View Full Version : evil ascendant in character thread group 1.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 02:10 AM
this is the in character thread for Dekkah, Otogi, MoriHikari, Incomp, and Cilvyn.

You guys all know the story so far. Should I assume you're all friends or have your characters not met yet? your choice.

2010-04-19, 06:17 AM
Uhm, I wrote nothing in my backstory, so at least I don't know these people, I think.

EDIT: *I wrote nothing about the others in my backstory, I mean.

2010-04-19, 07:19 AM
I didnt write anything about it either, but I dont mind if we do know each others already. It is your call really.

BTw, how do you want us to proceed when we post (do we write everything IC or we use both OOC and IC)?

2010-04-19, 08:01 AM
OOC: Hm I wrote nothing about it in my backstory...I didn't even get my backstory up yet... I'm good with it either way.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 11:02 AM
when you do post it's preferable that you write in character. However as long as you say "OOC" on something it should be fine.

okay, so, since you don't know each other where do you guys all want to start in the city? Keep in mind this is a very well known and large city so you'll be able to find just about anything.

except brothels.

2010-04-19, 01:41 PM
That's cool to me (except brothel part).

2010-04-19, 01:44 PM
Well, if I have the choice, Kelvan would probably be in an Inn, one close by a city gate. He would have been there for some time, drowning his sorrow, but decided he needed to do something else and not waste his life (also, his pockets are getting empty). I'll do an IC post when you tell us where we start.
But eh really can be anywhere also. I guess you shd just put us somewhere and we will react ;)

BTW, I use spoiler for OOC*and dice rolling, so only IC stuff appear when you read it.

2010-04-19, 05:18 PM
except brothels.
I was reading your post, and you said we can start anywhere and my thoughts went "brothels! brothels!!" and then I see except brothels, and I was sad. But I also was happy, because I found the situation amusing. Besides, Sin probably isn't much of a brothel-goer (is that a thing?). ANYWAY, I think if Sin hadn't met the party yet, he would either be searching a local bounty hunter place for something to do/kill, or in his room in a tavern or similar location. (He doesn't really know how to have fun)

Also, as soon as we "officially" start, I'll start posting in character, and I'll place OOC when I'm, you know, not.

Edit: It probably doesn't matter, but do you prefer me to post 3rd or 1st person? E.g., "Sin looks around" as opposed to "I look around?"

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 05:27 PM
Okay then. You don't mind if Sin starts out in the classic tavern? It's usually pretty easy to find out about money making oppurtunities there.

Plus, you can get drunk. Seems right up a guy named sin's alley. You can do either third or first person. I don't care.

One thing I should bring up. I can't see sin's character sheet.

2010-04-19, 05:48 PM
Okay then. You don't mind if Sin starts out in the classic tavern? It's usually pretty easy to find out about money making oppurtunities there.

Plus, you can get drunk. Seems right up a guy named sin's alley. You can do either third or first person. I don't care.

One thing I should bring up. I can't see sin's character sheet.

1.Tavern's fine, but Sin ain't a drinker.
2.Not being able to see my sheet is NOT fine. What do you suggest I do about it? If I have to, I could save it as a pdf and email it to you, but I don't want to do that.

Edit: Oh, and MoriHikari? I was looking at your character sheet, because I am a curious person, and I noted you possess only two at-will powers, plus wild shape. You get three plus wild shape as a druid.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:02 PM
there should be a little eye symbol next to the name of the sheet in your index of sheets. make it so that is highlighted and I should be able to see it.

well, if Sin would be looking for bounties, like I said, Tavern is probably the easiest place to find things that are in your league. The bounties offered by the city are a little bit out of your character's league right now.

2010-04-19, 06:04 PM
there should be a little eye symbol next to the name of the sheet in your index of sheets. make it so that is highlighted and I should be able to see it.

well, if Sin would be looking for bounties, like I said, Tavern is probably the easiest place to find things that are in your league. The bounties offered by the city are a little bit out of your character's league right now.

Ah, got it. You should be able to see it now. Very well, Sin is in the tavern looking for bounties or, should that fail, other ways to make money.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:05 PM
last relevant question. Is your character just now walking in or has he been there a while?

2010-04-19, 06:07 PM
He's been in there for a while.

And now I have an irrelevant question for YOU! When we get into a fight, how is that gonna work? Like, do I have to visualize the grid and terrain, or will you make a nice little map for me to copy down, etc.?

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:13 PM
I shall be making maps and using photobucket or some other hosting site so that you can see it. Once the map is through though, I'll probably delete it to save space on my account.

okay. THIS should be the last question. have you been asking around for a long time or are you just kind of sitting there listening?

2010-04-19, 06:22 PM
I've been sitting there, listening for a good opportunity.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:25 PM
The bartender takes a look at you after all this time and says "Hey you! what you doing here if you ain't buying a drink?"

2010-04-19, 06:34 PM
The bartender takes a look at you after all this time and says "Hey you! what you doing here if you ain't buying a drink?"

I fix the bartender with a steely glare, aiming to intimidate him into shutting up. ....So, I'll roll an intimidate check. [roll0]
"Silence, peasant," I spit, letting my full displeasure at his intrusion show, "the less you are concerned in my matters, the better for you it will be."

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:36 PM
"I-I-I'm sorry sir! I meant no offense, I was just wondering what you were doing. I'll get back to what I was doing." he says as he grabs a mug and starts cleaning it hastily.

Make a perception check.

