View Full Version : Let's Play: UFO Extraterrestrials (Gold)!

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2010-04-16, 04:11 AM
Okay, so my last LP idea was pretty stupid I'll admit so let's go a differant track.

UFO: ET is a spiritual successor to the X-Com series. The original game itself had numerous differances such as your guys being actually unable to be dead (only horribly mauled) and little to no recruiting. Gold edition uses a fan made mod to change that and add... other things that I'm not sure of off the top of my head. I test played a few levels... and it's pretty brutal, at least in the beginning. I had to turn down the probability that my dudes died, because they did. A lot. We play as the Counter-Alien Force, the CAF. Let's get this show on the road.

But xp194, doesn't Chiasaur11 essentially own the rights to all [X-Com] LPs?
Uhh... I'm sure he'd disagree with that (my) wording. Besides, this isn't X-Com, it's got a new setting, new alien monstrosities to shoot and new weaponry. And perhaps, most importantly, no chyrsalid alikes (that I've run into). I will not, however, be trying to incorparate this into current GITP X-Com canon, because that is pretty much Chia's, and it's pretty much too standalone.

Can I join in?
Well I will need Redshirts... And Tank drivers and general interceptor and dropship pilots. Sorry to say, none of those jobs make you immune to somehow dying, as tanks look fairly obviously driven, interceptors... well, you know, and dropships can easily be lost when every CAF operative dies in a mission. I assume the aliens swarm it and probably eat it. Or you could have a job back at base...

You said it's difficult? Yet you're going to be the one playing?
Well, funny thing... I got a squad of relative veterans wiped out trying to take an alien base (captured territories can be freed by raiding the aliens' base there. Really nice mechanic.) In contrast, the second attempt was with a squad of 6 recruits. Three died, the other three proceeded to rampage throughout the base and wipe it clean, with only one injury obtained at the end. They got promoted twice each after the mission. I'm not sure whether that was me getting better or just blind luck but at least it shows redshirts have some hope of survival.

And finally, a question from me. What sort of narrative style would you guys like? Diary? After mission banter? Something else that you decide?

List of CAF Employees

A Team:
Conjob (Redshirt)
King.com (Redshirt)
Raroy (Medicshirt)
Chiasaur11 (Redshirt)

B Team:
Talvara (Redshirt)
Even Human (Redshirt)
Lord Khaine (Redshirt)
Nosignal (Redshirt)
Starbuck II (Heavyshirt)
Agent Paper I (Redshirt)
Domochevsky (Redshirt)
Azure Butterfly (Pinkshirt)


Roger (Planeshirt)
Pie Guy (Planeshirt)
Lightwraith (Dropshirt)
Zenos (Tankshirt)

Slayn82 (Labshirt)
Eldan (Labshirt)
Smuchmuch (Labshirt)

Feigen (Priestshirt)
Jebob (Mopshirt)

Unassigned ATM
Factotum (Redshirt)
Toric (Redshirt)
Nehh (Redshirt)
Byrnbot08 (Redshirt)
Alex Knight (Redshirt)

FieryTower (Planeshirt)

Aragehaor (Tankshirt)

Soldiers will be named on a first come first served basis... I don't think the game keep track of any of the others so this list will indeed be useful.

xp194, before you go, will you ever complete that GalCiv 2 LP?
Well I errr... ... maybe? I hope so.

2010-04-16, 04:19 AM
Signing up, as a redshirt. Because not dying is for cowards.
I haven't played this game, so it should be fun to see what it's like.

I'm voting for anything that isn't a diary. Dunno why, just feel like it.

2010-04-16, 04:23 AM
Would be cool if Chia joined the game and got mauled horribly :smallbiggrin:
Sign me up!

2010-04-16, 04:29 AM
You're both signed up. Welcome to the CAF. Don't ask about Life Insurance... :-p

Also, I neglected to mention... humans don't get Psionics. Well, they have defence, but they can't /use/ psionics. Aliens can and will.


2010-04-16, 05:25 AM
Mechanic Talvara reporting for duty... wait... is this a barracks..? and those are rifles... Did my application form get messed up again...

2010-04-16, 05:47 AM
Can I join in?
Well I will need Redshirts... And Tank drivers and general interceptor and dropship pilots. Sorry to say, none of those jobs make you immune to somehow dying, as tanks look fairly obviously driven, interceptors... well, you know, and dropships can easily be lost when every CAF operative dies in a mission. I assume the aliens swarm it and probably eat it. Or you could have a job back at base...

Huh, well this sounds suicidal. I mean who in there right mind would want to j-

Well i will need Redshirts... And Tank drivers and general interceptor and dropship pilots

Well i will need Redshirts... And Tank drivers

Tank drivers

"Moments later, At The CAF Recruiting center"

Aragehaor (Or, assuming thats too long. Aragh.) Your unlicensed Completely Licensed Tank driver reporting for duty!

Also a Dairy seems fine, not after mission banter though, anything but that.

2010-04-16, 05:51 AM

Oh, *****. Not Earth AGAIN. What is it about Earth? Honestly, they're probably STILL fussing about last time arrived. I think that was... ah yes, 30 years from now. Still, at least they have some technology. I mean, grade 1, but still technology. Maybe I can salvage some parts. Now, where could I find said technology? What's this? An application form? What's a usual Earth name? Well, roger worked last time. Here we go!

So, I'll be focusing on vehicles, preferably flying ones.

2010-04-16, 06:15 AM
Whoops. Forgot to point out. This isn't Earth! When I said new setting, I meant 'Other Planet' New Setting.

Welcome to Sunny Esperanza. Exports Sand, Sun and Alien Death

2010-04-16, 06:36 AM
D'oh! There goes my story.

Hang on... *scribble* *scribble*


Oh, *****. Not An ordinary planet. There is no mind control. Return to your fun AGAIN. What is it about An ordinary planet. There is no mind control. Return to your fun? Honestly, they're probably STILL fussing about last time arrived. I think that was... ah yes, 30 years from now. Still, at least they have some technology. I mean, grade 1, but still technology. Maybe I can salvage some parts. Now, where could I find said technology? What's this? An application form? What's a usual An ordinary planet. There is no mind control. Return to your fun name? Well, roger worked last time. Here we go!

So, I'll be focusing on vehicles, preferably flying ones.

2010-04-16, 06:52 AM
Private Even Human reporting for duty. Because I totally am. Human. Yes.

2010-04-16, 07:19 AM
Khaine signing in; so where do you keep the grenades?

2010-04-16, 07:21 AM
Private Even Human reporting for duty. Because I totally am. Human. Yes.

Yes. Me too. This meeting never happened. *both shiftyeyes*.

2010-04-16, 10:23 AM
Feigen Applying for base Chaplain, I have all the nessisary qualifications.
I don't have to believe in god do I?

I'm not mad. At all. I promise. *twitch*

2010-04-16, 10:34 AM
Sure, count me in. Give me a big gun, like that guy that died quickly in Predator.

2010-04-16, 03:07 PM
Medic reporting in!

By medic, I mean coprse transporter. As if there was any other kind of medical profession out here.

2010-04-16, 03:41 PM
Hey, figured I should do a term in the trenches.

Whatever you need, I'm in. On the ground, I'm up for Hudson-ing the place up or Gorman style officer incompetence.

In the skies? In the pipe five by five. I can guarantee the mud sloggers get in alive.

Getting out in the same condition? Not my problem.

And if you need someone for on base corporate malfeasance?

I've seen Aliens AND Robocop. I think I can pull it off.

Edit: And if I'm in the field?

Give me a shotgun. I like to keep one handy... for close encounters.

2010-04-16, 04:04 PM
Sure, count me in. Give me a big gun, like that guy that died quickly in Predator.

I ask for something to over compensate with. I want to shoot and hear the lamentions of the aliens. I want to shoot and to have fires to burning on every crevices of ever pore of those aliens. I want nukes to be wishing I was shooting them.
Give me the big guns, sir.

Pie Guy
2010-04-16, 04:17 PM
I'll be an interceptor pilot.

2010-04-16, 04:24 PM
Zenos signing up for armoured action (tankshirt).

2010-04-16, 05:54 PM
Current list is up to date

Teams consist of up to 8 redshirts, 1 tankshirt and 4 redshirts, or 2 tankshirts.

In my experience, tankshirts tend to kick the bucket fairly quickly, at least, the early ones do. Good thing that thanks to the wonders of modern cloning and reconstuction, if it is so written in the Operatives will (asked for by the owner), we can attempt to bring them back from the dead.

And yes, I am putting Chiasaur on the frontline. with a shotgun. Personally, I'm interested to see how he holds out...

Edit: Also, I'm thinking of 'shopping some Official CAF 'Shirt signature Badges, if anyone would be interested?

2010-04-16, 06:06 PM
Current list is up to date

Teams consist of up to 8 redshirts, 1 tankshirt and 4 redshirts, or 2 tankshirts.

In my experience, tankshirts tend to kick the bucket fairly quickly, at least, the early ones do. Good thing that thanks to the wonders of modern cloning and reconstuction, if it is so written in the Operatives will (asked for by the owner), we can attempt to bring them back from the dead.

And yes, I am putting Chiasaur on the frontline. with a shotgun. Personally, I'm interested to see how he holds out...

Edit: Also, I'm thinking of 'shopping some Official CAF 'Shirt signature Badges, if anyone would be interested?

This is why you leave the tank driving to the Unlicensed Hack Licensed Professionals!

And on a completely unrelated note i'd like to sign up for cloning, please.

Edit: Also, I'm thinking of 'shopping some Official CAF 'Shirt signature Badges, if anyone would be interested?
Im all for it, Mind you i only have a vague idea what this actually means. But thats besides the point. And now i know, sounds cool at any rate.

2010-04-16, 07:37 PM
The man entered the room, cigaret in his mouth...

"So... you are the new Chief Ward...

"I'll be your interrogator, boss"

Solka threw his cigaret to the ground, and crushed it beneath his boot.

"I won't make it difficult, boss. You bring them to me. I beat them up. I torture them. I will make them wanna their mommy-alien. Your scientists observe me opening them alive, and they'll try to understand what they'd be saying to me."

Solka presented his hand


2010-04-16, 11:08 PM
So, if'n you don't mind me asking boss, what's going down with this chicken#@#@ outfit?

I mean, couple of days ago, we get the go-ahead for a jump back to Earth for some RnR. Well, I figure we have it coming, I tuck in for some cryosleep.

Only I don't wake up on Earth. We're on a planet a good half galaxy away, I don't see anything even resembling "vacation" on the duty roster, and nobody seems exactly anxious to tell us what's going on regarding good old Terra.

Any nasty surprises I missed?

Also, while I'm asking inconvenient questions, what's with the shotguns you got around here?

I mean, I miss the old Pancor's automatic capacity, sure, but adding sniping range to replace it? Seems an odd choice.

2010-04-16, 11:33 PM
I'll sign up for a never-ending stream of "Agent Paper"s, possibly with increasing numbers after the name. All rather insane, and all thinking they're the only "Agent Paper". As for his role, he'll be the guy to run in first to let everyone know where all the aliens are, and then of course get mutilated in a spectacular manner by the 50 aliens he just barged into the same room as. Or mind controlled and then mutilated in a spectacular manner by the 500 simultaneous rounds of high explosive rounds that come in next.

The "paper" in his name is in reference to the usefulness (and likely thickness) of his armor, but each iteration is convinced it means something different. The first one thinks it's because he reports the skinny like a newspaper.

Or something else, if that's not something you need to do in this game. Just so long as I die as close to once per mission as possible.

2010-04-17, 12:14 AM
You know, I've never participated in one of these Let's Play things, but this looks as though it could be entertaining (and deadly).

Sign me up as a pilot. I'll take an interceptor or a dropship, just put me in the air/space and I'm good to go!

2010-04-17, 12:19 AM
I'll take a pilot slot also.

2010-04-17, 05:43 AM
CAF Commander Log #1

So. I've been looking over the file, and we are frakked. Our interceptor pilots managed to down a UFO from blind luck and recovered a video. While we can't fully understand it, it shows a raid against Earth and humanity being enslaved. Either this has happened, or it will do soon. Earth is no longer responding to our communications. Therefore we can only assume the worst.

So here we are, on this backwater colony world, Esperanza. Alone. No backup will be coming. So, I got hired by being in the wrong place at the wrong time to direct the Counter Alien Forces and stop everyone on the planet from dying. No pressure, eh?


This is our 'side' of Esperanza. CAF HQ is in a Mountain Range in Ilyria. We'll be wanting to place secondary bases soonish, I guess, to increase our UFO detection range and yadda yadda.

And now for our Frontline Squad...




Aragehoar (In Desert Spirit AFV)

Even Human (looks slightly Klingon, in my opinion)

Lord Khaine


Chiasaur11 (With shotgun. Actually pretty good at range, surprisingly.)

