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2010-04-17, 07:35 AM
So it begins.

Anyone who has a fortress or nations or anything of the sort:
You have received reports from several of the nearby cities and villages of stranger shadows and clouds forming behind the northern mountains and your advisors inform you that you have not heard word from any of the nations around that area in over 6 months.

Anyone who doesnt:
You have heard on your travels of strange creatures and people that have been displaying some kind of mystical powers. Upon further investigation you have found out that these people were first seen in the areas around the mountain ranges to the north. You have set out to see these people for yourself and try to find out what this strange power they posses is.

2010-04-17, 03:06 PM

The city of Crux Lesbif was a sprawling metropolis. One could wander through it for days and still have a long list of streets and landmarks left unvisited. From the streets, is was a never ending sea of pedestrians, carts and shops, everyone apparently needing to be somewhere else. From the sky, it was a flowing river of people, ever changing. Night or day didn't seem to matter, the flow might weaken, but it was always there.

This is what one would see from one of the higher buildings, a moving brown mass in the day and a reflection of the sky in streetlights at night. In one such building, one just high enough to look over most of the city's roofs, a man was trying to enjoy this sight, but finding it difficult. He looked on through a large glass window, part of an 'office' that looked more like a small armory. All kinds of weapons and pieces of armor rested on the shelves next to the books and documents, with larger items resting against the walls. On the desk, a series of reports where scattered. If one took their time, they would see that they all dealt with a similar subject and grew more and more dire as time passed. The man stood with his arms at his back watching his city's lights dance through the night.

He caught the thought and corrected himself. It wasn't his city, no. The only ones who could take any sort of claim were its citizens and the council. Alright, he fit into both, but its wasn't the city that belonged to him. It was its well being. In the past few years he'd nurtured it, protected it, helped it get out of the hell it had thrown itself into. He could look on proud, but...

He looked back at his desk. How long would it last? This matter was growing more and more relevant every day. He'd sent some of his most trusted officers to to try and see what in blazes was going on in the north, but... they hadn't returned or reported back in months. Perhaps this was what put the most weight on his shoulders. This matter had already cost him good men and if it wasn't taken care of, it might cost the city something greater...

He turned to the corner of the office, to his shrine of the Invincible. The city was doing well, it could continue to do so without him. Whatever was going on, he knew that there was only one route to take at this point. He walks to the shrine and draws the sword it nestled, the blade that had kept him alive through the war, the blade that had cleaned the city one man at a time. He would return to put it back. He was certain of it.

From here on, Alex prepares to leave to the North. He's not willing to risk any more of the city's guardsmen, so he'll put out a small announcement, looking for people willing to risk the trip, in hopes of finding out just what's going on with their neighbors in the mountains. If none show up, part of him will breath a sigh of relief and he'll head up their on his own.

OOC: The announcement is just an excuse to meet any like minded party members. It's just an idea I had, if anyone wants to go along with it, great, if not, I'm sure we'll meet up eventually.

2010-04-17, 04:47 PM

Padding through the undergrowth, Orukan was pleased with the change of weather. As much as he loved the rain, it felt good to walk through the forest in the morning sun again. His wolf ears heard the various creatures moving around, gathering provisions like madmen in case the rain returned. Not that anyone would notice, no-one ever did unless there was something they wanted from nature.

As he approached the edge of the trees he looked up at the clouds over the mountains, at odds with the otherwise pristine sky. Someone was messing with the balance of his world; he had put his entire life into defending it and keeping it in check, he'd be damned if some newcomer was going to come in and screw around with that.

With a screech of determination a pure gold falcon erupted from the edge of the forest, and flew unerringly towards the mountains.

2010-04-18, 10:58 PM

A crowd is already gathering to take a look at the Commander's official announcement in Crux Lesbif and, through the legs of the onlookers, a small creature makes its way to the front.

One of the men takes a step back and realizes he's stepped on someone, so he turns around and says "Sorr..", but then he looks down and sees Fruhilda's wide eyes staring at him and laughs. "What on earth are you?" he asks, obviously finding the spectacle amusing.

"Fruhilda Fray is my name", says the fey bowing her head, "and I beg your pardon, good sir, for not anticipating that you would move backwards, and consequently getting in your way."

