View Full Version : Assassins (In-Character)

2010-04-21, 12:02 AM
"Twentieth of Mercy, PA 439-

- I'm skipping town. Lately, it's as if shadows have been staring at me. Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe not. I've heard the rumors of dark monsters lurking near our home. Today, though, I've been pushed over the edge. I saw blood just...holding to the shadow. I ran home, and here I am. I leave tomorrow at six in the...HRnn for..."

The one who wrote this journal entry is your next target. I expect him to be dead before he gets to his destination. Today is the twenty-first. The time as of now is...

The leader of the assassin's guild stands before you, suddenly silent in the middle of a sentence. A moment later, you realize why. Ret, the clock of Tharisun, chimes, rings, pings, clangs, bangs, bongs, pangs, rocks, knocks, rattles, clatters, and honks.

midnight. The text at the end is smudged purposefully. Perhaps your target thought better than to write of his destination and the time of departure.

You have six or eighteen hours to find Wilvur Ingus and kill him. No witnesses. No clues. No chance.

Everyone except Yonaton: Not like last time.

2010-04-21, 12:15 AM
Marchaud and Vinton both nod. "Yes, Guildmaster."


I need some concrete details. Where the hell are we? What is the structure of the guild we're a part of. What town are we in?

Also, for reference, when I use italics for speech, it means the dvati are thinking back and forth. Further, I'd like to mention that the nature of the twins is unknown. As far as anyone knows, they're just very in-sync partners. :smallwink:

Lastly, images so ya'll have a view of who the characters are:


Good gaming folks, let's have a good time.

2010-04-21, 01:01 AM
As far out of sight as possible, a tiny man, twisted into a grotesque shape, stands atop the largest rat you're ever likely to see. "Yes, my master." Murry the Ratman nods once.

2010-04-21, 01:08 AM
Marchaud glances around, and catches sight of the rat fellow.
Brother, see the small one?
Yes. What of him?
I have a suspicion of him.
Why? He poses no threat at current.
He is eager to please.
Ah, yes. We shall keep an eye on him, then?
My thoughts exactly.

Vinton clears his throat, and then speaks. "We are to work as a team then, Guildmaster? Or pursue the target as discrete units?"

2010-04-21, 01:31 AM
Your methods are your own. Work as you please. In smaller numbers, the possibilities are smaller, but the chances of getting caught are to match. I expect you can finish this job fairly easily. It's not recommended that you attack full on, however. Even if he does end up being lightly guarded, this man is known to be a fairly accomplished mage.

The human leader, Artur (are-toor), looks to be about thirty-five. He would be older if it were not for his...techniques. It seems he has found the secret to longer living. A few grey hairs show through his otherwise all-black tuft. Muscles trained from combat, training, and experience look as if they are constantly tensed (and knowing this guy, they probably are). He almost always wears a custom-made dark grey suit of flexible armor, made for protection without sacrificing mobility at all, as well as for providing the best possible hiding.

Through his fairly intimidating appearance, however, you see a man of respect instead of fear. He has never punished anyone unjustly and has never set a rule without proper thought for the opinions and feelings of his assassins. Of course, that's not to say he's wishy-washy. Quite the opposite. A mistake spells a reduced reward. Two mistakes spells hardly a reward, if any. Three and you're most likely dead by the time you realize you've made that many. A failed kill equals three mistakes.

As assassins who have worked for this man for a short while, you've learned not to make mistakes and not to ever, EVER, fail to fulfill the terms of a contract.

Murry. Get out of the darkness. You've been noticed already, anyway.

Artur hands Vinton the journal page with the relevant information. Said information is circled with dark red ink.

2010-04-21, 01:36 AM
"Mages, like anyone else, bleed. That's no concern. Warning noted, however." Marchaud shrugs as Vinton does a rapid scan of the document, looking for anything that the guildmaster didn't read, then looks up. "You made no mention of payment. Unlike previous employment, which has always been upfront in such regards. Has there been a change we are unaware of?" I am suspicious brother. Something feels... off, about this. Perhaps. Let us see as events unfold. Perhaps partner with the others? Check the mage guild?

2010-04-21, 01:52 AM
The guildmaster shows no change in expression, and in fact, no emotion at all.

You will be rewarded with an object of power from my collection, as well as simple gold. Wilvur Ingus is supposed to carry an important letter on his person. Bring it back to me and I'll double your gold payment.

If it's not on his body, seek out his homes--both past and future--and search them.

2010-04-21, 02:09 AM
Murry says something to Norveej in such a high pitch as to be nearly inaudible, and the huge rodent lumbers forward a few feet. Out in the open, the tiny man's features are even more hideous. "Yes, my master. I must offer apologies; it is but my nature to seek the darkness in the light" The horrid creature wears nothing but a bandoleer across his chest and a loincloth. Tucked into the loincloth is a wand about a third the height of the gremlin itself, and on the other side is a flask of something dangerous-looking. Affixed to the bandoleer are six vials filled with some sort of red-brown sludge. On his back is a strange spoon-shaped device next to a basket full of foot-long spears. "My master has made our goal clear, Duo, but I question you; Are we to work together on this or not?"

2010-04-21, 03:25 AM
The tiefling soulknife, dressed in an outfit appropriate for a harem, watched the guild master, considering what had been said.

"Master, per chance you have back ground on him that could prove of use? I make the connection of wanting us to do this ourselves, and locating him will be our job, but perhaps things would be easier if, for example, you could tell me of his private life."

2010-04-21, 06:18 AM
Master, do you have a prefered method of execution? Darrius glances at the sheet as it is passed to the twins. He rubs the handle of one of his blades absently. Also, do you happen to know his current whereabouts? More knowledge would be appreciated, master, and increase our chances of success.

2010-04-21, 10:09 AM
A small halfling discreetly rubs a scented cloth under his nose as he looks around at some of the seedier partners before speaking his own mind.
Aye. I could go looking round for him in taverns and the like, but by then he may have already skipped town- or heard that some likely lads such as ourselves was out looking for him. And that wouldn't help noone but his own self, sir.

Though... What was it you said his name was? I think I might know of him.

Bardic knowledge check [roll0]
EDIT: Sorry, the check was about the guildmaster.

EDIT 2: Making the local knowledge check encorporated.

2010-04-21, 11:00 AM
Indeed, tricky these ones are. We must be careful.
Yes, we must be.
The foul ratcreature seems wisest, and there is strength in numbers.
Perhaps we should propose an alliance?
Secure a position of power?
Let it be done.

Marchaud, listening to his fellow killers and to the guildmaster, walks towards Murry slightly. "Murry, was it? You seem to think as myself and my partner do. We offer you a partnership, should you wish it."


Diplomacy: [roll0]
This is just to portray a friendly and personable attitude, not to try and override another player. Marchaud is actively being openly friendly towards the ratman.

2010-04-21, 03:06 PM
"I can accept such a partnership, for the time being. Know this, however; should I receive the slightest inkling that either of you is working against me in this matter, you will awake to vermin in every orifice and a pox on your very blood." The little man's face has no expression at the last bit, but his voice implies that he would enjoy the sight. "A deal is struck."

2010-04-21, 03:27 PM
"And, so that we too are clear. If you cross us, or betray us, you will suffer, and you will scream for death before the end." From across the room, Vinton speaks up as well. "It is good to have all our cards on the table, Murry. I am Vinton." "And I, Marchaud." They speak in unison, a disturbing sight. "We are partners. Our pleasure to meet you."

2010-04-21, 03:37 PM
"I am Murroydia Durramoy, stalker of the city and keeper of rats. As you know, I am also Murry. As you may or may not know, I am also called the Ratman. It seems an obvious name, given my stature and habits, but in some places there's a taboo against speaking it aloud. Supposedly, "he" can hear you, if you say it."
The tiny man waves a gnarled hand, indicating his mount. "This is Norveej, and he is my partner. He is equal parts friend and tool, and not to be treated as a beast."

2010-04-21, 03:46 PM
Marchaud snorts. "Not to be treated at all, were it my choice. However, it is not. Your skills are obvious, Ratman. Ours are not. Suffice to say that we have a vast and varied skill set, all of which is uncommon. As for our reputation, well, that too is uncommon." Vinton has moved to stand with Marchaud by this point, as the Guildmaster is clearly swamped by the lesser assassins.

Brother, I am taking a liking to this Murry.
Caution, brother, caution. Liking leads to weakness, which cannot be afforded now.
Of course, though, I feel he may be of use to us. Perhaps with the-
Not here brother, not even in thought. We have foes, remember that.
Yes, wise as always, brother. Shame our hobbies are so derided.
That is not for us to judge, but yes, it is a shame.

2010-04-21, 04:32 PM
sum1won: Bardic knowledge result -- You know of Wilvur. He frequently visits the mage guild to practice, although his magic is divine rather than arcane. His home away from home is the church (he's a priest). One of his worst habits in safety is to pickpocket the rich for fun, then hand it back to them as if they had dropped it. More than a few times, others have had to bail him out of trouble because of his actions. He loves apples.

Knowledge (local) result -- A good way to find Wilvur without arousing suspicion would be through the church. People ask for him often enough, as he's known to be one of the more kindhearted priests in the service.

