View Full Version : ToS Exhibition: Adumbration vs. PhoenixRivers

2010-04-25, 02:33 AM

Buffs 3+all day?

2010-04-25, 02:38 AM
Fair enough. Will post buffs in a few.

2010-04-25, 02:59 AM

Round 1: Activate Karma bead. Cast Spellcaster's bane, swift action.
Round 2: Cast Eyes of the oracle. Cast quickened Battlemagic perception via rod.
Round 3: Cast Duelward.


2010-04-25, 03:24 AM
Buffs: All day:
Danger Sense (Uncanny Dodge)
Dispelling Buffer

Round 1: Schism
Round 1(Swift): Spellcaster's Bane
Round 2: Arcane Sight
Round 2(Schism): True Seeing, Psionic
Round 3(Schism): Touchsight (Augmented +4)
Round 3: Power Resistance (Overchannel +2 ML): SR 27
Afterbuffs: Nerveskitter

Contingent Triggers:
Contingent Trigger 1: If I am targeted by an effect that I am not a willing recipient of.

Contingent Trigger 2: If an Active Effulgent Epuration effect on me ends.

Init: [roll0]

Vision Modes: Arcane Sight, Spellcaster's Bane (15+ ranks), Touchsight 80'

2010-04-25, 03:25 AM
Misc Stuff (OO):Overchannel Damage: [roll0]

EDIT: Will post First turn shortly.

2010-04-25, 05:13 AM
I believe we have line of sight currently - that is, unless you're invisible or something.

You see a human-like creature to the west at Z10. He is wielding a staff in one hand and a rod in the other. Two runes float around his head, and the robe he is wearing is tied at the waist by a knotted rope.

Vision modes: blindsense 30 ft, and let me know if you cast a spell within 100 ft, even if we don't have LoS.

2010-04-25, 05:31 AM
You see a small, quite thin goblin. He also has a knotted belt outside his simple robes. He holds a small rod in his left hand.

Per arcane sight, please list auras for all magic items on you, as well as their school (and power). I automatically make all Spellcraft checks for spells of level 9 and lower.

In the same manner, list all auras for active spell effects on you, and their strengths. If you have untriggered contingencies, note that the contingency is an active spell effect, but the stored spell it holds is not.

If there are any auras that require higher than a minimum spellcraft roll of 24, let me know.

2010-04-25, 05:48 AM
Spell effects:
- Moderate aura of transmutation
- Faint aura of divination
- Moderate aura of divination
- Faint aura of divination
- Moderate aura of abjuration

Magic items visible:
- Rod (strong aura, no school)
- Staff (strong evocation)
- Ring (strong abjuration)
- Amulet (faint necromancy)
- Knotted rope (faint abjuration)

Anything else you need to know?

2010-04-25, 05:58 AM

Power Manifested (If you need to make a Psicraft check to Identify, it's DC 16):Synchronicity

If that is not interrupted in some fashion:Power Manifested (If you need to make a Psicraft check to Identify, it's DC 16):Synchronicity

Observers only:Both Synchronicity effects are for 3pp

Provided neither of these are interrupted, I make no movement, and end my turn.

2010-04-25, 06:01 AM

Why yes, I did invest ranks in psicraft. :smallwink:

2010-04-25, 06:12 AM
I have them spoilered in such a fashion that if you make the required Spellcraft/psicraft (immediately preceding the spoiler), you may open the spoiler that immediately follows that, and it will give you the spell/power name. If you are entitled to more information concerning the spell/power, inform me, and I will provide it.

Spoilers following the text "observers only" describe specifics and mechanics, and are for my reference, DM reference, and observers, to see the mechanics of the turn.

2010-04-25, 06:16 AM
No interruption on my part.

I'm going to move to V15. I believe you are now within 100 ft.

Non-visible actions (if movement is not interrupted):
Ready an action to counterspell. Ready an action to counterspell via Eyes of the oracle after the first readied action is expended.

End of turn, unless you decide to interrupt me.

2010-04-25, 06:28 AM
At the end of your movement (the instant you stop moving):

Ready action triggered: Trigger (Opponent moves, and then stops moving):

Manifest a power (Psicraft DC 18 - No Displays, so you need a spell effect to be allowed a check/given knowledge): Dispel Psionics

Provided this is not interrupted:A knot on my belt unfastens. All powers, spells, and spell effects with a caster level of 27 or lower are dispelled from you.

Observers only:Schism Synchronicity Resolving.
Targeted Dispel Psionics - 10pp -Manifested without displays - autosuccess

EDIT: There may be another interruption, based on what happens here.

2010-04-25, 06:35 AM
Provided that magic/psionics transparency is in force, I believe I get a psicraft check due to a spell effect.


2010-04-25, 06:37 AM
It is in effect, however, if you're observing an effect, that means that the effect is occurring. At that point, the spell/power cannot be interrupted.

Also, note, some spell effects (such as the spellcaster's bane I have active) automatically allow spellcraft/psicraft checks on cast spells, even with no displays. If the effect that allows detection within 100 feet (which I assume is Battlemagic Perception, based on my familiarity with the Dispelling guide) allows this, then you are entitled regardless of display or no display.

