View Full Version : Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed: The Blood of Rokugan (IC)

2010-04-13, 11:09 AM
It is winter in Rokugan. A light coat of snow falls gently on the land today, the sun shrouded by clouds. The scene is almost like on out of the words of a romance poem. The mood is valm and peaceful in spite of the constant fog of threats that seem to overshadow this land constantly. A Long and broad road stretches across the landscape a small town built around a trading post some miles down it's way. *The road is one is one of the older roads in Rokugan, it has born Samurai and their armies into battle and once brought the news of a great evil being removed from the land. Now a days it mostly carries traders and members of various clans as they journey about their business.*

The road is silent save for the sound of the wheels of a merchant's cart as he transports his goods to a neighboring town. Apart from his wheels and the whineying of his horses, the only sound coming along the road is the gentle clip-clop of two horse's hooves their canter muffled by the freshly fallen snow. *The horses are noble and well groomed steeds and that is no suprise considering who they carry. Their riders are Doji Akemi of the powerful but gentle Crane clan and her husband Taki, formerly of the Usagi family of the Hare clan. They ride to a Winter court being held by the Kitsu family of the Lion clan, who's land they now ride through. They ride witha nobility and a sense of purpose representative of their station and bearing. **

2010-04-13, 03:38 PM
Doji Akemi rides one the road, looking around at the landscape. This would be her second Winter Court in the lands of the Lion, and she was looking forward to it- the Lion did make good hosts.

She looks at Taki. "This is going to be an interesting Winter Court."

2010-04-13, 03:40 PM
Taki kept his grumbling to himself. He hated this Animal though, and felt like an idiot sitting on its back. In the end, he much rather would have just done it on his own two feet. Akemi couldn't do that, at least not at the pace he would have travelled at. So at least one of these beasts was required. And he had to have one, because walking while Akemi rode would give the wrong impression.

I still do not see why it is needed at all.

Taki didn't like this. Winter was a time for being with his wife and daughter. Little moved, and Scorpions stayed in their den to wait for warmer climates. But instead he and his wife had been asked to go this performance. He understood the purpose of the Winter Court, but wished he had managed to dodge being invited.

Of course, it is always enjoyable to show up the Lion's.

Taki had participated in many athletic competitions as a youth, the Lion's a constant presence at them. The fools always seemed shocked when the Samurai from this tiny clan beat them.

"Akemi, are you cold?"

Taki looked over at his beautiful, his displeasure softening despite himself. Not waiting for her response, he reached into his pack, digging for a blanket.

"I have a blanket in here, somewhere..."

2010-04-13, 03:49 PM
Akemi looks over at her husband. "I am a little cold. Thank you. There's no point in me catching something before we arrive, is there?"

She chuckles a bit.

2010-04-13, 03:56 PM
Takii pulled out the Blanket from his pack, and using his Horse over, laid it over his Wives shoulders. That done, he opened the space between them a little again.

"Kami's forbid. If you got sick, somebody might expect me to do something at the Court other then show the Lion Cubs that the Hare is still the fastest. You know, like speak."

Taki chuckled as well, shifting his cloak slightly. He was used to inclement weather, and it didn't really bother him.

2010-04-13, 04:02 PM
"That would be... interesting.

Can I suggest that you check and see if they've got a Kyujutsu competition on there?"

Akemi eyes the bow behind Taki's back. "You'd probably do pretty well in it. And it would give you something to do, at least."

2010-04-13, 04:07 PM
Taki smiled at Akemi, and shrugged. He wasn't worried. Akemi was right, of course. The Bow was his weapon of choice. The Sword may have been more honorable, but his foes were not concerned with that.

"If they don't, they will add it. And several more besides. The Lion Cubs like to compete."

2010-04-13, 04:14 PM
"If there's a Shogi contest, I might take part myself, in fact."

Akemi looks along the road. "I wonder who else will be there..."

2010-04-13, 04:18 PM
Taki smiled. He preferred Go to Shogi, but he wasn't much good at either. Akemi routinely cleaned him out when they played.

"I don't know. Most likely represenatives from all the Major Clans. The Lion's are centrally located, so they can afford to have a diverse gathering."

2010-04-13, 04:24 PM
"Indeed. The Scorpion show up at every Winter Court, but any of the others might show up as well."

Akemi looks at Taki. "And I know how much you hate the Scorpion. Is that going to be a particular problem, Taki?"

2010-04-13, 04:27 PM
Taki looked over at Akemi, smiling widely.

"Whatever are you talking about? I don't hate the Scorpion. I just don't force myself to think of them as anything but what they actually are."

Taki laughed, and then just shook his head.

"And don't worry about it. Both Usagi-Sama and Doji-Sama have made it quite clear that provoking the Scorpions is a bad idea. I'll play nice."

Or at least as nice as they do...

2010-04-13, 04:31 PM
"All right then, Taki-kun." Akemi smiles at her husband.

"...it's going to be an interesting trip, either way."

2010-04-13, 04:35 PM
Taki sighed. Likely it would be for her. For him, it would most likely just end up being Interminable.

"I hope so."

2010-04-13, 04:36 PM
"Did I ever tell you that my father was a Lion before marrying into the Crane?"

2010-04-13, 04:40 PM
Taki nodded at his Wife.

"You have. He has the look of an Akodo besides. I think it makes him slightly more understanding of my oddities."

Taki said with a shrug.

"Why? Do you think some of your Father's blood relatives will be there?"

2010-04-13, 04:42 PM
Akemi nods. "Quite possibly, in fact. That would be an interesting meeting."

2010-04-13, 04:45 PM
Taki shrugged.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. They most likely won't even recognize you."

2010-04-13, 04:50 PM
Akemi shrugs. "I suppose so."

2010-04-13, 04:56 PM
Taki looked down the road.

"Do you want to stop at the Village up ahead for the night?"

Taki honestly didn't care. He spend enough time in the wild to be used to the various amenities it lacked.

2010-04-13, 05:00 PM
"It'd probably be a good idea, yes."

Akemi nods. "You might be used to sleeping outdoors, but I'm not. My skills are... elsewhere."

2010-04-13, 05:02 PM
Taki laughed.

"Sleeping outdoors is less a skill, and more just being thickskinned."

2010-04-13, 05:06 PM
Akemi laughs along with him. "Then it seems I'm not that thick-skinned."

2010-04-13, 05:08 PM
Taki smiled at her.

"Nope. And I don't want that to change."

2010-04-13, 05:09 PM
Akemi smiles back. "Thank you, Taki."

2010-04-14, 12:27 AM
Further down the road towards the village, but not too far, the shape of a horse and it's rider could be made out against the snow and fog. The shapes were alone, an oddity on an old road since no guards seemed to be in sight, but that's simply how it was. The closer the married couple came, the more details could be made out, such as the light build of the chestnut colored mare or the scent of perfume coming from it's braided mane. What was undoubtedly of more interest was the rider re-adjusting the simple saddle lashed to the mare's back and the black and crimson coloring of her kimono that said louder then anything else just what she was.

A Scorpion.

Long silky blue-black hair falls down past her waist in a carefully arranged pony-tail, to keep it out of the way while riding, with an ostentatious headdress pulling the raven locks up into an elaborate style with a light red veil connected to the golden hair ornament. The gauzy piece of silk obscures her almond shaped eyes quite well and hinting at the mempo underneath of it, leaving just the porcelain lower half of her face exposed to the elements. Truly she didn't look like she was dressed for the snow, nothing but her kimono for warmth but Bayushi Zanako was trying her damnedest not to let it show by shivering. A wakizashi is comfortably worn on her waist and the raven-haired beauty is just beginning to pull herself up into the saddle when the Doji couple begin to pass her.

Numerous good luck charms can be spied in her hand, all wooden symbols to bring luck while traveling and during various other activities as Zanako took stock of the two.

"Fair greetings on such a day." She says politely in a breathy voice.

2010-04-14, 12:42 AM
Akemi keeps her face smooth as the fellow traveler was revealed to be a Scorpion. Even though she had no love for that clan, etiquette still demanded politeness- and if they were heading to the same location, impoliteness even here would be a weapon against her in the courts. Besides- even those you disliked had to be respected, in any case.

"Greetings, Scorpion-san."

Doji's haori bears on one shoulder the mon of the Doji family, as well as the mon of the Crane on the other, making her family quite obvious.

2010-04-14, 12:55 AM
Taki grinned with his Wife's words, turning on the Scorpion. The face was familiar, but it took him a moment to place it. When he did, the grin turned practically vicious.

"Hello Scorpion-San. How is your sister doing? Still leaving clear enough tracks for a halfblind peasant to follow her?"

Taki smiled. He hid little enough of what he was. The Cloak he wore was the Blue of the Crane, and his shoulders bore the Mon of his new Clan and family clear enough. But the Cloak was boun with a brooch the Red of the Hare, and his Swords were sheathed in the same. The thin face, long nose, and slight build also marked him as a scion of the Scorpion's Neighbors.

"Or has she given up the task, and found more suiting employment?"

2010-04-14, 01:07 AM
The Scorpion's own kataginu bore the marks of her heritage, one shoulder with the un-needed symbol for the Scorpion clan while the other was for the esteemed Bayushi family. Zanako gives a polite nod of her head towards the Doji woman, a smile tugging at her crimson lips at the Usagi's half-hearted jabs.

"Ahh, I find myself in civilized company. How do you do Doji-san? I had not expected to find an esteemed member of the Crane clan out on the road at this hour." She replies easily, even as Taiki's barbs found a bit of a sore spot with the proud Bayushi woman.

Not that one could tell just by looking at what was exposed of her face, just the same coy smile as she nudged her horse to follow pace beside the two.

"I remember you actually, the Usagi samurai who found my sister's trail? I have to congratulate you on that feat, and even more so on your prestigious rise in position." Comes the silky reply, "But I fear my dear sister isn't allowed to play around when on task anymore, much to my regret. She had expressed an interest in your well-being after all."

2010-04-14, 01:27 AM
Taki smiled at the Scorpion Samurai, not perturbed at her lack of reaction. He enjoyed himself no matter what the reactions of the Scorpions were. Everything they did was a lie, after all.

"Oh, you remember me? How astounding. I suppose I should make my introductions. I am Doji Taki, though formally of the honorable Usagi family. This is my Wife, Doji Akemi. Akemi, this is Bayushi Zanako-San."

Taki nodded, almost respectfully. Almost.

"As for your sister, so unfortunate. Having Scorpion guests in Hare territory makes my former family so happy. Why, sometimes the Scorpions never leave. You can tell her that I am doing well. And that the next time she goes out to the Hare Lands, I look forward to seeing her again."

2010-04-14, 01:50 AM
Akemi inclined her head at the exchange between her husband and the Bayushi. It seems they had encountered each other already... and over an intrusion by the fellow courtier's sister into Hare lands, in fact. Interesting. I'll have to get the full story from Taki later.

"I am quite well, Bayushi-san. We are on our way to the Winter Court in Shiro Sano Ken Hayai. Would I be correct in assuming you are, as well?"

Akemi then nods as Taki introduces her, and the name of the Bayushi in question. "It is a honor to meet you, Bayushi Zanako-san."

2010-04-14, 02:22 AM
A bit of venom slipped into the veiled woman's tone, not much but one who knew how to listen would be able to hear it.

"How could I forget? You caused such a clamor when I came to visit your dignified brethren that I thought I would never get a moment alone with my thoughts. Even if I was only there for a day or so before compromise was found." A sly jab on the slide that sounded more like playful joking then anything malicious, but it suited Zanako to prickle the Hare's temper. Who knew? Perhaps he'd lose himself and embarrass both himself and the Doji woman.

"Ahh, I am glad to hear that Doji-san. To have ill traveling companions does not bode well on future ventures. And yes, you are correct in that matter. I find myself drawn to the chance to socialize with those of various up-bringing to see how they handle themselves. Besides, I look forward to meeting my Dragon peers." Zanako comments off-hand, eyes on the road ahead despite the conversation, "Tis an honor as well, no matter how short-lived it might be. Perhaps we could ride together to the Winter Court? I find that being a solitary traveler on the road to bring feelings of melancholy in me."

2010-04-14, 02:35 AM
Akemi nods- not that refusing would be an option. It seemed she would have to keep the peace between her husband and the Bayushi- a job she was not looking forward to, but would have to accept. "Very well. It is good to have company on the roads, after all."

She casts a meaningful glance at Taki- he might not like the Scorpion woman, but there was no real need to be openly insulting either.

2010-04-14, 12:32 PM
Taki didn't rise to the provocation. He knew better then to let a Scorpion get the reaction out of him that it wanted. Take was about to summarily deny the request when Akemi accepted. Taki looked over at his wife, and then back toward the Scorpion, forcing himself to smile.

"It would be a pleasure to have you along."

2010-04-14, 03:04 PM
Akemi smiles. "Very well, then. It's settled. We'll travel together until Shiro Sano Ken Hayai. I hope it's a pleasant journey."

She casts a pointed glance Taki's way- at the very least, it should be a bearable one, which means that deliberately provoking the Scorpion should be avoided.

2010-04-14, 07:33 PM
The deadened sound of the steps of several more horses approaching from behind the group of travelers. The sound grew closer as the animals drew up behind them and soon they came into view through the snow and the prevailing shroud of foggy mist that shrouded the road. Upon closer inspection of the two riders as they rode closer and closer, traveling at a slightly quicker pace than the group on the road, more details became apparent. The taller of the two was sitting straight and proud on his mount, a slight smile apparent on his face. His cloak was made from the pelt of a well groomed animal and had been colored in a mix of deep forest green and a solemn shade of black. The robes underneath the heavy cloak was a similar shade of deep green but also trimmed with gold. A bandoleer of scroll cases sealed with blood red wax hung at his hip and bounced against his leg as he rode along. His hair was silver and worn long, tied into a tight braid that hung over his shoulder and had bright green ribbon woven in. His eyes were a gentle light blue and looked as if the man had not a care in the world, a strange thing to see in this day and age.

His companion was even more striking. A woman garbed in a full suit of Samurai battle armor with a yumi and quiver slung at her back* and a katana in her obi but no apparent wakazashi. Her suit of armor was almost entirely lacquered black with the cords holding it together were all a deep navy blue. Her shoulder pads drew some attention on their own the weaving that covered their surface was mostly black but woven onto them was a pattern of sky blue cords arranged in a pattern to resemble the kanji of the word "Duty". Her helmet was the standard design except that in addition to the set of small horns mounted on the sides of the helmet that many Samurai wore, there was a third and longer horn sticking out of the upper middle of the front of the helmet. She was wearing a mask on her face but it was the traditional mempo that was a part of a Samurai's armor. It was a full face mask that stood out in sharp contrast to the rest of her armor, it resembled the mask of a actor in kabuki play. It was painted white with red markings painted at the jaw line and under the eyes. There was a deep gouge carved into the left side running from just above the eyebrow to the side of the mouth. Only the eyes were open but it was difficult to see them behind the mask. The sheath of her katana was painted with an intricate battle scene of a water dragon attacking an oni. The handle was tied with red ribbons that hung loose at the hilt.

The pair pulled up alongside the group on the left side of Zanako and the silver haired rider smiled and bowed to the three of them. His smile wasn't fake but it wasn't entirely genuine, it was pleasant and polite. The smile of one accustomed to smiling at everyone. He smiled to Zanako and said

"Greetings Bayushi-san."

Looking to Akemi and then Taki

"And greetings to you as well Doji-san and Usagi-san. Allow me you introduce myself, I am Isawa Takeshi and my companion is Isawa Haruko. I trust the weather isn't treating you too harshly?"

2010-04-14, 08:27 PM
Taki had his doubts that Akemi's hope would be actualized, but held his tongue. However, it appeared they were about to get some more company. Taki had to give the two a suprised look. The man wasn't too outlandish, though the Scroll Cases spoke to a purpose. But his female companion more then made up for it. A gouged Kabuki mask? Still, the man introduced himself, and Taki had no negative associations for the Phoenix's (or positive ones, for that matter), so he was polite.

"Greetings Isawa-San. You have guessed my origins correctly, but that is no longer my name. I am Doji Taki, formally of the Usagi. This is my wife, Doji Akemi. Our final..."

Taki paused for a moment, something that those listening were free to ascribe whatever meaning they wished to.

"...companion is Bayushi Zanako. The cold bites, but it just makes the warmth of the hearth that much better at the end of the day. Do you travel to Shiro Sano Ken Hayai? We are bound there. You are welcome to keep company with us, if you go that way."

2010-04-14, 09:35 PM
Takeshi's smile faded and inclined his head reverently towards Taki and Akemi.

"Please accept my apologies, Doji-san. It is an honor and a pleasure to meet members of the Crane and the Scorpion traveling together these days."

His slight smile was back in place when he raised his head and it was almost off putting how his expression never changed from that smile. It was obvious by his garb and the scrolls, not too mention his family, that he was a Shugenja, but this only made his companion all the more out of place. More likely than not she was a Yobjimbo, but this did nothing to lessen her strange appearance. As Taki spoke of the cold and then of Shiro Sano Ken Hayai, his eyes lit up and his smile widened a fraction of an inch.

"What a happy coincidence. Our destination lies in that direction and Haruko and myself would be honored to keep your company until our paths part from each other. I take it that you travel to attend the Winter Court that is taking place there?"

At the sound of her name Haruko's head shifted as though she was looking in Takeshi's direction but the mask made it difficult to tell where she was looking. When it was apparent she wasn't being addressed directly she returned her gaze to the road ahead.

2010-04-14, 09:40 PM
Akemi smiles. "It would be a pleasure to travel together, Isawa-san. And indeed, you are correct- Taki and I are planning to attend the Winter Court, and we encountered Bayushi-san travelling there as well."

She looks at the Shugenja. "Is your destination the same as ours, Isawa-san, or are you simply travelling this road for a while?"

2010-04-14, 09:53 PM
Taki shook his head, indicating there was need to apologize for mistaking him.

"There is no need to apologize. My garb is confusing, and I do not look much like a Doji."

Or so I've been told.

Taki laughed a little. Even if no one else found the joke funny, he did.

"As for members of the Crane and the Scorpion travelling together, I can't imagine why that would be rare?"

2010-04-14, 10:30 PM
Takeshi's smiled widened considerably at Taki's comment about his appearance.

"You do yourself too little credit Doji-san. And I suppose it is not as rare a thing to see these days as it once was. It is always pleasant to see the Clan getting along with each other, considering the alternative."

His manner was undoubtedly that of one of who spent much time around the courts of his clan, but his speech wasn't as veiled and withheld of an average courtier. At Akemi's answer to his question he turned his attention to her.

"I had suspected as much."

He indicated both Akemi and Zanako.

"The two of you have the grace and style of those that frequent the courts of great men. Haruko and I are not exactly heading to the Winter Court, but we are headed to Shiro Sano Ken Hayai. We have been sent with a message for a member of the Dyamio's court, but we have no objection to attending the festivities as long as the lord has no objections to our staying there."

He noticed that Haruko's attention was focused on the horizon and the hazy outline of the sun as it descended to dip below the line of the far off mountains. The woman then turned her head and nodded at Takeshi, who then spoke to her in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes, I do agree."

He then turned his attention back to the trio and said.

"It is growing late my companions. Haruko and I will be stopping for the night in the town over yonder, Foshi if memory serves me, I would be honored if you would join us for a cup of tea and your company."

2010-04-14, 10:40 PM
Taki nodded at Takeshi's mention of stopping in the town. The Politics of what message from the Phoenix required a Shugenja to deliver it didn't really interest the Samurai. He very rarely played politics.

"Akemi and I had planned to do the same thing. If I remember correctly, the only other option would be camping by the roadside. This hardly seems a night for that."

Taki looked over at Akemi, who still had the Blanket he had lent her.

"Bayushi-San is free to continue onwards, if she desires, but we will be stopping."

Somehow I think that is a bit much to hope for.

2010-04-14, 10:51 PM
Akemi nods. "As Taki just said, we were planning to stay the night there anyway."

She smiles back at her husband.

2010-04-14, 11:31 PM
Takeshi smiled and laughed silently at the news that the couple had been planning to stop in the village.

"Another happy coincidence I see. The Kami move in mysterious ways, they do. It is a fortunate thing indeed that we are close to a town, Doji-san, this is certainly not a night to be spent on the road. Granted I find the snowfall simply poetic it is not known for it's hospitality. I suspect our mounts would enjoy a rest as much as we would."

he reached up and stroked the mane of his horse and shook a light dusting of snow from the animal's head. Haruko looked incredibly uncomfortable about something unseen to the others. She seemed to be ignoring the weather completely, as if it may as well had been a glorious summer day for all she cared. Her gaze remained locked on the town of Foshi ahead. Her mount whinnied quietly and she reached out to stroke it's head. Her gauntlets seemed heavier than most Samurai's and her movements seemed deliberate and practiced. It was as if just being around other people was something she had had to learn after much trial and error. The back of her gauntlet bore a strange seal, jet black metal on the black of her armor made the symbol hard to discern.

2010-04-15, 03:29 AM
Akemi had no visible reaction to the bushi's unusual actions, but tried to take closer note of the symbol- without it being obvious, of course.

She tilted her head. "Indeed, although the snowfall is beautiful indeed, I would not want to be in it for the night."

2010-04-15, 08:50 AM
Upon closer inspection inspection Akemi is able to make out that the seal bears the image of a tiger's head with a scroll and a katana crossed behind it. None of the trio can identify the origins of the symbol. None of them can recall seeing such a symbol of this nature, certainly none of the clan's families bear such a symbol. Neither Takeshi nor Haruko seemed to noticed Akemi looking at the symbol and when Haruko moved her hand back to horse's reins and the symbol was again out of view.

2010-04-15, 11:05 AM
"Set your worries at ease Taiki-san," Zanako says in that same silky tone of voice as her veiled gaze appraises the two new strangers much like she had the Usagi and Crane. "I am not foolish enough to neglect a warm bed on a snowy day such as this, you need not harbor concerns about me getting lost in the snow."

In truth, most of the Scorpion's attention was focused more on the Phoenix shugenja and his peculiar yojimbo, who seemed as if might have been a Scorpion herself but the mempo seemed to be worn as armor!

What a novel concept.

"Greetings to you both Isawa-san and Haruko-san, truly this road seems prone to bringing the great and small clans together. I will have to travel this path again to see if I meet a Mantis, Unicorn, and Hantei." She jokes lightly, intrigued by the symbol that Haruko wears but not recognizing it either, so dropping the line of interest...for the moment.

2010-04-15, 03:46 PM
Akemi notes the symbol down into her memory, but leaves it for now- it would probably be rude to draw attention to it, anyway. For now...

She smiles. "So, it seems we've all got the same idea, then. Let's see what the accommodation in this village is like, hm?"

2010-04-15, 07:41 PM
Taki's smile took on a pained air as the Bayushi confirmed that she would be stopping.

No, that was definitely to much to hope.

Taki looked over at Akemi, determined to not let the Scorpion ruin his enjoyment of the trip.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. Lodgings in places such as this have very little to recommend them, beyond a comparison with the alternatives."

2010-04-15, 07:43 PM
"I can sleep rough if I have to. You know that."

2010-04-15, 07:48 PM
Taki smiled at Akemi.

"Of course dear. I just didn't want you getting dissapointed. Though I might end up being suprised. Depending on how much trade goes through here, the accomodations might prove must satisfactory."

2010-04-15, 07:51 PM
Akemi nods. "Indeed. But we'll have to just wait and see what the accommodations available are like."

2010-04-15, 09:57 PM
Haruko didn't even seem to acknowledge being addressed, her eye remained focused on the road ahead as if she was lost deep in thought. Takeshi chuckled heartily at Zanako's comment and then turned his attention to Taki and Akemi again.

"I admire your optimism Bayushi-san. I am certain they will be able to accommodate us Doji-san. I have seen several merchants traveling this road and where there are traders there is almost assuredly lodgings of some sort. I am not too picky myself when it comes to where and how I spend the night, but given the weather I think a roof would be most welcome at the least."

Something caught his attention at that moment and he reached into the sleeve of his robe and withdrew a folded piece of paper that looked like a letter, sealed with black wax and looked at it for a second, before shrugging and replacing it in his robes. Looking back to the trio he smiled and said.

"Pardon me, but the missive I have to deliver is of some importance and I had a feeling it might have gone missing. The most important things seem to have a mind of their own don't they."


After another thirty minutes of riding the group of travelers reached the edge of the town of Foshi. It was a simple town, built along the road. The central building of the town was a large house with a string of paper lanterns hanging from the awning along it's front, as if to ward off the snow. The streets and store-fronts were quiet and mostly dark, but that wasn't surprising given the weather and the time of day.

As the group neared the large building at the center of the town it became obvious that it was an inn of sorts, not particularly large, but sizable compared to the rest of the town. Next to the building was a large stable, no doubt meant for the horses of travelers. Takeshi pulled up in front of the building and dismounted. Haruko remained on her mount and studied the building, like a carpenter planning out how to rebuild a structure. Two of the windows on the upper level had lights inside of them, but the other four were dark. A curtain of fabric, painted with a scene from Lion clan mythology, a Samurai fighting of waves of demons coming out of the darkness. Takeshi pushed the curtains aside and there was the sound of movement inside and a voice that presumably belonged to the owner of the house. A brief exchange later and Takeshi turned back to the group and said.

"The innkeeper welcomes up to his humble establishment and says he has three spare rooms for us and invites us to enjoy a cup of tea or saki while we wait for them to be readied."

As he spoke two young boys appeared from behind the curtain, both looking about ten years old or so. The bowed deeply and took a step towards the traveler and then seemed to remember their manners and stopped. Takeshi nodded and said.

"These are the innkeepers sons, they will take care of our horses. Come my companions, let us warm ourselves by the fire and if you are willing I will ask you of the news from your lands."

He nodded to Haruko, who dismounted expertly and after looking at the two boys, followed Takeshi inside, sliding her Katana out of her obi. The boys shrank from her gaze and skirted around her to attend to the horses.

2010-04-16, 12:33 AM
Akemi dismounts, and hands the reins to one of the boys.

Then, she looks at Taki. "Shall we?"

2010-04-16, 02:48 AM
Taki was still watching the odd Samurai. There was something... off about her. But he can't really put a name to it. At Akemi's words, he nodded, catching up to her.


Taki began walking toward the Inn, only waiting to see if Akemi was coming. Their three companions could see to their own accomodations, presumably.

"A good fire is always welcome on a cold day, particuraly with the promise of a cup of tea."

Taki wouldn't be taking the Sake. He did drink, but only with a select group of people he trusted. Besides Akemi, he didn't trust anyone in the group near that much.

2010-04-16, 02:54 AM
Akemi nods. "Ah... tea does sound good to me.

What sort of news do you want to know, Isawa-san?"

2010-04-16, 07:21 AM
Takeshi slipped his cloak off and folded it into his arms as he look around the room. It was larger than it had looked outside, obviously extending farther back a good deal. There were half a dozen table set up around the room with sizable fire at the center of the room with a kettle hanging over it, most likely for warming sake. Only one of the other tables were occupied, by a pair of well dressed men in winter Kimono's and talking animatedly about something. Several bottles of Saki sat on the table and one of the men looked like he had reached his limit for the night and was swaying ever so slightly as he talked about the price of rice in the coming spring.

Takeshi walked over to a table on the opposite side of the room and shook his cloak free of snow before placing it on the bench next to him and sitting down. He removed the bandoleer of scrolls and arranged it on top of the cloak and beckoned the others to join him. Haruko took up the seat on his left and laid her Katana on the ground next to her, against the table so it was within easy reach. She didn't remove any of her armor and bowed her head slightly as if she was praying. As the others joined them Takeshi said to Akemi.

"Nothing in particular really. I was away in the Crab lands lands for the past few months, helping to clean up after the Maho Invasion and it's been sometime since I was able to check up on what else has been going on in the rest of the Empire."

2010-04-16, 07:32 AM
Akemi sits at the table, taking off her haori and folding it, before placing it on the table. She doesn't seem to want to let it out of her sight- a reasonable concern, if one knows about the power it holds.

"Well, the Crane lands are actually quite peaceful at the moment. There hasn't been any open conflict..."

2010-04-16, 09:39 AM
Takeshi smiled again and shrugged.

"I had excepted as much. If nothing else the Maho Invasion did have the pleasant effect of uniting the clans against a single enemy. But tell me how has the Doji family been of late, or the other families for that matter? It has been some time since I had the fortune to visit the courts o the great Crane. I am sure the business of the Imperial Council has been keeping the Crane's Dyamio busy."

After the others had twaken their seat the innkeeper arrived with two pots of steaming tea and Takeshi and Haruko accepted a cup each and he poured himself a cup of the beverage, taking a deep smell before setting it down to await Akemi's response.

2010-04-16, 09:50 AM
Akemi nods. "It has been keeping the Daimyo very busy, yes.

We are... busy, of late. Very busy. All the families are, making sure we're ready in case anyone tries to take advantage of the lack of an Emperor. But I'm sure the Phoenix are in much the same situation. I, personally, hope that a more permanent solution is found soon."

As tea arrived for her, she took it, and sipped as she waited for a response.

2010-04-16, 10:55 AM
Takeshi smiled and sipped his own tea. Haruko left her cup sitting in front of her and after a few minutes reached over and lifted the teapot delicately and poured herself a cup. She made no motion to drink any of it after replacing the pot in front of Takeshi.

"Yes it seems the Phoenix is in largely the same situation an shares the hope the council will find a proper successor to the Iron Throne. I hve spent the last month with the Crab clan. They are occupied rebuilding the gate and fortifyig their defenses. The attack hit them the hardest obviously and it's not like the Shadowlands have gone away. The only contact I have had with most of my own clan and family was the little bit of new I received from the messenger that gave me this missive and rumor I have heard along the roads during my travels."

He sipped his tea thoughtfully and looked to Zanako.

"Were the Scorpions affected at all by the invasion Bayushi-san?"

2010-04-16, 01:03 PM
Taki sat beside his wife quietly, sipping the Tea. He didn't even remove the cloak, just pulling down the hood he wore. However, he did set the backpack down behind him.

"The invasion..."

Taki sipped at his cup. That had been bad business. And Taki doubted that the unity produced was anything more then skin deep. The Scorpion continued to scheme, the Lion to posture, and the Crane the maneuver.

Ah well...

Taki held his tongue, just sipping from the cup of Tea, and thinking about other things.

2010-04-16, 05:41 PM

The Scorpion woman was careful when they all gathered together to eat to position herself with her back to the fire, despite her unperturbed expression the fact was the veiled woman was quite cold. It didn't help she had been riding for the majority of the day before coming upon the Crane and Usagi duo.

"Alas, I am afraid that I am not the best person to inquire about how the invasion might have affected Scorpion lands. I hold no illusions that I may be a samurai Isawa-san. I am afraid that if I was confronted with an oni I would most likely shriek and run in a manner most unbecoming of a lady." Zanako jests lightly, brushing the snow from her kimono even as her partially hidden eyes continued to appraise both the Phoenix and the unknown woman.

"From what little I have heard though we have have had no serious trouble, though not for lack of their trying. I am certain many tainted beasts wish they had never entered Scorpion territory by now." Zanako says off-hand as the warmth begins to return to her body, a pleasant smile coming to her lips, "But tell me more of yourself Isawa-san, and of your most curious yojimbo. I find myself awash with curiosity."

2010-04-16, 09:13 PM
Takeshi took another sip of his tea as Zanako spoke. He chuckled at her comment out the Scorpions and the Invasion.

"There is not a doubt in my mind that the forces of the Shadowlands will think twice about trying to invade again anytime soon. Unfortunately the Crab suffered heavily from the attempt to drive them back. I know the Phoenix and Lion clans have offered the services of a sizable amount of Bushi to their aid while they rebuild their defenses. It seems to me they would have liked to refuse the help on for the sake of honor, but their Dyamio has no real choice I suppose. I believe the Lion and Phoenix also lost a good number of Samurai in the attack as well, Many of them haven't been found. I pray to the Kami they did not suffer greatly at the hands of those fiends but after seeing what happened when the Gate was breached I can say I am terribly optimistic that any of them survived."

Takeshi stared into his tea for a minute and his smiled dimmed as he seemed to recall something he would rather have not remembered. Haruko shifted uncomfortably next to him, her armor making a small noise as she did. Both of them looked up at Zanako at her inquiry about Haruko and they exchanged the briefest of glances before Takeshi answered.

"My father and eldest brother were killed during the War of the Spirits. My mother didn't handle the aftermath well and passed away a few years after. I was still in training at the Isawa school at the time and after I graduated found out that my sister had been married into the Scorpion clan. I was too young and inexperienced to do much during the rest of the War. I have spent much of my years serving as a messenger for the Isawa family and the Phoenix clan. I haven't seen my sister in nearly...7 years by now. Not much else to tell beyond that. I am a messenger, I offer what aid I can where I can do good and honor the Kami anyway I can."

He turned to look at Haruko again and she pointedly ignored his gaze. Choosing instead to stare at her tea, which was steaming away in front of her, untouched. She shifted uncomfortably again and seemed to be making a great effort to avoid the gazes of those seated around the table. Takeshi sighed and took another sip of his tea before continuing.

"Haruko's past is...complicated. the bulk of her immediate family were killed under...mysterious circumstances shortly before the events of Beiden Pass. To be honest no-one is entirely sure what happened that night. Her mother had actually been married into the Shingon family at an early age to the brother of the family's Dyamio. During the Spirit wars she lost two brothers and her father, mother and three sisters left to their winter castle in the mountains. While they were there the castle was attacked by a band of Ronin, no doubt using the confusion of the war to pillage and steal. Two weeks later a messenger was sent to the castle to find out why there had been no communications in some time and they found everyone had been killed, including the Ronin that had attacked the place. The only person still alive was Haruko. They apparently found her kneeling in front of the family's shrine, praying. It seemed she had been their for almost a week, not moving from that spot. She was emaciated and near death but still clutching her father's Katana in her hand and muttering incoherently to herself. Afterward she was...adopted, I suppose, by a member of the Isawa and sent off to train as a Samurai, where she proved to be exceptional but unpredictable. She was assigned as my Yojimbo a few days after the Glorious emperor Toturi was killed. We were being sent on a trip to the Crab lands to deliver a message, where we were stuck assisting the Crab during the Invasion. She hasn't spoken a word to anyone since that night when her family were attack. She is the only witness to what happened, even the bandits were all dead when the messenger arrived."

He sat back and cast a sad look at Haruko, who was determinedly averting her eyes from the group, looking into the fire instead. Her gaze seemed to stray and rested on Zanako for a second before returning to the fire. In that second Zanako sees the eyes behind the mask. They are a dark gray-blue and there is something in them, not just anger, something much deeper then that. there is the look of hate in them. The hate of one that wishes the world to be destroyed and everyone on it to suffer as they have. it is very restrained but it is still there. It is not directed at Zanako, but it is still chilling to see like that.

2010-04-17, 12:33 AM
Taki listened to the tale from the Isawa silently, taking sips from his tea. A sad story. There were many these days. Not just among the Samurai either. The Peasants maintained their lives, and were effected by the actions of those above them. Taki looked over at Takeshi.

"A sad story, Isawa-San. Your companion has my condolences, for the little that matters."

Taki nodded toward Haruko, before turning back to Takeshi.

"How stands the wall? I had heard that portions of it remained unrepaired. Have there been any attempts to slip through the holes by the forces of the Shadowlands?"

2010-04-17, 10:43 AM
Haruko looked over towards Taki and her gaze softened slightly, maybe she felt the sincerity in his words, maybe it had just been so long since she had heard words of genuine concern. Either way she bowed her head to him by way of thanks and then returned to staring at her tea. Takeshi bowed to Taki as well and said.

"I thank you for your condolences as well. As far as the wall goes you are correct. Probably a quarter of it's structure is still destroyed. The Crab clan seems to be working as fast as they can but their apparently have been frequent skirmishes by the Shadowland's forces. They are ususally put down quickly and none of them have made it through the wall again, but each time it costs something, time, men, or just morale. Either way it is slowing things down."

As they spoke the innkeeper came out of the back room and moved to the table across the room where the two merchant sat. He bowed low and spoke to them in a soft whisper. A minute later one of the men nodded and they stood up, one of them with considerable effort and care as not to topple over. The followed the innkeeper to the staircase where they were met by a woman that was presumably his wife and the three of them went upstairs and the innkeeper moved to return to the back room. Before he ducked back inside the door there came a rustling as someone pushed back the curtains at the entrance of the house. Both Takeshi and the innkeeper looked up to see who was at the door, Haruko made no move to look at the door but those watching her notice that her hand shifted along the table so that her katana was in reach.

The pair that entered the house were a strange mix, but in a different way from Takeshi and Haruko. At the door stood a man, not too tall but his build and stance suggested a calm authority. He was dressed for the weather, a heavy winter cloak of hides across his shoulders and a wide brimmed hat covering his head and obscuring his eyes while his head was bowed. His clothing under the cloak was simple and resembled the trappings of one living in a monastery more than a common traveler. His companion entered the house next as he held the curtain open to allow her to enter. Where her companion was calm and strong, she seemed disoriented and fragile. Her skin was alabaster white and seemed to shine with a strange glow. She wore a cloak similar to her companion's but it was of much finer quality and bore the colors of the Phoenix clan. A hood covered her head and partially obscured her face from those int he room. Both of them wore the Mon of the Phoenix clan and as they entered and looked around the innkeeper approached them, stopping short to bow and offer greetings. They moved to a table near the door of the room, but the woman looked at the fire behind where the group sat and they moved closer so they were at the next table over from the group.

2010-04-17, 12:40 PM
Taki answered Haruko's bowed head with one of his own, then was back to staring at his cup. He didn't believe Takeshi. Not that he thought that the Isawa was lying. He just doubted the Crab were stopping the forces of the Shadowlands. They were skilled defenders, and Taki had nothing but respect for them. But the forces of the Shadowlands had to be piercing through when unwatched for.

I will ask Usagi-Sama when I return to Shiro Usagi next. Perhaps some of the Hare have looked into it.

As the Innkeeper apparently realized someone else was coming, Taki did nothing, sipping from his cup. The Samurai was watching and listening, but he did not tense up like Haruko. As the two entered, Taki looked up sipping from his Tea.

More from the Phoenix Clan.

Taki looked over at Takeshi, expecting the man to make the introductions.

2010-04-17, 09:34 PM
Akemi also had her doubts about whether no creatures had really gotten through. But she didn't voice those doubts. "I hope they are still able to complete it as quickly as possible. But that's not the only problem facing Rokugan."

2010-04-19, 10:27 AM
Hitomi sat and stared at the table, trying to quiet her terror. When she and her brother entered the common room, hoping only for a quiet meal before retiring, and saw the two Isawa sitting there (one of them a Shugenja!), her heart lurched in her chest and started pounding so hard she was convinced it could be heard across the room.

But she allowed her brother's strength and tranquility to flow into her and allowed the whispers of the formless and mercurial kami of the Void to soothe her and, between the two, she was able to master herself and walk across the room and smile to the group, and bow, and sit, folding her feet up under her and smoothing the folds of her kimono around her, without betraying the emotions roiling within her.

So she hoped.

She tried to keep her expression neutral. She knew that, without any outward sign of her family and with her scroll cases obscured in her traveling pack, there was no way they could identify her or have any reason to take interest in her. She also knew that, with her brother wearing the garb of a Brother of Shinsei, it was unlikely that either of them would be questioned on their lineage or family. After all, their resemblance was impossible to miss, and to ask her family was to ask his. And that made Samurai uncomfortable. That fact had saved the two more than once during their time on the run.

But the knowing didn't stop her fear. She knew the Isawa. Knew them very well. They were not apt to forget or forgive an insult. It would only take a single slip and the two of them would be in mortal danger.

2010-04-19, 11:24 AM
Takeshi took another sip of his tea and made a motion to the innkeeper, who promptly disappeared into the back room. He then rose and shifted over to the table that the newcomers were sitting at. He bowed to the woman and then to the man. The Kami really id move in mysterious ways. The woman had the aura of the void around her, a strong aura at that, there was something strange about her and she seemed on edge. Granted he was unsure why, the man seemed perfectly calm and serene. He spoke to the man.

"Greetings Shiba-san. Forgive my presumption but your garb and manner are a bit of a give away. You seem cold from the road and are more than welcome to join myself and my companions at our table as it is closer to the fire. I would hate to see such a beauty marred by a chill unnecessarily."

He motioned to his table as the innkeeper brought over a fresh pot of tea and two more cups.

2010-04-19, 06:09 PM

Noritada bows deeply at the request by the stranger.

"Arigato, samurai-sama. It is a chill evening, and I welcome your warm hospitality. A cup of tea and simple meal of fish and rice ought to do the body right. You are mistaken, though slightly. I was once of the house of Shiba, but now follow the path of Shinsei."

Looking cautiously towards his sister, Noritada takes a seat at the table with the four strangers, offering a seat to his cold, and assuredly frightened, sister. He calmly removes his hat, and sets it to the ground aside his yumi, pack and quarterstaff. He is perfectly bald, with deep, serene green eyes.

"Greetings, all. May Amaterasu bless your generosity in dark times such as these. Through her light may we cast truth into the darkness that lies ahead.

2010-04-20, 09:36 AM

Hitomi followed her brother and took a seat next to him at the strangers' table. She would have much preferred to make a polite refusal and retire for the evening, but she trusted Noritada's judgment. If he felt this was the best choice, then so be it. So she settled in with a smile and a bow, sitting on the far side of her brother so that he was between her and the Shugenja.

She had to admit though, it was warmer over here. Already the heat was sinking into her toes and legs. She breathed a small sigh of comfort and looked around the table. Oh well. She was going to have to get through this somehow.

"Good evening to you all," she said, her voice small and quiet, "We thank you for your hospitality." She smiled at each of the party in turn, but found that she could not quiet bring herself to make eye contact with the Isawa Shugenja, instead casting her eyes down, her fingers playing about with the hem of her kimono.

