and also screenshots. So, if you hadn't already, go ahead and check our archives now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131868). :smallsmile:

Sure thing, Happyturtle. (By the way, that's a pretty cute Squirtle!) I won't deviate from your settings, though.

2010-04-16, 02:58 PM
Sometimes we get lazy and don't include them though. >.>

2010-04-17, 09:09 AM

Hoo, boy. The settings Happyturtle gave me to work with were... rather weird for a succession game. Huge world map? Marathon? This is going to take a long time... unless we kill everybody first. Which is what we were planning to do for this SG anyway. :smalltongue: Yeah, yeah, missionary spam. I, however, know quite a few techniques to compromise those two contradicting goals. You will see. :smallamused:

I've modified the game however a bit. Our AI is set to Aggressive. However, I've completely ruled out the "Require Complete Kills" setting in the initial save. I just don't want to imagine the horror of having to track down every single unit of the fallen civilization, much less play it out. :smalleek:

Of course, I'm not a Marathon player, so my experiences with it might not work here. Slavery doesn't seem that hot anymore, given that you can practically whip only once per every long turnset. Given the long times of improvement building, Serfdom might actually turn out to be a good civic.

The fact that we have cheap Granaries is a blessing, though.


The history of the Spanish Empire begins with a boy on a quest.

Said boy claimed to be the second heir of the Spanish Empire lying somewhere in another universe, who was exiled by his mother of the name Happyturtle into hiding, along with other unwanted misfits that were seen as a hindrance to the empire.

Around the boy, all the misfits gathered to create another society down in the other world.

The boy was smart. The boy was knowledgeable. The boy was genre savvy. The boy knew how to lead.

The boy was also impulsive and his needs rather primitive. Although he did know how to deal with his subordinates, all this boy wished for was...
...an axe*.

An axe that would allow him to rule the world and prove himself. His future empire wasn't only to stand the test of time. He knew that the exile was means to prevent the ambitious boy from seizing power for himself.

Dropped on this new, uncharted world, the boy was ready to take all its lands for himself.

Said boy was Prince Winthur vi Hispania.

Turn 0: I take a look around. Just watch me, Happyturtle. While writing a report with my right hand, and eating chips with my left, I will take a Spanish Settler...
...and settle in place!...

Spain on a Lake™! Well, that, but otherwise our lands aren't the best. I have nothing to complain about, since Madrid (although I only decided to leave the normal capital city name to Madrid, you can rename the rest of the cities as you please) can become quite a production center, so I'm rather happy, given it's going to become our religious center (it will be easier to build Markets, Banks and wonders.)

...also, I realize in horror that it takes 36 turns to research Polytheism. :smalleek: Sure, I could go for Meditation, but Polytheism isn't targeted as often, plus it allows to go for Monotheism if something gets screwed up. I put our sole citizen on a lake to speed up the process. I'm already scared of the idea. :smalleek:

Since it's Raging Barbarians and we're already not starting with any worker techs, I begin to build a Warrior. We will need adequate defenses and fogbusting.

I guess not much is left for me to do except pressing Enter and hoping our best. However, there's one thing I really like - with more turns to my disposal, I can freely prance about and therefore make a good dotmap after I'm done. :smallbiggrin:

Not much to document, really. Honestly, I'm too lazy to screenshot&imageshack everything when it's so mundane, so here are the milestones:
-The Wheel was found in a hut.
-Christianity was founded in Madrid and adopted (from Polytheism. I bet Hinduism will be found from Monotheism. :smallbiggrin:). Buddhism was researched through Meditation by some other civ.
-Met Mansa Musa. His warrior was coming from our northern side. What you need to know about Mansa is that he's notorious for his amazing tech-whoring abilities. He's usually a leading AI because of that; he will surely have a few techs up his sleeve.
-I've spent a few turns on Mining, but switched to Agriculture and a Worker. However, bear the beakers invested in Mining in mind.
-Cardinal Ximenez got experience from a hut and is now Woodsman II.
-We have 3 warrior set to explore the land.
A few Screenshots:


A dotmap is, in essence, a representation of where do we want to plant our cities. The dot in the middle signifies where the city is planted. The borders around it simulate the workable tiles around the city site.

