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Magic Myrmidon
2010-04-22, 11:51 PM
Which is more fun to you?

For me, I enjoy being able to create a world how you want it, with whatever characters you want, and judge the consequences for player actions. However, the extra work detracts from the entertainment for me.

I just prefer being a PC. Reacting to whatever zany situations the DM throws at you, along with growing attatched to and roleplaying a character, is just more fun.

2010-04-23, 12:08 AM
I prefer to be a player, so I don't have to worry about how everything fits together, and only worry about my own actions (for the most part).

2010-04-23, 12:09 AM
Déja vu! :smalleek:

2010-04-23, 12:17 AM
This feels weird to say, but DM.

2010-04-23, 12:19 AM
It varies. I like DMing more than most games I've been a player in, but one of my GMs is so fun I enjoy being a player more.

Magic Myrmidon
2010-04-23, 12:25 AM
Déja vu! :smalleek:

Aw. Was this topic already made? Probably several times. I was worried about that. :/

2010-04-23, 12:44 AM
I like to get one game going where I'm a DM and one where I'm a player. Best of both worlds.

2010-04-23, 12:46 AM
Aw. Was this topic already made? Probably several times. I was worried about that. :/

Don't worry about it. It's been a while since that thread existed. It would be thread necromancy to bring it back...and I still find it enjoyable to see jokes about rocks falling. :smallcool:

Divide by Zero
2010-04-23, 12:51 AM
I like DMing when I have a compelling story to tell. I hate running modules. Usually, though, I prefer being a player, because I can develop more interesting backstories for my character then.

2010-04-23, 12:55 AM
If we got a good DM then I prefer to be a player, if not then I prefer to DM.

2010-04-23, 01:06 AM
I like being the DMPC because for some reason everything seems to go right for me!!! :smalltongue:

2010-04-23, 01:08 AM
I like to be a player, but usually I end up Storyteller because no one else seems to want to run a game of Exalted dealing with the themes I like.

2010-04-23, 01:17 AM
If I get the play in real-life games I prefer being the player. One time ( In the distant past ) I thought being the DM would be awesome, until I tried it, eventually turned out to not be my cup of tea.

2010-04-23, 01:34 AM
I'm fine with both. I think both give really good opportunities for creativity. The only reason I prefer player now is that I'm ALWAYS the DM. Nobody else in my group has the time, patience and resources to DM a long term campaign. <_<

Killer Angel
2010-04-23, 02:00 AM
I like both. Different kind of fun and satisfactions... even if probably I've a little preference for playing. Must be said that, as a DM, you are never bored, while as a player, sometime...
As a DM, I don't use modules, and when I'm a player, I dislike'em.

Totally Guy
2010-04-23, 02:01 AM
I want to be a player. But I get frustrated with certain GMing habits that I can spot now.

2010-04-23, 02:04 AM
Dming. I love reading up on the player's character's backstories and designing things to incorporate little details and the like.

Plus, being a DM gives me free reign to test out houserules :smalltongue:

2010-04-23, 02:05 AM
DM. I like to make worlds and to plan.

2010-04-23, 02:35 AM
I'm a stereotypically artsy English major playing with a bunch of stereotypically pragmatic science-types.

Any really cool themes I try to get my players to explore when I'm DM are pearls before swine. But every game someone else in my group DM's, they make some really droll, unimaginative stuff.

So I'm going to go with Player. I can still spice things up by good RP and besides, it's a lot less work.

2010-04-23, 08:11 AM
If I go a long time without DMing, I miss it. But if a session is coming up, I look forward to it more if I'm playing than if I'm DMing.

2010-04-23, 09:07 AM
I'm the only DM for one of my groups so I won't ever miss DMing, but I really prefer to be doing both. A game or two of playing and a game or two of DMing.

2010-04-23, 09:10 AM
I enjoy DMing tremendously, so my answer is DM. But I've noticed that it needs to be balanced out by a little playing as well.

2010-04-23, 09:11 AM
I always prefer to be the dungeon master, that way I get to create the story and run a thousand different personalities. As someone who enjoys creating and storytelling, and being in charge, I'm drawn naturally to the position.

Ever now and again though, it's good to be a player.