2010-04-20, 12:32 PM
Takeshi smiled as the two new guest sat at their table. The woman's nervousness only seemed to increase as she sat down and made her greetings. He cast a look at Haruko, who's presence had been known to unnerve people but she seemed on good behavior, decidedly not meeting the eyes of the man or woman. He turned back to the man and inclined his head.

"I hope you will accept my sincere apologies to the matter Brother Shinsei. I know this is not strictly polite but I have been away from the courts for too long and my curiosity often wins out over my manners. Might I trouble you for your names or at the least something I may call you by."

While he spoke he poured two cups of tea and pushed them in front of the man while be awaited his answer.

2010-04-20, 08:08 PM
Akemi sips at her tea as she awaits an answer as well. Well, this is interesting...

2010-04-20, 08:57 PM
Hmmm, what's he getting at? Does he know?

Noritada sips modestly from the warm tea, enjoying for it a long moment before responding.

"Fairly spoken, Phoenix-san. I am Noritada, and this is Hitomi. Pleased to meet your acquaintance. Might you return the kindness with your names as well, and perhaps a story as to how you came about this small tea house? Surely your time away from court has brought with it some interesting tales, yes?

The story behind your companion's exquisitely morose mask, for example...

2010-04-20, 10:12 PM
Takeshi smiled and again bowed his head.

"It is my esteemed pleasure Noritada-san and likewise to you Hitomi-san. I do believe that extending you the same courtesy you have shown me is only fair. I am Isawa Takeshi and my companion is Isawa Haruko. My traveling companions are Doji Akemi and her husband Doji Taki. The transfixing lady by the fire is Bayushi Zanako. I met with them on the road on their way to the Winter Court being held at the castle of Shiro Sano Ken Hayai in these lands. We decided to stop in this quaint little town for the night and this charming little tea house seemed as comfortable a place as we could wish for. I do suppose I have many stories but they are hardly worth taking interest in. I am just a messenger and the places of my travels are far better seen than I can do justice to them with my words."

Takeshi paused at the mention of Haruko's mask. He was a very at ease person and it seemed strange to see him so uncomfortable at the inquiry. He sipped his tea and cast a look at Haruko. Much to his surprise she was looking directly at the monk, having shifted her body to face him directly. The two of them stared at each other for a second, no-one else speaking and no sound save for the crackling of the fire behind them. Haruko then did something most unexpected. She reached her hand up under her chin and unfastened the strap that held her helmet in place. She then reached up and lifted the helmet off, shaking her hair loose as she did so. Takeshi looked as those he was about to say something but a nearly imperceptible look silenced him and he sipped his tea again. She removed the helm and placed it on the table with a thud that rattled the cups and the tea in them. Her hair was jet black and tied back into a top knot but it seemed to have a very dark red tint to it, although it was hard to tell in this light. What almost immediately drew one's attention away from her hair though was the fact that her left ear was partially missing, as though it had been bitten off. Both sides of her head and what could be seen of her neck were covered in intricate tattoo designs that almost seemed to move of their own will. A heavy cord tied around the back of her head held the mask in place. She reached around the back of her head and untied the cord, her gauntleted fingers working expertly. S held the mask to her face and then lowered it to the table, placing it face down, where it was apparent that the mask was made of of metal, not porcelain. Her face was as strange sight, almost was strange as her armor, but in a different. The tattoos from the side of her face and neck extended onto and covered her face completely, even her eyelids. The designs were almost impossible to pin down, the patterns flowed and seemed to move around on her face. Upon closer inspection one could see that the designs were hiding a myriad of scars and wounds. A chunk of her nose was missing, there were several spots where the skin seemed to have been burned away by hot oil and never healed back, creating patches of tightened and scared red skin. Numerous cuts of varying size and depth peppered her features. The largest was a crescent shaped scar on her right cheek that was rather deep and cruel looking. Her eyes were hard and the color of a stormy ocean, a grayish blue that seemed to be containing a lifetime of hate and fury, held back by some sort of mental and physical discipline. She placed her hands on her knees and stared at Noritada with those eyes.

Takeshi sighed deeply and poured himself another glass of tea, wishing he had some sake to go with it right about now. This was very odd for Haruko, usually the only time her mask was removed was shorty before she took off someone's head. Takeshi hoped to the Kami that she wasn't intending to start a fight with this monk, they had a mission to attend to and such a delay would be most unwelcome, But Haruko just sat and stared at the monk.

2010-04-20, 10:48 PM
Taki kept quiet, letting the Phoenix introduce them. He saw no reason to speak up, letting the Phoenix deal with the small talk, something he had little skill at. The Samurai occasionally sipped the Tea, nodding his head when his name was spoken. Haruko's removal of her mask got little visible reaction from the man.

Truly suprising she survived that.

Taki looked her straight in the face, refusing to look away. Even if Haruko was staring at the Monk, and not him, he refused to show any sign of disgust. Taki had seen worse. Not many, and most of them died, but that was part of life. He sipped his Tea.

"So tell me, Noritada-San, and Hitomi-San, what brings you this way? Do you travel to Shiro Sano Ken Hayai as well?"

Taki only looked away from Haruko then. Someone needed to speak, if only to break the silence.

2010-04-20, 11:15 PM
The Doji's question hung in the air, unanswered. Somewhere in the back of Hitomi's mind she noted to herself that she was being rude but she somehow couldn't manage to follow the thought, so focused was she on Haruko's face. The scars. The way she had so casually revealed herself to her brother's casual question. Those eyes.

Hitomi's mind traveled across her own days of pain and loss and grief and her hand fluttered up toward the bushi, as though to give comfort. Or perhaps receive it. But she caught herself and the hand dropped to her lap.

"What a relief it must be," she said in an almost inaudible whisper, "To have all of your scars on the outside."

2010-04-21, 01:29 AM
The Bayushi woman remained silent in the face of the story, coolly calculating just what advantage it might offer even as...more Phoenixes arrived. Between the two Doji and four Phoenix clan members, it wasn't difficult to understand that Zanako was beginning to feel out-numbered at this gathering. It was actually a bit exciting in a peculiar way. Certainly now, of all times, she'd be unable to lower her guard but such constant vigilance could only sharpen her skills.

And Takeshi's introduction of her earned him a coy smile, even as Haruko removed her helmet...and then her mask. An act that had the Scorpion tensing as if someone had drew a blade in her presence. But twas not that surprising considering the Scorpion clan's attachments to their own mempos and veils. What was surprising was the relieved sigh that escaped crimson lips at the sight. While there was certainly some...distaste at the visage presented and at those who had ruined what might have been an otherwise beautiful face, there was also cool acceptance. Such misdeeds could never be completely extinguished, only contained, and at least Haruko had survived the experience to attempt revenge or even to move past the traumatic event.

"A mask beneath a mask. How poetic of you Haruko-san." Zanako says cryptically, taking stock of the new arrivals from the corner of her eye. Of the Phoenix woman's expression of hurt and empathy at Haruko's maiming. "Ahh, but it seems as if the mood has soured somewhat. Perhaps I may do something to alleviate it, do any of you favor shamisen music?"

2010-04-21, 02:20 AM
Taki shrugged at the Phoenix's comment. She obviously hadn't experienced much if she thought that Haruko's scars were all physical. Or that her appearance in anyway represented her true mental state. Taki had never been that skilled at reading people. Give him the least trail and he'd follow it from here to Gaijin lands. But what went on inside other's minds as a closed book. But even like that, he knew that physical injuries like that produced mental scars that would never heal.

She's better off not knowing, I suppose. For those that have not discovered it yet, there is little benefit in knowing.

The Scorpion was playing games. Of course, that hardly mean anything. Scorpions always played games. At her words, Taki shook his head.

"I'm afraid I lack much of an ear for music, Bayushi-San. If you wish to play, go ahead though. I may go take a breath of fresh air outside."

Of course that was a lie. Taki wasn't even bothering to hide that. He liked music as much as the next fellow, even if his ear was certainly subpar, and his playing skills nonexistent. He'd take nothing from a Scorpion, and even less from a Bayushi. The offer to go outside was true, however. This was Akemi's world, and Taki would never be more then a fumbling child in it. There was nothing to do outside, but he could relax there. Spending time alone was part of life to him, and he had never minded silence.

2010-04-21, 08:51 AM
Takeshi brightened up at the mention of music. Haruko had put her mask back on and picked up her helmet and katana as she followed Taki to the door, slipping her helmet back on as she walked. As the two of them reached the door and stepped through Haruko walked out into the road, out from under the awning and looked up at the sky. The snow was still falling and only the deeper tracks on the road remained even somewhat visible.

After a minute there came the sound of a horse walking through the snow. Haruko looked to her right and saw a figure on a horse and a ... child next to them. As the figure drew closer it became clear that the smaller figure was an animal. As the rider drew within a few buildings of the teahouse she finally came into clearer view. The rider was a young girl, wearing a heavy cloak over robes of beige and red-gold. Under the hood that was pulled up to cover her head and partially her face, a pair of striking eyes peeked out. Walking next to her was a small but strong looking dog with dark brown fur.

As her horse slowly walked towards the teahouse, Taki and Haruko both notice figures moving in the alleyways. As the figures stepped out onto the road they encircled the girl on her horse, several of them were carrying swords and a few of them spears. they were all wearing masks over their faces and several of them had their hair tied under hoods. The girl's horse stopped and her dog let out a low growl, a tall and powerfully built man stepped out and stood in front of the girl and said.

"Nothing personal, this is just business."

He reached into his shirt and small ball of cloth and pitched it at the horses face. the ball exploded in a cloud of dust and almost instantly the horse screeched and reared up. The girl lost her grip and fell from the horse landing rather heavily in the snow. She stirred and fell unconscious, her dog moving to stand over her and growl viciously at the attackers. The leader moved into the circle of his men and kicked the dog, hard, flinging it away from the girl's unconscious form and it was at this moment Taki noticed Haruko had moved up to where the group was, either she had been so silent in all that armor or she ha moved so fast he hadn't seen, not an appetizing possibility either way. One of the men noticed her and turned, about to say something when his hands that were holding his spear, disappeared. They flew threw the air and the spear embedded itself into a nearby building, the hands hanging limply off it, frozen in their gripping position. The man dropped to his knees and started to jabber incoherently at his bleeding stumps. The rest of the gang turned and readied their weapons.

2010-04-21, 10:15 AM
Taki was suprised Haruko followed him out. He hadn't expected her to do that. He didn't know of any reason why the Phoenix wouldn't want to remain inside. However, he remained silent, respecting her wish to be alone. If she wanted to hear talk, she'd have remained inside.

Snow. Hope it doesn't make travel difficult tomorrow.

Taki stood just outside the door, thinking about the road ahead. He was lost in his own thoughts as he stood there, not really paying attention the Girl and her dog. However when the men surrounded the girl, Taki reached back, pulling free his bow. The attack confirmed his suspicions. Haruko proved she wasn't to be forgotten, easily disarming one of the men.

Neat trick.

Taki remained where he was, nocking and releasing three arrows in quick succession, his hands moving in blur, nocking and releasing the missiles.

Attack 1
[roll0] To hit +1 If enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll1] Critical Confirmation

[roll2] Damage +1 if enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll3] Critical

Attack 2 (Rapid Shot)
[roll4] To hit +1 If enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll5] Critical Confirmation

[roll6] Damage +1 if enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll7] Critical

Attack 3
[roll8] To hit +1 If enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll9] Critical Confirmation

[roll10] Damage +1 if enemies are within 30 Feet
[roll11] Critical

2010-04-21, 11:21 AM
Two of Taki's arrows found their marks in two of the men. One pierced the man's heart and he fell over, instantly dead and still clutching his weapon. The second arrow struck one of the attackers directly in the throat and he staggered back and fell to the ground, blood gurgling from hi wound and mouth. The third arrow had been fired a bit too hastily and landed in the ground near on of the men. The big man that appeared to be their leader drew a katana from his side and yelled.

"Get them!"

He stepped back towards the body of the girl as his men moved forward. Haruko stepped deftly towards a man wielding a spear. He lunged at her but she sidestepped his attack with casual ease and a flash of metal and his right arm departed from his body, followed shortly after by his head. The other five men paused, not wishing to approach the deadly woman. A large brute of a man wielding an oversized sword yelled a battle cry and charged Haruko, but he might as well have been trying to hit the wind. Haruko ducked to the side of the attack and dodged te follow up horizontal sweep just as easily. She stood to the man's right waiting for him to try again. If Taki hadn't known any better he could have sworn she was smiling.

2010-04-21, 11:32 AM
Taki smiled at the first two arrows. That the third one went astray didn't bother him to much. Such was the way of life. The response was as expected. If Taki had been alone, he would have been forced to fall back, most likely. Meeting rushes head on was not his choice of tactics. However, Haruko was here, making that hardly necessary.

She's good. Takeshi-San was right about that, at least.

Taki, for his part, did not slow. He did alter his targets, selecting the leader. If he could drop the man, the others would break, perhaps. If they did, this would turn from battle to mop up in a swift order. He drew and released three more times, time seeming to slow as the Samurai sent the arrows to seek the life of the leader.

Attack 1



Attack 2



Attack 3



OOC: Sorry, I misread Rapid Shot. The -2 applies across the board. It wouldn't change anything from last round, however.

2010-04-21, 11:54 AM
"Of course Taki-san, not everyone can appreciate a fine melody after all. Some prefer other entertainments." Zanako comments as she rises from the fire side, following out after Haruko and Taki though her path takes her more towards the stables then to stand by them.To that end the Bayushi watches as the...quite large dog and girl come down the road only to be set upon by those vagrants. A subtle change in her step brings her closer to the men, but she made sure to keep a fair distance back in case they decide to take grudge with her before speaking.

"The noise of battle is a terrible backdrop to proper music. Try to keep the ruckus down until I am finished." Zanako says in that silky voice of hers, one hand resting close to the pommel of her wakizashi even as venom and menace filled her otherwise alluring tone. The veil kept the sharpness of her eyes mostly hidden, but the subtle threat was still poigant as she whirled and moved towards the stables once more at a stately pace.

Intimidate skill trick 'Never Back Down': [roll0]

She can try to make all enemies within ten feet of her shaken as the normal use of the Intimidate skill (so they get an opposed roll modified by their level to resist). If it's not possible to get close enough to affect at least two people then she'll refrain from using the skill trick and just use intimidate regularly on the one who yelled.