2010-04-19, 06:46 PM
OOC: Intimidating-ness FTW! Also, Perception is not FTW! I suck at that! Also, usually the DM makes perception checks. This is so you don't let the players know that something is up, and prevents them from interpreting the info you give them based off what they know. Of course, in my case I know why I'm making the check, but for future reference I prefer you make my perception and insight rolls for me.

[roll0] "Of course you didn't mean offense. Now, get back to work." I peer into the vague shadows (OOC: Low-light vision also FTW) of the tavern and listen.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:55 PM
good to know. and hey, you actually rolled fairly well on perception. you work your way past the hustle and bustle of the crowds and hear two people talking

"Damn thieves stole more of my livestock! I can't do anything about it and the city doesn't care. *Harumph* Wish somebody could do something about those damn thieves!"

"well, you could always go to the bounty office."

"bah. I can't pay enough for those big shots"

"guess you're out of luck then"

you also hear something about a house on the outside of town but can't make it out.

2010-04-19, 06:56 PM
The tall man wearing simple and used animal fur look at the man who retorted at the barman. He tells him,
"Easy friend, no need to frighten the poor man. His manners are lacking, but his intentions aren't hostile."
Kelvan then turn to the barkeep and tell him,
"Two mug of your fine mead, one for me and one for...", ending with some hesitation pointing at the man beside him.
Turning his attention back to him Kelvan add,
"I am Kelvan Bearhugger, you are?"
You can see deep sorrow in Kelvan eyes. By the look of his gear he is a traveller, probably an adventurer. Hanging on the back of his chair is a backpack with a rolled up blanket, a rope, a water skin, small shield and a drum tied up upon it. To his waist is buckled up a longsword.

Kelvan attention is drawn by the man looking for help with his livestock, before he get the other man anwser.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 06:57 PM
The bartender goes into the back and gets two mugs of fine mead and passes them to you.

2010-04-19, 07:01 PM
Kelvan take note of the man face so he can approach him later to maybe offer him his own services, then turn back to the other man beside him, pushing one of the mug his way.
"Sorry, I got disturbed by possible work, didn't mean to offed you."

2010-04-19, 07:11 PM
Sin rolls his eyes at this Kelvan Bearhugger's back; he forgot to pay for the ale. Sin pays for both wordlessly and follows the gaze of this Hugger of Bears into the crowd. Seeing he's observing the men discussing livestock, he puts a hand on Kelvan's shoulder to get his attention and mutters, "You may know me as Sin." He does not offer a handshake, and turns to the two men discussing livestock, but speaks quietly to Kevlan. "We share interests in employment." Sin gets up from his stool and approaches the men, tugging at Kelvan's sleeve. "You there. Peasants." he begins, "We'll retrieve your livestock. I expect a reward."

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 08:48 PM
The guy just looks at you and asks how much you expecting and why do you care?

2010-04-19, 10:28 PM
Scratching his two days beard, Kelvan reply to the farmer,
"You need livestock recovered, we need some money, so this is a win win situation. You cant afford to use the bounty hunter guild, we offer our help for a lesser price. Make us a decent offer and we might just be willing to help you."
Leaning toward the farmer, Kelvan conclude giving a small pat on his longsword and a wide smile,
"And beside, I need the exercice."
Kelvan use some rogish charm to get a fair and decent price for our services:)
Minor to active Word of friendship during his talk (+5 to diplomacy)
Diplomacy roll : [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 10:35 PM
Hmm. how about 250 gold each?

2010-04-19, 10:44 PM
Pondering the offer Kelvan ask absently,
"What is it exactly that you got stolen? I assume we can keep anything else we can find from these thieves. Give us some information about the whole thing so we can take a clear decision about it ."
Do I think he is making us a fair offer(for what he can pay) or is hetrying to screw us?
Insight : [roll0] <- lol

Mystic Muse
2010-04-19, 10:53 PM
Randomly, they steal at least ten* animals of my livestock on average per week. It doesn't seem to matter what kind they are they'll steal them. Pigs, cows, Yaks, anything. I want you to take care of these thieves. you can keep anything you find of theirs except my livestock.

*or other more plausible number.

2010-04-20, 06:39 AM
Sin gives the matter a moment's thought.
"The thieves. Do you know where they camp? Where do you want us to return to the livestock?"
Sin is trying to pump them with questions to see if they make a mistake, which would reveal they're trying to con us somehow.
OOC: I would pull an insight check, but A) mah dice roller isn't working, and B)I already asked the DM to do them for me.

2010-04-20, 07:08 AM
"Let me guess, you didnt see them? Also, are you the only one getting stolen?"
Upon receiving the answers, he turn to Sin and ask him,
"What do you say, wanna beat up some thieves and round up cows? Might not be the most glorious job out there, but it should be easy enough money and a good way to learn to know each other and bond."
Kelvan look quickly at the farmer and say for his pride, "No offence meant buddy."
He then resume his discussion with Sin,
"Also, we might wanna search for a couple more brave soul to assist us, for safety if nothing else."

Kelvan, realising something, turn to the farmer and ask,
"When you said 250 gold each, did you meant each of us or for each beast we bring back? And if it is for each of us, do this extend to some other we might want to recruit for the task? In case your wondering how many others I am thining of, in my tribe a hunting pack was five people... that is what I would aim for.". As Kelvan start to speak of his tribe, his tone change, and become filled with sadness.

