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Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-14, 05:28 PM
Sovvenia in the past

Sovvenia grasped a short cedar staff and pointed at the Heavens and a ring of storm clouds materialized around the area of the island.

"We'll make the islands a bit farther away at sea. Don't worry, they will be able to cross this stretch of water without being harassed by my storms."

Create a defense for the World Tree: a storm ring (1 minor act)

OOC: So anyone has an major act to raise an archipelago? Worst case scenario I could do it, but it would require changing my plans for my secret project slightly.

Jair Barik
2010-06-14, 05:35 PM
"To business then. My lord Nara is quite sure that the tree should only be protected if it has asked for protection. He says it is wise, wiser than any other and that if it has asked to be protected he will gladly aid you in doing so but otherwise he fears you may disrupt the tree itself. Some things are beyond the comprehension of even the Gods themselves and the tree is one of those. Unless it actually desires aid Nara is unsure wether he should give it. Has it spoken to either of you on this matter or not? You servant was vague upon the matter."

Earl of Purple
2010-06-14, 05:38 PM
Phromm, Calantha, The Raven King/Man in the Hat; Past/Present, Somewher in the West

"And what of me? I wish to return to my hunting grounds, how would I get there? And feel free to drop by; I would enjoy hunting you. Properly, this time. None of the tricks that made it so hard to find you." It is rather obvious Phromm means 'keep out of my land'. Or possibly 'I will enjoy hunting you when, and if, the time comes'. Seems the lies of the Man in the Hat, combined with the tricks he used to disguise his trail, annoyed Phromm.

2010-06-14, 05:46 PM
Shen Zhi Shu And Himiko
Shen Zhi Shu and Himiko converse with eachother over a time. Meanwhile, Shen has been forming a plan in his mind. He will speak in the Utter most East with Pan-Lung, ask for Rognir's blessing for Himiko. Surely Pan-Lung would approve of Shen Zhi Shu's fathership, as is custom in Zhang Guo. Himiko and Shen Zhi Shu set sail to the Uttermost East to see Father.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-14, 05:50 PM
Sovvenia in the past

Sovvenia sighed.

"Yes, we know of Nara's opinion, and yes, we do assure him that this is what the Tree needs of us."

Jair Barik
2010-06-14, 06:03 PM
"Then it has told you this is what it needs? Your words remain vague, I cannot help but feel you desire to avoid speaking wrong lest your words mislead your brother... Very well then. You have Nara's aid in this task."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-14, 06:22 PM
Sovvenia in the past

The goddess frowned.

"And I cannot help to think that Nara is still not trusting us, which is incredibly insulting. And you...mortal. You should not question gods."

Sovvenia focused on an image in her mind. A vaguely human-shaped golem appeared between the two gods and the exarch.

"How shall we make it..."

Jair Barik
2010-06-14, 06:29 PM
"Does it matter what I think of the Gods? I trust Nara because I have worked along side him. Equally I have seen other things I would not trust...and heard ideas about the Gods that seem to make sense."

With a flick of his hand Barnadine gave the golem scales, shimmering scales that could blend into the texture of the land.

"A good start I think. You said you didn't want them to be obvious as i recall."

2010-06-14, 07:10 PM
The Past-Present: Calantha, Phromm, Echo

The goddess's eyes flash in alarm, at the Raven King's words; console her brother? But why should she have to console him? There was no time. There was never enough time.

Calantha mounts Apophis, and flings silken strings around the other two wyverns; the same strings wind around Phromm and Echo, and she holds them securely in one hand, pulling her doll out of her dress with the other.

"Home! Now!"

The Present: Sanctum of Delirium

Eldritch lightning sprays across the twilit sky, and the walls of the sanctum bulge with the unexpected burden of two wyverns, a giant serpent, a giant worm, two gods, and Echo; walls crack and warp, and windows spontaneously appear, to explode open and relieve the sudden pressure. Calantha is dizzied, and slips from the back of her Exarch; never before has she tried to move so many through whatever fold in space they travel through. A chair appears, for her to fall into, and she clings to it; after a moment, descendants of her servants appear, shocked and afraid. The house had been empty for 100 years, after all...

One brave soul approaches, to tap Calantha lightly on the shoulder.

"My...my Lady...?"

She stirs herself, eyes opening wide, and looks down; then her eyes narrow, and she glances at Phromm.

"Show him the way home. And get me water. I don't have the time...there's not enough of it...I'm sorry, Phromm, but you need to go, now."

When he is escorted out, Calantha frowns, drinking down the glass of water she was brought; she needed to get to Aldric. She needed to do it now. Unbeknownst to the goddess, she was changing; where once there stood a girl of fifteen, now there was a woman, tempered by purpose and desperately afraid.

"I need a door. A door to my brother. You are my house, and I need a door!"

There is a violent shudder, down to the very foundations of the building, and the shudder is echoed in Calantha herself; at first, the outline of the door is normal-sized, but she shakes her head, and it grows larger. And larger still, large enough to take the bodies of the wyverns without complaint; it opens onto inky blackness, but somehow she knows. She knows he is there, just on the other side....

(1 Major Act: Create Door to Aldric's Castle in the Sanctum of Delirium)

The Present: Aldric's home

Two wyverns, a Serpent, Echo, and a pale, wild-eyed woman tumbled into the entryway of Aldric's castle; lutins screamed and ran, and the male wyvern riders that happened to be in the entrance at that time reflexively drew their swords. Calantha looks around, those eyes wilder than they'd ever been, and wavers; transporting so many creatures, in such a short time period, had drained her of strength.

"Al...dric..." Love, worry, hope, fear, need, desperation: layers and layers of inflection color the goddess's words, a susurrus of sound that was nearly overwhelming even in its near silence.

Calantha's eyes flutter closed, and she slides off of Apophis's back once more; no chair is forthcoming, this time, and she lands with a solid thud on the ground.

2010-06-14, 07:28 PM
The Present; Aldric's Home

As Calantha falls, Echo literally leaps off the back of his wyvern, stumbling a bit as he hits the ground hard. "My lady, it is all right. We are here, your brother is here." He takes her head and cradles it in his arms, then looks up (as well as a blind man can). "Go! Fetch Aldric!"

White Blade
2010-06-14, 08:33 PM
Garadiel looks at the druid and considers for a moment, then he walks to the edge of the Island and calls a tree forth from the water. It takes but a moment and it is old and tall, though beside The Tree it looked young and small. And then he reaches into the air and calls forth an axe. He strikes the base of the tree. Once, twice, three times. It falls. It falls into the water and disappates but the base remains, floating lifeless on the sea.

He points to the Druid. He hopes his point is clear. He walks to the creature they are making and pulls out a second layer of skin and drapes it across the creature. It is human in appearance, but to shed it would be easy enough for the creature. The key to subtly, after all, isn't not being seen. It's not being noticed.

2010-06-14, 08:38 PM
It was strange making something with so many properties. Eridi truly hadn't ever set his sight on something so grand. Later, he would have to try something like this for himself. But, for now, this was exhausting enough. His arm was tired, so he let the hammer fall to the floor. Putting his hand in his pocket, he grasped onto the trinket one his father had given him instead, letting some of the heat of the forge escape into it's cool steel. Smiling lightly, he looked at his sister, "Sovvenia, you're whole again. You used up all my new metal, but you're fine now."

Wobbling from exhaustion, he grasped the edge of the table for support. "Lucien," he said as he held himself up, "You pass, for now. I'll train you as an apprentice. I find myself in need of one anyway, but you show promise. I'll fill you in on the specifics after I sleep, but for now, know two things. One: never tell anybody I did this for you. If word got out that the God of Craftsmen was training apprentices, I'd never get any sleep with the banging on my door. And two: we leave for Zhang tomorrow morning. I have need of some knowledge of Shen Zhi's, and that was actually where I was going this morning before you got here."

Looking at his other nephew, he realized he really had been rude to Faolan today, "Faolan, I'm sorry, but my manners have been lacking lately. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to be slightly more rude before I improve." Looking around at all those gathered, he adopted a serious look. "I was given a warning a hundred years ago, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. Father, your grandfather, gave it to me when I last saw him. It involves all here and any of our divine siblings. He said a 'Wolf-age' was coming, where 'brother would attack brother.' He described to me 'Those Who Wait Beyond' claiming they wanted nothing but to see this world and us gods die alike. He told me to understand the workings of the world, and that's what I mean to do now. If you come across any of the others in your wanderings, tell them the same."

Looking once more at all his family members and Eithne, he let his expression change, "Now, Faolan, what has brought you here? You sent a message to Eithne you were coming, but for what reason?" It was the one piece of the puzzle that still didn't fit about this whole affair, and Erid so liked finishing puzzles.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-14, 08:45 PM
Sovvenia, Eridi's House

The goddess seemed intrigued when Eridi spoke of Those Who Wait Beyond. So he knows...

2010-06-14, 09:09 PM
Faolan slumps against the wall of Eridi's forge laughing softly.

"A Wolf Age and Those That Wait Beyond? This day just can't get any better, can it? Well, to answer your question uncle, I recently entertained my father, the Crimson Wolf Orgo, and he opened my eyes to just how detached I had become from the world. I have come out my century of meditation to travel the world and meet the rest of the divine family, as well as to spend some time with my adopted daughter. This prophecy of Rognir's worries me though, but I also do not believe that our meeting at this time was mere coincidence. Therefore, I propose that we travel together to the western continent - after all, we know that even gods are not safe in this age, and we will be far safer in numbers."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-14, 09:23 PM
Lucien tugs his gloves free and slips off the sweat drenched bandana. He scoffs silently and eyes Faolan.

"What do you know of the west? Wyvern riders have been going west and not coming back for a century; no one returns when you hit the mists... except my father. He never talked about what he saw there, but the witches used to tell of him vanishing for a year at a time only to turn up again and say he'd only been gone a few days."

He lowers his gaze and speaks softly.

"The last time the gods went en masse, two returned and two were lost."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-14, 09:24 PM
Sovvenia, in the past

Sovvenia looked at her brothers' work and decided to gift the newborn race with an agile body and a tail which would be perfect to climb and maneuver in the treetops.


Sovvenia, Eridi's House

"I cannot thank you enough. All of you."

The goddess walked towards the exit, stopped and turned one last time to her brother and nephew.

"Rognir may be an old fool now, but he is right about the upcoming conflict. In his case, it is not prophecy. It is certitude. I believe as you do, Eridi, that you should both seek to understand the ways of the world and its people. However, some truths are more harder to accept than others. Be careful of what you wish for.

Now I take my leave. We will all see each other again."

As Sovvenia opened the door leading outside, a strong wind blew in Eridi's House. A moment later, the goddess of memory was gone.


Sovvenia teleported back to her sanctum and opened another portal, this time to a storm located to the far south of the continent. Once she got there, she walked to the southermost beach, and looked to the seemingly endless ocean. She intended to discover the truth about the South.

2010-06-14, 09:32 PM
Faolan's wolf eyes flicked to Lucien as he responded. He was irritated by the presumption of this demigod, but reminded himself what it had been like to be young and impatient.

"I was referring to the central continent, boy, that is known as the Western Continent in the North to differentiate it from the other two held by Rognir's children. It is presumptuous indeed to assume that I would be fool enough to propose an expedition into the unexplored West with only one warrior god, a craft god, and two children."

2010-06-14, 09:43 PM
"I'd be honored, Faolan. But, the West... It does bring open old scars... Phromm and Calantha, gone for a century now. Aldric still hasn't gotten over losing her, has he? No, it weighs heavily on my heart too." Stealing a glance north, he begged to see a sign of Calantha's spark. For a mere second, he thought he did, but then it was gone. A trick of his hope, he figured. "I can't imagine the pain your father goes through each day, Lucien. He loved his sister more than the world, and he already blamed himself for all the pain she had suffered. He thought he could protect her from the world, and I thought I could help." Tears welled up in his eyes. He missed his siblings. He hadn't even gotten the chance to talk to Phromm before he had disappeared. That regret was always in the corner of his mind.

2010-06-14, 09:59 PM
Eridi's confusion spoke to Faolan, the sheer disconnect he had from the outside world. Standing with effort, he moved to put a hand on Eridi's shoulder.

"I did not mean to upset you uncle. It seems my vernacular is somewhat rusty. I only meant to say that Eithne and I would be honored to accompany you to this place called Zhang."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-14, 10:03 PM
At Sovvenia's departing comment he thinks, "Yes, yes you can." While tender and generous, the young man was not without ambition and one day he would see that the witch's blessing was returned in appropriate measure. Sovvenia carried with her the blessing of the women of his family and to not reciprocate his kind act when he was in need would mean renouncing the enchantment... and garnering their curses in its place. His grandmother may have been the sweetest woman on the planet, but Lucien didn't think for a second that her magic wouldn't leap out of the grave if Sovvenia spurned his request for aid.

When Faolan huffs at him, he only folds his arms and attempts to subdue his grin.

"Apologies, cousin*. The world seems much smaller from so high up... my west is very west indeed."

And then he becomes far less smug with Eridi's condolences.

"I never knew my aunt. My father does not speak of her often, but when he does there is terrible pain in his voice. It's why he hasn't left the castle in forty years."

* Having just heard Faolan call Eridi uncle.

2010-06-14, 10:27 PM
"Aye, Faolan, I got that, and no apologies are needed on my account. It was more for your and Lucien's benefit I even went into detail. You, I believe, have only gotten my talks of our childhood and those I had recently met in the world, and Lucien, well, you deserved to know her. If you so wish, I can tell you of her on the way to Zhang." Tired. This recollection business made him more exhausted than the work he had just done.

"No, now's not the time for dwelling in Sovvenia's domain, especially not since she's already left. This morning is for resting. If my house was in better condition, I'd offer you all beds, but, sadly, I think it'd be far more comfortable for you to stay at an inn. Eithne should be able to lead you to one, 'The Weary Traveler.' It's the best I have to offer. Just drop my name and they'll let you stay for free." Standing, he began to shoo them out. He was tired now, and wanted to retire to his own room.

"Remember, today is for rest, supplies, and any other affairs you need to take care of. We leave tomorrow morning, just after dawn. And Lucien? Don't buy any tools." Leaving it at that, he waved them off and went back inside. His bed called, and when he got to it, he fell on it and slept almost instantly. He didn't dream that night, tired as he was. He slept like a rock.

2010-06-14, 10:33 PM
Faolan let himself be led towards the door. However, when he noticed the pouch of Sovvenia's former body remained untouched, he took it and affixed it to his belt. After all, one never knew when a unique magical reagent might be needed. Turning, he gave Eridi a swift bow before striding from the forge.

"Come Eithne, Lucien, let us leave Eridi to his rest."

As they departed the forge towards the inn, Eithne fell into line beside Lucien.

"I can't tell if you are brave or stupid, but let me give you some advice - taunting a god who pulled a dragon's brain out its eyes sockets with his bare hands is rarely a good idea."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 12:58 AM
"Definitely both. You should see my ride." Most wyvern riders were weeded out early on due to uncontrollable vomiting or simply the inability to stay conscious. Riding the Nightmare was like upgrading from a biplane to a MIG. He shoves his hands into his pockets and escorts the pair to the door. Since he was Eridi's apprentice and had a mount to tend to, he'd be staying the night in the tower.

"And I'm not taunting him. Some of us slay dragons... some of us ride them. Matter of preference I suppose. Just uh... less cleanup my way, hein? Bonne nuit."


Aldric's Castle

Aldric slid out from the shadows of the foyer like they were simply the doorway to another room. After a century of searching and mourning he didn't dare believe his beloved sister had simply appeared. No signs of age touched his face, but his eyes were deep set and had dark circles; he had the look of a man who hadn't slept in weeks. For a god, it was decades of tortured unrestful nights.

"...Callie?" he whispered at length, face distorted with grief and disbelief.

For fifty years he hadn't rested. Every moment was spent searching the west, hounding Garadiel. He stumbled towards his sister, still taking her image to be some cruel joke.

2010-06-15, 01:37 AM
It was Calantha...and not. The divine spark was the same, but the woman in front of Aldric was no longer the little sister he'd coddled; she was grown, now, though it looked as though she had come into this adulthood all at once. Her dress, though still a confection of purple, ruffled layers, now came only to her knees; it bound in a most revealing manner on the top half of her body, not that she noticed. Her hair, still unruly, spilled most of the way down her back; it was nearly white, now, though there were disconcerting flashes of rainbow colors that made you look twice, there, then gone.

Her eyes flew open and she shot up, unseeing for a moment, lost in her own mind; then they settled on Aldric, and she blurted out "The stars! The stars, I have to destroy the stars..." before falling back in a swoon. If touched, it would be clear that she was feverish and ill, a result of an overexpenditure of energy...even in her stupor, though, the fear and worry lines were etched on her face, making her look even older than her years.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 03:13 AM
Calantha awoke some days later in a lavish four posters bed with black silk sheets. Aldric waited dutifully nearby in an overstuffed chair, just waiting for his sister to spring from her mix of feverish sleep and comatose slumber. When she did come back to the land of the living, the first thing she saw was Aldric's patient, concerned face and behind him an aged Deneb. Laugh lines creased her once plump cheeks and a wrinkled brow was the mark of merit she'd earned for years of worrying about Lucien. Deneb deposited a fresh pot of tea and finger sandwiches on the nightstand before scurrying away to leave family be.

Tears welled in the corners of Aldric's eyes and the food and drink was forgotten. He only reached out for his sister's hand as she began to blink her eyes.

Jair Barik
2010-06-15, 03:20 AM
Barnadine nodded at the changes. For the time being he ignored Garadiel's... speach. It could be construed as anything really, a threat an insult or suggesting somebody sought to cut the tree down. It was really quite vague.

With another movement of his hands a thin spiral of silver light flew into the creatures head.

"A knowledge of herbs, plants and healing. They should be able to survive off of the land if need be."

2010-06-15, 08:02 AM
The Uttermost South

Power radiates from every uttermost pole. As Sovvenia heads southwards, she can feel it on her metal skin. Describing the uttermost south as hot could not be sufficient.

As she continues over the sea, eventually she sees small flames start to burst out on the water itself, and even her new skin begins to heat up painfully. Ahead there is only wavering mirages and crackling fires. Surely it would be much easier to turn back.

Calantha and Aldric (and Echo)

Echo has refused to leave Calantha's side since she collapsed, even at the request of the god of fear. He has spoken little, if at all.

However, as Aldric and Calantha reunite, he rises from his seat on the floor by Aldric and backs into the shadows. He knows that there are some things that are sacrosanct.

A Villanous Interlude

The doors of Caer Gaerd swung open to admit their master. The perfect black suit had been replaced by a suit of black chain, the handsome pale face had been stained by fresh blood, black hair and wings in disarray and sweat covering his body.

Another battle had been won.

"Master?" An elderly mortal came to the Raven King's side, who slowed down to keep pace with the mortal. "The Red South Wind has returned with the eastern peach you requested. This is what he told me - he awaits you in your chambers."

"Excellent." As he strode down the passageways of Caer Gaerd to his chambers, he took up a new assumption, veiling his wings and returning his body to a pristine condition. The poor child would be intimidated enough by the Red South Wind, no need to appear before her armed for battle.

He opened the door to his chambers with a smile. "Ah, Heradi. Excellent. I see you were successful." Heradi lounged on one of the Raven King's finer chairs, one leg slung over the chair's arm in a lazy slouch. He was still twitching, and there was dried blood on his clothing. On the ground by his feet was a maiden fair beyond compare, even by the judgement of gods. Her clothing was torn to shreds, she had been chained hand and foot with shackles bearing the Raven King's sigil, and she had been gagged and blindfolded. She was also whimpering in fear, not unreasonably.

"That was fun. Haven't been able to really let loose since before I died. Haven't known a woman's touch either. That was... very fun."
"Of course, the eastern peach is still unblemished..." The Raven King's fingers twitched, and Heradi desperately spat out, "Aye, she is. Not a bloody idiot, am I? Unblemished you said, unblemished she is. But she was living in this village on the western continent, as some shrine goddess. Gone now. Burned, murdered, sated my lusts, generally enjoyed myself."

The Raven King's smile grew, and he snapped his fingers. A dagger fell into his hand, and he tossed it to Heradi lazily. Heradi snapped it out of the air and examined it, eyes growing wide as he did so. "Th' hell is this?"
"A Probability Knife. As long as you avoid your oldest brother, it will serve you - and by proxy, me - very well. Two hundred years of divine potential makes for a very powerful weapon." Heradi looked closer at the knife's hilt, at the swirling golden ball set into the crossguard.
"Rognir's arse, that it will. Haven't felt something like this for years."
"Now, I have another mission for you, but it must wait until I have had the chance to talk to our eastern peach here. Heradi, consider the island yours to run." There was a red blur, and the Raven King was alone again.

He knelt, taking the maiden's chin in his pale fingers tightly, ignoring her desperate struggles. "Hello, Miadh. We're going to have a little talk..."

2010-06-15, 08:48 AM
Garadiel burst out laughing at the mention of Raia being volatile. He continues to do so for some time as he walks. He doesn't bother to explain however. He just lets his nephew stew. A would be god of courage can't be too frightened by the ominous laughter of the god of death, after all.

Soon they reach Raia's dwelling place and Garadiel signals a guard to alert Raia.


The soldier guards led Garadiel and Ganrei into the 'Palace.' Of course, it being Raia, perhaps to Garadiel it was a nostalgic sense of 'ah, that's my sister.' To Ganrei, it was not glorious or dramatic, but very practical. Very clean, stone and rock, and painted paper walls hid stone, and told stories of battles around the world. But not all of them were heroic. Maybe a little unsettling to him.
They invoked the concerns of a warrior. What is right? What is wrong? What is the purpose of a warrior? These thoughts came through the pictures.

But at the end of the hall there was the map of the world, as if ready for battle. Every army of the world in little form. It was the Goddess who was standing there that was the important thing.
Raia was dressed in her crimson robes, and her long black hair was loose for now. The soldier bowed and departed, as Raia looked up, and saw Ganrei and she paused. Then she looked at Garadiel, a small look of curiosity on her face.
She came around the table and towards them, running a quick hand through her hair. Certainly she did not seem like she would attack Ganrei immediately. There was a piercing gaze of hers, and Ganrei could see that the searching look in her eyes was guarded, but experienced. Surely no one else he had met was like this- a dangerous feeling about her, but it was swallowed by calm. She spoke calmly.

"This is an unexpected visit. Garadiel, you have brought a visitor to me today who is unknown. And yet something is familiar and nostalgic about you. Greetings. I am Raia, the Goddess of Warriors and Battle. Daughter of the All-Father." She waved her hands, and summoned cushions for them to sit on.

"I rarely have guests here in Toukoku, please tell me why you have come today."

White Blade
2010-06-15, 09:33 AM
Garadiel sat down on the cushion and smiled at his sister. Raia was still herself, still beautiful and brave and noble. Still a favorite companion for a race or a debate, still a dear friend. He had not visited her in a century, but he had not forgotten her or failed to remember her. The blade that now rested on his side was far from being a normal weapon of her craft, but he had thought much of her as he had made it. He had come here to guide the dead, true, but he had been considering a visit even before he ran into Ganrei.

However, he makes no mention of this. He looks at Raia and then she hears his word, though his mouth does not move and Ganrei hears nothing. Nephew. Raia feels the familial connection between her and Ganrei, she feels as if she knew his father once but now no longer, she sees Ateris for a fleeting second but she doesn't recognize Eglasian beneath him. Garadiel still sits mutely, watching his nephew. Raia only knows it is him that... spoke just now because she heard him when Sovvenia collapsed.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 10:48 AM
In the past

The goddess whispered something and blew a pinch of glimmering dust in the creature's nostrils.

"I gift you with eidetic memory and synesthesia. You will perceive the world in a very unique way, see the truths of the universe. You will miss no detail, forget no face. All of your senses will be highly precise and complement each other in a way no other mortal creature can imagine. However, you will also be extremely sensitive to death. You will feel the loss of one of your kind even from far away. You will mourn all those who sacrifice for the Tree, be they Humans, Giants or anything else. Such is your burden."

In the present

Faced with a burning sea, Sovvenia called for the only person she knew could possibly handle the heat - and see a reason to go on despite this. The wind brought Garadiel this message wherever he was:

"I am in the Uttermost South and intense flames block my way. I hear you stole dragonfire from one of Rognir's beasts. Maybe this new power of yours will allow you to brave the perils of the South. This may be a good opportunity to understand the workings of the world. If you are interested, please join me as soon as you can."

White Blade
2010-06-15, 11:01 AM
Garadiel receives the message just after he finishes spending time with Raia and Ganrei. He thinks for but a moment and bursts into a full run southward, towards Sovvenia. She knows he is coming as quickly as he can.

It takes him half a day to reach her, a cool bubble approaching her. His face wears some discomfort, but not as much as the furnace should be doing to him. The bubble of coolness that comes from his fire mastery extends and engulfs Sovvenia. The fire is still hot, hotter than any mortal would find comfortable, but it is not so hot that Garadiel and Sovvenia are under any serious danger. How far Garadiel's fire dulling abilities will take them is difficult to say. Even they don't know the exact distance between the northern most and southern most points of their diamond shaped world. Garadiel smiles and heads further south.

2010-06-15, 11:03 AM
Raia looked into Garadiel's eyes as she heard the word. Nephew. In his Garadiel's eyes she could see his intelligence and some of his burdens. They were heavy on him, and Raia could only wonder what he had done in the 100 years since they had seen each other. Always close, but far away- that was Death and War.

He wore a weapon now, and that drew Raia's attention. She did not speak of her concerns or curiousity, because now the weight of Garadiel's words met her. Ateris... this Nephew was tied there. She wasn't sure exactly, but it brought more nostalgic feelings to her. Others from her childhood in the East. Names she had not heard in a long time, and faces she couldn't quite see.
She nodded to Garadiel- a very small motion that he might understand. Her acceptance and concern, but understanding.

She looked to Ganrei now, and waited patiently for him to explain himself.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 11:04 AM

Sovvenia silently greeted Garadiel, but he instantly knew there was something changed in her. And as she tore her cloak and threw it in the burning sea (she would just create a new one later), he gazed upon her new, metallic body inscribed with Eridi's runes and linked with Faolan's diamonds.

White Blade
2010-06-15, 11:14 AM
The South
Garadiel was shocked for a moment but then he nodded. She had not seemed well when he had last seen her and that she had found a way of going on was reassuring to him. He would not have liked to bear their burden alone. He tilts his head southward and turns back to business. He had never been this close to the Uttermost South and now that he was here, he very much wanted to see. Garadiel had not forgotten the curiosity that had made his journey to the eastern coast of the Southern Continent take ten years instead of one.

The World Tree
The Past
Garadiel spilled three drops of blood on the creature, they would age very slowly now. It would take centuries, perhaps millenia, for death to claim them by age.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 11:40 AM
Sovvenia, the past

"I think it is ready."

Give birth to a new race with Garadiel and Nara (ceremony)

Any idea for the name?

Jair Barik
2010-06-15, 12:04 PM
"No. One last detail. To you I give the strength of the land itself, its hardiness, its endurance, its ability to wether all that the world should throw at it. This gift my leige bestows upon you." Barnadine blew a wisp of smoke into the creatures and they became stronger, yet unnoticed by the Gods a small trail of red flew into them also. The gift of the Wolf, Strength, power and the drive to never surrender in their task no matter the odds. A strong gift, a useful gift, but the gift of the wolf nonetheless.

Spending ceremony. Orgo isn't tainting the creation, he's actually giving them good stuff that none of the other three souls really specialise in.
Perhaps the name should be some sort of combination of tree and protector? Cathors? Arbothorians?

2010-06-15, 12:51 PM
Eithne seemed amused at Lucien's response. He saw a slight sparkle in her eye, a wolfish grin play across her face. She leaned close,

"Yes, but sometimes getting messy is so much more fun."

Eithne then sped away after Faolan, leaving Lucien alone in the street. Coming up next to her adoptive father, she sauntered along with a small smile. Looking down at her, Faolan stole a glance back towards Lucien before chuckling.

"Now Eithne, what did you say to that poor boy?"

"Not much father. I just wanted to see how he'd react to someone as...bold as himself."

"Well, be careful. His father is notorious for his appetites, and he may mistake your toying for true interest."

"I never said I was toying with him, father."

Faolan looked down sharply at Eithne's last statement, but she simply kept walking. A crease marred his forehead, but he said nothing, following her into the inn and procuring a room, slightly troubled by this development. However, he knew Eithne had lived the past century in the world, and so consoled himself that perhaps she knew what she was doing.

2010-06-15, 01:55 PM
Shen Shi Zhu sailing to the Uttermost East

Finally, after weeks of sailing in stormy seas tamed only by the magic of Shen Shi Zhu, the House at the Uttermost East comes into view. There is something about it, a subtle majesty that threatens to overwhelm Himiko. This is a sacred place.

Then - suddenly, blindingly - a bolt of lightning smites the plateau on which the house stands. Once, twice, thrice, and then a figure falls from the plateau into the churning waters below.

Whatever the figure was, it is gone by the time Shen Shi Zhu and Himiko reach the dock at the bottom of the mountain at the end of the world.

2010-06-15, 02:07 PM
Shen Shi Zhu sailing to the Uttermost East

Finally, after weeks of sailing in stormy seas tamed only by the magic of Shen Shi Zhu, the House at the Uttermost East comes into view. There is something about it, a subtle majesty that threatens to overwhelm Himiko. This is a sacred place.

Then - suddenly, blindingly - a bolt of lightning smites the plateau on which the house stands. Once, twice, thrice, and then a figure falls from the plateau into the churning waters below.

Whatever the figure was, it is gone by the time Shen Shi Zhu and Himiko reach the dock at the bottom of the mountain at the end of the world.

Shen Zhi Shu
"NO." Shen Zhi Shu screams. He turns to Himiko. "Go back to the Sanctum." He teleports her and scrambles towards the House where he saw the body fall. He approaches the ruins, ready to fight.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 03:16 PM
Lucien spent the next day leisurely curled up against the side of the Nightmare while studying a couple of books he'd 'borrowed' from Eridi. He was a rogue at heart, but he meant no disrespect. In his defense, the books had been left out in the sitting area and he came from a culture where most things were communal between family and friends. And if Eridi had any tomes containing forbidden knowledge (Lucien did not suspect he did), he was sure they wouldn't have been sitting in the salon in the first place.

As luck would have it, both of the swiped manuals pertained to his interests. Though, Lucien had many interests, so this was unsurprising. The first was on leather working and had a practical, if brief introduction to crafting armor and footwear. Naturally, he thought enchanted boots were the natural solution to his father's unfortunate encounters with Heradi, but as Heradi was nowhere to be found these days, Aldric never bothered to commission Eridi. The second book was essentially a runic catalog riddled with Eridi's writing. While Lucien didn't understand much of Eridi's obscure notations, he certainly gave it a good faith attempt. Precocious bastard.

The next morning he occupies his time by winging over the city on the Nightmare until the rest of the party is ready to depart for Zhang. Having slept outside, he'd woken up with the sunrise.

2010-06-15, 03:19 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

As Shen Shi Zhu reaches the top of the plateau, the smoke of the blasts finally begins to clear.

And out of the smoke strides Rognir.

His fine furs and mail have been burnt and torn asunder, and his hair is still smouldering, but his eye is still bright with life. His skin is burnt in places, and lacerated in others, but he is still strong, stronger than any of his children, and... there is a feeling of peace about him.

"Hail, Shen. You have picked an ill time to visit your sire, but no matter; come, son, and greet your father as is proper." And he smiles, a real smile, the kind that Shen never got enough of while he was a child.

2010-06-15, 03:24 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

As Shen Shi Zhu reaches the top of the plateau, the smoke of the blasts finally begins to clear.

And out of the smoke strides Rognir.

His fine furs and mail have been burnt and torn asunder, and his hair is still smouldering, but his eye is still bright with life. His skin is burnt in places, and lacerated in others, but he is still strong, stronger than any of his children, and... there is a feeling of peace about him.

"Hail, Shen. You have picked an ill time to visit your sire, but no matter; come, son, and greet your father as is proper." And he smiles, a real smile, the kind that Shen never got enough of while he was a child.

Shen Zhi Shu
Shen Zhi Shu runs over to embrace his father."I had Himiko return to Zhang for protection. What was that that tried to kill you!" He asked, still concerned. It was highly unlikely that much could threaten Rognir, Shen thought, so Himiko must have really been in danger for any fire to burn or any blade to cut Rognir. In the mean time, Shen Zhi Shu wondered if Rognir had anything to say for Shen Zhi Shu. What could possibly threaten Rognir?

2010-06-15, 03:47 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

"You do not need to worry about it, my son. It was merely a manifestation of my weaknesses, my temptations, my doubts. I have more tricks than even you know; I forced it out to battle before it could cloud my judgement overmuch. But it has been vanquished, and the path before me is clear." He returns the embrace, hugging his son tightly with scarred, muscle-bound arms that once wrestled titanic beasts.

2010-06-15, 04:00 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Armin

"You do not need to worry about it, my son. It was merely a manifestation of my weaknesses, my temptations, my doubts. I have more tricks than even you know; I forced it out to battle before it could cloud my judgement overmuch. But it has been vanquished, and the path before me is clear." He returns the embrace, hugging his son tightly with scarred, muscle-bound arms that once wrestled titanic beasts.

Shen Zhi Shu And Rognir
"Father, I wish to be like you one day. Therefore I have come for your blessing. Please bless me as a Father." He stated. "This is not the best time to ask, but I fear that if I wait longer it will be too late." He continued. "I have sensed strange creatures, what if they Are They Who Wait Beyond?"
"We all need to protect the world of Gods and Men."

2010-06-15, 04:10 PM
Shen Zhi Shu and Rognir

Rognir places his hand on Shen's brow, and Shen feels... majesty. There's no other way to describe it. He sees his father for a moment as he was in his youth, an almighty warrior, worthy of the deepest respect.

Then the moment is gone, but the feeling of majesty remains in Shen's brow. You can be more, it whispers. You are my son, take up your destiny and master it, and you too can be worthy of respect and praise.

And a brand marks itself on Shen's forehead - the slightest thing, compared to the brands on Garadiel and Sovvenia, merely a discoloration of the skin. But those with eyes to see can glimpse the sword marked upon Shen's forehead.

"They Who Wait Beyond are still locked away behind A'gap. They shall not walk the world while I still live. But one day, I will not be here to protect you; you must find your own strength, and not forsake your siblings, though I have seen your trials with them, I have seen your heartache and your desire for isolation.

But it is only in the Pantheon that there will be strength to survive what is coming. You must understand this, Shen Shi Zhu. If you are not united, the wolves will devour you one by one."

Sovvenia and Garadiel

They continue on.

It gets hotter.

The fires turn from red and orange to pure white, purging holy fires that burn even the master of flames, even injure the perfectly-forged body of Sovvenia.

But, right as they believe they cannot go on any longer, the sharp eyes of Garadiel spot a dark blot upon the horizon. A dark blot that would be land. And all they have to do to get to it is force their way through the hottest, purest fires in the entire world.

It will hurt.

A lot.

But curiousity beckons them onward. Will they forge a way through?

2010-06-15, 04:48 PM
Shen Zhi Shu and Rognir

Rognir places his hand on Shen's brow, and Shen feels... majesty. There's no other way to describe it. He sees his father for a moment as he was in his youth, an almighty warrior, worthy of the deepest respect.

Then the moment is gone, but the feeling of majesty remains in Shen's brow. You can be more, it whispers. You are my son, take up your destiny and master it, and you too can be worthy of respect and praise.

And a brand marks itself on Shen's forehead - the slightest thing, compared to the brands on Garadiel and Sovvenia, merely a discoloration of the skin. But those with eyes to see can glimpse the sword marked upon Shen's forehead.

"They Who Wait Beyond are still locked away behind A'gap. They shall not walk the world while I still live. But one day, I will not be here to protect you; you must find your own strength, and not forsake your siblings, though I have seen your trials with them, I have seen your heartache and your desire for isolation.