And Finally, Starbuck II is undergoing transit to CAF HQ (Not actually injured, don't worry. You'd be in hospital far longer than a day.)

And, this is CAF HQ. It's got all the basics, Living Quarters, Labratory, Workshop, coupla hangars... and my shower's broken. I think all the showers are broken. And the light above my desk just blew out. Welcome to home, Soldiers, although why you settled in Hell, I don't know.

Roger, the shifty one and Pie Guy are getting their interceptors prepped for combat. Don't blame them. It's been quiet for a few days, but we have to be vigilant. Lightwraith was yelled at for not living in the cockpit of the dropship. Some people are so lax with our planet's future.


Pie Guy just sent me a loadout assessment of Raptor 1. Raptors 1 and 2 are identically loaded with the bogstandard at the moment. Admittedly, the Bogstandard is the best that human hardware can give, but according to reports, it takes a lot of persistence using them to bring down a UFO

Our mad scientists down in the Lab have send us a list of researchables. Laser Technology gives us well, lasers, I guess (And most usefully, medkits, that stop soldiers bleeding out in the field, rather then the concotion of painkillers they have at the moment.). The Advanced cannon would be a better gun for our interceptors and... Sensor Bombs are landmines, basically. The design I've been shown basically involves TNT and a motion detector. I hope they put more into it than that...

I'm going to take a basewide vote to see what to focus on first.

And, Finally, our stockpile. Column on the far right is how much we have (Sadly, this is the best form of Base Inventory UFO ET offers...)





So, that's pretty much it until the aliens roll in. Any Questions? Commander xp194, out.

Also, does anyone know of a Screen Capture program that can work with fullscreen programs? would make this LP a hell of a lot easier.

2010-04-17, 11:23 AM
You probably want fraps for that, methinks.
Also: Reporting for Backup Redshirt! Gimme grenaaaaadeeeessss! :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-17, 11:55 AM
Signing up as a not-quite-red-kind-of-a-pinkish-color shirt.



2010-04-17, 01:27 PM
Ah, it's good to be aerial again. I suppose that as long as I'm stuck here I may as well help out, gain their trust. Pah! I shouldn't be answering to humans. Still, I can see some small benefit, and they are more helpful that these 'aliens' that they are talking about. They wouldn't help me, I look too human. I shall suggest that they continue the development of these 'land mines', as they call them. They make accidents far more likely. Heh, accidents.

2010-04-17, 02:00 PM
is this the game where your units don't die but are rendered unconscious and if you win the mission everyone lives?

also sign me up for the lazy bum spot

2010-04-17, 02:03 PM
Oh yeah, also voting for lazors.

2010-04-17, 02:07 PM
Lessee. Guns and medical supplies, something to make the pilots lives even easier, or land mines as likely to kill us as the enemy.

Lasers. Also, saw some energy shields in the supply listings. Can I make a request?

2010-04-17, 02:08 PM
Tell me, boss, how will you want the aliens to be tortured?

Any favorite?

2010-04-17, 02:09 PM
Tell me, boss, how will you want the aliens to be tortured?

Any favorite?

I ain't the boss, mind, just another footslogger..

But I vote Ginger Beer. It's a classic.

2010-04-17, 02:13 PM
is this the game where your units don't die but are rendered unconscious and if you win the mission everyone lives?

also sign me up for the lazy bum spot

Unmodded, yes.

Gold, using Bman's Ease of Use mod? Hell no.

Also, saw some energy shields in the supply listings. Can I make a request?

Err... they're designed for aircraft... so only if you feel like carrying one and nothing else. And breaking your spine everytime you move. (In otherwords, no.)

Tell me, boss, how will you want the aliens to be tortured?

Any favorite?

Weellllll I'm a big fan of psychological torture. And electric Torture. And hitting the captives with blunt or pointy objects. Knock yourself (errr, the alien subjects) out.

2010-04-17, 02:19 PM
Err... they're designed for aircraft... so only if you feel like carrying one and nothing else. And breaking your spine everytime you move. (In otherwords, no.)

Funny, then.

I mean, listing it as "Personal Energy Shield", only charging three Nixons and a Franklin for them, and putting them right near the body armor.

(Seriously. Willing to take the hit to my paycheck for one or two of those.)

2010-04-17, 02:20 PM
What does that hospital thing mean?

2010-04-17, 02:20 PM
Weellllll I'm a big fan of psychological torture. And electric Torture. And hitting the captives with blunt or pointy objects. Knock yourself (errr, the alien subjects) out.

I like yer way of thinking. Can I have a wing of the base to be the hunting ground? I'd like to give some of the prisonners the illusion that they might be escaping, so to crush their will when we finally catch them back.

Also, I'd like to know if they don't have any fancy power that could be used to escape, so giving them a controlled opportunity to try to get away would make sense. I hate when there are wild cards in play.

Otherwise, please find the list of items for torture purposes in annex A. Sign at the bottom for approval.

Don't look to close at items 394 and 395. The vaseline and the horney donkey are totally unrelated.

2010-04-17, 02:23 PM
Funny, then.

I mean, listing it as "Personal Energy Shield", only charging three Nixons and a Franklin for them, and putting them right near the body armor.

(Seriously. Willing to take the hit to my paycheck for one or two of those.)

Oh that! Totally missed it.

Fine, but it's coming out of your wages and combined with the shotgun, it's made you pointman :-p

2010-04-17, 02:25 PM
Oh that! Totally missed it.

Fine, but it's coming out of your wages and combined with the shotgun, it's made you pointman :-p

Seemed I wound up as pointman before I even signed up.

Just trying to make the job survivable.

2010-04-17, 02:27 PM
*A Redshirt eager to begin probing the Aliens back appears!* (basically, stunrod and other capturing techniques[smoke grenades?] if that's at all viable)

Another vote for lasers, by the by.

2010-04-17, 02:47 PM
Sign me up in any role you don't have enough people for. Need potatoes peeling? I can peel them really well! :smallsmile:

2010-04-17, 02:51 PM
Okay, here's the deal on Energy Shields. They aren't standard loadout... So... well, say if you want to haul one of them around along with the other stuff. It will cost money though...

I suppose an added downside is that I'll feel more confident charging you guys with shields in. Could work out

2010-04-17, 03:34 PM
Okay, here's the deal on Energy Shields. They aren't standard loadout... So... well, say if you want to haul one of them around along with the other stuff. It will cost money though...

I suppose an added downside is that I'll feel more confident charging you guys with shields in. Could work out

1? i would like to sell my shotgun for 3-4 of those shields, and a couple more grenades.

(according to the users manual you can link the shield matrix from several shields toggether to make a more powerfull shield)

2010-04-17, 04:01 PM
(according to the users manual you can link the shield matrix from several shields toggether to make a more powerfull shield)

I should really read that... Steam hasn't got a link though, afaik

2010-04-17, 04:07 PM
I should really read that... Steam hasn't got a link though, afaik

Also, it looks like it's new to gold edition, too, so the internet isn't being incredibly helpful for data.

2010-04-17, 05:46 PM
Also, it looks like it's new to gold edition, too, so the internet isn't being incredibly helpful for data.

Yippee. Looks like we're doing it live then.

Guess I'll mess around with loadouts to find ideal ones when I start actually doing missions.

2010-04-17, 05:57 PM
Yippee. Looks like we're doing it live then.

Guess I'll mess around with loadouts to find ideal ones when I start actually doing missions.

So, we're knee deep in muck, mankind's last hope, and no-one knows jack?

Well, I've served my time in Hell before. Ceti Epsilon NC-104.

I can't think of many ways for this to be worse.

2010-04-17, 06:14 PM
Signing up for Red shirt duty!

2010-04-17, 06:15 PM
So, we're knee deep in muck, mankind's last hope, and no-one knows jack?

Well, I've served my time in Hell before. Ceti Epsilon NC-104.

I can't think of many ways for this to be worse.

The way I see it, we may all be going in relatively blind, but at least we'll not know how screwed we all are. Ignorance is bliss, right?

But I fully intend to win. I may just have to burn through a lot of people/resources to do so. Kinda... exhilarating, this way.

2010-04-18, 05:52 AM
Thats a tank?... Good god... its... its hideous... and it looks like you just got a car and put a tank gun on-top of it!

But fine ill take your word for it. Point me at what you want dead, Exploded, and possibly on fire!

2010-04-18, 09:21 AM
Thats a tank?... Good god... its... its hideous... and it looks like you just got a car and put a tank gun on-top of it!

But fine ill take your word for it. Point me at what you want dead, Exploded, and possibly on fire!

It's not so much a 'tank' as your car with a few guns and armour duct-taped on. Still, better then being on foot, right? (Not to mention I can't take you along on dangerous base raiding missions.)

2010-04-18, 10:05 AM
Yippee. Looks like we're doing it live then.

Guess I'll mess around with loadouts to find ideal ones when I start actually doing missions.

I recomend sending the Tank in first (it cant get xp anyway), the guys and i will then bravely hide behind it, and throw grenades at anything it spots.

Also, long time experience from horror movies have taught me not to fight bad things in the dark, especaly when you have heavy firepower, so i suggest leaving any crashed UFO's alone until it becomes day.

2010-04-18, 10:17 AM
I should really read that... Steam hasn't got a link though, afaik

Manual courtesy of schteam. Warrrning, it be 25MB. (http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/37030/UFO_ET-Manual.pdf) Although I gather, by skimming several forum posts, that the new changes are brought about by a mod that was included with the game, so the manual won't cover them.

2010-04-18, 10:53 AM
Wow... Just did our first mission... and not to spoil anything, but it went a hell of a lot better than I was expecting. We might not be quite as doomed as I thought.

I'll have it up soon.

2010-04-18, 11:17 AM
Energy shields? Body armour? Pah! I'll show you how we beat things up in my day, with our bare hands and our skulls!

*signs up for janitorial duty*

2010-04-18, 04:16 PM
CAF Commander's Journal #2 (Top Secret!)

The start of the week was... quiet... No UFOs appeared for several days. I therefore locked 10 scientists in the Labratory and told them that they couldn't eat, drink, or breath until they gave us guns that shot lasers.


It took a day or so after that for a UFO to show up, but show up it did. Pinged up on the radar, clear as day.



"Alert! Alert! Scramble fighters, I repeat, Scramble fighters!"


The alert alarms were drowned out by the roar of Raptor 1 and 2's VTOL engines as Pie Guy and Roger scrambled.


They engaged the UFO and began exchanging missiles and bullets as gifts to the invaders. Back at Command, we had bets on who would win.

I Lost.


Just after nightfall, Pie Guy radioed in that Roger had scored the final blow on the UFO (Honestly? I have no idea who finished it) and it smashed into a factory complex.

Not wanting to send raw recruits into a night mission, I held back the dropship until daybreak. I was disturbed to learn that Lightwraith was sleeping in his quarters rather than the cockpit, so I sealed him inside his cockpit with a weeks worth of rations. What he'll do to relieve himself, I don't know, nor wish to know.


As morning struck I personally went around the recruits bunks and woke them up by liberal amounts of airhorn by the ear. I had picked...





And finally, Aragehoar in his car Tank


Despite complaints of Sleep Deprivation and a horrendous smell in the cockpit, Lightwraith landed the Dropship with no trouble. For this, I am now letting him out of the cockpit to go to the bathroom once a day.


No sooner had Aragehoar trundled out of the dropship, than he gave a report of a "Purplish floating bag thing." After a quick consultation with those scientists not currently locked in a labartory, we decided to get him to shoot the newly dubbed "Larva" to see whether it died.

"Aiming... FIRE!"


He missed and demolished a wall. (Welcome to X-Com esque A-Team firing, people!)


Raroy pops his head out to see what all the commotion's about, just in time to see the Larva engulf Aragehoar in some sort of chemical mist. He reported that it was eating through his armour at a fast rate! (Welcome to the most annoying unit of Early Game. Larva aren't tough, (one rifle bullet puts them down easy) but they can fly and their attack is an AOE Chemical attack that more often than not puts ground troops caught in it unconcious and therefore impossible to rescue before they bleedout or the chemicals kill them.)


Raroy, seeing this, lines up a shot... (Note Aragehoar's demolished wall to the left of the Larva)

Repositions into a better spot...

And misses (missed the bullet in the screeny, but that was the angle it flew at.)


Aragehoar is moved out of the chemical gas and Chiasaur11 decides to show off his shotgun skills. (Not pictured: Chiasaur11 missing as well)

King.com moves up to show them how it's done...

And he misses as well. Where the hell did I get these army rejects from, anyway? Blindy O'Sightless LTD?

Conjob, decided to show the others that if precision didn't work, a whole lot of bang would.

Pretty boom...

And he did it! The first Confirmed CAF alien kill! It only took the entire squad to off it!


The Infantry then moved inside the factory building while Aragehoar went around the outside to scout.



Conjob was sent upstairs to scout out for aliens. It turn out to be depressingly empty.

Aragehoar continued driving...

And the other three re-emerged blinking into the outside.

