View Full Version : Question about Prohibited Schools

2010-04-13, 09:22 PM
Spells of the prohibited school or schools are not available to the wizard, and she can’t even cast such spells from scrolls or fire them from wands.

Does that mean that you have the schools simply not register as on your class spell list for the purposes of using a wand or scroll, or are they impossible to cast even with a UMD check?

2010-04-13, 09:33 PM
They are not on your spell list for purposes of casting from a scroll or using them from a wand. You may still use UMD to activate them as if they were not on your spell list.

2010-04-13, 09:35 PM
Well, that just opened up some fun new possibilities.

2010-04-13, 09:36 PM
If a wizard bans Illusion, he is treated as a fighter or cleric for the purpose of arcane Illusion spells.

2010-04-13, 09:41 PM
Where do the rules say this? Is there a rule, errata, FAQ, Rules of the Game, Cust Serv or Rules Compendium quote? Because the only rule I've seen on the subject says "no" to using them, full stop.

2010-04-13, 09:52 PM
The Use Magic Device skill, for the most part. You can use scrolls and wands, even activating them blindly. Heck, even under the most literal interpretation, you can still use Emulate a Class Feature to emulate a generalist wizard.

I've never heard of a specialist wizard being unable to use a wand through means outside of their wizard levels. Heck, a specialist wizard/sorcerer can use wands from their restricted schools as long as they have enough sorcerer levels. (This was explicitly stated somewhere, although it might have been the old Tome and Blood.)