But it is only in the Pantheon that there will be strength to survive what is coming. You must understand this, Shen Shi Zhu. If you are not united, the wolves will devour you one by one."

Shen Zhi Shu And Pan-Lung/Rognir:
"Thank you, Father." Shen said to Pan-Lung. "May the Heavenly Fire never fail you." He soothed. "About Himiko. Is there anyway you could make her into one of us? Or is that not going to happen?" He asked. "I ask this because I believe there is a way to end the anger of Garadiel."

2010-06-15, 04:55 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

Rognir thinks for a moment, and then says, "Himiko. Ah, her. I am afraid that I cannot simply create gods, other than the usual method of procreation. But if the bond between you is deep enough, you can give her a measure of your power - would this be sufficient for your plans, my son?"

White Blade
2010-06-15, 04:56 PM
Garadiel grips Sovvenia's now armored hand preparing to heal her or prevent her death. Then he grins a wicked grin and begins to laugh. He has come to see again what has not been seen by other eyes, since the creation of the world. He has come again to a fire that is without answer. He did not turn back before. He will not turn back now. No son of Rognir could. For fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who sticks his nose out of doors.

He heads forward. Does Sovvenia go with him?

2010-06-15, 04:56 PM
Calantha comes awake, but slowly, and for a moment her body shimmers and shifts as if it cannot decide what to be; then it settles, and she looks up into Aldric's face. There are tears in the corners of his eyes, and white strands in his hair; her face, smooth with sleep, now comes worried again, all at once. Sitting up, abruptly, she pulls her hands from Aldric's and cups them both around her brother's cheeks, tugging him close and resting her forehead against his, letting her eyes close as she breathes in the scent of him, the feel of him...

"He told me I had to console you...he told me...why...? Why must I console you, Aldric...? Why do you grieve so, why are you crying...?"

Pulling back, a little, she looks into his face, and her thumbs wick away the tears that started to form. "I have found a way to free you, you see, so you shouldn't grieve, because...because the curse can't hold, it can be broken, I know how to break it. You see...? There is no need for sadness, brother, no need, I'll take care of you now..."

2010-06-15, 05:01 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

Rognir thinks for a moment, and then says, "Himiko. Ah, her. I am afraid that I cannot simply create gods, other than the usual method of procreation. But if the bond between you is deep enough, you can give her a measure of your power - would this be sufficient for your plans, my son?"

Shen Zhi Shu
"Oh, that is already done." Shen Zhi Shu said. "I suppose that I will have to do something to protect her when the End comes." He mentioned. "I am only glad that the End is not, well The End, I have thought it was for so long. "Thank you for everything, Father. Is there something you require of me while I am here?"

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 05:01 PM

After Garadiel informed her of what he saw beyond, Sovvenia grinned despite her body dangerously heating up.

"It could be painful for us to continue. But I have already suffered more than anyone. I know it very well. In fact... I. AM. PAIN!

Let all the universe feel my pain for once! I AM SOVVENIA AND THE ELEMENTS WILL COWER BEFORE ME!"

The flames danced around them as the goddess invoked the powers of Storms and Sky. Smoke seeped from her armor plates, forming into wide wings.

"Follow me!"

Sovvenia created a wind tunnel and shot through it, heading directly for the dark blot.

White Blade
2010-06-15, 05:03 PM
Garadiel follows as closely as he can.

2010-06-15, 05:10 PM
Shen Shi Zhu and Rognir

"Only that you keep the knowledge of the world intact, even in the darkest hours. That is all I require of you; keep magic in hold, keep the flame of knowledge alive, and you will have played your part."

The Uttermost South

When Sovvenia finally arrives on the island at the end of the world, she is scorching hot. Flecks of metal have already started to melt off her blessed frame. But the moment both gods step on the island, it suddenly cools down - enough to leave small globules of suddenly-frozen metal on Sovvenia. There is a subtle magic here, one that recognizes the children of Rognir.

The island is small, and covered in burning trees. In the center, there is a pit, ringed with carven obsidian. The pit is massive beyond imagining, and opens up into a void.

And beyond the pit... it looks like a giant wall. After examination, the mind suddenly realizes that the fractures and cracks are in actuality the edges of a snake's scales, one massive enough to touch the sky itself. And beyond it... there is a sound of distant drumming.

This is the edge of the world. Welcome.

2010-06-15, 05:14 PM
It was time. Eridi needed Shen Zhi Shu for his knowledge on magic, considerable as it was rumored to be. Always first in line to peruse merchant's selections of Zhangese scripts, he had found rumors and snippets of what he needed, but he figured the grand library would have exactly the scrolls to teach him.

Walking down the streets, Eridi was happy that this city would run smoothly while he was gone. The guild-based government was highly self-sufficient, each one deciding the areas most affected by them and electing their own government. Any inter-guild dispute was swiftly handled, not by the god, but by the Wive's Guild, which consisted of most the female citizens of the city, even those who belonged to other guilds. In fact, somehow, they had delegated all judiciary powers to their guild.

Arriving at the outer gate, Eridi picked up the wagon he had rented for the trip. It was already filled with the supplies he had ordered, including some of those trip-reducing oars he had once made. He'd fetch a boat in the port town they were headed for. Tossing his own bags on, including one made solely for carrying the Behemoth's tooth, he drove it out the gate.

Riding to the side of the main road, Eridi waved at his flying nephew. Faolan and Eithne still weren't here yet, but these two were early. Dawn was just beginning, he had plenty of time to wait on his other nephew.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-15, 05:15 PM
Phromm; Present, North-West

As soon as he'd been kicked out of Calantha's Sanctum, which was odd to the extent of confusion and back again (he was escorted out of a window by going up stairs), Phromm had raced across the steppe to his territory, calling the Giant Ice Worm when he grew tired. When he arrived, he did not stop, but he continued to the Bugbear Mountains; specifically the tallest one in the range. He climbed the mountain, and was not challenged by any of the creatures which lived in the mountains, recognising that here was the ultimate predator. When he reached the top, where a crag of rock resembling a giant skull lay, he rested, and called this place his own, the heart of his territory.

After resting, he toured his territory, to see what had changed. He saw little difference, except for a large amount of flying reptiles in the skies and some really large wolves with another's scent; a scent Phromm did not recognise. The wolves Phromm did not mind; their pelts were perfect for making shelters and clothing out of, and the Orofolk had adapted to their presence very well. The wyverns, however, opened his mind to a whole new possibility. Taking a group of Orofolk, all of them willing volunteers, he altered their physiology, granting them great, leathery wings and lighter skeletons, a feather coat and sharp talons on hands and feet, topped off with a razor-sharp, hooked beak and all the instincts to use these new shapes for hunting. Calling them 'Harpies' and releasing them upon the world, Phromm felt confident that no longer were the beasts of the air hunter-free.

3 Major Acts: make the Father of the Mountain's Skull his Sanctum.
1 Major Act: Alter some (but not all) of the Orofolk into Harpies, vicious flying predators taller than humans, slightly lighter and quite stong.

When hunting, Harpies tend to use ambushes, flying out of the sun or using cloud cover, and they also tend to attack ground targets than other flying creatures, but they will work together to take down an individual wyvern or roc, with or without rider. They are also more widely spread than other predators created by Phromm, due to their wings.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 05:19 PM
Sovvenia, the Uttermost South

Completely imperturbable, the Construct God approached the obsidian pit.

"A site left undisturbed since the dawn of time. Where the young world was forged by the hands of Rognir. And those scales...all that remain of the Great Beast A'gap.

They are just beyond, aren't they? So far, yet so close."

Sovvenia flew across the gaping hole and stood before the Wall.

"In time, do you think we will be the ones to do it? I mean, rebuilding."

She knew it wasn't true. Only one of them would be there. But there was no need to speak of this with her brother, at this time.

2010-06-15, 05:25 PM
It was time. Eridi needed Shen Zhi Shu for his knowledge on magic, considerable as it was rumored to be. Always first in line to peruse merchant's selections of Zhangese scripts, he had found rumors and snippets of what he needed, but he figured the grand library would have exactly the scrolls to teach him.

Walking down the streets, Eridi was happy that this city would run smoothly while he was gone. The guild-based government was highly self-sufficient, each one deciding the areas most affected by them and electing their own government. Any inter-guild dispute was swiftly handled, not by the god, but by the Wive's Guild, which consisted of most the female citizens of the city, even those who belonged to other guilds. In fact, somehow, they had delegated all judiciary powers to their guild.

Arriving at the outer gate, Eridi picked up the wagon he had rented for the trip. It was already filled with the supplies he had ordered, including some of those trip-reducing oars he had once made. He'd fetch a boat in the port town they were headed for. Tossing his own bags on, including one made solely for carrying the Behemoth's tooth, he drove it out the gate.

Riding to the side of the main road, Eridi waved at his flying nephew. Faolan and Eithne still weren't here yet, but these two were early. Dawn was just beginning, he had plenty of time to wait on his other nephew.

Shen Zhi Shu
Teleportation to Shang Zhi Shu's Sanctum was easy once Shen made his final farewell to Pan-Lung. Shen Zhi Shu had made it easily to Xiang Jian to see Himiko as soon as he could possibly make it. Traveling to the Uttermost took weeks, but at least he got something very important from Rognir before he had felt a need to return.

Shen Zhi placed a Ward around the forest of Xiang Jian in order to sense when someone would pass into the city. Any who passed through the forest would be known by Shen Zhi Shu, including their names and identity.
1 Minor Act to Enchant Xiang Jian Forest

Jair Barik
2010-06-15, 05:27 PM
A time after Shen's Visit
The house at the end of the world. A place Nara had grown up, a place each of him had only set foot in once thereafter. A place to which he now returned. As always he had taken his time, a row boat nothing more. He was the land, he did not suffer under the baking sun nor was he slowed by the winds and storms but nontheless he would take his own sweet time to go from one place to another. There was no rush. The world was not ending... not yet.

When he last set foot here he had sought to gain some redemption for Aldric and Calantha. Strange how he could feel such compassion for two he had never met. He had not met many of his siblings really, not since his Godhood had been bestowed upon him. That was fine though. A part of him did not want to meet them, he did not want to see them to have changed, to have come to hate and squabble with one another. He longed for those innocent days when the weight of the world did not weigh heavy upon the shoulders of himself and his siblings. But such memories were little good now. The boon he had once declined he now had need for, and so he returned.

White Blade
2010-06-15, 05:37 PM
Garadiel's skin was cracked and peeled, his eyes were dry. And now his breath was stolen. This was horror. This was glory. This was the place. He could reach out, if he had the will, and touch the skin of A'gap. Touch the hide that kept the world. He could hear the enemy, the hideous foes that his father had bested once before. He remembered what he had seen beneath the tree and began to heave deep breaths. How had they come to this place? How had he come here?

He looks at the pit into which he was sure the sun fell nightly... He looks at Sovvenia. He just walks around the pit to the other side. Garadiel shrugs at Sovvenia's question, Hope so, he replies. An image of Garadiel and Sovvenia holding the seed presses itself onto her mind, their eyes shining with power. He looks at the wall and kneels on his knees before it, reaching his hands close enough as to be a hair-breadth away and begins to speak, Stand fast! he commands, Stand fast! he asks, Stand fast! he begs. The wall hears his plea, his request, his command, it knows it is for it and it alone. He prays that it stands fast. But he hopes his enemies hear his exhortation to A'Gap's skin. He hopes they mark his words, so unlike them. He hopes that when they come, they remember the voice that shored up the walls of creation. He'll make them wish they'd never broken all the laws of existence.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 05:48 PM
Aldric moved to sit on the bed next to his sister and slid his arm around her shoulders. He recounts the events in the desert and what immediately followed. That's when he gently tells her that a century has passed since they parted. He follows up quickly by reassuring her that little has transpired and that time everyone in the family is safe. After the shock has dulled, he explains how he spent every day for fifty years flying west and searching for her in vain... and then of the last fifty years of melancholy.

"But you're back now... everything's all right. I'm safe and nothing is going to harm me. Just forget about what you saw in the west and what you heard Rognir say to me. He doesn't know everything Callie; he was just trying to scare me."

He only shakes his head at her protests and eventually forces some tea on her.

"You grew up... have you even seen yourself in the mirror?" He points out the draped looking glass in the corner.

*****Lucien and Eridi: Hyb

Lucien's heart sank when he caught sight of the wagon and the luggage. He could have taken one other on the Nightmare along with a few supplies, and the trip to Xiang Jian would have only lasted three hours. There was no way she could carry three passengers and everything in the cart. The Nightmare skids into a landing and Lucien hops off with a polite, "Good morning, master." He spies the ores in the wagon and rests his hands on his hips. Rather than smarting off like his father would have, he breathes out and forces a bit of a smile.

"Well... at least a long journey leaves plenty of time for instruction."

White Blade
2010-06-15, 05:53 PM
Garadiel nodded his head and said, Done. looking over the creature. It felt complete, then, its eyes began to stir. He smiled. It had worked. Success! But he did not pump his fist into the air as he would have if Nara and not the druid were here. Mortals couldn't get too casual an image of a god after all.

1 Ceremony spent on the Tree Men

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 05:55 PM
Sovvenia, the Uttermost South

"We could leave something so that we know when Those Who Wait Beyond break through. But then again, we probably do not need it, as they will be free to enter our world once Rognir dies. It would be a shame to have been here for nothing, though."

Sovvenia examined the Wall.

"If that is a corpse, shouldn't its spirit be somewhere?"

Jair Barik
2010-06-15, 05:59 PM
At the tree
"I apologise for any ill feeling you may have towards Nara. He has only the best intentions. He sent me in his place due to a promise he made the tree and he bid me ask you questions of your intent because... Well I will be honest, Nara seems to wish peace even if it means his own destruction. He will not raise his hand against his fellow Gods and does not wish any of his creations to do so either. He wishes peace but likely if he cannot be persuaded to see otherwise this will be the death of him."

White Blade
2010-06-15, 06:00 PM
Sovvenia, the Uttermost South

"We could leave something so that we know when Those Who Wait Beyond break through. But then again, we probably do not need it, as they will be free to enter our world once Rognir dies. It would be a shame to have been here for nothing, though."

Sovvenia examined the Wall.

"If that is a corpse, shouldn't its spirit be somewhere?"

Garadiel shook his head. The dead turned to life, even before I entered the storm. Don't know if they'll be free the moment Rognir dies. They still have to break the skin. Could take centuries... Garadiel says, perhaps overloading on the true speech a bit. He needs to be more cautious with that stuff.

2010-06-15, 06:46 PM
Smiling, Eridi responded to the boy. "Ah, yes, instruction. That's most the reason why we're taking this trip by foot. The other is to enjoy the scenery. I haven't been out of that town in the past century, so I would like to see how the world's changed." Maps had been brought to him and bought by him, and he had thoroughly enjoyed studying them, but they changed so often. These mortals, they were ambitious creatures. Eridi did respect them for that.

Snapping out of his contemplative look, he took back up his rictus grin. "Now, I've digressed. I meant to say, I've prepared your tools. Here, have 'em and get used to 'em. They're what you're going to be using for a while." Tossing his nephew a bag, his smile widened. Aldric would've appreciated something like this, in fact, he had pulled similar things on Eridi quite a few times as children.

Opening the bag, Lucien found rocks. Sandstone shaped like tools and tied loosely to sticks. Even the apprentice new these would break at a light breeze, much less pounding. But there, deep inside the bag, it's color gleaming off the rising sun, lay one real tool. A simple steel chisel.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 07:22 PM
Sovvenia, the Uttermost South

Sovvenia touched the Wall with one hand and breathed deep the searing air around them; she didn't have to fear burning her lungs, as she didn't have any. She focused all her senses on the deadly environment of the South Pole. She sought to attune herself to the ambient mystical energies; to gain new understand of the metaphysical meaning of this place. To fill her mind with the burning passion that drove the people of the southern continent. Had it been the old Sovvenia, she would have probably be overwhelmed by the sentiment; however the new Sovvenia remained in complete control as the South made an imprint in her mind.

"No matter. This is merely the beginning. Once we have understanding of all this world's secrets, once it is purely reflected in our souls... then the Fate of the universe will truly be ours, and no one will ever again defeat the Children of Rognir!"

The runes all over her body glowed for a moment.

"Good thing this armor has made me untiring. I have many places to go. You don't have to come, although you are always welcome to join me. Next stop: a gentle old man living in a secluded house. Not the one you think."

Sovvenia teleported back to her sanctum and set out for the home of Rognir's old squire. This time she took Dawn with her.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 07:35 PM
"Oof..." Lucien catches the bag of rocks with his gut and staggers. He is crestfallen for the second time today. For a moment, he reconsidered the entire arrangement; in truth he'd only come to forge his own sword and master enchantment and maybe runecraft as well. But, it appeared now that Eridi wouldn't let him get off with shortcuts. After a pause to recollect, he decided he didn't want shortcuts... that was the way his father did things. He'd forge his own sword all right, but he'd smelt the steel, and break his back mining the ore as well. And he'd make a weapon to shame Despair.

He looks up at his master and forces another cocky grin, "I'm to make my own tools then? Which I'm to use to make better tools? Very well. Though, I do hope there's time along the way to show you my designs..."

While the lesson wasn't lost on Lucien and he chose to remain obedient to his teacher, he wasn't about to stop showing off or tempting Eridi to hasten his training.

White Blade
2010-06-15, 07:53 PM
Garadiel watches Sovvenia depart and then he listens. He listens for longer than any man should to the drumbeat. The drums of hell, loud against the Wall... Near, too near. He understood this enemy, better than Sovvenia did at least. He understood their desire. He could not allow it to come to pass. He needed to remind himself. So he listened to their drumbeat and he thought of what he had seen before the door in beneath the tree. Soon, his will returned to him. These were invaders. These were killers. If he did not stop them, they would be soaked in his family's blood. Ateris and Kyfla-Madur, Heradi, they would die to them as well. His will was back. He stepped into the fire wall and his skin was burned yet again and then he disappeared into his realm like a wisp of smoke.

He was perilously close to the edge of his realm, to the destroying Abyss. It was why he had charred his skin still further. Here, his eyes took on the blazing heat, smoke poured from his nostrils. He healed quickly here. The fire dimmed now, his eyes had but a flickering spark hidden in their depth. He guided a pack of souls through the Underworld and, after the Brothers had thrown them into the portal, he vanished into another wisp of smoke, appearing on one of the Eastern Islands. Not the one he was going for, but a fairly close one. He began to swim for the one he had been going for. Hopefully he would reach it at the same time as Sovvenia.

2010-06-15, 07:57 PM
The Past

"I did not say that you are a liar. But hold a moment. There should be some way to..."

Pa'am gestures, and from latent possibility, creates a golden hourglass, over six feet tall. The opening between the two bulbs is sealed, with a small horizontal hole instead of the familiar vertical. Plucking a hair from Heraldi's head, he inserts it into the hole, and the sand begins to fall, one grain for every second, until Heraldi's lifespan is measured by the glass.

"From this, I can view every moment that has happened in a person's life. How long ago did these events take place, brother?"

Major Act(4 remaining): Creating Hourglass of Eons.

The Present

Fifty years ago, the leader of the Council that ruled Oukt grew ill, and began seeing visions. The past and present and future, all were one in his eyes, which had gone blind to the world around him. And while men and women alike labored to keep him alive, others likewise wrote his visions down, recording them. It was not their idea originally, but the Council leader's wife who requested that they do so. One month later, the leader died, and his collected visions became known as the Gearskip Codex. Many wondered at the origin of the Codex. Some proclaimed it heresy, while others upheld it as revelations from the God of Time himself. Pa'am had not visited the city in fifty years, and none lived who had seen him directly. Desperate to be thought of as chosen, for they were only human, they decided that the Codex was indeed Pa'ams Word. And in this, by flaw rather than virtue, they were right.

The first and most immediate result of the Codex was a further increase in the level of technology that the citizens of Oukt possessed. The decorative clockwork that adorned their village became functional, as they learned to primitively harness the steam.

Fifteen years ago, a young boy, barely in his seventh year, stumbled onto the sacred room where the original manuscripts were stored, and opened them. And gasped at what he read.
((Raz, a bit of a nudge would be good here.))

Minor Act(5 remaining): Inspire Population: giving them insight into steam technology. Not overpowering; the ancient greeks had the knowledge as well.
Major Act: (3 remaining): Creating artifact: Gearskip Prophecies. Book that reveals key insights to the Past, Present and Future, as well as philosophy relating to the nature of time.
Minor Act(4 remaining): Creating Servant of Great Power(young boy, name of...Newton. Yes. Newton Maxwell)

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-15, 07:59 PM
Sovvenia, the past

Sovvenia smiled to Garadiel and Nara's exarch.

"Good work."

She turned to the sea and raised an archipelago covered in temperate rainforest, and scattered the islands around the World Tree. She then led the first of the Hulder race to their luxurious homes and gave them ceremonial masks to wear. "You will be Faceless to the outside world. Show no weakness, no division to those outside your clan. You are all equally children of the Tree."

Raise the Greenmaw Isles (major)

2010-06-15, 08:20 PM
Calantha protests her brother's words, but he is implacable and she finally surrenders; grudgingly, she accepts the tea, cradling the warmth in both hands. There is no time for this...there is less time, if she's truly been gone for one hundred years. ...Was that the price the Raven King had said was paid already...? Or was there something else coming, a storm brewing, that she did not yet know about...?

When Aldric mentions that she's changed, she reflexively glances towards the covered mirror he gestures to; setting the tea down, she stands, and doesn't so much walk as she does glide. As if simply setting the thought to the motion was enough, and all the effort she needed to expend. Tearing the cloth away from the mirror, she stares at herself; she looks, now, like the women she used to know, like her grown-up sisters, like she is mature. She doesn't feel mature...just guided. Purposeful. And she did have a purpose.

She turns to face her brother, and her eyes are bottomless, like wells that fade to blackness at the base. "This is good. It will make them take me more seriously, because I look grown up. I look like you...like them..."

2010-06-15, 08:55 PM
Still smiling, Eridi burst out in laughter after the boy blurted out his idea. "Boy," he said when he caught his breath, "That look on your face was quite priceless! We're on the road, Lucien, when did you think you'd have time to set up a forge, heat it and make your own tools?" It really was fun to do these sorts of tricks, but he really didn't have the real heart of Aldric to go through with it completely. If this had been his brother, he would've gone for days while the boy tried to make his own tools with those pitiful supplies. No, Eridi just didn't have the heart for all that. "Here," he said, tossing this bag at his nephew's feet.

This one consisted of actual tools, average in quality, but far better than what he'd been given to begin with. The only thing that was missing was an anvil, but Eridi had planned for that. He'd made another one last night, this time of adamantite to protect it against all stray hits. It was also in the back of the cart. He planned to present it at Zhang, a gift for his brother's most talented blacksmith and a far quicker way if he ever needed to return to his brother's land. Pointing at the bag, he spoke again to Lucien, "Consider those a present for all the name-days I missed. Oh, and you pass the test of your conviction. You're not ready to make your own tools yet, no, not for some time. Now, what are these plans you're talking about? You think you are ready to make something?"

Eridi had plans for this boy. He'd train him like his father. On the way to Zhang, he'd teach him the basics, the motor skills and knowledge of a smith. Later, the boy would make his own tools. Then, and only then, would Eridi consider the boy for learning his runes.

Act Expenditure
1 Major - Create Totem (Adamantite Anvil)

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-15, 10:15 PM
Lucien carried on with an awkward, bashful look, feeling very sheepish for having fallen for his master's trick. He'd do whatever it took to become a master enchanter, no matter if he didn't see the wisdom in the exercise. At least his heart was in the right place and he had the will to persevere. He thanks Eridi earnestly for the tools before setting them aside and taking a seat on the wagon. He produces leather bounder sketchbook from his satchel and flips through the pages before presenting a drawing.

"It... well... I don't know if would work... well there's an elbow joint there and an axle here and you see, so it turns the wheel and... if you could force hot air in here."

Having been riding flying beasts from the age of 8, he knew a thing or two about high and low pressure. If warm updrafts could push his wyvern up, why couldn't they move a stopper in a cylinder? What Lucien had drawn would have been quickly identified in another age to be a single cylinder steam engine.

"It's... yeah, it's probably dumb." He was suddenly very nervous and wished he'd kept his mouth shut.

Castle Elmdore

"And why do you need people to take you seriously? Callie, if you're planning something, please tell me."

Aldric moves from the edge of the bed and advances slowly toward Calantha. His brow was wrinkled with concern.

2010-06-15, 10:43 PM
Scratching his chin, Eridi seriously regretted putting the boy down for wanting to show him this. This one drawing made him appreciate his decision to train the young man. Sure, he had noticed this in the technology of Oukt through his scrying pool, but he hadn't been able to make sense of it all there, already put together. This schematic, Hybil'Smita would use it to catch up and surpass Pa'ams land, at Lucien's approval, of course. "No, no, nephew, this is... ingenious. But hot air's not forceful enough, it may rise but not quick enough. No, what you need is steam, water vapor, like from a teapot. Now, if you combine that with a heating chamber and a cooling chamber, using aldrnari and snjar and ...

"Boy, you've got an eye for invention. If I had a half-a-hair less of compassion, I'd steal this from you and recreate the world as we know it. No, I won't do that, instead I'm going to teach you a cipher, same one I use. I had planned on telling you about it later, when we got to enchanting so you could actually read my notes, but if you're going to write anything else this brilliant? You don't want anyone other than a god to be able to read it, and you really don't want them to understand." Eridi honestly didn't believe that any of the other gods would steal any of his works, but, to fully understand them could create rather dangerous situations indeed. Most of what he wrote in code was theory, things he hadn't dared to test fully, such as the metal binding circle.

2010-06-15, 11:19 PM
"I'm going to break the stars." The words are said simply, and Calantha turns away from her brother, gazing back at herself in the mirror. The dresses she wore when she was young would no longer work, now...she could not wear such frilly confections and be taken seriously. Not by Sovvenia, not by Raia, not by anyone...

The hands that run over her body replace frills with silk, tight and form-fitting, wound about her body and draped over one shoulder; the silk is purple, with silver-embroidered flowers, and the underside is a startling red. Still, it shimmers, as though to look at it too long would be to see something else entirely; faces appear and disappear, of both gods and men. Animals as well; if Aldric watches, he will see a rabbit gambol across her shoulder and vanish...but they are not always cheerful, the images. Sometimes, it beckons, only beckons, asks you to look deeper within, a siren-song, lotus-song, to fall into your mind and never come out again...

(1 Major Act: Up Delirium domain
1 Minor Act: Robe of Calantha
4 Major, 6 Minor, 3 Ceremonies remaining.)
The Robe of Calantha is the goddess's only choice of clothing; it is not armor, but has inherited some of the polymorphic powers of the goddess herself. No matter what form she chooses, however, the garment will always intensify the experience of madness; the will of the observer will determine how effected one is by the robe, from seeing simply plain clothing to becoming lost in your mind forever.

Her eyes lift to her brother, when she is done, watching him in the mirror as he stands behind her.

"I've grown up."

2010-06-16, 12:57 AM
Faolan and Eithne awoke with the dawn. However, rather than moving immediately to the rendezvous point,they indulged in something they hadn't done together for decades. Moving out into the inn's yard, they unsheathed their bastard swords and began to spar. Faolan was careful to restrain himself, just testing the limits of Eithne's stamina and prowess, and after an hour she was panting from the exertion. Smiling wildly, they made a final pass at one another before sheathing their blades. Collecting the rest of their equipment, the two strangers mounted their Dire Wolves and made their way towards the gates of Hybil'Smita. Seeing Eridi's wagon and the Nightmare waiting for them, they spurred the wolves into a canter, coming to a stop five feet from the wagon. Faolan glanced around, and seeing all was in readiness looked towards Eridi.

"Apologies, uncle. Had we known you would gather your supplies so soon, we would have come sooner. Shall we be going?"

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 02:26 AM
Aldric folds his arms and slinks closer to Callie. Somehow, he was far less concerned than he ought to have been at the prospect of celestial ablation. He'd be lying if he said the same thought hadn't crossed his mind in the last hundred years. A lot of crazy things had shot through his greasy mind. A coy, slightly amused look started to play across his lips, but he covered it with his glove. While he didn't doubt his sister's resolve or power, he anxiously awaited the logistics of her plan.

"Given... if you can destroy the stars, you destroy the prophesy. But, how do you destroy the stars?"

Zhang or Bust!

Lucien's conversation on secrecy is obviously cut short as two new pairs of ears join them. It was doubtful Faolan would have known what to do with a piston if he found one, but it was best if no one knew there were secrets being kept in the first place. He just nods dutifully to his master to signal that he understands. When they're on the road, Lucien inquires about the behemoth's tooth and what Eridi had planned for it. The enormous fang shaped duffle bag stood out among the other supplies and Lucien knew exactly what was inside thanks to his father's stories. Later, he fills Eridi in on all he knows about flight. His insight on air pressure is interesting, but he was much further away from discovering the principle of lift than he was to creating a steam engine from curiosities. Of course, the idea of man flying wasn't a dream for Lucien's people, just a matter of hanging on while the magical monster did all the work.

2010-06-16, 02:53 AM
Calantha turns, to gaze into her brother's eyes; after a moment, she smiles, slowly.

"I don't know, yet." Tilting her head, she watches her brother, and her eyes grow amused. "First, I will talk to Sovvenia. She is master of skies...and then, perhaps, Raia. She should know about battles...and how to make war. Then...I know not...Garadiel, perhaps, or Shen, because he is a master of magics..."

She shrugs, expressively. "I will travel, and I will learn. And if I can't find my answers without...then I will search within."

Her eyes flicker, and she looks inside herself for a moment, flushing a little. "Though it will be an arduous journey, both without and within..."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 03:12 AM
"And I don't suppose there's anything I can say to abate this endeavor of yours?"

He casts his gaze downward and he speaks as if feeling the sudden migraine, not pained, just strained. "I'm afraid I've seen too much of the world and learned too much already. For fifty years I searched the mists, looking for you... then you just drop into my foyer remembering only a day's events. That's not fair, Calantha... this world isn't fair. I'm so tired of it. No matter how much I try or how hard I fight, nothing changes for the better. I'm done fighting... I just want to live out my days with my family in my beautiful home. If I can't change anything, I at least deserve to that."

The light of his eyes fades and they turn from glistening emeralds to ruddy pieces of glass. He braces himself on the back of his desk chair for support and stares out the window.

2010-06-16, 08:04 AM
Sovvenia, Traveling

Soon enough, the small island where Rognir's squire lives comes into sight. Finally, Sovvenia can take possession of Rognir's sword, keeping it out of dangerous hands.

But as she continues to fly towards the island, a screech of fury fills the air, and a shadow blots out the sun for a moment. A dragon - a real, live dragon - falls down upon Sovvenia, massive jaws closing on her torso and threatening to crush her. It turns, flying away from the island.

Nara, at the House

Nara ascends the long and winding stair to the House, and as he nears the top he can hear the sound of hammer and tongs, and the fire of the forge.

And thus it is that he finds Rognir in his forge, sweat pouring from his honed frame, shirt discarded and eye blazing with purpose. Fire straight from the uttermost south burns in his forge, and the metal he works with is one that not even Eridi knows the secrets of.

"Yes, guardian of the world? Is there a purpose to your visit, or have you simply come to greet your father?"

The Oukt Prophecies

I. And in that time did Kallari march against the fire and the flame.

The Gearskip Codex is mostly practical notes on technology and the philosophy of time. But then there are the Books of Revalation, composed of everything the compilers could not understand. They are mostly gibberish. The human mind is not meant to comphrehend the infinite expanse of the future and the myriad ways; not even Pa'am is meant to look upon them overmuch.

It would take a genius to decipher anything from them. But as Newton reads, passages start leaping out towards him.

XI. This said, the Lion of the West broke the body of the Tengu-goddess...
LV. He holds the crown. We hold the key. Down falls the kingdom.
??L5. Scream cry the stars celestial forge falling falling falling
Twelve. This is twelve. He waits beneath the earth and rots.
LVI. The red wind scourges the black land. Down falls the kingdom.
XVI. This done, the lord of fear rose again, though wounded unto death.
??Ae. It shall not be the first but the third. Remember this! The third heralds the end.

He continues to read, and begins to piece together bits and pieces of the puzzle that is the Book of Revelations. No. A puzzle made up of an infinite number of puzzle pieces, not all of which go to the same puzzle. Puzzle pieces that could change and warp through the way they are used. But he pulls scraps out of verses of nonsense, knowing that they are important.

...A black sun rises...
...Then the army rose, a prophecy of what will come after them...
...The horned lord waits in evermore...
...The mountains fall, and every man dies...
...Ravens weep...
...a burning house brings ruin...
...these are all lies but some of them are truth...

The tengu-goddess.
The scourging wind.
The lion and the bat.
Down falls the kingdom.
It is coming.

Jair Barik
2010-06-16, 08:09 AM
Nara bowed his head before Rognir.

"Greetings father. It is always good to meet with the family even if there is also other matters to be spoken of. I like to think every journey to meet one of my kin is both on business and for the pleasure of their company. Today though I come to ask about the tree. It appears you are busy though and my words can wait if you have work to complete."

2010-06-16, 09:30 AM
For a moment, Calantha stands, in unusual stillness; it is especially unusual for her, because she is always moving, somehow. Even if it is only a twitching of fingertips, a shifting of shoulders...but now, for a moment, Calantha could be mistaken as a statue. Then she moves, and from nowhere comes a purple, shimmering flower; with impossible gentleness, she tucks it behind his ear.

"You're right...it's not fair. I would never...never have chosen to leave you for so long...I love you, Aldric, and I never...wished to be the cause of so much pain."

She brushes her fingers over his face, his cheeks, lowers her hands and presses them to his heart, and in her eyes, beneath the madness, lurks sorrow and guilt and worry and conviction. "You...have suffered, because of me...were punished...banished...because of me. Spent years, decades, worrying because of me..."

She looks up into his face again, and her hands brace themselves against his shoulders. "Give me your blessing, brother...you have taken care of me all my life. Let me take care of you, now..."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 11:39 AM

Well, that was unexpected.

The goddess struggled to break free from the dragon's grasp. Once again, she was glad to have an armored body.

"It's okay, really. I am Sovvenia daughter of Rognir and Herald of the World Tree. If someone should be there it would be me."

Somehow she didn't think diplomacy would work, so she conjured a gust of wind so strong it had a chance to blast through the dragon's teeth. Meanwhile, the sky above them darkened and it started to rain heavily.

White Blade
2010-06-16, 11:52 AM
Garadiel was nearing the Island when he felt his sister's spark above him and he looked up to see a dragon. But since it was heading AWAY from the Island, he considered. On the one hand, someone was likely abducting Sovvenia. On the other, the sword was so close he could practically taste it on his breath. Take it, give it to Raia and she'd hold it secure from their enemies forever. A few short steps...

But... He couldn't go on and leave his sister behind. Garadiel had lost Azura already, and Calantha as well. It was unacceptable to him leave her behind. So Garadiel gave chase to the Dragon. He climbed out of the water and began to burn a jet of fire beneath him, trying to catapult himself at the dragon with the sudden appearance of force.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 01:29 PM
Aldric's shoulders slump like all the strength and gusto has been sapped from his normally proud form. "Go," he whispers. "... with my blessing. I think you are grown up now. You don't need your big brother always telling you what he thinks is best. Give my love to the family. You know where I'll be."

He slips away from Calantha, "My son is traveling the world as well. If you see him, please give him this." Aldric takes a small book from his desk and presses it into Calantha's hand. It bears no title.

"And if you're feeling kind, maybe a present for all the name-days you missed." A weak smile, "And see my daughter before you go. She looks so much like mom..."

2010-06-16, 04:05 PM
Looking at the newcomers, Eridi smiled. "No, it's fine, we got here a bit too early. Your company is more than enough to compensate for the loss of what short traveling time we did lose. A week and a half, probably arriving just after noon is my guess." Nodding at Lucien, he knew what the boy meant.