The man laughs again and is perhaps about to say something demeaning, but then someone hits him with his elbow. "Shut up, you idiot, it's the Domovoi!" Not everyone in the crowd seems to understand what that means, but those that do either make way immediately or desperately try to catch a glimpse of her. Fruhilda, for her part, seems completely oblivious of the effect that her legendary status has on people, and simply walks forward to take a look at the announcement.

"Oh, my. To the North... Yes, I've heard all sorts of rumors about that, horrible business." she mutters to herself and blinks. "Perhaps the Commander would accept my service."

Fruhilda is very worried about the rumors she has heard, and at the same time hopes and fears it will have something to do with her own investigation - about the culprits for her former master's demise.

So, we're going to see the wizards, huh? :smallwink:

By the way, if you want to fast-forward to the meeting or even straight to the journey, it's fine with me.

2010-04-19, 01:10 AM
"Strange happenings to the north, you say?" The elfish Tiefling asked the Inn Keeper; it was a redundancy, as he recieved much the same reports the Commander did; Crux Lesbif had a thriving (though small and secritive) thieves guild, and Lucifer was their master. He had sent one of his own agents to investigate and had turned up naught. So, he would meet with his old friend the Cleric.

"Rosen, tell my kingdom to keep their grubby paws off my throne. Enteri is in charge while I'm gone." Slapping a platinum piece on the counter (vastly over paying) the Tiefling stood, gathered his cloak around himself and set off to the designated meeting place... By roof.

Im trying to outline my character's story here; I apologize to Ryuuk, but the thought of a Cleric/"Thief" rivalry from 'the old days' was too hard to pass up. If you like I can remove it, but it just seemed to tie us together, and our party is varied enough that having a "group" dynamic between two of us wouldn't hurt.

2010-04-23, 09:07 AM

Waiting at the city gates, Alex is almost heads out early. He would have preferred to only put himself at risk, to take this situation as a challenge from the Invincible, but he knew that there was a fine line between courage and recklessness. When two do show up, well, he at least admits that it was one of the better outcomes. If the tales are true, than that fey can probably take care of itself. As for Lucy... I guess its better for him to be with me then to give him free reign in the city...

"Fruhilda, Lucifer, I'm sure you've heard the rumors. Whatever's going on up north can't be good, and I'd prefer to have it fixed before we start feeling it down here." He turns to the mountains. "I really have no clue as to what is, but a personal look shouldn't hurt. Now..." His right hand becomes translucent, almost gaseous. "If you're all ready, then I think we should get going."

Spells aren't done yet, but a having a casting of Wind Walk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/windWalk.htm) wouldn't be far off, right?

2010-04-23, 03:37 PM
"I'm just going to state, RIGHT NOW, that if it's a dragon, I have dibs this time. You've killed the last TWO, and I want a turn." Lucifer says as he reaches out and touches Alexander's hand before stepping away, his own form becoming cloudy. "Dragon Slayer is a title that would amuse me beyond all reason."

I need to finish power/maneuver claiming. I'm bad at doing that in any reasonable length of time.

2010-04-23, 04:15 PM
After a few hours of travelling with windwalk you arrive near the mountains, realising that flying to close to the ever-growing purple clouds may be a bad idea you arrive in a small village about a kilometer from the mountains. This is the only village that you have seen on the whole journey, the spaces where the maps claim there should be villages there are simply featureless plains with wisps of smoke rising from them. You hear a noise above your head and look up to see a huge eagle soar past before transforming into a {either a stone giant or dwarf your choice}.

Edit: Transform into your choice of humanoid.

2010-04-25, 01:36 PM

"Fine, fine. You handle the dragon, I'll take care of the damsel." Smiling, he begins the journey through the mountains.


The high note doesn't last through, with each smoking crater, they pass he realizes that something was very, very wrong. There's a bit of relief when they finally find a village that stands, but that only told him that it had to be defended. He's about to look for someone to speak to, but the... being... that arrives should probably be taken care of first.

He makes no threatening gestures, his sword staying at his side. As far as the shape shifter can see, before him stands a well built, armored man in a plumed helmet. "You know, I'd probably be more surprised to see something like you if the sky weren't purple... We come from Crux Lesbif, and want to know why the mountains are so quiet. We would really appreciate anything you might know."

2010-04-25, 01:49 PM
The eagle hit the ground soft as imaginable, shift seamlessly from eagle to the form of a wolf. It is larger than normal, with pure silver fur and unusual green iris' in it's eyes.

