View Full Version : Drained of all Colors (Musical Plot, Private)

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2010-04-18, 03:56 PM
Another what-if musical.

The setting: Space Research Station MA-51.
Tests and experiments and SCIENCE go on here. The test subjects are mostly catpeople. They're also mostly unhappy.

Characters per player:
As far as I know...
XtheYeti has 14-year-old'd Richard and 4-year old catboy'd Anton.
iElf has catgirl'd Din and normal-ish'd Fallout.
Kurama has Quinton, the deaf catboy.
Quinsar has Fel, a kittygirl.
I... well, you'll see.

Most of the test subjects are gathered in a sort of common area, with chairs and tables and open spaces and even a decorative fountain.
But... they're not happy.
They stare wistfully out the huge windowpane into the vastness of space... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqnN0tob7w0)
"In space the stars are no nearer
They just glitter like a morgue
And we dreamed that we were spacemen
Burned like a moth in a flame
And our world was so dead and gone

We're not attached to that world
Where nothing heals and nothing grows

Space is a great big cold world
And we are drained of our colours
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another
All our stitches itch
Our prescription's low
We wish for a Queen
Just for today
In a world so cold what else can we say?

And hell was so grey
All the vases are so broken
And the roses tear our hands all open
Mother Mary miscarried
But we pray just like insects
The world is so ugly now
Space is a great big cold world
And we are drained of our colours
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another

All our stitches itch
Our prescription's low
We wish for a Queen
Just for today
In a world so cold what else can we say?

Space is a great big cold world
And we are drained of our colours
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another

All our stitches itch
Our prescription's low
We wish for a Queen
Just for today
In a world so cold what else can we say?"

2010-04-18, 04:01 PM
I has Richard and Anton, Anton be a 4 year old Orphaned catboy.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 04:06 PM
Quinton is there. But he can't hear the song. Or anything for that matter. Luckily for us, he can talk. And sing. But since he can't hear himself, he is a terrible singer. But he is gonna have to for this thread.:smalltongue: He looks depressed.

2010-04-18, 04:07 PM
Fel, about fourteen right now, is scratching at a window with her claws.
She hates it here.

2010-04-18, 04:12 PM
Din is huddles in the corner crying.
http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1004/d18/1628/6df9305.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/36232210)

2010-04-18, 04:14 PM
One of the labcoat'd staff tries to get Fel away from the windows.

One of them wheels out a subject in a straitjacket, straitpants, straitshoes, goggles, and a muzzle.
Her ears and tail are black; her hair is black and teal.
She's restrained on a dolly like Hannibal Lecter; known, she is, and feared.

2010-04-18, 04:14 PM
Anton cries.

Richard looks annoyed.

2010-04-18, 04:15 PM
Fel growls and scratches at the a staff member.
She has sharp claws.

2010-04-18, 04:16 PM
The staff wear reinforced labcoats and gloves; he scowls.

The restrained catgirl looks around at the others with her mirror-goggled eyes.

2010-04-18, 04:17 PM
Fel growls, trying to get back to her window.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 04:18 PM
Quinton whimpers as he sees her.

Also, I just found a song for him, and will start editing the lyrics immediately. It pertains to his deafness and how he is trapped in this place.

2010-04-18, 04:19 PM
Din slowly crawls towards the restrained girl. she sits down next to her "what have they done to you?"

2010-04-18, 04:22 PM
"She's restrained so she doesn't kill any of us or any of you again. You know that."
Indeed. She has attacked test subjects and staff.

The restrained one looks down at Din and makes harsh, breathy noises through her muzzle.

"Stop clawing at the damn thing, then."
The staff member lets Fel go back to her window, watching her.

2010-04-18, 04:23 PM
She hisses and pushes her face up against the window, staring.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 04:28 PM
For future reference, this is Quinton:

Quinton begins to cry, like he does so often, when he looks at the catgirl.

2010-04-18, 04:30 PM
She drags herself off the dolly before the staff dude can stop her.
Arms restrained, she unsteadily walks in a direction toward both Quinton and Fel.
Her breathing is... strange through the muzzle.

2010-04-18, 04:31 PM
Fel doesn't notice her.

2010-04-18, 04:32 PM
Din tries sneaking to the door if it's still open

2010-04-18, 04:33 PM
Anton keeps crying.

Richard sighs.

2010-04-18, 04:33 PM
Door is closed.

The restrained one, labeled 115, stops to stare at Anton with goggled eyes.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 04:35 PM
Quinton looks up at her frightened, but doesn't move.

2010-04-18, 04:37 PM
Din claws at the door "let me out , let me out , let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, let me out , let me out, LEEET ME OUUUUT!!!"

2010-04-18, 04:37 PM
Anton looks back at her. He's shaking and afraid.

Please don't kill me...

2010-04-18, 04:38 PM
Staff members try to restrain Din.

115 turns away from Anton with a soft noise. She heads to the window next to Fel, breathing in her peculiar way.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 04:42 PM
Quinton stops crying and watches Pesty 115 curiously.

2010-04-18, 04:43 PM
Din tries to fight off the staff, tears in her eyes, and over her face "LET. ME. OUT!."