So far, I've outlined two spots that we'd want.
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2660/preliminarydotmap.jpg (http://img412.imageshack.us/i/preliminarydotmap.jpg/)
Red dot - Madrid (already founded, drawn just for reference)
Pink dot - a powerful commerce spot that also claims stone. Doesn't have food resources, but from Flood Plains I'd guess it can grow fine. We will put down Cottages on every single tile to maintain commerce.
Grey dot - isn't as powerful as the Red one, but it still can maintain a decent number of Cottages.

Pink dot takes priority over Grey dot. They will take care of the commerce while Madrid will build us some infrastructure.

I propose:
-letting the Worker finish - since we need a really solid workerforce - and continuing towards worker techs to bolster our growth. Also, get Pottery remarkably early.
-we'd want some Great Prophet points; there are a few hammers invested into Stonehenge, which would be a good start on such a map.
-expand a ton!
-find some high-food places. I'm going to see whether we could whip some missionaries and units from them, since we will need it.

I sure hope the save works.

*Seriously, nevar forget 04/04/2010. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8216089&postcount=428)

2010-04-17, 01:18 PM
Hey winthur, please spoiler that image. The one of the starting location. It be stretching my screen!:smallmad:

2010-04-18, 04:09 AM
Pink Dot looks extremely good for our future strategy. With stone, we can run an early specialist economy if we get pyramids. Helps with University of Sankore and Spiral Minaret as well for super temples.

We won't get the stone in time for 'Henge though.

2010-04-19, 06:50 AM
I"ll grab the save file when I get home tonight.

2010-04-19, 08:36 PM
Putting the link for Turn 80 save here


No pictures as the camera hasn't been invented yet.
__________________________________________________ ______________

The Holy See has fallen under control of His Popliness Jonzac I in the year 2880 BC...only we don't know that because no one has thought to put the dates in a row and call it a calendar yet.

After looking around Pope Jonzac wondered why we were trying to put these large stones in the ground, especially when there was no one actually defending the town from the growing threat of barbarians. He ordered the architect killed and a cadre of warrior trained from the youth of the village. Also as he traveled he noticed this rather large weed that grew to the southeast, and the fact it has rather tasty stuff growing on it. He ordered his wisest men to commune with God and figure out a way to grow it all over.
(Turn 40. Switched to warrior from Stonehedge and changed Mining to Agriculture to develop the farm to up the population growth)

Things were progressing swiminingly until three years later when we met not only one, but TWO Godless heathen. Our intrepid warrior/explorers had found someone call "Caeser" and "Gengis"...both extremely silly names, however, that "Caesar" guys had some REALLY nice orange/metally weapons.
(Turn 43/44. Met these guys and Caesar has Bronze Working already and has moved to Slavery)

Several year later Brother Ximenes found the outskirts of the city that "Caesar" calls Rome. It is the first neighbor we've found to the east. That same year Brother Ximenes entered a poor village and convinced the unguided souls there to assist him in his quest to discover all of God's world.
(Found a village and all we got was a lousy Scout...promptly renamed "Lay Brothers")

Several years later another heathen appeared...really is there no end to ungodliness in this world? He sported a strange hat, a long beard and called himself Cyrus, grand pooba of the Persians. He certain was full of pride...and we know what comes after that don't we?

The wisemen after years of goverment handouts...I mean tithes to the church, discovered how putting seeds in the ground makes plants grow...amazing really, we now emulate God in his glory of creation. Suddenly, I feel the urge to smite someone...I'm sure it will pass. I ask the wisemen..."What will you do for me now?" To which they answered, "Check back in 200 years." I guess we'll see.
(Finished agriculture, started back on Mining. The city had 7 turns until it grows to size 3 so I put production back on stonehedge until then...I'll then start a Worker after we hit size 3)

Several decades go buy and we hear word that the LORD ALMIGHTY hates heathens and shows those "Romans" their discoveries are LIES, LIES FROM SAAAAAATTTTTAAAAAANNNNN perhaps?
(Event, Romans lose all their research...isn't that horrible? :smalltongue: )

As Jonzac the First or "Lifebringer" as he will be known to all (because he had it engraved on all the buildings of the village) lay on his death bed, the wisemen return with news...if you dig into the ground, you'll find stuff underneath...who knew? Well WE DO NOW!!!!! With that final glorious message...Jonzac I was taken in a slightly smoldering basket with wheels pulled by a four legged animal that we haven't figured out what it is yet, back to the LORD!!!

Technical boring notes.
I had to restart as the undefended city was taken by barbarians 5 turns into this save...so I brought a warrior back and trained a second to defend the city.