When Lucien later asked of the tooth, Eridi's good mood darkened. Ah, well, he thought, a secret for a secret, I guess there's no harm in telling him about that. Considering his choice of words carefully, it took him a small pause to respond. "Well, I have this hunch about what Father meant. You know, the 'learn how the world moves' thing? It's the reason I'm going on this trip. You see, your Uncle Nara, he can move as one with the earth. While at first I thought that was the secret, I wondered why he said 'world' instead of 'earth,' and it's got me on another train of thought.

"You know of the four elements, right? Earth, Air, Fire, and Water? They're what makes everything in this world. The Behemoth... Your father said it was a beast of the deep earth, and it's tooth has told me as much. This trip to Zhang should teach me more... utilitarian magics. Combined with my craftsmanship and knowledge of enchanting, I hope to make a ring out of the tooth so that I can have as much control over the Earth element as Nara. Then I'll make three more. After that, I was planning on making a gauntlet of orichalcum to bind them all together. The only problem would be my lack of knowledge..." Eridi had plans for that, too. Nara and Sovvenia owed him, he was sure he could get them to agree to teach him the ways of their respective elements. The problem was with fire and water. Riora... He'd never really gotten close to her and hadn't heard of her since the attack on Zhang. And with water, well, no god knew anything of the oceans yet. Eridi was going to have to learn how to swim. Oh, how he hated that idea.

"And, that's all I have planned for now. Honestly, I'm not even sure it'll work, but it's worth a try." Eridi did think it would work, but there was lingering doubts in his mind. Luckily, this new prospect of air pressure got his mind off of it and onto new ideas. Perhaps, if he heated the air high enough... No, flying ships were probably just a crazy whim of his. That won't stop him from making a model to see about it when he gets back.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 04:53 PM
"So if you want to bind the other elements into artifacts, you'll need something from the Leviathan and the Ziz won't you? Lucky for you, your apprentice can out-fly the Ziz, and I'll bet I can steal a tail feather. But eh... what would you get as a representation of fire?"

Later, Lucien tries to turn the conversation into a head start on his enchanting lessons.

2010-06-16, 05:00 PM
Faolan sidles closer to Eridi on the wagon after he hears his plan.

"Excuse me Eridi, but I may be able to help you in your quest. Now, I have never encountered this Nara, and his capabilities may well outstrip my own, but my meditations in the heart of the earth have left me with a certain mastery over the forces of soil and stone. I would be glad to instruct you in them on our way to Nara's domain."

As the four continue on their way, Faolan and Eithne begin to sing old northern travel songs, their harmonies echoing through the empty air of the coutryside. As they come to a stop and begin to camp for the night, Eithne wanders aeay into the twilight. She returns half an hour later, a doe draped across he shoulders. As the others raised their shelters, she skinned and cleaned the animal, and by the time night had fallen there was a ripe haunch of venison roasting over an open fire. The night was filled with jokes and storytelling, with Faolan and Eithne taking turns with Eridi and Lucien telling tales of the wild and the north.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 05:28 PM
Over the years, those few who passed the challenges of the Tower of Enlightenment settled and shared their tales with the next generation. Even though most of those who dreamt of the wonders of the Tower never had the opportunity to go, they ensured that the wisdom of Sovvenia's heroes never died with them. And much like the worship of the Lady had taken two distinct paths, two very different organizations were established by the disciples of those champions. The first brought together warriors of amazing skill, grace and passion calling themselves the Zephirs. They were known for training in harsh environments, and especially atop cliffs, rocky hills and mountain peaks, to signify their closeness to the Sky. The second group consisted of wizards who had given up formal education in libraries and academies in order to study memories and the mind. Those men and women, called the Oracles, were able to channel the echoes of
the past to gain insight into the present, but also recall secrets and forgotten knowledge.

Create the prestige class, the Zephyrs (minor)
Create the prestige class, the Oracles (minor)

2010-06-16, 06:03 PM
His nephew's insight into these beasts confused Eridi for a second, but then he understood. Aldric had been around longer than he had. He'd probably picked up on the trio years before that, too. "Yeah, and I already had a plan for Ziz, but you're welcome to try yours first, just so long as you don't get yourself hurt in the process. The Leviathan and the fire-beast... They're the tricky two." At this, Eridi cringed again. He hated to swim so much, it was worse for him than that horrible feeling of long-distance travel. "The Leviathan, well, I never was one for fishing. And the mystery of fire. I think I'll have to entreat myself into the debt of another sibling at that. One of them must have heard something..."

Eridi just ignores his apprentice's attempt at getting some early knowledge. If he wanted to become a true smith, or even a passable one, he'd have to go the long way. Eridi was beginning to consider reconsidering when Faolan approached, and his surprise that he was overheard was considerable. "Nephew, that would be fine. I'd love to know anything about the earth you can tell me, right now, my knowledge is limited to that of ore deposits and, while that is great knowledge to have, I'm sure it's still but a fraction of that contained in the stone." A devious smile flashed on Eridi's face while he considered the offer, If I still need Nara, our debt will be settled, but, if I learn enough from you to make the ring, then I'll be able to use that leverage later... Smiling, he patted Faolan on the back, "Much appreciated, Faolan, I think I'll rather enjoy these talks."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 06:54 PM
Aldric folds his arms and scoffs, growing increasingly hurt and frustrated with his brother's inability or unwillingness to trust him. He snarls towards Heradi and begins to recount the events in the desert. If he had his scythe with him, they wouldn't even be having this conversation; he'd have thrown himself at his enemy minutes ago. Though, he was sure Pa'am would have found a way to foil him.

"Three months ago, I tracked him southeast of Hybl'smita, across the Kaldori plains and through the deserts. Examine my history if you would prefer. I do not suppose for a second that this monster lacks the power to deceive your device as well. It matters little, I will cut your head off the second we step outside this realm..."

His eyes cut sideways to Heradi. Even with his powers diminished in Pa'ams sanctum, he was still intimidating.

2010-06-16, 07:11 PM
Castle Elmdore

Calantha is quiet again, for a moment...then she winds her arms around her brother in a fierce, desperate hug, and kisses him softly on the cheek before pulling away. Cupping her hands, she looks down into them; after a moment, a butterfly appears, and flutters lazily up to perch on the flower tucked behind her brother's ear.

"I love you, brother mine...I promise, you won't have to wait fifty years to see me again. And if you ever need me, tell the butterfly...I'll know." Another quick hug, and she's away; she spares a moment to find Aldric's daughter, inquiring quietly of Deneb her whereabouts, and gifts the girl--Celestine--with the living charcoal Garadiel had given her. Undoubtedly Aldric's daughter, artistic and creative as she was, would find better use for it...and she would be back soon, to see what was created. To dote on this child, and her brother, in a way she hadn't been able to before...

Finding Apophis, she mounts him and rises into the sky; for a moment, she hovers there. Then she lifts her hands, and all over Aldric's valley daisies, sunshiny and yellow, pop out of the ground; if there can be no sun on the sky, she wanted to leave her brother with a reminder of herself, the sun made into flowers on the ground.

Sometime later; Sovvenia's Sanctum

Calantha comes to a graceful landing outside her sister's home, and waits patiently for someone to notice her. She is uncertain, of course, if she is truly welcome...their last--and only--meeting was rather...brief.

"Sovvenia? Are you home...?"

It should be noted that Echo, as always, is with Calantha, silent astride Apophis as well.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 07:43 PM
The Anamnesis Oracle

Calantha and Apophis stood alone in the middle of a field, under a torrential rain, when a door appeared only a few feet away.

"Calantha. I wasn't expecting you. Come in, the weather's terrible outside."

Calantha stepped through the portal and gazed at the great halls of the Anamnesis Oracle for the first time. Usually, the inside of the sanctum shifted to reflect the inner self of the guest. However, today, the ancient masonry and dusty rugs didn't change, as to preserve the sanity of the Shades inhabiting the Oracle. There was no guessing what the goddess of delirium actually saw...

Sovvenia pulled her hood back and invited Calantha to follow her to the lounge.

"My new body...Eridi's work. But I doubt that's the reason of your visit. Of what assistance can I be?"

2010-06-16, 08:24 PM
Calantha nods her thanks to her sister, and steps inside with Echo; Apophis flies away, to be summoned whenever the goddess may need a ride. When they take their first steps out of the rain, they are no longer wet; she sees no reason to stay soaking, when she can simply be comfortable...

"This is...cozy..." The goddess tilts her head, glancing around at the ancient stone and dust-covered rugs. It was...not what she expected, from someone so driven as Sovvenia...but then, perhaps the other goddess simply did not have the time or the manpower to tend to the dust and the cleaning.

"No, though it is...fascinating, this new body of yours...it glitters, like the sun..." Callie steps forward, to peer into the burnished metal, and smiles as she presses a fingertip to Sovvenia's stomach. "I wish that I had such a way to hold all my pieces in sync, but...one cannot make metal armor for the mind, and sometimes I fancy little bits of me fly away, like butterflies, or hummingbirds."

She loses herself in thought, for a moment, then shakes her head and seats herself; she is different to Sovvenia, more held-together, less likely to simply fly off the handle.

"But your new armor and my...bits...are not what I came here for, no. You rule the sky, do you not...?"

She leans forward, and her eyes are bottomless once more, as she gazes at her sister.

"Tell me about the sky...tell me about the stars."

2010-06-16, 08:36 PM
Nara and Rognir

"Indeed. I am gladdened that our last words did not place division between us, my son. Speak what you will of the holy tree, for my ears have not yet lost their power." He takes the metal and plunges it into the heart of the forge, and his eye reflects the pure fire within.

Sovvenia and the Dragon

Sovvenia is completely annihilated. The end.

Sovvenia blasts her way out of the dragon's maw, but unusually it does not lunge after her to rake her with its claws, nor breathe out a gout of consuming flame. It backs away, wings beating tempests, and then speaks in a voice so loud it seems to bypass the ears and enter directly through the skull.

"Foldardróttinn hath not sent thee hither, nor hast his mark been placed 'pon thine brow. Turn aside, for otherwise I must break thee." Foldardróttinn - World-Master, one of the hundred names of Rognir.

Sovvenia, Calantha and Echo

The drums start as soon as Echo steps into the Sanctum. Wild, mad, crazy drumming, the drumming on the other side of the Wall. It is quiet at first, but then it slowly rises to a fever pitch that is unmistakable. Then, his laugh echoes through the chamber, over the drumming.

But neither Echo nor Calantha seem to hear it. Indeed, Echo gives Sovvenia a wide grin in lieu of a formal introduction.

Aldric, Pa'am and Heradi

The look on Heradi's face is not that of a cavalier fool-hardy swashbuckler. It is that of a man who is so utterly gripped by fear that it has become the driving force in his head, now that his adrenaline has left him.

"Please, no, I was never there, I never met him. You'll see, he's lying, I wasn't there. That's the truth, I swear by Gizurr's name." Gizurr the Riddler - yet another name of Rognir.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 09:09 PM
Sovvenia and the Dragon

Sovvenia hovered in the air, gazing at the immense beast before her, not a bit cowering.

"Daddy's pet. Interesting. Say, we're civilized people. Why don't we have a talk? I just don't think you can defend that all alone. Of course, you're mighty and majestic and savage and all that...yet for a reason I cannot tell, I foresee your inevitable death by the hands of one of our common enemy. And for the record...we're as much World-Master as he is, now."


Sovvenia, the Beauty and the...Psychotic Alien?

Sovvenia tries to hide her suprise and horror as the sound of drums fills the air. A dragon? Usual business. But that? No, must not show weakness. What is it to fear? This is her home. Her world. And the skeleton of A'gap protected it still.

Yet, one of them was right there. Or so it seemed.

A Shade came in to serve tea to his Lady and her two guests. Sovvenia smiled at Calantha, but her eyes constantly shifted to Echo.

"The stars? Beautiful, mysterious things. I believe the night sky is a gate to our souls; a glimmering mirror of sorts, that forces us to reflect on our place in the cosmos. If you think about it, it is also akin to a sea, with us, the gods, as island of light among a vast expanse of darkness - the unknown. The Sea of Fate, as I like to call it... But why do you wish to know about the stars? Would you like to able to read your own destiny in the constellations? Or maybe you wonder if we can reach them?"

The goddess paused, took the pot right from the Shade's hands and stood up to serve Echo some tea herself.

"Sorry, I completely forgot to ask about your companion. He reminds me of somebody..."

Sovvenia lost her smile and quickly pulled the bandana covering Echo's eyes.
I must know!

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 09:38 PM
Weeks after Calantha's visit...

Aldric stands on the eastern edge of the world and bids farewell to the wyvern known as Spite. His face was gaunt and his eyes bore the dark rings of man who'd not found fitful sleep in an age. His shoulders hunched as if with age beyond his years. He'd gone as far east as he dared, as far as the land allowed. On the rocky shores he waits until Spite is out of view before kneeling and whispering the words, "Rognir, if you did ever have love for your son... speak to him now. If ever you were wise, show him your wisdom..."

2010-06-16, 09:59 PM
Calantha, Sovvenia and Echo

Echo's eyes are not those of a cat. They are the ideas of what a cat's eye should look like, too deep and rich and emerald green to be true cat's eyes. And they glitter with malice.

"...Is this what passes for courtesy among the gods? Your sister is most rude, Callie."

The drums are audible to Calantha now, hovering at the edge of vision. It is something about his eyes that brings them on, wild crazy Callie drumming. And for Sovvenia, it clicks - the hair, the smile; Rognir's mane, even his old clothing.

The cat's-eyed man is here. Here. In plain sight, even with the Wall still up. And he smiles at her, like a cat smiling at a bird.


There is a long and terrible silence. Then - "Azarael, Judge of Creation, cannot greet a lawbreaker. Ean, Crafter of the World, cannot greet one who has sealed his crafting's fate." Aldric turns, and Rognir stands behind him; the scales of Azarael are in his right hand, and the hammer of Ean is in his left.

Then, the scales fall from his fingers, and the hammer is cast aside. "Let them be damned, then, if only for this moment. Come here, Aldric, my wayward son."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 10:12 PM
Calantha, Sovvenia and Echo

Sovvenia takes a step back and almost trips.

"Calantha, that creature is wrong! The drums are a very bad omen. I can hear them too, it's not only you. Please, you must leave, go as far away as possible from him...it. Its presence means death; for me, for you, for Aldric and everyone else. No, something worse than death. If we let them have their way, there's no future for anybody..."

The goddess turned to Echo.

"Everything must end. Nothing can last forever. You are an abomination. I won't let a deranged memory poison my sister's mind!"

2010-06-16, 10:33 PM
The goddess's first reaction, upon hearing the drums, is to dance. They are wild, unrestrained, maddening; she closes her eyes and lets herself sway to the beat that feels as though it's pulsing through the edges of her mind. They make such beautiful music...

"Calantha, that creature is wrong! The drums are a very bad omen..."

The goddess opens her eyes, and they are dreamy; she stands, and moves beside Echo, tilting her head in birdlike curiosity as she watches her sister's panic.

"Poison...?" She mulls the word over, gazes up at Echo, then looks back at Sovvenia. "You work...under the assumption that my mind is not already poisoned, sister. But I am..."

Echo's eyes are terrifying for Sovvenia, but for Calantha they are...friend's eyes, even full of malice as they are. Echo has promised her safety, promised her companionship, told her the truth of things when everyone else wished to coddle her, like some sort of child...she smiles, and begins to sway with the drums once more.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 10:47 PM
Calantha, Sovvenia and Echo

"You may think differently...you are a creative, brilliant girl. Who sees things the way none of us can. That makes you wonderful and powerful in your own right. You can be different and strong, but you are still of this world, Calantha. You are still one of us. We love you. But him, that friend as you say...he will ultimately destroy everything we have worked for. Don't you like it here, sister? Why wouldn't you have a place among us?

Go see Garadiel. Or Raia. Or even Shen. I'm sure one of them can help you."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-16, 11:16 PM
Tears slip down Aldric's cheeks though his stony expression does not betray him, even his fierce emerald eyes.

"Not as wayward as one may hope. Hate is easy to deal with, love is complicated."

Aldric lowers his gaze and stumbles forward, arms drawn tight about his abdomen as if he were ill.

"Speak to me as a father to a father. When will and strength yield only sorrow... what is a father to do? I have fought, I have loved, I have sacrificed. I slew Heradi. I plunged Despair through his heart and he returned to mock me. I rent the head from the Behemoth. He grew another in its place. Nothing lasts... nothing stays... and he who loves most suffers greater than any other. No sword avails me and no light brings me comfort. Is mine a night without dawn? You... you damned me to suffer, to die in vain... is there no act of love or strength that affords me grace!?"

Aldric's eyes flash with a fell fire, streaming tears and burning with grief and rage. He staggers forward and raises his fist, only for the mettle to flee his body. His shoulders fall as if pressed under an overwhelming weight.

2010-06-16, 11:45 PM
Calantha, Echo, Sovvenia

The goddess's eyes flash, just once, then darken like a sky at the edge of a storm. Did she like it here? Did she like it here?!?

"Do not patronize me!" Her voice rolls like thunder, anger and grief mingling beneath the words, and she clenches her fists at her sides as she fights to control herself. "Brilliant girl, creative girl, don't you like it here where you're slated to die next to your brother at the end of it all? Don't you love this world, where the one person you care most about is banished for saving your life, because of the wisdom of your father? Where everyone treats you like a ticking time bomb, a mad child, and no one takes you seriously?!?"

Her voice had been rising, louder and louder; were she not in her sister's home, the walls would have been shaking with it. Taking a deep breath, she visibly wrests herself under control and unclenches her fists; blood drips from her palms, where her nails dug into the skin.

"...I love some things in this world. Like sunshine, and butterflies, and birds, and flowers, and Aldric, and my home, and the way the trees look like heaven when the shade falls just right. And the things that I love outweigh the things that I hate. I am trying to save my world, sister, and I will do it with or without your help or consent."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-16, 11:56 PM
Sovvenia, Calantha and Echo

Sovvenia shook her head. She had sacrificed much to get to this point, but sacrificing her relationships with her siblings, or most of them, was truly one of the hardest to accept, even though the goddess didn't show it. She then spoke telepathically so that Echo couldn't hear...or maybe he could anyway, it didn't matter at this point.

"I don't know you. That's the truth. And it seems like I cannot help you. Help Aldric, maybe. I assure you that I am ready to try. But I cannot help you, not while you surround yourself with creatures like...him. There are others, though. If you only try to reach them...Garadiel, Raia, Shen...

Then go save your world. And I will do my part, hoping that our goals don't ever come in conflict. But tell Aldric one thing for me: to go to the edge of the world and to listen for the drums. For the alien things that lurk beyond. Now go. I will always love you..."

Sovvenia whispered words of power and Calantha (as well as Echo, if it was possible) were expelled from the Anamnesis Oracle. She then sat on a chair, and she gazed at the fireplace for hours, wondering if all that was worth it. Exhausted from her confrontation with her sister, shaken by the cat's-eyed man apparition.

If only she had let herself die on Eridi's table...

After that evening, Sovvenia simply sent a message to Garadiel saying:
The cat's-eyed man is with Calantha. I don't know how. She wants something with the stars. Couldn't stop them. Couldn't do anything to help her.

OOC: Remember, this is after the encounter with the dragon.

Jair Barik
2010-06-17, 03:19 AM
Nara nodded and watched as his father worked the forge.

"Tell me father. What is the world tree? From where did it come? Who created it? Was it here before you yourself? What happens when....when it dies?"

2010-06-17, 07:38 AM
Nara and Rognir

Rognir frowns, and he stares into the fire for a long moment in silence. "It is old. It is undying. It is the linchpin of the cosmos. More than that - if the tree has not chosen you, I will not speak of it. It has an intelligence of its own, strong even by my own measurement. Know only that destroying it is impossible."

Calantha and Echo

It is not until they are expelled from Sovvenia's sanctum that Echo speaks again. "I am sorry for deceiving you, Calantha. I believed my eyes would frighten you - but you are not the little girl you once were.

As for your sister... we are jealous of her, and she knows this. And she is like us, and this scares her. And she knows you speak the truth, and this scares her even more."

Aldric and Rognir

Rognir's majestic, powerful voice is now quiet, almost a whisper, and full of sorrow. "Aldric... when I was young, I fought with the greatest monsters in the world. I imprisoned them, I slew them, and I thought that was enough.

It was not. There is no glory in destruction, only in the act of creation. And nothing you do will last, this is true; no creation of mine will last either. But if, by struggling and bleeding, you can create a moment of peace, you can create an ephemeral beauty... that is greater than slaying the ancient behemoth, even twice over.

Know that you do not suffer alone, and know that every night has a dawn. This I tell you now, for I have seen it: through death, you will create a new world. You shall not die in vain."

Sovvenia and the Dragon

"Though I may fall into the dread darkness of death, until that day shalt I bar passage, for thou possess not a tenth of the glories of Foldardróttinn, whelp. This is mine burden, and though it be of the world's weight, still shalt I carry it. Begone!"

2010-06-17, 08:24 AM
Raia - After Garadiel and Ganrei's visit.

Raia turned her head and wrapped the white band about her hair into a ponytail.
And she put on a simple white robe about her. Looking into the water she was not so different than she had been when she had first left, all of those years ago. It had been a long time since she had seen her father, or most of her siblings. The coming of Garadiel and Ganrei had been the first in a long time.

And now Raia found herself contemplating a troubling message. A question of a future that she had no answer for. No training that she could remember. All of the time since she had been a child she had been trained. While Calanthe had played and loved all of those things that Raia could never understand, and Azura had turned her gaze upwards, Raia had always hers locked on the opponent before her.

She stood up. Raia picked up Tetsuzou and gently drew the blade. The weight was the same as it had been when she had first claimed it. But even then, it was not the oldest blade she had held. The childish weapon her father had first placed in her hands, when she had barely been able to hold it without falling- always she had held a weapon.
She swung.
She cut.
She stepped.
And she cut.
For a warrior, there was no need of a weapon. The sword she held was nothing in her hands. It was no different than a bow, or an axe, or even her leg. All of them were just like an arm of her body. She could use them however she desired, and with perfection of motion. The essence of the goddess of war- she understood it now. She was beginning to see it.

Because though she was the perfect warrior, she was not finished. Because the best warrior always searches to improve. And so that was Raia's fate. To always go forward.

She swung again.

But there were other things now. To be a goddess of war, she was not just a warrior, but a leader. She found her eyes distracted as she looked upon the lands, and at those who would stand against her.
They always came, and always she defeated them.
She was unmoving. Unshaking. The absolution of victory.

Raia swung again.

There was no other enemy of a warrior greater than arrogance. And she cut it down about her as it came.

Rising like a shadow about her, it clawed at her white robes. The crimson red showed upon the water reflection. And yet Raia swung again, and the shadows cleared.
Lightning sparked about her, and it's flashing light ran the shadows away.
Raia stopped, and splashed water on her face.
It was a foe she had not beaten. Herself. But that fight was the eternal one, and she could never be without it.

Raia looked at herself in the water. She let her hair down, and gently touched the surface as she looked at herself. Was this the Raia she had always been? So young and fierce, solemn and pure.
She looked at herself in the water and then closed her eyes to think.

Jair Barik
2010-06-17, 08:30 AM
"I see...."
Nara turned to face east. East... What was out there beyond the house? Did the world simply just end? That couldn't be right. He had always accepted before that this was so but it seemed illogical, nonsensical.
"The tree seems to think otherwise. Apparently it believes something will kill it. It believes it will die."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-17, 09:36 AM
Sovvenia and the Dragon

The goddess stared at the beast.

"Very well. I won't give you the pleasure of tearing me in shreds. I have to rethink my plan... Garadiel, I need some time."

Sovvenia bid farewell to Garadiel and flew back to her sanctum.

OOC: The meeting with Calantha is shortly after that.


The Anamnesis Oracle, after the confrontation with Echo

Sovvenia summoned her most loyal jinn in her chambers. She took out the wooden chest from under her throne. She opened it and gently brushed her fingers across the surface of the sphere. Her dearest possession...she entrusted to the jinn for now, with clear orders of how to handle it and as to whom it should ultimately go.

2010-06-17, 10:32 AM
As the days passed, Faolan spent a great deal of time instructing Eridi on the properties of the earth. While most thought of the rock beneath them as solid and unmoving, Faolan felt the subtle eddies and movements of the deep stone. He described the earth below them as an endless ocean of matter, at once much slower than the ocean and more violent. Its flow was impossible to feel for those without divine blood, and even when he was first told, Eridi could feel nothing. However, as their talks continued, Faolan taught him how to sense deep into the heart of the earth, to feel the pressure, the flow of magma, the potential for incredible alacrity and violence. The power of earth was the power of struggle, the power of tenuous balance, each facet continually fighting against the other, and somehow forging a bulwark of strength through the grinding confrontation.

Meanwhile Eithne approached Lucien in camp on the second night. Nudging his discarded sword belt with her toe, she crouched down to look at him, a slight smile on her face, her eyes bold.

"So tell me, Lucien, do you actually know how to use that blade?"

White Blade
2010-06-17, 11:26 AM
Garadiel waved his sister goodbye. He hoped she was careful. Then he went west. All the way to the western seaside border of the central continent. Here, he came upon a port city, burgeoning with perhaps five thousand people. He pulled himself out of the docks at the most crucial area and watched as everyone gave him strange looks. He smiled a haughty smile and waved them all nearer. Then he spoke, in a voice that everyone in the city would hear, I am Garadiel and then he smiled as he watched the whole city fall on its face in worship. This would do, he thought.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-17, 01:24 PM
The Anamnesis Oracle

That night, Sovvenia put her schemes aside. She isolated herself, took a pen and a small, crimson leather-bound journal, and simply let the words flow from her mind to the blank page. Everything from deep reflections on stars, destiny and the mortal existence, to anecdotes from the countless memories she had explored including Azura's childhood among the godlings - everything except the matters of the sacred quest, which she was forbidden to communicate in any form until the End of Days, she put down on paper. It was not enough to be the repository of all memories and lost knowledge of the people of this world; if no lessons were drawn from those experiences, what was the point? It was her mission to leave guidelines - no, pieces of wisdom - for the next generations. And for once in her life, the goddess let the echoes of the past speak for her. She let their different viewpoints influence her. For once, just this once, she tried to understand them for what they were, and not to shape them to fit her own purposes. And the spirit of those who passed away infused her for a night; not the shades of the Underworld, but what remained of them in this world, in the minds of their children, in their work and legacy; very real, vibrant, living memories. As Sovvenia filled page after page with words in every language imaginable, some she had never heard or read before, she felt, for once, pure. Complete. The spirit of Memories, and not the selfish memory that refused to die.


It was morning in the Great Desert.

Sovvenia laid back on her chair. She put down her pen and stared at the last page of the book. It was not really a journal anymore. It read like a thousand family trees, complete with extensive commentaries, with all their roots interconnecting at various points in time and space. Some images had lept right out of her mind and printed themselves on the paper. Satisfied and exhausted, the Lady closed the tome, revealing the sigil of the many-branched Tree on the leather cover.

"We, Children of the World
Vol. I"

Sovvenia felt liberated from a great burden. Though she did not really understand why she had suddenly needed to write this down, she believed that the vision of that little girl with the book had something to do with it.

The goddess smiled. And for but a moment she forgot all her concerns and all the problems of the world. There she was, smiling with a child's innocence.

It was bliss.

2010-06-17, 01:32 PM
"LIAR! You never loved me! Never!" The words are screamed at the outer walls of her sister's home, and the storm grew in its intensity, rain and wind lashing against the rocks with a ferocious drumbeat of hurt. The very ground itself felt as though it were in revolt, rocking like a boat on the waves...

And then that fury was turned to Echo, and the raindrops flew at him almost forcefully enough to lacerate his skin. "And you! I trusted you! I thought that you...out of everyone, everyone, would tell me the truth! I thought you were my friend! But you, you deceive me, you lie and treat me like some stupid child, just like the rest of them....!"

The anger bleeds out of her and she deflates, like a balloon, falling to her knees in the muddied earth; helplessly, Calantha begins to weep.

"Everyone lies...everyone...all of you, you all lie, you lie to me, you hurt me, all of you...Aldric is the only one who's never hurt...never...he protected me..." The words are half-mumbled, almost incoherent, as the goddess slumps in the dirt. She is lost in her own mind, for the moment.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-17, 02:42 PM
"But, I will still die! Every night a jeering reminder of my own inevitable failure scrolls across the sky." He cranes his neck backwards and points to the very constellation. Having had a hundred years to dwell on the prospect, he had certainly used his ample time to learn of the stars. "They are coming, Aldric. You will stand against them and you will fall on their spears of the ________." His lips move, but the universe will not allow the name of They Who Wait Beyond to be spoken aloud and thankfully mutes the sound. Long ago, Rafa had taught him many of their words, the baleful names for 'venom' and 'suffering' and a dozen others. How she came by this knowledge was another story entirely. To speak those words was to feel the world cringe with insult. And he had done harm to the world by brazenly carving the dark names he knew into the bloodsteel of his scythe. But, the name he spoke, or rather, tried to speak, did no such damage since he was wholly without the capacity to put it into the air. Their name simply wasn't a word... at least insofar as 'word' had any meaning. To actually succeed in uttering the name would be disasterous, but thankfully no being was powerful enough to truly speak it, they'd likely annhilate themselves in the process.

"I have fought and my battles have been completely fruitless or yield only sorrow. Calantha vanished for a century and I spent half that time searching for her without rest. I gave her up. In my mind I buried my sister. Then... then she just drops out of the sky! Am I completely impotent? It seems I can do nothing... except harm. My actions are either without consequences or I make things worse. Look at me... I haven't slept through the night in a hundred years. I cannot wield my scythe, it feels so heavy in my hands. My own horse left me for my son..."

He takes a few steps away and stares across the sea. In truth, he'd come here hoping for any excuse to bloody Rognir's nose, just to see if he could. He hoped Rognir would give him a reason, anything to be angry about; he hadn't felt the fire in his limbs in a century and there was no fight in him. The will to keep struggling against inevitability was what gave him the strength to wield Despair, but without the resolve to try at all, he couldn't even lift it. He'd been met only with compassion, and Rognir did nothing to awake the monster inside of him. During the silence, his thoughts turn to one of the brighter points in his life.

"Lucien hasn't been without a father's love. His mother dotes on him. But, I cannot teach him swordplay. I never asked you to teach me, I was far too proud, I never asked you for anything."

Aldric's only merits as a fighter were overwhelming strength and the ability to outthink and intimidate his opponent. He lacked the ability to maneuver and to defend himself spare back peddling and a hasty counter-attack. What actuall skill he had in battle, he'd come by the hard way... grueling sparring sessions with Raia.

"But... I will ask you to teach him. He's gone to study with Eridi and forge his own blade, but in a year or two he'll want someone to teach him how to use it. He was planning on asking Raia, but I am taking the liberty of asking Raia's old master on his behalf. You will find your grandson to be twice as cunning and infinitely more patient than his father."


Lucien gives a sideways nod to the sword at his feet. "Je suis Draclier. My people are not warriors, but it would be foolish to travel the world, as we do, without a blade and the skill to defend yourself. We're not always with our wyverns. They say my father was the best fighter in the world but... he never taught me. I had to learn from the other riders."

Warriors wage war. Wyvern riders aren't so sporting. While mostly spies, thieves and scouts, they were sometimes called on to neutralize threats. This was typically done by swooping out of the sky at night and rending the 'threat' to death with their mount's talons. They were also terrorists in the sense that they'd soften up targets before striking by periodically flying low and making the wyverns scream. A week full of nights interrupted by that sound made for some very feeble and sleep deprived soldiers. The effect was usually described as, "Okay, so you ever been out in a field and a barn owl swoops overhead and screeches at you? You can't hear it coming and you can't see it and you don't know what it is the first time it happens and how it's not as scary after that because you know it's just an owl? It's exactly like that... except louder and the owl is gigantic and invisible and he DOES want to kill you... he just thinks it's more fun to scare you a little before he does."

They say you never hear the one that gets you...

2010-06-17, 02:55 PM
Eithne smiled fully at Lucien's reply, and her tongue brushed lightly against her upper teeth. it was a predatory smile, the smile a cat might give to a bird it was intent on chasing. Springing out of her crouch, she saunters over to his blade. Hooking her toe under the scabbard, she sends it flying through the air into Lucien's hand.

"Well then, oh mighty Draclier, perhaps you will show me your skills? Our respective masters are off mulling over the nature of stone, and there are only so many ways for me to amuse myself."

As she speaks, Eithne reaches over her shoulder and draws he bastard sword. It is a smaller twin to Faolan's blade, save for the thinner blade that capitalized on her grace and speed. Placing the tip on the ground, she leans lightly on the pommel, waiting for Lucien's response.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-17, 03:27 PM
Lucien grimaces a little and slowly gets to his feet. He discards his scabbard with a quick swipe and levels it at Eithne. The draclier estoc is a single edged sword with the cutting edge tapering in a long S shape to a chiseled tip. It was designed to slip under heavy armor plates or simply punch through leather and chain. The unusual length of the grip allows for versatility and very quick blocking. The balancing point of the blade was much lower than in other swords and this made it a poor slashing weapon, but ideal for dueling on the streets. You didn't have to hack a man in two to win a duel, a simple poke in the ribs will suffice.

"To be fair, I never claimed to be good."

He makes a salute with his blade and declines the first move. "Does... she know I'm a demigod?" runs through his head.

2010-06-17, 03:37 PM
Eithne takes note of Lucien's blade, so different from her own. Gripping the hilt of her sword in two hand, she returns Lucien's salute before transferring into an attack posture. Leaping forward, she makes an easy slash towards his side, trying to gauge his abilities.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-17, 04:42 PM
While far from an expert, Lucien did have his father's cunning and the preternatural speed of a god. Eithne, on the other hand, was an expert... which is why she might have taken Lucien's poor footwork to betray his next move. Instead of going the way his feet told her, he lurches to the side and slips away from her sword. Backs together, shoulders pressed against hers, he bobs left, then right to tempt her into attacking from one side, then the other before launching himself out of reach. His foot glides over the grass for an instant, while he turns to face her, before making impact. His blade finally returns to a respectable guard. As promised, Lucien wasn't very talented with a sword... but his Ba Gao was exemplary.

2010-06-17, 05:51 PM
Raia looked into Garadiel's eyes as she heard the word. Nephew. In his Garadiel's eyes she could see his intelligence and some of his burdens. They were heavy on him, and Raia could only wonder what he had done in the 100 years since they had seen each other. Always close, but far away- that was Death and War.

He wore a weapon now, and that drew Raia's attention. She did not speak of her concerns or curiousity, because now the weight of Garadiel's words met her. Ateris... this Nephew was tied there. She wasn't sure exactly, but it brought more nostalgic feelings to her. Others from her childhood in the East. Names she had not heard in a long time, and faces she couldn't quite see.
She nodded to Garadiel- a very small motion that he might understand. Her acceptance and concern, but understanding.

She looked to Ganrei now, and waited patiently for him to explain himself.

Ganrei looked at Raia for a second, attempting to get a grasp on what exactly all this body language the two were exchanging meant... to no avail of course, he was the God of Courage, not exactly a expert on body language, and the subtleties of communications.

"I am Ganrei, known in my homeland as The King of Heroes. It is an honor to meet you, Raia. I'll be brief as I'm sure everyone here has many other issues to attend today. I have come from the west, to complete my mission, and to earn deity hood. However, my quest is one of no small charge, and I have come to you requesting a kindness. I need a proper weapon, one forged by the Gods, and Goddesses of this central continent in order to confront the target of my quest. If you will grant me your aid in this weapons creation. I will in turn, complete any tasks, or labors you see fit to deem appropriate, in addition to lending my talents to your cause in a encounter of your choosing, at a time of your choosing."

He says this with multiple pauses, and breaks in his speech to allow it to be broken up appropriately, and to get across that this is more a request than any sort of exchange.

2010-06-17, 08:51 PM
Rather than expressing frustration at Lucien's divine talents, Eithne's smile widens. Moving her sword into a far more advanced hold, she pulls back, and goes on the balls of her feet.