2010-04-18, 04:44 PM
((DEDTIEM FOR DINNOR. Back soonish.))

2010-04-18, 04:46 PM
Anton goes back to crying pitifully.

Richard walks over to Din.

Din. Please. You're making Anton cry.

Evil assassin is still a jerk.

2010-04-18, 05:02 PM
Din looks across at Richard , her eyes feral "I hate you!"

2010-04-18, 05:24 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. But at least you now can say something other than "let me out." So everyone wins.

Richards an annoying jerk....

2010-04-18, 05:24 PM
((Back for a bit, then away a bit after that, then back.))
Behind them stands a tall, thin catwoman, about 25-30. Her hair is redblack, her skin is nearly bluewhite, and her ears and tail are redblack too. She wears a labcoat with dark red leather pants and red platform boots.
It's Dwaya Gacy, the head of the station's research team.
A formidable woman.

2010-04-18, 05:30 PM
Din glares at her "you bitch, you inhuman bitch. let us out, let us go"

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 05:33 PM
Quinton whimpers again as he sees Dwaya.

2010-04-18, 05:34 PM
Dwaya's red-irised eyes narrow.
I said... hush.
She is greatly feared among the staff and subjects alike; her eyes seem to have mesmeric, persuasive properties...

2010-04-18, 05:36 PM
Din whimpers, and looks to the floor "...ye..yes mistress...."

2010-04-18, 05:38 PM
((Dedtiem briefly.))

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 05:38 PM
W-what are you going to do to her?...
He says pointing to 115.

2010-04-18, 05:44 PM
A tall young man in a lab coat is standing at the door . he is waiting for Dwaya to return. he had brown hair and eyes. a name tag says "Paul Johnson"

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 05:56 PM
Heyyyyy... Johnson is Quinton's last name.:smalltongue:

2010-04-18, 06:00 PM
Johnson is a common name?

2010-04-18, 06:04 PM
The same tests as 115 always gets.
Play nice, kids.

She goes back to Paul.

Yes, yes it is.

2010-04-18, 06:07 PM
"I really think we should de-claw the grey haired one. 013 I think. she's getting dangerous" Pauls looks down at his clipboard "and I've got some paper work for you ma'am"

2010-04-18, 06:24 PM

Paperwork. Wonderful.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 06:29 PM
Quinton didn't hear her answer, but he just assumes that's what she would have said.

He sits criss-cross applesauce (I remember that from preschool) and glares at her and Paul angrily.

2010-04-18, 06:30 PM
Din goes back to cowering in the corner

2010-04-18, 06:34 PM
She waits for the paperwurk.

2010-04-18, 06:37 PM
Anton is crying.

Richard is death-glaring the employees.

2010-04-18, 06:38 PM
Paul hands her a few forms regarding some experiments...and some fatalities on the side of the test subjects "oh, and may I request some older subjects , maybe 013 ,for an experiment later on? I hate using the younger ones. they're always loud , and they scream, and are just annoying"

2010-04-18, 06:42 PM
... Noted.
She orders some staff guys to do stuff.
I'll have #24 (Quinton) put under higher observation tonight.

... Ugh. I say we head for the staff lounge for now. I need a drink.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 06:42 PM
I hate you all...
He grumbles under his breath. Though it's not super quiet. It's hard to speak quietly when you can't hear how loud you're talking.

2010-04-18, 06:45 PM
115 is breathing on the back of his neck.
Same... here...

2010-04-18, 06:46 PM
Richard sniggers.

He's deaf Pesty 115

2010-04-18, 06:47 PM
"yes ma'am" he follows her to the staff lounge

Din cries in the corner , knowing she might be experimented on later on

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 06:48 PM
Quinton turns around, and fall backwards scared.

2010-04-18, 06:52 PM
She hisses at Richard and observes Quinton closely.

Dwaya goes to le lounge and pours herself a drinky.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 06:54 PM
Quinton whimpers.
D-don't hurt me...

2010-04-18, 06:56 PM
Dr. Johnson gets himself a coffee "we're running low on test subjects... will we be acquiring more soon?"

2010-04-18, 06:58 PM
115 moves away and goes to a corner to brood.

New shipment's coming with the Director. She's coming to check on us.

2010-04-18, 07:01 PM
"Already? I'll get to work on 013 tomorrow then"

Din sits in the corner, looking at her sharp claws. how nice it would be to be free again....

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:01 PM
Oooo... New test subjects. I could always use the gay giant hawkboy in this thread too. It fits kindof. Then they would be mainly testing on animal people.

Quinton let's out a sigh of relief, and licks his hand...paw...thing...

2010-04-18, 07:08 PM
Fel looks over to 115 smiling nervously.

2010-04-18, 07:08 PM
115 struggles in her straitjacket.
She looks at Fel and begins to come over.

Dwaya nods, drinkying.

2010-04-18, 07:09 PM
Fel watches.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:11 PM
So um yes well, is it ok if I bring Luro into this? As one of the new shipments of test subjects?

Quinton sits down again. He tried to cry, but his eyes are welling up. It's his daily routine.

2010-04-18, 07:15 PM
I approve.

115 sniffs Fel.