2010-04-21, 02:11 PM
Akemi moves outs, looking at the battle. In the end, she knew that she would not be useful in such a battle- as such, she hangs back, standing next to the Bayushi. "..."

For now, Akemi's not taking any actions.

For now.

2010-04-21, 04:16 PM
Everything within Hitomi told her to take the distraction of the melee outside as a gift from the kami and run and hide away until the strangers have left. But she knew she could not. People were in danger, people who had selflessly offered her their hospitality and their friendship. The ability to commune with the alien kami of the Void was a two-edged sword: they aided her in finding the correct path, but they could also punish her for straying from it.

And so she got up, taking her travel-pack with her, reaching into it as she went for the door and pulling her scrolls from it. She watched the action for a moment or two before stepping a little closer to the group of combatants. She pulled out a scroll and started reading, her voice taking depth and resonance as she intoned the true name of a kami of fate, calling upon it to cloud her from the minds of her attackers.

You'll be revealed now for sure, she told herself. And she knew it was true, but no matter. This was right. And so she really had no choice in the matter.

Casting Sanctuary. Please note that Sanctuary is noted as my 'order' spell, and so I cast it as a Void spell. I realize that this makes things more dangerous for her, revealing her as an Ishiken-Do, and there being an Isawa Shugenja nearby and all, but that's how she rolls. And I'm happy to do it.

2010-04-21, 07:01 PM
OOC: Wow, lot's has happened in a day!


Deeply moved by the sight of Haruko, Noritada contemplates silently for a moment. What pain she must have been through in her life! He is broken from his reverie with the sound of battle outside, and seeing his sister move to action, Noritada rises and, with a calmness bespoken of his station, suddenly slides out of the tea house in a dazzling display of speed. His body focused for the battle ahead, he prepares his mind for the upcoming conflict.

Spending 1 void point to gain a +19 Void Bonus to my AC, thus it is 31.


2010-04-21, 10:24 PM
Takeshi heard the commotion outside and seconds later was outside with the rest of the group, followed closely by Noritada. As he moved outside he saw Hitomi withdraw her scrolls from her pack and he frowned for the briefest of instants. Why had she hidden them? There was something more to this pair than met the eye and he was curious to find out, but it would have to wait until after they dealt with the current situation. He emerged to see Haruko decapitate another of the bandits and shook his head disapprovingly Honestly that woman has one solution for every problem. He reached into his left sleeve and withdrew a double scroll case bound with gold laced red ribbon and spoke several words under his breath, the names of the Kami of the Air and the Sky, the scroll flew open and a row of characters on it glowed and then faded into nothing, their energies spent and sent to the Kami as sacrifice for their favor. Four out of the six remaining bandits swooned where they stood and collapsed to the ground in a deep slumber.

The bandit leader wasn't paying attention to them, his attention was focused on Haruko, until Taki's arrows bounced off his armor and he seemed to finally notice the group. He grinned at the prospect of fighting easier targets than a deadly Samurai. Haruko seemed ready to use the opportunity to strike but a glance at Takeshi and a slight signal stayed her hand. Takeshi called out.

"We can handle this brute for now. Subdue the others, I want to know who sent them if we can."

At that moment the Samurai bandit leader chraged the group yelling a battle cry as he did. His attention was focused on Taki, who was standing at the front of the group and even though there was considerable force behind the bandit's attack, there was little grace and his first overhead strike was easily dodged. Unfortunately the Samurai brought his sword up for another strike and this time Taki was unable to dodge the attack, cutting a gash into his right leg.

The Samurai Bandit leader charges, attacks, and misses Taki. His second attack hit and deals 12 damage. Also Taki, make a level check (vs Intimidate, DC 18) or become shaken for 1 round.

2010-04-21, 10:36 PM
[roll0] Will Save

[roll1] To hit 25 to hit
[roll2] Critical

[roll]1d8+4[roll] 9 + [roll3] Damage 13 Damage
[roll4] Critical

Taki faced down the Samurai, easily evading the first strike. However, Taki was not prepared for how quickly the man recovered, the blade cutting deep on the second strike. Taki was not a coward, but even so, he had to admit that remaining in close combat with the man would be unwise.

"If you think I'm a weakling, you are mistaken. And you'll pay for that mistake with you life."

The Samurai darted back, aware that he was opening himself up to an attack that way, but trusting in his skill to keep him safe, he barely opened any space between them, denying the man the ground to execute another charge. Taki stopped suddenly whirling about and released another Arrow.

Taki provokes an AOO in exiting the space threatened Space, but has an AC of 27 against the AOO. He opens up about 5 ft of space between him and the man.

2010-04-21, 10:42 PM
Akemi looks at the bandits, trying to pick one out. One that wasn't being attacked by her allies...

when she does, she looks at him. "You know, this is incredibly foolish of you. I mean, with the forces against you, you're not really going to win. You might have us outnumbered, but you're outnumbering Samurai. Run.

I'll make sure they let you go if you do."

Your Life is Mine Courtier ability, acting as Charm Person.

He'll regard me as Friendly if this works. Standard action, Saving Throw of 15. If I can, then taking an opposed Charisma check to convince him to 'Run away!'. :smalltongue:

Charisma Check: [roll0]

2010-04-22, 07:13 AM

This is madness! Why is it these thugs are attacking this poor girl and her dog, and what fools they be for attacking samurai! There is more to this than meets the eye...

Calming his inner fire, Noritada steps into the space between Taki and the bandit leader, and strikes at the man's soul, attempting to end his aggression with more peaceful means.

Spending 4 void points on the strike to add +8 to my to hit number.
Freezing the lifeblood strike, which is a touch attack, and if I hit, he can make a DC 10 + 1/2 level + wis = 10 + 3 + 4 = 17 fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 round.

To hit touch AC: [roll0]
Rounds paralyzed: [roll1]

2010-04-22, 02:12 PM
One of the bandits seemed to have been struck by the situation and Akemi's words. He turned to his companions as they stood their ground against Haruko and said.

"Come on, the money isn't worth getting killed over."

He turned and ran down the road, the remaining two bandits hesitating and then following. One of them stooped and picked up the unconcious girl and tried to run away with her body in his arms. He was slowed down by her weight however and Haruko caught up with him and in another blinding flash of steel seperated his head from his body. The girl fell from his arms and Haruko rushed to catch her. She caught the girl in her arms just before she landed on the ground and as Haruko rose to her feet the girl regained conciousness. All she saw was Haruko's masked face, not splattered with a small amount of blood. The girl's dog was barking at Haruko but a sharp look silenced the animal.

The Samurai bandit leader howled as Taki's hit home, finding a gap in his armor. Not even bothering to remove the arrow he took a step forward and struck at Taki. Fortunately his attack was clumsier than before and he missed Taki altogether. His anger also distracted him from the other opponent, Noritada, whom he had just moved past.

The Bandit leader has provoked an AOO from Noritada his AC is 22

2010-04-22, 03:18 PM

He is strong of heart and of mind, apparently. New tactics are required to subdue this brute, and to get at the reason behind their sudden and ferocious attack on that poor girl.

Noritada strikes out at the bandit leader, attempting to subdue him with a finality empowered by his deep connection of the Void. A subtle change in the air, perhaps, is the only hint the bandit leader has of his immenent defeat.

Paralyzing Strike, using 5 void to hit.

Roll to Hit: [roll0]


I forgot that you cannot add Void for damage rolls, so I adjusted my post for a paralyzing strike. I left the same amount of Void to hit, of course, but no damage Void or anything like that.

2010-04-23, 12:49 AM

The unconscious girl in Haruko's arms stirred as the samurai caught her and held her in her arms. The woman's hood had fallen back, and with her scarf disturbed, her striking features were more revealed to Haruko in the faint evening light.
She was still quite young, and slowly her eyelids opened and she looked confusedly up at Haruko. Her eyes widened as they sharpened and focused on the masked face covered in blood, but the girl's mouth didn't utter even a whimper of fear.
Haruko could feel the girl's body tense a little more, but it was an expected reaction. Even as she looked at the mask, the girl seemed to look off to a place right above Haruko's right shoulder as if she was looking at someone else. She looked back at Haruko again and held her gaze, the surprise slowly turning to something more cautious.
The maiden's eyes were striking, with a deep and regal gold surrounded by crimson. Her hair, when it caught some of the faint light, seemed to gain a dark, red reflection.

But the barking of the white and brown furred dog- her dog Tousan- a few meters away seemed to at last break her from dream.
"Who are you?" She asked softly, if surely. There was confusion in her voice, but very little fear.

2010-04-23, 10:09 AM
Haruko seemed to ignore the girl's question, lookingfor the other two bandits. They had disappeared into the alleys. By the time she would get the chance to look for them they would be long gone. Instead she focused her attention back on the rest of the group and the bandit's leader. She set the girl on her feet and when she was sure she could stand, turned and headed back to the group. Tousan moved to the girl's side and nuzzeled her arm affectionately.

As Noritada's strike hit the Samurai his whole body twitched. He spun to face the monk but as he raised his sword to strike his movements became slow and slugish. As he tried to raise his sword he froze in place and after another second keeled over backwards and laid in the snow, unconcious.

2010-04-23, 10:46 AM
With the melee apparently ended, Hitomi left the aftermath to those more suited to it and made her way across the clearing. She stopped at Taki and smiled at him, taking a moment to call upon a kami of health to knit his leg back together and pulling wholesome smelling herbs and bandages from her small, yet seemingly inexhaustible travel pack to ensure the wound was properly tended.

As soon as she was done she moved to the strange young lady at the far end. She checked her for any obvious injury. She did not dismiss the kami she had summoned to defend her just in case the dog took into its head to defend its mistress.

"Hello, child," she said, "My name is Shiba Hitomi. Are you hurt?"

Cure Moderate Wounds on Taki: [roll0]
Heal Check on Taki: [roll1]

Heal Check on Akari (diagnosing any injuries): [roll2]

Leaving Sanctuary Running. Stashing my scrolls back in my Handy Haversack (she's thinking maybe no one noticed them:smalltongue:)

2010-04-23, 11:16 AM
Taki sighed as the Samurai collapsed, putting his bow away. He had intended to go limp inside before checking out his leg, but one of the Phoenix came over. Taki would rather have dealt with the wound himself, frankly. He'd been wounded before. It would heal in time, even if it did leave a scar. However, the Phoenix seemed determined, and Taki allowed her to deal with it.


After his wound was bound, Taki stood back up. He didn't walk over to the girl, instead walking over and carefully taking ahold of her mount, so the animal didn't bolt.

"If I might suggest something, introductions should wait until we get back inside."

Taki's voice was serious as he spoke.

"If we just stand out her, she'll catch a cold. Do you want anything from your mount, or should I just stable him away?"

Taki looked at the girl, waiting for a response.

2010-04-23, 09:44 PM
Akari stared after Haruko as the samurai walked back to the group . Slowly though, her eyes tracked over the gruesome scene, with bodies strewn across the ground, and the pure snow poisoned with red. Her breath was visible in the cold air, and she seemed still a little shocked until Tousan nuzzled her arm. She patted his head affectionately, and she looked at her dog to see if he was injured.
As Hitomi approached though, she stood back up straight.

"I am fine." She replied with a very small nod of her head. Hitomi could see that while the girl looked a little stiff, her arms shook only a little, though now she tightened them to fists. - was she embarrassed and trying to hide it with pride? Was she freezing cold? Or was it just from her travels for so long?

Akari appeared to consider Hitomi's name, and opened her mouth as if to speak her own, but Taki's interruption caused her to pause again.
Yes, let us adjourn until we are inside." She agreed with a slight shiver. In response to Taki's question about her horse, she turned to the man and shook her head gently.
She looked at the strange group before her, one hand still resting on Tousan's head. Who were these people?

2010-04-23, 09:50 PM
Akemi walks over. "All right. We'll get one of the stablemen to take your horse. Taki, could you take care of that, please?"

2010-04-23, 09:55 PM
Taki nodded at Akemi.

"Of course. Get her inside, and get her something warm to drink"

Taki looked at his wife and the rest placidly, apparently waiting for them to leave before he took the horse into the stables.

2010-04-23, 10:09 PM
"All right."

Akemi looks at Akari. "Let's get you inside, then."

She starts to lead the girl back into the inn- she has an idea what Taki has planned for the bandits who didn't get away... and the others didn't need to see that.

2010-04-23, 10:10 PM

Akari followed Akemi, though she paused and looked at the bodies of the 'bandits' again. "Are they all dead?" She asked curiously, even as she walked past them. Tousan tilted his head. "Perhaps we should also bring them inside. It is a cruel fate to leave them to the snow."

2010-04-23, 10:16 PM
As much as Zanako was tempted to clap upon the successful conculsion of the brawl, she refrained the instinct and resumed her business with no further worries for the bandits. With only minor injuries sustained on the side of her companions, and mostly for the tiresome Doji man, there was not much concern given for what had occurred. After all, she had not been present when the fight had started, didn't know why they had been after the girl.

Instead Zanako entered the stables silently, seeking out her perfumed mare and lovingly removing her masterfully crafted shamisen from it's cradle in her saddle-bags. By the time the others would have concluded their business outside, Zanako would have already returned to her spot with her back to the fire, carefully tuning the instrument. Even the brief exposure to the cold had been too much in the Scorpion's mind.

"Give me but a moment, and I shall endeavor to return a cheerful mood to this cold night." Zanako implores as she makes the final adjustment. Taking the black pick in hand, she plucks each string experimentally and smiles.

The melody (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5rs7pfZuPs) starts off at an energetic pace that doesn't quite slacken throughout the duration of the song, but she kept up with the lightening speed rather well. It was obvious that the Scorpion had practiced with the instrument for some time.

Perform: Shamisen: [roll0]

2010-04-23, 10:18 PM
Taki looked over at Akemi. He wasn't about to tell the Girl what he had in mind, but deception wasn't his cup of tea. There wasn't anything wrong with it, there were just somethings that the young didn't need to know.

"Don't worry about that. Just get inside, alright."

Taki looked away from the girl as he spoke.