The target is part of the local church and he's a spellcaster. Other than that, we have nothing on information about him you need to know.

You may perform the kill as you wish, but keep out of known assassin-only tools. We don't want anyone to track the kill to this organization.

Find him and kill him. Valure urne.

2010-04-21, 06:36 PM
Murry re-situates himself on Norveej. "Is there anything more we need here, or are we ready to set off?"

2010-04-21, 06:44 PM
"We need nothing further, and have a few ideas on where to begin the hunt." Vinton looks pensive for a moment, then perks up. "What of the rest of you? Do we work together, or stand alone?"

2010-04-21, 07:14 PM
The halfling turns to Darrius, and John beckoning. My name's Yonaton, and I think I can find this guy. Bleeding hellfire, I know I can. You look like folk who can get to him and turn him off. I'll find out where he is and let you know where to meet me in a few hours, so you want to do this thing, or what?

He turns to the tiefling as well. Sorry, lady, but I'm not sure what it is you can do on this job. Maybe you can convince one of them otherwise?

[roll0] Diplo-check with other PCs. Not strictly needed, but what the hey.

Assuming that either Darrius or John accept, Yonaton leaves the room.

This little guy is going to church. He'll be watching to make sure that Team Twins isn't following him.

2010-04-21, 07:51 PM
"Hold a moment, please, Yonaton. Allow me to explain. The guildmaster summoned all of us for a reason. Wisdom dictates it is better to go as a group than as two. Will you not reconsider? It would be a great waste of potential." Vinton gestures, in a friendly fashion.


Actively trying to prevent a party schism here, since it's neither something I as a player like nor as a character think is wise. Have a Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2010-04-21, 07:52 PM
OOC... again

Trying to post a roll and getting an error message breaks rolls, it seems.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2010-04-21, 08:00 PM
I see no reason not to pool our perspective resources at the moment. I'm Darrius. Darrius faces the two twins. I would suggest we leave soon. It will take some time to find the target, and I'd prefer to get him while he's asleep.

2010-04-21, 09:05 PM
Yonaton bows slightly. That seems wise. Will you all be near one another? I suppose I could message you all individually once the target is found, but that seems wasteful. Those of you who are ready, and think themselves useful in finding our target should come with me.

2010-04-21, 09:51 PM
"To the mage's guild, perhaps, seeing as the man is a mage? If we are to work as a unit, best to coordinate, no? If it is battle you fear, that will be taken care of, have no fear." Vinton smiles at this last part.

2010-04-21, 10:41 PM
You may try the mages guild if you like, but for me, the church. Wilvur is a man of the cloth- he merely plays at being a mage. But only one or two should come in with me- I'd rather appear a lowly petitioner than a gang of thugs. Less likely to be remembered, and that.

2010-04-21, 10:48 PM
"Wise indeed. Murry and I will go to the mage's guild, with perhaps Darrius, should he wish." Marchaud smiles, and gestures to Murry. "Come, we should go, time is wasting."

"I will accompany you, Yonaton, if that is acceptable to you." Vinton nods. "We should coordinate our forces, and Marchaud and I can communicate over distance well." As Vinton speaks, a black feathered raven appears from thin air on his arm.

2010-04-21, 10:59 PM
"Indeed, Marchaud. Let us travel to the Mages and see what is to be seen." The Ratman squeaks something to his mount, and the two turn to leave.

2010-04-22, 05:52 AM
Darrius gives a small nod, following the other three. Aye. Mage's guild seems a good place to start

2010-04-22, 08:28 PM
Yonaton glances from being to being. If the two of you can communicate so well, good. Makes my job easier. If the church angle turns out to be a dead end, the mages guild will work just fine as back-up. He's not a member, but may be that we can trace him back anyways.

Turning to Artur, he gives a bow. It seems we accept this contract, guildmaster. I will message you personally to let you know when the job is done, if you will it.

With that, he leaves for the church at his usual limping gait.

2010-04-22, 10:42 PM
The twins break, with Marchaud moving towards the mage's guild with Darrius and Murry and Vinton joining Yonaton towards the church.

"Tell me, Yonaton, which church exactly does he patronize?"

Launch the raven when in open air. Have it scan the town for leaving carriages, trains, boats, or anything else he may be taking.

2010-04-23, 12:51 AM
Hurriedly hobbling along, Yonaton huffs I couldn't tell you the name off the top of my head, but I know where to go. He's got a reputation as a bleedin' heart there, so I'll feed them some sob story to find him. Easy enough job.

OOC: Truth be told, my knowledge check didn't get a name, although that may have been for any number of reasons. It was just 'the church'

2010-04-24, 12:54 PM
Those going to the church: Humans, elves, halflings, and gnomes all pass by you in crowds navigable only by the most dexterous of people. Luckily, you all are that type. Moving through the mob is easy for you. As you pick your way through the groups by walking on the path of least resistance, grey-robed figures can be spied spaced throughout the crowds. Behind each is a white-robed person and a black-robed person. An elf, then a gnome, then a human, another human, a halfling...then you arrive at the church. It's fairly sad-looking for a religious building, but Tharisun was never known to be all about religion. Most people around these parts are too absorbed in their work to care about any deities. The only ones who really worship devoutly are beggars...and that just pushes more people away. The outside is covered in moss and weathered rock, the building itself built off the foundation of a stone spire found when the city was first being made. The windows are full of ivy and weeds. No one can see inside until they enter.

A woman walks by you, bumping into Vinton as she passes. Sorrdy, sird.
Knowledge (geography) 1 rank or background of travel: She has a Myrtelan accent, causing the letter "r" to sound as if a "d" is after.

Time: 12:57 a.m.

Vinton: [roll0]
Yonaton: [roll1]
John Archer: [roll2]
Those going to the mage guild: Passing through the crowds of people in Tharisun is, as always, difficult. However, you are skilled and intelligent. You practically get through the crowd without being touched as you choose your steps carefully, moving toward the edge of town. You get to the mage guild with next to no difficulty. The outside is obviously magical, with arcane symbols marked every few feet on the outside. The door glows blue, then red, then purple.

Time: 1:09 a.m.

Marchaud: [roll3]
Darrius: [roll4]
Murry: [roll5]
Natasha: [roll6]

OoC: I'm just going to assume you want to leave now since there hasn't been a post in a day or two. Tell me if you want to go with a different group if you haven't said which you were going with in-character.

Holy crap. Excellent rolls, everybody. :smalltongue:

2010-04-24, 01:37 PM
"No problem, dear." He smiles disarmingly at her, while fingering his O'Ryan's razor, in case she starts something.

He turns to Yonaton once they arrive. "Would you like to take the lead, or shall I?"

"Ah, the mage's guild." He uses detect magic to discern the nature of the door.

2010-04-24, 01:51 PM
Marchaud: Round One: There is a magical aura present.
Round Two: There are four magical auras present. The most powerful aura is fairly strong, but not too powerful.
Round Three: Each of the auras is on the door and they all have about the same amount of magical power.
Spellcraft: [roll0]

2010-04-24, 01:56 PM
Yonaton nudges Vinton. I'll head on in, but check your purse. That woman could be a dip, you know?

With that, he limps inside the doorway, peering about for someone to talk to.

2010-04-24, 02:00 PM

Nitpick. I get 4 Spellcraft checks, one against each aura.

Relevant line from Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm): (Make one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + half caster level for a nonspell effect.)

"I will accompany, as a supplicant perhaps." He launches the raven into the air, and heads inside.

2010-04-24, 02:02 PM
Inside the church: Beggars are sprawled out on the floor, praying. There is but one priest present. He seems to be tending to a sick man in the corner. The alms container is on the altar, in plain view, to the priest's back. It's wrapped in thick paper to prevent anyone from seeing inside. None of the beggars are reaching for it, surprisingly.
Vinton: Your purse is still attached, and from what you can see, nothing has been taken.
arguskos: Check out the other thread.

2010-04-24, 02:49 PM
Oops.... forgot to subscribe to this thread ^^;;

Natasha idles, stretching herself slightly, display her assets incidentally.

"Boys, why so rushed? I'm a delivery." Natasha says, walking toward the door; knocking on it, she twitches her tail slightly, planning to seduce (or try to, anyways; she IS scantily clad and good looking) whoever answered... male or female. Spinning a tale about looking for their target, because she has a 'present' for him would be the exact truth. Just the nature of the present wouldn't be.


Half decent.

2010-04-24, 03:44 PM
"What have you found, Marchaud?"

2010-04-24, 03:46 PM
"Very little. The wards are strong indeed. I am unfamilar with this specific guild though, and do not know the means of egress." Marchaud ponders for a moment, then snaps his fingers. "I have a solution, one that will showcase the wards on the door." As he says that, the large black raven that Vinton summoned flies down to meet Marchaud, and then flies over and lands on the door handle.

2010-04-24, 03:54 PM
Yonaton drops a handful of silvers into the alms bucket. As he does this, he tries to unobtrusively peek inside before kneeling down next to a beggar close to the entrance.
Tell me, friend. Can you tell me where I might find Father Wilvur Ingus?.

