View Full Version : Notifications (Subsctiption problem)

2010-04-18, 01:15 PM
One of my players likes to post a picture of his character at the start of each post. We both play at another game where he has the same habit. He is also the only one that when he posts, I don't get notifications of. Most of the time. And it's only in the IC threads, because he doesn't post the picture in the OOC thread. Sometimes it does send me a notification, but it is rare. Besides not posting a picture at the start of the post, is there something that we can do to fix it?

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-18, 05:10 PM
Tell him to just post the name of his character instead of the image. I'm sorry but your player's habit just seems to me like a needlessly image-heavy way to go about things.

I leave an actual technical answer/solution to those more qualified.

2010-04-19, 04:20 AM
Alternately, a single image as the first post of the IC game thread, with a URL link in future posts would likely not be too bad. That way, you only reference the image once, rather than once per post on a page.

Alternately, it's possible to dispense with the initial image entirely, and link directly to the picture via the filesharing site you use for this purpose (I use Photobucket).

I wouldn't know about the technicals, though, and I've not experienced the problem, as I check GitP a dozen times a day for posting, rather than relying on my e-mail inbox.

2010-04-19, 09:25 AM
Have you tried putting something prior to the image, or putting it at the end of the post?

Since it only happens when he posts the image first, I'm going to take a wild guess and say the notification program ignores posts starting with an image, assuming that there isn't any text after it.

Try putting something, anything, over the 10 character limit prior to posting the image.