"So, Chiasaur... you were mentioning this... X-Com organisation?" radioed King.com

"Hey guys! Remember, middle of a mission here!"

No sooner had Aragehoar finished the reminder, than Raroy ran into a Larva in midair. Pretty much on his own.

It must've been a really shaky experience for him, probably not helped by me radioing in his ear "If you mess this one up, my son, you're coming home in a bodybag..."

Although, it could've motivated him as well. Personally? I'm not complaining.

Aragehoar, in the meantime, had found the downed UFO and was engaging another Larva...


Ohhh! He felt that!


As King.com moved up, three of the alien's buddies showed up. New ones. Bipedal, and pretty ugly looking... So ugly that King.com accidentally shotgunned Aragehoar's tank. Only scratched the paintjob, thankfully.

Aragehoar responds in the one other way he knows other than shooting the aliens... shooting the Aliens with a high explosive rocket!


Unfortunately, they were too protected by the curvature of the UFO


Raroy moves up to support King and Aragehoar... and gets shot. He responds with a grenade.

That'll do, Raroy... that'll do...

King.com targets the final 'Chaser' as we're calling them now...


And takes him out. Unfortunately, he did get another shot off at Raroy, who was pretty badly hurt. After sending him back to the dropship, final sweeps were made and it was confirmed that all aliens were dead.

Raroy's shield generator had burnt out, so the team stole Chiasaur's and gave it to him as "he apparently needed it more." Chiasaur has put in a requisition for another one...


Fortunately, Raroy's wounds, while nasty, weren't that severe. The Docs are estimating that he'll be combat ready again in about three days. So, our first mission had 100% alien causalities, and one person on our side in bed for three days. All in all, that could've gone a lot worse.

We also hammered out the dents in Aragehoar's tank, and replaced the armour where the chemical gas had dissolved it.

And, finally, after dumping our sweet loot off at the Laboratory, the boffins gave us a list of what we could expect to research, after the Lasers were done of course

Job done, could've been a lot worse... the me and the others in the Command Center visited Raroy with a bunch of grapes to see how he was doing... I'm not one normally given to optimism... But we aren't dead yet. Let's hope it stays that way.

xp194, Commander in Chief of the CAF

2010-04-18, 04:52 PM
Woot, I'm no longer in hospital. Terrible food.

Glad to see the first mission was successful. Only 1 casuality.

2010-04-18, 04:55 PM
Woot, I'm no longer in hospital. Terrible food.

Glad to see the first mission was successful. Only 1 casuality.

And no fatalities.

Score one for humanity. No points for shotgun manufacturers, though. I expected something that could hit at point blank range.

Halo 2 had better shotguns!

2010-04-18, 05:06 PM
Even Human looks up from his book (The Human Language: Idioms and Turns of Phrase).

Great great work guys! You really... (he glances at his book) uh, showed that filthy xeno scum who's boss!

2010-04-18, 05:29 PM
Ooohh... plasma grenades! You definitely need to research those next.
Also: i ordered another two dozen 'nades from the usual sources in your name. Hope you don't mind. :smallcool:

2010-04-18, 05:40 PM
Also: i ordered another two dozen 'nades from the usual sources in your name. Hope you don't mind. :smallcool:


2010-04-18, 06:07 PM

Hurray! I love hospital food. Two kills also means I'm closer to promotion then all of you guys. Could things get any better?

2010-04-18, 06:21 PM
Could things get any better?

Well, yeh... you could not be suffering from 2nd degree plasma burns all over your body...

2010-04-18, 06:27 PM
Second degree, smecond degree. As long as it's not permanent I'm fine.

Also, your a terrible commander. I do not feel inspired by you.

2010-04-18, 06:29 PM
Also, your a terrible commander. I do not feel inspired by you.

My job is not to inspire people. My job is to yell at them enough so they go and fight aliens just to be away from me. :-p

2010-04-18, 06:49 PM
Aragehoar responds in the one other way he knows other than shooting the aliens... shooting the Aliens with a high explosive rocket!

Three ways, actually.

1. Shooting aliens.

2. Blowing up aliens.

3. Running over aliens repeatedly and then blowing them up to be sure.

im enjoying your lets play thus far xp194, Looking forward to the next update.

2010-04-18, 06:54 PM
Excuse me sir? I've come to talk about a researcher oppening your personal announced. Actually i'm kinda surprised there were so few applicants.

Yes, yes, i have experience both on the field chemistry and mechanics. What, if i worked with military before? Huh, well, i did obrigatory military service back home... Yes, i have experience in manipulating hazardous materials. So, does that means you have a job to me?

(Great first mission, but the accuracy is low even by X-Com standards, urgh... there are training facilities on this game, a la X-COM Apocalipse?)

2010-04-19, 05:13 AM
Hmm, i would personaly recomend reseaching improved ship cannons, since im pretty sure we can find a way to install those on tanks as well (and at the same time install some real armor, instead of old aluminium plates).

2010-04-19, 06:19 AM
(Great first mission, but the accuracy is low even by X-Com standards, urgh... there are training facilities on this game, a la X-COM Apocalipse?)

I dunno...I've played many a game of X-Com where my troops have been standing on the same screen as an alien and yet every single shot has missed! Got so annoying that I pretty much went for Burst Fire every time, because although the individual chance to hit was lower it took less AP and fired several bullets at a time, so had rather more chance of success.

2010-04-19, 06:56 AM
(Great first mission, but the accuracy is low even by X-Com standards, urgh... there are training facilities on this game, a la X-COM Apocalipse?)

Not as such... training is only done by soldiers ranking up and me choosing which stats to improve. Hospitalisation removes some skill points though, according to the book of words.

2010-04-19, 08:32 AM
Not as such... training is only done by soldiers ranking up and me choosing which stats to improve. Hospitalisation removes some skill points though, according to the book of words.

Ah, so in reality our troops will constantly get weaker and/or wind up dead. Good to know. :smallcool:

2010-04-19, 09:15 AM
Not as such... training is only done by soldiers ranking up and me choosing which stats to improve. Hospitalisation removes some skill points though, according to the book of words.

Wait, did I lose some skill points when I started in hospital?

2010-04-19, 09:17 AM
Wait, did I lose some skill points when I started in hospital?

I think it's only for extraordinarily long stays. (Also, technically that was a transfer, it's just how the mod simulates travel time for recruits.)

2010-04-19, 10:25 AM
In case anyone was curious why no-one can shoot, I read up on this a while back.

So, start with X-Com accuracy, IE one guy in 14 can shoot worth anything when hired.

Then turn it down. Bad enough, right?

Only X-Com's percent chance was lowballing, as that was the odds of a dead on shot.

Here? Your accuracy is the odds at point blank range. And you level up less.


2010-04-19, 10:46 AM
Basically, the way I see it, We're going to need at least two types of troopers.

1. The ones who can actually shoot worth a damn
2. The ones who can take a hit.

I could generalise or specialise... Ah, well, plenty of time to experiment, and you are redshirts :-p

2010-04-19, 11:09 AM
Basically, the way I see it, We're going to need at least two types of troopers.

1. The ones who can actually shoot worth a damn
2. The ones who can take a hit.

I could generalise or specialise... Ah, well, plenty of time to experiment, and you are redshirts :-p

You need an endless line of worthless scrub redshirts with no skills to test out extremely dangerous and experimental strategies?

Sounds like the perfect job for an endless line of Agent Paper clones! (or even different people, if it's cheaper to get more bodies that way)

Seriously though, I don't care what I'm doing, so long as it involves me dying as often as possible.

2010-04-19, 11:38 AM
So, apparently I made some sort of history by being the first one to nail an alien in the face. Oooh yeah.

I am a god of alienslaying. And no amount of protest will convince me otherwise.

2010-04-19, 11:58 AM
Speaking of nailing an alien on the head, do we have prisonners, boss?

If I sharpen my blades anymore, I might cut a rift in causality.

2010-04-19, 12:06 PM
Speaking of nailing an alien on the head, do we have prisonners, boss?

If I sharpen my blades anymore, I might cut a rift in causality.

Sadly, not yet. Next mission, I'm sending the squad out with stun grenades and stuff.

You can, however, have fun with some of the corpses. I wonder how the Larva taste?

2010-04-19, 12:10 PM
Sadly, not yet. Next mission, I'm sending the squad out with stun grenades and stuff.

You can, however, have fun with some of the corpses. I wonder how the Larva taste?

........ :smallconfused:

I be an interrogator, sir. Not a sciency-guy. I hurt those who can still scream and talk while crying for their mama-pod.

An inert body ain't no fun to poke, sir.

2010-04-19, 12:11 PM
Have fun with Raroy? :smalltongue:

2010-04-19, 12:30 PM
Have fun with Raroy? :smalltongue:






Maybe I could find out what turned out wrong in the past mission? Ya know... "debriefing officer"

2010-04-19, 01:02 PM
Basically, the way I see it, We're going to need at least two types of troopers.

1. The ones who can actually shoot worth a damn
2. The ones who can take a hit.

I could generalise or specialise... Ah, well, plenty of time to experiment, and you are redshirts :-p

Well Sir, thats where khaines "there is no such thing as to much collatoral damage plan" comes into play.

Firstly if we upgrade the tank a bit then we can hide behind it, and with stun grenades we just have to hit close to were the aliens are standing, and it wont be a problem if the fire gets a bit friendly.

(also some prisoners should keep the weirdo with the knife busy, i swear if he gets anywhere near me im going to drop a crate of stungrenades in his lap)

2010-04-19, 01:09 PM
(also some prisoners should keep the weirdo with the knife busy, i swear if he gets anywhere near me im going to drop a crate of stungrenades in his lap)

Stun... damn, did i put the wrong number on the order form?

2010-04-19, 01:15 PM
Stun... damn, did i put the wrong number on the order form?

I'll find out! *pulls pin*

2010-04-19, 02:01 PM
I'll find out! *pulls pin*

Maybe you'll kill me with that grenade.

Maybe you won't.

Seeing your performance at shooting during last mission, do you trust to touch me on your first try?

You'd better, otherwise...


*licks knife*

2010-04-19, 02:02 PM
I'll find out! *pulls pin*

Goose and cover! Goose and cover!

Wait, that doesn't sound righ-BOOOM

2010-04-19, 02:04 PM

I am surrounded by madmen and paperwork... :smalleek:

2010-04-19, 02:04 PM
Goose and cover! Goose and cover!

Wait, that doesn't sound righ-BOOOM

He missed

*lunges forward*

2010-04-19, 02:18 PM

I am surrounded by madmen and paperwork... :smalleek:

Don't worry, I've taken the liberty to make some "Elyrian Redshirt's Uplifting Primers" to instruct them on gun safety, hygiene and just how weak and pitiful our alien foes really are.

2010-04-19, 02:25 PM

I am surrounded by madmen and paperwork... :smalleek:

Hey, some of us don't like it any more than you do, boss.

Look on the bright side. Your life doesn't depend on these guys being competent.

2010-04-19, 02:32 PM
Hey, some of us don't like it any more than you do, boss.

Look on the bright side. Your life doesn't depend on these guys being competent.

But your colleague's depend on me being incompetent :smallamused:

2010-04-19, 02:36 PM
Basically, the way I see it, We're going to need at least two types of troopers.

1. The ones who can actually shoot worth a damn
2. The ones who can take a hit.

I could generalise or specialise... Ah, well, plenty of time to experiment, and you are redshirts :-p

Which one of those types of troopers am i? Keep in mind that i am in fact inside a armed tank when you answer. :smalltongue:

(That can also run you over.)

2010-04-19, 02:37 PM
Well, you can't really shoot, and you had half your tank eaten away by one attack...

2010-04-19, 02:38 PM
But then again it seems more like a converted civilian vehicle or maybe an armoured car when you get down to it.

2010-04-19, 02:41 PM
Well, you can't really shoot, and you had half your tank eaten away by one attack...

You try to shoot in a car with a tank gun thrown on it! be thankful the car-tank didnt just explode when i tried to fire!

And the car getting eaten away by one attack can be blamed on the guys who make it, Like everything else this tank does thats bad. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-19, 04:03 PM

I am surrounded by madmen and paperwork...

And isnt it funny how each one generates more of the other?

2010-04-19, 04:08 PM
Although I have no medical experience, I recommend two gallons of vodka a day to counteract the headdesking.

2010-04-19, 04:24 PM
Although I have no medical experience, I recommend two gallons of vodka a day to counteract the headdesking.

Ya don't know anything! The best way to prevent headdesking is to remove the head :smallcool:

2010-04-19, 04:29 PM
Ya don't know anything! The best way to prevent headdesking is to remove the head :smallcool:

Let's compromise, remove the head so it can't hit the desk, then pour alcohol into the exposed throat.

Perfectly safe, mmhkay?

2010-04-19, 04:59 PM
So, any positions open around here? I'm doing whatever.

