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View Full Version : Your most awesome moments!

2010-04-25, 11:45 AM
Post your most awesome moments in DnD.

It can be any setting, any Lvl, any class, any build and even homebrew. Just make sure it's awesome.

You can write as much or as little as you want to, just try to keep it clear what you're talking about.

Amaze me :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-25, 12:00 PM
In a DND 3.5 game, I was a monk that was escaping from a tower. I had invisibility cast on me and was scouting ahead. I came across 6 guys, and their boss. The boss was a custom class of this DM called an adjudicator. Had a whole bunch of permanent stuff on him, like immune to electric and see invis.

So he sees me and I bluff him out (nat 20) that I'm alone and that no one I know is even close. While talking, I extract an Iron band of Billaro (sp?) and when it looks like he is about to order an attack, I quickly hit him with it and tumble up to his spot. He fails breaking out, so I call a coup de grace on him and do somewhere in the 50+ points of damage. He fails his save against both the massive damage and the coup de grace.

Plus, his life was apparently tied to his henchmen, so when he fell over dead, so did all the rest.

At this point, the rest of my party, who were on the other side of the door nearby, open it at the sounds of a fight, and they see me standing over one dead mini-boss, and surrounded by 5-6 other bodies. From 1 round.

They never argued with my monk nearly as much after that. . .:smallcool:

2010-04-25, 12:09 PM
High level game, my paladin was sprinting across a lava pool in hell when he was accosted by Bel of all people. He was within my zany ToB charge range, so up I go getting a crit with literally 4 different types of smite evil tacked on, killing him in a single lucky hit. I had unfortunately prefaced the battle by saying "Hey, finally a real challenge." thus forcing me to end it by quoting Dante by saying "Huh. I was expecting more than just a few sparks."

Since I was using a thinaun sword, my DM decided that we should probably say that wasn't the real Bel, just a copy of some sort. I agreed to that one obviously, as I'd rather not have a Bel possessed sword on me. :smalltongue: