View Full Version : Fantasy Civ Freeform: Greystone's Elves

2010-04-13, 04:48 PM
After many years of nomadic living, your tribe has settled into a large forest. There are many lakes, and it is filled with dangerous creatures, and the rain has made the land extremely fertile. Outside of the forest is a large plain, where easier game can be found.

1: Your people have asked you to be the leader of this village, and as such they want a name for it.
2: People are unsure of what to create houses out of. The trees offer safety from the animals, but storms may be a problem. Huts might be more reliable, but the animals could cause trouble.
3: People have begun gathering edible plants and berries, though some request that tools be made to hunt.

2010-04-13, 08:46 PM
Brief Bio
If possible, I'm going to add a little synopsis of my tribe. If I do something wrong, tell me.

Leader Name: Shonya Blackfeather
Tribe Race: Elf (Would they be wold elves at this point?)
current governmental structure: despotism (one chief)
Quirks: Matriarchal society (Not quite as crazy as Drow, but the women are bigger and stronger), green-skinned (Just to put them apart from most elves in games)

Shonya stepped into the forested clearing and looked carefully at the trees. They were strong and tall, towering above the elf. She turned, muscles flexing under light green skin, clothed in furs and gestured. Slowly the other elves melted out of the forest and looked around.

The clearing seemed perfect. A pool in the center was surrounded by the thick bushes with the large purple berries that the tribe had been living off of for the past three weeks. Better yet, the trees here were larger than any they had seen. Shonya looked up and pointed " To the trees my people... we will create our village there"

One of the other women stepped forward "What will we call it Chieftess?"

"Ardosh' Ta*"

*Literally translated as Safety from the Night, or Haven.


1. Move to a better area for the village (The clearing in question, where the trees are stronger and the carniverous beasties are less likely to show up)
2. Named the Village Ardosh'Ta
3. Create houses midway up the tree. Far enough to be away from the creatures, but low enough to better wheather a storm. Hopefully deeper in the forest.
4. Shonya designs the first bow, and shares the design with those who wish to hunt