We don't seem to have scientists yet, do we? :smallamused:

2010-04-19, 05:05 PM
Don't think so. There's a bunch of guys doing science in the lab, maybe a little Science too. But no one doing SCIENCE!

2010-04-19, 05:09 PM
There's Slayn, which reminds me, I need to update the Employee list. However, we can always use more SCIENCEtists.

Just remember, no breathing, drinking or sleeping until we get those lasers.

2010-04-19, 06:43 PM
Despite complaints of Sleep Deprivation and a horrendous smell in the cockpit, Lightwraith landed the Dropship with no trouble. For this, I am now letting him out of the cockpit to go to the bathroom once a day.

Woohoo, I contributed!

My cabin bed is so much more comfortable though....

Can I get a bed installed in the drop ship? I would also accept guns or shields. Or a robotic butler. Can I have a robotic butler?


2010-04-19, 11:31 PM
This game still has the manufacturing aspect carried over from X-Com, right (I couldn't tell from the descriptions so far, but what I've read on my own suggests it does)?

If so, I'd like to offer myself up as your Chief Engineer, Daedalus the mad completely sane inventor and builder of dangerous perfectly safe cutting edge weapon and armour designs. Honestly, most of my creations don't even kill the person holding them. I'll be happy to work with your eggheads respected scientists in building an unparalelled arsenal of destructive weaponry!

2010-04-19, 11:36 PM
But your colleague's depend on me being incompetent :smallamused:

Competent, pal, means leaving the subject alive and capable of supplying information.

Even I know that much.

2010-04-20, 12:53 AM
There's Slayn, which reminds me, I need to update the Employee list. However, we can always use more SCIENCEtists.

Just remember, no breathing, drinking or sleeping until we get those lasers.

I'll immediately start debating the most important detail:
Red or green lasers?

2010-04-20, 05:47 AM
If you'll have me,I shall join in. with somme more SCIENCE !

I'll immediately start debating the most important detail:
Red or green lasers?

red of course. The sorting algortytm of color coolness indicate that Green is to be reserved for non weaponized lazers and blue for heavy ion or plasma based weapons, everyone know that.

2010-04-20, 06:13 AM
Hmm. However:

Coolness (laser pointer (green)) > Coolness (laser pointer (red))
Coolness (laser(x)) > Coolness (laser pointer (x))

Can we assume that therefore
Coolness (laser (green)) > Coolness (laser (red))?

2010-04-20, 06:31 AM
I vote for yellow beams, because this place is pretty gloomy and could use some cheerful colors!

2010-04-20, 06:37 AM
I vote for yellow beams, because this place is pretty gloomy and could use some cheerful colors!

None of you, none of you, have learned the only colour-coding law that applies in space.

Green is best.

Edit: On the other hand, red ones go faster, and blue ones are lucky, so it's a bit of a toss-up.

2010-04-20, 06:46 AM
Hmm. However:

Coolness (laser pointer (green)) > Coolness (laser pointer (red))
Coolness (laser(x)) > Coolness (laser pointer (x))

Can we assume that therefore
Coolness (laser (green)) > Coolness (laser (red))?

The reasonement method is good but I dispute the facts.

Coolness (weapon laser (color))>Coolness (target laser (color)) is a much prooved fact.

By my own studies, I have found empiricaly that

Coolnes target laser (red) >>> coolness target (green))
an could be generalized as Coolness (laser (red)) >>< Coolness( laser (green))

it seems logical that: Coolness (weapon laser (red)) > Coolness (weapon laser (red))

Therefore both target and weapon laser should be Red for maximum coolness factor But since we have to differenciate for practical purposes, I propose red for weapons and green for targeting.

Admitedly, these result could do with more testing. I suppose the best would be to experiment the effect of the two colors on a big enough sample of redshir to be statiscaly representative.

2010-04-20, 06:56 AM
I can get behind that. Now, on the orkyness statistics above:

Green is best. This will produce the overall best weapons.
Red is fastest. However, since all lasers move at lightspeed, this shouldn't come into play much.
However, blue shots are lucky. And our redshirts need a lot of luck in order to even hit a target. Blue should be considered.

After very little consideration, however, I agreed with myself that lasers should not be blue, and therefore they are out.

2010-04-20, 09:18 AM
Before every mission i will be admistering the last rights, this includes easy recon missions. i dont trust the commander to bring any of you back alive. im sure you'll be fine. and im not just saying that because the commander is threatening violence.

now if you excuse me i have a unicorn to feed, MWHAHAhAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

2010-04-20, 09:45 AM
I can get behind that. Now, on the orkyness statistics above:

Green is best. This will produce the overall best weapons.
Red is fastest. However, since all lasers move at lightspeed, this shouldn't come into play much.
However, blue shots are lucky. And our redshirts need a lot of luck in order to even hit a target. Blue should be considered.

After very little consideration, however, I agreed with myself that lasers should not be blue, and therefore they are out.

How about Purple, to show how badass we are?

Otherwise, I say we go Green. Why? because Green lasers are usually the staple of villains (ex: Star wars), and for what I have seen of our team... :smalleek:

Well, I think you all get my drift.

2010-04-20, 10:59 AM
How about Purple, to show how badass we are?

Otherwise, I say we go Green. Why? because Green lasers are usually the staple of villains (ex: Star wars), and for what I have seen of our team... :smalleek:

Well, I think you all get my drift.

What are you talking about? We are heroes of JUSTICE!

As for the laser debate, I believe that we should go with white, because it would be invisible.

That's how reflected light works, right?

2010-04-20, 11:04 AM
What are you talking about? We are heroes of JUSTICE!

As for the laser debate, I believe that we should go with white, because it would be invisible.

That's how reflected light works, right?

White would be the most visible laser. Also the suckiest.

Black lasers would be invisible, though, and by invisible I mean you can't shoot black lasers because black isn't a color. A real invisible laser would be an X-ray or gamma or ultraviolet or any frequency outside of the visible spectrum. (Which is really a very small part of it all)

2010-04-20, 11:07 AM
White would be the most visible laser. Also the suckiest.

Black lasers would be invisible, though, and by invisible I mean you can't shoot black lasers because black isn't a color. A real invisible laser would be an X-ray or gamma or ultraviolet or any frequency outside of the visible spectrum. (Which is really a very small part of it all)

But since we don't know anything about these aliens, we don't know which light spectrum they can see or can't see.

If we are going for "The Good Guys", why not silver?

2010-04-20, 11:20 AM
I suggest Octarine (http://wiki.lspace.org/wiki/Octarine) lasers.

2010-04-20, 11:21 AM
You know, I don't think I've ever seen silver lasers used before. Or white, for that matter, but especially silver is probably rather uncommon.

2010-04-20, 11:40 AM
You know, I don't think I've ever seen silver lasers used before. Or white, for that matter, but especially silver is probably rather uncommon.

I think I might have seen it a few times.. but very rarely.

I actually like the idea. The brighter the better. We are Team Justice!

2010-04-20, 12:07 PM
Great. The majority of my research budget is going into a debate about what colour our lasers should be...

Can't wait for you guys to finish that and, you know, actually make lasers! :-p

(Update coming tomorrow, I hope)

2010-04-20, 12:15 PM
Great. The majority of my research budget is going into a debate about what colour our lasers should be...

Can't wait for you guys to finish that and, you know, actually make lasers! :-p

(Update coming tomorrow, I hope)

What? We can already shoot lasers. We always have been. The real difficulty is in figuring out what color they should be, which is obviously what you've been playing the entire science staff to be doing for the past few months.

2010-04-20, 12:21 PM
What? We can already shoot lasers. We always have been. The real difficulty is in figuring out what color they should be, which is obviously what you've been playing the entire science staff to be doing for the past few months.

And not to forget the fact that they are friggin' laser beams :smallcool:

2010-04-20, 12:43 PM
I vote for green lasers, like blood!


I mean Red! Of course! Red.

2010-04-20, 02:36 PM
I'll throw my vote in the silver coloured urn.

2010-04-20, 07:05 PM
For us to have any chance of victory, we must have ludicrously powerful weapons. Thus, I'm voting for Plaid lasers, that or Microcline Lasers, just so that any alien that sees it gets their pupils burnt out by the sheer blueness.

2010-04-20, 07:16 PM
For us to have any chance of victory, we must have ludicrously powerful weapons. Thus, I'm voting for Plaid lasers, that or Microcline Lasers, just so that any alien that sees it gets their pupils burnt out by the sheer blueness.

Think about the damage to our own soldiers! The Plaid lasers would cause insan... :smallconfused: Be really dangerous to their mental hea... :smallsigh: Well, the Microline lasers would cause massive collateral damage to our own soldiers. Which would be bad, or so they keep telling me.

What about UV lasers? Great penetrating power, massive damage to living tissue and the only things that will be blinded by the phenominally bright light are all aliens, since I'm reasonably sure none of our people can see that deep in the spectrum. Plus, the massive side effects for the user will take a long time to show up and be hard to trace back to us there are no side effects, which means that our troops can be happy in the knowledge that their weapons are only killing the enemy, for once.

2010-04-20, 07:46 PM

What do you mean, biased? :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-20, 07:54 PM

What do you mean, biased? :smallbiggrin:

We have enough problems from the aliens.

We don't need to be fighting Gunhaver and Silent Rip at the same time.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-20, 08:08 PM
Do you have a radar operator yet? Putting a face and name to the otherwise-anonymous UFO detection and landing events might improve morale. On the other hand, I exist in one of three states - drinking, drunk, and asleep, so the coordinates could get garbled from time to time.

2010-04-20, 08:27 PM
We have enough problems from the aliens.

We don't need to be fighting Gunhaver and Silent Rip at the same time.

I don't know who those people are. Well, they can't be too bad, right?

2010-04-20, 08:49 PM
I don't know who those people are.

They're Cheat Commandos (http://www.homestarrunner.com/cheatcommando.html)

2010-04-20, 10:36 PM
Screw lasers. Personally, i vote for us to work more on the grenades. We should revest them internally with aluminium, and fill it with Chlorine trifluoride. It will burn and melt throught anything they throw at us. Incendiary grenades for Christimas.

Or maybe on rockets. Yeah, moar incendiary rockets...

2010-04-21, 06:39 AM
Not a bad idea, but I suggest Magic Acid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_acid) grenades instead.

2010-04-21, 06:53 AM

Experimentation is going well.

Amusing fact:

-While observing the effect of different targeting laser in the eyes of redshirts, we have noticed that the resulting damage to the retina and loss of vision didn't seem to affect their sharpshooting ability in a sinificative manner. In fact it seemed to make it a little better.

2010-04-21, 07:02 AM
Fun fact: I have, in real life, a blood splattered Lab coat.

It's been lying around for two days now, since I haven't had the time to get it cleaned.

2010-04-21, 07:03 AM
-While observing the effect of different targeting laser in the eyes of redshirts, we have noticed that the resulting damage to the retina and loss of vision didn't seem to affect their sharpshooting ability in a sinificative manner. In fact it seemed to make it a little better.

Hm, if small lasers help a little, then BIG lasers should help a lot! We'll all be master sharpshooters in no time! At least, once we figure out which color lasers are best so we can actually use our giant laser machines, of course.

2010-04-21, 07:19 AM
Couldn't we just weaponise the Planes? Either use the MASSIVE GUNStm, or land on top of the aliens.

2010-04-21, 07:39 AM
Hm, if small lasers help a little, then BIG lasers should help a lot! We'll all be master sharpshooters in no time! At least, once we figure out which color lasers are best so we can actually use our giant laser machines, of course.

Do I hear a volunteer? :smallamused:

2010-04-21, 07:46 AM
Do I hear a volunteer? :smallamused:

Always! :smallbiggrin:

Edit: My avatar seems to not be loading for me. As in, just sitting there trying to load forever. Is it showing up for anyone else? Might have to replace it.

2010-04-21, 08:01 AM
Okay. Just stand over here please... and give me a minute while I wear these welding goggles and stand behind this lead screen.
Now, on the table next to you is a special eyepatch. Wear it on your left eye so we can shoot only your right one with the green laser, then stand in front of that scorched concrete wall there.
We'll repeat the procedure with the red laser and the other eye afterwards.

2010-04-21, 08:05 AM
Well, now i can see why we have such a large budget on adult diapers. And why the projects on body armor have such a large codpieces.

2010-04-21, 08:13 AM
If you think the body armour is extensive, you should see the new lab coats I requisitioned. Who thought that a piece of white cotton could contain so much kevlar and energy shielding.

2010-04-21, 01:32 PM
Next update finished. Only three aliens, all dead with two casualties, this time. Only going to be in hospital for around three days. Uploading pictures as I type, will update soon.

Also, apparently, I need Alien Containment to hold Aliens alive. This is now being rectified...

2010-04-22, 05:42 PM
CAF Commander Journal #3

A few days passed without any Alien activity. Raroy was back up and walking after some minor reconstructive surgery, but otherwise, it was fairly quiet.