I pulled mining and finished agriculture first as I had hoped to turn out a worker by the end of my turn...but when the city was so close to moving to the next size I didn't want to stop that...in the end it didn't matter as both agriculture and mining were both finished. I've started researching pottery as the next city everyone wanted cottages, but we could move to bronze working as well.

2010-04-20, 07:29 AM
My internet connection is DC'ing tonight for some reason. I'll post my update tomorrow night if I can.

2010-04-20, 08:57 AM
Technical boring notes.
I had to restart as the undefended city was taken by barbarians 5 turns into this save...so I brought a warrior back and trained a second to defend the city.

:smalleek: Barbs this early? I thought they only spawned animals until about the time everyone is settling their second city?

2010-04-20, 09:34 AM
:smalleek: Barbs this early? I thought they only spawned animals until about the time everyone is settling their second city?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Raging Barbarians! We hope you enjoy your stay. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-20, 09:36 AM
Yes, I had to manually direct the scouts and warriors to ensure they ended a turn in forest or a hill to ensure they could survive getting attacked. Ximones had to fight off two wolf/lions...fortunately in a forest where his bonus really helped.

2010-04-20, 01:28 PM
Succession Game 1 found the Great Wall pretty handy with raging barbs.

2010-04-21, 06:00 AM
Maybe when we get the second city up and score the stone it will be feasible...but right now our growth is so limited by Madrids starting point that gaining population is difficult right now.

2010-04-21, 11:10 AM
And my internet chooses to start working again at 12 am. I have work to do tomorrow later this morning, so no all-nighters today. If I haven't posted tomorrow by around this time you can skip my turn as my router will have given up the ghost until I can get it fixed.

2010-04-21, 01:32 PM
Preview from Civ 5:

http://www.civfanatics.com/gallery/files/1/extremediplomacy_civ5.jpg (http://www.civfanatics.com/gallery/showimage.php?i=2838&c=36)

2010-04-21, 02:38 PM
Ah...happy...you missed the linkypoo :smallredface:

2010-04-22, 07:45 AM
Okay, internet's back up. I'll have the save-file up by tonight at least.

Link to Save (http://www.speedyshare.com/files/22069126/Isabella_vi_Hispania_BC-2300.CivBeyondSwordSave)

Okay. Images are coming up but to summarize:

Turn 80 - Changed Pottery to Bronze, moved Cardinal North & Scout South.

Turn 82 - Our scout discovers sugar, southward, and there was much rejoicing. Scout recieves holy orders as Padre Azucar.

Turn 85 - Dyes and more dyes discovered further south. Padre Azucar is well on his way to promotion. Cardinal Biggles suffers from depression.

Turn 90 - A source of holy rocks has been found close to the heathen ceasar (marble). This travesty of divine justice cannot be ignored!

Turn 95 - Padre Azucar is repeatedly beset by demoniacally influenced wild beasts and succumbs just as he nears a small village. We shall build a shrine to Saint Azucar the martyr on this spot.

Turn 106 - We build our first dirt farm.

Turn 119 - We discover some kinds of stone can be melted into sharp objects for poking infidels with, and there is great rejoicing. These "metal" sticks can also be used to beat slaves and there is great rejoicing at this too. Finally, a source of this has been discovered next to Madrid. At this, the rejoicing is so great that the church has many men flogged in order that more workers should mine it. (swapped to slavery, whipped another worker to mine copper)

2010-04-22, 10:30 PM
Picked up the save and I'll get through it tomorrow. Any suggestions on what we should be doing?

2010-04-22, 11:05 PM
I would hook up the copper while teching pottery. My concern is that the rush for stonehenge has stunted our economy. We need to wall of Julius before he can expand east into our territory. We also know that he has no copper! (yet)

That means a late axe-rush could be possible. The value of losing the stonehenge race is that we could use the failure money to fund upgrades for our more promoted warriors into axes. When scouting him, he had a number of warriors but only a couple of archers. So switching to barracks/axes is possible but if we make war, we have to do so wholeheartedly - he will have praetorians soon.

The alternative is to settle a city in the mountains east of him, trying to grab the marble with culture instead and walling off our territory with another city to the south-east. We want to keep strong control of our territory, for it is a land of plenty. (and holy as well!) Plus it's absolutely covered in rivers. We will still need axes sometime for barbarian-killing though.