2010-04-20, 08:17 AM

Alisha sits quietly listening to the others. She raises her hand to the barkeeper and point to the glasses with mead. In her hand she play's with her flute and she nods acquiescing.

Gheheh Jaknik laughes evil when the barman talks humbly to kelvan.
Are you OK Kelvan? Kelvan hears in his head Don't worry my friend, I think helping this farmer will be a good distraction for all of us. Nad doing good always cheers you up, trust me
Then she continue listening to the men who probably has a job for her and her friends

(OOC: silver is my telepathic speech)

2010-04-20, 10:00 AM
A shiver goes down Kelvan spine as he is spoken into his head. He still isnt used to this kind of intrusion, having met Alisha only a couple night ago. He answer her out loud without thinking,
"Sorry Alisha, didnt see you arrive. I guess this means you'd be interested to help as well."
Turning to Sin and the farmer, he introduce her,
"This is Alisha, a lady bard with whom I have been sharing the entertainment duty around this place. Alisha, this is Sin and ..."
Kelvan, realising he didnt know the farmer name, give him a smile and will let him introduce himself.
Cylvin : See OOC thread, I posted my idea there for our meeting

2010-04-20, 10:53 AM

She nods kindly to Sin and the farmer. (Sin) Hello. As Kelvan said I am Alisha Talarion. I and Kelvan already met and it is nice to meet you too. I agree we should help this farmer She makes a gesture towards the farmer Oh and sorry for being in your head she smiles friendly but sadly But i think it's better than letting the imp do the talking.. She snaps her fingers to the imp who is just insulting some farmers on the other table in a weird language.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-20, 12:45 PM
There's a group of caves out on the edge of town. I suspect that's where they're hiding. They've stolen from a few other farmers in the area but the city doesn't seem to care.

Incomp You notice that something is definitely up. This farmer isn't telling you the whole story.

also, do you want me to roll your checks on the site or at home?

2010-04-20, 12:58 PM
OOC: is a little confused but will introduce my character.

Karion is sitting down the bar a ways sipping on a drink
"livestock theives? sounds simple enough.
If you dont mind I'd like to provide my services in this quest." he says adressing Kelvan.

2010-04-20, 01:23 PM
Ahh, a mission out of town, will be great to take some fresh air outside!, Think Kelvan.
Turning his attention to Karion, Kelvan take a good look at the man and say,
"Well the more the merryer! And beside, I was planning to seek some more help anyway. I assume you know how to use these weapons you carry?"

2010-04-20, 02:40 PM
"That I do. That I do" Karion says with a grin, finishing off his current drink.

2010-04-20, 04:08 PM
OOC: Sorry for my absence guys; I have, like, school and it's encouraged that I attend. Also, Cilvyn, it could be just me but I find the silver text really hard to read. Could you change the color, please?

Sin stood still for a few moments, paying no attention to what occurred around him. He'd been trying to force his thoughts across the telepathic link this Alisha had established. However, he could only clumsily show her the images of ambush and death he found suddenly clouding his mind. He gave up after a little while. He shook himself slightly, recovering from his daze. Turning to Alisha, Sin spoke at an undertone. "Greetings. You may know me as Sin. Be warned; I am...unsure about this farmer. Excuse me." Sin politely (OOC: A rarity!) exits the conversation, giving Karion a knowing nod by way of greeting. He whispers in Kelvan's ear, "My new friend, we must speak in private."

OOC: Kyuubi: I don't care, as long as I can't see the roll. That's basically the point of me not making them.

2010-04-20, 04:42 PM
Kelvan nod to Sin and tell the others,
"Will you excuse us for a minute."
At that, Kelvan stand move toward the stairs which lead to the 2nd floor and his room. He deliberatly wait for Sin t catch up.

2010-04-20, 04:56 PM
Sin follows Kevlan up the stairs and says to him,
(Dekkah and DM) "We must not trust these men. They are not telling us everything. As we speak to them, I find my mind clouded with specters of death's shadow. At the very least, we proceed with caution." Sin shakes his head. He returns to the group, and says to the farmers, "We will return your livestock."

2010-04-20, 09:42 PM
Sitting at the table where Karion sat, Gargos woke up from an uncomfortable, yet strangely refreshing nap. "Huh? What's up?" He says.

Sorry for being away for so long guys, BIG computer troubles!

2010-04-20, 10:13 PM
Sin eyes the sleepy man with evident disdain. "Oh, another latecomer to our little condottiere's field trip? We're off to sell our dignity retrieving lost cattle for pocket change. Care to join?"

2010-04-20, 10:23 PM
Upstair (Sin and DM)

Kelvan nod to Sin, a grin appearing on his face,
"In this case, this might change a boring work into a fun and challenging one my friend. Who knows, might even become something worth making a song of. Go on I'll go get the rest of my stuff."
Kelvan come downstairs a minute or two after Sin with a book, a longbow and a quiver of arrows. He then pick up his backpack and say.
"I guess you accepted the work Sin, who's the newcomer? I am Kelvan."He extend a hand to shake as he introduce himself.

"Well, that make five of us. Good thing too, I wont have to look for more I guess. Lets go then unless you guys have something more to do here."

2010-04-20, 10:34 PM
"I'm ready to head out anytime." Karion says motioning to his pack at the floor near his feet.

2010-04-20, 10:37 PM
Sin turns to Kelvan, and says, "I told the farmers we would return the livestock. This was a mistake. In any case, let us be off as soon as this one," Sin indicates Gargos, "can resuscitate himself from his drunken stupor. I tire of this peasant tavern and its knaveling barkeep."