If the beggar seems to hesitate, or wants to know why, Yonaton tells him:
I've a friend in need of aid, and he is said to be a kindly soul

Diplomacy check seems appropriate here. [roll0]
Bluff to give a reason for requesting aid, if needed. [roll1].
Opposed by the beggar's sense motive check, I guess.

2010-04-25, 12:50 PM
Church: Yonaton: You catch a glimpse of the bottom of the alms bucket. There is a handful of silvers in there (yours), a rock, a few coppers, and a piece of burnt paper.
I suppose I could tell you...you seem the trustworthy type. Ingus is hiding. Do you see the alms bucket? I see you have put some silver in. Put an equal amount of copper in, then...well, after that, you need magic. Magic of the gods! I saw Remi over there casting a spell into the bucket. It was all glowing and...yeah. He dropped that piece of paper in as he cast...
The beggar hesitates, probably realizing that he admitted to peeking in the alms bucket.
Remi, the lone priest, turns his head toward you, but keeps tending to the beggar on the floor. The poor guy seems a bit tired.
Mage Guild: As Natasha touches the door, red and purple lights spring out and touch everyone nearby, including innocent passersby. They seem unaware. Curiously, you feel nothing, but some of your equipment seems off--as if the magic is taking a break. Marchaud's raven is gone. A moment later, the blue color flies off the door and hits the party (-4 penalty on Spellcraft checks made to identify spells for five minutes).
arguskos: The familiar won't be able to come back for five minutes.
You also see the uncolored aura hit each of you (-2 SR for five minutes).

2010-04-25, 01:05 PM

It's not a familiar. I don't have one (not a wizard). It's a supernatural at-will ability, granted by having bound Malphas this morning. Does that change anything?

"And this is why I let others open doors for me. Does it open now, streetwalker?"

2010-04-25, 01:18 PM
arguskos: Oops. Wrong terminology. But yes, summoning the raven is off for five minutes.

2010-04-25, 01:19 PM

Hmm. That's odd, very little suppresses Supernatural abilities like that. Curious.

2010-04-25, 03:20 PM
Annoyed by Marchaud's recrimination and assumption that she just worked the streets, Natasha tries the door; she would show HIM street walker. And when she was done he wouldn't be able to walk or move for an hour or so.

If the door opens;

Natasha opens the door enough to poke her head in, looking around to judge the layout of the first room.

2010-04-25, 06:54 PM
Mage Guild: The door opens easily. Inside is a large room with wooden walls and floors. Tacked up on the sides are pictures of long-dead magi. Several robed people are inside, socializing. Notable treasures lay guarded by magical locks (most likely riddled with traps to match). No one seems to notice Natasha's head poking in the door.

2010-04-25, 07:28 PM
"Well girl, move on in. We've not all night to dally about, though you may believe otherwise." Marchaud, seeing that the door does open, gestures impatiently inwards.

2010-04-25, 11:00 PM
Natasha pulls back, spinning on her heel to glare at Marchaud. "Listen here, pretty boy. I don't have to play nice with you, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't act like you're my master; you AREN'T, and if you keep acting like you are I'll show you why I was asked to come here." Her voice is a harsh whisper, hopefully one that wouldn't carry.

Glaring at the twin, Natasha turns back, gesturing for the others to wait outside as she slips through the door, but leaves it slightly ajar.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, might a girl trouble you with some questions?" Natasha asks in a slightly sultry voice, smiling as she walks toward the mages.

2010-04-25, 11:21 PM
Mage Guild: A few citizens walking by stop at Natasha's outburst, but then continue on their way, muttering about the "crazy b-" they just passed to their friends.
Several of the people in the guild hall turn to face Natasha at the same time. One black-bearded man speaks up. Of course, young lady. Ask away. You too, sir. Several mages around him start to cast spells of an unknown nature, although their mannerisms do not seem threatening.

Murry Spellcraft: [roll0]

Note to Self: Four mages casting. All cast shield and mage armor.

2010-04-25, 11:25 PM
"Whore, you misunderstand. In my eye, you are somewhat... irrelevant. Either perform a task of use or get out of the way." Marchaud has no trace of anger or condescension in his tone, he is merely informative.

He walks in after the call girl, and watches as she does her thing, unobtrusively asking a mage standing on his own after the target. "Excuse me, but I have a query, if you have a moment."


Diplomacy (taking 10) for a 22, and here's a roll if you deem I can't take 10 here (not sure, but hey, better safe than sorry, right?
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2010-04-25, 11:59 PM
"Someone, I think it was the client, but I wasn't there... Anyways, someone visited my master, and spent a fairly large chunk of gold hiring me to perform for Wilvur Ingus, but he didn't show up. I've been asking around and some said that he came by the guild on occasion and I was wondering if you'd seen him recently..?" Natasha asked, seeming a bit hesitant and trailing off toward the end, looking at the mages with an expression slightly akin to fear, because of their casting.

Since this is, basically, the truth, I see no need to roll any checks x3;; Though I suppose a bluff check MIGHT be needed for the fearful expression, so here...


And yes, she gets that they aren't casting offensive spells, but she's supposedly just a low class whore, how's she supposed to know?

2010-04-26, 12:12 AM
Yonaton gestures for Vinton to lean down for a moment, and whispers in his ear.
There's a note in the alms jar that may be of use. If you could get it without being seen, it might be useful.

Yonaton limps across the room to Father Remi, leaning heavily on his stick as he does so, hoping to appear as harmless as possible.

Father, a moment of your time, please. I am seeking Father Ingus on behalf of a friend, and am told you might know where to find him?

I have a sneaking suspicion this is a puzzle. Lacking divine magic could make this tricky, though. Also, he is watching me, so I should probably go up and say hello.

Also, random spellcraft check to see if I would know anything about a spell like the one cast on the jar.

2010-04-26, 12:15 AM
Vinton nods in response, whispers back "I'll be outside.", and wanders out of the Father's line of sight. Once he cannot be seen by someone who matters, he'll use Malphas's Invisibility effect to go invisible for 4 rounds. In those 4 rounds, he grabs the paper and the rock from the alms bucket and steps outside.

2010-04-26, 01:24 AM
Church: Yonaton: Remi the priest (not Father, specifically, since that term is reserved for the high priests of the church--call him Brother) stands up, making sure the beggar at his feet is in a comfortable position. Yes, my son. Father Ingus is out on vacation. Where he went is a mystery, although he did leave plenty of people behind in need of assistance. Remi seems annoyed for a moment, but then a serene calm once again washes over his face. Anywho, I do not know where Wilvur went.
Remi has the appearance of an ordinary priest, although his robes are a weird type. They seem to be heavier than most other robes. He also wears a very tiny belt on his right side with little black balls attached.
Vinton: The paper is curled up in a sort of rough semicircle shape. On the rock is a symbol of a sun with light bursting out from it.
This church has symbols of moons all over. The wall behind the altar is peculiarly empty, however.
Mage Guild: Wilvur...you mean the heavyset guy? Oh, yeah. He came in from time to time. Ate all the food, too. Bastard. Good guy. He always seemed to know things others didn't. I think someone's after him now, because he's skipped town and he left a note to us saying something along the lines of "going away to..." bah. I forgot. Does it matter all that much?

2010-04-26, 01:28 AM
If unnoticed (not sure why he would be), he'll slip out the door and into the street, where he waits for Yonaton.

He simply waits and watches. If prompted about his question, he inquires as to the price of scroll production.

2010-04-26, 04:00 AM
After instructing Norveej to hide outside, Murry sneaks through the open door and bolts for the nearest source of darkness. With any luck the flirtatious kobold and silent robed man will distract from Murry's movement.

Hide check:

Move Silently check:

Norveej takes 20 on his Hide and Move Silently checks, for a total of 28 in each.

Both Murry and Norveej have a speed of 50ft, o they should be able to reach a hiding spot, if any are available.

2010-04-26, 12:24 PM
John Archer steps in through the church door moments after the others. He waits by the entrance for a moment and makes sure that no hostiles are apparent before continuing in.

The young man is currently dressed like a decently successful merchant, and a brown backpack is slung over one shoulder. He wears a tired expression on his face, but his posture reveals his anxiety to those trained enough to see it.

He approaches the alms bucket and leans towards Yonaton.
"So, did you find out anything about our missing friend?"

2010-04-26, 12:25 PM

I'm outside. Vinton was invisible when he nicked from the alms bucket. If John was late, it's possible Vinton ran into him while waiting outside.

2010-04-26, 12:41 PM
Yea, sorry about that, fixed it now.

2010-04-26, 01:13 PM

'sall good! It can be tough, catching up, and one misses the little details. :smallwink:

2010-04-26, 08:07 PM
Father Ingus is on vacation, you say? Without telling anyone? That sounds most unlike him. I do hope he is alright, though even this small travel leaves me exhausted. With your permission, Brother, I shall rest over there for a minute until I am refreshed.

Yonaton limps to the back wall, and sits against it, before turning to John.

Friend, could you think you could go and let Vinton know I need his help? My legs are weak, again, and our journey seems to have been for naught.

Sense motive on the priest. Given what the beggar told me, I don't buy his story that he doesn't know where Ingus is.