Tech choice depends on strategy. If you plan for war, stay on pottery to get granaries for whipping soldiers. Settlement should go for masonry/priesthood. Hook up marble then build the oracle (time to complete after pottery so we can get Metal Casting). It has the same GPP as stonehenge but tech > free monuments.

EDIT: The Great Wall should be our highest priority wonder. Nothing beats that when it comes to protecting our improvements.

2010-04-25, 06:17 AM
Emlyn are you almost done with your turns? because I can't wait till its my turn to fail in a most spectacular way xD (I'll try not to)

2010-04-25, 06:26 AM
Emlyn's turnset is due today. If he doesn't get it, then he'll have to be skipped this round.

2010-04-25, 12:56 PM
In these volumes are the recorded history of the ruler, Emlyn the Builder, and all that took place during his 30 turn reign.

Turn 120
Here I was, minding my own business as one of the head builders for this massive stone monument we're building, and suddenly these court officials come out of the blue and proclaim me king. After several minutes of laughing and then realizing from there blank stares they were serious I was at a loss for words. Apparently there was something about the last king not leaving an heir and I being the best candidate. Don't know what they're smoking but hey, I'm king now.

Turn 131
Our builders have finally finished digging a mine into a rich copper deposit. Don't know why it took them so long, they started before I was born! Anyway, I've ordered a road constructed to the mine so we can easily transport the ore. This has dramatically improved the rate at which we can build our wonder.


Turn 139
Today one of my wisemen approached today caked from head to toe in mud. Slightly concerned I asked him what he was doing. Apparently they had spent the last several years like this and their effort had finally bore fruit. They had discovered a technique to turn clay into pottery and bricks! Now we can make buildings out of clay bricks which are far easier to get then stone ones. I've ordered them to continue this line of study and investigate what else we can do with stone.


Turn 143
Today marks a milestone in our civilizations history. Years of toil,sweet, and blood have at last paid off. No civilization has ever undertaken such a massive construction, nor had the vision to carry it through. Privately I think its rather bland, I mean a stone hedge? Really? That's the best our architects could come up with? Still, it is very impressive. I also received word that our scout died recently, though the exact date isn't known. How we know this considering he was on he opposite side of the world is beyond me.


Turn 149
As my long reign comes to a close, the greatest threat we have ever faced has arrived. Barbarian hordes, long rumored, have at last assailed our great city. Thankfully the axeman I ordered trained for just such a circumstance are now fully trained and have been sent out to meet the threat. I've ordered our warriors to defend the most important improvements we have. In this time of crisis we cannot afford to have any doubt who our new leader shall be and as such I've named Rhydeble as the new leader of our civilization. May he lead us to prosperity.


Save (www.speedyshare.com/files/22120950/Isabella_vi_Hispania_BC-2000.CivBeyondSwordSave)

2010-04-25, 03:04 PM
Did my 30 turns, here is the (hopefully entertaining) report.

I, the really not looking up to this most devout Rhydeble, have been whipped into service chosen as glorious leader of our city NATION, by my former master, head builder Emlyn.

Now, seeing as our previous slavering overlord glorious leader has a penchant for seeing our warriors as nameless masses, I have decided to remedy this.

First, let me show you our axe-wielding laughable buffoon skilled comedian, going by the name of John Cleese, slaughters these heathens.


Now after all this hilariousness, I decided to go to bed, and I somehow woke up ten years later, strangely, it seems like I didn't miss much, although some insipid heathenish fool named Tonsyu created a report detailing military might that placed the heathenish mansa muna at the top, and us not even on it. This, of course, is a sign that we are going to die have glorious espionage.

A short time after i was "chosen by the divine" the barbarian heathens started attacking in full force, and through some luck Divine interference, they attacked us with weapons that would be most suited to skewering large beasts that run around on fields of grass instead of killing innocent drafted slaves our great inquisitional order. Next to that was a squad of idiots who walked around with large walking sticks, and quivers full of tiny walking sticks. Our glorified lumberjacks made short work of them.

The victory of these crossdressers* gave me a great idea. Somehow these religious nutters are convinced that I am divinely inspired, so why not make them build me a nice warm resort? Seeing as those towelwearing weirdo's our glorious researchers have finally created a way to put one stone on top of another, in a way that is entirely different then that used for that big piece of crappy stone glorious momument that I was enslaved Gloriously chosen for to build.