Her expression takes the sting out of the word, and as soon as she finishes saying it Eithne launches into a far more advanced attack. Instead of a telegraphed side slash, her sword seems to be in three places at once as it flashes towards Lucien. At the same time, Eithne seems to flow to the left, slowly flanking the demigod.

2010-06-17, 09:03 PM
Rognir and Nara

"No." Thus speaks Rognir, but it is mostly to himself, an expression of horror that the idea could even be comprehended. "No, the tree cannot die. I have seen its power with my own eyes, back when I was young. It has stood there for eternity; it cannot die. But if it was possible... there would be no rebirth. The end of all things, even memory. That cannot be." He looks up at Nara, and for once his face seems ashen and frail.

Calantha and Echo

Echo blinks in surprise as Calantha's rage sweeps over him, mouth held open foolishly when he's not wincing in pain. Then, as the goddess slumps down and begins to weep, he folds his legs under him and sits down, muttering to himself.

"nonono she's crying bad bad bad echo-thing not good failurebad wrong cryingcryingcrying" A casual observer could be forgiven for the comparing of Echo to a child's toy that has come unwound.

Aldric and Rognir

"Nothing is ever given to those that have not proven themselves." Rognir's expression is severe for a moment, but then it lightens. "But, were my grandson to make his way hither and prove himself worthy... yes, I would teach him."

White Blade
2010-06-17, 09:18 PM
The port city gathered, today, as Garadiel stood before them. He had, through intermediaries, directed them to gather here. By now, they were used to their new god's muteness. He played charades with the man they had appointed priest, to communicate his desires, and the priest interpreted. They'd appointed the priest priest because he was the best at it.

And so they gathered and watched in awe as Garadiel cut a new channel in the rive and provided water for it. He used fire to cut the channel and the water seemed to spring from the earth. All were in awe of him. He smiled. The worship and adulation, it felt good, a release for a tired soul. He had forbidden them to build a temple to him and, in a few short words, had explained his siblings to them. Now, small shrines were dedicated to Raia and Aldric in the city barracks and marine rest positions, Alarin's name was toasted in the taverns, Eridi was praised by the blacksmiths as they did their work in mind clearing hymns that helped steady the rthymn of the work, Sovvenia was paid homage to amongst the scribes and scholars, Calantha recieves the most honor from children, though Garadiel does not know if she is even still alive.

Now the city was an island between a forked river, and Garadiel tasked the boat makers to design better boats. Money, his priest instructed, was not an issue. Speed, strength, durability capacity, those mattered. But Garadiel would provide material for the best boats.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-17, 10:22 PM
"No, this would be cheating."

Lucien swipes his blade in an arc and floods the area with a spray of white rose petals before jetting into a full speed backwards run. He darts up on a fallen tree trunk and pauses there a moment to salute again.

"I promise. No more magic." Lucien drops off the other side of the log and darts deeper into the thicket to vanish behind a thick tree.

2010-06-17, 10:51 PM
As Lucien crouched behind the tree, he heard Eithne move across the grass and make contact with the dead tree. However, after that there was only silence, save the rustling of the wind through the branches. As he waits, one of the rose petals drifts down in front of his nose. Just as he realizes the wind is blowing towards the field of battle, rather than towards him, Lucien feels a sudden jolt on his shoulders as Eithne lands from the branch above and flips off, landing ten feet in front of him. Cocking her head, she gives him another wicked smile.

"No more magic? All right, godling, why don't you show me how skilled you are with your weapon."

Bringing her weapon into a defensive posture, Eithne crouches slightly, obviously waiting for Lucien to go on the offensive.

Jair Barik
2010-06-18, 03:58 AM
Nara's expression turned equally solemn.
"Father. Both Sovvenia and Garadiel have come to me and told me that something will seek to attack the tree, something that may actually threaten it. I do not know what but I trust them in what they say. Therefore I plead with you father, be careful. If the tree is as mighty as you say then whatever threatens it may also be a threat to your own life."

2010-06-18, 04:49 AM
Aldric. That thought brings her back, back from the edge of the madness and of being lost in her mind; the goddess's eyes open, slowly, and she gazes upon Echo's form. She wants to stay mad at him...he lied to her, deceived her, when he'd promised to be a friend...but...


Misery loves company, and so does madness; she can't be alone. She can't do this without someone to help her keep herself straight. She needs him.

And so she crawls over the dampened sand, and presses her hands to his face, lifting his eyes to her own to gaze into them--and to force him to look at her.

"No more lies." Her voice is quiet, and gentle, as if she's speaking to a wounded animal, trying to coax it to her hand. "No more lies between us, yes...? We're friends...friends tell the truth. And I need you...I need your help. I can't do this without you, but I can't bring you with me if you're going to keep secrets..."

2010-06-18, 08:58 AM
Rognir and Nara

Rognir pulls the piece of metal out of the fire, holding it up to examine it. It appears to be an "x" of metal ringed by a circle, but even unmade there's still power emanating from the metal. "If I am too weak to defend myself, so be it. But if the tree is ever in danger, than you must protect it. For everyone who will come after."

Calantha and Echo

"Help? Yes. Yes. Echo was sent to help. No more crying. We need to be your friend; we will help. No more untruth dreaming."

2010-06-18, 09:04 AM
Raia and Ganrei

Raia was silent as Ganrei spoke, and when he was finished, she stood.

"I must say your request is surprising to me Nephew. Why is it that you find yourself in need of a weapon?"
She put her hand upon Tetsuzou, but did not draw it. She raised her other hand, and lightning flashed about her arm. Thunder cried above, but then both lightning and thunder were gone. Tetsuzou remained hidden.

"Though these may be weapons, they are merely toys. Have you forgotten the truths of your nature?" Raia knelt in front of him to look him in the eyes.

"Stop pretending to be weak. You are the King of Heroes. You already have a weapon here." She put her hand over his heart. Then she rose again and turned to Garadiel with a sweeping look, and then to the war table, as she walked away from Ganrei.

"I ask you this, King of Heroes. What is a weapon?

It is a tool to make some task easier. Like the smith's hammer. But you already have something in you that pounds like the smith's hammer.
To a warrior a weapon is only like another arm or leg. It is a part of oneself and everything of one's being. To be the weapon of a warrior, the weapon must become the warrior. And so the Warrior must become the weapon. They are the same, the wielder and the wielded."

Raia walked behind the table, and there on the wall were the twin weapons of Namasi- the great axe and giant sword of her vanquished foe. And now Raia took the sword in one arm easily, and came back to her guests with the sword in her arm, and no sign of strain.

"That is my answer to the question, King of Heroes, my nephew. The Warrior is the weapon. And so you too are the weapon you search for. " She offered the giant sword to Ganrei.

"This sword Namashina is no different than your heart. It is a raw expression of power, like your own strength and will. I would offer it to you as a gift and a warning, my nephew, but it is a weapon already mastered by me. So now you must master it, and your heart. It has touched the hands of Raia, the Goddess of War, and it will not accept one who's heart is stray. Master it and give it purpose."

She placed the blade into Ganrei's hands easily, as if offering a feather, but it was of an impossible weight. Surely one could not wield something like this- that was the doubt one might have. But Raia looked into Ganrei's eyes with her cool, serious expression. Although her expression was severe, her voice was soft and quiet.

"The minute you believe your strength alone cannot win, that is the minute you have given up and will surely fail. Remember this, that is all I ask of you my nephew. Remember this, and never doubt yourself."


1 Ceremony: Ganrei
Raia has offered her own words of insight to Ganrei, and offered him the GiantSword Namashina to be the raw steel for his weapon. May he master it and give it shape and purpose with his will.

2010-06-18, 09:26 AM
What makes the children of Rognir special? What allows them to defeat their foes, what keeps them safe though the entire world may be turned against them? They are a family. If they remember this, they can do anything.

There are wars unseen by even Rognir's sight; wars in the west, wars beneath the earth. The enemies of Rognir's children have no loyalty for each other, and the closest enemy is the one that is striven against. So, for a time, peace might reign across the world.

That does not mean, of course, that the children have no foe to strive against, through words perhaps instead of swords. Monsters still ravage the north, while kingdoms battle against each other in the west, turning the western continent into a hotbed of blood and one-year kings. More sinister, cults have begun to spread across the land, luring away worshipers from the gods. The Blackwings, a cult of assassins and thieves stretching across the three continents. The Araphim, worshipers of one diune god, decrying the children of Rognir as demons and false gods. The Dreamers, a relatively benign cult that seeks to unite artists and writers and storytellers. The Scourge, a fanatical western cult that speaks of a red wind scourging the unrighteous.

Now is a time for the building of empires. Now is a time for construction, now is a time for wonders and marvels. Now is the time to make the world worth fighting for, when the sun turns black and the day comes.

Beginning of Turn 6

Jair Barik
2010-06-18, 09:38 AM
"I see... The danger is not imminent though. Or it does not seem that way for the time being at least. I will trouble you no longer father. I have places to go for now and it seems your work is of great importance. Until we meet again i say goodbye."

White Blade
2010-06-18, 10:44 AM
Garadiel stayed in a stately house, attended by servants who had quickly become adept at understanding his mute instruction. Westerly, the port city, was now a power in the area. Their nautical prowess was swifty becoming unmatched, and, at Garadiel's urging, they had accepted enough refugees from wars on the western continent to quadrupletheir population. These refugees, if they were adults, accepted five years work on the docks and boats or two years work in the land based army.

Garadiel watched as the Mayor of the city, Lord Wiseman, had made an Empire out of his people's new found nautical strength. Many coastal cities were proud to accept the Westerly invitation to accept it as a patron and leader, if only for the stability it offered. Law was powerful beneath Westerly. Garadiel smiled, for this is what he intended.

But there was a reason he had chosen a coastal city. He needed to make a journey into deep ocean, far from anything he feared might be destroyed. He asked for volunteers for what would likely be a suicide mission, and he recieves half the navy. He took the most senior members and had them sail deep into the western ocean.

When they were abouthalf way between Westerly and the Metropolis, Garadiel ordered them to stop. He ordered them to turn around and go home, he instructed that he would be along eventually. He jumped into the sea and his war with the water began.

Armies of the wild people called the Mer live beneath the ocean, reflecting the Leviathan in their part in the untamed sea. Garadiel looked on them balefully, he struck them down with final resort as they fought beneath the Ocean, soon the sound of their defeat reached the Leviathin, as Garadiel fought back a horde of Mer. The Leviathin reached up and grasped Garadiel, and dragged him into it's maw.

The Leviathian's mouth is difficult to describe, it is a swirling vortex of teeth mixed with crushing amounts of water pressure. It is everything a sailor fears. Garadiel swam as best he could, deeper and deeper into the Leviathin's maw, till a mortal would have wondered if he was inside a mountain or a beast, then he drew Final Resort and began to cut his way out. The Leviathin wailed and shrieked and hit at him, but to no avail. Garadiel finally finished cutting his way out of the beast's belly and then he turned to the beast... And healed it.

The calm and tranquil waves of the world heard the name of Garadiel that day. Mercy, not strife, mastered the waves. Garadiel emerged with the power of water at his behest. Hail to Garadiel, who has mercy on the seas. He grinned a triumphant grin and he clambered out of the water and returned home on foot, walking across the water.

When The Westerlies saw him, they knew that truly, their god was the greatest of all gods.
1 Major Act to gain Elemental Mastery (Water)

2010-06-18, 12:28 PM
Shen Zhi Shu And Chei
Before Shen Zhi Shu could leave for the north, west, he had to prepare himself for the rigors of the world. In order to do so he had to catch up on Study. Shen Zhi Shu began reading various books, becoming a blur between the various scrolls of the library. It would be time for him to expand his specialty in magics to something else. Focusing on Thaumaturgical works for the moment, he had finally discovered something ground breaking in the way that his magic worked. Smiling to himself, he left the library finished in his study for today.
Gain Ability: Thaumaturgy: Knowledge

Shen Zhi Shu had to make some arrangements for protecting his city before he left. Not knowing that Eridi and Lucien were coming soon, he would cast a spell over the city in order to ward it against divine influence. The ward would weaved over the city walls as a way to interferre with the divine servants of other gods, and to ensure that other gods couldn't enter if they had bad intentions. Having an idea, Shen Zhi Shu hastily returned to his study and continued on another study. This time he would increase his very power as he did so, absorbing the aspect of Abjuration as a part of his repertoir of specialized magics.
2 minor acts for the wards around Xiang Jian, 1 Major Act for the Abjuration domain

2010-06-18, 01:43 PM
It was five days after they had left and Eridi still couldn't sense the raw stone underneath the earth, but he felt the flowing metals. It was like an ocean of rivers melded together underneath his feet, he was surprised he had never felt it before. Today, however, he could, and that power felt immense. Faolan had taught him well, he was sure that he could make the Ring of Earth right, he just needed Shen Zhi's knowledge to make it at all. "Tomorrow, Faolan, tomorrow we reach the port city of Shale. It should take but a couple of days to reach the island that Zhang rests upon, and then a few more to get to the city proper. You've taught me well enough, nephew, and, for that, I thank you. If ever need be that you're lacking knowledge, and need be that I have it, it'll be yours at your whims."

That night, their last for a while under the stars of the southern sky, Eridi thought. His people needed to be prepared for the onslaught that would be coming. Every man, woman, and child needed to be prepared. The craftsman understood why his father had made humanity as he had, their lives were just long enough to fill them with ambition and give them reason to fulfill it and their forms were malleable for whatever task they decided they would do. They were a masterpiece, and Eridi would never change them like his other siblings would.

Thinking on the question, his mind wandered to what was below him. Tonight, the earth flowed most violently, metals pushing against each other in the eternal war for supremacy. An idea struck, and a smile spread across his face. Shen Zhi, God of Magic, Faolan, God of Earth, and me, God of the Crafts, together in one place... I'll convince them to help me fashion that power into a sword for humanity, a weapon they can use against the coming tide. Smiling, he rested. Tomorrow he would need to find the best, biggest boat. He was in no rush to explore the ocean depths, least of all before they reached Zhang. Besides, he still had much to teach Lucien before then, another sidetrack and this apprenticeship would never be over.

Act Expenditure
1 Major - Increase Domain (Metal)

2010-06-18, 02:26 PM
Raia and Ganrei

Raia was silent as Ganrei spoke, and when he was finished, she stood.

"I must say your request is surprising to me Nephew. Why is it that you find yourself in need of a weapon?"
She put her hand upon Tetsuzou, but did not draw it. She raised her other hand, and lightning flashed about her arm. Thunder cried above, but then both lightning and thunder were gone. Tetsuzou remained hidden.

"Though these may be weapons, they are merely toys. Have you forgotten the truths of your nature?" Raia knelt in front of him to look him in the eyes.

"Stop pretending to be weak. You are the King of Heroes. You already have a weapon here." She put her hand over his heart. Then she rose again and turned to Garadiel with a sweeping look, and then to the war table, as she walked away from Ganrei.

"I ask you this, King of Heroes. What is a weapon?

It is a tool to make some task easier. Like the smith's hammer. But you already have something in you that pounds like the smith's hammer.
To a warrior a weapon is only like another arm or leg. It is a part of oneself and everything of one's being. To be the weapon of a warrior, the weapon must become the warrior. And so the Warrior must become the weapon. They are the same, the wielder and the wielded."

Raia walked behind the table, and there on the wall were the twin weapons of Namasi- the great axe and giant sword of her vanquished foe. And now Raia took the sword in one arm easily, and came back to her guests with the sword in her arm, and no sign of strain.

"That is my answer to the question, King of Heroes, my nephew. The Warrior is the weapon. And so you too are the weapon you search for. " She offered the giant sword to Ganrei.

"This sword Namashina is no different than your heart. It is a raw expression of power, like your own strength and will. I would offer it to you as a gift and a warning, my nephew, but it is a weapon already mastered by me. So now you must master it, and your heart. It has touched the hands of Raia, the Goddess of War, and it will not accept one who's heart is stray. Master it and give it purpose."

She placed the blade into Ganrei's hands easily, as if offering a feather, but it was of an impossible weight. Surely one could not wield something like this- that was the doubt one might have. But Raia looked into Ganrei's eyes with her cool, serious expression. Although her expression was severe, her voice was soft and quiet.

"The minute you believe your strength alone cannot win, that is the minute you have given up and will surely fail. Remember this, that is all I ask of you my nephew. Remember this, and never doubt yourself."


1 Ceremony: Ganrei
Raia has offered her own words of insight to Ganrei, and offered him the GiantSword Namashina to be the raw steel for his weapon. May he master it and give it shape and purpose with his will.

Though surprised by the immensity, and beauty of the goddess of war's words, and the craftsmanship of the weapon that he was handled... such things were.. indescribable in weight, and importance. However, what she said was true. By seeking out a weapon, rather than trusting the strength of his heart, and in those who had trusted in him.. he had already set himself down on the path of doubt, and with a silent nod. He thanked Raia for showing him, and leading him away from the paths of doubt.

Here, his heart free of the chains of doubt, he imbued the sword with his belief, in himself, and in humanity. His body then began to glow with a golden aura, his eyes burning with the energy as he preformed his first divine act, and the golden energy touched the sword, the once pure steel becoming veined with a crystalline substance similar to emerald in appearance, this mineral would allow it to channel the will of the user into definable sharpness, causing vibrations at speeds of well over 100 vibrations per second, this would allow it to cut through mundane steel, but not denser rocks, or divine weaponry, though the vibrations would definitely cause trouble for anyone guarding with such a weapon. On the handle becomes emblazoned a simple phrase "The oath sworn through courage."

"Your right Raia, a warrior's heart is his greatest weapon, when one's faith, one's courage is indomitable. So shall he be. I had doubted myself due to my opponents caliber, but now I see that such a beings power would come from my doubt in myself, and without that, despair has no power. With this blade I make an oath, an oath to protect humanity against those who would harm them, an oath to fight on regardless of circumstance, or myself. I swear, with this oath sworn through courage, that I will never veer from my hearts true goal, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to never give in against despair. With this oath, I imbue my power into this weapon, as a tool to banish despair, and to cast down tyranny. This blade shall be my heart made manifest, to remind me of my strength when all else seems lost."

He then looks to Garadiel, and Raia, the golden light dimming as he finished his part of the ceremony.

"That is my oath."

The golden light completely fades, and though sweat pours down his skin, and his eyes seem pained, he looks up with a smile at the two Gods in the room.

"That is my courage."


Ceremony: Courage. He has imbued the weapon with an emerald like mineral that when empowered by courage, it begins to vibrate at high speeds of over 100 vibrations per second, allowing it to cut through any mundane metals, and rock.. but not anything divinely made.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-18, 02:26 PM

The jinn noticed a change in the glow of the sphere given to him by the Queen of Genies. He watched it closely, poking its warm surface, being extremely careful as he feared Sovvenia's fury. It seemed almost ready, now...

3 major acts on secret project

White Blade
2010-06-18, 03:10 PM
Ganrei's words touch Garadiel's heart and he smiles, a true smile, the look people wear when they have children or get married. He extends his hand and touches the hilt of the blade. He speaks but a word, Courage and the room quakes. Now, not scenes but emotions play in the hearts of those who hear. The harsh taste of defeat, the bitter taste of pain, the terrifying taste of despair. Despair, as when you watch a loved one die of incurable illness, pain, like when you are beneath the worst tortures, defeat, being laid low by your most hated foe. But the emotions do not last, courage and the conviction it brings blaze through the mind like fire, and despair is beaten back, the pain seems almost easy, the defeat is revealed to be only temporary. Courage. Courage to go on when the day is hard and long, courage to keep going when the night streches out forever and blinds you in darkness.

Garadiel pulls his hand back and there, where his hand had been, is a written character of true speech. The one that means courage. It is but three lines and it says so much. It will help preserve the Hero's Heart and combat despair. It will keep its wielder going when they should falter, providing both physical and mental rstoration.

1 Ceremony for Courage, Garadiel's life magic should preserve the wielder and help them heal faster. His True Speech will give the wielder
courage against just about any odds or circumstance.

2010-06-18, 07:07 PM
Calantha and Echo

"Good..." The goddess of Delirium reaches out, tucking a small red flower behind Echo's ear. "We need to go see my...esteemed brother, Shen." There is...something, in the tone of her voice, that implies she is not exactly looking forward to that meeting; her opinion is colored by Aldric's, however, for Aldric was certainly not overfond of the man. She pulls Echo up behind her, on Apophis's back, and heads in the general direction of Shen's city; she knows, vaguely, where it is, but is not certain.

Later; at Shale

She was...a bit lost. Zhang was on an island, she was sure of it, so she had been heading towards the coastline; there was a port city there, and perhaps they could tell her--what was that??

The goddess pulls Apophis into a hover, eyes widening for a moment; there is...a very familiar feeling, here. ...Eridi...? Yes, that's who it is, but also...someone who feels like Aldric, and not like Aldric. He did say his son was in the world; she touches her chest, where the small book was tucked in among folds of fabric, and sends Apophis into a slow, swirling descent that lands her very near to the group of travelers.

"Eridi!" The goddess slides off Apophis's back and rushes to give the crafter-god a hug, beaming up at her brother; then her eyes flicker to the young man with him, and she stares for a moment before breaking away from her brother.

"You..." Her fingers brush over Lucien's forehead, tease the star-charms, as she looks into him. "You are my nephew. ...I have something for you, from your father..."

She pulls out the book and hands it to him, but cannot stop looking at him. This is Aldric's son...this is the fire he had, and lost, reborn.

2010-06-18, 07:13 PM
Shen Zhi Shu And Ling Wu
Arriving at a port city called Ling Wu, Shen Zhi Shu checks in at an inn before the night falls. He falls to sleep, and begins to dream. Strangely, he does not awaken the day afterward. All people are in fear at the inn and abandon it, as Shen Zhi Shu begins to have a nightmare. Chei nervously paces back and forth around his bed, wondering what has happened. He is clearly breathing and alive, yet he has not awakened.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-18, 08:03 PM
"C-Calantha!" Besides being called her nephew, Lucien can see the family resemblance. Also his father might have mentioned the red and violet eyes. "Does... you've seen dad then. I'm so glad you're unhurt."

Feeling a bit self conscious he adjusts the dangling star charms on his brow and slips the book into his breast pocket after briefly looking it over. "Did he mention what it was for?" He was curious where she'd been for the past century, but thought it polite not to ask.

2010-06-18, 08:32 PM
Over the last few days, Eridi had kept getting glances of Calantha's divine spark flittering around. He'd put it out of his thoughts, thinking it just a trick of the mind. He wanted to see his sister, but he didn't really believe he could. In fact, this past hour he had been getting more and more angry at his mind for keeping the trick up, that is, until he saw Apophis float to the ground.

Dumbfounded was barely enough of a word to describe how Eridi felt. When his sister hugged him, he half-way returned it. When she left for Lucien, he didn't even turn. His thoughts raced to deal with the situation, Calantha... no, she's dead, right? No one's... seen her, sensed her in a hundred years... Stumbling, he finally turned around. She had grown, but it was Calantha. He could sense the ever-present aura of madness and delirium around her, an almost palpable sense of chaos and insanity.

Not noticing Lucien and her's talk, he spoke his next words anyway, half-mumbling due to his puzzled state, "Calantha? I-it's too good to see you, really see you. We... we thought you were dead!" Confusion and relief made an odd couple on Eridi's face, but they were both there in equal parts.

2010-06-19, 12:37 AM
Faolan and Eithne rounded the corner in Shale, walking back towards Eridi and Lucien. They had finally managed to find a ship sailing towards Zhang, despite the rumors of terrifying events taking place there. Seeing their two companions, they raise their hands in greeting before noticing the newcomer. The sole description he has of Calantha coming from Eridi, Faolan does not recognize her, and so regards the strangely dressed newcomer with interest. She seemed slightly...off, and thus kept Faolan's attention as he walked to Eridi.

"Eridi, Lucien, who is your friend?"

2010-06-19, 12:42 AM
Shen Zhi Shu And Ling Wu

By now, Himiko waited with Shen Zhi Shu at his bedside. The entire city had been evacuated as people had been ran out by spectres. Everyone but Chei, also known as Himiko, had been terrified by strange voices coming from Shen's bed room. Apparently being a demigoddess had it's perks. Incense was burned in Shen's room to scare the evil spirits away, but the terror still lingered.

Jair Barik
2010-06-19, 04:50 AM
Nara departed the house of Rognir in his little row boat, but rather than headed back west to home he decided to go somewhere else instead. East. What did lie to the east he wondered. Did the world just simply end or was there something else... The house was said to be at the uttermost east but was this true or was it just as far east as Rognir wanted people to go. Nara was unsure what drove him to sail down that path. Perhaps the desire to explore filled his mind, perhaps some quality of Orgo, or perhaps it was simply that inescapable curiosity that grips all living things, the desire to do something your better judgement warns you against. Regardless of the cause, nara sailed Eastward.

Some time Later...
Nara stood at the South Easternmost tip of the northern isleand looked off into the distance in the direction of the world tree. breaking one of the fangs off of his amulet he held it in his palm and felt it grow only releasing it once it had expanded to about the length of a dagger. It was a crude weapon not disimilar to those that might be used by the hunters of Phromm's lands but within it coarsed much divine energy. Taking it in one hand Nara traced the outline of an archway in the air, a trail of green fire following the tips movements. Once the image was complete the lines glowed with a divine radiance as the gateway became real. A doorway standing on the land that seemed to lead to nowhere. Nara clutched the dagger and stepped through the gateway, to any watching him he seemed to vanish but in reality he had stepped into the realm of the resplendent sun. A land of perpetual light where plants grew untamed with ease. Of course nothing grew here yet, it had only just been created, but already the first signs of grass and trees could be seen sprouting from the earth around him. His own private study and workshop, a place where his new project could be carried out...

2 Major acts Create Realm of the resplendent sun +totem of the fang

White Blade
2010-06-19, 09:24 AM
Garadiel should have heard it. He should have. But he hadn't and he couldn't figure out why. It had taken him weeks to hear his sister's message. And what a crucial message it was! Garadiel was in a state of panic and elation.

Calantha was alive, and wellish, but the Cat's Eyed Man, he was... Oh gods. He was the figure in Garadiel's nightmares, when he lay down at night. He was also understandable. What kind of god yields to inevitability? Truly, there were worse figures in his nightmares then The Cat's Eyed man. The black cloak and the sword at the base of the tree.

But now... Now Garadiel had to go and see his baby sister. Had to. He left instructions with the Westerlies and then he was off. It would take him a couple of days to find them and catch up, but he would do it.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-19, 11:24 AM
"It's burning hot! It means it's coming."

Following his Lady's orders, the jinn traveled to a ruined city overlooking the Cyclonian Bay, in the southern continent. He flew through the empty streets, heading towards the burial mounds of the hallowed necropolis. Torches ignitied to lead his way. The barrows were badly damaged, destroyed in a religious war and later desecrated by robbers; all but one. An archway was carved in the exterior of the remaining tomb, but there were no actual doors in sight. Until the servant of the Lady came, as it was fated. A bright light illuminated the area, tracing the outline of a gate in the plain marble slab. Two more spirits of the air joined him.

"So already time huh?"
"I hope it's quick, I'm needed on the other end of the world."
"We have to be witnessess. So, what do we need to do, again?"
"There are clear commands."

The first jinn went inside the barrow with the sphere of the goddess, which he had simply nicknamed The Egg. He placed it in the only sarcophagus to be found, which was sealed immediately. The jinn then went back through the gate, where he and the others were joined by yet another genie, a wizened windlord of the East.

"What's the deal with this Egg, anyway?" asked the north wind. "It's all black and glittering."
"It's obsidian, sun stone" replied the east wind. "It is said that ages ago, our Queen, who was then going by the title of Feathered Lady, heard a strange tale from her esteemed father. He spoke of a majestic, but wild bird that never could die, but instead rose from his own ashes every 700 years. The Simurgh, he called it. It was said to be dwelling on one of the highest branches of the tree at the center of the world."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Don't interrupt! As I was saying, the Simurgh fascinated our goddess. But when Sovvenia visited the World Tree, she found no traces of such a beast. Had Fimbultyr created the story expressly for his daughter, or had the legendary bird left its nest for horizons unknown? No one knows. The goddess tried to replicate the Simugh's abilities, but to no avail."

The earth suddenly started to shake and it was quickly riddled with cracks, starting from the base of the burial mound. The clouds directly above their heads turned red tinged.

"Sovvenia understood that nothing is meant to last forever", continued the ancient jinn. "The important part of the Simurgh's story is not its own extended life cycle, but the cleansing that follows its sacrifice. The bird that rises from its ashes symbolizes first and foremost the regained vitality of the creature after enduring a terrible hardship. But if the fledgling was of a different sort than the parent? What if the old bird accepted to die to give a new individual a chance to live, its sacrifice a gift that ensures its child health, warmth and a bright future? Our Lady vowed that she would ensure the renaissance of life. And this time she succeeded. The older generation gives everything for the next. And as such Sovvenia has prepared the new Age."

A great pillar of fire descended from the heavens and struck the burial mound. A terrible explosion roared - from inside the tomb. Three jinns feared for the Lady's gift. The East Wind reassured them.

"It was said that the hopes of the goddess would take an unexpected shape."

The spirits of air rushed inside, dodging the drops of molten rock. Most of the room was completely black with cinder. The sarcophagus was heavily cracked, and a bright red. Suddenly, the lid opened, revealing its content to all.

It was a teenage boy with ebony skin and hair, covered only by a sheet of cardinal red feathers.

White Blade
2010-06-19, 01:19 PM
Beneath the Westerly Empire and its Capital were six voluntary member cities, and the lord of one of these Cities was named Cunning. He was an honest man and faithful in his tribute to Westerly in both men and gold. He had six sons, all brave and intelligent, and no one brought any problem to him which was not solved justly. As all Westerlies, he paid homage to Garadiel and his siblings.

But one day, his youngest son entered his father's house wearing the double mark of Araphim on his neck. "My son!" he exclaimed in horror and disgust, "Surely you have not turned from the service of Garadiel, who has brought peace to our people and wealth to our lord!"

"Father," replied the son, who was called Faithful, "Is it not justice to do what we deem right, within the sight of Araph, sole God of all creation, who watches us day and night? Must we ever serve the demons and their father, who is deceit and horror given form?"

"Faithful, I can forgive your rash words. You have not seen the mercy or the glory of Garadiel, you have not heard him speak or watched his eyes. To call such a god a demon, it is beyond the pale. Turn back now, worship your god in peace with our own, and there need be no strife between us." Cunning pleaded dearly with his beloved son.

"Father, have you raised me to turn back from what is right? Have you taught me to bend my knee to tyranny? Have you shown me how to grovel at the feet of evil?"

"Faithful, my dear son, please, no more of this foolishness, turn back now I beg. There is no reason for such harsh words, when Garadiel has brought us and our people naught but good."

"Father, is it good to serve the purposes of evil? I have heard the voice of Araph ringing in my heart, and he commands me to tear down the idols of this world, to uproot the demons from my people's back. Turn now with me, and lead our people to justice."

"My son, it is not just to hurt those who have done you nothing but good."

Faithful began to laugh and Cunning motioned to his guards to seize him. They did so, "I am sorry my son, but the penalty for such blasphemy must be high."

Faithful spat at his father's feet, "Surely, father, my blood will not fall too difficultly."

"Garadiel has commanded that no one be executed, for he is merciful. Therefore, I sentence you, my dear son, to exile and to the loss of one ear. Perhaps Araph will heal it, and prove himself to be half the god that Garadiel is."

Faithful did not cry out, for he was proud to suffer for Araph. Then he was thrown from the city. Many saw his brave suffering, however, and came to the faith of the Araphim that day. And new meetings began to spread in that city, discussing the prophet Faithful and what he would do during his pilgrimage outside of the city, and when he would return with his sword to bring down the idols.

2010-06-19, 02:22 PM
The goddess tears herself away from her nephew, after replying to his question with a simple shake of her head; still, her fingers caress the star charms one last time before she forces herself to focus on her brother.

"Ah...so I've heard. I am not dead, clearly..." She laughs, quietly, though her eyes flicker. "I was simply...lost, for a while."

Her eyes shift, again, and this time they fall on Faolan; she tilts her head, and they darken, and suddenly she is close enough to him to feel his breathing.

"You smell like blood and death." Her voice is low, eyes locked on his, and her fingers come up to trace over his face. "Mercy. It makes no sense, you look like a monster. A gentle monster...savior, but dangerous..."

Her hands leave his face and go down to his arms, brushing over the skin, and that disconcerting gaze moves away. "...Hm. You are...interesting."

But even her interest in Faolan holds only briefly, as she returns to her nephew; her fingers brush over the star charms once more, and she looks intently at him.

"Why do you wear these? What do you know, of stars...?"

2010-06-19, 03:49 PM
The Women's Guild weren't ones to suffer fools, and that's exactly how they viewed these cultists, and Aria, their elected president, exemplified that statute all the more. Going on forty, she had already raised six children and become a master glass-blower in her own right. No, she knew what these idiots were up to, trying to spread dissent among the populace. It infuriated her, especially when she saw it working.

Today was another day for executions. The Blackwings were not tolerated in this city. Theives were branded on both hands and lightly on the forehead, marking them so that others knew they weren't allowed to do business in the main markets, just the food pavilion, nor settle close to the inner city. Assassin's, however, were tried and executed. "Stupid boy," mumbled Aria, "you go too light on the thieves. Blight on the city, that's what they are. But, no, 'Only the murderers shall be faced with death' he says. Causing me a damned headache, that's what he did with those stupid laws..."

Walking past the execution house, she heard the telling "KA-chunk!" of the guillotine Eridi had built. Stupid boy should've let this part be public, too, she thought pressing her hand to her aching temple. Let it serve as a warning to would-be joiners of the fool's gang. Eridi had long ago decided Hyb would be free of fear, only in a liberating environment could you truly do what your heart wished. He would have none of Aria's "public crime deterrents," as she had so elegantly named them.

Continuing her path after listening to a few more of the oh-so-satisfying sounds, her mind wandered to the other cults that had showed up recently. The Araphim had been laughed out of town. Eridi, a demon? The man who had fed them for generations, played with them as children, and taught them to be successful? Those who had come left thinking that Eridi's brainwash had been complete.

As in all large cities, Hyb had seen it's share of madmen, proclaiming the end of the world. The Scourge had been treated no differently. Merchants did business on a long-time scale, they couldn't afford to listen to raving lunatics proclaiming the end of the world and the culling of the unrighteous.

No, she thought, neither of those were ever threats. Not even the Blackwings, really. Petty thieves and sloppy murderers pretending to be professionals. No, Hyb's and Eridi's enemies are in the Dreamers. Eridi, seeing no harm in it, had granted them guild rights. Of course, they had told him that their patron was Alarin, God of Arts, but they had quickly done away with that after they had secured their position. Now, entrenched as they were, it was almost impossible to get these good-for-nothing fools discredited. The young people flocked to them; they offered a petty and easy philosophy that appealed to their juvenile minds.

Opening the door to the Women's Guildhouse, she made her way to the counsel chamber. "Forgive me for my tardiness, ladies," she said in a completely different tone than what she had been thinking in, "but I had much to think about and little time to do it, so I made some more. No, today we're going to talk. The Dreamers. What're we going to do about them?" She would have her solution before leaving here tonight. Aria had been known to keep the session open until dawn approached if it suited her needs, and this was a very important matter.

Meanwhile, In Shale...

Eridi took a moment to collect himself. This sense of urgency was very unbecoming of him, he needed to calm down. "Calantha, this is Faolan. Faolan, Calantha. I'm sorry my description wasn't enough for you, but, you see, she's grown quite a bit since I last saw her. He's our nephew, Calantha." Introductions aside, Eridi felt it prudent to choose his next words carefully. He would let her and Lucien talk before he said anything else.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-19, 04:54 PM
North-West; Orofolk Tribelands

The Orofolk are doing extremely well; so well, in fact, that their Tribelands are expanding. Now, several villages that were previously a relatively safe distance from the Orofolk hunters are being threatened. In order to survive even this close to the lands Phromm calls his own, however, the villagers were used to the occasional raid, lost Ice Worm and flight of Harpies, and the villages are fortified, often with the outermost walls on the other side of some fields, so that there was usually some farming that could occur. Now, however, several of these villages are destroyed, and most of those left are being evacuated, although caravan trains are harder to defend than a village. Most of the moving Orofolk are migrating West, however; further from the lands of Phromm's family.

