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View Full Version : [3.5 Optimization] Here, kitty kitty...

The Tygre
2010-04-15, 01:02 AM
Right then. For the record's sake, I'm new to this whole 'ask about optimization thing on the boards' thing, so bare with me if I'm out of protocol I'm looking to make a level 11 Ctarl Ctarl Barbarian-tank-build. How do I make the best damn tank I can with Barbarian as base?

For the record, yes, it's that Ctarl Ctarl, Outlaw Star fans. Here's their racial stats, as per Core-line;

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Type: Humanoid (shapechanger)
Medium: As Medium creatures, Ctarl-Ctarl have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Speed: Ctarl base speed is 30 ft.
Damage Reduction 5/+1: Ctarl-Ctarl ignore the first 5 points of damage that comes from a non-magic weapon.
Natural Armor Bonus: Ctarl-Ctarl receive a +2 natural armor bonus to defense.
Metamorphosis: Though some yet to be explained biological process, all Ctarl-Ctarl are born with the ability to undergo a transformation that allows them to assume various “beast forms.” Additionally, a Ctarl-Ctarl may become more powerful depending on what phase the planet’s moon is in; consult the following chart for exact details.

Least Beast Shape (Su): Up to four times per day, a Ctarl-Ctarl may cause themselves to transform partially into an animal. In this form, they gain +4 to Str and +2 to Con, and they gain a +1 bonus to natural armor. They also gain two claw attacks that do 1d4 damage. This ability lasts for 3 + (newly improved) Con modifier minutes..

Lesser Beast Shape (Su): A Ctarl-Ctarl can cause themselves to transform more fully into an animal, gaining +6 to Str and +4 to Con, and a +3 bonus to natural armor, as well as two claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage. Their damage reduction also improves to 10/+1. This ability lasts for 3 + (newly improved) Con modifier rounds. Using this ability consumes two uses of Least Beast Shape; a Ctarl-Ctarl cannot use this ability if they have less then 2 uses of Least Beast Shape left. This ability cannot be used at the same time as Least Beast Shape.

True Beast Shape: Once per day, a Ctarl-Ctarl can transform themselves into an animal. While using this ability, they take the form of an animal (always a quadrepedal predator of some sort, such as a tiger, wolf, lion, ect.). They gain +8 to Str, +2 to Dex, and +4 to Con, a +5 bonus to natural armor, two claw attacks that deal 1d8 damage, a secondary bite attack that deals 2d6, and their base movement speed increases to 50 feet. Their damage reduction improves to 10/sliver. This ability lasts for the duration of the encounter, after which the Ctarl-Ctarl is exhausted until they receive 8 hours of rest. This ability cannot be used if Least or Lesser Beast Shape has been used already, and it consumes all uses of Least Beast Shape (and, by extension, Lesser Beast Shape).

Lunar Phase Influence
New moon: True Beast Shape cannot be used (Least and Lesser may still be used).
Waxing crescent: Least Beast Shape lasts 1 minute less; Lesser Beast Shape lasts 1 round less.
First quarter: No bonus or penalties to any of the Beast forms.
Waxing gibbous: +1 round duration on Least and Lesser Beast Shape; True Beast Shape only causes Fatigue.
Full: +2 Str in all forms, +1 round duration on Least and Lesser Beast Shape; True Beast Shape only causes Fatigue.
Waning gibbous: As waxing gibbous.
Third crescent: No bonus or penalties to any of the Beast forms.
Waning crescent: As waxing crescent.

Racial Skills: +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, jump, Move Silently, and Tumble checks.
Level Adjustment: +4

Prerequisite: Ctarl-Ctarl, 16 Con
Benefit: You may use Least Beast Shape one additional time per day.
Normal: You may only use Least Beast Shape four times per day.
Special: This feat may be taken more then once. If it is taken twice, you gain an additional Lesser Beast Shape, since it works off your uses of Least Beast Shape

Prerequisite: Ctarl-Ctarl, Extra Transformation
Benefit: You may use True Beast Shape even if you have used some of your uses of Least Beast Shape that same day, but you must have at least 1 use of it left. Using True Beast Shape still uses all of your remaining uses of Least Beast Shape
Normal: You may only use True Beast Shape if you have not used Least Beast Shape that day.

Prerequisite: Ctarl-Ctarl, Shapeshifting Prowess
Benefit: True Beast Shape no longer consumes all your daily uses of Least Beast Shape, although you may only True Beast Shape once per day.
Normal: True Beast Shape consumes all daily uses of Least Beast Shape.
Special: If it is the night of a full moon, you may use True Beast Shape twice that day.

Prerequisite: Ctarl-Ctarl, Dex 15
Benefit: When using True Beast Shape, you may make a full attack at the end of a charge. You may also make two rake attacks at your full base attack bonus that deal 1d6+1/2 Str damage.
Normal: You may only make a single attack at the end of a charge.

Credits go to marcoasalazarm and his Coreline project on that one. Not looking for a critique on those, so feel free to pimp the Hell out of 'em.

2010-04-15, 04:12 AM
Consolidated Barbarian Handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19867934/Consolidated_Barbarian_Handbook?pg=1)

knock yourself out

2010-04-15, 04:28 AM
If that race has no LA, it's pretty imbalanced. Net + to stats, large untyped bonuses to important melee stats many times a day... wait, right, it's a race intended for melee. No worries.

Anyway, how do the Ctarl Ctarl's shapeshift abilities work with stuff like Wild Shape? I assume it would overlap, but if the shifts stack I would suggest a Wild Shape base (you can get it onto Barbarian with class feature equivalencies I believe). That way you don't really need to worry about weapons and can focus on multiattacking/Lion Spirit Totem pouncing your way to victory.

Keld Denar
2010-04-15, 05:02 AM
Why Barbarian? That just SCREAMS Totemist to me. Or maybe Totem Rager, if you wanna keep the whole quasi-barbarian theme going. Seriously, though, you'd have so much fun with that as a totemist. Bind Girallon Claws to your Arm Chakra to pick up Rend, and then take that Pounce feat. Shift, Charge, Pounce, Claw Claw Bite Rake Rend. Lather Rinse Repeat.

The Tygre
2010-04-15, 07:57 AM
If that race has no LA, it's pretty imbalanced. Net + to stats, large untyped bonuses to important melee stats many times a day... wait, right, it's a race intended for melee. No worries.

LA +4. Originally +3, but looking at the DR and Natural Armor made me sway +4. When it comes to LA for me, it's always better to round up. For me, anyway.

Killer Angel
2010-04-15, 08:08 AM
"Kitty Kitty" posted by the Tygre, sounds ironic... if it was done with intention, congrats! :smallsmile:

A pity you aren't looking for a kitty monk... I can imagine him crying out loud "fear my furry of blows!". (sorry, I couldn't resist...)

2010-04-15, 09:07 AM
I vote crusader over barbarian, perhaps with some knight levels thrown in, but definitely crusader. Depends on how much 'charger' versus 'tank' you want, though.

2010-04-15, 09:49 AM
Best Barbarian Advice I Ever Found:


Eldariel's guide is wonderfully written, highly informative, and very helpful in general to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a Barbarian character, as well giving the framework necessary for more complex barbs.