After preparing for this journey, I have finally completed all needed preparations to set out and move somewhere else. The foolish scouts that set out to see the world and we somehow know died, has found a nearby canyon full or rocks that are just perfect to build me a nice little manse to live in. I am also quite happy that I am leaving just in time to miss out on something those religious people are coming up with, rumor says that they have found a way to make a person do nothing but be religious, and I am not going to wait till they complete it.


Lets get out of this hellhole
(and hope that that barbarian warrior doesn't kill me)

This was an excerpt from the journals of the glorious reaper of barbarians, Rhydeble. The high level of stress created by continuous heathen attacks have led to a few minor spelling errors that were shortly thereafter crossed through. these are totally not there just because Rhydeble was a former slave whipped into leading our nation so that we could have a good scapegoat for the disasters that could have been the barbarion hordes. It is also totally not correct that we cut away massive amounts of trees just to make that non-godfearing leave sooner. Now that that annoying nuisance is finally out of our city, We will give the throne to the glorious and definitely not unwilfully forced into this lostlittlebear, the governmental documents can be found here (http://www.speedyshare.com/files/22124762/Isabella_vi_Hispania_BC-1700_Rhydeble_First_save_.CivBeyondSwordSave)
~Definitely not Princess Irulan

*I'm not saying that all lumberjacks are crossdressers, just most of them.

2010-04-25, 03:11 PM
Hahahahahaha! Oh, wow. xD

Usually I'd provide an analysis of your turnsets, but lately I'm feeling kinda down and I have exams incoming, so I only managed a skim. At first I was a bit horrified that it takes us so long to settle our second city, only until I realized that on Huge Pangaea Raging Barbarians will be coming in SPADES, because so much terrain is covered by Fog of War.

...Um... that's a little too late to overcome such a harsh game design.

...But it's also going to be hilarious. xD

2010-04-25, 05:30 PM
:smallbiggrin: Am looking forward to playing this, guys! I have an exam tomorrow though, so I'll only start playing afterwards, but I should be able to get it done within three days.

2010-04-25, 10:04 PM
Hahahahahaha! Oh, wow. xD

Usually I'd provide an analysis of your turnsets, but lately I'm feeling kinda down and I have exams incoming, so I only managed a skim. At first I was a bit horrified that it takes us so long to settle our second city, only until I realized that on Huge Pangaea Raging Barbarians will be coming in SPADES, because so much terrain is covered by Fog of War.

...Um... that's a little too late to overcome such a harsh game design.

...But it's also going to be hilarious. xD

At least I built an axman before the first barbs showed up. I ended up replaying turns 140-150 due all the improvements getting destroyed, the workers killed, and our warriors butchered.

2010-04-26, 03:33 AM
Yeah that axeman was pretty useful.
I whipped up another axeman at a cost of 1 and got another from cutting down a forest.
there's currently one warrior protecting the workers, and three axeman. in about three turns a new axeman will be completed, so we can send one of them with the settler.

2010-04-26, 06:22 AM
We need the great wall. When we have that wonder, all of our spare troops can be devoted to the inquisition instead of repelling barbarian invasions.

2010-04-26, 10:51 AM
Just finished my turn set.

Things of note:
Many, many, many barbarians slain
Founded second city - Bearcelona.
Borders of Bearcelona and Madrid expanded.
Researched Animal Husbandry
Researching Writing
Started Great Wall (10 turns left - in reality 6 because I have a worker clearing a forest nearby)

Things to do:
Build a pasture over the sheep resource
Build a quarry over the stone resource
Beat back the final wave of barbarian intrusion

Possible plans for the future:
We need at least one more settler, I'm thinking Madrid can produce that while we work on making Bearcelona a massive city with population that we can sacrifice through slavery.

Now that our borders will become more secure, do we want to go military or scientific?

Blow-by-Blow report and save file coming up soon!

2010-04-27, 07:39 AM
The Save File (http://www.mediafire.com/?hzj2zd4kozm)

Sorry, haven't had much free time. I promise next time my after-action report will be much better. I hope my previous update suffices for now!

2010-04-29, 06:20 AM
So, is Winthur next? I haven't seen much activity so I'll jump in and take the next turn tonight if I haven't seen anythign on the boards by then.

2010-04-29, 07:37 AM
technically winthur has till tomorrow.

2010-04-29, 02:19 PM
Roger....Just giving the old thread a push.