2010-04-21, 08:20 AM
Kelvan walk out of the Inn. He stretch his muscles to warm up for the road.
Thinking about the area of the caves, Kelvan try to plan the road ahead.
As he do so and wait for the others, his right hand resting on his jimbay hanging on his right hip, reflexivly start to play a travel tune.
Kyuubi, how far are the caves (time it will take to get there)... If it will take more than 3 hours, Kelvan will want to make a ritual to travel faster (Traveler's Chant)

2010-04-21, 09:34 AM
Sin exits the inn, cringing slightly in the presence of the sun as he does so.
He mutters to Kelvan, "I suspect these "thieves" are cultists; blood sacrifices for their thirsty gods. Let us be through with this task."
With that, Sin sets off in the direction of the caves, expecting the rest of the party to keep up with him.

2010-04-21, 10:35 AM
Kelvan nod at Sin,
"Make sense I guess, we will see when we're there. If your right, I doubt the farmer will pay for dead cows... but it probably will be more fun."

2010-04-21, 10:38 AM
Karion follows the others, glad to be in the sun and amongst nature once again. "to the caves then."

2010-04-21, 12:05 PM
OOC: With that, I suppose we have to wait for Kyuubi to show up, don't we? *Is impatient.*

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 12:39 PM
somebody called?

Okay, so you make it to the caves the guy mentioned. There seem to be five different entrances but no tracks or guards. It looks like you're going to have to try and guess where the thieves are hiding.

2010-04-21, 12:49 PM
Kelvan inspect the caves entrace for traces of any kind, before widening his search area.
Kelvan will seek not only tracks, but also any kind of signs that could let him know where to go (traces on the wall, an area that might have been widen to allow passage, etc.)
If this fail, he will look around the caves where the ground might be softer to find track and maybe guess which of the caves would be the most probable choice.
Also, do one of the cave look to be a better choice for some reason (position, seem to lead deeper, etc.)(dungeonneering)
Perception : [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]

2010-04-21, 12:54 PM
OOC: Arright guys, here's my plan. There's five entrances. Unless we want this to take forever and three minutes, we'll have to split up. A bard should lead each group (they can heal). I dunno what Otogi actually is, but that leaves us with him, a druid, and myself. I say the bards can pick their teams then. I need to be in a group with a melee PC, though, or I'm toast. I'll try to think up something else that's clever over lunch, but no promises.

Sin observes the multiple entrances, and a note of frustration enters his quiet voice:
"We don't have time for this. We need to split up."

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 01:01 PM
One of the caves looks rather large which would work better for transporting large amounts of livestock but you don't find anything else. If there were tracks they've been covered up. The defining parts of the caves are

cave #1 large and deep.
Cave #2 small but bright. It looks like there might be a light source deeper in.
cave #3 small but deep. Too dark to see anything without some other form of light.
cave #4 small and not very deep. doesn't look like a good place to put large amounts of livestock from here.
cave #5 medium sized, looks deep and has a horrid smell. like burning manure.

2010-04-21, 01:27 PM
OOC: Scratch what I said earlier. I vote we go for #5 as a group first. Something is wrong in there. After that, my order of priority would be #2, then #1, then #3, and #4 if we still care at that point.

Sin wrinkles his nose at the abhorrent stench.
"Something is wrong inside that cave. We should inspect it."

2010-04-21, 01:33 PM
Kelvan pause at the cave, taking a closer look and say pointing the cave with light then the one with the smell,
"These two caves would be the ones to check first."
As Sin choose one, Kelvan nod,
"Alright, anyone want to scout ahead?"
Kelvan then tie a cloth piece to his face to lessen the smell and move inside slowly and as stealthly has he can be.
Stleath : [roll0]
If anyone wanted to scout ahead, Kelvan will let them move in about 25 feet in front, keeping him in sight as much as possible.
BTW, I have my sword and shield ready. (sunblade light is turned off right now)

2010-04-21, 01:50 PM
Sin follows about ten feet behind Kelvan, motioning for the others to follow. He makes an attempt to remain stealthy, and covers his nose with his cape.

Karion, if you took skittering sneak as a utility power, that would be amazingly helpful right now. Anyway, I follow behind Kelvan, using my low-light vision to observe the cave around us. Kyuubi, will you roll me a perception?
Stealth Check: [roll0] <-haHA! Critical Hit! Oh, wait. Damn.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 02:02 PM
Incomp The walls in here seem Odd. you couldn't see it at first but it looks like parts of them have been scraped off. Just small amounts but it lacks the refinement of a tool. it looks like claw marks. You also smell something odd that you didn't notice before. The smell of rotting meat.

2010-04-21, 02:12 PM
Sin stops in his tracks and whispers to the party, "Observe the walls. They have been clawed. Smell the air. It stinks of death. There is a predator here."

2010-04-21, 02:19 PM
Kelvan stop and pull back to Sin.
"Ok, do we still explore it? I'd say we might want to check the others first. A fight with an wild beast might draw attention and make us loose the advantage of surprise on the thieves, if thieves there is."

Kelvan's Status :
HP :...43/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand :Sunblade longsword (light off)
Off Hand : Small Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggerning Note
War Song Strike
Majestic Word (2/2)
Word of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger'S Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)
Effects :

2010-04-21, 02:35 PM
OOC: Is the Silent Bob Squad still behind us? Were they ever?

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 02:41 PM
Silent Bob squad?