One of the staff, a smallish woman with one eye, sighs as she sees Quinton. She has a soft spot for the deaf catboy.

2010-04-18, 07:18 PM
Fel smells like flowers...
That looks uncomfortable...

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:19 PM
I meant tried not to. Whoops.

And yay!

And Quinton's tummy growls. That makes him stop crying, but now he's hungry. He looks at the woman with sad eyes.
C-can I have some f-food.
He cringes afraid he's gonna be hit for asking.

2010-04-18, 07:22 PM
"... Yeah, okay.
They're putting you on advanced observation, so we might as well start with your eating habits." She signlanguages it to him as she speaks, then reaches for his hand.

'S 'kay.
... Flowers...?

2010-04-18, 07:24 PM
I always smell like flowers...
I could undo those binds if you want...

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:26 PM
"Thank you" he signs back. He prefers signing to speaking.

He grabs her hand and stands up.

2010-04-18, 07:26 PM
Anton is crying.

Richard is death-glaring the employees.

This some more.

2010-04-18, 07:29 PM
Dr. johnson sits down to drink his coffee ,watching his superior

Din goes to sit down next to Anton

2010-04-18, 07:29 PM
I always smell like flowers...
I could undo those binds if you want...

... Staff watching now.
But later...
Staff come to collect 115.
"You'll be part of a group test with her." They say to Fel.

The woman goes to get Quinton some foods.

Staff watch Rich.

Dwaya gets another drinky.

2010-04-18, 07:32 PM
"It may not be my place to say this, but you're overdoing it again ma'am"

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:33 PM
Quinton goes with her not looking quite so sad anymore.

Then he realizes something.
Im being put on avanced observation? Why?
He speaks because it's hard to sign while walking and with only one hand available.

2010-04-18, 07:34 PM
Fel nods and stands up.

2010-04-18, 07:35 PM
Anton huggles Din.

Richard glares at staff.

2010-04-18, 07:37 PM
It keeps me going, Paul.
"I don't know..."
After he eats, he and Fel and Anton and Din will be put in a room with 115.

2010-04-18, 07:39 PM
Din holds Anton close to her when they're brought into the room. "don't worry dear. I'll look after you"

"are you having second thoughts, regrets ma'am?" he definitely isn't...

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:41 PM
He eats tuna!

He looks around.
Huh? At they all in advanced observation today too?

2010-04-18, 07:41 PM
Fel watches 115.

2010-04-18, 07:43 PM
115 steps forward to Fel.
She turns around and presents her straitjacketed arms and the straps to her muzzle.
Mask... arms...

2010-04-18, 07:43 PM
Anton nods and cries into her shoulder the whole time.

I want to go home....I want my mommy...

2010-04-18, 07:45 PM
"hush. it'll be ok. I'll get us out of here, and then we can go look for your mummy"

2010-04-18, 07:48 PM
Fel quickly undoes both.
Yes ma'am, right away.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:48 PM
Quinton sits in the corner now, lonely.

2010-04-18, 07:50 PM
Anton, who is an orphan, nods. He huggles Din tightly.

2010-04-18, 07:50 PM
115 stretches, flinging her mask off and pushing her goggles up to her forehead.

Yeah, it's Pesty, pretty much. She's pretty, but her teeth are bloody.

Let's make introductions, everyone. You all go first, mm?
Just hates.

2010-04-18, 07:51 PM
I-I'm Fel Arule...

2010-04-18, 07:54 PM
Din looks up at Pesty, holding Anton close to her "Din"

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 07:55 PM
Quinton sees Pesty's lips moving.
W-what did you say miss? I can't hear you.

2010-04-18, 07:56 PM
Anton cringes away from Pesty and buries his face in Din's fur.

2010-04-18, 07:58 PM
Pesty looks at Quinton.
Introduce... yourself? Her lips are easily read.

She looks at Anton.
Aww, am I really that scary?
Is it the goggles on my forehead? Or do you not like teal?

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 08:02 PM
I-I'm Quinton J-Johnson.

2010-04-18, 08:07 PM
I see.

And what about you, little guy?
She asks Anton sweetly.

2010-04-18, 08:08 PM
Fel watches Pesty with adoration.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 08:11 PM
Quinton looks sleepy, he yawns.

2010-04-18, 08:15 PM
Anton mumbles into Din's shoulder.


Scary Pesty scared the four year old.

2010-04-18, 08:18 PM

I'm N-115. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RYUcu-dTls) Some call me Pesty...

I am N-one-fifteen... I am N-one-fifteen
Subjects sold in quantity, herded by heredity
Sci-fi burnout death-wish mind,
who said science was so kind?
demonstration, evaluation, time for neko segregation
amoral, no-ethics fascination, too much oral defecation

Catboys get down on your knees,
time for pain and ecstasy
Catgirls get down on your knees,
Time for hate and pregnancy
(I am N-one-fifteen... I am N-one-fifteen)

IV tubes and vaseline, tv-stalked by thorazine
Cash in hand and sex on screen,
who said science was so clean?
Labcoat-belt 'round pregnant waist
putting roven in their place
Yeah, right, great if you're so good explain the s**t stains on
your face

Catboys get down on your knees,
time for pain and ecstasy
Catgirls get down on your knees,
Time for hate and pregnancy

2010-04-18, 08:31 PM
Fel whimpers.
You're a good singe.r..