2010-04-23, 09:16 AM
DMing. I personally regard it as a service to the self -- because in helping others to have a good time, I feel better about myself. Guess I must be Lawful Good. :smallsmile:

Plus I get to perform Schrodinger's Universe. The sorts of things I've had in mind for my players and then had to dispose of because they picked the wrong door ... :smallannoyed: :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-23, 09:33 AM
I like to create a world, then explain it to someone else and play in my own creation.
Sadly, this had never happened :smallsigh:
But I'm working on it :smallsmile:

2010-04-23, 09:36 AM
I get more enjoyment out of DMing, but I also burn out on it faster. I kinda see it like going to concerts. It's way better than listening to a CD, but not something you can do every night.

2010-04-23, 09:52 AM
A lot of it depends on what the group is if I'm DMing, and who the DM is if I'm a player. I'm really enjoying DMing my current game, but every so often I really miss being a player.

2010-04-23, 09:53 AM
This feels weird to say, but DM.

It varies for me........... Usually DM, though.

2010-04-23, 09:59 AM
I have to go back and forth. I'll come up with a great character concept I have to play, then later an amazing campaign idea I have to run. So I do both.

Forever Curious
2010-04-23, 10:00 AM
I enjoy DMing through PbP only. Otherwise I like playing.

2010-04-23, 10:12 AM
Probably would have to say the DM, but the preparation is aggravating. Realistically, while I enjoy being a character, few DMs are enjoyable to me. The usual play tends to involve me either solving puzzles or winning battles which are actually ridiculously easy as well as getting my way socially. One person does not allow me this, which is my brother, when he DMs, and I tend to diverge from my usual eccentric but absurdly capable character types for Wizards or Archivists for utility to my group to overcome what I know will be a tough but enjoyable game.

On the other hand, I need time to prepare a campaign. I enjoy having vivid descriptions, a sense of interaction with the world, engaging story, and, perhaps most problematic, I despise useless areas. My players never spend time not accomplishing in mundane locations without depth. But, being a player in a rather lackluster campaign is worse to me than the time required to DM every time for the group.

2010-04-23, 10:14 AM
Over all... Player because then I can do anything and only worry about me.
As a DM I worry to much about abusing DMing powers.

2010-04-23, 10:18 AM
Don't know anymore, I've been sole GM for the last, ohh, five years or so. I do enjoy GMing quite a lot, and since when I was a player my GM was a bit off his rocker my judgmental could be clouded. Before I could give a straight answer I'd need to actually be a player with a reasonable GM, which may be happening sometime next year. Huzzah!

2010-04-23, 10:25 AM
If we got a good DM then I prefer to be a player, if not then I prefer to DM.

yeah that:smile::smile:

2010-04-23, 10:31 AM
In order for me to like DMing I need to do it regularly, skip two sessions or more and I will probably have lost interest in the story, adventures will get progresively more boring, specially for me, and then I'll just say, roll new characters, this is over.

I suck as a DM:smallfrown:
And having half of my players skipping lots of sessions,well, doesn't help. Silly people with social life. About two months ago we decided to start a new campaign a long time without playing. We haven't had a single session since because most players wont show up.

Maybe I should start running one shots.

2010-04-23, 10:45 AM
Well, as much as a I love world building, I think I'd rather be a player. I just can never find someone besides me to DM.

2010-04-23, 11:47 AM
I prefer DMing by quite a margin. I do enjoy playing though.

2010-04-23, 12:07 PM
It depends.

If I have not run a game in a while, I tend to want to be a GM. If I am too busy to run a game, I tend to want to be a player.

Glass Mouse
2010-04-23, 12:58 PM
If I go a long time without DMing, I miss it. But if a session is coming up, I look forward to it more if I'm playing than if I'm DMing.


If we got a good DM then I prefer to be a player, if not then I prefer to DM.

Also this.

I'm still new to GMing (been able to call myself "GM" for a year now, but have only GMed three or four sessions... stupid groups), and I get extremely anxious before each time.
I'm almost 100% sure, though, that at the moment I get over that, I'm gonna prefer GMing to playing. You just get SO many more strings to play on :smallsmile:

2010-04-23, 05:21 PM
It's not an either/or question for me. I enjoy both GMing and playing - though for entirely different reasons. That said, there are game systems I'm willing to play but unwilling to GM - mostly because of the time consuming prep work required by some systems.

2010-04-23, 05:27 PM
I'm going to say I prefer being a player since I'd like to do that more often than being a DM and I could get by without being a DM but not the other way around. That said I also enjoy being a DM. I've always liked making up whole worlds and societies. I get to draw maps, tell stories, make up interesting NPC's (not my strongest point but practice makes perfect) and of course making interesting builds to test against my players.