2010-04-21, 02:42 PM
Silent Bob squad?

Have you ever seen Clerks or Clerks 2?

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 02:46 PM
Have you ever seen Clerks or Clerks 2?

That would be a no.

2010-04-21, 02:50 PM
"I can scout ahead if you want, tell you guys what else is down there."
if everyone agrees, karion transforms into a small spider and will go scout ahead then return to where the group is.
perception [roll0] looking for anything strange

2010-04-21, 03:04 PM
Sin nods to Karion and whispers
"Try not to die. You may prove useful in the future."

@Kyuubi: I was poking fun at MoriHikari, Otogi, and Cilvyn and how they don't post anywhere near as often as I do by referencing the Clerks movies, in which there is a character named Silent Bob, who, shockingly, never says anything yet remains a major character.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 03:38 PM
How far ahead will you be scouting Mori?

also, how many people here besides me read 8 bit theater?

2010-04-21, 04:04 PM
I've not heard of this 8 bit theater.

2010-04-21, 04:26 PM
Kelvan nods to Karion,
"Just yell if you get into trouble, we'll come down to you sword raised high singing a warsong."

2010-04-21, 06:00 PM
Not sure how far back to scout...can I use a nature check to see if I can determin how far back it might go to aid my desision?

if so here is a nature check.

nature check: [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2010-04-21, 06:23 PM
It looks like it may go back another 2,000 feet.

2010-04-21, 06:35 PM
ok Karion goes back about 500 feet keeping his eyes peeled for anything strange. (rolled perception a few posts ago.)

2010-04-22, 03:34 AM
Alisha keeps her distance.

She shakes her head. Men always need to bo so heroic.

She walks abit and especialy looks away from the caves to see if someone is watching them.

She takes out her bow just in case.

2010-04-22, 01:08 PM
"Another pair of eyes couldn't hurt," Gargos says, looking around the cave.

Perception check: [roll0]

2010-04-22, 08:08 PM
OOC: Waitin' on you, Kyuubi. (It worked last time.)
Also, sorry guys, but I'm gonna be gone this whole weekend. I won't be able to post till late next sunday maybe. Feel free to NPC me.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-25, 09:34 PM
OOC: Waitin' on you, Kyuubi. (It worked last time.)

Just FYI, This doesn't actually work when I'm 300 miles away without an internet cord (my Computer doesn't get wifi. Don't know why, been trying to fix it.)

okay, you see a fire, a small group of people and a big dragon like beast. However the teeth look overlong for its mouth and several other parts of its body are out of proportion to its size.

Anybody care to make a knowledge nature check?

2010-04-25, 10:47 PM
nature check for Karion:

Mystic Muse
2010-04-25, 11:08 PM
your character recalls this. "Packs of ambush drakes, led by powerful packleaders, compete with lion prides for mastery of the plains. They employ pack tactics similar to those
used by wolves, but these creatures are far more intelligent. Of all their prey, ambush drakes most savor the taste of human flesh. These beasts are also not sanctioned by any god. They are not true dragons so Tiamat does not care one whit whether they live or die."

This specific one looks like it's been mutated. Why you can't imagine.

2010-04-26, 06:35 AM
Just FYI, This doesn't actually work when I'm 300 miles away without an internet cord (my Computer doesn't get wifi. Don't know why, been trying to fix it.)

Did you warn us? Cuz I missed it if you did, and if you didn't, it isn't really fair.

Sin observes the men and the beast, then glances back at the party. "I think we can handle these fools."

2010-04-26, 08:19 AM
A wide smile appear on Kelvan face and he reply to Sin,
"This could be fun. Beside, this could be our thieves hunting cows to feed themselves. Let's try to surprise them."

Kyuubi did tell us in the OOC thread she was going away for the week end.
If the group decide to try approach the enemies with stealth to surprise them, here is my stealth roll if needed (you might want to take my initial roll aq couple post down).
Stealth : [roll0]

Kelvan's Status :
HP :...43/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand :Sunblade longsword (light off)
Off Hand : Small Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggerning Note
War Song Strike
Majestic Word (2/2)
Word of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger'S Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)
Effects :

Mystic Muse
2010-04-26, 10:24 AM
Did you warn us? Cuz I missed it if you did, and if you didn't, it isn't really fair.

Sin observes the men and the beast, then glances back at the party. "I think we can handle these fools."

I swear I posted it in OOC. otherwise, you're right, it's not really fair.

2010-04-26, 03:57 PM
I swear I posted it in OOC. otherwise, you're right, it's not really fair.

OOC:Ah, I've been told you posted it in the OOC. I've not made it a habit of reading that. My bad.

Stealth:1d20+4 <-- My dice roller hates me a lot.

2010-04-26, 04:05 PM
Trying the roller again (hope you guys don't mind the double post)


2010-04-27, 07:10 AM
Karion will shift into his beast form as the group heads in to attack.

his beast form is a sleek black panther with a slight red hue to it.

Checks for Karion (which ever is needed)
stealth check: [roll0]
initiative check: [roll1]

Mystic Muse
2010-04-27, 11:12 AM
Well, Stealth was needed but unfortunately, Karion failed her stealth check.

who's there! shouts one of them as he goes to investigate. If I'm not back in a couple minutes unleash the beast!