2010-04-18, 08:32 PM
Well, thanks.
She giggles.
You're a good... listener...

She suddenly sits down hard.

2010-04-18, 08:33 PM
Mind if I sit next to you...?

2010-04-18, 08:34 PM
Anton cringes at the song and cries into Din's shoulder. He doesn't know what ecstasy is. But he knows pain.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 08:40 PM
Quinton looks sad. He wishes he could hear music. It might help to cheer him up.

2010-04-18, 08:40 PM
Mind if I sit next to you...?
Pesty does not speak.

2010-04-18, 08:41 PM
Fel goes to sit next to her....

2010-04-18, 08:46 PM
She is sat next to and does not respond, staring at her feet.

2010-04-18, 08:47 PM
Fel tries to poke her...

2010-04-18, 08:52 PM
She makes a quiet noise.

Viera Champion
2010-04-18, 09:03 PM
Quinton has already curled up in a ball, and fallen asleep in the corner.

2010-04-19, 05:31 AM
Din look across at Pesty "do you know why they keep us here? why they do those things to us?"

2010-04-19, 05:57 PM
She shakes her head numbly, staring at her feet.

2010-04-19, 06:09 PM
Anton huggles Din.

Richard stretches, and turns into a kitteh!

2010-04-19, 06:15 PM
Din sings softly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRWvIlDxB7Q) to Anton

"yondeiru muneno dokoka okude
itsumo kokoro odoru yume wo mitai

kanashimi wa kazoe kirenai keredo
sono mukoude kitto anataniaeru

kurikaesu ayamachi no sonotabi hito wa
tada aoi sora no aosawo shiru
hateshinaku michiwatsuzuite mieru keredo
kono ryoute wa hikariwo idakeru

sayonara no tokino shizukanamune
zeroni narukaradaga mimiwo sumaseru

ikiteiru fushigi shindeiku fushigi
hana mo kaze mo machi mo minnaonaji

yondeiru muneno dokoka okude
itsumo nando demo yumewo egakou

kanashimi no kazuwo iitsuku suyori
onaji kuchibiru de sotto utaou

tojiteiku omoideno sononakani itsumo
wasuretakunai sasayakiwo kiku
kona gonani kudakareta kagami no uenimo
atarashii keshiki ga utsusareru

hajimari no asa(no) shizukana mado
zeroni narukarada mitasarete yuke

umi no kanatani wa mou sagasanai
kagayaku monowa itsumo kokoni
watashi no nakani mitsukeraretakara"

Viera Champion
2010-04-19, 06:22 PM
Rawr! New arrivals soon!

Quinton stretches out yawning as he awakens.

2010-04-19, 07:10 PM
The others are escorted back to their rooms.

Dwaya watches le tapes and sighs.

Viera Champion
2010-04-19, 07:15 PM
Quinton claws at the door, he's hungry.

2010-04-19, 07:43 PM
Anton is sung to sleep.

2010-04-20, 09:01 AM
PhD Johnson turn up behind them "what did you expect her to do? kill them on sight?eat them?"

2010-04-20, 02:27 PM
((Unusually, I am here from school. Hee hee.))
Dwaya shrugs.
They brought out her passive side at the end there... that's interesting.

2010-04-20, 02:30 PM
"I understand why you put the kids in there with her, but why 013? would have been a waste of a good vict.....I mean a waste of an good test subject if 115 had gone berserk again"

and this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8337872&postcount=539)?

Viera Champion
2010-04-20, 02:32 PM
Haha! Luro will sing a modified version of Help! By the Beatles when he arrives!

Quinton is humming to himself. The time for his horrible singing is approaching!

2010-04-20, 02:32 PM
What, have you forgotten how I had you install the deactivation collar on her?
The one-eyed woman is watching Quinton as usual.
Is gud, iElf.

2010-04-20, 02:35 PM
"ah, sorry ma'am, I had forgotten about the "off button"."

Viera Champion
2010-04-20, 02:45 PM
Well not realy humming to himself, he just does it for the vibrations.

If the one eyed woman looks at the time, it's ten seconds till his morning crying time.

2010-04-20, 02:46 PM
Dwaya nods.
She's ready for hug-give.

Viera Champion
2010-04-20, 02:48 PM
Right on schedule, Quinton pulls his knees up to his chest, and begins to sob.

2010-04-20, 06:53 PM
Right on schedule, Quinton pulls his knees up to his chest, and begins to sob.
Hug time!
She tries to comfort him.

Viera Champion
2010-04-20, 06:57 PM
Quinton's crying fades, and he begins to sing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS6G8RO71Y&feature=youtube_gdata). His singing is terrible, but that just makes the song all the more depressing.