Orofolk Tribelands to Hybil'Smita

A large, hairy, dark-skinned man is running south. He's fast, much faster than a mortal runner. He's wearing untanned furs, and in his right hand is a crude bone staff, hand-carved by somebody who didn't know much about what he was doing. Under his left arm is a rolled-up fur hide, flayed off a Bugbear. Seems like Phromm has decided to visit his brother Eridi, and Phromm may arrive in Hyb soon.

1 minor act: Increase population of Orofolk
1 Major Act: gain Endurance

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-19, 06:31 PM
Lucien politely waits for Faolan and Calantha to make proper introductions before he draws his aunt aside to address her early query. Calantha would have known more about her own mother's culture if she hadn't been stripped away from it to live in Rognir's Halls when she was still a child. She would have recognized the trinket at once if Alma hadn't kept it hidden, fearing persecution in a more barbaric time. Now the same people who, a hundred years ago, had to live on the fringe of society had Aldric as their patron and the gypsy witches were the ones who had the run of things. Well financed, armed with an eclectic blend of magic and with the might of the Dracliers at their disposal, they now found themselves very welcome in the northern kingdoms indeed.

"You don't recognize it?" Lucien takes a glance upward, as if he were able to see the silver stars resting on his bandana, then his lips twist into a sad frown. "The witches said it belonged to your mother. It was a gift for completing the rites."

He unties his bandana and hands the whole thing over; the charms are attached to a delicate chain which is stitched in place.

"The stars see everything that happens at night and have forever. Everything has a voice, but the stars are the hardest to hear. Only witches who have heard the stars can wear these charms..." There was a little pride in his voice.

2010-06-19, 07:30 PM
"My mother...?" The goddess takes the bandanna, with the attached charm, and traces her hand over the points; she closes her eyes, and tries to remember. A wash of flowery perfume, a gentle laugh, a wash of color that might be a dress; the goddess opens her eyes again, and they are bottomless, as she looks inside and finds herself lacking.

"I do not...remember my mother." She shakes her head, a little, and looks down at the bandanna again, twisting it a little in her hands. "Hear everything, see everything, yes...they hold you to oaths and words that are lies. They have power...and you have heard them..."

Her eyes come up again, bright, almost feverishly so; they are too intense, too focused, on Lucien's face. "What do they say, the stars? Do they whisper secrets? Do they tell you stories...?"

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-19, 08:00 PM
Lucien averts his eyes and refuses to meet Calantha's face. He was not his father and while Aldric only found the girl's lunatic demeanor charming and whimsical, Lucien was becoming scared. "The Gadjés* think that the stars control fate, that you can be born under a good or bad sign or that destiny is written in the sky. That's not true... if you listen, they will tell you what they know and what lies ahead, so you can prepare. They are not beneficent, nor deceitful, but if you can learn to hear their whispers, you will be very lucky. And... they do change. Not in my time, but Alma wrote about how they moved."

He fidgets, uncomfortable with Calantha's intensity and that she hadn't given him back his relic.

*Outsiders, especially ones who disparage the ways of his people.

2010-06-19, 08:14 PM
"Ah..." The goddess' eyes soften, and her expression grows chagrined; taking Lucien's hand, she gently folds the bandanna into it, closing his fingers around the bundle of fabric and charms. "I'm sorry...sorry. I forget, and bits of me go flying off the handle, and are frightening..."

Tilting her nephew's face up, so that his eyes meet hers once more, he'll find that they're gentle now. And though they are still wild, still tinged with the ever-present madness, the burning intensity has faded...

"Your sister, I gave her a gift...I would like to give you a gift. Something you can use, something that will help you...what is it you want...? What is something you wish for...?"

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-19, 08:43 PM
Lucien drew into himself but his expression softened. He thought of his father the time, not long ago, that Aldric has been convinced to tell his son about the man he had been. Cunning, yes, but arrogant and sometimes hasty in acting. He'd forged a weapon to destroy any threat to what he loved... kind hearted Lucien had set out to create a weapon only to protect. He glanced to his sword. No, though it was a fine blade, it wouldn't serve him as well as one he made with his own hands, even if it bore Calantha's gift. His boots? He already had plants to visit Sovvenia for those; she held dominion over the wind and she owed him a kindness. One day, he wanted to be swifter than his father's great foe, but he doubted Calantha's magic would aid him there.

Still silent and pondering what he would most appreciate from his aunt, his thoughts were interrupted by the whole matter of his apprenticeship. There was no telling how long this ordeal would take, and though he was willing to sacrifice a decade or more to becoming a master enchanter, he still had so much he wanted to do. Briefly, he wished he were simply smarter. He might have been as clever a his father, but even a savant would have a lifetime of work as Eridi's student.

White Blade
2010-06-19, 09:14 PM
Garadiel appeared, rushing across the water to Calantha. He had come, he had heard, he had run. Garadiel... Garadiel was fast when he ran. The water was no longer an issue either, with his new found power. He did not realize that she was having a rather important conversation, in fact he didn't realize for a moment what was up with all the wiggy auras around here. Metal and patience hung in the air, and Garadiel did not recognize Eridi. The memory of his days mocked by his peers in his tribe, and Garadiel did not see Faolan. But the sound of Calantha's madness was the siren's call. He missed his baby sister, he was sorry for what he had allowed to happen.

He shouted, which is unwise if you speak True Speech and completely pointless besides. Luckily for the nearby mortals, a gathering of dragon riders is not generally considered a tourist attraction, and most of the mortals had backed far, far away. Calantha! That's a word nobody wants imprinted on their mind, no matter how much Garadiel means wellby it. There is so much pain, so much anguish, so much hardship in Calantha's life and Garadiel empathized. There is fear as well and a little contempt, and there is regret. Garadiel's regret. A regret that grew over a century, regret that he hadn't found Calantha, a sense of crushing failure, and a sense that he had abandoned her altogether. And there is love, the love burdened by failure and pain, and shame. Shame at his failure to visit, to care, to do anything for Calantha. Defeat and hopelessness, they hang on the air. And now, renewed hope... And fear again, sharper than before. Fear and drums, thunderous, thunderous drums.

No. Calantha's name on Garadiel's lips is not to pleasant to hear. He draws closer.

2010-06-19, 09:45 PM
Calantha and Echo

All this time, Echo has been a silent shadow, giving support to Calantha's mood. When she smiles, he smiles; when she frowns, his frown is intense. Since no one here had met the blind friend before, his cat's eyes were strange... but given that this was Calantha, not really unexpected.

But then, suddenly, he looks across the sea, and he smiles in a very disturbing way. Disturbing, as he seems to have grown a pair of rather feline fangs instead of canine teeth for a moment. Just long enough for the gods and demigod to notice.

"He is coming. The savior of that which shall be. He does not yet know, but his time shall come."

And then Garadiel yells for Calantha, and the emotions roll over the assembled gods, and Echo licks his lips, as if he had just consumed a five-course gourmet meal made by Eridi himself.

And the drumming begins, at the edge of hearing, even after the effects of the True Naming wears off. Looking at Echo is also rather interesting at this point, as he seems more solid and real than everything else around him, even Calantha. And he steps forward with a bow.

"Hail, promised one, brother of my mistress. What errantry brings you here?"

White Blade
2010-06-19, 10:52 PM
Garadiel began to blink. Over and over again. Wasn't this guy the Guy, wasn't he the Cat's Eyed Man? Garadiel... Garadiel was not this guy's promised one. He was not. Garadiel understood, sure. Understanding was miles away from being a promised one. Garadiel marched against Death, he made war on the inevitable, he valued hope so dearly... But the Cat's Eyed Man's world wasn't worth hoping for.

And the drums were beating. Those damn drums. He really was starting to hate the sound of drums. He stared into the man's eyes. Here was the enemy... The enemy! Not, admittedly, the enemy of the tree but the enemy of his family, the enemy of his brother, from whose belt he had seen Aldric's head swing. Except he was too young to be the Cat's Eyed Man. His son? His relative? His reflection? Hard to say.

Garadiel just stared. Shock, dull shock, is not the standard reaction of a God. But, whereas if he had lost his focused and simply noticed him, he would have spoken of him in hatred... Now he was just rather thoroughly confused. Garadiel was curious. He tilted his head and just stared at Echo. He didn't need to open his mouth to say, Huh?

2010-06-20, 01:49 AM
Calantha brushes her fingers over Lucien's forehead and smiles, a knowing smile, one that only grows when she tilts his head up to look into his eyes once more. Leaning forward, she presses a gentle kiss to his brow, then closes her hands over his, the one holding the bandanna, and murmurs "You shall have what you truly wish." And she is content...

(1 Ceremony Spent, Alma's Circlet, description to follow in Nef's next post)

Until Garadiel arrives.


The goddess stiffens with shock and pain and agony; behind her, Apophis flings his head into the air, a gout of his peculiar multicolored flame shooting to the sky, hot enough to blister--were anyone close enough. And Calantha...Calantha claws at the air in front of her as if it were a wall, as if it were a box--


"Don't scream."

Voices in the dark, noises, the rasp of an axe over stone, leering faces, blood, blood and deathpainfearFatherFatherFathernopleasewhyAldric Aldric Aldric ALDRIC--

Betrayal, betrayal by the one who should love her, abandonment and the stars watch they watch he hurts hurts curses lost--oh, Father!--they can hurt me they can hurt me everyone hurt pain run run runrunrunrunrun--

And then the emotions come that are not hers, soul-crushing grief, regret, love weighted by pain and failure and shame and no no nononono...! It is too much for a mind already tortured, already barely holding together, already cracked and fragmented. Calantha's neck is stretched to the limit, tendons standing out in stark relief against her neck; her fingers are hooked into claws, dug into an invisible wall, eyes wide-open and unseeing. She sees nothing around her, nothing; she is lost, completely, and she screams. She screams, and screams, and screams; the horses attached to Eridi's cart stiffen and die in their traces, overwhelmed by the layers of pain grief anger loss love hurt fear that cycle in a vortex of madness around the goddess. It is akin to a hurricane of chaos and lunacy, that tears through the mind and body and leaves one changed forever--if they live. And the scream goes on and on, a wail of pure, unmitigated insanity that bends and warps the mind and the perception of the world; trees look like ocean, ocean looks like sky, the sky looks like blood.

(Spend 1 Major Act: Everything within a mile of the gods is affected, and those mortals not of exceptionally strong constitutions either die or go instantly mad. Though the effect will lessen when Calantha stops screaming, there will be permanent pockets of eldritch wrongness along that stretch of coastline, i.e. spots where there are purple trees growing out of orange rocks, where the sky and earth are reversed, etc. These can be recognized by a careful traveler as shimmering waves, much like a heat-illusion, and thus avoided; stepping into these pockets can have disastrous consequences on life and mental stability.)

Jair Barik
2010-06-20, 02:49 AM
To anyone who may have been watching a strange sight would have befallen their eyes as Nara sailed to the North of the island chain. He had spent long in his efforts and finally been rewarded with the first fruits of his labour. A single seed, perfect in its shape, smooth in its texture and emerald in its colour. Clutching it carefully between two fingers he held it and then threw it out into the sea where it sank like a stone. Nara waited for a few minutes and it quickly seemed as though nothing would happen. Then there came the ripples in the water. Something was moving beneath the waves, something big. The first boughs of the tree breached the surface of the water, a great Silverwood the shattered the sea as it rose up from beneath the waves. All about it, dwarfing the tree itself, an island rose up with it, a mountainous rock covered in plants that stretched high up into the sky with the lone silverwood at the mountains peak. It had worked. He had raised an island up from the waters, an island that was easily inhabitable. The first test was complete, now he must work upon the second.

1 MA-Create highpeak Island

White Blade
2010-06-20, 07:18 AM
The hazard of using True Speech is that it strips away illusion. Partially, it forces you to define, to mean. It also teaches you to see yourself and others as you really see them, and not as you'd like to see them. Sometimes that's a blessing, and you find love beneath the pain and fear. Mostly... Mostly that just hurts. There are lies people tell themselves, about themselves and everyone in their lives, that keep them going. That let them believe in things when things are worse. Garadiel could not do that anymore.

Calantha's screaming unveils no more pain to Garadiel than he already bore and felt beneath the ancient tree. It hurts, of course, and he has little idea what is going on. Illusion though... is no longer the strongest choice against him. But... he hears the mortals screams. There are things you do not do in Garadiel's presence. Wholesale slaughter happens to come among them. He felt the horses die. He felt them all die. All of them. Everyone that met the ground in pain and sorrow. And things were confusing and painful and he didn't quite know what was happening but he was pretty sure it was his fault.

But there are things you don't do in Garadiel's presence. He can't lean in for grip and it hurts to hear the screams and he needs to focus, to say what he means. She needs to stop, now. Mortals dying at her hands is not okay with Garadiel. No one gets to kill. Had his sister given into the Cat's Eyed Man? Was she nothing more than a weapon now? Was she just this crazy? He didn't know.

And at this precise moment, the ever-increasing press of their screams and her scream crushing him, Garadiel did not care. True compassion passed beyond his eyes. Mercy, so frequently his best quality, faltered. Now... Now there was only rage in his eyes.

One step. Another. One more. Toward Calantha. He finds his way. Garadiel is never quite lost. Heat and flame whip about him and ice masks his form. It is a horrifying sight, or would be were he in different company. He draws Final Resort and, when he has drawn close enough, his blade sinks into her chest. Physical pain, the true sign, in Garadiel's opinion, that you are alive. Perhaps Calantha would wake up. Perhaps not. He looked up and saw her eyes.

And he felt horrible. Pity... Pity can pierce a heart as few things can. Garadiel faltered, he almost removed the blade. Then come a dozen more screams, a dozen more deaths, a dozen more lost and angry souls. Garadiel sunk the blade deeper and leaned up to his sister, so close she could feel his breath on her face and could feel, without meaning to, his secrets and his pains beneath the roots of the World Tree, wearing at his heart and his eyes like age beyond memory. Madness meets madness, and ancient secrets almost come flying loose. But the Tree is stronger than Calantha at her best. And secrets remain lodged in his mind which Calantha can never know.

Stop, Garadiel ordered. He commanded. He demanded. If Calantha did not stop, he would stop her and that isn't a threat. That's the way the world is. The Calantha he had watched grow up would have died, even if she knew what that meant, before she killed. Certainly, before she killed so many. If the Cat's Eyed Man or Rafa and Tarik had taken that from her... Then she'd let herself be made a monster. And he wasn't the kind who yielded to monsters. He wasn't thinking that though. He just wanted the screams of the dying to stop.

2010-06-20, 07:47 AM
Echo's Rage

Echo, for some strange reason, is not physically affected by Calantha's scream. Perhaps it is the fact that he seems too real to exist, perhaps it is simply that he has seen things like this before a hundred times over.

But as Garadiel sinks Final Resort into Calantha's chest a second time, Echo grabs Garadiel by the hair and yanks his head back, screaming over the noise and the chaos "YOU SHOULD NOT MAKE HER SCREAM, FORSAKEN BROTHER!" And

the pain of feeling a universe die
a dozen times over
pain and sorrow and anguish
the fear of being forgotten
the fear of dying
a mother's cry
disemboweled on the forest green again
a sister crying alone
the drumming
filling up his head with the beat
so much hatred
so much pain
so much fear
the almighty drumming
in every inch of his soul

And then Echo is embracing Calantha, caring not for the nails that carve crimson furrows in his flesh, whispering to her.
And the memories in her head start to fade out, the emotions of fear and pain fading away, and he is licking his lips again and he pulls out for a moment so everything does not vanish from her head and he whispers "I'm here I'm here you are not alone Never-Never again Echo is here for you."

White Blade
2010-06-20, 08:13 AM
In one culture, and one culture only, Garadiel is known as Asarphal, which means King of the Damned. The drums, the broken worlds Garadiel had seen beneath the World Tree. The pain. The sharp pain. And Agony and Torment, torturing Calantha. Sadness and weaping and rage.

And the drums roll. So... damn.. loud. And Garadiel loses himself to the shadow him, to the King of the Dead. To The Judge. To Damnation. And like moths to the Flame, the newly dead spirit arise around him, wreathed in flames and pain and rage. And the drums roll. They keep rolling. The Damned begin to sing of their pain in tune with the Drums, they screech hatred at their killer and the Cat's Eyed Man. They are extensions of Garadiel's hatred, his rage.

Madness has come this day to the Gods, and naught ends well.

The Damned attack.

1 Major Act to create the Damned, a monster race. It's permanent, even though all of these are probably going to be defeated. They're a mixture of hate-fire and dead soul, and when the fire is either assuaged or put out they stop. But if someone dies consumed by pain or in complete hatred, they'll be born again as one of the Damned. Unpleasant creatures on the whole.

2010-06-20, 08:14 AM
Eridi hadn't been prepared. Perhaps, had he been holding it, Rognir's trinket would have offered some solace to the madness, but watching his family gather, he didn't feel a need to finger it like he had grown to do. When Echo stepped out from the shadows, he wasn't ready to question him. Had he been, he would've asked for his name. Something felt... wrong about this one.

When Garadiel's word washed over him, he wasn't ready for the truth, no, only Garadiel's truth. Eridi felt much the same way about Calantha, but he didn't fear for her. Living among people, he had learned that madness destroyed reason, but created potential. He would try to protect her, but he had never harbored any fears she really needed it.

Then, when Calantha's madness shook him, he really wasn't prepared. Pain, grief, anger, loss, love, hurt, and fear, they crippled him. He felt the sorrow that had passed a hundred years ago, when his siblings had first disappeared. His hurt when his scrying pool couldn't find her, his misery when he had stood over it for days trying to get past the fog of the West. All of it was the feelings of losing Calantha and Phromm again. "Stop it, Callie..." he mumbled, using the name he hadn't used in years.

He couldn't fell to his knees. He was in his forge, and Aldric was there. His idyllic world had been shattered. Calantha was in the hands of those two and he couldn't do anything about it. He was helpless and animalistic rage clouded the surface of his thoughts. If they ever hurt her... "No, not again, not her..." he didn't know why, but he was moving toward his sister, pierced by Garadiel's sword, who that madman had clutched.

He hadn't been ready, but he should of been. Now he was in the ocean, tides buffeting him. There was Alarin, but he couldn't do anything about the poor babe. His mother, they had thrown her in first, but he couldn't see her. Then there was Rognir and he and Alarin were safe, but he was still screaming. "No, please, stop..."

He was at Calantha now, pressing the hammer into her hand. Blood fell freely from his own hand, but he held on tightly. The pain was minuscule in comparison to what these emotions brought him. If it had any true divine properties, he prayed they would show now. All that mattered was for Calantha to stop.

2010-06-20, 08:17 AM
Shen Zhi Shu
At the precise moment the blade sinks into Calantha's chest, a hideous, laughing shriek emerges from Shen Zhi Shu, far away in the Zhang city of Ling Wu. At that moment, all of Rognir's children have the vision of themselves in a hideous, half-dead form in their minds. Rognir is seen as a walking skeleton, leading an army of the dead into the lands of mortal and giant alike from the Uttermost East. Shen Zhi Shu's visage is the strangest. Not merely zombie like or skeletal, it was . . . human. The Shrine's fire is not the glorious gold flame that it was and always has been. It was an ugly dark, green flame that emitted an odd stench that filled the world. Slowly, the smoke filled the world, and wherever the miasma touched the bodies of the dead, their corpse would rise, undead.

Shen Zhi Shu flew onto the top layer of the Great Shrine, up the tower, and peered over the now living dead forest surrounding Xiang Jian, and laughed. His eyes saw the torment of Calantha, the torment of Aldric, all the pain of Rognir, but did not care. His eyes irradiated an energy of pure eldritch horror, which pierced the souls of everyone. And then, the glow suddenly stopped, and within his eyes were pure black within black, with no light in them.

All within the world hear only one word for a split moment. "Muo Gei Yen Lo Wang"
1 Minor Act for the Nightmare word

2010-06-20, 10:35 AM
Raia, Ganrei and Garadiel

Raia gave a rare smile when Ganrei and Garadiel concluded the ceremony. She crossed her arms and looked at Ganrei in the eyes again.
"Congratulations Ganrei, King of Heroes. May Rognir the All-Father look kindly upon your quest. Though it may be difficult, and though I would offer you my aid, this is a path that only you can walk. Farewell. I await the good news coming at the end."
She looked at Garadiel.
"And to you, dear brother... Is there anything that I may do for you today?"

Raia - Later (turn 6)
Sometimes there is a serious consequence

For a long time there had been the reign of Wyvren-riding peoples. This was a start brought by Aldric in his search for his sister long ago. But even in the West and East it was not rare to see them. But the wyvren were decended of the dragons- a much more rare race. In the spreading chaos and changing battles it was now the time for these creatures to reappear. Before in myth they had been known, and then forgotten. Now their stories had been heard even in Chisu and Ebisu. So it was not long before Raia had learned of them again. They had been a bothersome race, but Raia had allowed them to pass as long as they did not annoy others. The Tengu sometimes fought with them, but that was their kind, and so Raia allowed it.

But now something shook in the earth. Something that seemed of timing with the scream of a child. Something of awakened with a vision.

Raia opened her eyes and looked down from the top of Aptokim. The world was changing. There were wars and battles everywhere- people who called to her for aid, and her family also now too. There were things she had to do. The greatest warriors of the world, drawn to her whether by experience or hearing, they would come and with her guidance make it to Toukoku.

But now, the earth had spoken. The ground cracked and was split as with force. A mountain stirred to life with fire and smoke. Raia narrowed her eyes. Words had been spoken and answered somewhere. The vision of Shen also was speaking. But for the earth to become misguided, she acted.
Raia drew Tetsuzou and with a blow, she swung, and cut it down with a powerful blow. Thunder sounded and lightning flashed, and there, within the ashes, fire, and lightning, and it revealed at last, an ancient building. A beautiful temple of carved white stone which told a mysterious history. Raia flicked her sword and the smoke disappeared as Lightning and Thunder returned to her, and she stared at the dark entrance of this temple.
And out of the darkness, a girl wearing a white dress and covered in ash came out. She coughed and winced in the light, and Raia caught her as she fell forward.
"Where am I? Is this Musho?" She asked weakly.

"You are in Toukoku. Rest for the minute." Raia spoke softly. In the next moment Tengu Oneclaw had come with a han of Tengu warriors. Of course the people of Toukoku, and the Tumi and Tengu had all seen the fire and smoke and the storm. But Raia stopped him as she set down the girl. She sent for water. Then she looked at the temple again in silence.

1 Minor Act: Reveal the Ancient Temple
1 Minor Act: Create Character - Myoan - who is she? Where is she from? We will learn soon.:smallredface:

4 Major acts, 4 Minor Acts, 3 Ceremonies

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-20, 03:58 PM
Lucien wept quietly in the alleyway, having crawled slowly backwards during the horrific scene. In the fetal position and leaning against a wall he covers his throbbing head, laying his fingers across the star charms on his brow. With Calantha's blessing, the charms had been imbued with all clarity, foresight, wisdom and love of their previous owner. They were a guard against madness and a mother's love incarnate. The circlet was the only thing that kept his heart from breaking or fading away from despair. And it was the only thing keeping his father at bay. He felt Aldric pressing on his heart and clawing into his mind. Far away in his castle, the lord of fear was being torn apart; he'd felt his sister's pain and he was impotent to avenge her or even comfort her. He screamed at his son to let his powers possess him and Lucien felt the grip of shadow and his own hand laying hold on Despair, locked away in its dark prison. High above the Nightmare screamed, she heard Aldric's call and was not immune to his orders. At her master's behest, she dives and assaults Garadiel, bearing all of Aldric's torment.

Meanwhile, Lucien has finally struggled to his feet and draws his blade to defend himself against the Damned, though his hands tremble and it is a trial not to collapse again.

Creates Artifact: Alma's Circlet -1 Ceremony
4 Major, 6 Minor, 2 Ceremonies left

2010-06-20, 06:10 PM
Ganrei nods, and thanks Raia for her graciousness in granting him a blade with which to cut through the darkness, and for reassuring his heart when it was drowning in doubt.

Thus, he left the abode of Raia, the Goddess of war, and sent forth a messenger hawk North during his stay at an Inn a few miles North when he set in to rest for the night. The messenger hawk bore a challenge to Aldric, The Lord of Fear, and master of shadows. It stated a simple challenge, a time, and a place with the request of no divine acts being used in the fight. Though it would not reach the north for many days, Ganrei continued to journey North, passing through the Savanna's, Deserts, and myriads of environments that were on the southern continent. As he journeyed, he practiced with the massive giants weapon, the weapon far too massive, and heavy for a normal man to wield, but here, it was lightened and his strength was bolstered when he held it. As he practiced he gained confidence, and began to understand the weapon as if it were a part of himself. The weeks passed as he traveled, ever increasing stories of the Damned, the horrible apparitions of the dead borne of suffering, and malice.. They would be dealt with one day.

For now, The King of Heroes turns his attention northward, for his first.. or final... confrontation with Fear itself. To prove himself worthy of his divine blood, and to show that he is better than his lineage would suggest.

2010-06-20, 06:14 PM
goddess enchantine ill kept secret of memory lost/x spring king deux

It started with the owls. The damned owls. Clockwork bodies and fine hats, just sitting on the hearth, watching with their golden eyes. Tick tick tick. Not there, just out of the corner of her eyes. Why won't they stop smiling at her?

Then they got into her head and shifted things around. Who was Bernadine? The Adusans? The mighty Jaeger, mark of the Imperial Nobles. She would crave Chilian tea, lick her metal lips at the thought of biting into a Meijan Ruby. She remembered, but she didn't remember right or too well yes too many old memories.

She started calling the djinn by the names of gods long dead, and the worst part is that she would see their faces the first time, feel their auras, know them for a long-lost sibling until she was shaken awake by her servants.

Then the djinns had his crooked smile and his too-green eyes, and then she would see him juggling his head in the garden she didn't have, or luxuriating on her couch, and she would remember how he had gotten there even though he hadn't been a moment before.

The owls were there all the time now. So were the drums. The djinn wouldn't stop playing them, so loud, so wild, because they didn't want her to forget. Damn djinn. They kept inserting themselves into her memories when they didn't belong there, and sometimes they'd even just appear before her like specters, the illegimitate children of debased winds, and she knew it was true because the owls told her so.

No. That's wrong. She is a memory but she is stronger than this. She knows, but they're memories too and there are so many and so strong. So she closes away a hidden part of her mind and thinks, while she has tea with the jaeger-kitten and the Haridan of the Ides. And then she knows, but it will take so much power, so very very much. But they were sloppy. They have waited too long and they are desperate, so they made the mistake.

She knows how to keep them out. She knows, even if it will take so much, and the Once And Again King does not know that she knows. It will be difficult, but such is her burden. To death itself.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-20, 08:03 PM
Sovvenia - The Sound of Drums

The Lady of Reminiscence, she who was called Thunder Bird by the Stormseekers, sat alone in her sanctum. Or so it seemed, but in reality Sovvenia was never really alone; she was never allowed a moment of rest. Even after sending all the jinns away - she was unable to look at their distorted faces anymore - the echoes of things long dead harassed her constantly, invading ever conscious moment. The oldest of them all was the Once and Again King. And his influence was overwhelming. Those eyes...she was so sick of them!

But now she had devised a plan. Now was the time to claim back her destiny. A mere glimpse of the King's ambitions were enough to completely terrorize a sane person...yet Sovvenia faced it all with a determination unmatched, for many days, months even. And as she tricked her agressors to think she was slowly descending into madness, her body and mind ready for the taking, she acted. Opening a quick portal, she sought her dear sister...


Sovvenia, Calantha, Garadiel, Echo and co. - Last Resorts

Among the chaos, few noticed the storm clouds rapidly covering the sky. But they were there, and in a matter of seconds, a powerful storm hit the area of Shale. And for the third time since her ascension, Sovvenia dropped unexpectedly on Eridi; poor guy, he's always there when there's trouble! She looked incredibly tired, almost unable to keep her eyes open without a great effort, and she was shaking, badly.

"I know... I know. I KNOW! Garadiel, I have found so many answers! It was right there, all that time. Right there... Do you hear the drums? The never-ending drumbeat?

Today it stops. I will make it stop."

Sovvenia painfully walked to Echo, staring into his unnatural emerald eyes. Her armor crackled with electricity. However the constant seeping smoke stopped, and for a few moments, magnificent, bright wings of white light appeared on the goddess' back.

Sovvenia stretched her arm. The clouds roared. Flashes of light. And a great lightning shot from her fingtertips towards her enemy. Echo watched, bewildered. The energy didn't burn him at all, but he felt every streak of electricty passing through his body. And soon a flood of visions from every human, giant and immortal seeking to protect the World from the invasion entered him, only to break out...elsewhere.

The winds were terribly strong. The force of the storm backed the goddess up as she unleashed all her righteous fury on Those Who Wait Beyond. But it was also extremely taxing to her. The once beautiful diamonds on Sovvenia's face turned into ash and cinder.

"Those Who Wait Beyond cry in pain! The Once and Again King is retreating! His channel into this world, turned against Him and his hideous army!"

More lightning. Almost deafening thunder. The Lady turned her head slightly to look at her siblings. And her nephew.

"This is my gift to you. It will give you precious time. Continue the fight... But don't become the mission. Live! Rejoice! Change yourselves, change the world... Make it so it is worth fighting for, for everyone. And, first and foremost..."

The energy overwhelmed her. Sovvenia knew what was needed to do for the cause. As the Simurgh burns and dies, though, it gives LIFE. A boy with skin of ebony, somewhere.

"...don't forget."

Sovvenia shouted; a terrible shout, a shout of pain, sadness, but also of victory and hope. And finally the link was broken. Shining golden tendrils formed in the sky, stretching from the North Pole to the South, and again from the House in the Uttermost East to the Metropolis of the West. Much like a giant net. The tendrils eventually faded away, but their protection remained, though unseen. The Herald of the Tree smiled one last time before crumbling into dust, her divine armor falling on the ground, then sinking deep into the earth where none could reach it.

Sovvenia was finally put to rest. Her memory joined those of the world's ancestors. Joined Azura.

OOC: Burn every remaining act on protecting this reality from Those Who Wait Beyond

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-20, 08:30 PM
As Ganrei's boat nears the rocky, cold shores of Givreterre he spots a fisherman on the beach. He was busy repairing a snag in his line and didn't seem to notice the boat. Although it was midday the sun was blocked behind a curtain of fog. It was going to be an early autumn, and a cold one. The fisherman was dressed for the occasion with a long, brown leather coat and a wool cap pulled down over his ears. Giving up on his line, he throws his into the coarse sand with an exasperated sigh and a string of silky curses. Finally, as Ganrei approaches (presumably to ask for directions, since he had yet to receive a reply from Aldric) the tired looking local pulls a pair of cigarettes from his tin and gestures towards the warrior before fishing for his tinderbox.

"Bonjour. Tu fume, monsieur?"

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-20, 09:34 PM
A sandstorm swept the eastern coast of the Emerald Sea, the body of water separating the island of Hywtha from Negeb. The storm died quickly, at the exact same moment Sovvenia drew her last breath, on the other side of the continent. There was a thunderous noise. The ancient Temple-City of the Zamzumites, borrowed by Sovvenia to serve as her base of operations, took back its place on top of the cliffs. The tempest of memories that the divine sanctuary had once been was no more, but some still call the remains of Sovvenia's inner sanctum the Anamnesis Oracle in her honor. The Shades knew their time in the material realm was over. They gradually turned into mere paintings on the walls of the temple.

Meanwhile, a boy in a secluded monastery received a crimson, leather-bound book featuring a many-branched tree on its cover. It was his by right.

2010-06-20, 10:14 PM
Aria had finally gotten out of the meeting. It was nearing dusk, so she decided to go to her favorite haunt for a quick bite to eat before she went home. There are two types of good food, gourmet and local. This place, so close to the gates it was more used by travelers than citizens, was the latter. Greasy and quick, it was nonetheless delicious.

This part of the city was loud and obnoxious, at least, until the drunks passed out, so she could be forgiven to not notice the guards screaming at the top of their lungs. When she did realize, she went to see what the ruckus was. She was, after all, in charge of the city while Eridi was away. Walking briskly to the town gates, it was like a battlefield was being prepared before her. Not often did the guards mobilize, but when they did, it was a sight to see. Pushing her way through, it disrupted their formation, but none were stupid enough to try to stop her. Every resident knew Aria.

Walking briskly towards them was a form that more befitted the title of beast rather than man. Apparently, the forward scouts had noticed this and alerted the guard. "Fools," she muttered underneath her breath, "young, stupid, blood-crazed fools..." Walking in front of the column, she slapped away the guard's hand when he tried to stop her. "You!," she screamed, "Are you one of Eridi's kine?!" It was obvious to her he had come here alone for a reason, and one this strange had to have divine blood somewhere. Either he was friend, and she could help him, or he was foe, and the guards wouldn't stop anything.

2010-06-20, 10:55 PM
The pain is immediate, and intense, and Calantha's scream cuts off abruptly, as though she has been choked. Her fingers dig into Echo's flesh, and she struggles to breathe, to take one more breath, just one more, to fight through the pain and the madness--which is lessening, though she doesn't know why, and her head feels too empty and not empty enough--and when her eyes clear she staggers a little, in shock. She cannot move far; the sword through her breast denies her that, and when she looks into Garadiel's eyes her own bear the weight of her horror and shame and guilt. If she turns her head, she can see them...the few mortals that had lingered, out of morbid curiosity, dead or raving. She sees Lucien, trembling so badly he's barely able to stand upright; Eridi, ravaged by her mind. The Nightmare is attacking Garadiel, and her full force is only held back because he is so close, so very close.

"Oh, Father, what have I done..." There is naked horror in her voice, and shame, and guilt, and her wild eyes look up to Echo, who is her only friend, and all she wants to do is go home...!

The totem, her doll, still tucked securely in her dress, feels this; she and Echo vanish, by virtue of her nails being dug into his skin, and Garadiel's sword vanishes with them, still impaled in Calantha's body. He is left holding thin air; Eridi's trinket falls to the ground, and Apophis launches himself into the sky without a single sound, huge wings beating as he wheels about to go North. The tableau is left in eerie silence.

At her home, the goddess sobs, in pain and grief; the rain drives against the windows, and the servants hide from the tumultuous shifts and twists in the inner walls of her home.

"Aldric..." She weeps, she weeps her brother's name, she weeps it with pain and need and grief. "Aldric, Aldric oh it hurts Father, what did I do, oh Father...Aldric, your son your son I am sorry sorry sorry it hurts...!"

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-20, 11:20 PM
Aldric was there in a flash, stepping out of the great door that linked his castle to her private sanctum. The burning, shadowy aura that had engulfed him moments prior flickered away. His normally handsome face is contorted with grief and impotent rage. Garadiel's sword blinks away as it's consumed by shadows, sent to the Nether to keep Despair company for now. He fell down to his knees and cradled Calantha against him. Through Lucien's eyes he'd managed to see the horror. His gloved fingers hovered over the still bleeding wound and threads of shadow clenched her body shut. Instead of answer, Aldric only hugs his sister tightly and brings Despair to his hand and the two slip through darkness to Home.

At Rognir's great door he stands with his baby sister in his arms. His legs freeze with trepidation and he lacks the audacity to call out to his Father. He still had much for which he resented Rognir, but for his sister he easily put aside his pride.

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-20, 11:57 PM
The valley of Toukoku had seen warriors from all corners of the known world flock to their lands in hopes of getting into the service of the Thunder Maiden, she who was sometimes called Kensei Raia, the greatest weapon master and strategist of them all. However nothing had quite prepared them for this. At the time of the cherry tree flowering, a most peculiar man of rock and metal, with a stature rivaling that of the tallest Tumi, travelled the main road followed by a few humans in monk attire and a host of dark clouds. The people of the valley feared the golem at first, but they soon realized he had a divine grace, and thinking he must have been summoned by Raia, decided to let him be.