Everybody who hasn't, roll for initiative

2010-04-27, 11:19 AM
In an hushed voice so only the ones close by him can hear, Kelvan says,
"Lets keep one alive for questionning."
Initiative :[roll0]

2010-04-27, 04:06 PM
Can I go? (I'd rather not wait three days for Cilvyn and Otogi)

Mystic Muse
2010-04-27, 04:46 PM
sure. just let me roll for Initiative for the enemies real quick. I also need to find a map but for right now, the one guy who's coming to check on you guys is about 25 feet away straight in front of you.


2010-04-27, 05:07 PM
I move back as far as I can without compromising my awesome stealth roll (I think 10 feet).

At the prospect of bloodshed, Sin's eyes light up. He mutters to himself for a moment, then breaks the tense silence, shouting, "Peasant! I place you now under the Curse of Void's End! Accept your fate!" Calling upon the unknowable power of his dark patron, Sin shrouds the "peasant" in frigid blackness darker than a moonless night, leeching his life's heat out of him.
Frigid Darkness attack roll (Con vs. Fort.) [roll0] <--EDIT: that's a 12, I think, since I should have combat adv. for surprise, right?
If a hit: [roll1] and [roll2] cold damage, and the target grants combat advantage and has -3 AC until the end of my next turn.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-27, 06:06 PM
the target is visibly damaged by that. It looks like you hurt him quite a bit.

Mori's turn next.

2010-04-27, 07:34 PM
Karion charges at the creature in front of him, leaping and tearing at the creature with his claws.

moves close enough to get in meele range
Savage Rend attack: [roll0] against reflex
if a hit: [roll1] damage and the target slides back one square.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-27, 07:36 PM

2010-04-29, 06:47 AM
OOC: It is the baddies' turns, is it not?

Mystic Muse
2010-04-29, 06:01 PM
Yeah, sorry. getting the map up. http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af146/Theburningfields/Cavemap.png

The first guy lets out the Beast and that's the end of his turn.
The beast moves up to where the Guy right in front of you is and ends its turn.

the other guys take a double move action H 9 and J9 and respectively and end their turn. (The Ambush drake is at F 10 and 11 and G 10 and 11) just FYI

Gah. map messed up. one minute.

feel free to choose your positions on the map. (reasonably that is.)

2010-04-29, 06:21 PM
Which side is letters and which is numbers?

Mystic Muse
2010-04-29, 06:42 PM
bottom and top are numbers. the sides are letters. Sorry that it wasn't clear.

2010-04-29, 07:21 PM
'Tis fine. Sin will be a the bottom-left corner. Z1, I guess.

2010-04-29, 08:24 PM
Place Kelvan beside Sin, Z2 <- I have the map all wrong. I should be in A2 (beside Sin who should be in A1 I beleive)

2010-04-30, 11:17 AM
OOC: I'm having trouble understanding the map...but I did just attack the closest guy...so I'm in melee range with him... not sure which is him...

Mystic Muse
2010-05-05, 04:39 PM
the human Berserker attacks Mori

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage.

and with that, I believe it's Incomp's turn again.

2010-05-07, 10:45 AM
Kelvan move toward the enemies singing and old warsong,
"The battle we go, to the grave they go!.".
His last note is empowered and become a blast of energy hiting the human that just closed on the Karion again, pushing his backward and making an opening for the druid to dig in teeths in.

Move : Move to D7
Standard : Sttagering note on the same enemy the other attacked (Berseker 2 on F9) - Range 5.
Attack vs will on Berseker 2: [roll0]
Hit : 4 thunder damage and push the Berserker 2 (will only push him 1 to G9) and Karion can do a free Basic melee attack on him.

Staggering Note
Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Ranged 10
One creature
vs Will
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Charisma modifier (+4) thunder damage,
and you push the target 2 squares. As a free
action, an ally of your choice can make a melee
basic attack against the target before, after, or
during this forced movement.
Unarmed: +6 attack, 4 damage
CLASS Bard LEVEL 1 BOOK Dragon 383

Kelvan's Status
HP :...43/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Majestic Word (2/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects :

2010-05-07, 04:25 PM
OOC: Gah! I am flummoxed! Who's turn is it!?

EDIT: I've been informed it's my turn. Well.

Sin's infernal lineage awakens at the prospect of blood, and he laughs at his foe as he whispers a dark secret into his mind. (Sin uses Infernal Wrath, and then uses dreadful word on the closest enemy.)

Attack roll: 1d20+8 vs. Will
If a hit: 2d8+9 damage, and
1d8 curse damage. If it hits, the target takes -4 to Will until the end of my next turn.

2010-05-08, 10:17 PM
Thrice-damned dice roller...

Mystic Muse
2010-05-10, 02:18 PM
Both attacks hit. The Berserker gets a free attack against Karion.


yeowch. 17 damage as the greataxe cuts into your shoulder.

2010-05-11, 12:16 AM
ok karion does a basic attack against the berserker
[roll0] against armor class
if it hits I do [roll1] damage

Mystic Muse
2010-05-11, 12:42 AM
That Does not bloody him. I believe that means Sin bloodies him and he is not within range to make an attack

2010-05-11, 09:03 AM
Kelvan continue his song,
"As we deliver blow after blow, our enemies blood flow.".
Seeing that Sin draw the first blood on the berserker, he weaves the magic in his song toward Sin, invigorating him.

Since it is Sin that bloody him, he get 4 TEMP HP.
Unless the bloodied reaction of the berserker let him move before the attack, he is out of range for a melee attack when Sin bloodies him (check my map).

Kyuubi's Battle map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5468570191179736114).