Am I gonna see tomorrow*
I'm wide awake but fast asleep*
It is gonna last forever*
To watch them swallow my whole life*
I can only wait 'til they tear me away*
And they screw me *up so I *hide my face*

Does it sound okay*
I don't wanna make the same mistakes*
'Cause the world you I live in*
Is so silent*
Does it sound okay*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
In my world of silence*

Why does it feel so bad now*
Do you burn your eyes when you look at me now*
Is it gonna take forever*
To escape from this silent hell*
I don’t want to wait as i'm tortured you see*
And I'll never hear what you need to see*

Does it sound okay*
I don't wanna make the same mistakes*
'Cause the world you I live in*
Is so silent*
Does it sound okay*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
In my world of silence

Does it sound okay*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
In my world of silence*

I head nothing when I'm up against the wall*
I don't remember the way it used to be*
It’s getting late, will you set me free*

Does it sound okay*
I don't wanna make the same mistakes*
'Cause the world you I live in*
Is so silent*
Does it sound okay*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
In my world of silence*

Does it sound okay*
I don't wanna make the same mistakes*
'Cause the world you I live in*
Is so silent*
Does it sound okay*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
What’s it gonna take to wake me up*
In my world of silence*

2010-04-21, 01:56 PM

Hugs still...

Other guise, poast plz.

2010-04-21, 02:24 PM
if you're still here, Din is huddled in a corner again, looking at the floor

2010-04-21, 03:21 PM
She got moved back to her own room, so that's where she's floorstaring.
Dwaya is watching through video monitors in the, um, video monitor room.
She has an expression of utter loathing for everything.

2010-04-21, 03:30 PM
Din gets up and tries to open her door

2010-04-21, 03:33 PM
It is locked like always.

Every room has a small bathroom alcove, by the way.
Dwaya, without a glance at Paul, gets up and heads for the bathroom.

She's done this for months, but two weeks ago Paul accidentally discovered what she does in there... cry.

2010-04-21, 03:35 PM
Paul laughs at her when she goes past her again , and then sits down at the console to watch 013
who is undressing to take a shower

2010-04-21, 03:37 PM
He gets the satisfaction of hearing a little noise in his boss's throat as she hurries to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, she emerges, eyes red-rimmed.

2010-04-21, 03:43 PM
Paul watches Din shower through the security cams. when Dwaya renters the room he looks like he's trying to hide something
Din finishes her shower, gets dressed again,and goes to bed, her claws digging into the mattress

2010-04-21, 03:44 PM
What the hell were you looking at? She asks sullenly.

2010-04-21, 03:46 PM
"only monitoring the test subjects "

...yeah right paul, like anyone is going to believe that...

2010-04-21, 03:51 PM
Yeah, monitoring any bits of them in particular? She grimaces.
F[words]king test subjects. F[words]king tests.

2010-04-21, 03:55 PM
Paul gets up "why are we testing them then? if you hate them so much?"

2010-04-21, 04:01 PM
We get the tests from The Foundation. They give us the subjects. They give us our funding to do their tests on their subjects.
It feels like we're stuck in a little doped-up show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IFAs6o1KKk&playnext_from=TL&videos=N_FXseWHzKc) for them to watch, scientific entertainment...

The tests, they say, won't make us feel so hollow
We work in vain, narcissistic and so shallow
We're all so strange; to swim you have to swallow
Hate today, no drive for tomorrow

We're results now... in the lab show
We're results now... in the lab show

There's lots of pretty, pretty funds
They raise your hopes so high
But all the pretty, pretty funds
Will leave you low and blow your mind

We're results now... in the lab show
We're results now... in the lab show

They love you; your report's on the covers
When it's not then they love another

The tests, they say, are made in Verethonia
We love your race
So we'll experiment on you
We're all so strange, but make good-looking models
I hate today
Those who buy my thoughts tomorrow

There's lots of pretty, pretty funds
They raise your hopes so high
But all the pretty, pretty funds
Will leave you low and blow your mind

They love you; your report's on the covers
When it's not then they love another

There's lots of pretty, pretty funds
They raise your hopes so high
But all the pretty, pretty funds
Will leave you low and blow your mind

They'll blow your mind

We're results now... in the lab show
We're results now... in the lab show

This video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R682M3ZEyk&feature=related) is nearly always in my head for Dwaya.

2010-04-21, 04:06 PM
"face it. neko's are almost completely a slave race. now if you'll excuse me, there are some injections that are waiting for 013"

2010-04-21, 04:07 PM
She sits in a chair and turns away from him.
You've always been a deaf, blind sonovabitch.

2010-04-21, 04:09 PM
"why thank you" he turns and walks away to get Din

2010-04-21, 04:10 PM
She breaks down, sobbing, the moment the door closes.

2010-04-21, 04:22 PM
Din is torn out of her sleep by paul, and brought to a experimentation room without cameras

2010-04-21, 04:47 PM
Fel is wherever.

2010-04-21, 04:49 PM
Dwaya has set up hidden cameras in rooms like those. She's paranoid.
A staff member comes to Fel.
"We've got a new test for you, 022." Or whatever her number is.
"We'd like you to come look at a little slideshow for us, okay?"

2010-04-21, 04:52 PM
She nods, smiling happily.

