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View Full Version : WHFB Orc [PEACH]

2010-04-20, 03:26 PM
Work in progress, though input helps.

- +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 Wis, -4 Cha, -2 Dex
- Powerful Build (always treat as one size category larger for everything beneficial to do with size except natural reach)
- Orc Blood for purposes of spell effects and magic item activation etc.
- low-light vision
- DR 5/lethal
- Endurance
- 1 Natural Weapon - Slam (1d6 Bludgeoning)
- Savage Swipe: Can extend reach to 10ft. as free action but with -4 penalty to attacks. Lowering to 5ft. is another free action and removes the penalty.
- Size Medium
- Monster levels in Humanoid (thinking 2 HD)?
- +8 Racial Bonus to Will saves to resist fear affects. Can use intimidate to oppose intimidate checks made againt them.
- +8 Racial bonus to resist torture.
- Treat choppa as simple weapon (or martial?) instead of exotic
- +1 LA?

Orc Racial Substitution Levels (substitutes any class)

At +3 BAB - Gain Natural Armor equal to Con Modifier

At +6 BAB - Grow to Size Large, 'Role' racial bonus such as warboss or another role (at option), etc.

At + 9 BAB - Fast Healing, Stuff

At +12 BAB - Racial Capstone

Orc Subraces
- Black orcs
- Savage orcs
- Goblins
- Snotlings
- Runts (or whatever they're called)

New Feat: Tear Asunder
Prerequisite: 28 Str

When grappling an opponent of equal size or less, or attacking anyone rendered helpless, you may, as a standard action, seize them by the limbs and tear them in half. Make a sunder check against the opponent (where their Con modifier is hardness, and fort modifier + Con score is hp; hardness is always a minimum of 0). If you reduce the opponent to '0 hp', then you may deal unarmed damage (or slam damage if your natural weapon is a slam) against both their strength and dexterity, crippling them.

In addition, the victim must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + your grapple modifier), or be stunned for 1d4 rounds and rendered helpless. If either their Str or Dex is reduced to 0, failure of this save will kill them instead - or at GM discretion, cause CON damage equal to strength/dexterity damage suffered + 1d4 months of paralysis (if CON damage does not kill them).

Houserule: Falling Damage for Larger Creatures

A creature larger then Medium considers falling increments wherein damage is taken to be equal to twice their height, rounded to nearest 5ft. (rather then the usual 10ft. per 1d6 stacking damage; ie. if an ogre is 12ft. tall, then he takes 1d6 damage per 25ft. fallen (24ft. rounded to nearest 5ft.)) - if their size is due to their horizontal length, then consider their vertical height to be the minimum vertical height requirement to achieve their size category (assuming they weren't horizontally larger then any regular humanoid of their size category).

NOTE: A 'regular humanoid' is usually bipedal and very close to a human in extraneous proportions (such as arms, legs, and head but not necessarily lesser proportions such as nose, ears, toes, etc.), assuming a human were of its size category.

Jump checks to reduce falling damage, are treated as if falling 1 increment less on success, rather then 10ft.

OP's NOTE: Unless you are Homer Simpson enacting the role of king kong in that one tree house of horror episode, you shouldn't be suffering maximum falling damage for falling 200ft. if you are 100ft. tall (it'd be like jumping down from the second story porch and spontaneously breaking every bone in your body and/or exploding).

New Houserule: Big Steps

If you occupy more then one space both vertically and horizontally, then you may treat the number of spaces that you move at your base speed as equivalent to the spaces you occupy (treat the spaces you occupy as one larger space for this purpose). Ie. An ogre occuppying 10x10ft. has 40ft base speed. For this ruling, it should instead be listed as '8 spaces'. His new base speed effectively becomes 80ft.

Whenever you would be granted a 5ft. step in a round, you may instead take a step of distance equivalent to the 5ft. spaces that you occupy (occupying 10x10ft. equals 10ft. step, ie.; occupying 10x5ft. does not equate a 10ft. step, however, unless specified otherwise).

OP's NOTE: In this way, creatures that are larger then medium aren't stereotypically sludges unless specifically listed as being so.

2010-04-20, 03:32 PM
I'm by no means fan of Warhammer, but don't they have like, ridiculous vitality (something more than +2 to Con)?

Or is this just in 40.000?

2010-04-20, 03:35 PM
No, it's WHFB. The racial substitution levels should give them something extra.

Otherwise, it's LA +1 - I forgot to mention.

2010-04-20, 03:38 PM
I meant:

If they have that "go on without one arm and one lung" vitality in FB too, or only in 40.000?

Anyway, does Powerful build work with all sizes or only " treat Medium as Large"?

2010-04-20, 03:44 PM
I meant:

If they have that "go on without one arm and one lung" vitality in FB too, or only in 40.000?

Anyway, does Powerful build work with all sizes or only " treat Medium as Large"?

All sizes.

And orcs are practically identical to orks with the exception that GW hasn't fully clarified the whole reproductive process with orcs whereas orks have been clarified.

2010-04-20, 03:55 PM
Just to be clear, is this a rendition of:

a) The crunch
b) The fluff as presented in the Orc splatbooks?
c) The fluff as presented in the Empire/Dwarf/Elf/Not-Orc splatbooks
d) WFB orcs or WH40K orks? There may be subtle differences that become relevant (although I can't think of any off-hand).

The three are VERY different interpretations.



2010-04-20, 04:13 PM
Traditionally, don't substitution levels apply to a specific class?

2010-04-20, 11:18 PM
Traditionally, don't substitution levels apply to a specific class?

Yeah, but this is an exception.

It's not terribly unbalancing, since there's a BAB requirement and all that.

I did the same thing for the krogan.

EDIT: Well, maybe it could apply as a substitution for barbarian or whatever.
It's more of a racial level though, so maybe it shouldn't be called substitution?

As for the krogan, there's two different racial levels divided into 'classes' (kind of like PRC levels that need to be taken sporadically).

Just to be clear, is this a rendition of:

a) The crunch
b) The fluff as presented in the Orc splatbooks?
c) The fluff as presented in the Empire/Dwarf/Elf/Not-Orc splatbooks
d) WFB orcs or WH40K orks? There may be subtle differences that become relevant (although I can't think of any off-hand).

The three are VERY different interpretations.



Holy crap, you found my old thread! Thanks.

Been googling around for that for ages.