Finally, our science team decided on what colour our lasers should be. Or more accurately, I got so fed up with their stalling that I stormed down there and shoved red crystals in the prototype. Removal of the crystals would be done on pain of pain. I then told them to work on Medkits.

I'm predicting that it'll take them about a week to decide what brand of painkillers it will use.

And, like I said, here is Raroy back up and ready for action. Plucky guy. (un)Fortunately for him, he's well enough to go on the next mission! And I've given him a stunstick, aliens, for the whacking of.

Budget! We're doing relatively well, although Seathopia, and Syrtis Major were lodging complaints. We'll probably have to set up bases there, we must be missing some aliens or something.



Speaking of which...


"Scramble! Scramble! Prep Raptors 1 and 2 for immediate take off! This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill"


Roger and Pie Guy once again flew out to intercept the UFO. I believe they were having a competition to see how many pages of Biggles novels they could get through before downing the UFO.


The UFO crashed minutes before Daybreak, so once again, I went to the living quarters with my trusty airhorn to wake my lazy strike team up.


The Raider was dispatched quickly...


And made it to the Dropzone with no problems. Lightwraith is now allowed a blanket inside the cockpit.


Following standard CAF Procedure (He with most armour plating moves first.), Aragehoar trundled off the ramp and immediately spotted a Larva.


He targetted...


And Missed.


Raroy followed up behind him and prepared to unleash a burst of bullets!






And miss. What.


Chiasaur, remembering lessons learnt last mission, prepped a grenade...


That's dead alright.


The immediate threat dealt with, the squad moved into the stock CAF formation "Disorganised line"


Aragehoar found another Larva!


He tracked the target...


And missed. Note to self: No matter how cheap they are, in future, do not hire recruits from the Stormtrooper Academy of Marksmenship.


Conjob found a Chaser. They now had two fairly dangerous aliens to deal with at once...


So Conjob lobs a grenade at the Larva...


A hi... wait, it's still alive?


Conjob didn't have enough time to aim...


And therefore misses. Two aliens at large. Gulp.


King.com prepares to grenade the Chaser!


Once again, the dust cleared to show the alien hurt, but still active.


Chiasaur prepares to flank around the side of the Dropship...


And Aragehoar is once again hit with corrosive gas.


Fortunatly, his armour held out against the worst of it.


Conjob and King.com take a few hits...


quite a few hits...


But the Chaser missed with many, thankfully.


Aragehoar gunned it out of the Corrosive cloud, as his armour was getting low...


He prepped a rocket...


And Missed. Again.


Despite his injuries, Conjob pointed his rifle at the Chaser shakily...


Missed once, try again...


Missed Twice, maybe you should think about trying again when you have more blood, hmm? (Yes, getting injured lowers your accuracy. Whee)


King.com gives it a go...




Raroy closes in for a snapshot!


I think... I think I'm going to breakdown and cry now... None of the team can hit the broadside of a barn... we're doomed...


Chiasaur continues his flank... but doesn't get there in time to stop the Chaser now looking at Raroy menacingly.


He missed. Lucky Raroy...


His missed horribly. Raroy's luck was holding out...


Too low...


Just wide... Raroy was heard to exclaim "Bring me my brown pants!" at this point.


At this point, it begins to become clear that Raroy has some kind of deity of luck on his side...


That one nearly hit Aragehoar...


So, Raroy, having emerged from the enemy fire completely unscathed, ran up to the Chaser to introduce it to his new Stunstick.


Raroy may not be able to shoot especially brilliantly, but at least hitting things with other things is not beyond him.


The Larva gets pegged (apparently, I didn't catch it on Screenshot, so I don't remember who by) and Aragehoar goes Scouting again and gets shot at by another, unseen Larva. Also not pictured, King.com and Conjob getting out their stimpacks and replacing each others copious amounts of lost blood with morphine.


There's the bugger.


Come on Aragehoar... don't make that money I didn't spend on your tank go to waste...!


(Shot goes wizzing off into the blackness) FFFFFFRRRRRRRR-!


Oh, look, you hit it with the second one.


And that was it. According to the mission recordings, the person who took out the annoying Larva was Chiasaur. Props to that man.


Also, for services rendered while beating Aliens unconcious, Raroy is promoted from Rookie to Private! Therefore he is now (technically) the ranking Soldier of the base, under me.


(I gave Raroy several points in shooting, 1 in agility and one in reactions.)


But, when the live Alien was brought back, it transpired we had nowhere to keep it.

"Well, surely there's your quarters, for the moment?" I asked Solka Truesilver, Chief Interregator. At this, he pulled out a knife so I conceeded that maybe that wasn't the best option. The Chaser was dispatched quietly, and disposed of in the Kitchens. I'm going to be having takeouts for about a week, methinks.


In order to prevent that happening again, I decided to build a containment facility. No more accidents. (Yes, this really isn't a great anti-base raid layout, but I'm not sure how those work in this game...)


Conjob was hospitalised for two days...


And King.com was in for three. They both have to have lots of morphine removed and blood replaced, as well as a fair bit of patching up.

Still. No Fatalities. Yet.

(Also, could people just post again if I've missed them out on the Employee list? Thank you.)

This is going quite well... I may need to turn up the difficulty...

2010-04-22, 05:53 PM
Oh, these things start well.

And then...

Well, you get a LV-426. If you're lucky. And "easy" becomes a thing of the past.

And these rifles?

We need new ones. I mean, when it's safer to pull a grenade at spitting distance rather than try a shotgun...

2010-04-22, 06:08 PM
*Solka emerges from the temporary holding cell, covered in grey goo*

"The alien is dead"

"But... ... why are you covered in.. goo..?"

"I had to make sure he'd died. Trust me about this. There is simply no way he can have survived this. It was fun however!" :smallbiggrin: "If I was the janitor, I'd simply burn this room down and build a new one."

2010-04-22, 06:41 PM

That was just embarrassing.

2010-04-22, 07:18 PM
I am the most competent person here!

:smallsigh: That's not saying much, is it?

(You don't need that many screen shots. Try to cut down on them.)

2010-04-22, 07:27 PM
Personally, i blame the horrible leadership abilities of xp for every shot i miss. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Also i agree with Raroy, cut down on the number of screenshots just a little.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-22, 07:29 PM
Yesh...you ssheem to have forgotten to give me credit for manning the shensors again. If the dropssshhip pilot'sh getting a blanket, can I have one too? Or at leasht more boozsh?

2010-04-22, 07:53 PM
*Solka emerges from the temporary holding cell, covered in grey goo*

"The alien is dead"

"But... ... why are you covered in.. goo..?"

"I had to make sure he'd died. Trust me about this. There is simply no way he can have survived this. It was fun however!" :smallbiggrin: "If I was the janitor, I'd simply burn this room down and build a new one."


Dr(?) Truesilver.

RE: Intimidation, terror, etcetera.

I get what you're trying to do here. I think. Every single great monster hunting organization (With the exception of the Ghostbusters) has that one guy. The guy the vets swap stories about and the rooks doubt even exists. The guy you'd fight Cthulhu with a toothpick to avoid having to tangle with.

And, well, it seems like a good gig. And being on good terms with that guy seems to pay dividends, usually.

So I hope you don't take offense when I say the following.

You could be doing this so much better. And, while I may not be able to articulate exactly what you should be doing, well, I found some data that could help.

First, I got you the entire published run of Atomic Robo. The guy to watch for in these is Jenkins. Seems to be what you're shooting for.

Second, I looked over your file. Although the (forged? Don't care either way on that bit) atrocities listed look impressive, they seemed a bit too detailed. Removed a few bits best left to the imagination, pending your approval.

Third? Just a friendly question. Did you work in the medbay on the ROU Attitude Adjuster? Because I heard some stories...


(Hey, there's no official rank below private! I can put whatever I want here....)

Super General King and Lord President: Chiasaur11

2010-04-22, 08:03 PM

Truesilver looked at the memo handed to him by Chiasaur

"Thanks son. I needed that"

He took the piece of paper, got it to eye level, and wiped his face off the goo

"Now, how about you kids bring me some job, or I'll find some myself in this base. I doubt the commander will miss soldiers who can't hit a guy 10 feet away with a grenade"

Solka deftly summoned a match in his left hand, and casually scratched in on Chiasaur's un-shaved cheek.

"Now time for a bath..."

2010-04-22, 08:04 PM
Truesilver looked at the memo handed to him by Chiasaur

"Thanks son. I needed that"

He took the piece of paper, got it to eye level, and wiped his face off the goo

"Now, how about you kids bring me some job, or I'll find some myself in this base. I doubt the commander will miss soldiers who can't hit a guy 10 feet away with a grenade"

Solka deftly summoned a match in his left hand, and casually scratched in on Chiasaur's un-shaved cheek.

"Now time for a bath..."

Right then.

We tried the carrot.

2010-04-22, 08:04 PM
Well, what a terrible aim. I blame all that lead those subcontractors put into your armors for radiation shielding. Who suggested to use lead as armor material?

Also, Commander XP, am i wrong or the boys are having dificulties to kneel in that thing for increasing accuracy? Well, i noticed Solka left around a strange grey goo, i brought it to the lab and it seems to make a good lubricant for the armor joints. I'll do some work on it. Of course, maybe its fault of the oversized diapers.

And the lasers are done, are you guys happy? Can we research our plasma grenades already? Pretty please?

EDIT: No, its not *that* kind of goo. It's your average strange grey goo. It will not melt you to the bones and reassemble you as molecular copies with alien DNA. Just be glad you guys dont have to check for strange goos around the base because of Bio Protocols.

I pity the guy in charge of the laundry.

2010-04-22, 09:00 PM
Well, I might not get much action, but at least I'm competent at my job :smallwink:

I think the first lasers should go on my dropship... Not that I plan on fighting anything... Its just that when our drop team inevitably dies a horrific and gruesome death, I'd like to at least pretend that I have a chance of survival.

Thanks for the blanket though Commander! Now I can actually sleep before the next mission!

2010-04-22, 10:05 PM
Right then.

We tried the carrot.


Nah, not yet. Carrot is Interrogation Tool #35.

#34 is the pickle
#36 is the banana
#37 is the pineapple

The trick is to show them what'll be coming next. I hope to increase our department's budget by selling the videos over the Planetweb. :smallamused:

2010-04-23, 02:39 AM
I still suggest improving our ship cannons after the medikits, or better yet, think ahead, and build an additional reseach and production facility, before the aliens start to get serious.

2010-04-23, 04:32 AM
I still suggest improving our ship cannons after the medikits, or better yet, think ahead, and build an additional reseach and production facility, before the aliens start to get serious.

You have a point. Scout UFOs are easy to shoot down, but we'll be facing stronger types soon. On the other hand, our ground team obviously needs far more accurate weaponry than they've got.

What should we concentrate on (request for additional lab and production facility noted, by the way)

Aslo, I'll bear the comments in mind and keep screenshots down in future. Not only for you readers, but because unregistered FRAPS only saves images in .bmp format and it takes an age to upload them all.

2010-04-23, 04:40 AM
(You don't need that many screen shots. Try to cut down on them.)

More specifically, you don't need to iterate every shot and miss with a screenshot... but it would still be nice to have them all commented on in the text.

2010-04-23, 06:15 AM
(Also, could people just post again if I've missed them out on the Employee list? Thank you.)

I don't seem to be on it...

2010-04-23, 07:00 AM
Hey, kids! Want to help me test this awesome new fighter jet gun?

2010-04-23, 08:17 AM
Aslo, I'll bear the comments in mind and keep screenshots down in future. Not only for you readers, but because unregistered FRAPS only saves images in .bmp format and it takes an age to upload them all.

Wha- ...you upload them as .bmp? :smalleek:
Open MSPaint and save them as .png before uploading. Do it. Now. :smallcool:

2010-04-23, 08:47 AM
Wha- ...you upload them as .bmp? :smalleek:
Open MSPaint and save them as .png before uploading. Do it. Now. :smallcool:

Noted. Although the quality is quite nice on these...

Also, Lightwraith,the Raider has no weaponry hardpoints. It's pretty much defenseless.

2010-04-23, 11:45 AM
I'm predicting that it'll take them about a week to decide what brand of painkillers it will use.

Curiouly no. We're all pretty much in agreement on the ideal composition of medikits: Morphin, whatever we want to test at the moment and a big fat placebo. a miraculous substance

((And I disagree with Raroy, lots of screenshot is a good thing in my opinion))

(Also, could people just post again if I've missed them out on the Employee list? Thank you.)

Not on it either.

2010-04-23, 12:17 PM
(Well, taking lots of pictures can help you remember what happened during gameplay, but it can really bog down an update. I mean, showing us every single action will just become overwhelming later on.)

Just use whatever they used on me for the medkits. Apple juice, I think.

2010-04-23, 12:30 PM
(Well, taking lots of pictures can help you remember what happened during gameplay, but it can really bog down an update. I mean, showing us every single action will just become overwhelming later on.)