2010-04-21, 04:55 PM
Paul can be seen beating Din up ,injecting something into her, strapping her down on a table.... and forcing a curtain on her.Dwaya might want to look away

2010-04-21, 04:57 PM
She'll be waiting for him, breath smelling of horrified vomit, when he returns.
With a taser.
Like, as soon as he opens the door.
They put Fel in a chair and put brainwave and pulse monitors on her.
First image: Earth.
Second image: This station.
Third image: herself.

2010-04-21, 04:59 PM
She frowns sorta....

2010-04-21, 05:00 PM
he blinks when he opens the door "****..."

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 05:07 PM
Well um... Quinton rubs the tears away from his eyes. He's done crying.

2010-04-21, 06:12 PM
he blinks when he opens the door "****..."
She tries to taser him.
Fel is shown more images: A staff person.
Dr. Johnson.
Dr. Dwaya.
115 in her restraints.
The one-eyed gal smiles a little.

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 06:14 PM
Quinton smiles back.
Are we getting any new friends soon?

2010-04-21, 06:14 PM
She smiles at 1155 but frowns at thew other two, even hisses a bit.

2010-04-21, 06:17 PM
She nods, smile almost fading a little.
Then unrestrained 115.
115 angry.

2010-04-21, 06:19 PM
She watches those smiling.
She liked 115.
As a friend.

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 06:19 PM
He notices.
What's wrong miss?

2010-04-21, 06:22 PM
115 in her undies.
Exercising without clothes.

2010-04-21, 06:23 PM
She blushes and watches, she didn't want to get hit.
He pulse increases a bit.

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 06:25 PM
115 in her undies.
Exercising without clothes.

I can keep a secret. I promise.
He tries to grin reeeeeaaalllyyyy big for her.

2010-04-21, 06:29 PM
"Really, it's nothing."
Unnervingly explicit images of 115... this is getting creepy.

BRB for about 15 mins.

2010-04-21, 06:45 PM
She tries to close her eyes a bit, heart racing.

2010-04-21, 06:46 PM
The images stop being pronz and return to average stuff, then end.
"Alright, thank you, 022."
She is led back to her room.

2010-04-21, 06:47 PM
She shakes a bit, kinda sweaty...

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 07:44 PM
"Really, it's nothing."
Unnervingly explicit images of 115... this is getting creepy.

BRB for about 15 mins.

Ok. Sorry for being so bothersome. I like you. You're nice. Unlike all the other ones who hurt me.

2010-04-21, 07:45 PM
She smiles and pets his head.
"Are you okay?" Fel is asked.

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 07:49 PM
Quinton purrs quietly, and rubs up against her when his head is petted.

D'aaaaawwwwww... Adorable kittynessosity.

2010-04-21, 07:57 PM

2010-04-21, 07:59 PM
"D'awww, Quinton..." She calls him by his fo' realz naem.

2010-04-21, 08:01 PM
She heds into her room...

2010-04-21, 08:07 PM
Cameras observe her as usual.

Viera Champion
2010-04-21, 08:08 PM
He's asleep, and if she's sitting, his he's is probably in her lap. He's purring in his sleep.

2010-04-21, 08:32 PM
Awwwww. She pets his head.

2010-04-22, 01:51 PM
Paul is tazered , and he drops to the ground.

Din is still strapped on the experimentation table. she's quiet, wounds on her arms and legs bleeding, her head lolling around, the whites of her eyes showing

2010-04-22, 01:54 PM
Briefly here!
She kicks him and sends staff to tend to Din.

Gone nao.

2010-04-22, 01:59 PM
Din is tendened too. she'll be ok... physically

Paul is kicked... I can guess where. barely concious , he moans

2010-04-22, 03:25 PM
She has peoples get him restrained and stuff.

Tendy tendy tendy with tender care.

2010-04-22, 03:33 PM
Paul glares at Dwaya while he is restrained , while in pain

Din passes out while they are tending to her

2010-04-22, 04:40 PM
Dwaya goes to check on Din.

2010-04-22, 04:42 PM
Paul was not gentle with her ,to say the least. she's bleeding in several places, and still passed out. she'll live though.

2010-04-22, 04:44 PM
She sighs and goes to observe an experiment in which Fel and Pesty are put in a room.

2010-04-22, 04:53 PM
Fel blusehs when she sees Pesty, she remembers the slide show yesterday.

2010-04-22, 04:54 PM
Pesty's not being all angry and crazy.

Unrestrained, she waves a little.
Hi hi.

2010-04-22, 04:57 PM
Uh, how are you?

2010-04-22, 04:58 PM
I'm okay.
They made me not wear clothes and exercise yesterday and that was weird.

2010-04-22, 05:04 PM
They showed me pictures of that...

2010-04-22, 05:06 PM
... They made you look at me... without clothes?
115 seems unnerved.

2010-04-22, 05:07 PM

2010-04-22, 05:09 PM
... Did you try to not look at my, like, bits and stuff?
Gone soon.
She blushes, unnerved.

2010-04-22, 05:10 PM
Yeah, I tried...
I stared at your belly button so to not see...
The rest...

2010-04-22, 05:11 PM
115 takes a look at her own navel.
She pulls out some lint.
Okay, thanks.

2010-04-22, 05:11 PM
She nods, looking at her feet.

2010-04-22, 05:16 PM
A large rubber ball is introduced into the room.

