View Full Version : Blood Bowl - The tabletop game

2010-04-15, 06:18 PM
The thrill of rolling the dice, the cheer of elation as the opponent knocks himself down against a halfling, the stench of Blood Bowl stadium; the video games cannot truly convey these things.

The tabletop can get at least two of them.

This thread is to discuss all things Blood Bowl (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1310002_BB_Complete_Blood_Bowl_Rulebook.pdf) in its pure ungraphical essence as a tabletop game.
Is there anyone else out there who still plays?
What tales of the pitch can you share with us?
What devious drives has you derived?
What team are you currently leading to glory?!

2010-04-18, 05:18 AM
I've been playing with a friend, I took the Orc team from the box and he's made a Lizardmen team.

The best story I have is of one of my blitzers (who I've named Wuzgub), who has been nothing but incompetent. His crowning moment of glory was in the very last turn of a game. The scores were tied, and everything was to play for. He'd got the ball, but was pinned down by a group of skinks. He dodged, and dodged again, and ran full-pelt for the touchline. He went for it... and promptly fell on his face, in the square before the touch-zone. In my mind I could see him just watching the ball roll over the touchline before sinking into unconsciousness. One of the first, closest and best games I've played!

2010-04-27, 02:09 PM
I play.

I was in the AD league, one of the largest leagues in the UK. I was playing a very light running/throwing team, and had a reputation for being very fragile, but it being almost impossible to prevent me from scoring.

For this league I wrote a series of 'radio interviews' with the coach, which a lot people seemed to find funny

Now I've joined a smaller league, and I'm playing a a much heavier team. That's working better for me, and I'm near the top in casualties caused, but struggling to get to the playoffs.

I went with an A-Team theme here, writing the synoposis to a pilot and 4 episodes featuring the players setting up the team in the style of the TV show.

2010-04-28, 03:49 AM
I still play occasionally, either Dark Elves or Orcs.

My only real story involves my opponent tackling me so that the ball bounced into his endzone, him picking it up and throwing a hail mary pass to his little gutter runner sitting in my endzone, giving him a try from the opposite side of the board. Bloody sneaky skaven....