2010-04-25, 06:38 AM
Actually, in case that transparency is in full, I don't think I need a check. Does Spellcaster's bane work here?

EDIT: Not necessarily the case. Spellcaster's bane mentions no need for visual displays.

2010-04-25, 06:45 AM
Transparency is in effect, per the rules outlined in the SRD.

Spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items that could affect psionics do.

Feats are not subject to transparency.

But if you have a spell active that automatically detects spells, it will do so for powers.

2010-04-25, 06:49 AM
In that case, prepare to be counterspelled.

Make a manifester level check.

Spend a turn attempt for Divine Defiance, to counter the power with Greater Dispel Magic. He needs to make a DC of 36 to succeed, due to Arcane mastery. This immediate action counts as a swift action due to being taken during my turn.

If you like, you can make a spellcraft check, DC 21 to know what I'm countering with:
Greater dispel magic.

2010-04-25, 07:26 AM
Countering? As in Counterspelling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/castingSpells.htm#counterspells)?

(Incidentally, I beat a DC 21 Spellcraft check on a roll of 1.)

In that case, you just targeted me with a spell, which triggers my contingent spell.

Observers only:I am not declaring myself a willing target, per targeting rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#targetorTargets).

This triggers my Contingent spell: Effulgent Epuration.

17 silver colored globes (that look like mercury) appear around me, and then one winks out. Your Greater Dispel Magic has no effect.

EDIT: A spellcraft check can Identify the spell's effects (it's not actually being cast, as it was already cast when made contingent, so BMP and Spellcaster's Bane and the like are not a help), based on the observed effects.

Spellcraft DC 29:Effulgent Epuration

2010-04-25, 07:35 AM
Spellcraft check:

2010-04-25, 07:39 AM
Should I refer to the earlier spoiler for effects?

2010-04-25, 07:48 AM
As your counterspell attempt was negated by my contingency, yes.

EDIT: As it's been several posts, here's the spoiler for easy reference: A knot on my belt unfastens. All powers, spells, and spell effects with a caster level of 27 or lower are dispelled from you.

2010-04-25, 08:13 AM
Very well. All of the aforementioned spell effects disappear.

Your opponent casts a spell - Greater Dispel Magic, as before. This time the target shall be the spell that causes that silvery globes. If it has caster level of 19 or under, it is automatically dispelled. Unless you're a counterspelling specialist as well, and manage to counter that. :smallwink:

This marks the end of my turn, by the way.

2010-04-25, 08:32 AM
Now, I will use my second interruption. You've triggered a ready action.

(Trigger: Opponent begins casting a spell).

Psicraft DC 17:Energy Stun

A blast of electrical energy covers your square.

Observers Only:Augmented to 13pp, electricity

Damage:[roll0] electrical damage
Reflex, DC 26 for half

If Reflex is failed, Will DC 26.

Concentration check (10+damage dealt) or lose the spell.

If both reflex and will are failed:You are Stunned

2010-04-25, 08:41 AM

2010-04-25, 08:45 AM
Reflex save:

Will save:

2010-04-25, 08:47 AM
Assuming no Electrical resistance, that's a DC 51 Concentration check to keep the dispel. (I wish I could say this was snark, but sadly, I've seen more than one ToS character that could make that check. One that could make it on a roll of 1.)

2010-04-25, 08:48 AM
Concentration check (a formality, really):

EDIT: Yes, indeed. I regret but two things: losing initiative and picking a map with automatical LoS. :smalltongue:

2010-04-25, 08:53 AM
My Turn:
Observers only:Schism: Vigor, augmented to 10pp, display suppressed, +50 temp HP.

Synchronicity augmented to 3pp.

Psicraft DC 16 (display suppressed, so you'll need a spell effect to allow this check):Vigor

Psicraft DC 16 (display suppressed, so you'll need a spell effect to allow this check):Synchronicity

Your turn.

Edit: A Craft Contingent Effulgent Epuration is also pretty harsh against Counterspellers.

2010-04-25, 09:01 AM
Ready an action to cast Greater dispel magic on the silvery globe thing spell if my character uses his ring of spell-battle to redirect a spell.

No visible actions. End of turn.

2010-04-25, 09:09 AM
Cast a spell(defensively): (Spellcraft DC 18)Haste

Observers only:Schism- Ready an action: Energy Stun if my opponent casts.

-Haste targets self, in case that isn't evident.

Move to B2.

You're up.

2010-04-25, 09:22 AM
Moving to X10, breaking LoS. Any interruptions?

2010-04-25, 09:32 AM
Moving to X10, breaking LoS. Any interruptions?

None at this time.

2010-04-25, 09:58 AM
Cast Dispelling Screen, with hemisphere form, centered on my character. It has a radius of 14 ft. Swift action to cast Bear's endurance via rod, gaining 26 hp.

You partially see a shimmering screen of violet energy, with the radius of approximately 14 ft. It is centered on X10.

Spellcraft DC 23:
It is a Dispelling screen.

End of turn.

EDIT: To clarify, it's a hemisphere.