Also, how many beggars are there, and about how big is the room?

2010-04-27, 03:56 PM
Church: The room is fairly large; from the entrance to the back is about 65 feet. The sides are about 40 feet apart. As for beggars, there's the one you talked to, the one against the wall Remi was tending to, and seven more right now.
Yonaton: Remi is pretty difficult to read, but you get the feeling that he's usually fairly trustworthy. He seems tense, however, which could be saying something.

The time is 1:33 a.m.

2010-04-27, 04:05 PM
"Well, I cost a pretty penny to borrow, and for him wasting that much gold worries both me and my master..." Natasha said, seeming concerned as she idled, seeming a bit lost.

2010-04-27, 04:07 PM
"Vinton? Oh, I see, he left. I'll be back in a moment, why don't you rest for a moment. I'm sure the dear father here can help you to a place to sit."
The young man smiles towards the priest and pats his companion on the shoulder before he turns and heads back out again. Once outside, he stops, waiting for Vinton to make contact. From Yonaton's words, he figures that Vinton should be nearby.

2010-04-27, 04:16 PM
Vinton taps John on the shoulder, and ends his invisibility effect. "You wanted something?"

Marchaud, watching the whore's efforts, watches quietly. He readies an action to intervene if someone gets uppity.

2010-04-27, 04:52 PM
Mage Guild: I see. I'm sorry, lady, but I'm not into this sort of thing. I've got a wife and a kid at home. Maybe you can come back another day when Ingus comes back to haunt us with his presence. Keep the money though.

2010-04-27, 05:09 PM
Murry, hiding under a nearby piece of furniture, watches the exchange with mild disgust. Why don't we just take what we want and stop playing around? he thinks to himself. A silent snarl breaks his head nearly in half as his frustration manifests.

2010-04-27, 05:56 PM
Marchaud, sharing Murry's impatience, speaks up, louder. "I am sorry to protest sir, but we need his whereabouts. Now. If you could be quick about it, that'd be excellent. Our master is... impatient about such things, and will not take no for an answer."


Combination Diplomacy/Intimidate? He's trying to get the info out of the man, but is also trying to be polite about it, though brusque.

I'll roll both and let you decide which applies here:
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

Also, about the spells they cast (just had a brainstorm), were there any visual effects? Or the spells just were cast and nothing visible happened?

2010-04-27, 06:03 PM
"Please, sir, I don't want to be punished!" Natasha said, eyes wide, almost begging.

Nat20 on diplomacy Arg. Good shot. I'm wanting to say Natasha is doing an aid another action. I'd roll my own check, but 34 should be enough.

2010-04-27, 06:21 PM
OoC: The spells didn't have any visual effects. And no! 34 is never enough! Everyone is immune to Diplomacy in my world! Now DIE! *mages all cast power word kill*

Mage Guild: Alright...I'll go dig up that little note.

A moment later, the man comes back with a tiny piece of paper.

It says, "I must go now. I promise to come back after my vacation in Veilspring is over." The rest of it just goes on about how he's sorry he has to leave us, blah blah...oh. And there's this.

He tears off a small golden sticker attached to the mini letter.

He says it magically reflects light in the letter, but we tried it; it doesn't work like he says. You can have it, since it's pretty much useless. Maybe it'll help you find him...sorry for the delay you had here.

2010-04-27, 07:01 PM
Marchaud takes the letter and the sticker-like object, nods politely once, and says, "Many thanks to you sir. Apologies for my tone, but, this is a matter of grave import. A good day to you." He turns and leaves, gesturing to the others.

Brother, we have the location. A town called Veilspring. Have you turned up anything?
Not yet.
Keep working it. We'll rendezvous with you shortly.

"Come, they need our aid at the church." He moves off through the back alleys towards the church.

2010-04-27, 07:19 PM
Murry skitters outside as soon as someone opens the door. He squeaks something incredibly high-pitched, and Norveej saunters out of the shadows. Mounting up, Murry says "That took just about long enough. Any ideas on how we can speed this up?"

2010-04-27, 07:34 PM
Avoid the crowds. Let's take the back streets. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, these rooftops might be close enough together for us to go that way.

2010-04-27, 08:56 PM
Natasha gave a look of gratitude to the spokesman for the mages before slipping out after the others. She silently awaited whatever decision was made.

2010-04-27, 09:36 PM
"It would certainly be faster for Norveej and I to stick to the ground. On the cobblestone, we're faster than any horse." Murry's beady eyes flash in the faint light as he glares into space.

2010-04-27, 10:09 PM
"Come, the back alleys, and the church, await. No time to dawdle, enough has been wasted thus far." Marchaud moves into the back alleys quickly.

2010-04-27, 10:48 PM
Mage Guild: Traveling through the alleys usually wouldn't be a good idea, but it always has been the fastest. Mice and rats scurry back into holes and sewers as you near them, but they look curiously at Murry as you pass.
As the church comes into view, a shape obscures it. A thug. This'un's mah road. They's a toll. Pay up. He's holding a fairly small knife, probably stolen from a kitchen. The source of a weapon wasn't anything to deter death, though. Those in the alleys knew that.

2010-04-27, 10:52 PM
Marchaud stops, and gives him a long hard stare. "You have 5 seconds to move out of my way, or I blow your forsaken head into chunks. Got it?" As he speaks, his hands begin to fill with an eldritch energy, and his eyes turn jet black with what look like stars in them.


Intimidate check, taking 10 for a 24. I'd hope the fact that I'm holding letting a little bit of eldritch power leak from my hands gives me a +2, but that's your call, of course.

The eye thing is just what I like describing the twins as appearing like when they tap into their warlock powers. There's a story here that I've yet to share. :smallwink:

2010-04-27, 11:16 PM
OoC: Sweet. As long as it's not anything that will totally blow the campaign to pieces, I'm all for secrets, even from me. I like surprises. :smallamused:

Err...well... He moves to the side of the alley, which leaves enough room for you to pass in single file.

DM Note: Human rogue 1/sorcerer 1
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 16 (+3)

Bluff +8 (5)
Climb +5 (4)
Concentration +5 (5)
Hide +6 (4)
Jump +5 (4)
Knowledge (local) +5 (5)
Intimidate +7 (4)
Move Silently +6 (4)
Sleight of Hand +6 (4)

Spells Known:
Level 0:
Daze (DC 13 Will)
Touch of fatigue (DC 13 Fortitude)
Arcane mark

Level 1:
Obscuring mist
Color spray (DC 14 Will)

Kitchen knife (1d4, x2, slashing/piercing)
Sharpened rock (1d3, x2, piercing)

2010-04-27, 11:34 PM
Murry and Norveej follow Marchaud through the ally, but Murry doesn't take his eyes away from the thug for a long while.

How did you take 10 on a social skill, Arguskos? I can see how Marchaud might not consider the thug a threat, but you can't normally take 10 on social skills.

2010-04-27, 11:36 PM
Marchaud waves his hand dismissively. "For wasting my time, I would normally kill you anyways. However, I am running late for something. Consider this a parting gift." Marchaud releases a blast into his foot, hard enough to hurt, but not enough to cause real damage, and moves past him without another word.


Yep, that's right. I am THAT level of bastard.

This is a fluff effect, btw. It's not enough to cause true HP damage, but it is enough to sting for hours.

EDIT: Lyndworm, I have seen no prohibition on taking ten on social skills anywhere. I might have missed it though, I don't use them normally.

EDIT^2: Yup, checked the SRD. No rule against it I could find in the Skill section. If you've got a reference, I'd love to see it though, don't wanna be breakin' rules and stuff.

EDITx3: And, for good measure, I even quoted my sources here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8390228&postcount=141) Hah! No one can say I don't check stuff when called on it! :smallbiggrin: Note: not tryin' to put ya down dude, but I do like to check facts when called on stuff. Thanks for keepin' me honest though, I appreciate it!

2010-04-27, 11:46 PM
Natasha paused by the thug, and suddenly her dagger was in her hands and she was smiling, a predator's grin on her face.

"Do be assured that if any of the working girls have issues, I'll be back to make you hurt." She said, before turning and following after the others.


... And I roll a four. Good job Dyth. *shakes head*

2010-04-28, 12:33 AM
John turns around, and smiles.
"There you are. Yonaton is looking for you, however, his legs are troubling him, and so he's resting within the church."
He adjusts his backpack slightly and continues in a lower tone.
"Did you find anything? The priest inside isn't very helpful at all." He asks as he turns and starts walking back inside.

2010-04-28, 12:37 AM
"I found something, yes. I'll show you all later. Also, the others are coming. We must wrap things up quickly." Vinton hurries inside to Yonaton's side, wrapping an arm around the halfling. "Your legs are hurting again? Here, lean on me for a moment." He whispers as he leans down to the halfling, "What is the true need?"

2010-04-30, 06:09 PM
Come now. I'm a healer. I may help you with your leg.

A shaft of light shines through one of the church windows and he recoils.

Hehe. I'm a bit jumpy, aren't I? A bit of sunlight...I've been in darkness for a while, you see. Other than a few lights shining into my home, I have been seeing in shadows.

He turns his head away from the light as he walks through it.