Deadtime very now or very soon.

Viera Champion
2010-04-22, 07:16 PM
Quinton wants a rubber ball!

2010-04-22, 07:51 PM
115 bounces the ball to Fel.

2010-04-22, 07:55 PM
She giggles and bounces it back.

2010-04-22, 07:57 PM
It's a pretty big ball, about 3.5 feet in diameter.
And therefore it is REALLY FUN.
115 bounces it right back with a hip-thrust! Boink!

2010-04-22, 08:01 PM
Fel giggles.
head butting it back.

2010-04-22, 08:05 PM
It accidentally bowls 115 over. O noe!

2010-04-22, 08:06 PM
Fel giggles and steps forward.

2010-04-22, 08:14 PM
115 sits up and giggles.
Try this!
She sort of lays on top of the ball and bounces, then gets off and rolls it to Fel.

2010-04-22, 08:23 PM
Fel tries it, giggling.

2010-04-22, 08:25 PM
After a while, playtime is over and Fel is returned to her cell.
Dwaya comes along.
Hello, 022. How was your playtime with 115?

2010-04-22, 08:26 PM
It was really fun!

2010-04-22, 08:26 PM
Dwaya questions her casually for a bit, then leaves.

2010-04-22, 08:33 PM
Fel is unsure of what to do...

2010-04-25, 09:26 AM
Still alive, guise?
I can have the Director visit soon...

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 09:29 AM
That would be nice. We do need to direct the plot of this to have an actual goal I think. Because right now it's just random experiments on catpeople. Not much of a plot with out a goal.

2010-04-25, 09:50 AM
I have goals set out, trust me.
Pretty much all of Act I and most of Act II.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 10:03 AM
I trust you.:smallbiggrin:

2010-04-25, 12:01 PM
A shuttle approaches the dealio place slowly...

The kind one-eyed gal who tends to Quinton is with Din.
Dwaya is glowering down at a restrained Paul.

2010-04-25, 12:08 PM
Paul grins as Dwaya glowers at her "so. what happens to me now?"

Din is silent. dead silent. I've got a song lined up for her, but its only a small portion of the entire track (about 3 minutes of a 14 minute track)

2010-04-25, 12:10 PM
That's not my decision.
I'll defer to the Director on this one.
She's coming today, you know. Isn't that great?

... Idiot. What the hell were you doing to her?!
Do you have any idea how many unwanted variables you introduced?! How the hell am I supposed to work with her now?!?
No, she's not angry at him for raping Din. She's angry at him for screwing up her experimental setup.
"Oh, you poor thing..."

2010-04-25, 12:29 PM
"I don't give a **** about your experiment. 013 would have been scheduled for execution sooner or later anyway"

"let me out. let me go back home...."

2010-04-25, 12:32 PM
"I... I...
If I can find a way..."
She tries to backhand him.
Idiot. I hadn't authorized that and I wouldn't have.
We'll see what the Director thinks of your actions.
The Director, as he knows, is greatly feared by all her subordinates. He should probably feel at least a bit uneasy at the prospect of meeting her...

She's never come to the station before. She's met with Dwaya elsewhere before.

2010-04-25, 12:50 PM
"the director? coming here? we shall double our efforts!"

Din lays her head on the girls shoulder "thank you"

2010-04-25, 12:53 PM
Dwaya smirks, nodding.
"W-when I signed up for this, I was only told I would be working with catpeople. A-and I really like catpeople, you're all so nice... most of you...
B-but... I never wanted this..."

2010-04-25, 01:00 PM
"we can escape together. with all the others. but first....I'm going to kill johnson."

"then I hope for you ,she'll look past the killings of 115. she was your responsibility remember?"

2010-04-25, 01:31 PM
I was authorized to dispose of subjects with D classification. 115 only took out D-subjects.
I'm fine.
115 is put in a room with Din and Fel nao.

2010-04-25, 01:35 PM
Fel wavesd to 115.

2010-04-25, 01:37 PM
The nice-one-eyed girl is with Din, who might be in a wheelychair.
Hiya Fel...
... You, you're... Din, right? Are you okay? what happened to you?

2010-04-25, 01:59 PM
"Dr. johnson......" Din starts sobbing
"What ever you say. at least I can live with the knowledge, that I didn't betray my own species"

2010-04-25, 02:10 PM
She jabs at him with the taser on a low setting.
Shut up, you whore.
115 tries to huggle Din.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 02:14 PM
Quinton wakes up to perfect silence again. He notices that the one-eyed woman left. He sighs thinking back to his dream.

And rawr! Luro is on the ship heading towards the station.

2010-04-25, 02:23 PM
This woman looks into the window of Luro's cell.
Quinton's nom noms are brought to his cell.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 02:28 PM
Let me out of here!
Luro turns to hawk form and pecks at the window furiously.
Quinton nom noms on his nom nons delightedly.

2010-04-25, 02:30 PM
She chuckles.
The Director moves on.
Nom nom!

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 02:36 PM
Quinton licks his lips as he finishes his food.
Quinton screeches angrily. He returns to human form and begins to sing. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU7JjJJZi1Q&feature=youtube_gdata)

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.