It regards each of you before you hear a deep, old voice in your mind.

"In all likelihood I know only as much as you. I had been busy in the western lands, and only now heard of these goings on. I have worked for more years than you likely have combined to keep the balance of this world, I have no intention of letting this go unpunished. I ask to join you since your aims seem similar, though I will go on alone if needsbe."

2010-04-26, 06:52 PM
When they'd neared the town, Lucifer had faded into invisibility and begun to will himself to the ground; he'd landed a short way away from Alexander, and had been planning on inspecting the town discretely when the wolf appeared.

Lucifer let out a small noise of surprise at the mental voice, but it does not pierce his invisibility and he shifts position again, letting his aura of flames emerge as his invisibility fades; he takes a position flanking Alexander, eying the wolf; he didn't like other psychics, and if it was speaking mind to mind... well, you never knew.

I'm only not having him draw his mind blade because... I haven't worked out its enchantments yet x3;; So, uh... I'll get right on that.

2010-04-26, 10:19 PM

Great, an 'ancient guardian' sort... More good news... The knight shrugs. "As long as you're ok with a bunch of..." He turns to the fey with a pause. "A pair of 'young whippersnappers' sticking their nose into this whole affair, I don't see why we can't work together. If you don't mind my asking though, what the heck are you?"

2010-04-27, 03:16 AM

"I am the shifting face of the world, the formless guardian of all that is. I am the manifestation of nature's power, it's humble servant and absolute master.

Though you may refer to me as Orukan, I know the importance monoforms place on names. And do not take my comment as an insult; age is a pointless measure, I sense the power each of you bear and will grant you the respect you have earned as long as you will all do the same."

He looks at the shifty Lucifer as he says this before nodding his wolf head in a very brief bow to the group.

2010-04-27, 04:36 PM

The silver wolf will turn and head into the town, scanning the thoughts of anyone who appears, holding back on communicating for now.

Anything interesting/useful in people's heads?

2010-04-27, 05:38 PM
Lucifer's apparently activated his Conceal Thoughts power, as Orukan detects nothing; in reality, he sets it up every morning when he wakes up.

Ive honestly forgotten to read what your telepathy does/how it works, but this gives me a bonus to saves against reading my mind, so... *hiding my thoughts*

If you like, I posted my thoughts on Lucifer's response in the OoC.

2010-04-28, 06:58 PM

Humble, right... He gives the spirit wolf a nod "Very well Orukan. My name is Alexander, or Alex for short." He returns the bow. Does that even work in thought though? Noticing the tiefling, he'll introduce him too if he seems to prefer not to. "An this is Lucifer" He smirks. ...or Lucy

"Perhaps we should head into town. There were no other villages left standing for miles around, sadly, these folk might have an idea of what's going on."

The italics without quotation marks are his thoughts, which Orukan might be able to pick up. I usually do this anyway, but it might be fun to have someone eavesdropping without him knowing.

2010-04-30, 12:19 PM

"It does work like that actually."

Strolling through the town Orukan grew weary of the lack of people and so shifted his shape again. He grew to great size, rivalling a troll in height and more than beating it in girth. It's hair is like spun gold engraved with ruby red symbols. His teeth and claws are made like ice.

He sends out a mental order to the full range of his Telepathy.

"Someone will come out and explain what is going on. You have one minute before I start tearing this place apart. If you come out you will not be harmed."

2010-04-30, 01:23 PM
Several moments pass, it seems as if nothing is going to happen but then a few people tentaively emerge from their houses and look up in awe at the huge monster that stands in the middle of their town. We-we don't know what's been happening sir. So far whatever has been destroying the other villages has left us alone but many of your villagers got scared, they packed up and left. naturally we sent some men up into the mountains to investigate but they never returned. The whole thing started about 6 months ago.

2010-04-30, 01:29 PM

"Is there any reason your village would be spared? Even if it is nothing but a legend or folk story. What changed 6 months ago?"

The bear will reduce in size so it is the same height as the people, and will hide his claws and teeth.

2010-04-30, 01:54 PM
Well... I say that none of the parties we sent there returned. There was one, the mayor and some of the towns officials went up there to see what was happening. A few hours later they returned. They were blind but they said that "they had seen all that was and needed to see no more" they had been changed both physically and mentally, no longer thinking like there old selves. Although I don't see why we would be spared because of it.