Another man walks into the church, scanning everything within moments. He walks to the alms jar, dropping in a handful of silver and copper and waving his hands a bit while speaking quietly. He ends with a wide arc of his arms. A massive sound bursts through the church as he does this, following his arms. Each window in line shatters as he moves, stopping before Remi.

I've found you, Remi. Or should I call you "mehewar?"

The sweeping gesture finishes with a blast on Remi, sending the priest back into the wall. It cracks slightly. Surprisingly, the healer is back on his feet within a second, a small, crescent-shaped black object in hand. He throws it at the ground in front of him, and a second later, darkness surrounds the church, supernaturally extinguishing the candles and stopping light. He yells for the beggars to run.

Natasha: 19 [+3]
Yonaton: 19 [+2]
Remi: 15 [+4]
Darrius: 15 [+3]
Mystery Guy: 14 [+3]
Marchaud and Vinton: 14 [+2]
Murry: 13
Beggars: 7
John: 5

2010-05-01, 01:24 PM
"Yonaton curses violently and fluently. Anyone who he may have recently met might be somewhat shocked by his abrupt coarseness. As the men begin their magical showdown, he unslings his harp and begins to play and recite.

To you, sir, who enters this door, in the words of Antille Korovski, Speaker of the Red House, "what is your business in this house of souls?"

[roll0]perform (strings) check

Using Inspire Fear Harbringer ability on everyone not in the party. Save DC 17, causes -2 morale penalty to attack, damage, and saving throws vs. charm and fear effects. IF harbringer wasn't approved, then using inspire courage instead.

2010-05-01, 05:03 PM
Natasha got as far back into the shadows as she could, hoping to evade notice; she didn't want to get involved in something she wasn't actually involved with...

2010-05-05, 01:19 AM
It's unexpected that you are here and calling me the traitor.

Through the shadow, you can see Remi moving his hands around in his robe, but the object he pulls out is pretty obscured. It looks like a round scroll or something. A moment later, the purpose of it is clear, however. Remi brings it above his head then down onto his knee. It snaps like a twig.

Deeper darkness covers the priest and vanishes as he jumps back at the wall, somehow reaching halfway up to the ceiling with hardly any effort...and sticking.

Roll: [roll0]

OoC: Note that this encounter is meant to be kind of odd in that you don't really know which side is the "right side" to fight for. Any way you go, you'll get the same experience and some nice bonuses aside.

2010-05-05, 08:32 PM
Darrius draws his blades, then moves so as to be hidden from view in the edges of the darkness, watching to see how things shall unfold.

Hide: [roll0]

2010-05-05, 11:54 PM
Perhaps we are both traitors then. In any case, the Brotherhood would like to see you. We've...missed you.

The man smiles, baring fangs bigger than an average human's thumb.

Suddenly, that expression disappears and he closes his eyes. He raises his left hand, eyes still shut tight, and fires a wand off.

Marchaud and Vinton: A bright light flashes through the church, dispelling much of the shadow in it. Your blink happens a bit too late, but you manage to resist blindness.

Effect: Dazzled for 3 rounds.

Darrius, John, Yonaton, and Murry: A bright light flashes through the church, dispelling much of the shadow in it. Your eyes naturally close quickly, blocking out most of the blinding effect.

Effect: Dazzled for 1 round.

Natasha: A bright light flashes through the church, dispelling much of the shadow in it along with your sight. Your eyes close too long after the flash, causing blindness.

Effect: Blinded for 3 rounds.

Oh, sh-!

Remi is covering his eyes now, spewing curses like vomit after drinking a barrel of beer. He falls ungracefully to the floor of the church.

2010-05-06, 12:18 AM

Vinton uses the Invisiblity power of Malphas (it's surely been 30 seconds since he dismissed it, since we had to GET HERE from across town). Both twins go invisible. Vinton then moves outside.

Marchaud then uses a sickening eldritch blast at the pretty obvious vampire (not Remi, the mystery fellow), just to test his defenses. It's a ranged touch attack, and given that I'm invisible, this surely denies his Dex bonus, granting Marchaud +1d6 sudden strike.
Attack: [roll0]
EB Damage: [roll1]
Sudden Strike [roll2]

Marchaud then steps outside after seeing the results of the attack. He is visible, Vinton is not (performed no attack actions).

The partners both blink and rub their eyes. "Well, your affinities are clear. Enough of this!" Both of them vanish, only for Marchaud to appear a moment later as a blast of eldritch power, laced with a sickening stench, leaps from his hands to smash into the attacker's face. As the smoke clears, Marchaud pulls back, outside the church.

2010-05-09, 01:40 PM
It's Murry's turn.

OoC: Taking advice from arguskos, I'll be announcing turns if you don't beat me to it. :smallamused:

2010-05-11, 06:51 PM

Sincere apologies, Lyndworm, but I am botting for Murry at Temotei's request.

Murry, seeing the events in motion, draws his atlatl, arms it, and tenses for combat.


Murry readies an action, to be taken as Lyndworm dictates.

2010-05-11, 09:35 PM
The mystery man grunts as the foul-smelling blast hits him squarely in the chest. A cold stare is cast upon Marchaud as he leaves the church, promising pain in return for his own.

The beggars are all in a panic, not even listening to Remi. They start to run around, pushing and hitting, some trying to attack the man, some trying to escape. The one that talked to Yonaton before manages to get enough of his wits back to take advantage of a gap in the miniature crowd to charge the fanged man. The wild assault misses by a long shot, causing his blow to land on another beggar. That one stumbles and falls to the ground.

Beggar Panic (Read): The beggars are pushing against each other, leaving a stalemate in strength, not even allowing any to get out of the church. There is a wall of beggars in the middle of the church, moving ten feet each round in a random direction (determined by d8). As of right now, there is a clear line between you and the mystery man and you and Remi.

OoC: It's John's turn.

2010-05-12, 01:22 PM
As the tumult in the church increases, John seems to fade even further into the shadows, blending with the environment. For those not focused enough the anonymous man slowly disappears completely.

Using Forgotten Presence, hide check with a -10 penalty. [roll0]

2010-05-12, 04:57 PM
Natasha, then Yonaton.

2010-05-13, 05:31 PM
Natasha curses her slowness, eyes staying closed; a vampire? Maybe? she couldn't tell, but she was... not going to be useful in this fight, that much was certain. As far as she was aware, anatomy in a vampire didn't matter, so her sticking her dagger into a kidney wouldn't help at all...

So she shifted away from the loud beggar wall, backing her way along the back of the church. She wasn't hiding, per say, but she was staying out of the way.

((I absolutely love that I'm the only one blinded XD))

2010-05-13, 07:02 PM
Murry eyes the man Marchaud attacked, watching him carefully.

The readied action was an attack on the man in question, triggered by him making any gestures Murry would define as "threatening."

2010-05-14, 11:18 AM
A vampire? The music would be next to worthless, then. Nevertheless, Yonaton continued to sing at the intruder, while pulling a crossbow from his pack.

2010-05-15, 03:00 PM
Enough. Your vows prevent you from harming these people. Let us take our quarrel somewhere safe.

My purpose outweighs my vows, Remiran.

Remi unsheathes a sword, the metal shining a curious blue, and leaps forward, charging the vampire straight on. He misses by quite a bit, nearly hitting a beggar right behind the mystery monstrosity.

I told you to run.

Is that all? Perhaps we can try again another time, ex-trinos.

Trinos: It means brother. The word is most commonly used by merchants to provide a more friendly atmosphere, making it more likely that someone will buy.

Darrius is up.

2010-05-17, 06:28 AM
Darrius draws his weapons, then does a roll to get behind the vampire, hopefully dodging any attacks directed his way as he does so. He then sinks one of the blades into the vampire's back.

Tumble: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Lemme know if I need to make more tumble checks, based on how far I'm moving. Trying t get directly behind the vampire.

2010-05-17, 04:27 PM
Ooh, one is bold enough to come up against an unknown enemy. I like that.

The solar vampire manages to squirm out of the way of Darrius's attack, the flank doing nothing for Darrius's accuracy.

Mystery man uses the momentum from dodging the shortsword to catch Remi off guard in the side, grabbing his neck and throwing him forward onto the floor. A moment later and the vampire is holding Remi down in a grapple, the priest obviously helpless. His sword, however, is free from the vampire and the priest, lying on the ground beside them.

The solar vampire bites into the priest's neck. Through Remi's skin, you can see bright orange glowing. He starts to yell and scream on the floor.

2010-05-17, 04:49 PM
Enough of this.

The pair of them step back into the church. "We have need of him. Stand away."


They both give the bastard an eldritch blast. Marchaud's is laced with a sickening blast, and Vinton's benefits from sudden strike (lolinvisiblity).

Marchaud's Blast:
Damage: [roll1]
Also, a DC 14 Fort save, for giggles.

Vinton's Blast: [roll2]
Damage: [roll]1d6+1d6
Reminder, these are touch attacks.

2010-05-17, 05:20 PM
Both eldritch blasts from the twins...blast into the solar vampire. He seems shaken, but his grip doesn't loosen on Remi, nor does the priest manage to fight back strongly enough to push the vampire off. The orange under Remi's skin brightens, turning more yellow-orange.

