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View Full Version : Spider Curse(3.5)

2010-04-23, 08:53 PM
I'm a DM, and I wanted to try out some different spells on the party.

So, today I cast a spell with one of my bad guys on them called Spider Curse. The description of it is in summary:

Casting time: One minute
Duration:24 hours per level(12 days exactly for this level)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You turn the subject into a drider that obeys your mental commands.

The subject gets the Drider's Base speed, poison attack with the bite, it's natural armor, +4 to Dex, Con and Str, retains it's other stats as it was before the change, as well as it's base attack bonus, level, class and hit points,and base saves, though the added bonuses do affect the new AC and saves.

The subject's equipment continues to function, unless it is something a drider doesn't use(stuff on legs, feet and torso)

It functions like the Spell Dominate Person(telepathically control for as long as the subject is in range)

So I cast this on the very strong fighter and succeeded. The guy changed, so my first order was for him to attack the cleric. So if it is like Dominat Person, he gets a new save to try and shake off something against his natural impusles. This time he saves.

So basically, I just created a buffed up, powerful pissed off spider thing with bloodthirst etched all over it for my own blood. Sure, it's changed for the next 12 days into a spider like thing which will make it tough to go into towns, but other then that, how exactly is this spell any good? At the levels you can cast it, the DC for it is not too strong. Even weak Will classes usually have like 50 percent chance of saving(which goes exponentially up since you get like two saves for it and more).

All it seems to do is bring you that much closer to death, or am I missing something which could make this spell not so crap in terms of actual combat use?

2010-04-23, 09:23 PM
Casting time: One minute
Duration:24 hours per level(12 days exactly for this level)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You turn the subject into a drider that obeys your mental commands.

The subject gets the Drider's Base speed, poison attack with the bite, it's natural armor, +4 to Dex, Con and Str, retains it's other stats as it was before the change, as well as it's base attack bonus, level, class and hit points,and base saves, though the added bonuses do affect the new AC and saves.

What? It is polymorph (BAB changes?) + dominate at same time.

Why did you make him attack ally?
You should have had him act less unlike him and restrain Cleric so it wouldn't harm you (no new save then).

2010-04-23, 09:44 PM
It takes a full minute to cast. If you have time to restrict somebody to cast it on them, you should also have the time to properly break them so they can't resist your control. It's the bad guy's own problem if they didn't think to put a Bestow Curse or something on the fighter to ensure he stayed Dominated.

That said, trying to convert your most powerful enemies probably isn't the best use for it (although suitably BBEGish, it does present problems if your victim breaks free or his party simply throws a Protection From X effect on him to suppress the domination.) I would use it to make buffed elite minions for yourself.

2010-04-24, 04:16 AM
i missed a spell level and it could be epic because Dominate Monster (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dominateMonster.htm) is a 9th level spell and it get a polymorph (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/polymorph.htm)(against only willing targets).