At last the odd fellowship arrived at the base of Mt. Aptokim, where they came to meet with the Thunder Maiden. The golem introduced himself as Ruah. Raia sensed almost immediately Ruah's connection to Sovvenia - but strangely, at the same time, a connection to Shen - and thought the exarch had been sent by her sister. He calmly explained to her what fate had befallen on the goddess of memory. At this point the sky was clear; the clouds following Ruah and his companions were gone. The golem then stepped aside, revealing the other reason for his visit. Raia now gazed upon a short athletic teen, no older than sixteen, with skin and tied back hair of ebony, dressed only in a fiery red tunic tied around the waist with a cloth belt, with a scapular over it and a cowl attached. A tattoo representing a red-orange bird unknown to Raia - something like a cross between a peacock and a bird of prey - appeared on his forehead. He was carrying a bag. The boy looked rather relaxed, maybe even a bit uncaring.

"This is the Lady's son."

"So you're my famous aunt -" Ruah turned to the young man and gave him a cold stare; not like he had any other kinds of stare... "- I mean I'm honored to finally meet you, Raia-sensei. I'm Celestan. I grew up in the South. For the past few months anyway. 'Tis my first time around these parts. I was sick of those monastery walls, so that's a good thing. I'm here to learn from you about warfare and...whatever you think's important enough, I guess."

Celestan bit his lower lip.

"Hmm, there's no war at home right now, but there will be someday...and better be prepared, right? But whatever I got to do to become better with my abilities, I'll do! I'd just...just like to do something with my life and help people, you know? Achieve something positive, and not just for me."

To Kasanip:
OOC: I certainly do not intend to disturb your current story about that girl and that ancient temple. :smallsmile: Celestan's arrival to Toukoko should probably happen some time after that. Feel free to do the two stories alongside or simply finish yours and do Celestan afterwards, if you don't have much time to write.

2010-06-21, 06:01 AM
As Ganrei's boat nears the rocky, cold shores of Givreterre he spots a fisherman on the beach. He was busy repairing a snag in his line and didn't seem to notice the boat. Although it was midday the sun was blocked behind a curtain of fog. It was going to be an early autumn, and a cold one. The fisherman was dressed for the occasion with a long, brown leather coat and a wool cap pulled down over his ears. Giving up on his line, he throws his into the coarse sand with an exasperated sigh and a string of silky curses. Finally, as Ganrei approaches (presumably to ask for directions, since he had yet to receive a reply from Aldric) the tired looking local pulls a pair of cigarettes from his tin and gestures towards the warrior before fishing for his tinderbox.

"Bonjour. Tu fume, monsieur?"

Ganrei is certainly confused by the use of a foreign dialect, but communication is a good part body language, and he can infer what he means by the proffered.. thing.... he had seen some of the Noble's in the western metropolis stick similar things in their mouths, and light the ends on near by heat sources.. but they had always produced such a noxious odor that left him with a bad taste in his mouth just being around one. However, The King of Heroes gets nowhere being rude, so with a polite nod, and a raised hand he refuses the cigarette as he says.

"I appreciate the offer sir, but I have no time to waste on such luxuries. I am seeking Eldmore Valley, for I have a preordained meeting with it's master.. Would you be able to point me in the direction of Eldmore Valley?"

He says in an attempt to communicate through the language barrier, with.. well he doesn't exactly know how much success yet, but he hopes that he'll get across the point that he needs to know how to get to Eldmore Valley from here.

2010-06-21, 07:14 AM
The House

Have you ever tasted loneliness on your tongue, felt despair in every step, and known emptiness in your soul? This is what coming to the House now feels like; no fire burns at the window, the forge is cold, the doors are bolted, and the skies above are gray. The wind howls dirges, and the cold is terrible.

The door is shut. No power on earth or heaven can open it without Rognir's consent.


Forgotten like a cast-off toy, Echo remains in the Sanctum of Delirium, and the house itself feels his anguish. He goes through rooms, screaming, drumming, trying to keep up the noise in his head.

Until he collapses on the floor, sobbing in fear and loneliness. He has failed, and the voice has stopped yelling; its echo cannot stay long, he knows. He lies there, waiting for his mistress.

2010-06-21, 07:33 AM
Rognir's Home


The sword is gone, but its blade has bitten deep, and left a stain on Calantha's soul. She is a small, frail thing, curled there in her brother's arms; a shudder races through her, at the emptiness here. The dark tang of loneliness, like blood, teases at her tongue; the chill of the wind makes her cool skin colder still, tinging it with blue at her fingertips.

She has not the power for even the smallest warmth. She has not the strength for even the most minute of changes, here where the very air itself is a struggle to breathe against, where tears prick the corners of her eyes.

"Daddy..." The word is a whisper, the pleading desperation of a wounded, frightened child.

"Help me..."

The Sanctum

One does not work overlong in the home of the Mistress of madness without becoming immune to certain...strangenesses in life. So it was with Nenetl, one of the oldest of Calantha's doll-servants; she had spent much time in this house, and though the Mistress was not present, Echo was. And he suffered.

She is not afraid of madness, and so comes to him, curiously childlike in stature but with wisdom and compassion in her eyes, with a blanket and a pillow and tea.

"Hush, now...here." Her voice is the gentleness of a mother, the sweetness of a sister. "She'll be back. This is her home, and she always comes back."

2010-06-21, 07:53 AM
Raia - Myoan and the Emiyu

The ash-covered girl was brought to Raia's hall and given water and cleaned. And when Raia looked at the girl, she frowned and thought in silence, sending all away from her hall except for Ya-un-Kurumi, who had speedily come at her call. Now he gazed upon the girl and saw why Raia's expression had changed.
This girl was not human, though she could easily be mistaken.
Her hair was black from ash, but in the light of Raia's hall it was blue beneath. Her ears were a little pointed, and her ash robes seemed to hide secret patterns and decorations beneath. She wore a disc at her side on a sash, though it was also ash-colored.

Ya-un-Kurumi looked at Raia as she waited, silent. At last the girl woke up and in confusion she gasped and sat up quickly.
"Where am I? Is this Musho?" She asked again in panic. Raia shook her head.
"You are awake, but you should rest. Your strength needs to be recovered. This is not Musho. This is the Hall of Raia, goddess of war and daughter of Rognir, the All-Father. There is no place safer except maybe the hall of Shen in Zhang, so be peaceful."
The girl looked at Ya-un-Kurumi now, and he saw she had red eyes, though they were still scared. He gave her a comforting smile, and reluctantly she lay down.

"I don't know your name, Goddess Raia, but the name of y-your father is known. I fear I am lost now that I have come here. I did what was forbidden, and now I am captured." The girl lamented. Raia put her hand on the girl's arm.

"Quiet yourself and explain. First, who you are, the temple that has appeared, and why you have this trouble on your shoulders."

And so the girl began to explain.
"My name is Myoan, of the Emiyu. We were nearly destroyed by the one who now you called 'All-Father' in the wars of creation... Our great cities were destroyed and buried, and almost all of us were killed in the disasters, the monsters of chaos, and wars. But the rest of us came to the great temple, and we fled through the gate to another realm, and the gate was sealed behind us so no one could follow-"

She stopped and looked at Raia and Ya-un-Kurumi. She looked white.

"No, I have told His daughter our secrets, now we will all be killed!" She said in horror and despair.

"Listen Myoan of the Emiyu, the lady Raia has no intention to hurt you or your people. She has saved you and treated you with concern." The boy said. Raia nodded in silence.

Myoan spoke again.

"Forgive me. I opened the gate again. It had been so many years, I desired to see the paradise again - Musho...our original home. I wanted to see it again, and so I opened the gate. But now I am afraid. I do not know how long it has been, or what I should do."


Raia and an Oath- Celestan comes

Raia had come before Ruah and heard his story. It had not been unexpected to Raia, though she met the news with a little wistfulness. One of her sisters had gone now. Was she in Garadiel's halls? What would the future hold for her?

But Raia was the goddess of war, and death was a companion she was long used to. Her brother's work, and the crimson robes she wore was just a sign of this.

She put her eyes on Celestan now, and she saw how different they were. This boy had potential to be a deity...but with the attitude of his, it would be a long time. He had no direction. Maybe that is why he had come here. So many had tried to come here with focus already.
"You may leave." She said to Ruah and the group. This was no place for them. It was a bitter irony maybe, that Celestan had wanted to be free from a monastery, and he had come to Toukoku.

Raia gestured for Celestan to come to where she stood, and then pointed with an open palm to the valley.
"Greetings to you, my nephew Celestan, son of Sovvenia. Though you may have dream or inspiration, or something you wish to achieve.... First look at this valley.
Open your eyes.
And tell me what you see."

To Omnik:

I will try to do both.

2010-06-21, 07:57 AM
The House

The bolt slams back in the door, and the great doors of Rognir's Hall swing open. The hall within is dark and empty, but before their eyes the torches flare up in their sockets. The doors leading out of the hall are still shut, but the house has welcomed the injured children in.


Echo does not look upwards to address Nenetl, but continues to stare off into space. "It's too late. They stopped. The drums, I, I, can't hear them. Going to forget, be lost, can't fall asleep or else I'll be voiddarkness. My head, so empty, can't hear them, can't hear him, lost and forgotten. I, I don't want to be forgotten." A sob chokes in his throat for a moment. "Never did, but I failed so I'll be lost."

Jair Barik
2010-06-21, 08:04 AM
The land was changing. Becoming greener, more verdant, filled with a richness of life. Once arid deserts now had water running through them and grasses beggining to grow along their banks. In the coldest reaches of the northern continent forests began to grow, filled with trees and plants that could wether the coldness that filled those lands. On the southernmost of the eastern islands a mountain rose up at the heart of the land and from its peak burst a great rolling stream of water that carved a path westward creating life in its wake. The north west most of the eastern isles was hit by great rains that gave rise to a mighty lake at its centre, a lake that when the natives explored they found to be filled with fish and plants producing great possibilities for fishing and farming along the shore. This did not of course all happen at once, it happenned over time and at each place there was no sign of a divinity, no God seemed to take credit for these geographical changes but each seemed to bring life to the land effected.

1 ma-create a mighty lake in the centre of the NW island of the eastern islands.
1 ma-create a mountain in the centre of the southern most eastern island with a river running west from it.
1 ma-create hardy forests in the icy north of Givreterre
1 ma-Create a river flowing down from the mountains headed east through Airter's Kingdom.
1 ma-Create a river flowing down from the mountains headed west through the Great desert of Forlorn sands

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-21, 09:52 AM
Raia and Celestan

Celestan opened his eyes wide and looked around the valley, visibly confused by the question.

"Um... I see the homeland of a proud and strong people. I see a land that has been forged in blood and sweat. I see a narrow pass that is easily defended against potential invaders, but seems poor in natural resources, except maybe for copper and clay."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-21, 01:10 PM
The fisherman nods and leisurely deposits the spare cigarette back into his tin before lighting his own and taking a long drag. Mouth agape, the smoke streams over his lips and into his nose before being snorted out again. Finally he turns his eyes away from the sea and back to the warrior.

"People with business in the Vale fly into the Vale. The Master does not look kindly on people who have to knock on the front door, hein? Never did... but now with the state of things?"

His accent is ridiculously thick and the words bubble up like he's at the bottom of a lake. A moment passes as he looks over Ganrei and decides the man is very foreign indeed.

"The sovereigns of the bordering kingdoms grow weary of living in the shadow. The aristocracy of the Vale suffocates their trade and the Dracliers will not allow them to raise an army. But eh... why have you come, monsieur?"

Rognir's Hall

The hell is he? His wounded daughter had already called out to him, what more cajoling did he need to come to their aid? Grimacing, Aldric makes his way into the hall.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-21, 02:28 PM
Hyb; Southern Continent

"Yes. My name is Phromm, and Eridi is my brother. Is he in?" Phromm smiles, revealing his very sharp and extremely pointy teeth. "Is there something wrong? Those shelled people behind you seem aggressive. And I didn't even bring my Worm." Phromm hasn't encountered metal armour before, it seems. Although, whilst he hunts giants, he personally doesn't hunt humans, so it is possible that it is present in the areas around the Orofolk Tribelands, not that it helps much against Bugbears or Giant Ice Worms.

2010-06-21, 04:48 PM
The fisherman nods and leisurely deposits the spare cigarette back into his tin before lighting his own and taking a long drag. Mouth agape, the smoke streams over his lips and into his nose before being snorted out again. Finally he turns his eyes away from the sea and back to the warrior.

"People with business in the Vale fly into the Vale. The Master does not look kindly on people who have to knock on the front door, hein? Never did... but now with the state of things?"

His accent is ridiculously thick and the words bubble up like he's at the bottom of a lake. A moment passes as he looks over Ganrei and decides the man is very foreign indeed.

"The sovereigns of the bordering kingdoms grow weary of living in the shadow. The aristocracy of the Vale suffocates their trade and the Dracliers will not allow them to raise an army. But eh... why have you come, monsieur?"

Ganrei sighs, rubbing his forehead a bit, he then begins in his clear, deep enough to be manly, but not so deep as to hurt the ears of near by dogs saying to the gruff, and rather noxious smelling fisherman.

"I have a prearranged duel with "The Master" of that place. I sent forward by courier hawk. I need directions to the vale, as I am new to this land. I can arrange my own means of reaching the place, and I know it's North East, but simply journeying that far.. would not be favorable."

Thus, he looks back at the small craft he had journeyed here on, and sighs.

"I'd be willing to pay you for directions, and a horse if you have one to spare."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-21, 05:58 PM
"Quelle honte. I would think if he invites you to his home for a duel he would give you proper directions, non?"

The fisherman takes time to stretch his back while chuckling to himself. Then half the cigarette turns to ash for the sake of blowing a series of rather impressive smoke rings. The moisture in the air helps them hang around.

"Turn back monsieur. Lord Elmdore cannot be defeated in battle. If you value your life, get back in your boat and forget this place. Whatever your reason for fighting him... it is not worth the horrors you will face."

He seems unwilling to part with directions, much as one would be if they'd been asked for the quickest route to a cliff where one could could jump off.

2010-06-21, 06:06 PM
"Quelle honte. I would think if he invites you to his home for a duel he would give you proper directions, non?"

The fisherman takes time to stretch his back while chuckling to himself. Then half the cigarette turns to ash for the sake of blowing a series of rather impressive smoke rings. The moisture in the air helps them hang around.

"Turn back monsieur. Lord Elmdore cannot be defeated in battle. If you value your life, get back in your boat and forget this place. Whatever your reason for fighting him... it is not worth the horrors you will face."

Ganrei is not abated by the claims, and sighs again, was he really so inobvious as to have his fame not stretch out to even a coastal town of the northern continent?

Very well then, he would just have to settle with this for now.. as odd as it felt to finally not be known.

"Ah, sir, but you don't understand. I am The Lord's Nephew. A son of his brother. I have come here to prove myself.. worthy of being a proper member of the family. The duel is hardly to the death, and is more a.. gentlemen's engagement. If you'd be as kind as to direct me to.. Lord Eldmore's Estate. I'd be ever so grateful."

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-21, 06:27 PM
"It's greatness that you seek then, is it? Non, monsieur, there is nothing great about battle. Honor is a lie people with power tell those without it. I think, hein, all that matters is who is quick and who is dead. To fight is to see what is worst about us. Sport? Hardly, monsieur, it is practice for later acts of savagery. Only monsters fight, and desperation and suffering make monsters of us all."

He jerks his head towards the distant mountains. The cigarette falls from his lips and he crushes it into the damp sand.

"If you continue on, you will become a monster like him. You will suffer. You will learn the meaning of pain and terror. You do not look like a desperate man, mon petit prince. Do not seek to become one..."

2010-06-21, 07:34 PM
"It's greatness that you seek then, is it? Non, monsieur, there is nothing great about battle. Honor is a lie people with power tell those without it. I think, hein, all that matters is who is quick and who is dead. To fight is to see what is worst about us. Sport? Hardly, monsieur, it is practice for later acts of savagery. Only monsters fight, and desperation and suffering make monsters of us all."

He jerks his head towards the distant mountains. The cigarette falls from his lips and he crushes it into the damp sand.

"If you continue on, you will become a monster like him. You will suffer. You will learn the meaning of pain and terror. You do not look like a desperate man, mon petit prince. Do not seek to become one..."

"I do not seek glory, but merely to prove myself above my lineage, to prove myself an able man able to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and to maybe quench the torrent of terror, and death that wells from the land of shadow. I seek not personal gain, monetary reward, or fame. I seek only justice for years of torment, and fear mongering. To protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to cast aside tyranny even faced with overwhelming adversity. That is courage."

He says with a nod, in an attempt to assure the man that he is no coward, and no hero to be taken lightly.

"I am Ganrei, the King of Heroes, and Son of Ateris. I have come to engage in formal combat with Aldric, Lord of Fear, and Wyvern Lord. If you will not guide me to his abode, then I will make my own way."

2010-06-21, 08:11 PM
"Nah, your brother's not here. He left, oh, when was it? About a week ago to get to the coast. Said he was off to see Shen Zhi Shu." His teeth didn't really scare her, Eridi had taught Aria of his siblings in case they were ever to come while he was away. He'd avoided Phromm, but if one of his siblings could be the splitting image of a limping tree? Well, it wouldn't be quite so odd for one to have pointy teeth.

Looking behind her, she suddenly got very annoyed. "You! Yes you, ya stupid greenhorns! Get back in town and stop the fighting at the bars, there's no problem here! One of your patron's kine! Get back behind those walls, and stop acting like fresh-behind-the-ears recruits for once!" Turning around only when they broke rank, she immediately changed back to her conversational tone. "Just a plague of young fools going around. Smart enough to get dressed by themselves but too dumb to figure friend from foe without a good tussle first. Now, I'm missing my dinner hour, so you want directions to Shale where your brother went, or are you going to join me?"

Shale - Eridi and Company Remaining

Eridi was in shock. His brother had shown up to attack Calantha, and Sovvenia had appeared just to crumble to dust before his eyes. All around him were the spirits of the Damned, freed by Garadiel to suffer even more. Picking up the trinket from where it had fallen when Calantha left, he began to weep, not in sadness, but rage. "So, brother, it would seem the Wolf-Age is upon us at last. I would've never guessed it would be you, so faithful to the family, that would've brought it about. 'Brother will fight brother' indeed. Father may have been able to read the stars, but he couldn't quite tell the limits of your cowardice, could he?"

Eridi understood Garadiel's word earlier. All of it, justification for his hatred of her, his contempt for the innocent. Didn't his torture of those who were cursed to keep walking support this? Why else would he try to kill her? "Go, Garadiel the Betrayer, go and run to those who share your disease West of here. Know this, if I ever see you again, you won't escape. Death can't save you forever." Standing, Eridi turned his back on his brother. No, only his half-brother, tied to him only by a few strands of blood. Eridi hoped that's what fell to the ground now, from his still bleeding hand.

Walking to the cart, Eridi took one of the swords he had brought for trade. He may not have been the best swordsman, but he wasn't terrible. Garadiel was sacrosanct until he could get permission from Rognir, but these Damned. Eridi could put a few out of their misery. No human deserved to suffer like they did. Focusing on the last words of Sovvenia, he couldn't make heads or tails of half of it, but the last two words he'd remember until the day he died. He would never forget what happened today. Unsheathing the sword, he drew but one rune on it, meaning "rest" and written in his own blood. The enchantment wouldn't last, but it should help cull these abominations.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-21, 08:51 PM
"Enjoy your last few moments of ignorance, kid. There is no justice, there is no glory. There is only suffering and those still alive to bear it."

His accent vanished and the fisherman slung off his heavy coat and revealed the leather armor beneath. He seems taller than a moment before, his bare arms bulge and his leather gauntlets creak as he flexes. The coat whips through the air and the dirty brown burns away to reveal navy blue; the handsome number slides back onto his shoulders in the same motion. The cap comes off and he shakes his pony tail free. When next he opens his eyes, they appear lit behind with a fell, malevolent, green fire.

"Blessed are those who we warriors cannot protect. They shall have rest and we shall have none. Ours is the power to walk the earth forever and reminisce on our failures while all we love turns to ruin."

He levels his arm at Ganrei and extends a finger. The sun winks out and the fog clears. Suddenly the world is much much colder. Aldric's voice is the sound of a block of ice being shorn in two.

"Turn back, boy. You will not survive this unchanged..."


Having regained a bit of his courage by watching Eridi, Lucien staggers from the alleyway and goes to stand back to back with his master. Glittering silver light trailed from the edge of his blade. The young man was no unchanged by the horrors he'd just lived through. His hair was stark white and there was an ephemeral flicker behind his eyes. The maddening screams had burned away the grime of his mortality and Rognir's blood shone through for now.

"Do... do you think Calantha will be all right?"

White Blade
2010-06-21, 09:04 PM
Let us pause and reflect. There has been pain in these last few moments. There is more pain to come. This is far from how things ought have been. Garadiel and Calantha... Surely, if the world Rognir had made favored any, it would favor them. Surely, a kind and merciful man who took the responsibility for himself and other people would be able to live in peace. Surely, a joyous girl with nothing but kindness in her ways, surely she, at least, would recieve happiness and not misery at the foot of Rognir's world.

But nothing is free to the weak and the foolish. Rognir's world was built to make men mighty, not to make men good. Rognir is no more the kind lord than he is the humble one. Do you want to read onward in this tale of woe? Are you sure? Than look further down, and see what has become of the maddened son of Rognir.

The Damned seemed to lose all cohesion and Garadiel's flesh returned at Eridi's words. He remembered what had just happened and he felt the drums, so much quieter now but still loud like thunder to mortal ears. Calantha was clearly the tool of the Cat's Eyed Man. She had taken his sword with her, of course, but it was little import. Eridi's words reached him, and he felt unjustly treated. He had been mystically assaulted by pure madness. But it was of little import.

What had he done? The Drums... It was the drums... They had caused this. He tried to speak... To explain himself... But all he could make were the primitive gurgling noises. He watched as the Damned attacked him, Eridi, Faolan... And he knew he had damned them. So he set to work. It is slow work, he pits out the hate fire with elemental water and then takes the soul to the Underworld so it isn't reinfected with the fire. He ingores Eridi, ignores Faolan, inores everyone. He would never be able to stop the Damned now. They had a place now, in who he was, and he could never shut it up again.

And the drums roll, but Garadiel ignores them... For now, at least, he is the hero again. For now... But how long can you resist the pounding noise of a thousand angry, mad drums.

2010-06-21, 10:27 PM
The House

There is a room in the house at the end of the world, that any mortal doctor would commit murder and the foulest crimes simply to step into and gaze upon the secrets that Rognir holds within. It is a room of life, a room that holds knowledge from every corner of the world in the ways of healing.

One of the doors on the western side of the hall pulls back its bolt and opens, and where there should be a long hallway there is the room of life. The torches flicker for a moment, restless.


Cults are nebulous things. The Blackwings evacuate Hyb, but the trade routes of Eridi's people have become fraught with danger. Being a well-organized crime ring, it still survives in the south.
The Araphim claim that their god moves in mysterious ways, and some are swayed to the side of the cult after seeing an Araphim priest lift impossible weights to save others, burning with an inner light. They are especially strong in Iuvenis, where the people know little of the gods first-hand.

But the cults are not the only dangers in the world. Travelers in the eastern isles and the coastal regions of the continents begin to report monsters roaming about, when they do not simply disappear, never to be seen again. In Zhang, the heart of the world's knowledge, they are called Shinen.
And most disturbingly, they seem similar to the Forsaken. Perhaps what Garadiel has unleashed is darker than he intended...

2010-06-21, 10:44 PM
The House

With every step Aldric takes, Calantha's grip grows tighter in her brother's shirt; she is not relieved, to be here. She does not take comfort in this place, this hall of empty, chill wind, of restless flames, of doors that open to places where they should not go and rooms that suddenly appear where they should not be. This place is not welcoming, and it is not her home...

"Aldric..." Calantha whispers her brother's name, as they approach this room of life; she cannot force her voice to go any higher. "Aldric...I'm...I'm scared...I feel...like we're trespassing...like...we shouldn't be here..."

The Sanctum

Nenetl is not immune to the sorrow and fear choking Echo; she doesn't know, rightly, who he is, just that he appears a young, terrified man. And though she and the others started out as sentient dolls, they have their own emotions, their own loves and hates and fears...and so without further ado the doll-servant settles down next to Echo, and her fingers begin to tap out a staccato beat on the teapot. The house feels the beat, and echoes it, reverberates it...it is not the drums of Echo's mind, but it is a far cry from the silence that had filled the home before.

2010-06-22, 12:18 AM
"Enjoy your last few moments of ignorance, kid. There is no justice, there is no glory. There is only suffering and those still alive to bear it."

His accent vanished and the fisherman slung off his heavy coat and revealed the leather armor beneath. He seems taller than a moment before, his bare arms bulge and his leather gauntlets creak as he flexes. The coat whips through the air and the dirty brown burns away to reveal navy blue; the handsome number slides back onto his shoulders in the same motion. The cap comes off and he shakes his pony tail free. When next he opens his eyes, they appear lit behind with a fell, malevolent, green fire.

"Blessed are those who we warriors cannot protect. They shall have rest and we shall have none. Ours is the power to walk the earth forever and reminisce on our failures while all we love turns to ruin."

He levels his arm at Ganrei and extends a finger. The sun winks out and the fog clears. Suddenly the world is much much colder. Aldric's voice is the sound of a block of ice being shorn in two.

"Turn back, boy. You will not survive this unchanged..."

Ganrei shudders... such fell cold he had never felt before.. and the sound of the mans voice was... alien. Such things were not natural of this world, and spoke of the mans incomparable age, and of his power... The fear that edged into Ganrei's bones was also.. not natural.. and yet also sourceless. Why did he fear? What did he fear? The man before him? No. For even God's bleed. Garadiel's vision had shown him that a God could be conquered... then what did he fear? The fight ahead? The prospect of loss? No, for he did not fear for himself. The fear of dooming those underneath this mans power to additional wrath should he win or lose? No. For if it came to that, he knew that the people would extradite themselves, and no god can sustain his power forever without worship. So.. what did he fear? What had caused the mightiest of heroes to feel the pangs of doubt in his heart without cause? That's when Ganrei realized. He did not fear, what was being put upon him was an enchantment, one of divine proportions, and a functional aura of the God of Fear..No.. There was nothing to fear. Turning to face Aldric, he said calmly, and simply.

"To turn back in the face of adversity is cowardice, to shy from a challenge. Makes one weak. Your weapons of fear, and guile will not avail you here. For I have faith. I have faith in myself, those who have helped me get this far, and those who I must protect from your influence. I am Ganrei. King of Heroes, and God of Courage. ."

His face was set as stone, and he unbandaged the blade that was once Namashina, and was now Courage, the massive giant sized sword, veined with emerald, and emblazoned with the true speech for "Courage" along the flat side of the blade. Ganrei hefted it with ease no mortal man could hope to equal, and the green stone in the blade began to pulse green in his hands, moving along the blade like trace work as it followed the clean edge of the blade to the tip. He then shrugged off the heavy overcoat, revealing a set of gleaming emerald armor, a breastplate underlined with chain mail that bore no ornatation, only sheer practicality remained, no art, no brass or gold lining that would add weight, and slow him down. No, the only thing present was his determination, and his respect for his opponents caliber.

"Those who deny justice, have known only corruption, those who shun glory have never lived for others. You say that I will not emerge unchanged, and with that, and that alone I agree. However, I do not believe that I alone will be changed by this encounter. Aldric. Allow me to show you. The power of True Courage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrYFLuk4Vqc)!"

Then with that powerful speech, his body began to glow, the green tracery turning to gold on the blade, and an immense power pouring forth from him that shattered rock, and pushed dirt away from him. Ganrei was no fool to take his opponent lightly, and has broken out his ultimate technique, his power of harnessing the strength of his heart, to face the Lord of Fear. He then hefted the blade, the golden sword twice as tall as Ganrei was being held in one hand with such ease, and his face, set in stone, and glaring at Aldric with such resentment, and then he spoke, his voice strong and clear as he charged.


Nefarion Xid
2010-06-22, 01:04 AM
"Man, they don't make 'em like they used to. I'm adding humility to your list of lessons, o' mighty hero. You're not a god yet, you're just a punk kid with a sword."

Aldric adjusts his weight and fishes around in his coat pocket for his tin of cigarettes. Placing one on his lips he snaps his fingers to light it and again takes a long, leisurely drag before paying attention again.

"You sure you don't want one of these? Tobacco's good for the nerves and improves focus. No?"

The little red cherry bobs through the darkness as he plucks the smoke from his mouth. It wasn't that dark a moment before. A flick of his fingers and it goes spinning through the gap between the two. Suddenly the cigarette's flight slows to a crawl. Aldric smirks and lunges forward, sand skipping up in the wake of his boots and glides behind him. For a moment, the whole world seems to slow down, everything except Aldric. Despair springs to his right hand and he caught his cigarette mid-charge. The sand hit the ground and their, time returns to normal weapons collide.

2010-06-22, 01:17 AM
The first thought that flits through Ganrei's mind is "Such speed!", and it's all he can do to shift from a charge into a low stance, using the massive wall of divine steel as a barrier between him and the lord of fear, before dragging it upward, bringing the blade up with a bit of a twist ... though it wasn't as fast as Aldric's attacks, it bore behind it every inch of the strength of one of his siblings.

"A lesson that I have learned Aldric. I speak bravely because of the courage in my heart, and my resolve for victory. Not because of some misconcieved notion of bravado, or me being your equal. I have come here to do what a hero does. To liberate those from Tyranny even though the Lord is a man of great power. To charge headfirst into the valley of torment, and despair without fear, despite the knowledge that you may not come back. It is fitting that the God of Fear would not understand courage, and mistake it for some young heroes attempt at playing the chivalrous knight."

It is after this speech, that the upper slash was revealed with be a feint, Ganrei dropping into a low stance, and swinging the massive blade over his head in an attempt to gain some breathing room... as meaningless as it was.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-22, 01:51 AM
Aldric follows the twisting blade around and casually flicks Despair around to meet the inevitable counterattack behind his back. He finally exhales a puff of smoke and wags the cigarette in his left hand at Ganrei.

"Waitaminute, waitaminute... did you just call me a tyrant? Gah, what is it about me? Is it the dark clothing or the giant skull on the scythe? You know, I also like to bake blueberry muffins!"

He takes a drag of his cigarette, still blocking Namashina one handed. The reason Aldric favored the scythe was because it was so hard to defend against, at least it was so unusual no one was accustomed to facing an opponent with one. One little twist and the point of Despair was exactly where you didn't want it to be.

"That's a nice sword. You mind if I try it out? C'mon, we'll switch for a bit and I'll give it back."

Despair sucked the vitality out of the air. There was nothing but coldness and staleness now and it raked one's throat as it was gulped down with increasing frequency. It was like fighting at the top of a mountain. Aldric just grinned and took another drag.

2010-06-22, 02:13 AM
Aldric follows the twisting blade around and casually flicks Despair around to meet the inevitable counterattack behind his back. He finally exhales a puff of smoke and wags the cigarette in his left hand at Ganrei.

"Waitaminute, waitaminute... did you just call me a tyrant? Gah, what is it about me? Is it the dark clothing or the giant skull on the scythe? You know, I also like to bake blueberry muffins!"

He takes a drag of his cigarette, still blocking Namashina one handed. The reason Aldric favored the scythe was because it was so hard to defend against, at least it was so unusual no one was accustomed to facing an opponent with one. One little twist and the point of Despair was exactly where you didn't want it to be.

"That's a nice sword. You mind if I try it out? C'mon, we'll switch for a bit and I'll give it back."

Despair sucked the vitality out of the air. There was nothing but coldness and staleness now and it raked one's throat as it was gulped down with increasing frequency. It was like fighting at the top of a mountain. Aldric just grinned and took another drag.

Ganrei was.. fairly astounded by the "I also like to bake blueberry muffins!" part of his comment, the image of Aldric in an apron, and pulling fresh blueberry muffins from the oven.. giving the God of Fear the second he needed to get in close, and connect, the blade dragging into chain, and then into flesh, and sinew, blood flowing freely from the newly opened wound, and despair sucking the courage from his veins, causing the golden glow to dim..

"No. To wield despair is to wield evil incarnate. I hold in my hands the blade of courage, infused with the power of those who have helped me get so far, and without asking for anything in return. Aldric. Tell me, why do you breed beasts of shadow, daemons of darkness, and beget fear, and misery if you are not a tyrant? Your rule may not be directly evil, yet you hold all sway with your words, none oppose you because they fear you, and the lord's, and people are kept from having a way to defend themselves by your Wyvern Riders. You may not THINK of yourself as a tyrant, but every aspect of your rule begets nothing but fear mongering, and a rule fueled solely by violence, and force of arms."

He says leaping into the air with astounding speed, and athletics, bringing his blade down in a powerful downward strike, adding the force of his momentum to the strike in an attempt to at least give the God of Fear pause.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-22, 03:22 AM
Aldric's eyes went wide in shock and he ducked while heaving Despair overhead to block, but... he was too late. Namashina sunk into his shoulder and continued down, cleaving through his chest. Confusion and pain crossed his face for an instant before he dissolved into a smokey blast of shadow. Without a body to support it, his coat sunk to the ground in a pile and Despair crashed into the sand, then vanished as darkness swallowed it. The sun even began to shine and through the disbelief, a glimmer of hope in victory lit in Ganrei's breast. It was then he saw the thin trail of smoke leading away from the coat and to a boulder behind him, some twenty paces away. Aldric sat there with the hand holding his cigarette resting on his knee. His stupid grin was unfailing.

"Man! That just never gets old." Another drag. "Listen, we can talk about politics over lunch. Hey, you hungry? I actually did catch some fish. I guess we could go home and fry... oh, oh ****, I'm sorry! Oh man, I really didn't mean to cut you there. Gah, you're bleeding really good. I gotta be more careful."

Despair appeared back to his hand and he slid down from the rock. The sun was again choked out of existence and the chill flooded the air and pricked at exposed skin. It was a cruel trick to taunt the world with light for a moment, only to plunge it back into darkness. Aldric's demure smile grew into something tormented and hellish. A blink brought him several feet closer and he now shouldered his scythe with his roguish good looks restored. He couldn't have moved... nothing moves like that. The light from the cigarette was finally snuffed out and it was casually discarded. Finally Aldric gripped his weapon with two hands. He didn't charge, he just slipped through a rift in the shadows to appear directly in front of Ganrei, bringing Despair around in a wild arc. The blades don't even make contact before he's blinked through shadows again to deliver the same attack from behind.

"Hey... you want me tell you a story?"

2010-06-22, 07:14 AM
Raia and Myoan- The Emiyu

"Then you should seek to find your path. You, who have broken the seal that both cursed and protected your people for so long... And now you don't know what you can do..." Raia offered a hand to Myoan, and the girl looked at it in confusion, before taking it carefully.

"We shall go to your temple again, and I will cut through your confusion." Raia said. It was not a request.

So Myoan led the goddess and Ya-un-Kurumi to the ancient temple. It was a weary but still proud temple. It had a history very foreign to that of Toukoku, but it told it's stories in rock, not painting or tapestry.
The entrance was dark, and Raia walked in clearly. Lightning danced about her arm as light. The inside was giant, and it was a beautiful, if strange place. Raia wondered what her family would make of the stories here. But she read in the rock the similar emotion of terror and war. Death and life. This was a history that had come to an end. So like many others too, that Raia had seen.

At the end of the temple there was a giant stone door.
"It is closed again. Behind me. I can't return now." Myoan said with sadness. Ya-un-Kurumi placed a hand on her shoulder, though he did not know the words to say.

"Why do you let something like this stop you?" Raia asked calmly. And she slammed her fist into the rock. Thunder and lightning flashed and cried, and the great rock was cut in two. The whole temple shook like an earthquake, and behind the rock, there was a bright white light. Raia narrowed her eyes as she understood the seal and it's magic. There was no time. She turned to Ya-un-Kurumi and Myoan. To the exarch, she gave quickly her comb - made of electrum and silver.