Marchaud and Vinton: The vampire is pretty annoyed and angry now. It looks as if he's ready to go after the two of you, the way he's leaning and subtly glancing.

Murry is up.

2010-05-19, 01:11 AM
As the vampire pounces on the priest, Murry flings his atlatl. He and Norveej bolt away as Murry's hands twist into a strange symbol. "Cruthaím bladhm!" He unclenches his fist and a bright flame sprouts from it.

Actions -

Readied Action triggered.



Move 100ft away (or as far as that much movement allows without losing LoS to the vampire). Cast Produce Flame. The resulting flame sheds light as a torch. Although now that I think about it, a Tiny-sized torch is really more like a candle... :smalltongue:

2010-05-19, 06:54 PM
Murry's weapon hits right on the vampire. He starts to shake, obviously ready to pounce. Around the little jermlaine's flame, shadows disperse. Sight is crystal clear in the corner of the church.

The beggars have given up on pushing each other. They all run to the exit as fast as possible, nearly running over Marchaud and Vinton. Their eldritch blasts keep the beggars back, however.

John is up.

OoC: He's coming for you, now, boyos! :smalltongue:

2010-05-19, 07:36 PM
Watching the beggars begin to truly panic, Marchaud sees an opportunity. "Stand and deliver, you cowardly bastards! He kills your priest, and you do nothing?! SAVE THAT MAN OR DIE BY MY HAND!"


Loltimidate: [roll0]

OH! And that's a 30. Good timing for a good roll. :smallamused:

2010-05-19, 07:45 PM
What do we do?

I'm taking my chances with the vampire.

Me too.

The beggars start shifting slowly back toward the priest, tripping over their own legs and always looking at Marchaud.

Effects: The beggars double moved toward the entrance of the church, but only made it thirty feet before Marchaud stopped them. They shuffle back that thirty feet left over in their movement.

They also gain a +1 bonus to AC for two rounds, their fear forcing them into a sort of self-protective state.

Also, John is still up.

2010-05-20, 04:12 PM
Emerging from the shadows, John quickly advances on the vampire and draws his dagger. With a smooth movement he strikes a precise blow at the creature, aiming where the lungs would be on a ordinary humanoid.

Move: Advances to the vampire and draws daggers.
Standard: Attacks 1st:[roll0] 2nd:[roll1] if he failed his spot check last round he's considered flat-footed against this attack.
Damage: 1st:[roll2] 2nd:[roll3]

I just realized that I'm quite worthless against undead, unless he's are subject to sneak attack and similar stuff, in which case he'll fall unconscious 1d4 rounds if he has <5 hp/level ... Oh well, I guess that we'll face living people eventually :smalltongue:

2010-05-28, 12:23 AM
The vampire tears his fangs off Remi's neck. The priest screams out in pain as a bright orange blood-like substance spills out.

Why do you help someone such as him? Do you even know this so-called "priest" of Yunahaldara? Do you know who Yunahaldara is? She is the goddess of the sun and moon. Of solar and lunar undead.

Why help a worshiper of an undead god?

OoC: Precision damage does work against undead, but this guy ended up with 5 hit points over 5/level.

Oh, and Natasha is up.

2010-05-28, 12:37 AM
The twins call back, "One could ask you the same question, fool."

2010-05-28, 04:46 AM
As Natasha remains blinded, she remains sitting uselessly in a corner wating for her eyes to clear.

2010-05-28, 03:04 PM
It is not his godly work as a priest that concerns us. Yonaton snaps.

Readying an action to cast Grease (DC14) if the intruder makes an aggressive move

2010-05-28, 06:39 PM
Remi writhes on the ground in pain, yelling more quietly than before, like he's out of breath.

Shut up. Bastard.

I do not serve an undead god or goddess. I am indeed an undead abomination, but that doesn't mean I follow the rest of them.

As for you...what does concern you, then? Surely random strangers wouldn't protect this man for no reason.

The vampire smiles at you all in turn. His hands rise up high, as if about to strike, but he doesn't turn or move quickly enough to hit anything.

2010-05-28, 08:22 PM
A man recently came into possession of an item that did not belong to him. We were tasked with recovering it. Remi here was our lead. Now, leave this place- you've interfered enough already.


2010-05-29, 01:28 AM
Murry watches carefully, but draws back his arm all the same.

Readying an action to throw the Flame if the vampire makes any aggressive action.

2010-05-29, 01:34 PM
Oh...an item. What sort of item is this?

Perhaps I can help you search for it. I'm a tracker. I'd rather not die, either, and since I started this...

Let me put it this way: I help you find what you're looking for. In return, you leave my affairs with Remiran alone.

By now, the beggars have reached the vampire, but they're now confused as to what to do. One attempts to run from the church through a broken window. One attacks the vampire, but fails miserably. A shoulder ram later, and the beggar is down.

Really. Come on. Only one of you? Get out of here, now, before you get hurt like this poor fellow. Attacking one of...us is a bad idea. I mean, really. You all look pretty tasty to me.

The beggars look ready to leave, but then they look over at Marchaud and decide to stay, although they do back up a few steps.

2010-06-01, 04:10 PM
"Cowards." Marchaud, seeing the beggars aren't attacking, spits into the dirt. "Tell me, corpse, why should we trust you? You are killing the man we need. If you want him, you can have him, once we're done with him. Sound reasonable?"

The twins hands glow with eldritch might again, and they are ready to fire should he twitch wrong.

2010-06-01, 04:11 PM
Damn, forgot my Diplomacy check. Here, have a roll:
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2010-06-01, 09:22 PM
The "corpse" narrows his eyes.

I must have forgotten to tell you my name. I am Nivaldi Brontis, solar vampire of the Order of the Underworld's Light.

I doubt that influences your attitude, however.

He sighs and bows his head slightly, slowly.

Very well. I accept.

OoC: Your Diplomacy check did indeed help influence Nivaldi's attitude, but I consider the role playing more important. Remember that. If you're intimidating someone, I want some intimidating going on. Bluffs won't automatically fall through if they beat the check.

Just figured I'd mention that. Keep going, though. I'm curious as to what you have in mind, arguskos (Should I capitalize that? I want to because it's a name, but your username isn't capitalized...).

2010-06-02, 01:25 AM
"Hmpf. You're right, your name means nothing to us. However, we honor our agreements. If you will step outside, we will... speak, with the priest, and you may have him when we are done." The twins stand to either side of the door, and gesture to the vampire.


This is a fight scene, testosterone is high, whadda ya want? They were as diplomatic as can be in the situation while keeping immersion and their characters active. :smalltongue:

Also, I rolled a freaking 6. :smallannoyed:

2010-06-02, 01:44 AM
OoC: I thought it was pretty believable. I simply said that in the above spoiler box so everybody could benefit in the future.

Nivaldi walks deliberately slowly out of the church, taking note of everyone's tension and Remiran's state of being.

Don't be long...

2010-06-02, 02:20 AM
John turns towards the twins and nods politely.
"Well done that, it was not my kind of fight and I'm glad it didn't last longer."
Then he looks at the priest and frowns.
"Now, if you want to live, I suggest that you help us. Where's Ingus?"

2010-06-02, 03:22 AM
Yonaton raises a hand, and paces nearer.

Its not a continued existence he wants. What he really wants is to not be given to this Nivaldi. Am I right?

With that he turns to the beggars and waves his crossbow at them. If they don't leave, he shoots just over their heads.

Get out.

Bardic Knowledge check on solar vampires...
[roll1] Sense Motive
[roll2] Intimidate check on beggars.

2010-06-02, 05:17 PM
The beggars follow Yonaton's directions, but it seems they aren't doing it out of fear of him so much as fear of Marchaud and the situation. It's likely they'll never come back.

I was not lying before. However, given the circumstances, I believe I ought to say more.

The alms jar, as Nivaldi has found out, is not just an alms jar. Following a specific set of directions will gain you entrance to a secret place under the church. In this place, you will find what you are looking for. Take this and leave me be. I...would like to think before I die.

Remi gives you a small, black orb in the shape of an eye with an easy-to-push, easy-to-see switch on the side.

"Use the eye when the fires shine darkness," goes the saying. You figure it out. Gods know I never could.

sum1won: Solar vampires are similar to "generic vampires," but they are known to spurn one of their greatest weaknesses: the sun. Some other weaknesses are lost too, but some unique vampire abilities are lost with them.

It's said that getting hit by a solar vampire will blind you. Notably, solar vampires do not suck blood. Instead, when they bite a victim, their blood becomes filled with "sun fire," burning and weakening the pinned victim.

Solar vampires have no commonly known method of directly converting victims to their ranks.

2010-06-02, 08:17 PM
"Tell me, priest, what do you think of?" Vinton walks forward, and lifts the sword Remi dropped, looking at it quizzically.

2010-06-02, 08:56 PM
The church. I have given my life for this church. Without me, there will only be Ingus. One man.

Of course, I thought there would be a hunter, but Nivaldi? Bah. He was my partner before I turned from the Underworld's Light, a group of vampires that work together for a number of causes. We used to be best of friends. It appears that I we are no longer such.