2010-05-11, 12:53 PM
Karion moves to attack the beserker (OOC: moves to G8)

attack: darting bite
[roll0] versus reflex
damage: [roll1]

I also can attack the enemy in H9
second attack
[roll2] versus reflex
damage: [roll3]

I've moved somewhere around G8 by this point so I'll forfit the shifting move I am supposed to get to stay where I am.

Mystic Muse
2010-05-21, 12:34 PM
The big thing (I can't remember its name and I can't find my copy of Draconomicon.:smallfrown:) moves towards Kelvan. Also due to the fact I can't find the Draconomicon he will hold his attack. The other Human will make a beeline for Sin taking a double move action. The last two will attack Karion

[roll0] VS AC
[roll1] VS AC

(In the future, remember to tell me which defense an attack targets.)

Mystic Muse
2010-05-23, 03:13 PM
Ambush drake will attack Kelvan.

[roll0]VS AC
damage [roll1]

2010-05-23, 04:09 PM
The beast manage to take a good bite at Kelvan.
As he start to sing, his blade start to emit a white light.
In fear our enemies scatter, as we regroup toggether.
During his first verse, Kelvan shout blast him front of him, hitting his enemies and reorganising some postions.
During the second verse, Sin is slid toward the group.
"Our strenght multiplied as we gather, our charge will finish these monsters."
Kelvan magic revevify himself and move himself closer to the beast. He then stirke solidly, showing his allies the way.
Free : Turn on light on Sunblade (bright light radius 20)
Free :Turn on radiant damage
Standard : Shout of Triumph in E8-G10.
Attack on the Beast VS FORT: [roll0]
Attack on the Barbarian (The bloodied one) VS FORT: [roll1]
Hit :[roll2] thunder damage and the enemies are pushed (up to 3). (beast is pushed 1 to E9/D10, Barbarian isnt pushed at all)
Effect : Karion is slid to G6.
Move :Moment of Escape on Sin : Slide him to B5
Minor :Majestic word on Kelvan, slide him to E8
Free : Action point : Charger's call on Beast.
Attack on the Beast VS AC: [roll3] (probably a miss)
Hit :[roll4] radiant damage and each ally within 5 squares of you gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls while charging until the end of Kelvan next turn. (this affect both my allies)

Kelvan's Status
HP :...43/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (2/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Effects from Kelvan :

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5474579439324991250)

2010-05-23, 08:46 PM
Just for kicks, I'm gonna bust out my daily. :D

Sin holds out his hand, and draws forth a perfect sphere of cold, white light hovering just above his fingertips. He draws his arm back, and, with a predatory grin, he gestures toward his foe, (the human in B2) launching the orb.
"You will learn the meaning of pain," Sin intones, "for I will not grant you the blessing of a slow death. No, you be awake and suffering for a very long time. This is the consequence of meddling in the affairs of your superiors, peasant," he concludes self-righteously. Suddenly, a salvo of radiant lances erupt from the sphere, and they pin the human, remaining inside him as he struggles.

Attack roll:
[roll0] against will. Remember the target has -4 will for being hit by Dreadful Word.
Damage roll:
[roll1] and if I hit, he is immobilized until the start of my next turn, and takes -2 will defense (save ends).

Yay debuffs!

2010-05-23, 08:49 PM
Forgot my curse damage:

2010-05-24, 12:31 AM
Karion growls leaping back at the enemy in G9 tearing at him, before shifting down to attack the big guy wtih his claws

Moves up to G8 and performs predator's flurry

attack against the enemy in G9's reflex [roll0]
damage if hit: [roll1] and he is dazed until the end of my next turn

shift to F8 then attack again

attack against the big guy's reflex [roll2]
damage if hit: [roll3] and dazed untill the end of my next turn

Mystic Muse
2010-05-31, 12:01 PM
The two humans attack Karion on their turn. The one near sin does nothing and I'm assuming Kelvan is the one next to the ambush drake. Correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Ambush drake [roll0] Vs AC
[roll1] damage

[roll2] Vs AC
[roll3] damage

[roll4] vs AC
[roll5] damage

2010-06-03, 01:39 PM
His tone changing for the tune, Kelvan use his voice to regenerate and adjust Karion position.
"It's walking throught piles of bodies, knee deep in our enemies guts,
That we barbarian carved our stories, long after their corpses rot."
As he sing, Kelvan closed on the injured barbarian and slash at him.
Minor :Majestic word on Karion (spend an healing surge +4) and slide Karion to G8.
Move : Shift to F8
Standard : War Song Strike on the bloodied Barbarian :
Attack VS AC : [roll0]
Hit : [roll1] radiant damage and any ally who hits the target before the end of Bortos next turn gains temporary 3 hit points .

Kelvan's Status
HP :...28/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (0/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Effects from Kelvan :

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5478618693957770786)

2010-06-04, 03:21 PM
Sin calmly walks to E6, and as he does so, shadows pool around him, obscuring his figure. Sin turns on the human who has been attempting in vain to attack him, and calls down a shaft of frigid, deathly light.

Move to E6, use shadow walk to gain concealment.
Use Dire Radiance on the human.
[roll0] vs. Fort <--Lol
And if he comes closer to me on his next turn. this much more damage:

2010-06-10, 11:02 PM
Karion attacks the guy in G9, ripping at him with his sharp claws.

[roll0] against reflex
if hit: [roll1] and he is slid back one square

Mystic Muse
2010-06-11, 10:09 AM
You hit and he is slid back one square.