2010-04-29, 02:53 PM

I dunno if I can take it in. Civilization is acting weird. For example, I can't actually save or load my games. :smalleek:

I tried reinstalling, still happens. Some weird bug is happening, I think it might be patch-related.

Until I find out what's wrong (and the reason might be Windows 7), I will just watch.

2010-04-29, 03:02 PM
That's not good.

I'm running Win 7 and it works fine for me. Did you try asking on civfanatics.com (http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=159)?

BTW, if anyone has ever wondered what a game would be like with no military at all, read this (http://www.compoundeye.net/civ/nonviolent/index.html).

2010-04-30, 05:57 AM
Do I need to move up a spot thin Winthur?

2010-04-30, 07:59 AM
Yup. You're up.

2010-04-30, 08:58 AM
The next turn-set should be socialist in honour of May Day.


2010-04-30, 08:20 PM
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?gjnl1jjkmxm

Besieged on all sides, His Holiness Jonzac II was raised to the Holy Throne. He immediately ordered a Census and mapmakers to work and they soon delivered their results.


As the workers toiled the Inquistors prepared to defend the Holy Land. Which they did over the next 300 years....with casualties as Inquistior de Treys fell to 3 barbarian hordes attacking him in a single turn. Incredibly our glorious warriors defeated nine barbarian hordes and did not allow them to ravage our lands.

In 1240 our wise men discovered that if you make mark on hides that look like the sounds we use while talking, the knowledge given to us will not be lost. (Writing finished). This has led to many debates about the facets of God and knowledge and a search for greater understanding. (Started Monotheaism).

A mere 10 years later our great project finished a wall that surrounded the Holy Land putting the fear of THE MOST HIGH into their souls forcing them to run in terror.


The infidels have continued to come to the Holy City asking for trade and baubles. We allow this, as our missionaries will soon turn them to the LORD.

Finally, after many a long year His Holiness Jonzac II pass up to the waiting hands of the Almighty


2010-04-30, 08:28 PM
I'm an Axeman! ^_^

2010-05-01, 12:05 AM
I shall get started. BTW, about the previous pictures, for some reason they went weird. It was like the screen got pasted in twice and the second image was obscuring the bottom third of the screen. Anyway, didn't want to play over again just to get good pics the last time.

2010-05-01, 11:34 AM
Pictures looked fine to me...

2010-05-02, 08:52 AM
The pictures I took during my previous turn. Got messed up somehow. Anyone got a better method than Ctrl + PrtScn and paste onto MSPaint?

EDIT: Finished but I can't upload the save to Mediafire. It uploads halfway and then freezes. I'll try again tomorrow, if not I'll have to e-mail it.

Summary - Finished Monotheism, started sailing. Whipped settler and settled city on the coast with cows.

Started Oracle, starved city for production and chopped to finish on turn 268 (I wanted to finish it myself). Also got a great prophet (60-ish odds) and built the church. Less coin upfront, but wasn't going to risk getting a spy next time around.

We should also avoid further chopping at the capitol. Each forest provides 0.5 health. Since we had an odd number (a new one grew), I had no problem chopping.

2010-05-02, 09:22 AM
Hm. I use 'prntscrn' and then go fetch the pics from the 'screenshots' folder.

2010-05-02, 07:30 PM
Any luck getting the save uploaded? If not, email is [email protected]

2010-05-03, 03:33 AM
Sent. Forgot to mention, I took Metal Casting as my tech. We should also tech monarchy soon for the cheap happiness unless we want to wonderspam and buid the pyramids for representation. Without that, our happycap only allows size 7 or so cities.

2010-05-03, 11:37 AM
File received and most likely I'll play out my turn tonight.

2010-05-07, 01:47 PM
its been four days since Emlyns turn started, is everyone alright with me taking over?

2010-05-07, 01:51 PM
Go ahead. I'll update the first post.

2010-05-07, 03:47 PM
Ya, AP testing plus College finals mean I have no time for this. Sorry about not posting sooner, I'll take my turn next time.

2010-05-08, 12:21 AM
Do you have the file? I still can't upload to mediafire.

2010-05-08, 02:27 AM
No, I don't have it, can you mail it to me at [email protected]?

2010-05-08, 01:04 PM
Yes I can, I'll get to it later today.