2010-04-25, 10:07 AM
Well, I make that DC on a 1.

My turn:

Verbal spell component (Spellcraft DC 18): Fly

Observers only:Schism: Synchronicity - 3pp (suppress display)
Elevate: +30 feet

You're up.

2010-04-25, 10:11 AM
Cast Greater blink. Cast quickened resist energy (electricity) via rod.

You hear Greater Blink and Resist energy being cast. Oh, and I too pretty much automatically recognize any spells with DC below 22.

End of turn.

2010-04-25, 10:20 AM
OO:Synch trigger on the Resist Energy. Dispel Psionics, targeted, on the hemisphere.
7pp for the dispel.

As you cast the Resist energy, I level a targeted dispel at the Dispelling Screen.

If its caster level is 19 or lower, it's dispelled.

2010-04-25, 10:22 AM
Are you within 60 feet?

EDIT: Will be back in about an hour. I gotta get some fresh air. :smallsmile:

2010-04-25, 10:22 AM
Currently at B2 - Elevation +30.

2010-04-25, 11:26 AM
All rightie then. Dispelling screen is dispelled. Presumably your turn?

2010-04-25, 12:26 PM
Observers only:Manifest Synchronicity, 3pp
Schism Manifest Synchronicity, 3pp

Both - No display. Autosuccess

(Move Action): to N15 (Altitude +30)

No other visible actions.

Your turn.

Edit: We're currently 75 feet apart, factoring in diagonals and elevation.

2010-04-25, 12:49 PM
Swift action to activate Talisman of Undying fortitude. Ready an action to Greater Dispel Magic the mercury globe thingie if the enemy starts casting a spell.

End of turn. No visible actions. I'm still at X10.

2010-04-25, 01:29 PM
Observers only:Schism: Death Urge.
Mental Display: Chime in minds of anyone within 15 feet of me - that is, just me.

First, I'll need a will save, DC 21. There is no observable sign to the spell/power used, though if you pass the save, you may make a DC 29 psicraft check to identify it.

2010-04-25, 01:33 PM
Is it a mind-affecting effect? This is very important.

2010-04-25, 02:38 PM
It is a mind affecting compulsion.

2010-04-26, 12:13 AM
Burn a point of Wisdom for Insane Defiance as an immediate action to redirect the power at him.

The power is redirected at yourself. Unless your protective spell stops it, you need to make the save with a -4 penalty.

2010-04-26, 12:28 AM
Can you redirect without a trigger to redirect to? Generally, immediate, instantaneous, and ready actions can only be taken in response to an action that you are aware of.

Or... is this some automatic contingency or passive item action?

Provided the action's valid:does this effect state that it changes the target of the ability (like a ring of spell battle) or does it just redirect the effect (like Spell Turning)? This is relevant.

2010-04-26, 12:32 AM
Well, it says on the description: "As an immediate action, whenever you are the
target of a mind-affecting spell or spell-like ability, you can
**************************** to retarget the effect to
another creature of your choice within the effect’s range.
The new target takes a –4 circumstance penalty on its saving
throw, if any, against that effect."

I'm omitting a part of the feat that is not relevant to you at the moment, for the purpose of both maintaining an edge and copyright reasons.

2010-04-26, 12:54 AM
Fair enough. One bubble winks out. Let's continue to probe for weaknesses.

Next: A chime rings out from my location.

Psicraft DC 17 reveals:Ego Whip manifested

OO:Augmented to 15 PP
Overchannel: [roll0]

Need a Will save (DC 25) vs a mind affecting power (not a compulsion):Charisma damage: [roll1]. If will save is made, this is halved.

On a side note: Next time, paraphrase if you want to keep an edge. Giving me that much ability text really lets me narrow down abilities. Try running a google search on:
+"As an immediate action, whenever you are the target of a mind-affecting spell or spell-like ability, you can"

2010-04-26, 12:56 AM

Is that sidenote for me or for observers?

2010-04-26, 01:01 AM
That activates my readied action, by the way. Greater Dispel Magic, targeted at the silvery globes. If it has CL of 19 or less, it's dispelled. This readied action had the trigger of "if the enemy starts casting a spell", so you'll have to decide whether to keep your power, or interrupt my GDM.

Not done yet, but I'll have to first see if this works.

EDIT: I'm off to school.

2010-04-26, 01:26 AM
It is not dispelled.

OO:CL is 17, but all spells and powers affecting me have an effective +5 CL from my dispelling buffer, for an effective CL of 22

2010-04-26, 09:45 AM
Huh. That's strange.

Will save:

EDIT: And that marks my loss. If the dispel had succeeded, I could have counterspelled that. I'm very curious as to how that happened - from metagame information I am fairly certain that the effulgerent epulchratio was cast at CL 17.

2010-04-26, 05:02 PM
Huh. That's strange.

Will save:

EDIT: And that marks my loss. If the dispel had succeeded, I could have counterspelled that. I'm very curious as to how that happened - from metagame information I am fairly certain that the effulgerent epulchratio was cast at CL 17.

There was a dispelling buffer active, which provided a +5.