Just use whatever they used on me for the medkits. Apple juice, I think.

Nah. It was probably Orange juice, from all the screaming I heard

2010-04-23, 01:23 PM
You have a point. Scout UFOs are easy to shoot down, but we'll be facing stronger types soon. On the other hand, our ground team obviously needs far more accurate weaponry than they've got.

What should we concentrate on (request for additional lab and production facility noted, by the way)

Imo we have several tactical objectives.

1) build a base with a rader on the other side of the world, so that we can at least chase ufo's away from there if nececary.

2) Expand our infrastructure, atm that means more reseach and production.

3) Improve our weapons, better ship cannons both leads to better interceptors, and they also allow us to upgrade the tank to something that actualy got armor on it.

4) better weapons for the ground troops, accuracy isnt that big of an issue atm, we should be able to get by with rocket launchers and grenades, enough aoe damage should hurt the enemy as well, and if we use stun grenades then they wont hurt us to bad.

2010-04-23, 05:11 PM
i have decided that aliens are abomonations unto, um whatshisname, begins with a G... anyway and so im going to make a disrespectful marionette show with their corpses.

"Hi Alien 1 guess what!"

"i dont know alien 2 what?"

"All of my legs are next to my spleen!"

"weres your spleen?"

"in the corner with my left testicle."

ratings everyone?

2010-04-23, 05:21 PM
i have decided that aliens are abomonations unto, um whatshisname, begins with a G... anyway and so im going to make a disrespectful marionette show with their corpses.

"Hi Alien 1 guess what!"

"i dont know alien 2 what?"

"All of my legs are next to my spleen!"

"weres your spleen?"

"in the corner with my left testicle."

ratings everyone?

"Needs psychological counseling. Also, to be reminded how to spell 'Godzilla'."

2010-04-23, 05:27 PM
"Needs psychological counseling. Also, to be reminded how to spell 'Godzilla'."

naw i believe in godzilla :)

2010-04-23, 05:35 PM
naw i believe in godzilla :)

Well, uh, good.

Aliens are generally abominations unto him, at least in the films I've seen. He tends to brutally murder them, at any rate.

2010-04-23, 06:12 PM
Well, uh, good.

Aliens are generally abominations unto him, at least in the films I've seen. He tends to brutally murder them, at any rate.

To be fair, there's not a lot he doesn't brutally murder.

2010-04-23, 06:40 PM
To be fair, there's not a lot he doesn't brutally murder.

What about Kenny?

No, wait. Scratch that. It was Gamera who didn't kill Kenny.

2010-04-24, 11:23 AM
Also, Lightwraith,the Raider has no weaponry hardpoints. It's pretty much defenseless.

Then I have to recommend that we research Space Duct Tape!

Nah, I figured as much, so no worries there. I have utmost confidence in our strike teams. Also my ability to fly away really fast in an emergency :smallwink:

2010-04-24, 04:50 PM
What about Kenny?

No, wait. Scratch that. It was Gamera who didn't kill Kenny.

You've lost me again. Chia, your a brilliant sonofa, but you make the most peculiar references.

2010-04-24, 05:05 PM
You've lost me again. Chia, your a brilliant sonofa, but you make the most peculiar references.

Kenny was the name of the kid in the first Gamera movie.

Somehow, no-one killed him, despite his insistence Gamera was nice in the face of all evidence.

2010-04-24, 05:21 PM
So, I'm thinking of taking B-Team out next mission so they can get some experience. Maybe getting about three more Redshirts so that B-Team is an 8-man team as opposed to A-Team's (No, not a coincidence. You guys sure have A Team Firing (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ATeamFiring)) 4 Men and a Tank set up.


2010-04-24, 05:26 PM
Kenny was the name of the kid in the first Gamera movie.

Somehow, no-one killed him, despite his insistence Gamera was nice in the face of all evidence.

Ah. I see.

This just proves I need to watch more movies.

EDIT: I saw yes to the above, if only because it might net me some action. :smalltongue:

2010-04-24, 06:01 PM
In this case, i'll have to ask the grenadier or heavy weapons position on B team, sir.

2010-04-24, 06:12 PM
Sounds good.

I was about to suggest that very thing, when and if I get a promotion.

(Oh, and a thought on that. If I do get stat ups, put them all in accuracy. Energy shields cover health, and reactions mean squat if you can't hit anything.)

2010-04-24, 06:12 PM
In this case, i'll have to ask the grenadier or heavy weapons position on B team, sir.

Uh, you're already a Labshirt. I could change that, make you a Redshirt, but there's already quite a line, and less fatalities than I expected so far.

Still. I have absolutely no clue about the game after a few months in, so the no fatalities could easily change.

2010-04-24, 06:16 PM
It's just that i'll need to make some field tests on the equipment we deploy, and also i dont want to be taken by surprise in our base in a worst case scenario. So, i'll drill with B Team while the current projects are not on my field, if its fine, sir.

Of course, if theres lots of better and more expendable recruits, i'll have to satisfy myself with the satelite feeds.

2010-04-24, 06:17 PM
In this case, i'll have to ask the grenadier or heavy weapons position on B team, sir.

I'm so calling dibs on the Grenadier position... :smallcool:

2010-04-24, 06:18 PM
I'm so calling dibs on the Grenadier position... :smallcool:

That's what she said.

Ahem, I will take point man for the B team.

2010-04-24, 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Slayn82 View Post
In this case, i'll have to ask the grenadier or heavy weapons position on B team, sir.
I'm so calling dibs on the Grenadier position...

Actualy, i called it at the time when i signed up...

2010-04-24, 11:31 PM
So I heard you guys were selling these awesome-looking red shirts. I'll just have one for now, what'll it cost me?

2010-04-24, 11:32 PM
So I heard you guys were selling these awesome-looking red shirts. I'll just have one for now, what'll it cost me?

Your life, probably.

2010-04-25, 02:15 AM
Your life, probably.

Everybody tells me I don't have one, so... You've got yourself a deal!

2010-04-25, 04:58 AM
So, I'm thinking of taking B-Team out next mission so they can get some experience. Maybe getting about three more Redshirts so that B-Team is an 8-man team as opposed to A-Team's (No, not a coincidence. You guys sure have A Team Firing) 4 Men and a Tank set up.


Go for it. Anything that gets me away from the unholy brain-sapping power that is earthling television.

2010-04-26, 12:20 PM
Update coming soon. Once again I'm uploading the BMPs to Photobucket and letting it do the converting, due to not being able to find a (free) batch image file type converter. Any pointers in that direction would be much appreciated.

And about the coming mission... we're keeping our track record of no fatalities... however, that's all I'm saying for now... :smallcool:

2010-04-26, 01:29 PM
I'd like to join!

Make me a Redshirt. On the... uhhh... L team.

Yeah. L team. Totally.
Also one of the soldiers that specializes in aiming whilst hiding behind a wall of meatshield.

2010-04-26, 01:35 PM
I'd like to join!

Make me a Redshirt. On the... uhhh... L team.

Yeah. L team. Totally.
Also one of the soldiers that specializes in aiming whilst hiding behind a wall of meatshield.

He's clearly volunteering for a solo mission to brave the dangers and hole away on a alien space craft to scout out the home planet!

Such Bravery. :smalltongue:

2010-04-26, 01:47 PM
I'd like to join!

Make me a Redshirt. On the... uhhh... L team.

Yeah. L team. Totally.
Also one of the soldiers that specializes in aiming whilst hiding behind a wall of meatshield.

L team, L team...

Ah. The "Losers". A suicide squad's suicide squad if there ever was one.

Nobody's made it more than four jobs with them.

Penalty assignment.

And you're... volunteering.

Well, you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. I'll leave a wreath.

2010-04-26, 02:06 PM
No, no. Losers is everyone. L-squad is the guys who get sent into L-space.

Just watch out for wild Thesauri.

2010-04-26, 02:08 PM
No, no. Losers is everyone. L-squad is the guys who get sent into L-space.

Just watch out for wild Thesauri.

Ah, fine distinction.

Everyone is lowercase l losers.

Uppercase is L squad.

The L space thing was a prank gone horribly right.

2010-04-26, 02:12 PM
Wait, my mistake this time.

He didn't say L-squad. He said L-team.

The lucky, lucky bastard.

I mean, everyone wants to go to the L-team, and he might even have a chance.

2010-04-26, 02:45 PM
CAF Commander's Journal-Log #4 (I'm not even keeping track of what I'm naming these things.

Meet B Team!


Even Human

Lord Khaine


Starbuck II

Agent Paper


And Azure Butterfly.

The last three members of B Team are in transit, but Agent Paper is bringing his own, apparently homebuilt, Rocket Launcher, so he was a natural choice, although Starbuck wanted to 'acquire' it off of him at some point.

And now, time for a CAF Special Feature! Meet the Equipment!

Ignore all the BS put down by our SCIENCE!tists, the Desert Rat Personal Armour is actually constructed using the latest technologies in Wet Cardboard and Butter engineering. I kid, if we were fighting against rebel humans, it'd be damn near impenetrable, but unfortunately, Aliens don't bother with such trivialities such as technology levels.

The Personal Shield unit is a small construction that can be easily fit in a trooper's backpack. However, they don't hold much charge in single quantities, can't be recharged and cost me 1000 credits a pop when you troopers get one busted in the field. So no, I probably won't have more than one a trooper. (I can seriously see those becoming a large drain on finances if we aren't careful)

And finally, the humble Stimpack. Every Soldier carries one of these. It's full of morphine and combat drugs, useful for keeping a wounded soldier somewhat still combat ready but won't actually stop them from, say, bleeding out. And there's only so much damage it can repair.



The Mark 1 Medkit. It's a lot bigger than a stimpack, but it employs alien tech and stem cells to help a soldier actually regenerate from his wounds, rather than just being generally high enough to ignore them. The downside is that they aren't available on the open market. We'll have to construct them ourselves.

So now I've told our research teams to stop messing around with medicine and differant coloured lasers, move out of laser theory and work out how to build a simple pistol. Easy, right?



Conjob and King.com make a full recovery and return to active duty, only to be told that A Team is stood down at the moment.


The 3rd UFO in CAF's history is detected...


Holy Smokes! It's headed for Ilyria!


Take off every Raptor, for great Justice!


It crashes uncomfortably close to CAF HQ. B Team is dispatched as soon as daylight occurs.


Lightwraith shows Raider 1 the virtues of not giving into gravity. However, he has no new privilages as, well, come on, he's done it twice now.


Azure Butterfly takes point and immediately spots a Larva floating in the air...


He crouches for a better shot... and wait... 91% chance to hit!?


Okay... Standard CAF procedure is now to crouch if possible, before firing. (It doesn't hurt that Azure has the best base shooting score of any of the CAF recruits so far, or in B Team, at least.)


the team fans out and Talvara runs into another Larva. He fires a burst at it.


The first bullet kills it, the others whizz off into the air. When did CAF recruits become competant?


Agent Paper, in the bottom right, is seen taking a Larva gass cloud to the face. Yeesh.


Upon leaving the cloud, he spots the culprit.


Talvara comes in for the assist!


but only succeeds in wounding it.


So Starbuck has to show him how it's done.


That's gotta hurt. Geez, at this rate, they could win this war on their own. Now, let's take a look at how Paper is holding up...


Uh... that's... yeesh. That gas is nasty stuff. (Could be worse. If he'd been knocked out, he'd pretty much be dead, as he couldn't leave the cloud.)


Talvara empties his entire Stimpack into Agent Paper. It's not enough to stop all of the pain, but he'll live. (Although that Critical wound means he'll take 1hp of damage each turn.)


Khaine spots a Chaser!


The Chaser apparently hates trees with a passion. Solka, make a note of this.


Argh! It got both Talvara and Khaine! Not good!


Even Human applies Human Logic to the situation. Also, grenades.


The Chaser is caught in the boom, but only hurt, not down yet.


Agent Paper comes to the conclusion that more boom is required, and fires his rocket.


Indeed, more boom worked wonders. (I can only imagine the look on the Chaser's face. The rocket went whizzing past it's head by inches, then hit the ground behind it, taking it out with the fireball. Must've switched from relief/smugness to horror/pain very quickly.)


Another Chaser!


Even Human yells something along the lines of "Die Human! I mean, errr... Alien! Because I totally am human!" and fires at the newcomer. Mental Note, get Even in for pysch examination. I don't think he's quite all there...


He and the Chaser exchange gunfire for a while


Come on, Even! What was that?


Starbuck assists with a burst fire...


Huh. He's doing quite well, isn't he?


Another one? Paper can deal with this one.




Oh great. Another one? Nosignal takes one to the knee cap.


There's the bugger.


On the far right: Nosignal taking a plasma induced nap.


Starbuck prepares for vengance!


"Boom. Headshot."


And we're done! Fortunately, all the wounded survived. Starbuck received a promotion to Private, sharing the same rank and therefore privilages as Raroy.