Remi sighs.

I suppose you'll be taking my sword? No matter, I suppose. I won't be needing it.

The blade is called Moonstriker at night. During the day, its name is Inferno. Although, those were just the names I gave it. Go ahead and change them, if you like...

Best be moving, though. I would guess Niv isn't happy to wait long.

2010-06-02, 09:48 PM
"Better me than him, no?" Vinton looks to Yonaton. "Care to decipher that little riddle?"

Vinton passes the sword to Marchaud, who fiddles with it, then wraps it in a few layers of cloth, and ties the wrapped weapon to his backpack for storage.

2010-06-04, 01:49 AM
When the fires shine darkness... Perhaps shadow? One of the beggars saw Remi doing something with the alms bucket. He said we needed copper, and a spell. Perhaps someone could try tossing a few coppers in it, to see what happens. Vinton, you retrieved the items in it? What did the note say?

And... while we're at it, why don't those of you with knowledge of such things search the bucket for clues. And that back wall- the blank one.

2010-06-04, 02:15 PM
"I'll take the wall." Murry steers Norveej towards the wall and hops off of the monstrous rat. His legs seem frail and shaky at first, but after a moment he regains his composure. While searching, the ratman emits a series of shrill, barely audible squeaks.

If possible, I'll take 10 (or even 20) on the Search check. If not;


The squeaking is basically just the words "Food" and "No Danger" repeated at a high pitch and frequency. Murry is using his Speak with Rats ability to call any rats (or dire rats) that can hear him (excluding Norveej, of course).

2010-06-04, 04:18 PM
Three rats come out of one corner hole, and four more out of the other corner of the wall. The rodents come to rest right beside Murry, scurrying about him to find the food. Failing to see any immediate reward, however, the rats just sit about. One crawls on Norveej's foot. A glint comes from another's mouth, which is glowing a very soft blue.

Murry: Assuming you look more closely at the glowing rat, you find a pebble glowing like the moon. It's even in the shape of a crescent. As mentioned, it glows blue.

The other rats seem unaware of the object.

2010-06-04, 04:31 PM
Murry crumbles one of the trail bars in Norveej's bags, spreading it around for the rats and keeping a larger chunk in his hand. He makes no audible noise, but he falls to all fours and seems to smell near the glowing rat for a moment. Standing up, Murry offers the food to the rat while opening and closing his mouth as if talking. Should the rat accept the offer, Murry will snatch the stone.

If possible, I'll take 10 (or even 20) on the Handle Animal check. If not;

Handle Animal:

In addition, Murry is using his Speak with Rats ability to tell the glowing rat that he wants to help it and will give it food. Basically just "Aid" and "Food," I guess.

2010-06-04, 09:07 PM
"It doesn't say anything. Just an image. Here." Vinton proffers the parchment to Yonaton, recognizing that individual's skill with knowledges.

Meanwhile, Marchaud steps outside, hand ablaze. "Nivaldi, I would speak with you, away from the ears of others."

2010-06-04, 10:41 PM
Murry: Success! The rat immediately jumps on the opportunity to have something edible in its mouth over an insignificant rock. The other rats, likewise, join it for a snack.

Upon touching the pebble, you feel a void, as if something is missing. Something important.

Marchaud: Nivaldi's eyes dart down to Marchaud's hand, then to his face. He bears no expression.

What is it you need?

The wall by Murry shifts.

The once blank wall in the back of the church now has an image of a sun and moon, both surrounded by creatures with fangs--vampires. Two groups form; one on the side of the moon, the other on the side of the sun.

Time update: 2:06 a.m.

2010-06-04, 11:11 PM

Marchaud lets the eldritch glow fade. "Need? Not the words I might have used. I have an offer for you, if you're interested. But come, let's step out of the earshot of other, more savory, individuals." He gestures to the alley next to the church, around the corner from the door. "And, lest you get any ideas, between us two killers, don't try anything. I'm here to talk, not war."

2010-06-04, 11:21 PM
Oh, goood. Murry, that looks like a moon. Why don't you bring it over to meet this rock with a sun on it? We can donate them to the church. But first, some alms. Oh, and Vinton, I believe you are familar with detect magic?

With that, Yonaton tosses a few coppers into the bucket.

Should have done this a while back.
[roll0] History of the church
[roll1] Knowledge, local
[roll2] Bardic Knowledge
[roll3] untrained religion check, just because

2010-06-04, 11:27 PM
Marchaud: Indeed. Can you climb? A rooftop is almost guaranteed to be deserted. Perhaps we can talk there.

He starts walking toward a building with many windows and a balcony.

This one will do.

Nivaldi's fingers seem to find every hold possible as he picks his way up quickly. Not once does he slip in the slightest. Once up on the balcony, he reaches down to lift you up (when you're within reach, which is about thirty feet off the ground).

Yonaton: Yunahaldara is the goddess of the sun and moon. She's known to consort with undead gods, but she's also known to not be evil.

Remiran has a dark history, and everyone who knows him knows it. Less known is that he's a vampire follower of Yunahaldara, and that he used to be part of an order that emphasized undead working together--especially vampires.

Nivaldi and Remiran used to be partners in this order, working together to defeat their enemies wherever they went. In general, they acted for justice, moving against those who would uproot the foundation of society...or the world.

Nivaldi crafted Inferno/Moonstriker, giving it to Remi before they parted ways for three years. When they met again, both of them had changed. Nivaldi had become far more ruthless, ending lives when it was not called for. Remi became softer, helping others when it was not directly effective in the situation at hand. For a while, they still were good friends and worked together.

Very few people know of why they split up and became the enemies they are today.

OoC: Use your color, please. :smallsmile:

2010-06-04, 11:35 PM

Marchaud breaks out his rope and grappling hook, and tosses it up there, then climbs quickly. (Note: the DC should be reduced to 5 for doing this, and I can take 10, meaning I make it. Otherwise, I can't get up there >_>.)

Vinton scans with Detect Magic as asked.

2010-06-04, 11:54 PM
Marchaud: Nivaldi made a good choice. Climbing the building is easy. The vampire helps you up, then continues to climb up, reaching the roof in another few seconds.

Just fifteen more feet. Come on.

Detect magic result: Round One: There is magic present.

Round Two: There is one aura. It's fairly weak.

Round Three: Curiously, the one aura seems to encompass both the stone with the sun and the moon pebble instead of just one of the rocks. Indeed, even when separated, they are somehow connected by the magic aura.

The back wall's design shifts. One vampire, larger than the others, rises up in the middle to stand between the two groups of vampires as they lunge at each other. The single vampire holds them all back. A moment later, the groups are mingling. Where once differences were plain, they now are difficult to place. The single vampire raises his arms to the sun and moon, cupping his hands as if holding them both.

2010-06-04, 11:56 PM
Marchaud reaches the roof, and as he climbs, he pulls his O'Ryan's razor, just for good measure.

2010-06-04, 11:59 PM
OoC: Nah. You were on the balcony. He climbed to the roof after you made it there. Unless you meant to just throw the hook up to the roof right away, which technically would work, since the roof is forty-five feet up and you have fifty feet of rope.

Anyway, edit as you please, or I can go along with it, if you like. :smalltongue:

2010-06-05, 12:02 AM

Edited to just reach the roof.

2010-06-05, 12:11 AM
Murry hops up onto Norveej and directs him over to Yonaton. "Why would I want to donate anything to the church?" Nevertheless, Murry places the stone as suggested.

2010-06-05, 12:38 AM
The coppers? I was told it might work by one of the beggars. I believe the shift in the back wall my have been the result. Well, I know a hint when I see one.

With that, he takes the stone from Murry's hand/paw, and takes the two stones, imitating the position of the large vampire.

Sorry, I joined a thread that doesn't use color recently. Hope this works...

2010-06-05, 02:32 PM
Marchaud: What's the deal, then? I imagine your twin is back with the group, helping out? I'd not like to wait forever because you have a key piece of the puzzle or something.

Yonaton's imitation is uncanny, the size being the only thing separating the vampire from the halfling. The one vampire moves its arms slowly, leading the sun and moon together. The orange sun and blue moon join, creating a sort of muffled orange light. The groups of vampires follow suit.

Soon, only two vampires are left--the large one and the "joined."

2010-06-05, 02:46 PM
"Twin? No no, he is my partner. We don't even look alike, you know." Marchaud smiles disarmingly. "Regardless, I have a proposition for you. You want Remi, yes? I want to know why, and to aid you. See, I've no fondness for my current employer, and you seem like a fellow who can get things done. This is... attractive, to me. Of course, I speak for my partner as well."

Bluff on the Twin thing (I'm taking an ad-hoc +5, because nothing I said was a lie, I'm just avoiding the full truth, that seem fair?): [roll0]
Diplomacy on the proposition: [roll1] SERIOUSLY?! A ONE?! Right when I actually NEED the check? Ugh. :smallannoyed:

Also, you like the double-cross I'm working here? I do. :smallamused:

2010-06-05, 03:11 PM
Yonaton brings them together in the same fashion, smirking all the while. He's pretty glad about what happened- smug, too.