2010-04-23, 10:34 PM

Akari hesitated and looked at Taki with her piercing gold-red eyes. For a minute she held the gaze as she seemed to consider his words and then assented and nodded in acceptance.
"Come, Tousan." She said to her dog, and the two followed Akemi back inside the inn.

In the light and warmth, Akari's hair caught the light and seemed a deep, darkish red color. Her cheeks and nose were red from the cold, but the warmth of the fire seemed to bring some energy back to her, and some of the stiffness slowly disappeared.

She took a seat by the fire, and warmed her hands, before taking off her coat that was still covered in snow, and hung it to dry.
Revealed now, her robes were a proud red and gold, though the color was hemmed by a simpler robe underneath. On the sleeve a symbol of Kitsu clan was visible.

She waited until everyone was back inside.

2010-04-24, 12:05 PM
Takeshi lingered outside as the others filed in. Haruko walked over the him and stood silently with her hand resting on the hilt of her katana. After a moement he looked over at her and said.

"Don't give me that look, of course I noticed the Shiba girl, her description matches and so does her aura. But need I remind you we have more important things to worry about than the wounded pride of an Isawan lord that could even keep his wife by his side. The girl...I am certain it's her, there is a strange aura of the Kami around her and her description matches what we were told, as does her name. I will ask her once were inside, just keep an eye out for anymore trouble the Kami are at work lately and luck is the last thing we need to be relying on these days after what happened at Shizo Kumi."

He turned and followed the others inside. Haruko stood where she was for a minute and then turned and walked up to Taki. He reached into a space in her armor and withdrew a folded cloth, using it to wipe the blood from her mask. She refolded the cloth and stuck it back into her armor, casting a look at Taki and waiting on his cue.

Takeshi walked inside to the melodic sounds of Zanako's playing and smiled, music always put him in a good mood. He signaled the innkeeper that the danger was over and bowed to ask for forgiveness for the noise and another pot of fresh tea. The innkeeper disappeared into the back room and he took his seat across from Akari, who had sat next to Akemi.

"Greetings Kistu-san. I am sorry we are forced to meet under such circumstances. My name is Isawa Takeshi and my masked companion is Isawa Haruko. I hate to pry but this is an auspicious night for a young lady to be traveling by herself. I am curious if you have any idea of why those men might have been after you. I suspect they were after more then simple robbery, I recall seeing one of the fleeing bandit trying to take you with him."

2010-04-24, 10:17 PM
Akari accepted the tea with a grateful nod of her head and took a long drink, warming her hands on the cup. She looked up as Takeshi sat down across from her.
She bowed her head as he introduced himself.
"I am Kitsu Akari. You have my gratitude for your earlier assistance." She said formally, and though there was the usual stiffness one might have from a Lion thanking another, though there was an underlying earnestness in her voice that seemed to reflect her true feelings about the rescue. A little embarrassment perhaps.

"As for the men before...I did not have a good view of them because of the light. I am afraid I do not know what they were after, though as you say, perhaps it was me myself." Her red-gold eyes averted and looked upon her tea for a minute before she took another sip.
"Perhaps it was a little rash of me to travel on such a night. I apologize for the interruption of your affairs, Isawa clan." She said, looking up again. Looking to the others assembled there, a curious look seemed to cross her face.
"And yet...this group is curious is it-"
She paused, eyes widening as she spotted the crests assembled and the bearers.
Oh...no. It is like the dream. It was truth... Ancestors guide me truly and protect me.

2010-04-24, 10:59 PM
Taki waited for all the others to walk inside. When he saw that Haruko had no intention of going inside, Taki nodded to her calmly. He tied off the Horse, and drew his Katana, the blade flashing quickly, taking the life of the closest bandit. He quickly moved on, letting no blood touch his clothes, intentionally leaving the leader alive. If Haruko wished to participate, Taki allowed her to, but prevented her from killing the leader. He disliked this business.

Still, I someone must do it. There is little else.

When it was done, he dragged the bodies (still careful to get no blood on his clothes) off the road a bit. Wild animals would take care of the rest. The grisly business is taken care of in complete silence, Taki never saying anything. When it is complete, he walks back, finding a place for the Child's mount. When he remerges, he has a length of Silk Rope with him. He binds the leader as securely as he can.

"I intend to question him. Lady Haruko, would you like to participate?"

Taki speaks for the first time, standing over the mans body. His voice and face are grim. He wanted to know why they would bother assualting a child.

Taki takes 20 on the Use Rope check, give a DC 27 Escape Artist Check to get out. DC 24 to burst. If you want me to take the time and break the actions in this scene down into rolls and such, I can, but I don't think it is really necessary.

2010-04-25, 05:06 PM

A samurai that would touch the dead? Strange lot this. Good thing the others didn't notice him, or they may just disown him and take his swords...

Pardon me, samurai-san, but don't you think it would be appropriate to summon a magistrate to deal with this ruffian? He seems fully paralyzed from my strike at the moment, but he should be moving any second now.

With that, Noritada grabs the fallen bandit leader's sword, and any other weapons he may have, and throws them (save for the sword) away from the leader's grasp. He kneels over his chest, placing his knee upon his ribcage, and holds the sword tip into the man's throat, applying just enough pressure so the man dare not move.

I will wait here while you summon him.

OOC: Noritada will wait for a magistrate to be summoned, or told otherwise.

2010-04-25, 07:45 PM
Harukp watched the exchange in silence, annoyed at the monk interference, but she could not deny he was right by custom. Granted that custom had rarely held much clout with her, all it ever did was get int he way of doing what needed to be done. She frowned behind her mask and sighed to herself, Takeshi would probably not be happy with her but there was no time for this.

Takeshi took a sip of his tea and studied the girl carefully, but casually. He didn't fail to notice the look of surprise in her golden eyes as she took in the group. He supposed that this was an odd mishmash of peoples, even as they were. But there was something else in her eyes, something unspoken. Either way her description matched what he had been told to look for. He supposed it was the work of the Kami that she had wandered into this village, had he left court a day later he probably would have missed her entirely and his search would have much exacerbated. I am certain she is the right one, but there is no way to be sure without the final test. He put his tea down on the table and coughed gently, reaching into his sleeve and withdrawing the letter he had been carrying, sealed with black wax by the same seal that Haruko wore on her gauntlets. He had always warned her that bearing such a mark so obviously was a good way to compromise their presence, but she refused to remove them, she could be so stubborn sometimes. His mind once again focused on the matter at hand. He spoke to Akari and then awaited her response.

"If you would pardon me Kitsu-san, I would ask a favor of you. Would you mind holding this letter for me. I was sent to find a woman that matches your description and I can bring my mission to a conclusion if you would simply take this letter. I promise I will explain afterward."

2010-04-25, 10:15 PM
Taki reacted with displeasure at Noritada speaking up. He didn't know how he could have missed the Monk remaining outside. The man's statement turned Taki's face flat, showing his annoyance clearly. He shrugged at the question.

"If you think it truly necessary."

Taki shrugged. There were other quicker ways, of course.

"Do you know where one is, in this village. Because I certainly don't."

2010-04-26, 03:40 AM
It can't be but it is... The vision in my dream is true. And that means I was right to come this far already...But where can I go from here? Akari wondered silently as she looked at the others around the table. Surely it was a strane group already...but she had to see the others outside to be positive.
She had not seen them well in the dark, but if it was the case that they were also as the images in her dream, then it had all been true.

Master Toujuurou was right about me... But he is always right... And my dreams haven't been wrong yet...

Takeshi's voice broke her out of her distraction, and Akari turned her eyes back to him curiously as he asked his favor.

"I don't mind..But you say you are looking for me?" She reached out and took the letter, looking at it curiously, and wondering if she was supposed to open it. He had said to just hold it.

2010-04-26, 03:56 AM
Akemi looks at the girl and the Pheonix. "Well, it seems this was a fortunate meeting, then. Although the circumstances... could have been more pleasant.

It is a pleasure to meet you, Kitsu-san. My name is Doji Akemi, and my husband outside is Doji Taki."

2010-04-26, 10:08 AM
As Akari took the letter from Takeshi a strange radiance spread through her hand, not painful but almost pleasant, like the warmth of a cup of hot tea. A second later the envelope began to glow and the seal glowed even brighter. A few seconds later the light faded and the envelope was normal again, with one notable difference. The formerly black seal was now a vibrant shade of jade green and bore the same symbol that Akemi and Zanako had seen on the back of Haruko's gauntlets. Takeshi smiled at Akari and said.

"I was sure there couldn't be more than one member of the Kitsu with golden eyes, red hair, and a strong presence of the Kami around her. I must apologize at this point...to all of you. I have deceived you all as to my identity. That letter is from the Jade Champion, Kuni Utagu, and I was given a description and sent to the Lion lands to find you and deliver this message to your hand. I was told that the letter would be the final test as to your identity. I am -"

He was interrupted by a knock at the door. He turned to see Haruko standing in the doorway, rapping the frame with the handle of her sheathed Katana and giving him an annoyed look. She motioned outside with her head and pointed at Noritada's hat and cloak and then at Taki's cloak and backpack. Takeshi glowered at her and sighed.

"I beg you will pardon the interruption laddies but it seems that our Shiba companion is attending to his duty and standing in the way of our friend Doji-san. If you would care to accompany me Kitsu-san I will explain everything further, and I hope to your satisfaction."

He stood and seeming to remember that it was still winter outside and unbuttoned his traveling robe. It was not too heavy looking but to those that could sense such things it was apparent that it had a slight aura of a fire Kami around it and was seemingly enchanted. His robes underneath were strikingly jade green robes of a Shugenja, his scroll case hung with an air of authority at his waist and his clothes no longer bore the mon of the Phoenix or the Isawa. Instead they bore a set of mon that didn't seem to match any of the clans, big or small. The other mon he wore was that of an unrolled scroll behind a fan, set in brilliant jade. He held the robes out to Akari and said.

"Forgive my rudeness again Kitsu-san. Take my cloak, it is enchanted to keep the wearer warm and I assure you it will fit perfectly."

With that he turned and followed Haruko outside.

2010-04-26, 10:29 AM
Akari looked in wordless surprise at the radiance in her hand before the envelope changed to the jade seal.
She looked up at Takeshi, as if searching for an answer. She met his gaze as he spoke, but her eyes drifted to his right shoulder. She nodded wordlessly at last as he turned back to them after seeing Haruko's annoyance.
"I will come." She said, rising to her feet.
Hesitantly she regarded the cloak that he offered. Surely it was warm, clearly she could see the spirits about it. But...she was a Lion too. Her own robes would suffice.
Glancing towards the fire where Tousan lay enjoying the warmth, she noted with a little disappointment and embarrassment that her own snowy robe was still wet.
"I thank you for your offer." She said, meeting Takeshi's eyes again and then bowing as she took the offered robe.
"I will return it as soon as my own robes have finished drying." She promised solemnly.
She turned back to the Doji and bowed to Akemi. "It is a fortuitous meeting. I apologize for the abrupt ending to this conversation." She said, though her eyes tracked over to the Scorpion clan woman who sat with her instrument. But without another word, Akari turned to follow after Takeshi, pulling the warm robe around herself.

2010-04-26, 10:58 AM
Shiba Hitomi

Hitomi sat in the far corner of the room, partially obscured in the shadows thrown by the fire. She watched events unfold before her with incredulity and relief. Even in her short time with the Isawa she had seen enough strange and inexplicable things that a little glowing scroll wasn't enough to put her off, but an Isawa delivering a message to a Kitsu? That was odd enough to give her pause.

But whatever the reason, she was just happy the Isawa had reason to pay attention to someone other than her. Certainly in the face of the golden-eyed, fire-haired Kitsu of Destiny he would have no reason to give a second thought to a non-descript Shiba and her brother.

We might just get away with this, she found herself thinking.

2010-04-26, 11:12 AM
Haruko stepped back outside, followed in short order by Takeshi and Akari. Takeshi surveyed the scene and shook his head. Noritada was still pinning down the bandit, who seemed to be regaining the use of his body. Taki was standing beside him looking rather cross and as Takeshi looked and saw the lack of other bodies he could understand why. Likely Noritada was disapproving of Taki's actions but Takeshi saw them as practical. Duty always does a great job of getting int he way of what must be done. Takeshi was pleased to see that Taki seemed to have this philosophy in mind already and Takeshi knew such a mentality would be useful in this day and age. He spoke to Taki and Noritada, his voice less light and flighty, taking on an air of calm authority. He tapped the jade mon on his robes as he spoke.

"I think I see what is going on here and while I commend Shiba-san on his recognition of duty, there are more important matters to be attended to. I had not planned on revealing myself at this point so I will have to apologize for my deception and hope that is enough. My name is Otomo Takeshi, Jade Magistrate and disciple of Kuni Utagu, Jade Champion. My companion is Seppun Haruko, of the Kakita Dojo and bodyguard in the employ of the Jade Magistrates. You seek an official to deal with this low criminal, then you have one. I wish to know for my own knowledge and hopefully for the sake of Kitsu-san, what this man was after."

He turned to Haruko and snapped his fingers and said.

"I think we can dismiss with your disguise as well."

As whirl of snow blew up around Haruko, a breeze swept down the road. when the snow settled her armor had changed colors completely, The domiant color was now a deep jade green with patterns inlaid and embossed in white jade. Her katana and it's scabbard remained unchanged as did her mask. the effect of the color shift was striking.

2010-04-26, 11:12 AM
As Takeshi exited the building, Taki couldn't help but show some shock. It appeared they had an Emerald Magistrate in their midst. Taki bowed as Takeshi exited. If Taki had known Takeshi was such, he would have let the man handle it.

"It appears you are more then you appear, Magistrate-Sama. We can ask no better then having a Jade Magistrate deal with this."

Taki looked over at Akari, nodding to her as well, his face a tad bit softer towards her.

"Good evening. I am Doji Taki."

2010-04-26, 11:49 AM

Akari's eyes froze in place as she stared past- or rather through Taki (or so it seemed). Scanning the area quickly, a flash of confusion came to her face, but when she met Taki's eyes and bowed in response, there was a glimmer of horror and yet, rigid control. The blood on the snow was a sign enough, without the intervention of spirits.
"Good evening. I am the Kitsu Akari. Your wife made introductions to me only a minute ago." She looked back at Takeshi, but her eyes passed on the others outside as well.