He chose his promotional training to be in strength, vitality and shooting. (Can shoot better, lift more stuff and take more hits.)

And now, the wounded gallery:




(Oh come on, Paper. That's barely a scratch...)

Ouch. Three members of B Team out for a month... I think A Team is going to field the next mission...


With the introduction of Medkits, I've started up our production division and got them working on 12 Medkits. That should be enough for the moment, I hope.


And finally, We have 10 days until the completion of the Alien holding facility. Maybe once it's done and we get some 'subjects,' Solka will stop staring at me in the cafeteria while playing with his knife... it's getting kind of creepy...

(I'm sorry Raroy and others who commented about the picture heaviness. I tried to cut it down, I really did.)

Now, this is a bit more like it. I may even need a Team C at this rate.

2010-04-26, 03:14 PM
Yeah, the picture heaviness is much better I think. You showed important moments not ever moment this time.

W00t, my avatar is almost as good as me. :smallbiggrin:
That rocket was an amazing explosion though.

I think team B is a better shot than team A. Over all, at least since we missed less.

2010-04-26, 03:25 PM
Huh? Oh right, ALIENS! Sorry, got distracted there for a second... >_>
(Pilot? Lift off as fast as you can. I rigged a little light show and connected it to the landing ramp, in case the ALIENS managed to defeat us. Yes this was necessary. No, this was not a waste of grenades.)

2010-04-26, 04:10 PM
What is this thing you call love high explosives? (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatIsThisThingYouCallLove)

Edit: As Factotum says, Irfanview is indeed pretty great for batch conversions

2010-04-26, 04:10 PM
Update coming soon. Once again I'm uploading the BMPs to Photobucket and letting it do the converting, due to not being able to find a (free) batch image file type converter.

IrfanView. Does the job pretty darned well, and it's free for private, non-commercial use, which I think this qualifies for!

2010-04-26, 04:13 PM
Three people injured? this is obviously because of the lack of tanks in B-Team.

2010-04-26, 04:17 PM
Three people injured? this is obviously because of the lack of tanks in B-Team.

If they'd had tanks, it'd be four for four.

Not that I'm implying nothing.

2010-04-26, 05:35 PM
Huh? Oh right, ALIENS! Sorry, got distracted there for a second... >_>
(Pilot? Lift off as fast as you can. I rigged a little light show and connected it to the landing ramp, in case the ALIENS managed to defeat us. Yes this was necessary. No, this was not a waste of grenades.)

Hey! No bombs on the Dropship! The Commander will take my blanket away if I bring this thing back with a scratch!

2010-04-26, 06:02 PM
Yeah, this really shows how important it is to have a tank as spotter and cover when you are doing missions (and the main reason for my argument to follow the upgrade path that leads to improved tanks), since you wont be able to handle the comming missions with a casulty rate like this, its not even like we have met any of the big aliens yet.

The Personal Shield unit is a small construction that can be easily fit in a trooper's backpack. However, they don't hold much charge in single quantities, can't be recharged and cost me 1000 credits a pop when you troopers get one busted in the field. So no, I probably won't have more than one a trooper. (I can seriously see those becoming a large drain on finances if we aren't careful)

Actualy, after the first couple of weeks you can easely afford to give each man as many of these as you can, and its also kinda needet to survive them.

Anyway gahh, a month in the hospital? at this point i think im better served with a brain transplantation into a cloned body ( the ufo rate will pick up as well).

2010-04-26, 06:05 PM
I take it you noticed your loadout, Khaine? You said you wanted grenadier, yes :-p

2010-04-26, 06:11 PM
So now I've told our research teams to stop messing around with medicine and differant coloured lasers, move out of laser theory and work out how to build a simple pistol. Easy, right?

.. But .. bu..but that not SCIENCE ! That's mere engineering.
Where's the fun in that ?

Anyway gahh, a month in the hospital? at this point i think im better served with a brain transplantation into a cloned body ( the ufo rate will pick up as well).

*Advance, all smiles, while hiding a bonesaw behing his back*
"I don't suppose you would mind writting it down while signing this doocument releasing us from any legal resposability should your brain be damaged in the operation ,would you ?

2010-04-26, 06:51 PM
Highest base accuracy (In team B)? One kill? Not a scratch?

I like it. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-27, 04:29 AM
I take it you noticed your loadout, Khaine? You said you wanted grenadier, yes :-p

Yep, upon closer considerations i think 3-4 shields would have been a wise choice as well, especaly when there isnt a tank to scout ahead.

*Advance, all smiles, while hiding a bonesaw behing his back*
"I don't suppose you would mind writting it down while signing this doocument releasing us from any legal resposability should your brain be damaged in the operation ,would you ?

"haha, just for fun, could you show me some papers (non-forged) that show me you actualy got any sort of medical education?"

2010-04-27, 05:39 AM
Wait a minute...

*scribbles, then runs of to a computer to print*

Comes back, holding a large document:


University of Ilyria

Granted by:
Professor NiKola Leonardo Albert Eldan von Oppenstein

Dr. Lex Victor Isaac Emmet Smuchmuch Faustus

Summa *** laude"


2010-04-27, 06:05 AM
His Diploma checks out, although I wasn't aware that Ilyria had a university. But it looks Vaguely official and that's what counts.

2010-04-27, 06:11 AM
Well, of course it has a university. I founded it.

2010-04-27, 06:27 AM
Truesilver took a look at the transport coming back from the mission. He will have so much fun! Finally, prisonners!
*No sense asking somebody else to transport one of the restrained prisonner for me. I haven't done much in this base yet, might as well take over the whole... interrogation process*

Truesilver waited for the people to have evacuated. Some people were talking about unfortunate woundeds during the mission. Oh well, these things happen.

The Interrogator stopped in front of a closed life support unit. There! That had to be it. I'll take it with me, and start interrogating it in the dark.. yhea, he won't see anything. That'll make him more afraid...

(OOC: can somebody choose which unfortunate wounded I took with me?)

2010-04-27, 06:44 AM
I'll randomly vote for Nosignal.

2010-04-27, 08:04 AM
Hey there, are you taking me to my ward? I'd like some pudding, please.

Why's it so dark in here?

What is this I don't even

2010-04-27, 08:11 AM
Hmm... they seem to be able to mimic human form. Probably infiltrators. And they are good, they picked up our language structure...

"Well. Finally face-to-face. I am happy to see we have caught a shapeshifter for our first catch, it's going to do wonder for our counter-intelligence effort. So, do you want to tell me what you know, or you want to tell Fluffy?"

Solka drew a drill from his toolbox

"I have to make sure you won't move too much in the later moment of the procedure. So I'll nail one phalanx per minute, except if you tell me something interesting... I am all ears"

The sound of the drill started to resonate in the dark

2010-04-27, 08:21 AM
Commander's Diary:

We appear to have misplaced Nosignal. Lightwraith and the rest of B Team swear he was on the dropship when they dusted off, but he's now gone missing. Still, in his present state, I guess he can't have gone far.

Also, Solka is a lot happier now. I can only imagine it's due the fact that his workplace is nearing completion...

2010-04-27, 09:38 AM
Commander, i would like to present a few observations about our current medical research.

First and foremost, the status of the project Agent Paper. He is the first one to be treated with our new alien stem cells, and despite serious head injury and extensive brain damage, he is almost fit for duty again. This is a triumph, who could guess we would find those alien cells while searching for a new lubricant for the tactical armor? ( Also, we solved that problem with the diapers)

Of course, we have some questions about the directions of the project. There seems to be some potential for research on dead human cells. Since i dont have time for a proper presentation, ill leave you with this informative ancient earth movie, that should cover well enought our conclusions and concerns.


2010-04-27, 09:41 AM
ive decided that some of you are possesed, Lord Khaine and Solka report to the chapel for um... fun, and by fun i mean exorsism, and by exorsism i mean frontal lobe labotamy. (were did i put my scalple...)

The Glyphstone
2010-04-27, 10:08 AM
Well, this shucks. Another day and I'm (hic) shtill not getting credit for my relentlessh monitoring of the completely autonomoush (hic) UFO warning shyshtemsh. It'sh getting to the point where even this moonshine can't dull the shame...(hic).

I'm putting in a transhfer requesht to join the (hic) asshualt shquads, she how well thish base runsh without anyone to (hic) make shure the radar ishn't overheating. I'll even shupply my (hic) own moltov cocktails grenadesh. B-Team looksh like it's got shome openingsh, and they'll probably appreshiate a dosh of liquid courage...(hic).

2010-04-27, 10:18 AM
*Knocks on door*

So I heard you guys have a few vacancies. Are there any places available?

2010-04-27, 10:19 AM
ive decided that some of you are possesed, Lord Khaine and Solka report to the chapel for um... fun, and by fun i mean exorsism, and by exorsism i mean frontal lobe labotamy. (were did i put my scalple...)

And by stay the &%#¤% away from you you maniac, i mean that i still got a couple of grenades left, and i might force you to swallow one.

2010-04-27, 10:32 AM
Glyphstone, you have not been forgotten! You are just an unsung hero. Except you're sung now... so... yeh. The Radar room's unlocked now. You can come out so people can see you!

Wait... what moonshine? Where'd you get that stuff from? :smallconfused:

2010-04-27, 11:11 AM
May I place a nonofficial not-exactly-a-complaint-please-don't-take-offence-or-kill-me-or-give-me-to-that-creepy-guy-with-the-knife sort of complaint?

It's just...

We're Redshirts, right? But this armour is blue and i'm not sure it counts as a 'shirt', either. Please note that I would still rather go out in the armour than a shirt staind red with my own blood THANKYOUVERYMUCHI'MOFFBYE!

2010-04-27, 11:30 AM
Hey, Glyphstone, where you hiding the good stuff? I smell strong spirits coming from your cockpit?

Dear Journal,
I had fun.
We kicked butt and maybe a little face. Our teams accuracy is pretty good; although we did take some hits to the squad but they will recover. But as they say B is for better.
I still want a bigger gun. That missile thingy looked awesome. Hope I get one.
I'm starting to think a few of the crew aren't exactly sane. Looks like it is up my invisible friend Fred and me to keep the sanity here.

2010-04-27, 01:53 PM
Glyphstone... The bleach is empty, why is nothing white? Moonshine? That's odd... Hang on, if you have the drink then I have th-

CRASH!! (Again)


Smelling salts later...

Point of intrest, we those aliens may react badly to bleaching. I would put it on par with MICROCLINE, but replace eye burning with sleeping. My, eh, research shall not continue.

2010-04-27, 02:04 PM
May I place a nonofficial not-exactly-a-complaint-please-don't-take-offence-or-kill-me-or-give-me-to-that-creepy-guy-with-the-knife sort of complaint?

It's just...

We're Redshirts, right? But this armour is blue and i'm not sure it counts as a 'shirt', either. Please note that I would still rather go out in the armour than a shirt staind red with my own blood THANKYOUVERYMUCHI'MOFFBYE!

Chin up recruit, and remember Lt. Galloway.

He's your new hero.

2010-04-27, 03:54 PM
When I said I was good at peeling potatoes, I was joking...I didn't think that's all you'd have me doing! At least...I THINK this thing I'm peeling is a potato... *peers at it uncertainly*

2010-04-27, 08:58 PM
You know... the more I hear the the insane ramblings of our Base-Shirts, the more I'm just fine with being stuck in the cockpit of my Dropship.

In fact, I'd almost consider my isolation to be a perk.

Although, I'm not sure how I'm hearing the ramblings... intercom?

Or maybe the crazy is just contagious. Great.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-28, 09:11 AM
Well, I got's thish repair budget, you shee, but I can only requisishun from it for shtuff that breaks. Shtuff like coolant pipesh, and cleanin shuppliesh for the schreens, and new liquid cryshtal displaysh when the onesh I have 'leak'. Mixsh all that shtuff up with lasht month's ration packsh, and let it boil off on the radiator. Got quite the kick, if your organsh don't shut down after the firsht shwig.

It'sh getting a little bland though, I wanna get out in the open and try shome new ingredientsh. There'sh apparently these thingsh called Larvae, that shpit gash cloudsh...soundsh like shomething that'd really add shome flavor.

2010-04-29, 08:25 PM
We're Redshirts, right? But this armour is blue and i'm not sure it counts as a 'shirt', either.

:smalleek: What?? I've been lied to all this time!? NOOOOO!! Who would deny us our snappy crimson-colored pieces of wearable memorabilia!?

2010-04-30, 01:13 AM
:smalleek: What?? I've been lied to all this time!? NOOOOO!! Who would deny us our snappy crimson-colored pieces of wearable memorabilia!?

Don't blame me. Blame the SCIENCE!tists :smallwink:

2010-05-05, 05:55 PM
CAF Commander's Journal #4

Greetings! Today, we kick off with another CAF Feature! Meet the Vehicles!