Mystic Muse
2010-06-18, 04:40 AM
I believe that actually kills the human berserker. My fault. All of the following attacks target AC

ambush drake attacks Kelvan [roll0]

human bandit attacks Karion (Or was that a berserker?)

[roll3] and if he hits he shifts a square backwards.

Human berserker moves up to and attacks sin. (If this was the bandit, switch the attack and damage values with the correct number.)


Before anybody says anything, yes, I need to keep better notes. Or any notes at all. That would help.:smallsigh:

2010-06-18, 07:41 AM
The great beast manage to bite Kelvan.

Kelvan's Status
HP :...19/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (0/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Effects from Kelvan :

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5481535804217941410)

2010-06-18, 12:37 PM
I believe that actually kills the human berserker. My fault. All of the following attacks target AC

ambush drake attacks Kelvan [roll0]

human bandit attacks Karion (Or was that a berserker?)

[roll3] and if he hits he shifts a square backwards.

Human berserker moves up to and attacks sin. (If this was the bandit, switch the attack and damage values with the correct number.)


Before anybody says anything, yes, I need to keep better notes. Or any notes at all. That would help.:smallsigh:

Pretty sure my guy wasn't a berserker, because it was the berserker who pwned that guy who wasn't me.

Mystic Muse
2010-06-18, 02:55 PM
Pretty sure my guy wasn't a berserker, because it was the berserker who pwned that guy who wasn't me.

Okay then, so unless your AC is nine he misses.

2010-06-18, 11:59 PM
...I think I'm good.

2010-06-19, 08:39 PM

"To the battle we go, to the grave they go."
Kelvan poke the berserker side to finish him off.

Standard : War Song Strike on Berserker (G9).
Attack roll VS AC : [roll0]
Hit : [roll1] radiant damage and any ally that hit the Berseker before the end on Kelvan next turn gain 3 temp HP.

Kelvan's Status
HP :...19/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...10/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (0/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Effects from Kelvan :
Any Ally who hit Berserker (G9) gain 3 temp HP

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5481535804217941410)

2010-06-20, 10:32 AM
Sin once more calmly strides across the cave, its shadows gathering around him and obscuring his figure. He calls down another frigid shaft of light, its deadly touch bringing ruin to the bandit's very soul.

Walk to E5.
Use dire radiance on the bandit that I've been fighting.
Attack roll: [roll0] vs. Fort
Damage: [roll1], another [roll2] if he gets any closer to me.
Curse damage: [roll3]

2010-06-21, 03:27 PM
Karion attacks the one in H9 with his claws
[roll0] against enemy's Reflex.
if a hit: [roll1] damage and he is slid back one square

Mystic Muse
2010-06-25, 01:14 PM
Bandit attacks Karion



Bandit attacks sin


Ambush Drake attacks Kelvan.

damage [roll5]

Wow. Double critical. Nine damage then.

2010-06-25, 01:53 PM
Kelvan barely block the large beast attack.
He then take some time on defensive to regain his breath.
"Our great hammers crushing bones, making them fall dead upon the stones. "

Standard :Second wind.
Minor : Amulet of life power (spend an additionnal healing surge).

Kelvan's Status
HP :...39/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...7/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (0/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Second wind (+2 to all defenses)

[B]Effects from Kelvan :

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5481535804217941410)

2010-06-25, 09:11 PM
Sin recoils in pain as the bandit deals a heavy blow.
"How dare you? I will show you the meaning of torment for that!"

(Man, I had 23 AC this round, too. [Darkleaf Armor, Defiant Implement :D])

Mystic Muse
2010-06-25, 10:17 PM
Hey, I can't control what the dice roller says.

Although I can be more careful about typing things in. :smallannoyed:

2010-07-06, 09:17 AM
A vortex of darkness erupts around Sin, causing him to disappear. He materializes at H7, the shadows still clinging to him and obscuring his figure. He points his rod once more at the bandit he's been fighting, calling down another shaft of deathly light.

Sin uses Ethereal Stride to teleport to H7, giving me +4 to all defenses UENT. (Shadow Walk, plus the Ethereal Stride power itself.)

Then I'm using Dire Radiance again.
Attack roll: [roll0] <--This is versus Fort, sorry for making that clear.
Damage: [roll1] and [roll2] if he gets any closer to me.

2010-07-06, 01:51 PM
As Sin finish off the bandit, Kelvan voice raise higher, letting the magic flow toward Sin and bolster him.

Free :Virtue of valor on Sin : Gain 4 Temp HPS.
Kelvan's Status
HP :...39/43...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...10
Surge left/surge per day :...7/10
AC:...20...FORT:...17... REF:...17...WILL:...19...
Main Hand : Sunblade Longsword+1
Off Hand : Light Shield
Powers :
Guiding Strike
Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Action Point (0/1)
Second Wind
Majestic Word (0/2)
Words of Friendship
Shout of Triumph
Charger's Call
Verse of Triumph
Moment of Escape (Encounter)
Items powers :
Sunblade Longsword +1 (Daily)
Skald's Armor (Daily)
Amulet of life (Encounter)
Acrobat Boots (At-will)

Effects on Kelvan:
Sunblade emit 20 square radius light.
Sunblade radiant damage activated.
Second wind (+2 to all defenses)
Virtue of Valor used this round.

[B]Effects from Kelvan :

Combat Map (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dekkah1/KyuubiSGame#5490861984815950226)