2010-04-26, 01:12 PM
Taki reacted with suprise, but read the girl's face easily enough. He supposed it was inevitable. He didn't look away though. He wasn't scared of what he had done, nor embarassed. There hadn't been much of another option, and still wasn't.

"Ah, alright. Were you hurt in the fall from your mount?"

2010-04-26, 09:18 PM

Taken aback, only slightly, at the new appearance and manner of these two Magistrates, Noritada rises from the chest of the stricken bandit leader. Bowing deeply to first Takeshi, then Haruko, Noritada hands them the leader's sword, hilt first.

Greetings, officially then, Takeshi-sama and Haruko-sama. I am glad of your appearance, although slightly concerned as to the nature of this fellow that it requires Jade magistrates?, letting the emphasis hang in the air ominously. Is this some shapeshifter, or perhaps an oni sent from the Dark Lord's bowels to kill this poor girl and her dog? What manner of creature requires two highly ranked Jade Magistrates - or perhaps it is just coincidence? As a Brother of the Way, I am at your service... bowing finally, and stepping away to let the two officials handle the situation.

Noritada closes his eyes and focuses on the Self, dropping his Void armor and releasing his connection to all elements and yet none. He sits motionless outside the tea house, awaiting command from the Imperial officials.

2010-04-27, 09:40 PM
Takeshi frowned slightly at Noritada's words. He knew this was a common problem with his title and post, people assumed the worst when a Jade Magistrate showed up on the scene, which was often a well founded assumption.

"I assure you that our presence and the presence of this bandit are purely coincidental. Our mission was to find this girl and deliver a message from the Jade Champion. I had hoped to keep our identities concealed for the time being for my own reasons, but I am curious as to why these bandits were after this particular girl. Utagu-san seems to think this girl is of some significance, what that significance might be I do not know, but if the my Mistress feels that way then she has good reason. I wish to know who else might be looking for Kitsu-san and whether they are a potential threat. From there I can determine what must be done next."

He motioned to Haruko. She walked over to the bandit and grabbed the ropes that bound his arms and dragged him over to a post supporting the awning of on of the buildings. The bandit had been regaining consciousness and was groggily struggling against Haruko's hold, but he was in no position to break free right now. She shoved him against the post and removed the ropes binding his legs and used them to tie him to the post, where he sagged to the ground. Takeshi knelt down in front of him and looked into his eyes before speaking, a strange sense of the void around his voice and body.

"Now let's start with the beginning. This is no random mugging, your men tried to carry this young lady off. So, who sent you?"

When the bandit spoke his voice seemed different somehow. His eyes seemed unfocused.

"I don't know. I never saw his face. I wondered why he wanted to capture some girl but he paid us well and I didn't ask. He seemed very sure of where she would be but I never thought to ask how."

The bandit's head rolled and slumped against his chest. Takeshi stood up and frowned. He turned back to the others and then cast a look at Haruko. She walked over and cut the ropes holding the bandit to the post and dragged him through the curtain into the tea house.

"Well that was mostly pointless but not wholly unexpected. I suggest he retire back inside and I hope I can explain the situation better."

He bowed and followed Haruko inside.

2010-04-27, 09:42 PM
Akemi has been watching this entire scene, impassively. When they head back inside, she looks at the Lion girl. "Kitsu-san, do you remember the events leading up to your kidnapping?"

2010-04-27, 09:57 PM
Taki watched Takeshi's interrogation. Effective, he must admit. Probably more so then Taki's own. Taki followed after Takeshi, standing near Akemi.

"Kitsu-San, if it is not prying, why were you travelling? These bandits were told of your location. There has to be some reason they would target you in particular."

2010-04-28, 11:44 AM
Akari had stood silently, clutching the robe around her to stay warm, even as her eyes stayed on Takeshi as he spoke. She looked at the bandit as Takeshi spoke, though a concerned frown came to her face.
How was it known where I would be...? I only left so recently... She thought quietly to herself. It ws a concern, but she remembered the dream as well...Why she had left. It was all very concerning.
Certainly the Jade Magistrate was trustworthy. And he deserved an explanation. Silently though, she followed them back inside, as if lost in her own thoughts.
Tousan stood and shook his tail, and she petted him absently as she sat down again.
But Akemi spoke, and Akari turned to look at her and then Taki.
For a second Akari reflected on the events before the kidnapping.
It had been cold...Very cold. Tousan wasn't complaining, but her horse had. Truly an ill-omen to travel on such a night. She had just been riding, trying to stay awake and warm enough to reach an inn before her strength would give out, and that is when the bandits had come out.
"They came from the alley. The only thing the leader said was: 'Nothing personal, this is just business.' But... It is surprising to me that my path was so known. I had thought to have left without much notice." She said.
She looked at Taki, and then looked down, as if avoiding an embarrassment and gathering her thoughts.
"I am traveling...because of omens.
That may be a strange answer, but it is because of a dream. My dreams have never been wrong. Our ancestors-"

She stopped herself. Was it a blasphemy to suggest she was not one? Was it blasphemy to suggest she was one? Was it true that it had been an ancestor within the dream's calling? She did not know. But her dreams were never wrong.

"...I left in haste. It has only been a few days since I began to travel. I did not leave that much of a reason behind." At this, her eyes sharpened some as she looked earnestly at the others. They had saved her, and so they did deserve a better explanation.

"Within the Kitsu family, I am one of a kind." She said softly. Her red-gold eyes and black-red hair were certainly traits immediately standing out. "Perhaps there are some who want me as a tool, both inside and without."

2010-04-28, 08:03 PM
Taki looked at the girl. She had been about to say something else. But he wouldn't pry into what she did not want to tell him. Instead the Samurai shrugged.

"What kind of Omens? And where do you travel? It may be best if you do not go unaccompanied, where ever you choose to go on to. Men like those are cheap, and whoever wishes to capture you likely can afford more."

Taki was considering seeing the girl to her destination. It was a difficult choice. Akemi would have to go on to the Lion Castle either way. And if he went with this girl, it meant leaving Akemi with the Scorpion as a travel partner.

...either way, I put someone in danger, it seems.

2010-04-29, 01:04 PM
Takeshi took his seat at the table while Haruko placed the sleeping bandit against the wall next to the table. Takeshi frowned at his tea which had by now become lukewarm he waved his hand over it and the tea was instantly warmed to his prefered temperature again. He smile and sipped it graciously. He had been listening to Akari and Taki and he was beginning to get an idea of why the Jade Champion wanted to speak with this girl. Seers of a powerful nature were a rare thing indeed and he had heard that the Champion ha been sent a vision by the Kami regarding a potential heir to the Iron Throne. He kept these thoughts to himself, it was not his job nor his place to try and interperet the will of his mistress. He was simply the messenger of her will and a servant of the Emperor. He spoke to the group.

"We can worry about travel arrangements tomorrow Taki-san. I think we all have had enough excitement for one night. Kitsu-san, I would ask that you at the least read over the letter from my mistress and consider what she has to say. I suspect she desires to speak with you as soon as possible. Haruko and I will be heading back to the Imperial court tomorrow to report in and deliver this criminal to justice. For now I think we should all just finish our tea an get a good night's rest"

2010-04-29, 02:13 PM
Taki was obviously unhappy with the Magistrates proposal. He much rather would have this settled tonight. But the Samurai also knew his place, and just nodded.

"As you wish, Magistrate-Sama. Akemi, are you ready to retire?"

Taki looked over at his wife curiously.

2010-04-29, 02:51 PM
Akemi smiles at Taki. "It has been a long day... I'd say I'm ready to retire for the night."

2010-04-29, 02:58 PM

Hitomi remained seated in the corner, sipping her tea and saying nothing. She was still hoping the gathering would break up and disperse, allowing Noritada and her to sneak off under cover of night-fall. It was too dangerous for them here now.

2010-04-29, 09:32 PM

Akari looked uncomfortable by Taki's probing of the Omens. She looked down at Tousan and then looked up at him, meeting his eyes.
"I'm uncertain if I want to share the omen yet. Like all serious prophecies...it's not very pleasant. At night especially...I do not think I want to tell the story. Perhaps in the morning, if that will be acceptable?" She asked.
Takeshi interrupted before she had to talk about travel, so she clutched the letter and nodded to Takeshi seriously.
"I will read it carefully after requesting a room for the evening. Thank you again everyone and goodnight." She bowed to them again before going to get her own room for the night.

2010-04-29, 10:38 PM
Taki nodded at Akemi's words. It wasn't his place to force her to tell him more, despite his curiosity. With that, the Hare-turned-Doji faced Takeshi, and inclined his head.

"Good night then, Magistrate-Sama, Seppun-San."

Taki turned to walk off, before turning back.

"And you as well, Bayushi-San."

With that, Taki began walking off to the room, only waiting to see if Akemi would be coming.

2010-04-29, 11:30 PM
Akemi does, indeed, come with Taki. "Good night, everyone."

2010-04-30, 08:52 PM

Knowing his sister must feel terribly uncomfortable around the magistrates, Noritada inwardly debates their options. After a ponderously long time, after the others have gone to bed, he looks to his sister.

I think that it would be wise to stay the night, and hear more from this young girl. If her destiny is woven with our own, we have a duty to let fate play out as it may. Certainly there are dangers, but we may always part ways if the risk becomes too great. The Magistrates Haruko and Takeshi have shown no aggression towards us, and I suspect you may not be known to them. Perhaps we should get a room for the night, and see what tomorrow may bring.

Not waiting for Hitomi to reply, he stands up, and solemnly requests a room for two for the evening from the innkeeper.

Best to be prepared for tomorrow...

2010-05-02, 09:04 AM
The morning sun broke over the horizon the following day. Takeshi stirred in his simple bed, it was comfortable enough but it still felt alien to him. He rose and looked over at the bandit who was sleeping peacefully. Probably dreaming about money and women based on the smile on his face. Haruko had been up with the sunrise, she had never seemed to need much sleep and it pleaded she had been meditating while she waited for Takeshi to wake up. She turned her head to look at him as he sat up and slid hisegs off the bed. She herslef rose from her seat and began to get dressed and Taksehi figured he may as well follow suit. A short morning prayer to the Kami and he was soon dressed as the two of them headed downstairs to meet the others again.

2010-05-02, 09:42 AM

Taki awoke with the daylight, as was his normal practice. He could wake earlier, if he felt it necessary, but he rarely slept any later then that. To much to do, in his opinion. Even when he was home, he preferred to spend his time with his family, rather then asleep. Taki did his best to avoid waking Akemi as he stood up and dressed himself, electing to take a seat off to one side and allow her to wake up as she pleased. He wanted to speak with her before they went downstairs.

2010-05-02, 02:24 PM
Akemi stirred a little as Taki slipped out of her arms, but she didn't wake up for a few minutes more, yawning and stretching. "Morning, Taki."

She smiled at her husband as she pulled herself up to a sitting position on the bed, sitting cross-legged.

2010-05-02, 03:04 PM

Noritada rose with the dawn. The bright rays of morning soaked over him, as he languished in Amaterasu's glory this fine day. Careful to not awake his disturbed sister, he tip-toes downstairs, and finds a small patch of grass outside the teahouse. He sits, cross-legged, and meditates for an hour, finding his inner self, and strengthening his connection to the Void.

After his brief stare into the elemental nothing, he stands, and enters the teahouse, awaiting the story of dark omens and portends from the curious young girl with the dog...

2010-05-02, 03:28 PM

Taki smiled at his wife. She was lovely even just woken up. However, he had other things to think about.

"Good morning Akemi. I think we should talk. I'm considering seeing Kitsu-San to wherever she is going, and then making my way to the Winter Court."

Taki's smile turned slightly sour.

"I don't want to leave you with the Bayushi or unprotected, and I don't want you putting yourself at risk. I'm not sure what to do."

Taki shrugged. He hoped Akemi would see a way out that he couldn't. Dilemmas like this were not his specialty.

2010-05-02, 03:44 PM
Akemi nodded. "I can see what your concerns are, Taki. I'm not as concerned about Bayushi-san... I can't see the benefit to killing or kidnapping me apart from a simple 'get the Doji out of the way', and from my experience, the Scorpion don't do things like that for such a reason. Otherwise, the courts would have far less Doji in them.

However, we'll see what comes up. Maybe one of the others will decide to travel with her."

2010-05-02, 04:07 PM

Taki glowered at the mention.

"That's what the Hare believed Akemi. I'll trust nothing I value to the care of the Scorpion."

Taki sighed, shaking his head. She was right though. Thinking ahead about it was useless. He looked back at her, with a mildly pleasant look, at least compared to before.

"I suppose we should go downstairs?"

2010-05-02, 04:09 PM
Akemi smiles. "Well, I've got to get dressed first..."

She gets up, and starts to get dressed in one of the light blue kimonos she's brought along.

2010-05-02, 04:20 PM

Taki nodded at his wife.

"I will wait for you downstairs."

With that the Samurai exited the room and headed for the common area, desiring some Tea and curious to see who was awake.

2010-05-02, 08:41 PM
After a while, Akemi heads down after her husband, wearing a light blue kimono with the Crane mon and the same dark blue haori that she wore yesterday.

2010-05-02, 08:46 PM

Taki smiled as his wife came downstairs, seated at a table, with two cups of Tea, one prepared as he know Akemi's prefers. He motioned her over. He'd planned to enjoy the time he had alone with her on this trip, but it appeared that had to change. Even if their plans didn't change, the Scorpion would be travelling with them, at the very least. He would still spend as much time with her as possible however.

2010-05-02, 08:58 PM
Akemi smiles, walks over, and kneels next to Taki, as she sips her tea. "Ahhhh... thank you, Taki.

Well, I don't suppose we're going to have much time to ourselves on this trip, then."

2010-05-02, 09:03 PM

Taki continues to sip from his cup, nodding as his wife spoke.

"No, most likely we will not. Company on the road is nice, I suppose, but I had hoped to spend some time with you."

2010-05-02, 09:20 PM
"Well, if we're lucky, we'll get some time to ourselves on the way back... and we'll probably have some time at the Winter Court, as well."

2010-05-02, 09:25 PM

Taki chuckled.