Vinton, where did your brother run off to? We seem to be getting somewhere.

2010-06-05, 03:18 PM
"Hmm? Oh, you mean my partner? He's outside, I think. Checking on something or other, I'm not totally sure."


Temotei, do I need to roll a Bluff against another player? As a DM, I don't personally allow social skills against each other, but do you? I don't recall.

2010-06-05, 03:45 PM
OoC: No, I don't allow other-character checks.

Marchaud: Twins need not be identical. You talked at the same time before, and the same words. I understand, however, if you would like to keep whatever you're hiding hidden. I do the same.

As for your offer...what would you give me that would be of worth? I've been offered many things, but of them, only a few have garnered my interest, and of those few things, even fewer have turned out to be worth the effort.

Nivaldi continues to stand calmly.

Nothing happens in the church. The stones clink together, never melding fully, though the crescent curve shapes closely to the sun.

2010-06-05, 04:20 PM

Good, good. Just making sure, I was.


"You don't know me, so I'm only going to say this once. If it is treachery you fear, you can lay that aside. You are my superior in strength, and so I will not raise my hand to you, were we to work together. If it is use you wonder about, suffice to say that where you command the powers of undeath, I command the powers of the void. You wish to know more? Employ my skills and those of my partner, and see for yourself." He smiles, and continues. "Oh, and as for the so-called 'twin', have you not heard of magic that permits telepathy? We are old partners, and are used to thinking and working as one."

2010-06-05, 04:36 PM
Marchaud: Telepathy...fair enough.

Your offer intrigues me. While you still haven't offered anything concrete, I feel...like I can trust you to get something for me.

Nivaldi puts his hand on Marchaud's shoulder.

I accept.

2010-06-05, 04:40 PM
"Good, good. I am pleased, Nivaldi. It is good to be working with someone of competence again. Now, tell me, what is it you need? Something of the priest's, perhaps?"

2010-06-05, 07:42 PM
Yonaton frowns and places them in the alms bucket together.

2010-06-05, 07:52 PM
Marchaud: You are aware he is...related to me, yes? That we are both vampires? We used to work together as brothers in arms, finishing any task we needed--or wanted--done.

Of course, everyone I work with seems to go soft on me. It's a curse, I swear. Remi was no different.

Yes, I desire something of the priest's. You could say I fight him for a cause, however, less than an object. For now, I'll leave it at that.

Now...your employer? What do you have against him? You simply don't like him? Did he wrong you? Does he have an object of desire, perhaps?

Nothing happens in the church. The animation on the wall repeats, showing the big vampire putting the stones together. Their size seems to stay the same, but their shape changes to be one.

Note: That last sentence is important.

2010-06-05, 08:21 PM

"I figured as much. So, you fight against his cause. Fair enough. As for my reasons for leaving my current employment, well, such things I will keep private for the time being. How can I reach you when need arises for us to speak?"

In the church, Vinton is observing quietly. He trains his detect magic around the room, watching the entire procedure.

2010-06-05, 08:25 PM
Yonaton moves the moon object into direct contact with the carved sun. If nothing happens, he attempts to cast mending on them.

2010-06-05, 09:36 PM
Marchaud: Raise Inferno, pointing it directly at the sun. I will see you then, partner.

Nivaldi jumps off the building into a deep crowd. For a moment, a space is cleared, but it is soon filled by bodies. He blends into the crowd as only a master can.

OoC: Make Spot checks if you attempt to follow him.

Mending has no effect and nothing happens in the church.

OoC: You're thinking too hard. You won't have to cast spells or use class features.

Hint: You've already found the solution. You just have to use it.

2010-06-05, 10:18 PM
"Farewell. Partner, and good fortune..."

Marchaud, recognizing skill, makes no attempt to trace him through the crowd. Instead, a bitter smile plays across his features for a moment, then fades, and he says quietly to himself, "...until we meet again."

He returns to his rope, and gets back on ground level. He then summons a raven, and has it lift up the hook, which he stores along with the rope in his pack.

We have a new deal.
I know. Good plan, you know. Play all sides against the middle, profit from warmongering. Risky though. If we are caught....
We won't be. Nivaldi has a secret. One he is unwilling to let go. See to the other priest, though. He cannot be let live without giving us information.
Of course.

Vinton, watching everything, realizes the trick to it. "Here, try this." He takes the stones, places the odd crescent shaped piece of parchment between them, and then hands them back to Yonaton. "Push them together now, it might work."

Once Yonaton takes the stones back, Vinton kneels next to Remi. "Who was that? Nivaldi, he said his name was. Why would he want to kill a priest like you?"

2010-06-05, 11:05 PM
Yonaton uses the items as suggested, again imitating the figure's motion and action.

2010-06-05, 11:44 PM
As the two items join, the stones react to each other, becoming one, joining the paper with them as well. The vampire smiles on the wall as a shaft of light shines on your two rocks from his sun and moon. The light is peculiar, unlike most light. It's the same mix of orange and blue as the mixed sun and moon, but darker, as if the light was shadow. The vampire winks as he brings the celestial bodies in front of him, in line with his face.

Nivaldi is a heartless savage--nothing more, nothing less. He kills what he pleases when he pleases. He is a monster, through and through.

This is different, though. He doesn't want to kill me. Gods, if only he wanted to kill me...he attacks me for different reasons. Important reasons he no doubt will tell me about before he kills me, after his goals have been accomplished.

2010-06-06, 01:22 PM
If someone would like to press the eye we were kindly provided with?

2010-06-06, 09:08 PM
Vinton clicks the eye, and responds to Remi, "Well then. You best make peace while you can. Suicide comes to mind as a good option."

2010-06-06, 09:30 PM
Haha...if only. Suicide would be an option if I-

The church floor near the altar rumbles as the switch on the eye is clicked into place. Then the altar rises, revealing a much larger construct. On the side facing the once-blank wall is a wooden door adorned with all the phases of the moon in a circle. In the center of the phases is a glowing sun with a small notch (presumably a handle) in the center. Heat radiates off the sun. It's clearly dangerously hot to the touch.

By the gods...a church I devote myself to has been holding this secret all along, with what I thought were indecipherable codes, and you've solved it in less than an hour. Incredible.

The "joined" vampires walk into the sun on the wall, disappearing.

2010-06-06, 10:42 PM
Your temple, brother. Would you do the honors? It might be a fitting final act.

[roll0] Diplomacy check to get him to do this obviously stupid thing. Hopefully, he is resigned enough to his fate that he'll do it.

2010-06-06, 10:52 PM

Remiran does as he's told, studying the sun before reaching down to the notch, where he pulls out a handle and pushes it up, then down again. It slides easily. His hands show burns going down to the deep tissue, but the priest isn't bothered. A moment later, the sun is spinning, as are the moon phases. The big portal opens, giving comfortable passage to everyone under ten feet tall.

You are free to go. I recommend swift movement. Nivaldi is waiting.

2010-06-07, 02:38 PM
Well, lads? Shall we?

No way I'm first into the temple. Someone lead- I am the furthest from a frontliner.

2010-06-07, 02:47 PM
"Indeed, after you." Vinton gestures to Remi. "Nivaldi will wait until we are done with you, unless you wish your death to come sooner than later." Just as Vinton says this, Marchaud walks in, eating some street vendor food, a pita with some cooked lamb, sauce, and vegys in it. "Sorry, shooting people makes me hungry."


Marchaud spots a local vendor, buys a handmeal from him, and walks back to the church, entering while eating.

2010-06-07, 09:51 PM
Fair enough.

Remi walks into the passage first, leading the group into a dark hall with a candle on a stone wall every ten feet with heavy footfalls echoing through, audible even outside of the hall. In between the candles is an unnatural darkness, not penetrable by sight. Symbols of the vampires are on the wall beneath the candles, repeating what you all saw in the church earlier.

OoC: Tell me your preferred order. Remi is first. The passage is about five feet across. Darkvision doesn't work in this darkness, but low-light vision works fine in the candle areas. That said, low-light vision isn't very helpful when it goes five feet. Do what you will.

2010-06-15, 03:22 AM
Well? What are you all standing there for? I imagine you have an agenda. Gods know I have none, but Nivaldi has one for me. I'd rather get it over with than wait. Come on.

Remi walks farther into the passage, his steps far quieter now. The distance between you and him is growing greater. Soon, you might lose the priest.

2010-06-15, 12:39 PM
"Very well." Marchaud and Vinton shake their heads unhappily, and follow the priest rapidly, closing to right behind him.

2010-06-18, 06:49 PM
Murry and Norveej dart in after the partners, flicking from side to side as they move.

2010-06-18, 08:10 PM
Yonaton limps in after Murray, stowing his bow and taking out his harp.

2010-06-20, 08:15 PM
Remi leads you through a winding corridor, the patterns on the wall now just repeating what was seen before. Looking forward and back, everything looks exactly the same, save for the forms of your fellow assassins every time they step under a candle.

After a seemingly unending period of monotonous marching, Remi stops.

It branches off into three different halls. Which one do we go down?

The left corridor shines with a soft, orange glow.

The right corridor shines with a soft, blue glow.

The middle corridor is completely dark, but it doesn't seem magical.