"Go. And take this with you. Place it at the center. Then you will be able to return safely." Ya-un-Kurumi's eyes widened as he accepted it, and then Raia pushed Myoan and the Shiuk exarch into the portal, even as it flashed brightly, and disappeared.
Raia stood in the quiet temple, gazing at the solid stone. She put her faith in the human who had matched her bowmanship, and then she left, her thoughts going to Emiyu again.

Raia and Celestan

"Maybe such is what you see with your eyes. Your perspective is limited because you don't know them or this place. Your mother would perhaps have answered that this is the fortress that prepares for the dangerous threats beyond. And what I see is quite different."

She gestured to the cherry trees.
"Right now you have come at a time of change. Spring is here and soon the wisteria will bloom. The weather brings with it the end of winter. The granaries are ready. Should an army wish to march, now is the time. And all of the things you see here...this is what war looks like. The soldiers who train, the farmers who farm, the plants that bloom, the life that is born.
This is all war." She said. With a mild look she looked at Celestan.

"Being able to pierce the illusions of your own mind is important. What do you see when you look at me?"

She held her arms open, and Celestan saw a different side of Raia. This was not her General's face, or the expression of a warrior facing an opponent. Just by lowering her chin and turning her face a little, it was like Raia had changed to a beautiful, more earnest and gentle goddess, who could not have been much older than him.


2 Major Acts: Create Realm: Mumonkan - The Gateless Gate. Traveling through the Ancient Temple of the Emiyu led to this gate, and beyond it was this realm. It is a timeless place - the False Musho. It is a place of beauty and serenity, where the Emiyu still live- though many still lie in sleep. It is an illusion of the world, as it was during the time of the Emiyu...but it is filled with sadness. The mournfulness of a warrior or person who will not be able to see home again. It is not of the realm of Time, and so while time seems to move, it is not in relation to the Time of the real world. One may spend a day here and return a year later, or maybe take a week, and return after 1 minute. It is a nostalgic place, where even the Gods may feel young.
The ancient temple of the Emiyu, being in Toukoku, now lies under Raia's protection and fierce guard. The gateway is gone...though maybe could be repaired. For now, it is Raia's Comb as a totem, to connect this place to her and Toukoku.

(explaining last post minor act:) Myoan- The young representative of the Emiyu, who managed to open the gate to this world again, and appeared before Raia.

2 Major Acts- A new race: Emiyu, the ancient race, who are descendants from the dragons...but have sealed their power into the form of a halo-like ring. If they wear this ring, they may take a dragon form. otherwise they seem almost like humans, except for their slight point of ears and unusual hair color. Living very long lives, they are very wise and beautiful, but bear a deep sadness. One day long ago, they were a powerful empire, but now they are few in number. But they still possess an ancient power beyond most other mortal races of this day.

0 major act, 3 Minor acts, 3 ceremonies remaining

2010-06-22, 12:54 PM

One minute, Faolan had felt a slight surprise at Calantha's touch, her prophetic response stirring the beast within. But his iron will, forged over a century, had pushed it back into its proper place. Faolan had marveled at this new family member, so different from Eridi. He had prepared to introduce himself and Eithne to her, a thousand questions coming to mind as he did so.

But then the sky darkened. And on the horizon, Faolan smelt death, and purpose, and age. The word of the True Speech cut through the air like a knife, cleaving reality, laying open Faolan's mind to the pain of Calantha's divinity. He staggered, and Eithne fell to her knees, and the beast leapt forward again, straining against its chains. With desperate effort, Faolan fought it back, only to look up and see Calantha scream.

And such a scream! A scream beyond the ken of men and gods, measured by the sudden rise of maddening drums. Eithne collapsed, a century of discipline holding desperately to its sanity. Faolan felt panic and rage at the plight of his daughter, and combined with the scream his barriers began to erode. Clinging to consciousness and sanity, Faolan's mind became a battleground, humanity warring with bestiality, order clashing with chaos. A howl rose from his lips, lost in the maelstrom, and a pile of earth and stone rose about Eithne and Faolan, his power out of control, reflexively protecting the pack. After moments that seemed millenia, Faolan had nearly subdued the dark savagery of his nature when he was assaulted by Shen's vision, and the thunderous clap of Sovvenia's sacrifice to fight back forces he was not even aware of. Stunned into silence, Faolan's humanity collapsed, and the beast took hold for the first time.

As Calantha disappeared, and Garadiel's insane summons swarmed the area, a faint rumble began, imperceptible to all but Eridi. As Garadiel denied his responsibility for the disaster, and Lucien and Eridi faced off against the damned, the rumble grew to a perceptible shaking. As Garadiel quenched the first of his forsaken children, fissures split the earth, and a red hand burst through the protective dome of rock, tipped by glinting black talons. All around Shale, a howl went up that shook the foundations of the city, as hundreds of wolves poured into the city, leaping upon the Damned with a red bloodlust, tearing at ethereal flesh and fire with no care given to self preservation. Another crack, and the dome burst, revealing Faolan...changed.

Where Faolan had been rangy, this creature was massive, an unholy mixture of bear and wolf given human form. Underneath his helm, crimson flames danced in his eyes, and the mouth that had been human was now filled with canine fangs. Leaping forward, Faolan Wolf Lord saw his beloved uncle fighting off accursed shades. Saw his pup lying on the ground near death, and at the center of it all saw the stranger, the man whose word had triggered all of this. Crossing the ground between them in an instant, Faolan's talons closed over Garadiel's right hand and neck in a grip as unyielding as an avalanche. Lifting the god of Death into the air, Faolan looked deep into Garadiel's eyes, showing him a shadow of his first quest, of a Crimson Wolf howling in the moonlight.

"Who are you? I will know your name before I kill you for what you've done."

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-22, 01:19 PM
Raia and Celestan

Celestan took a few steps forward, putting his arms behind his back and examined her with his eyes.

"Well given what you just said to me, I would say that this is what a warrior looks like. But that's a trick question. We are all many things, all at the same time. I don't know much about you, except that you're my aunt and a general and that you grappled thunder itself; not much more than about your people and the valley. It would take me very long to note all the nuances to your attitude and behavior. However it's obvious that I cannot judge your martial or leadership skills just by looking at you right now, even though your presence betrays the fact that you have been living a strict and bloody existence. But what else do I see... Um, if I had to choose...

...I'd say I see someone who let her guard down!"

Celestan, grinning with amusement, swiftly brought his hand holding a dagger made of flame towards the goddess' throat, intending to stop a few inches too short.

2010-06-22, 02:14 PM
Aldric's eyes went wide in shock and he ducked while heaving Despair overhead to block, but... he was too late. Namashina sunk into his shoulder and continued down, cleaving through his chest. Confusion and pain crossed his face for an instant before he dissolved into a smokey blast of shadow. Without a body to support it, his coat sunk to the ground in a pile and Despair crashed into the sand, then vanished as darkness swallowed it. The sun even began to shine and through the disbelief, a glimmer of hope in victory lit in Ganrei's breast. It was then he saw the thin trail of smoke leading away from the coat and to a boulder behind him, some twenty paces away. Aldric sat there with the hand holding his cigarette resting on his knee. His stupid grin was unfailing.

"Man! That just never gets old." Another drag. "Listen, we can talk about politics over lunch. Hey, you hungry? I actually did catch some fish. I guess we could go home and fry... oh, oh ****, I'm sorry! Oh man, I really didn't mean to cut you there. Gah, you're bleeding really good. I gotta be more careful."

Despair appeared back to his hand and he slid down from the rock. The sun was again choked out of existence and the chill flooded the air and pricked at exposed skin. It was a cruel trick to taunt the world with light for a moment, only to plunge it back into darkness. Aldric's demure smile grew into something tormented and hellish. A blink brought him several feet closer and he now shouldered his scythe with his roguish good looks restored. He couldn't have moved... nothing moves like that. The light from the cigarette was finally snuffed out and it was casually discarded. Finally Aldric gripped his weapon with two hands. He didn't charge, he just slipped through a rift in the shadows to appear directly in front of Ganrei, bringing Despair around in a wild arc. The blades don't even make contact before he's blinked through shadows again to deliver the same attack from behind.

"Hey... you want me tell you a story?"

The blade sinks deep into his shoulder yet again, blood flowing down Ganrei's back as the scythe's edge dragged through chainmail, and plate with ease, blood flowing down his back, and front in a thin stream now.. the golden glow dimming yet more, but Ganrei wasn't done yet.

"Aldric, say what you will."

Ganrei didn't stop as he was talking though, he brought the blade up again before turning it into a side swiping slash midway up, and spinning straight into a downward slam attack.. while he was nowhere near as good as Raia, Aldric could tell that Ganrei definitely had some skill with this weapon.

Though the wounds were taking their toll, his movements were slowing, and he was beginning to doubt his ability to win this fight.. and it showed as the golden glow, once a brilliant light, is now nothing more than the light of a dull campfire.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-22, 02:59 PM
Phromm with Aria in Hyb; Negeb

"A week? I can still track them, directions will be unnecessary, but thank you for the offer. Might even visit brother Shen whilst I'm there, too. What are you having for dinner?" She's impressed him, a bit. Whilst the term 'greenhorn' is unfamiliar, Phromm (due to the 'horn' part, and the fact Aria used it as an insult) assumes that it has some hunting connotation. "I take it you are the head huntress of the settlement?"

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-22, 04:44 PM
Somewhere in Iuvenis, the wind whispers

In a dark and damp dungeon, a middle-aged man sat in chains. He didn't seem to originate from Iuvenis; his skin was significantly darker. His beard was long and dirty. An eye inside a spiral was painted on his forehead. The man quietly recited prayers.

The door to the cell opened and the torches on the nearby wall were lit by an unseen force. A big, muscular bald guy walked inside at that moment. He took off his crimson cloak and put it away. He was dressed in a wool shirt, pants and boots. He wore a bright red armband with the western symbol meaning "Gale", as well as thick and wide leather belt to which two battleaxes were attached. He approached the older man in chains with a big grin and bent over to be his height. And then he laughed extremely loudly, and shook his fist in the air triumphantly

"HA! HA! HA! Hello. Odd. Just odd, am I not? I'm sure you're thinking this right now. I'm Odd. No, really. It's also my name, you see? Spelled O-D-D. Come on, it's funny!"

Odd cleared his throat.

"How's the caged bird going? Sick of those walls are you? I imagine you're clawing and trashing at your prison in hopes of catching a glimpse of your beloved sky. That's what birds do, right? Stupid little creatures chasing after the sun. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom, they shout! But they're not free. Oh no. They always return to the same place - have you noticed? Coming and going; but for what purpose, to what end? You guys, you Sovvenia worshipers are the same. Dreaming of absolute freedom and touching the clouds, but you're stuck in the same patterns! I don't have anything to learn from the past. Everything I need, I have here right now. Everything I want, I simply take!"

The aged man, a mystic Oracle, was looking at the floor. He spat on Odd's boot.

"The wind whispers to us words of encouragement and strength, of wisdom and power."


Odd punched through the bricks a few inches away from the oracle's face.

"Again with the crazy! I doubt hearing voices is good for you geezer! I don't hear anything. But I do smell something stinky. No, not you! Although you do stink. It's the stench of death. Your lil' birdy goddess bit the dust. BOOM! Struck dead just like that. I think now's the cue to tell you there's no hope and that no one's coming for you."

Odd stayed there, facing the mystic, completely silent. Only his eyebrows were moving.

"Anytime now."

Suddenly, the north wall of the prison broke down and six southerners wielding scimitars came through the opening. They were Zephyr swordsmen from the Stormseeker tribe. Odd stood up and took an ostentatious pose.

"Damn you Scourge cultists!" exclaimed one of the Zephyrs. "We are here to cleanse you, as you would say."

"No, turn back..." was all the oracle had the strength to say.

"HA! HA! HA! The cows queue at the slaughterhouse! Watch out, you could seriously harm somebody, playing with those blades like big boys! But if you really have a death wish I'll oblige! I'm sure no one outside will be sad to see more unworthy creatures going the way of the dodo. Dodo? It's another avian metaphor. You see, the dodo - ah forget it! Now I just want to kick you to the heavens!"

Odd drew his two axes and entered the fray with a battle shout.


Odd put his crimson cloak back over his shoulder and closed the door of the cell behind him as two acolytes of the Scourge ran his way. Odd grinned and threw one silver piece at each. The men stopped running and looked at each other, visibly confused.

"It's for the clean-up!"

Then Odd saw a woman further down the hall and he quickly joined her, putting one arm around her waist.

"High priest, what happened?" asked the woman in red robes.

"HA! HA! HA! Babe! Don't wooorry! Just some more vermins. The Red Wind has chosen us; those southerners are weak. They must spend too much time baking under the sun! It burns their brains, not just their skin. Now forget about that. Let's go over more strategies in my bedroom. Yeah, I'd like that!"

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-22, 04:51 PM
Aldric lets the collision of Ganrei's blade on the back of Despair carry through his body and into his feet. He goes skidding away, safe from the follow up attack, leaving twin trails where his boots have dragged through the sand. He spared a moment to admire the gash left in his weapon.

"Damn! That's too much sword for a kid like you! I'd take it from you but... it's not my style."

He slams Despair into the ground and walks away from it, circling Ganrei. His opponent might have taken it as a show of bravado, but in fact he was growing weary of holding the artifact. Its insidious aura was an equal opportunity weapon, and its effects were stronger with proximity. Aldric's saturnine powers helped him withstand Despair, even wield it... but he was far from immune. Great care was taken to pace even and deep breaths, even though his lungs were on fire. Just a little distance between him and the scythe was all he needed to get his strength back. But, even stuck in the rock, Despair's enervating powers still drenched the battlefield. Each heartbeat signaled another wasted measure of strength. Ganrei's haughty opponent looked as strong and as sure of himself as ever.

"A story?" He asks of his imaginary audience.
"A story!" He cheers back to himself.
"There is a beast of legend! No blade may pierce his stony hide, no spell will lay him low. His gruesome maw may open wide and swallow cattle whole. Father dared to try at world's birth, alas to no avail! Song put him to rest 'neath the earth, to sleep 'til all else fails. T'was song that rose him from his nap, an act of my brother. T'was Aldric who removed his head... but, he grew another. Haha! Come on; laugh! It's funny."

Aldric grits his teeth and folds his arms. "You're tough, kid. I'll give you that. I don't want to kill you but I don't suffer fools. Say when you've had enough."

Aldric and Calantha at Rognir's Hall, 3 months prior

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't allowed. Don't talk, just focus on your breathing..."

Aldric shared his sister's sentiments. The halls were cold and not at all welcoming and he couldn't help wondering what Rognir was playing at. Though he didn't dare voice his objections with Calantha's life on the line.

2010-06-22, 07:13 PM
Slicing into the fire-heart of yet another spirit and quenching it, Eridi is in no mood for his apprentice's question. This is not really the time for it, but he answers anyway. "That sword... I've never seen anything like it, but where it cut her, she should've died then and there. Calantha, she's alive somewhere, I know it." Readying his sword for the next for the next ghost, he noticed that the runic glow was dimming. "But, now, don't worry about her. Focus only on the enemy at your throat."

Noticing his nephew's assault on Garadiel, Eridi quickly dispatched the two Damned in front of him, suffering a nasty wound for his hastiness. Looking onward, there was no end to these things. Setting himself into a defensive stance, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "Faolan! Stop! He's not worth it! If you're so enraged, put these souls back to death! Besides, that trash you hold belongs to me and Aldric, don't you dare take away our prey!" The bitter hatred felt odd on his tongue; he had never spoken with such contempt before.

Phromm & Aria - Hyb

What was she going to have tonight? She hadn't really gotten around to deciding yet, but it was an interesting enough question. "Hmm, you know, I think I'll have a nice leg of lamb tonight. Juicy piece of flesh cooked just enough to make it tender, but not ruin the flavor itself. Served on a plate of bread to catch anything your mouth doesn't. Sounds good enough for tonight, don't it?"

She wasn't sure to be flattered or flabbergasted at his next comment. "Me? A huntress? I guess you could say that, I am in charge of most the people who cook around here and I control the livestock trade, but I haven't actually hunted since I was yea high to my father's knee. Those boys just listen to me because if they don't, they'll wind up sleeping on the cold, hard ground and paying extra for their meals for a week. But if you mean am I in charge? I do have the final say-so in matters until Eridi gets back, and mostly the same when he does. Not but a few things that we butt heads on, really, just whenever he's being too kindhearted for his own good." While Aria may have felt like he was an obstacle in those times they disagreed, it was mildly obvious she held a lot of respect for the god.

2010-06-22, 09:54 PM
Aldric lets the collision of Ganrei's blade on the back of Despair carry through his body and into his feet. He goes skidding away, safe from the follow up attack, leaving twin trails where his boots have dragged through the sand. He spared a moment to admire the gash left in his weapon.

"Damn! That's too much sword for a kid like you! I'd take it from you but... it's not my style."

He slams Despair into the ground and walks away from it, circling Ganrei. His opponent might have taken it as a show of bravado, but in fact he was growing weary of holding the artifact. Its insidious aura was an equal opportunity weapon, and its effects were stronger with proximity. Aldric's saturnine powers helped him withstand Despair, even wield it... but he was far from immune. Great care was taken to pace even and deep breaths, even though his lungs were on fire. Just a little distance between him and the scythe was all he needed to get his strength back. But, even stuck in the rock, Despair's enervating powers still drenched the battlefield. Each heartbeat signaled another wasted measure of strength. Ganrei's haughty opponent looked as strong and as sure of himself as ever.

"A story?" He asks of his imaginary audience.
"A story!" He cheers back to himself.
"There is a beast of legend! No blade may pierce his stony hide, no spell will lay him low. His gruesome maw may open wide and swallow cattle whole. Father dared to try at world's birth, alas to no avail! Song put him to rest 'neath the earth, to sleep 'til all else fails. T'was song that rose him from his nap, an act of my brother. T'was Aldric who removed his head... but, he grew another. Haha! Come on; laugh! It's funny."

Aldric grits his teeth and folds his arms. "You're tough, kid. I'll give you that. I don't want to kill you but I don't suffer fools. Say when you've had enough."

Aldric and Calantha at Rognir's Hall, 3 months prior

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't allowed. Don't talk, just focus on your breathing..."

Aldric shared his sister's sentiments. The halls were cold and not at all welcoming and he couldn't help wondering what Rognir was playing at. Though he didn't dare voice his objections with Calantha's life on the line.

Ganrei pants, leaning heavily on his blade, he may be a demi god equipped with the most powerful weapon in existence, but he was still no match for a full blown god.. yet he still had one trump card he still has yet to play. Aldric may be putting up a haughty facade, but he had discarded his weapon. However, it was not courageous to attack an unarmed man. Deity or not. Thus, it was not some haughty desire to face Aldric fist, to fist that lead to him embedding the blade of courage into the ground, but rather a sense of fairness, and a desire for facing him on equal terms. However, as he digs the blade into the Earth, he seems to have recovered a little, the weight of the blade off his wounded shoulder he is considerably quicker now.

He then adopted a stance similar to modern drunken boxing, a loose, and deceptively woozy gait to his walk as he staggered at Aldric, lashing out at Aldric with the backside of his fist as he said.

"How kind Aldric. Now let me tell you a story. 20 years ago, I began my just crusade to help those underneath tyranny, and who have their freedom oppressed. I set out from a home that was filled with corruption, and lies to help those who my patronage had hurt. Now I have come here to determine whether I am truly brave. I came here reliant on a weapon which I did not need. My weapons are. Bravery, Justice, and Fighting Spirit. For all the suffering you, and your spawn have caused. I have come for you Lord of Fear."

As he reached the pitch of his speech, the glow around his intensified, and for a second as he lunged forward in a flurry of punches, the biting tinge of despair, was alleviated, only the warmth of Ganrei's golden aura could be felt as it intensified.. yet inside, Ganrei's heart was beginning to feel the strain, and Ganrei knew he couldn't keep this up much longer without hastening the day that had been foretold to before he ever accomplished his goal, it was time to end this. With one attack. If he could deal even just one true blow to the God of Fear, his goal would be accomplished. However, it was not to be. One counter laid Ganrei low... the hero falling to his feet as the blow impacted squarely into his gut, and Ganrei felt the taste of copper flood into his mouth as he vomited blood.. the crimson liquid forming a pool on the ground in front of him... Yet surprisingly he stood up again, a look of sheer determination on his face as he resorted to his last trump card.

"Now, The Fist of Divine Courage!"

Then, his aura subsided, focusing itself like a small star around Ganrei's fist, the energy waves breaking apart his armor, chain, and plate burning away to ash as he steadied his hand with the other, the energy building as he mounted for the one attack he knew could harm even a God. The Attack that would one day kill him. He knew this, but did not fear for himself. This was his one true test. To stand against despair.

No matter the pain.

No matter the cost to himself.

This was true courage!

The king of heroes moved forward then, putting every ounce of strength he had left into his movements, aiming for one strike at Aldric. This was his chance to see if he was truly worthy. He could not fail!

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-22, 11:33 PM
Aldric's hand glides along the back side of Ganrei's extended arm, pushing it down and away before seizing it by the wrist. Meanwhile his left palm lands in Ganrei's stomach and gently arrests his forward motion. What was the point of having spies if you didn't learn fun things? Zhangese masters were adept at controlling the flow of their own chi... and stopping the energy in other's cold.

"Save it for the real monsters, kid. You don't want to waste that one on me."

Ganrei is turned loose with a polite shove. Aldric snaps his finger and Despair vanishes and light and warmth are once again restored to the beach.

"Damned fool. You'd have killed yourself just to bloody my nose. Is your pride worth your life?"

He scoffs, but his voice isn't as terrible as it was a moment prior; there's a least a measure of understanding to it.

"Hmm? You want bravery and a fighting spirit? You've got it! You want justice? Use your damned head! Go flex your muscles and childish ideology at Heradi or Garadiel! You came here to triumph over despair? You're still alive, there's your badge of honor. The last two begged for death and they received it! Congratulations on your dauntless will... Rognir give you the brains to use it."

He goes back to his boulder to sit and smoke another cigarette.

There were no drums, no joyous cries, no praise... only the pain, a bitter taste and the sobering knowledge that one's path had only begun. Aldric's ascension had been the same.

2010-06-23, 12:02 AM
Ganrei was astounded, Aldric bursting out his real speed, and his hand flowing over the attack that could literally shatter a house, and then the impact, his internal wounds were already severe.. the thought going through his head was "So even that was not enough."

Ganrei.. is pacified by this.. was he wrong about the Lord of Fear? Had he believed the wrong legends about a God who had shown himself to simply be a man at heart? Maybe he didn't understand. Maybe at heart, he wasn't truly believing that one man could truly dedicate himself to truly being a monster... and that was why he couldn't bring himself to go in with intent to kill as he had done so many others.

Defeating this man was not a heroes work, this man.. was not an almighty overlord wielding despair, and cackling with evil malice.

"I.. I understand now. Aldric. What I have failed to process, is your true nature. I believed lies, and legend rather than seeing the man in front of me. Courage is not just about having faith in one's ability to fight, but faith in one's own beliefs, and the will to follow them through."

He then stands fully upright, revealing an extremely scarred, and extremely masculine chest, the term "Stacked like a brick water tower" could be applied to Ganrei (Athletics / Endurance.), as he moved to sit on the boulder, withdrawing courage to lay the bandages over it once more as he continued.

"I was wrong about you Aldric. You are a man fated to misunderstanding, after misunderstanding because of your title. You bear no malice in your heart, and though your a master of shadow, and fear, you show compassion, and understanding in yourself. A villain does not bear these characteristics. A man of evil, does not express his heart through his blade."

He then turns to face Aldric directly, finally understanding what it meant to conquer despair, what his vision had meant.. his mentality had been all wrong, he had been thinking from a prospect of combat, and got caught up in a childish fantasy.

"I apologize for the trouble Aldric.. I would say I'd stay longer, but I've never been a man for Northern weather. Far too chill for my tastes, and the King of Heroes work is never done."

He then stood, placing Courage upon his back, and looking out towards the craft he had rode in on.

"Before I go though, it's been an honor to compete with you as a warrior Aldric, and I thank you for facing me with dignity despite your superiority due to your.. divinity, and I hope that one day we can meet on better terms. Some day.. On the sea of dreams."

Then, with the end of his statement, he walked towards his ship, and began getting ready to head out to sea unless stopped.

White Blade
2010-06-23, 12:28 AM
Garadiel looks down at his nephew and something shifts inside his heart. He hears the drums... They squelch out the meaning... They sound so loud in his ears. But Aldric and Eridi... There is... Not hatred but contempt... Much contempt.

Damn the world once more for Calantha, Eridi?

Now... There is a story. Eridi knows the word refers to him. It refers to the day as he stood by and watched his brother speak words forbidden by Rognir. To save Calantha, they had done what they thought best... But it had not been so. A'gap skin had broken. Eridi had played a part in that, and Garadiel reminded him now.

And there is another story. Sovvenia and Garadiel are led beneath the world tree and all goes black... But now they emerge, and they wear twin brands. And they take many messages to their siblings, warning them to come together. And now, Sovvenia is dead, killed by the enemy. And to save Calantha, Eridi is willing to do what he thinks is best. Garadiel does not think, but knows beyond knowing, that Calantha's companion is the enemy. She has been made a weapon, sweet Calantha of the ancient days is gone. Now is only the screamer. Only the weapon, waiting to be turned against the gods in the last days.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-23, 02:37 AM
"Fear is just your body's way of telling you to save yourself. Fear isn't evil, it just has your best interests at heart. Things that don't feel fear... don't feel loss or pain or any else of that bitter sweet stuff that reminds us we're alive... they're broken."

Another smoke ring. He smoothes back his mussed up hair as he watches Ganrei walk across the sand. Aldric had questions, of course, about where the kid was from and if he knew of any way to pierce the mists. For now, he decided, he was happier not knowing. So, he finished his cigarette while he watched the boat slip into the fog. After it vanished from sight he went to his fishing pail and threw the two inhabitants back into the water.

Jair Barik
2010-06-23, 05:34 AM
Far in the north the red wolf wandered. Not in the furthest north, not yet at least, but far north, far beyond the great forest to the place where loup-garou had come from. It was a cold and bleak landscape but Orgo had little care. There was something uyp here that called to him, something familiar and somehow powerful. The frozen bodies of the men where the first sign he was getting closer. Bodies frozen solid with expressions of great pain upon their faces, untouched by the northern predators, left out in the cold for many long years. Following the land he eventually came to a stone temple, itself long frozen too by the wickedness ofthe north lands. But inside, oh inside lay a prize that Orgo could not resist...

2010-06-23, 07:52 AM
Raia and Celestan

Celestan's fiery dagger swiftly came at Raia's neck, and it seemed like it would make it.
But a strong hand took his wrist and stopped his arm even before Celestan would reach her neck. It was a firm grip. A hand that had wrestled lightning and held a sword for a long time.
And Raia looked at Celestan with a cool gaze- the eyes of a warrior.
But then she smiled. It was a rare thing for Raia to smile, but here she did.

How was it that Father had first taught me? Was I like this when I fought with him?

"If it is obvious you cannot judge my martial skills just by looking at me...then why do you think my guard is down?" She asked. It was a calm question, but with a little curiousity and perhaps... was it amusement?
She let go of his arm.
"You wouldn't have honestly stabbed me with that swing. Without that intention, you never would be able to hit me. But perhaps...that is why you are still standing right now and able to wear that smile." She said calmly. Was it a joke? It was impossible to tell.

"But your answer was a correct one. We are all many things. You don't know very much about me, and I know less about you, my nephew. And initiative is a good thing. When to take initiative though... Well, I can teach you that." She said.
"Of course...if I am going to take care of you for now, I'll ask you try not to be too reckless. Sometimes it can be a good thing, but often it results in death."

Surely there were times when I had played. Like with Aldric or Garadiel. Even with my other brothers and sisters too. I wonder when was it that I stopped?

Kaiser Omnik
2010-06-23, 10:01 AM
Raia and Celestan

The dagger of flames dissipated.

Celestan stepped back and bowed slightly. When he looked up to her he was smiling. A honest and understand smile, like his birth mother never had; a gentle and shy smile showing a whole new side to his personality.

"When in Zhang Guo, act like a Zhangese, as they say. I am really happy to be here, and I will do my best to learn to harness my energy for productive training. But it's not just the fighting... I have another gift from my...from Sovvenia."

Celestan bit his lower lip again. There was some anger and sadness as well in his expression. Not of one who recently lost a loved one, but somebody who curses the Heavens and Sovvenia herself for denying him a normal childhood.

"I can heal, somewhat. Not much. Not repetitively without being exhausted, anyway. I see the value of taking risks, but if I'm dead, than my gift is useless, right? Maybe learning the ethics of the warrior with you will help me focus and be better prepared to face suffering and death."

And at that moment, for the first time, Raia saw in the young one the same determination Azura had. But not sharing Azura's malicious ambition, nor Sovvenia's single-mindedness, perhaps there was some hope for the boy in the future.


Southwest of Toukoku, the word of the Scourge spreads and cities see more and more of those red-clad men and women fanatics. It is not an organized religion like the Araphim, or a guild with many tentacles like the Blackwings. But the strength of this cult is in the way it twists and manipulates the fears of the populace - fear of the unknown, fear of difference, fear of the uncertain and grim future, and more - and harnesses them for militant action.

For now the people in Raia's care are safe from the madness of the Scourge, but in neighboring states and towns, there are more and more talks of the red wind, and how even the mountains of the Tumi and the Tengu will not protect them from an eventual cleansing.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-23, 12:42 PM
Phromm & Aria, Hyb, Negeb

"That does sound nice. I haven't had herbivore-flesh in a long time. Would you mind if I ate mine raw? There is little to make a fire with in the North-West of Givreterre, and I find I have gotten used to uncooked meat." It is possible that rumours and such have spread from Givreterre via the traderoutes about how inhospitable the North-West is to human habitation; unlikely that there's anything too specific, however. Phromm, meanwhile, smiles wider. "Amongst my people, the leader of a tribe is the head hunter or head huntress. I have not been this far South in a long time, and I spend too much time hunting for my knowledge of human affairs to be expansive."

2010-06-23, 03:34 PM
Eridi's shout cut through the battlefield as only a god's voice could. Turning, Faolan saw for the first time the charging waves of Damned, saw how his pack was tearing into them to little effect. While his first thought was to ignore Eridi, he caught a whiff of his intent on the wind. The contempt, the hate that seeped from Eridi - those were things the beast understood. As Garadiel spoke again, Faolan's talons tightened on his throat, causing a trickle of blood to slither down his neck. Turning, he whipped Garadiel through the air, sending him flying towards Eridi and Lucien's feet, before drawing his sword. As Garadiel impacted the hard ground, Faolan cried, "Then finish him!" before turning to the wall of undead. With a howl, he fell amongst their ranks, a master swordsman driven by the strength of long repressed rage, and began to cut a swath through them, trailing ethereal fire and putrescent viscera with every swing of his blade.

2010-06-23, 03:50 PM
As this latest image ran over his mind, his guard dropped again and another painful wound joined the others. Was this his brother's plan? Confuse Eridi with his words until he died of scratches? Luckily, when Faolan tossed Garadiel, he landed just close enough for Eridi to finish this one off. There were too many of these spirits to distract himself with looking at his brother now, not without leaving Lucien open and overwhelmed, so he screamed at the air in front of him."Get over yourself, you lying fool! A petty half-truth, used to justify your own actions. I ask you, who made her scream? Who tore open old wounds and gave a fissure to be used against our family? Who sheathed his sword in his little sister while his supposed enemy was right beside her?

"I'll give you a clue, not Sovvenia, not the one who with her dying breath begged us to hold together. Not Faolan Halfbreed, who wants nothing more than to protect his pack and redeem his blood. No, not Lucien, her true nephew, and not myself, no, I took grievous wounds to try a peaceful way that would hurt only me. You, half-brother, only you did those things. You say she's a weapon now? You handed her to them. I didn't damn the world in the first place, that was Aldric, but I won't do it now, either. Just you, Garadiel, I'm only going to damn you."

Slashing aside another spirit, he shifted back to his defensive stance. "How fare Rafa and Tarik in your domain, Betrayer? Do they suffer for breaking your little sister's mind, or do they prosper? Maybe you've rewarded them a place in your court, power they didn't have in life. You are so alike, it disgusts me. Go back to them, half-brother, maybe you can have a nice talk with them about how fun it was to finally turn on your siblings. Run to them while I get Father's permission to gut you like the pig you are." Eridi couldn't kill his brother now, he wouldn't make the same mistake Aldric had. He would beg his father instead, beg him to declare his life forfeit, his blood untrue. Surely Rognir Hundred-Named would hold enough justice in his heart to allow that.

Phromm and Aria - Hyb

Aria looked at Phromm hard, but it didn't take her long to realize her error. The poor boy didn't understand what a restaurant was. Putting her hand on his shoulder, she smiled. "You can have it however you want, raw, burnt, or even the whole damn lamb put on a skewer. Here, follow my lead, the place is in right inside the gates." Walking with him at a brisk pace, she continued, "Around here, it's much the same. We get together in like-minded groups and decide on what needs to be done. The best of a profession leads the ones below them and, in conflicting matters, it goes to the courts or to Eridi himself. We do have a Hunter's Guild, and old One Eye does well at his job, but it's really too small to matter much in politics. Only about a hundred of 'em, not even a tenth of the Livestock Market Guild. Mostly, they're just hired as protection for caravans."

Walking through the city gate, Aria gave the guard a disapproving glare as she walked by, reminding him not to try to stop her. The sights, sounds, and smells were far different than what Phromm would be used to, but it was a relatively clean city. People gawked at the God of Barbarians, but seeing him engaged in conversation with Aria, the de facto leader, none approached the stranger. Walking into the first building on the right, Aria motioned for Phromm to follow. Inside it was as crowded as usual, half regulars and half travellers grabbing a cheap bite on the way out of town. Pointing out a table for Phromm to sit at, Aria went up to the bar. "Hey! Jerr! Get your lazy self over here and get me two legs of lamb, one of my usual and one just wiped! And get me some of the good ale, got one of Eridi's kine here, so it's on his account!" Joining Phromm at the table, Aria was genuinely happy. Not only was she getting her favorite food and decent alcohol, but she was getting it for free! Eridi had set up that bank account in case anyone needed to entertain his guests again, and she wasn't gonna let it rot.

2010-06-23, 03:58 PM
Rognir, Calantha and Aldric

Long moments pass... the house seems to shudder in the cold wind, and the torches begin to gutter and flicker... but the medicines of the room of life are potent, potent enough to staunch Calantha's bleeding. And as Aldric treats his sister's wound, he can feel the power of Last Resort about the wound, keeping her alive even though the wound should already have slain her. The stars have decreed that the blade of Garadiel shall not claim a life until the sky burns.

Then, after what seems an eternity, a great hawk flies into the hall. Feathers swirl about from its dark wings, and it falls to the floor. Rognir rises in its place, his dark hair tangled and sweat pouring from his brow.

"Calantha!" He steps forward, and it would take the sharp eyesight of a god to notice his slight limp, but it is there. "May this ill hour be cursed in the sight of the stars! Are two of my children to be laid low? No, it shall not be. It shall not be!" He kneels before his daughter, and lays his hands on her bloody chest.

Though he had told his children of the Fires of Creation, as a tale of his youth, none of them had looked upon them before. Indeed, Rognir's days of glory had been behind him when he began to teach his children, and he had preferred to teach them through his peerless skill, never showy, glorious acts of magic. But, both his children realize now, he could have. He simply never did.

The Fires of Creation burn around Rognir's palms, knitting together the grievous wound, flesh to flesh, bone to bone. The white fire leaps through her veins, and yet it does not burn. It is energy, it is imagination, it is creation in its purest form, and when he pulls his hands back, the fire within them dissipating and fading away, Calantha feels... almost as if she were a child again. Her mind may never be healed, like a shattered mirror, but there is a feeling of boundless energy in her body, counterpoint to the feeling of peace in her heart.