When I was younger, not much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now those days are gone, I'm entering this place,
Now I find I've lost my mind and freedom out the door.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate help getting out.
Help me, find my way out of this place
Won't you please, please help me?

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,
My life of freedom has just vanished in the haze.
But every now and then I feel some hope once more
I know that you'll just help me out I've never needed more.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate help getting out.
Help me, find my way out of this place
Won't you please, please help me?

When I was younger, not much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now those days are gone, I'm entering this place,
Now I find I've lost my mind and freedom out the door.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate help getting out.
Help me, find my way out of this place
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.*

2010-04-25, 02:54 PM
She jabs at him with the taser on a low setting.
Shut up, you whore.
115 tries to huggle Din.

Din is huggled .. and she whispers in her ear "help me kill him"

"you'd love that , wouldn't you?, if I'd shut up. but I'M supposed to be the whore? you'd sell you're body in an instant , of you hadn't already sold your self out to the boss"

2010-04-25, 02:56 PM
115 nods.
Dwaya zaps him again.
By the way, Paul, how's your fiancee doing?
O lawd, dat wuz a low blow.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 03:10 PM
Luro finishes singing and frowns. He bangs on the window with his fists.
Let me out!

2010-04-25, 03:12 PM
"which finance?"

Din starts singing
Sparkle my scenery
With turquoise waterfall
With beauty underneath
The Ever Free

Tuck me in beneath the blue
Beneath the pain, beneath the rain
Goodnight kiss for a child in time
Swaying blade my lullaby

On the shore we sat and hoped
Under the same pale moon
Whose guiding light chose you
Chose you all

"I’m afraid. I'm so afraid.
Being raped again and again and again.
I know I will die alone.

"You live long enough to hear the sound of guns
Long enough to find yourself screaming every night
long enough to see your friends betray you.

"For years have I been strapped onto this table
I just wish the tide would catch me first
And give me a death
I always longed for"

2010-04-25, 03:14 PM
We'll g-get out of here...
The one who had the accident.
Involving... radiation poisoning?
Alternate timeline!

2010-04-25, 03:21 PM
Din breaks down crying,
"ah, yes, that one.....I'd almost forgotten about her, thank you for reminding me."

2010-04-25, 03:22 PM
115 hughugs.
She gives really good hugs.
Dwaya smirks nastily.

2010-04-25, 03:27 PM
Paul smirks right back at her "silly little thing. she actually believed I loved her, instead of her research funds. now, don't you have a master to attend too , slave girl?"


Din is hugged, and she sobs on Pesty's shoulder

2010-04-25, 03:28 PM
Dwaya answers by tasering him in the groin, then leaving.
The Director's transport docks with the station; the prisoners are transferred.

She comes onto the station.
Paul can hear her voice.
Doctor Gacy?

2010-04-25, 03:34 PM
paul groans a bit, but then listens in on the conversation

Din stops sobbing, and goes back to being quiet

2010-04-25, 03:39 PM
Yes ma'am?
You know what I'm going to say, Dwaya.
Into the room. Now.

So, she says from the room next to Paul's, so he can hear it, I hear you and Dr. Johnson are having issues.
Dwaya explains.
You poor kitty. The Director sneers. I don't really care. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw_hkkbGqio)

I don't care if your world is ending today
Because I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted Communist and I took your heart
But now I'm not an artist, I'm a f**king work of art

I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like U

You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I am a freak in the Foundation with a metal mask
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'll hold you down in case you might faint

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'll hold you down in case you might faint

Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I am chrome-top, a deathset, and a sure fit
I infected, took your diamonds, you take all my s**t
Your sell-by-date expired so you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and vivi-sex symbol

You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I am a freak in the Foundation with a metal mask
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'll hold you down in case you might faint

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'll hold you down in case you might faint

Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is u

I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like U

I am a freak in the Foundation with a snow white smile
Super ego-b*tch, I've been evil a while

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'll hold you down in case you might faint
Then forced-curtainy noises, followed by Dwaya crying.

The Director exits the room and heads for Paul's.

2010-04-25, 03:44 PM
Paul just wait for her, laughing his head off at Dwaya's situation

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 03:45 PM
Luro is resisting, turning to hawk form, and attacking any of the people who try to get close to him to try and transfer him into the station.

2010-04-25, 03:47 PM
Paul just wait for her, laughing his head off at Dwaya's situation
She comes in.
Hey there. Didja see the pic of her that I posted earlier?
Well, you've been a busy bunny, making Dwaya so angsty.
One-eyed gal tries to calm Luro down.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 03:49 PM
Luro doesn't really she is trying to be nice, so he pecks at her.

2010-04-25, 03:51 PM
Paul grins "all in a days work"

2010-04-25, 07:55 PM
Luro doesn't really she is trying to be nice, so he pecks at her.
Her hand is pecked and she cries out in pain.
"Ahh! Stop struggling, please!"
Her voice is nice.
The Director chuckles.
I think she wants you almost as hard as she hates you.

Viera Champion
2010-04-25, 08:56 PM
Luro whimpers and shrinks to human form. Those sharp hawk eyes of his, unable to show the sadness he is feeling.