First up, the CV1 Desert Spirit Combat Support Vehicle. Operatives with eyes may have noticed that Aragehoar drives one of these, and that's currently the only one we own. The reason for this is that it's actually Aragehoar's car from his civilian life with spare bits of metal tacked on for armour and a gun turret duct taped on top. Whether Aragehoar is aware of the fact it's his old car, is, at present, unknown.


The Raptor Interceptor, the Bird that both Pie Guy and Roger fly. That we have two of. No, we aren't trying to cram two people into a single seater. I have a feeling Pie Guy got his flying skill from service in the Law Enforcement, as that's what the jets were used for before we 'acquired' them. Roger, I have no idea where he learnt to fly from. The first thing he asked when getting in the cockpit was where the abduction beam controls were... Still, he's a good pilot, at least...


The Red Raider, the plane that you soldier types will be most acquainted with. The 8 man workhorse is piloted by Lightwraith, who is at present locked in the cockpit. He's asked that you don't test your weapons inside the cargobay, by the way. It's unarmoured.

And now for the equipment the Interceptors are using!


Gatling Gun for shorter range encounters...


And the Red Sting Missile. Supposedly guided, but the guidance is so bad, it's generally more accurate fired dumb. Yeh.


And finally, the Shielding device that makes our fighters stay in the air. Beautiful, isn't it?


Exactly about three days after the mission, Agent Paper was up and about, hanging out with the others and generally making a nuisance with his rocket launcher.

The same can't be said for the other three causualties...




Oh, yeh. We found Nosignal. Solka turned him in after apparently finding him crawling through one of the bases air ducts. Nosignal wasn't really in a state to confirm or debunk the story, being unconcious.


The Labshirts got around to drawing up engineering blueprints for a Laser Pistol. These have been forwarded to manufactoring for later use.


They tried explaining how it worked, but it eventually the meeting dissolved into them running around the conferance room pointing fingers at each other and going "Pew-pew!"

I've said this before... but I'm surrounded by madmen... and paperwork...


At the requests of the pilots, the next research project is Advanced Cannons. I'd appreciate feedback as to the next one after that.


Buying more Shield Generators and Grenades...

As nearly half of B Team were mumbling about the pretty rainbows in medbay, A Team was up for next mission with a slightly differant loadout.






And not a moment too soon! We detected another UFO and... wait...

"Glyphstone, it's landed?"

"Yesh shirree! Sez sho on screen!"

"Frak. Get the Raider out, now!"


No wonder we hadn't seen it earlier. It was on the very edge of our sensor range. Hopefully, A Team would get there in time...


"Uhh.. Raider one to control?"

"Yes Lightwraith, what is it?"

"It's gone."

"It's WHAT?"

"It vanished after we lifted off."

"Ffffff... Okay. Glyphstone, keep an eye out for it or any others. I want all mission personel ready to scramble."


"Also, tell Solka that his containment lab has been constructed to his specification."


Maybe he'll decide to live in there and stop scaring the recruits...


"Commander! Another UFO!"


"South Pole again. It's airbourne!"

"Must be the bugger that we missed. Launch fighters!"


Sadly, it made a controlled landing, perhaps to repair damage. So I thumped on the Raider Cockpit a few times till Lightwraith lifted off. They needed to get there fast


Lightwraith redlined the engines and made it before the UFO could take off, earning him the right to one hour outside of the cockpit a day. As the door opened, the team and I realised the same thing at the same time. This is as light as the South Pole gets, at this time of year. Visibility wasn't great. A single bad move could be costly...


Yeh. Just like that. Frak.


Frak! At least his armour held.


There's the bugger. Fire, Aragehoar!


Gah! You fool!


King.com fails to down it...


But Chiasaur blasts it out of the air. Good man.


Aragehoar gets hit by another Larva attack!


Jeez, they're coming out of the wood... er... snow-work!


Aragehoar lines up a shot...


And misses, paving the way for the other troopers getting a gassing.



Chiasaur has enough of the alien's snide insinuations (or acid gas). Although he doesn't down it, he certainly hurt it.


Aragehoar is forced to take a less well aimed shot...


Holy... nice shot, Aragehoar!


That's some pretty nasty injuries. (sadly, I don't remember exactly whose)


The standard CAF 'Frightened Huddle' formation being performed flawlessly.


With good reason, apparently.


There's the damned culprit! I mean, abducting civilians and terrorising populaces is one thing. Property damage is unforgivable.


Aragehoar agrees.


Yeh. That's dead.



Aragehoar then goes on to discover another Larva while scouting. They don't like tank shells much.


More company! And the infantry's off clearing a building!


Aragehoar takes out his frustration on some flora...


Ah. That Chaser left quite a few dents in the armour. Aragehoar decides to use the CAF 'Tactical Pullback' manoeuvre...


But his retreating leads the Aliens to the infantry! Chiasaur takes a chest full of plasma!


Conjob will not stand for the damaging of X-Com Personel, especially after experiencing the hospital food first hand.


But yet it still comes. We really need those lasers soon.


King.com pumps his shotgun and fires...


Note to the SCIENCE!tists. Aliens do not like having their kneecaps blown off with a shotgun.


Aragehoar seen here bravely "Defending the Dropship."


More Chasers!

King.com uses his shotgun to thin their numbers! (And the one after that on reaction fire. Shame, because I was planning on getting Raroy in to introduce the Chaser to his stunstick.)


After that performance, all of A-Team are now ranked as Privates.




Oh Yeh, and Chiasaur's been given a day of bedrest so we can remove all the drugs pumped into his bloodstream.


And Conjob's in for 3 due to the hits he took.


Well, could've gone a lot worse, so I'm pro... what, what?



Frak! Take it down!




ARGH They're coming out of the woodwork!

This is an emergancy. The UFOs are beginning to get good at slipping through our net, and Conjob is still recovering, along with the 3 members of B Team. My current idea, if we down this UFO, is to amalgamate the active members of teams A and B and use them for the next mission. But we need to decide, do we build a new base, and if so, where? (I'm not sure if we have funding to properly support a new base yet.)

(Sorry if the quality's off. This was written over a few days.

The Glyphstone
2010-05-05, 06:43 PM
She? Shtop harashing me already, it'sh not my fault they're shneaking pasht ush. We need more shenshors....shobriety ish overrated anywaysh.

(If you can keep recruiting, and the teams are losing strength, count me up - but I can only be equipped with moltov cocktails grenades.)

2010-05-05, 07:14 PM
CAF Commander's Journal #4

Greetings! Today, we kick off with another CAF Feature! Meet the Vehicles!


First up, the CV1 Desert Spirit Combat Support Vehicle. Operatives with eyes may have noticed that Aragehoar drives one of these, and that's currently the only one we own. The reason for this is that it's actually Aragehoar's car from his civilian life with spare bits of metal tacked on for armour and a gun turret duct taped on top. Whether Aragehoar is aware of the fact it's his old car, is, at present, unknown.
I knew it! i knew you all lied to me when you said this was a tank!


There's the bugger. Fire, Aragehoar!


Gah! You fool!

my car always WAS unreliable...


Aragehoar is forced to take a less well aimed shot...


Holy... nice shot, Aragehoar!
This is what happens when you give me time to practice! Results.

This is an emergancy. The UFOs are beginning to get good at slipping through our net, and Conjob is still recovering, along with the 3 members of B Team. My current idea, if we down this UFO, is to amalgamate the active members of teams A and B and use them for the next mission. But we need to decide, do we build a new base, and if so, where? (I'm not sure if we have funding to properly support a new base yet.)

(Can we build a new base in pulsar? or the south pole? Both of those could be a good spot for a new base, but what the hell do i know? i never played this game.)

(And i got to say that this is my favorite update yet! No! its not just because i was competent in this one. :smalltongue:)

2010-05-05, 07:24 PM

More painkillers. I almost remembered just how bad we all have it.

2010-05-05, 07:34 PM
Well sir, we need a new radar covering the most landmass as possible. Is there any relevant countries near the area where the aliens are landing?

Also, maybe you should add a new hangar bay, in case the new base is sufficiently near the area. For aerial surveillance, the old skyrangers served well the original X-COM, i dont see why our equivalent craft could not work in this case. It would be terrible if the aliens had managed to establish a base on the pole. At the moment, they must only be recognizing the place.

We would have to keep destroying the alien ships. So, a couple hangar bays for raptors at the new base for would be a good measure. Lets keep stealing the aliens.

2010-05-06, 12:00 AM
Also, maybe another of those Red Wranglers or whatever they're called so that if you get 2 UFOs at once you can send troops to each simultaneously!

2010-05-06, 04:29 AM
I'd propose building a sensor base on the southern pole. But what do I know? I'm just a rookie in the human army.

2010-05-10, 12:20 PM
So. I think I've figured out the AI's plan. It is devious.

Apparently, it's trying to put you all out of commision long enough for it to spam UFOs that I then can't do anything about.

Whatever, the rate of UFOs has gone up by a large amount.

Update will be up soonish.

Alex Knight
2010-05-10, 01:39 PM
Y'know...this seems like another fine place to get my alien-killing on. Sign me up. :smallsmile:

2010-05-14, 12:49 PM
(Dread Lord Knight is signing up?. Better have him dual wielding stunsticks, unless anyone has any better ideas. :-p)

CAF Commander's Log #5

Gentlemen and Undecided, I'd like you to meet CAF's own Team Functional, members of A and B who aren't currently comatose.









There's a been a slight change to loadouts, mainly that the number of energy shields ran out and so they had to be shared out. (Also, I swear Even Human looks a bit like a Klingon. Has that resemblance struck anyone else?)


Lightwraith speedily piloting the team towards Victory and/or horrible death. That's a fair distance to travel so we will be building new Bases soon. When we're done with the alien specimens in the labs, we can just sell 'em for money.


The Dropship landed in the twilight, and Even Human was first off the ramp...


And spotted a Larva waiting to greet us.


Even Human responded with a single shot to what passes for a head on it.


Standard CAF formation: Spikey Porcupine of Guns and Death. I really don't know where the troopers are getting the names for these from...


After making sure the area was clear, Team Functional split into two groups to scout around a building. Group 1...


And Group 2


Group one soon ran into a Chaser that had been hiding in plain view of the cockpit. Lightwraith... what were you doing right then? Honestly?


Even decided to go for his second kill of the mission.


But Chasers are made of quite strong stuff. Better luck next time, Even Human.


One thing we learnt from the mission is that the sight of Chiasaur flicking shells into his shotgun while quietly cackling is scarier than the aliens. I'm so happy it was the Chaser's last sight before he blasted it it.


Another Chaser was spotted. Even Human, still miffed about his kill being stolen fired at this one too.


Only to have it whizz past it's head. Not Shown: Raroy blasting the Alien Scum to pieces.


And there's the damned UFO. There's probably still contacts in there, guys. Be careful...




Despite taking quite a few hits, Raroy closes with the Chaser in the doorway and gives him a good whacking with his stunstick, and clears the UFO with automatic firepower.


While Raroy was beating up Chasers, the rest of the group got ambushed by a hidden Larva! Even Human was caught with his mouth open and fell unconcious.


The perpatrator was quickly discovered by Group 2. Domochevsky opened fire at it...


and it's corpse made a satisfying little splat noise as it hit the ground.


Oh hell, there's another one.


Domochevsky decides to make a call back to the days where you recruits couldn't hit a barn door at point blank range...


While effective, payment for reconstruction of the wall will be taken from Domo's paycheck.


All in all, a successful mission then, even though we are now having to work on getting Even Human some new lungs.




And... casualties...



Even Human is going to be living off of Hospital food for a while, it seems...


What? Again? We don't have enough men operational! We're doomed! Unless I can think of something...



The SCIENCE!tists have finished working on a new fighter cannon. Our next project?


Letting Solka and his team have 'fun' with the live specimen we recovered. I almost feel sorry for it.


Sorry for the delay, exams and eh. I don't think we're going to loose many recruits to death now. Just long long hospital visits...

And as a bonus for me being late with the update...


It's a bit bleh but Functional. I hope.

2010-05-14, 12:57 PM
Now we're talking! Live specimens!
I need to go to the cafeteria and get my dissection tools back.

2010-05-14, 01:58 PM
Totally worth the paycheck cut! (Actually, im not even sure they're paying us anything... so, double bonus!)

Though, i'd rather have seen those levelup points go into Throwing. :smallwink:

2010-05-14, 02:05 PM
Lightwraith... what were you doing right then? Honestly?

As per Standard Operation Procedure (it's in the handbook, honest), I was taking a nap. If you would like me to function in a scout capacity (AKA actually looking outside the ship after landing) I'm gonna need a pay increase (or more outside-the-cockpit time) and some cool night vision goggles.

I think that's fair.

Also, woohoo! Now we have real red shirts! You guys can stop staining white t-shirts with your own blood now!

2010-05-14, 02:10 PM
What? Again? We don't have enough men operational! We're doomed! Unless I can think of something...

...Am i even in this base anymore?