But when Rognir stands, the lines in his face seem deeper. He does not tremble like an old man, for he is still Fimbultyr Fell-Handed, but he is not the indomitable, infinitely-powerful warrior he was in his youth any longer. He turns to Aldric, but does not speak a word. The accusing gaze he lays upon his son speaks well enough.

Rognir loves his children, but he has little patience for those who fail him. Already once he has welcomed his son with open arms, but again he comes to the house at the end of the world, having failed to protect his sister, the sister he damned himself for. Rognir pities the fool, but only has seats at his table for the wise. Why has Aldric come back in failure again?

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-23, 04:24 PM
Aldric only leans against the wall with his hands in his coat pockets. There wasn't anything for him to assist with. He was arrogant, perhaps brash, but not imperceptive. His lips twitched at his father's cross look and he mutters, "Rognir give me the power to prevent all tragedies..."

His right fist waggles in the air. "For fifty years I sought Heradi to avenge one wrong to the family. Am I now to guard us from our own kin? Is my sister not safe even among family? Save your baleful gaze for the betrayer..."

2010-06-23, 04:50 PM
Calantha gasps, to see her father's abrupt landing; she gasps again, when his fingers find her skin, when the pure magic of healing and Creation pours through her veins. It is like being submerged in light, in fire that cannot burn, in perfection, and for a moment when it fades the goddess feels...bereft. She had been safe in that heat, in that glorious magic...but now, even the peace that settles in her heart cannot completely submerge the grief and sorrow that lie there as well.

Where Last Resort went through her body, there is a broad, shiny scar; no amount of magic will ever make it go away.

"Father..." The goddess clings to Rognir, almost desperately. "Father, I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't mean to, I was just with the others and everything was fine, pleasing, I was going to travel with them but then he came and he said my name, my name, in that voice with those words that make everything...everything too real and too bright and too big and I...I remembered, I remembered all and I didn't want to, Daddy please..."

She weeps, now, in shame and guilt, and presses Rognir's hand to her forehead, unable to look up at him. "Please...I didn't want to kill them, I didn't mean to, and he stabbed me, he stabbed me, he didn't have to...!"

White Blade
2010-06-23, 06:09 PM
Garadiel ignored his brother now. There was nothing to be done, at least when he couldn't explain. He looks about and returns to hisoriginal task, healing the dead. Light shines from him as he puts out souls with gently soothing water of mercy given form and his spirit is healed just a little of the pain the Cat's Eyed Man. It is laborous work and it is clear he is better at it then Faolan's whole army of wolves and Eridi and Faolan put together. The souls he quiets first are the souls of children, and just as one is fully cleared of the taint he moves onto the next.

2010-06-24, 07:59 AM
Rognir, Calantha and Aldric

There is a moment of silence as Rognir simply holds his daughter, as he once did when she was young. The voice of Rognir is glorious and full of power, but it is not full of comfort. So he holds her, and lets his embrace reassure his daughter that she will be all right.

But even tired, he is still Oski, Master of Riddles, and after a moment he sighs. "Son, my son, speak to your father; tell him why Garadiel the Wanderer has done this unholy act. No, I know how, or well enough. Tell me why, and then I shall take up the aspect of Azarael once more."

Earl of Purple
2010-06-24, 01:20 PM
Phromm and Aria; Hyb, Negeb

On the walk to the restaurant, Phromm absorbs the local politics with an interest. "Is there much danger around here then to caravans?" He looks awkward and not at all at home. By his actions and manner, it is obvious that Phromm has not been in a town of any size for a long time, if he ever has been inside one before.

When the odd two reach the restaurant, Phromm sits at a chair uncomfortably; normally he sits on the ground, and eats off it too. "I have not been in a permanent settlement for a long time. Not since giants invaded the lands of my people and drove them out of theirs; the Orofolk were human, then, and ever since they have been nomads. There weren't any Ice Worms, then, nor the Dire Wolves whose making I had no part in. Now, it is too dangerous to settle anywhere permanently; predators will find you and eat you." Phromm picks up the leg of lamb, and bites into it with relish. It is obvious now why he has such odd teeth; they are perfect for tearing lumps of lamb off the bone; not so good for chewing, however. "Mmmm. This is good." That's off putting; he's talking with his mouth full.

White Blade
2010-06-24, 08:33 PM
Garadiel's work is nearly complete. There is but one remaining, and Eridi tries to calm it with his blade, but to no avail. It rages and screams, "They're eating me!" and "Where is she?" it is clear from the two tones that there is a distinction between the two sentences. The eating part is sadness mixed with terror and the where is she is nothing but hate. She wants vengeance

Garadiel the Guide knows howeer, the tale of this woman's death. The reason she is so strong is because her death was the most terrible. While she had been cooking and preparing a meal, her children played about her feet. A seven year old and a nine year old and an eleven year old. Sweet children. As she said, "Food is ready," the screaming pierced the family ears. All three of the children had turned on her and devoured her, and then after she became a ghost she watched as they turned and ate each. She screams for vegaence on the screamer, she screams for vengaence on Calantha.

This is but one of the screams Garadiel had been subjected to, bt hers had stuck out to him. He steps between her and Eridi, leaving his back exposed to his brother's blade and embraces the woman. He holds her and cool, liquid mercy pours out from his veins. She calms, and only a specter remains. No longer damned, she begins to weep.

Garadiel holds her as she blubbers, as she sheds so many tears that even the mercy which extinguished her now seems little. At last, she pulls back her head and said, "My own children ate me... Did you slay the demoness? Or did she escape?"

Garadiel shakes his head and the woman pounds her fist against his chest as hard as he ghostly hands can manage, "Why not?" she demanded, furious. "Doesn't she deserve it?"

Garadiel looks at her and stills his mind against the drumming for long enough to say, I'm sorry and images reach Eridi's mind. An image of the woman's death, and an image of Garadiel's failure to prevent. There is an apology for his calling the damned amongst it, and Eridi can feel the utter sense of failure he has over it. And thenthere is a feeling of regret that he couldn't have killed Calantha, that she might go on to murder millions more. And then the woman collapses into a heap weeping in his arms.

Garadiel vanishes, and Eridi can no longer hear the woman's tears.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-24, 10:19 PM
Aldric smooths his hair back and paces a bit.

"I don't... I don't know why he attacked her. All I could get from Lucien's vision was what happened after she was stabbed. But... "

He screws up his brow and gestures to Rognir with an upturned palm, confounded and agitated. "Don't you know? Aren't you supposed to see these things?"

His voice was pleading this time. Long ago he'd been derisive when questioning Rognir's sight, but now he desperately wished his father were as wise and knowledgeable as he'd been led to believe when he was young.

2010-06-24, 10:50 PM
The rune had worn off. It was all he could do to hold the monster at bay, killing it was out of his abilities for the moment. All he had to do was hold it there and one of his nephews could silence it quickly. Then Garadiel appeared in front of him. For a second, he contemplated shoving his sword through his back and ending it then and there, but his father had yet to pass judgment. He would not suffer Aldric's curse, nor would he defile Sovennia's final wish, not today. He stayed his hand and watched.

What had happened to the woman was terrible, as was all that had happened that day. Eridi felt sorry for her, but then, then he heard his brother's words. Two simple words with so much power behind them. And that image of Calantha, how he was sorry he couldn't kill her. His voice trembled again, as did his entire body. "Damn you, Garadiel..." he said, as the woman collapses. Holding the petty steel with his divine hands, he crushes the handle of the sword. Stabbing it forward, he had aimed for the stomach. It wouldn't have killed him, but it would hurt more than anything else. Yet, before it could connect, he was gone.

Falling to his knees, Eridi felt empty. He hadn't helped Calantha, he couldn't even stop her. He hadn't been able to stop Garadiel, either, nor even muster the courage to kill him after what he had done. But, at least now he had proof, the Betrayer himself had said she was alive. He would seek her out, but now was not the time. He still needed Shen Zhi's knowledge.

Looking at his sword, he truly had ruined it. the metal had almost been torn in half where he had gripped it so hard. "Nephews, I have no explanation for what just took place. However, I still mean to sail to Zhang today. We have not a moment to lose. If the significance of today isn't lost on me, we have to hurry."

Standing, he placed the sword tip first into the ground. This place is hallowed now, it's seen the death of one of Rognir's children, a selfless death at that. Using his divine energy, he stabilized just this town square, clearing his sister's madness from here. This place, it would be safe when all others were not. That is what Sovvenia wished, and Eridi would see that through.

Act Expenditure
1 Minor - Stabilize town square of Shale

2010-06-25, 07:34 AM
Rognir, Calantha and Aldric

"I should be able to!" Rognir's voice is many-layered; in it there is injured pride, and the anger of an ancient god, and an emotion Aldric knows well - a father's impotent frustration at his inability to protect his children. "But were I to stand at the edge of the world and look out over you day and night, where would you tell me to look? There are things I have left to do here, and I cannot watch you all, and I cannot look from east to west every moment." He whispers, "I cannot."

Rognir looks down, running his fingers through Calantha's hair. "Do you remember what I told you? You must be strong without me. Any fool could change the world if I stood by his shoulder, but you must be more, you must be able to stand on your own. I have not turned my back on you, but when you left my house you took the responsibility of the world upon your shoulders."

White Blade
2010-06-25, 07:39 AM
Garadiel collapses into a heap. His body is drained, his mind is tired, he has many souls he must guide, and now Sovvenia's death was becoming real to him. She had sacrificed herself to defeat the enemy and she had urged him forward, to make the world worthwhile. He did not know if he could do so. What good was there in one who had called the Damned? The drums press against him and he collapses to his knnes. He cannot hold out much longer, the pain is too great in his heart.

He felt his aching seep into his earth and the ground grew hot beneath his hands and feet. The burning began to spread, and soon all of the damned fled across the ground, fleeing from him towards the Storm. He chased then, howling at them and the brothers, terrified, grasped the fleeing souls and carried them across the gap.

It was so much easier than leading them across the ground like mule headed children. He resolved to do it more often. And the drumming got weaker... Father. He had to warn Father. He jumped into the portal, heading for the house in the Uttermost East.

2010-06-25, 08:31 AM
Calantha looks up, at her father's words, and beneath the pain and guilt, buried in her breast, there lies a steely resolve.

"No, Father..." Her voice is soft. "You are right. You cannot watch us, not all of us, not all the time...the task would be insurmountable. We scatter like butterflies, over the whole world, with our own plans and schemes, our own loves, our own hates..."

Gripping the arm of the All-Father, which is strong and steady even in his age, even in the decline of his world, the goddess painfully pulls herself to her feet; her hands lift, to frame her father's face, and then she kisses him gently on the cheek.

"I hated you..." Her voice is quiet, still, barely loud enough to shift the air in the room. "I thought you brutally unfair, but I understand. I understand, now...I know why we are what we are. Why you chose us, out of all, to be banished. And were it fair, Garadiel would suffer the selfsame fate, for spilling my blood on the streets of Shale..."

She pauses, and now there is a deep and terrible rage in her eyes, and her fingers dig into Rognir's shoulders to keep her standing as she fights for control.

"Aldric...we need to go. He will come here, sooner rather than later, and I cannot...I cannot abide his presence, even now the very name makes hornets buzz in my ears, makes my vision cloud, makes me wish...makes me wish that for a moment, just a moment, I were disowned completely so that I could do to him what he did to me tenfold--!"

Her voice had grown dark, and terrible, and she wrenches her hands away from her father and brings them to her face, trembling. "No...no...we must away. We must...thank you, Father, thank you for...for helping your disgraced children..."

2010-06-25, 08:46 AM
Looking at his sword, he truly had ruined it. the metal had almost been torn in half where he had gripped it so hard. "Nephews, I have no explanation for what just took place. However, I still mean to sail to Zhang today. We have not a moment to lose. If the significance of today isn't lost on me, we have to hurry." [/SPOILER]

Ling Wu
When Eridi arrives at Zhang, he discovers the port empty. No travelers have come to or from Ling Wu for over a week. There is an atmosphere of just pure "wrongness" everywhere. From the port Eridi notices that there is a local woman waiting there. It is Chei, although Eridi does not know her. As she is at the port she awaits for your ship to dock.

2010-06-25, 06:47 PM
As Faolan impaled the last of the Damned on his blade, he turned to see Garadiel embrace the specter, to see Eridi stand by as he stated his intent to kill one of the divine family. Wiping his sword on the tattered remains of one of the undead's clothes, he stalked towards Eridi, his rage far from spent.

"Had I known you lacked the stomach to finish him, I would have crushed his throat before dealing with his abominations. I will know who that is, uncle, and what his purpose was in assaulting our pack."

As Faolan stood seething, waiting for an answer, a faint whimper cut through the silence of the battlefield. The Beast would have ignored any other voice, but this one was unique, a mortal that reverberated with the power of the beast itself. Turning, Faolan's eyes fell upon Eithne, huddled into a fetal position, surrounded by the corpses of the Damned. Cutting off Eridi's explanation, Faolan crossed the space to Eithne in a breath, and took her in his now mighty arms. Dipping his head, he addressed Eridi.

"This being poses a threat to all the divine family, if he is willing to attack whoever he believes to be his enemy without pause. I would travel with you, but my own family requires my attention. I will meet you again in Zhang uncle."

With that, a great crack rent the earth at Faolan's feet. Jumping in, he disappeared into darkness, and as quickly as the rift had formed, it closed. As it did, a tremor went through the earth, a tremor only the Grey Watch felt. Throughout the four continents, packs of the Watch abandoned their posts, heeding the call of their master. Traversing the deep roads, the hundred who called Faolan father returned to the Den of Twilight, and took position around the crater of the Wyrm's Eye, standing vigil as though they themselves had turned to stone. After hours, the wall of the den burst forwards, carrying Faolan and Eithne on the winds of divine urgency. Breaking into a run, he laid her down at the lip of the great lake, and knelt by her side. As one, the Watch knelt as well, falling into silent prayer. As Faolan muttered words older than mankind, words of Earth and Rage and Vengeance, the sigils on the foreheads of the Watch began to glow. That glow was reflected one hundred fold in Eithne's brand, the light of which illuminated the chamber like the sun. Deep within her spirit, the broken shards of sanity began to mend, fused together by divine will. Yet it was not one divine spark that fueled her ascension, but many, the madness of Calantha's echoing essence mixing with the rage of the Beast, held together by the stony will of Faolan and the hundred years consciousness that was Eithne. With a gasp, her eyes opened, and the gold darkened, stained red by the essence of her patron, her father. But the madness had found a small place of its own, and the red shifted again, blazing violet that outshone any geode. And as Eithne Twice-Born breathed her first breath as a god, she fell into a deep slumber.

Slumping back, Faolan knew not how much time had passed, only that his daughter was safe. Seeing the Watch for the first time, Sovvenia's words echoed in his head, and the Beast felt the first stirring of something new, a desire for a true pack, one large enough to secure the North. For the first time, the Beast and the Man were in agreement, and called out to the watch.

"Grey Watch! For decades, you have safeguarded the abandoned and the desperate, protecting them from the terrors of this world. But this is not enough. Even now, refugees stream about without hope, their lives shattered. Guide them here, give them shelter, and we shall forge a new people in this land, a people strong and unyielding as the rock around us. Go forth, my Grey Watch, and bring me the orphans of the four continents, and bring ruin upon any who would do them harm."

The Watch stood from their vigil, and raced down the deep roads on their new mission. All throughout the world of Rognir's children, bands of refugees under attack, villagers struggling to survive the ravages of savage attacks, and dying towns found grey cloaked individuals at their doorstep. Though some turned away, most grasped at the last straw of hope, and followed the Watch back into their deep roads. Some fell in that dark place, but most emerged into the Den of Twilight, confused but desperately hopeful.

Meanwhile, Faolan returned to the surface, knowing that Eithne needed to come into her divinity as he had, on her own. Though the Beast had begun to quiet, it was still in control, and it smelt something, an old rival with whom it had unfinished business. Rushing north, Faolan sped to intercept Orgo at whatever destination the Crimson Wolf had set for itself.

Actions Used:

3 Major Actions: Make Eithne a demigod

2010-06-25, 10:02 PM
He had taken Faolan's comments in stride. In truth, he had screamed out at him to protect him from sharing Aldric's curse, but now, with that final thrust, he had to deal with the fact he truly was willing to kill Garadiel. Pondering where to start his explanation without betraying his brother, he was as surprised as Faolan to hear Eithne. She sounded weak, and Eridi barely meeked out a worried, "Take care of her, then we'll talk," before he disappeared.

As both the adrenaline and flow of divine energy began to wear off, Eridi finally realized just how badly he was hurt. His right arm had taken the brunt of the punishment this time, and, had he been a mortal man, it probably would've been lost. Instead, he took off his shirt and began to tear it into strips. Turning to Lucien, he finally noticed his nephews white hair. "So, boy, you still with me? I wouldn't blame you for turning back now and running for the hills, no one would. What d'ya say? Onward to Zhang?"

Faolan and Aria - Hyb

"Danger other than bandits? Not really. Troublemakers, yes, but they don't really constitute danger. Nah, it's been about twenty years since the last war, so the biggest thing around here was the recent rise in cults. Only the Blackwings were a real danger, but we stomped on 'em just hard enough to drive 'em off. Now we've just got these damned Dreamers hanging around, spreading their malaise over otherwise decent kids."

Talking in the restaurant, Aria's not at all put off too much by his lack of manners. Strange people come to the City of Trade, and each have their own odd ways of behaving. That had been one of Eridi's first lessons, "The ways of others are different, so judge character by intent, not action." Taking her own, she ripped into it in almost as barbaric a fashion as he did, though having normal teeth handicapped her somewhat. "I've heard tales of the Orofolk, half painting them as brutal, child-eating savages and the rest as scheming frost giants, both of which I always figured were just travelers' tales. Heard tales of the savagery of the north, too, including those worms you keep mentioning, though I doubt they're really a thousand men tall, invisible unless you cover your path with salt, and can control lightning. It would be interesting to know some actual truth about that place for once."

2010-06-26, 07:43 AM
Rognir, Calantha and Aldric

Rognir reaches into the depths of his cloak and brings out a pendant of iron, in the shape of an encircled cross. He presses it into her hands, and folds her fingers over it. "Be safe, my beloved daughter."

Rognir rises, and looks to his estranged son. He nods to him. That is all that needs to be said between them.

Rognir and Garadiel

Walking on the path to the House is difficult. There are wards over it that Garadiel must force through, meant to keep out that which is contrary to Rognir's divine nature. With the drumming in his head, they lash out against him.

But is he not a god? Is he not the favored son of Rognir? He makes his way through the wards, and comes to the House. There, in the courtyard before the house, is Rognir.

His brow glistens with sweat, though the chill wind whips about the plateau. In his hands he carries a wooden blade, crafted in the west in the days of his youth. It is a masterpiece of the woodcrafter's trade. It is with this blade he goes through the motions of the swordmaster. Rognir was a mighty swordsman once, and he still retains every bit of his skill now.

Now he lets the blade droop, and his shoulders straighten. "Garadiel. Tell me what has happened in the mortal world. Tell me, why do you come here in such haste?" There is a bitter touch to his voice.

White Blade
2010-06-26, 08:26 AM
Garadiel has thus far been horrified that he has difficulty. He suspects that he is desecrating the Mountain. His head throbs, the drumming is so loud. And so quiet. Like it has been muted on the other side of a wall, and now it has gotten louder in respose. He looks at his father and focuses.

He is having trouble listening to his father. Largely because somethin terrible has happened. With one eye, he sees his beloved father, champion of the World Tree, victor of the War, maker of all that is. With the other, he sees a youn man in a black cloak, his father from before his war. Garadiel closes his eyes. His sight is doing him no favors.

His eyes are closed. His heart is heavy. It is hard to say what is coming, hard to press out. It is impossible to say it gently. Calantha, contempt and disgust ring in Rognir's ears. He did not even know his son was capable of such hate. Indeed, to all Rognir's perceptions, Garadiel had always been too soft hearted to be a true warrior. has betrayed Rognir sees Calantha standing next to an unmasked Echo and a feeling of having been betrayed. To the enemy And for just a brief moment, Rognir hears the drums. He sees Echo grasping Garadiel, he hears the shattering of the worlds and then... The drums keep going.

They don't stop. It takes a moment, a few moments, for Garadiel to realize that the drumming has kept going. It hurts his head like a hideous double echo... He falls to his knees and begins to blubber in pain.

2010-06-26, 09:38 AM
Rognir and Garadiel

"So," Rognir says thoughtfully to himself. "Everything falls into place. But he should not be able to be here... well. My son."

And then the crack of the sword mutes the drums for a moment, the pain flaring up on the right side of Garadiel's face driving out the pain in his head. "Let us suppose that He has managed to slip past my wards, over A'gap itself, to beguile Calantha. Surely, knowing this, you would go to him in secrecy and slay him." Crack. Blood trickles down Garadiel's face. "What did you do? You came to her and spoke her name in the Words of Creation! You attacked your sister and nearly broke her mind completely! Aldric was damned for saving his sister - and what you have done is worse in intent, if not act." Crack. Garadiel is knocked to the dirt. "Where is the body of the Enemy of Creation, Garadiel? Surely, after stabbing an innocent, you turned against the truly dangerous foe and slew him? Did you not, Garadiel?" Crack. The pain of Rognir's blade is now as grievous as the pain of the drums had once been. "Garadiel, you could be the greatest of my sons. But as long as you do not see the true enemy, you will damn yourself. I will not allow this to happen, my son." Shink. The tip of the wooden blade is thrust into the earth before Garadiel's face. "Had Calantha died, you would now be at the foot of the mountain, broken for your grievous sin. You are fortunate indeed that her damned brother still cares for her deeply."

Jair Barik
2010-06-26, 10:25 AM
Down. Down into the frozen depths of the earth he travelled, through winding passages dark with the darkness of ages long past and magics long forgotten. No light could venture down here and so he navigated by sent and sound alone, the crunch of bone beneath his feet only confirming his suspicions that the catacombs were a fine match to the surface levels. Was cold too. Bitter cold that numbed even one of divine blood to the bone. In the deepest reaches of these tunnels Orgo found what he was looking for, the book written before paper or ink were made, blood on stone in languages long lost to mortal man, languages that still lingered in his own memories. A language of death with no words for peace, mercy, compassion, love or good but ten for pain, twenty for death and a hundred for hate. Mingled amongst these words he could smell and taste other words, words that were not written to be read. Bad words, vile words. Scribing from his working senses Orgo copied what he found into a thick metal ledger that grew ice cold to the touch with each word added to it. It took a full week without sleep but for all this time the building repelled his light other even as it sapped his own energy. The last word written down there was only one thing left to do, destroy the origional, there could only be one copy of the Ledger of Wyld Magics after all. Looking through his work Orgo found a suitable looking word. Now how to pronounce it....

"Gwivix? Gwarvox? Gwevex? Fwedex? Gwevecxs-"
Those who might have been watching would have seen a raging inferno erupt from the ruins, roaring high into the sky and melting the stone itself leaving only a smoking shell. If they continued to watch they would see the burnt form of the Red Wolf emerge, book in hand with a grin upon his face. He had a weapon, a weapon that he could use from a range to destructive effect.

1 MA-Create the ledger of Wyld Magic

White Blade
2010-06-26, 10:39 AM
Garadiel could not explain. I mean that literally. He couldn't explain. He wished to tell his father why he had actually attacked Calantha. He withered beneath his father's blade, but he forces himself to stand. It is clear from the look on his face that there is something he wishes to say, he cannot explain it however. Many times, Rognir had seen the look on his face as Garadiel had visited him.

Garadiel had never intended to slay Calantha. The wound should have been easy to hear. As to saying her name, it shouldn't have caused her pain. It was just... He was just... Without the drums, Garadiel begins to shed tears. He does not flinch or move and his heart is deeply injured.

It was not... His fault. But perhaps it wasn't Calantha's either. Garadiel had just been trying to speak with his sister. It is hard for him to hold his tongue. Garadiel works his mouth and nothing comes out. He looks at Rognir... He had failed. Rognir was correct. Sovvenia had succeeded, he was sure of it... But he had failed.

Waves of regret roll off his mind, sheer utter sorrow, touching Rognir like waves from a sea. He did not intend for this to happen. It had been an accident. He was grieved. He had not known that Calantha had responded for that reason. He, moreover, was now unsure. He had called the Damned, after all. He could be responsible for everything.

The drums begin to ring in his head and he frowns. This doubt was not his fault. Rognir blamed him for his sister's crime. Garadiel knew she was out to do something to the stars, to the center of divine law. He was becoming furious. His rage began to mount. But Garadiel could not bring himself to be angry with his beloved father. He creates a dagger of flame and stabs his right hand with it. The pain is enough.

Wasn't trying to kill her.

Rognir sees now Garadiel's sword in his mind. It is supposed to be easy to heal the wound. It is completely incapable of killing. Garadiel had struck Calantha in the hopes of waking her from her madness, the same way he had just driven a fiery dagger into his own right hand, and Garadiel's blood stains the floor.

2010-06-26, 01:40 PM
Rognir and Garadiel

"There are many ways to kill, Garadiel. Calantha nearly died believing that her brother was evil, just as you believe she is. Do you believe that your siblings will listen to you now that you have turned on your mad sister? Turning your blade on one who could not fight back?

Your actions have caused damage to my family that is, perhaps, irreparable. You are meant to be greater than this, my son. But you will have to suffer and toil to regain the trust that your siblings once had in you, to make right the failure of your actions."

He sighs, and Garadiel can tell that his sorrow is just as great as his son's, his disappointment and grief matching the sorrow of the lord of death. "My son, my son. If you truly desire to make things right, go from this place and slay your true enemy. Make things right. You have mastered the ways of life - bring life where there was suffering. Serve your family to repair the bonds between your siblings. And then you will be absolved of this day's actions."

White Blade
2010-06-26, 02:38 PM
Garadiel suffers the weight of his father's words. But the screams of the dead had not left his ears. His anger has not been absolved. He looks at his father, with eyes that have not forgetton the mortals who have died this day. But his father does not have his regard for mortal life. He let's it pass. There is another matter.

Sovvenia, sadness mixed with loneliness and despair, for Garadiel is without his companion now, said Calantha and the Cat's Eyed man were inquiring about the stars. The Stars. The Divine Law. The source, or reflection, of divine might. Garadiel's face is clearly worried.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-26, 03:27 PM
Phromm and Aria; Hyb, Negeb

"So the Harpies have yet to reach this far south, at least in numbers large enough to impact trade. When they arrive, use bows. Orofolk, well, that's easy. They're flesh-eating savages that are no longer human. As far as I'm aware, there's no more giant blood in them than there is in you. They do eat children, though, but they prefer to hunt giants over humans, as there's more meat on them. I can show you an Orofolk, should you desire. And the Giant Ice Worms are smaller than that, my steed is the largest of its kind, and it is twenty men long and two men tall. But yes, the land of my followers in the North is a savage and brutal place, but the Orofolk and the Ice Worms aren't the only predators. There's Bugbears, which were there before I was and it is a roll of Bugbear hide I carry. There's Harpies, which are aerial Orofolk and also Dire Wolves, which were created by somebody else. There is very little plant life, and no large herbivore populations, necessitating that everything must hunt everything else for food."

Talking of his roll of Bugbear hide, it's currently underneath his table, and his crudely carved bone walking-staff is propped up against the back of his chair. He smiles when Aria imitates him, but there's otherwise no reaction as he eats.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-26, 06:54 PM
While Calantha recuperated (all the while under the close watch of her now dutifully overprotective brother), Aldric devoted himself to combat training with a fervor he hadn't felt since his banishment more than a century prior. He'd always gotten by on raw strength and superior cunning. While he'd never been bested since he'd left Rognir's Hall so many years ago, his victories had always been somehow hallow. The thought of Heradi mocking him with a gruesome wound down his chest and the memory of the Behemoth's marrow cracking as a second head grew from the gushing stump of its neck... it boiled his blood.

Despair was heavy at first, more like a cumbersome block of lead than a true weapon. He hated it and admired it at the same time. If the day ever came when such a weapon was no longer needed, he'd be the one to sunder it and let it be forgotten. Until then, it was his burden, his corruption and his sick, sweet desire. The world had never been fair to him, but it would be his pleasure to even the score and repay his tormentors for every injury and every injustice. Heradi, Behemoth, Garadiel were the words on his lips as Despair made the air bleed.

It was this warrior that Ganrei encountered at the end of his journey to the north. He was grim, he was determined and above all, he had become wise. A long look had passed between Aldric and his father as they parted ways. At last they very nearly understood one another.

Gain Ability: Athletics/Endurance
2 Minor Acts: Increase population of the Vale
1 Major: Gain Celerity Domain

Previously, in Shale

Lucien's sword hung loosely held on his fingertips. Mouth agape, he only stared out over the bay for several minutes before sheathing his blade and replying to Eridi with a curt, "Yes, Master." Those were the only two words he'd say for some time after. He attended Eridi dutifully and learned everything he was taught, but no more. He had no questions, nor insight and he did not pry or ask to learn anything that was beyond his master's intentions.

Eridi had seen that man before. Ghostly, defeated, tired, slightly delirious... the same as when Aldric showed up on Eridi's doorstep so long ago. Though a perfect and attentive student, it was a sad sight to see the creativity and passion gone out of the lad. It was his eyes that were the worst. They were dull and glassy, but so deep now; he knew more than he ought. It was best not to look too long, you might fall in.

Secret! Don't look unless you're Raz!The book that Aldric gave Calantha to give to Lucien is Rafa's journal. Besides being a powerful grimoire itself, it also contains everything she knew about the Dark Speech and every dirty dark secret that she, Tarik and Aldric learned about magic. The book disguises itself to look innocuous. If read by anyone who wasn't meant to see it, it appears to be only a dictionary of dirty words from several languages.

Create Artifact: Grimoire of Agony, Torment and Fear
1 Major, 4 Minor, 2 Ceremonies left

2010-06-26, 11:17 PM
They had picked the smallest serviceable ship at Shale. Eridi had seen to making sure it was clean of the dead before boarding, but it's crew had been on shore leave, obviously. The trip had been near silent, both skeleton crew members working the ship in near silence. It was hard work, but they arrived in Ling Wu.

It was a good thing the port was deserted, if odd in such decent weather they arrived in. Had their been other boats in the bay, they would've never been able to position theirs next to a pier. Jumping down, Eridi took care of tying the boat to dock while Lucien finished up with what needed to be done on deck. Looking up from his knot, he spoke to the lone woman, "Am I to assume you're the dockmaster come to charge our fees? I didn't bring much in the way of coin with me, so I hope you're willing to barter."

Phromm & Aria - Hyb

Aria did at least keep her decency to swallow her bite before talking. "Well, harpies will have a hard time hunting around here. We have plenty of Wyvern riders that come down here from Givreterre, not to mention the rocs from out west. But, I will give your warning to the Fletchers, they always are complaining about a lack of work to do."

She did look surprised at his description of the Orofolk, it wasn't at all how she'd thought they'd really be. "Huh, they do sound... interesting, but unless they're open for trade, I'm afraid it would probably be best for all parties to stay where you deities put us."

And the final sentence, well, it just sounded stupid to Aria. You have to keep minting coins, or eventually they all disappear, it had to be the same in the north. "Phromm, I hate to say it, but I don't think you know your wilds as much as you think you do. I suggest you watch these giants and bugbears, I suspect they're hiding a food source from you and yours, a large one at that. The system you describe starves everyone after a while." Taking another bite, this one's smaller and more deliberate. Her mind was working and she was beginning to realize just how easy it would be to trick a god.

2010-06-26, 11:28 PM
"Am I to assume you're the dockmaster come to charge our fees? I didn't bring much in the way of coin with me, so I hope you're willing to barter."

"Carden, Lucien, it is so good of you to come." Chei blurted. "Shen has fallen into a coma, and Ling Wu is deserted. There is now, no one in all of Ling Wu. No one goes to the port or from it, because of the wraiths that cause terror in the night. Strange, horrific howls, screams and roars are heard constantly from Shen's bed chambers, and I fear that Shen's life is in danger."

2010-06-26, 11:45 PM
This woman, Eridi thought, she knows both who I am and who Lucien is. I don't mind the first one, I'm sure my description's gotten around, but how does she know Lucien or that he's traveling with me? As he finished the knot he stood and addressed his brother's envoy, "So, it seems Shen Zhi's gone and got himself into trouble again, huh? I always thought he should've taken things easier, gotten some rest instead of spying on people. Ah, well, take me to the codger and I'll see what we can do about it."

Eridi was already working out designs in his mind, not of how he was going to help his brother, but how to work his scrying runes backwards. He'd never liked voyeurs, especially when they were looking at him. It's why he didn't use his own pool so often. Calling back at the ship, he beckoned his apprentice to follow.

2010-06-26, 11:49 PM
This woman, Eridi thought, she knows both who I am and who Lucien is. I don't mind the first one, I'm sure my description's gotten around, but how does she know Lucien or that he's traveling with me? As he finished the knot he stood and addressed his brother's envoy, "So, it seems Shen Zhi's gone and got himself into trouble again, huh? I always thought he should've taken things easier, gotten some rest instead of spying on people. Ah, well, take me to the codger and I'll see what we can do about it."

At the arrival of the Inn that Shen was staying at, inside of a pagoda, the ground from it was cursed. The building it'self looked as if it was cursed. Blackened by some form of decay that left the building still standing. An echo could be heard from the pagoda's top floor. "Go away."

2010-06-26, 11:57 PM
Fingering his hammer, Eridi didn't like the looks of this place. Unfortunately, Eridi was not about to let what had already happened on this trip go to waste. "Lucien, my Lady, I'm going in. I dunno what's gotten into Shen Zhi, but I kinda need to borrow his knowledge for a bit, so I guess I need to get him out of this slump. You're welcome to follow if you want to, but I dunno how safe it'll be." Casually disregarding any answers they may give, he steps through the door, his mind set on walking up the first flight of stairs he sees until he finds his moaning brother.

2010-06-27, 12:01 AM
Fingering his hammer, Eridi didn't like the looks of this place. Unfortunately, Eridi was not about to let what had already happened on this trip go to waste. "Lucien, my Lady, I'm going in. I dunno what's gotten into Shen Zhi, but I kinda need to borrow his knowledge for a bit, so I guess I need to get him out of this slump. You're welcome to follow if you want to, but I dunno how safe it'll be." Casually disregarding any answers they may give, he steps through the door, his mind set on walking up the first flight of stairs he sees until he finds his moaning brother.

As Eridi walked up the first flight of stairs. . . A mysterious rasp could be hard from Shen Zhi Shu's chambers. "Go away." Eventually, Eridi would make it up to the third floor. Each flight of stairs Eridi climbed, he heard that same angry two words. Finally, on making it to the center Chambers on the third floor, a single room was in the middle of the floor, reserved for the guests of honor. Strange robed men could be seen standing gaurd, floating in front of every entrance into Shen Zhi Shu's presence.

Nefarion Xid
2010-06-27, 12:09 AM
Lucien follows obediently though Chei and her master had instantly earned his distrust. He'd overheard the comment while finishing his work on deck. The words of his mother echoed in his ears, "Those who speak of what they know learn to late that prudent silence is wise." So, he chose not to speak up or ask the woman how she'd come by that knowledge, though he did find it disconcerting. He was neither famous nor well traveled. He'd even kept his identity as Aldric's son a secret from the other riders until he tamed the Nightmare. And he'd always given his middle name, Valere, when traveling abroad.

Much of the self assured swagger was gone from his walk. Somehow he seemed straighter, taller, but far more humble. His snow white hair contrasted starkly against the rest of his outlandish wardrobe with brilliant blue swathes. Apart from his eyes he seemed much different than his father now. But, while Aldric's seemed to look clear through to the other side of you, Lucien's laid your soul bare. They missed little and revealed wisdom and concern beyond his years. He surveyed the cursed grounds, but remained silent, regardless of whether or not he had something insightful to say.

Without a word he follows his master in and remains close at hand.