I'll give you on the way back, but at the Winter Court. Even when you are by yourself, you aren't alone. Always people watching, noticing if you aren't where you are supposed to be."

2010-05-02, 09:33 PM
"I know. It's annoying, having intrusions into our private lives... but that's the price we have to pay, to perform our duty to the Crane."

2010-05-02, 09:35 PM

Taki shrugged. He had to admit Akemi was correct, despite how little he liked it. The price for being Akemi's husband was to do what they saw fit to ask of them, and it wasn't a price he regretted paying.

"You are right, of course."

2010-05-02, 09:51 PM
Akemi smiles. "You are, too, though. It's been... a long time since we've really had time to ourselves."

2010-05-02, 10:02 PM

Taki smiled, and took one of Akemi's hands with his own. He couldn't help but think of the reason for part of that, and wish they were back with her.

"Well, that is partly Tomoe's fault, so I don't truly mind, but I do wish it hadn't been interrupted so easily."

2010-05-02, 10:04 PM
Akemi smiles at the mention of their daughter. "No... I don't mind it either."

2010-05-02, 11:49 PM
Akari awoke early, though her sleep had not been pleasant. Like always, there were dreams and nightmares. There were always spirits trying to talk to her, crowding around. Her ancestors were quiet, though they helped to maintain order...but with so many, Akari had to close herself off to them when she slept.

Otherwise she might be possessed or so her masters had taught her.
Tousan was comforting, sleeping peacefully next to her.

When she awoke, she made ready and read the letter again.

Certainly I have no other option. This is perhaps the correct path the ancestors are leading me on. I will do my best then.

She gave herself a rare, brave smile in the mirror.

"Come on, Tousan. Let us depart."
Going downstairs, Akari received breakfast and ate quietly by herself, before Noritada appeared from the doorway. Recognizing him from the previous night, Akari bowed a little in greeting. She would have to explain the dream, and now the letter that she had close to her chest she might also give details from. But she would wait to tell the story once, when everyone was together.

2010-05-03, 01:53 PM
Takeshi and Haruko came downstairs to find Noritada and Akari eating a simple breakfast of rice and fish. Takeshi and Haruko took their seat and Takeshi picked up his bowl of rice and began to munch away contentedly. He paused after a few minutes and looked over at Akari.

"Pardon me Kitsu-san. But might I inquiry as to whether you have read my mistress' letter and considered it's contents?"

2010-05-03, 08:59 PM

The Scorpion, contrary to Taki's claims, didn't not break down into open villainy among her fellow travelers but merely observed their conversations in silence as she switches from tune to tune on her shamisen before deciding that enough had been enough.

"I shall retire for the evening. I look forward to meeting you all for breakfast." she says smoothly as she gathered her belongings and headed for her room for the evening.


When morning came about, the Scorpion was one of the last ones to come down for breakfast, using the extra time to properly dress herself, adjust her mempo and mask, pray for good fortune, and various other sundry details to appear as a proper woman of the courts even in this country inn. By the time she does come down, Zanako is just as graceful and elegant as she had been the night before though looking far more refreshed and much less cold.

She joins those already eating silently, offering just a small smile to each of them behind her veil as if she knew something that they didn't.

"I hope the morning finds all of you well?" Zanako asks brightly.

2010-05-04, 11:10 AM

It was with some reluctance that Hitomi made her way down to the common room after her morning ablutions. She still thought it was far too dangerous for them (well, for her anyway) to be poking themselves into situations unnecessarily. But her brother had trusted her enough to leave the confines of his temple and accompany her on a mad errand. She could do no less for him.

And so she entered the room and took a moment to feel the kami swirling around her, whispering to her, calling to her, surrounding her. And then she took her place near him and watched the scene progress.

2010-05-04, 02:30 PM
Akemi nods, politely, to the Scorpion. "Quite well, thank you, Bayushi-san. And you?"

2010-05-05, 09:38 AM
As everyone gathered, Akari sat up and took a deep breath. She looked around at everyone and then at Takeshi with her earnest gold-red eyes.
"Yes... I have read the letter you safely delivered, thank you. However, before we discuss such a thing... Everyone deserves an explanation. "
She looked down at Tousan and then stared off to the side, as if she was looking at someone standing there. Nodding once (was she reassuring herself?), she looked at them again.
"I am traveling alone because...I left unannounced.
Certainly it is not something a Kitsu should do. But in my dreams and meditating, I received a vision from my ancestors. This is the dream I saw:

In the mist and dark I walked slowly like a spirit. And as the mist cut away, there was a grave beneath a dead cherry blossom tree. And I walked to it unthinking, like being led. There were four masks in the tree, hanging like dolls. And the grave had four symbols dripping with blood.
But behind the stone, there was a crane holding a red-gold feather in it's mouth.And on top of the stone there was a brown-fur rabbit, holding a scorpion..."

She stopped.
"...that is all I will share with you for now. Prophecies are ominous things, and should be respected."
She looked down and drank a little tea, suddenly looking a little more weary and young. A little more lost and battered. But as she looked around, there was a deep, strange fire in her eyes.
"I do not think I understand it fully. But my ancestors urged me to go. Somehow I have a part to play.
And now I think all of you are as well." She looked at Takeshi again.
"Your lady's letter is true and auspicious. I obey her request, and so quickly I must depart for the Jade Court at Otosan Vehi. I would be grateful for you to come with me."

2010-05-05, 10:07 AM
Takeshi sat and listened quietly as Akari recounted the details of her vision. This was auspicious indeed, truely this girl had a gift from the Kami, as if they sought to speak through this child. A strange selection, but it was not his provence to question their will, he was but a humble servant. His mistress was much wiser and well versed in the area of interpreting visions, this would surely become clearer under her examination. When Akari directed her request at him, he bowed his head deeply and said.

"It would be and esteemed honor and pleasure to accompany you to the Jade Court. Haruko and I are ready to travel at your convienience Kitsu-san. The journey will take some days and I will send word ahead to the Magistrates that you are on your way. I am pleased to hear your answer and I am sure my mistress will be most pleased to meet you as well."

2010-05-05, 10:09 AM
Taki listened to the Kitsu's prophecy, staring down into his Tea. Riddles and such were never his forte. It was tempting to read more into it then they had. The Hare was the symbol of his clan, and the one that set him thinking, but there was nothing to be divined. It could be himself, it could be another Hare, or the clan as a whole, or it could even be simply referring to the Month of the Hare. Prophecies should never be ignored, but they were never obvious in their meaning. This was no different.

"I was considering coming with you before. As you appear to intend to travel with Magistrate-Sama and his honored Guard, my worries on that score are dealth with."

Taki looked up, and shrugged.

"What makes you think we are involved?"

2010-05-05, 10:30 AM

Akari bowed to Takeshi again quietly. But Taki spoke, and she looked at him with a curious expression, her eyes drifting to above his shoulder several times before she looked at him again.

"I trust the ancestors...both yours and mine." She said, with a wistful, very faint smile. She shook her head. "If such a strange answer will not satisfy you, I ask you please trust me." She looked into his eyes earnestly.

Certainly, Kitsu Akari was not lying.

2010-05-05, 09:44 PM

Moved by the newly noticed, oddly sparkling eyes, Noritada enters the conversation politely.

Kitsu-san, your story is quite intriguing, indeed. If I may make an observation or two?

Pausing for dramatic effect, the monk continues...

Your story could certainly be an omen of doom, and it appears fortuitous that you would find those who match your story's imagery so quickly, and together, after your dream. A crane, possibly representing the lady Crane here, holding a feather that matches your striking eyes in her mouth, and her Hare husband, holding the Scorpion? It is curious...

There is more you haven't yet revealed, however, which may shed light on these fateful images. Please, describe the masks you saw, as well as the symbols adorning the gravestones. It may be too disturbing for your young mind, but opening your heart and mind to the kami is one of many steps we take to achieve enlightenment...

With that, Noritada bows his head in deference, and locks eyes with the troubled young girl.

Not unlike Hitomi, this one...

2010-05-05, 10:46 PM
Akemi frowns. "While, personally, I have no problems accompanying you... both Bayushi-san and I are expected at the Winter Court at Shiro Sano Ken Hayai. Not showing up would present... difficulties for both out Clans."

She looks at the Jade Magistrate. "Isawa-sama, could you provide a solution for this?"

2010-05-07, 09:55 AM

Hitomi listened with mounting incredulity as the young girl finished her story. Each image she described struck Hitomi across her mind like a slap in the face and, by the time Akari was finished, Hitomi was short-of-breath and felt like she had been kicked in the stomach.

four masks... four symbols... crane... a phoenix feather... scorpion... hare... a gathering darkness...

"No-kun," she said, reverting to her childhood nickname for him, "No-kun, I... I had the same dream. The same vision. I... I think... I think that we're supposed to go with them." Her voice is low. Uncertain. But with an iron resolve just beneath the surface.

2010-05-07, 10:20 AM

Akari looked to Noritada as he spoke, with a polite curiosity on her face. As he finished, she seemed to think deeply, and then opened her mouth to speak.
But Hitomi spoke, and Akari closed her mouth and turned to look at the other woman.
The same dream? So she had the warning as well... Truly then it is settled. the ancestors and spirits continue their work.

She looked back at Noritada and closed her eyes as she drew up the dream.
"There is not much else to share I think. The warnings and feelings I have are as such. I cannot view them or touch them, or describe them to you.
There are four masks, white in color and marked with a symbol. Yet this symbol is still hidden from me and my sight- and there is the gentle warning of the spirit who guides me. the stone has four marks bleeding.

The relation to the divination code is 7 in bamboo, south direction, 1 in wheel and 9 in letters array. Such a vision means warning and continuing, but also to come together."
She recites perfectly, opening her eyes again and meeting Noritada's look earnestly. Then she paused and petted Tousan gently.

2010-05-08, 01:06 PM

"Quite well Doji-san, thank you for asking." Zanako says graciously before falling silent, as she had the night before. It was only common sense really, she was still getting a read of these diverse people and thus it would have been fool-hardy to engage them in conversation before she had the proper 'footing' so to speak. And then the Kitsu's revelation blew all of that from the Scorpion's mind.

A prophecy? Oh dear, those are always very serious matters...The Winter Court might just have to wait, against my best judgment.

"A prophecy is most dire news all on it's own, let alone the fact that Doji-san's husband is apparently going to be holding me." she quips slowly, reaching up to rub her chin thoughtfully, "And most curious indeed..."

2010-05-11, 12:15 PM
At Akemi's question Takeshi rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"For my own part my duty is clear. As Kistu-san wishes to return with me to the Jade Court, I must accompany her there to see that she is unharmed. If you and your husband wish to accompany us Doji-san, I am certain my mistress can contact your hosts at the Winter Court and explain your absence."

He took another sip of tea and then turned to speak to Hitomi.

"That is strange indeed Shiba-san, in fact it too strange to be mere coincidence. In light of this I suspect that the feathers held by the crane in your vision might represent not the lovely eyes of Kitsu-san, but might be of the bird of your esteemed clan, the Phoenix. I will understand if your own path takes you in another direction but it seems that there may be some purpose for you yet."

He looked around the table and continued.

"All of you in fact. The occurence of the animals present in the visions of Kitsu-san and Shiba-san seem far to specific so be the workings of chance, in my opinion at least. The will of the Kami in such matters is not my speciality, but my mistress may be able to shed more light on the subject. I can not make such a descision for you though, nor can I force any of you to come with us. You must make that choice on your own."

2010-05-11, 10:45 PM
Akemi pauses. Then nods. "I will go with Kitsu-san."

2010-05-11, 11:47 PM
Taki had ignored the Bayushi's quip entirely. He would be safer holding a viper by the tale then her, and he'd prefer it as well. Her charms held little interest for the Samurai. However, when Akemi made her decision, Taki nodded as well.

"I shall go with Akemi. Magistrate-Sama, if I could ask another favor, could send a different message. Please tell the Doji family what we are doing, and that we do not know when we will return."

Taki had no idea how long this would take, but he wouldn't worry Akemi's parents, and more importantly, Tomoe.

2010-05-12, 08:39 PM

Nodding firmly, calmly locking eyes with Takeshi, Noritada joins,

Hai. It is clear we play a greater role in this mystery, and Hitomi and I will join you in the Jade Court.

2010-05-12, 09:07 PM

The shugenja nods and bows her head. She was terrified of what might come of this decision, but it was the right one. And she was determined to see it through. She met her brother's eyes and smiled to let him know that she was with him, both in mind and in spirit.

2010-05-13, 09:43 PM
Takeshi smiled and said.

"I am glad to hear that from all of you. Haruko and I can leave whenever the rest of you are ready. "


An hour later Takeshi stepped out of the tea house to find the rest of the group with their horses ready to depart. Haruko had the bandit tied over the back of her horse, on top of her traveling gear and was looking down the road. Takeshi thought to himself about what a strange turn all of this was. He was very interested to find out what the Jade Champion would have to say about all this.

He mounted his horse along with the others and said.

"I have already sent messages to the Kitsu family at Shiro Sano Ken Hayai. I explained to them that you will be unable to attend due to business with the Imperial Council, I am sure they will understand and respect that."

He turned to Akemi and Taki and said.

"I also sent a message to the Doji family heads to inform your family and daughter of what is going on. I hope you will understand if I had to keep some details light."

Takeshi looked down the road and smiled. It had stopped snowing overnight and the land looked mysteriously beautiful. He nudged his horse forward and Haruko followed suit.

2010-05-20, 01:28 AM
Akemi nods. "I understand- it would, indeed, be wise to keep the full details of this secret."

2010-05-20, 09:09 AM
Kitsu Akari

Akari's cheeks became a little red at Takeshi's words, and Tousan barked cheerfully.

"I...hope they will understand and respect so. I think leaving unannounced was...well, I don't think that it will have gone so well."

She patted her horse gently and looked down at Tousan, who was enjoying the snow, and then she focused her gold-red eyes forward, pulling her robes around her more. She glanced at her other companions, secret wonderings and thoughts running through her mind. Would this be okay? Could they do it?
Her eyes fixed on a spirit watching from above.
Yes... If she had faith.

Akari started to follow after Takeshi and Haruko.