2010-04-30, 03:42 PM
"Great, no real reason for them to be spared, no idea what it is except it causes blindness and/or mind control, and it's definitely not a dragon." Lucifer sighed, looking to Alexander quizzically, arching a brow in a silent question.

Think you can cure it? his expression asked, his flames having died away once more. After making sure that his companion had caught the look, he glanced to the villagers.

"Are those afflicted still in town, and if so, where are they staying?"

2010-04-30, 08:40 PM

The knight just shakes his head slowly as Orukan listens to his thoughts and threatens a village already strained as is. Things might get complicated.

"I'd have to see to them. If not through tha blessings I've received then perhaps tomorrow at dawn. Regardless, it seems we now know where to go. The mountains where no one seems to return from. At the very least, we need to know why."

2010-05-01, 04:36 AM

"Then you shall see to those who require aid, and then leave to the mountains. My healing abilities are not as versatile as yours I imagine, so I will scout the immediate area and then stand guard if you must remain overnight."

2010-05-04, 06:47 AM

As the day dawned Orukan finished off his patrols and left his bear form behind, switching instead to that of a simple tabby cat. He approached the lodgings where Alexander had spent the night, making sure he was either tending his duties or invoking the necessary spells from his God.

2010-05-06, 02:10 PM

Moving forward, towards the townfolk, Alexander calls out. "Those that you say have lost their mind, please, take me to them. I'd like to see just how bad the damage is."

If they allow him to see them, he'll do everything he can to find out what happened to them and find bring them back to sanity.

Alright, lets see here, he'll try to following solutions for each problem, first 1), then 2), then 3). He'll only go on to the next option if the previous one proved useless. It seems we're staying here for the night, so I should be able to recover the spells before heading off to the mountains, but in case something happens during the night, I'd like to only use what spells are needed.

To try and figure out what caused it:
1) Knowledge Religion check: [roll0] (If it was an undead, this should cover it)
2) Spellcraft check: [roll1] (If this is the working of some spell, this might tell me something)
3) Heal check: [roll2] (If it's a disease, this should cover it, Divine Insight was used for a +15)

Healing it
1) Heal ckeck: [roll3] (Divine Insight was used for a +15, if the above made it clear that mundane healing would do nothing, skip to 2)
2) Mass Heal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/healMass.htm)
3) Miracle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/miracle.htm)

2010-05-20, 08:30 AM
One of the villagers you ask looks worried and says Y-you can try talking to them but once you do you will see why we have avoided talking to them for so long. he leads you to the town hall where the officials who had been afflicted were living. If you want to see them they are inside. But I shouldn't think you will be able to help them. You head upstairs in the town hall to the room where the villager indicated the officials were staying. When you enter the room you see the, all wearing black cloth blindfolds, writing. You use your skills to attempt to identify the nature of the affliction. You seem to find a strange arcane aura around the people.

Your religion and heal checks reveal nothing but your Spellcraft check reveals that some form of magic caused the damage but you can't identify what spell it could be.

Using your divine magic you attempt to cure them.

Mass heal fails to do anything. However when you cast Miracle they all suddenly colapse, a few seconds pass before one of them slowly sits up, he removes his blindfold. W-who are you? Where am I? There was such a bright light...

2010-05-20, 09:10 AM

Alex takes a deep breath. He trembles a bit, feeling lightheaded, the result of calling upon the Invincible and asking him to intervene. Still, it had worked. "Easy, easy, you must have had a huge strain on you. I'm just a man from Crux Lesbif, it seems you're home, back in your village. A gift from the heavens brought you back, but you must repay them by telling me what you remember. There's is something very wrong going on in the mountains and I need to know what you saw."

2010-05-25, 01:05 PM
We went up into the mountains to see what was happening and... and there was this man... he said that he could find a use for us and then there was this bright purple light... it felt like my eyes were being burnt out... and then I woke up here a few moment ago...

2010-05-25, 01:09 PM

Orukan has to admit that was an impressive feat.

"I suppose we should waste no time in our ascent."

2010-05-26, 04:12 PM

"A man and purple light... Thank you, now take it easy you and your companions have been through a lot."

Once the group is outside, he faces the mountains. "We shouldn't, lets go."

2010-05-31, 02:10 PM

With that Orukan turns into a sapphire stallion, like a being of living, radiant jewel. Once shifted he begins to move away from the village in silence.