Edit: Sent

2010-05-09, 10:29 AM
So a few days ago, I finally escaped the city of Madrid to go to found the wonderful Bearcelona. Except there was a problem. While I wanted to use the wonderful stones found in the nearby valley to build myself a nice house, some new governor decided to build a huge wall all around the country. Seeing as I don't like building noise, I decided to emigrate once again, and went to the wonderful town of surf'n'turf.

I just spend my days there chilling out max and relaxin all cool, and shooting some baseball outside of the school, when a couple of inquisitors who were up to no good, started telling me that I was going to be king again....

now do understand that this came the day before we finally invented boats. So I didn't even get the chance to sing, well, this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfISlGLNU). Now I tried to ignore the call to Kingship (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RefusalOfTheCall).

Didn't work.. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive)http://i770.photobucket.com/albums/xx346/Rhydeble/Civ4ScreenShot0008.jpg?t=1273417901

So I went on my way to the capital, and on the way there, I met Masa Munsa's minions. Now I do not know where Masa Munsa lives, but He does know that about me, and he had proposal. He wanted to know how we forged stuff, and in return, gave us a book on alphabets and hunting. Normally I would not have accepted this from a heathen such as him (if only to get those inquisitors of my but), but then I remembered that this man was merely ignorant, not malicious. And God (or logical diplomatic relationships) blessed us, for Masa Munsa's minions gave us away to spread the holy word from a distance. With the use of bows we could attach a letter to it containing scripture. I really feel bad for the city's we will conquer.

Back at the capital I looked to the north, and I saw that god was not a very good programmer

Damn you waist high fence!

Seeing how this man had such trouble with small fences, I decided that it would be smart to create countermeasures for such things. My scout had posthumously informed me that there were animals to the northeast that looked delicious enough to grant us the power to overcome waist high fences. I decided to create a hunting outpost and get some food.

Seeing as I really don't wanna get drafted into kingship again, I set the scribes to work on the idea of having someones son take over, instead of random people.

Now I'm going to try and hunt some of those brown monstrosities. I'll leave my dairy here (http://www.speedyshare.com/files/22348908/Isabella_vi_Hispania_BC-0500_End_of_Rhydeble_s_sec.CivBeyondSwordSave) in case I succeed in getting the hell out of here don't get back.

Did my turnset,
I've build a new town for horses, and got us the capability to trade tech's. Masa munsa is a good friend with us, and quite powerful, so I guess we should try to make him convert once we find his homeland.

2010-05-11, 11:59 AM

I didn't see the link to the save, did I miss it?


Your up next according to the "list".

2010-05-11, 01:35 PM
last sentence, I thought the dairy reference was clear enough.

2010-05-11, 02:10 PM
Missed it. I figured I had. Thanks..I"ll download it if I don't here something by littlelostbear by tomorrow evening.

2010-05-12, 06:10 AM
Hey guys, I'm still here and playing, but it's my birthday today (yay!) which leaves me with not much time to get my turns in.

Jonzac, do you want to take your turn first? If it's fine with the rest of you I'll take the turn after his instead. Or alternatively if you give me two more days I should be able to get my turns in.

2010-05-12, 06:21 AM
Go ahead and take your two Days Little...we're not in any big hurry...just making sure you were still here.

Happy Birthday by the way !

2010-05-22, 01:07 PM
*poke* don't die yet!

2010-05-23, 01:57 AM
well, there hasn't been anyone delivering a new turnset for two weeks, so the thread is already kind of dead.

2010-05-23, 03:33 AM
I was hoping by bumping the thread, someone would take their turn. It seems these games need someone to watch them closely and prod people regularly, and I wasn't doing it for this thread.

So, is anyone but Rhydeble still here?

2010-05-23, 05:29 AM
I wonder if poking people with private messages about their interest in continuing this would work...? I'm sure not everyone has just forgotten about this.

2010-05-23, 09:15 AM
I'm still here.

2010-05-30, 09:33 AM
This game is officially dead.

If there's enough interest (5-7 people) then I can start another game to run the same time as Dalai Lama but with a different theme. Espionage with Suleiman? Cyrus / Immortal rush? Montezuma?

2010-05-30, 10:18 AM
>.> Could always run the dumb suggestion of mine from chat. All Roads Lead to Rome. With the theme being the same. Maybe Vikings and going a'viking? Lots of choices, and so little time!

2010-05-31, 11:09 PM
I second the vikings, but let's play on normal speed and on the ice-age map with high sea levels. Run an almost purely sea-based economy since everything else will be crappy tundra anyway.