View Full Version : What will come with comic 1000?

2010-04-26, 02:36 AM
So, maybe it's a little early, but what do you guys think will have happened when comic 1000 appears?

I think that there will be so many side-quests (like the one we have now, I mean, being kidnapped makes me think as a side-quest :P) that they are nowhere near Xykon at all.. Xykon will probably have found his phylactery back and has killed every citizen of Gobbotopia just because he was bored and didn't want Jirinx to have that much power..

So what do you guys think? Maybe even the end of Oots?

2010-04-26, 02:50 AM
I think it would be silly to guess really, to put it into context, between now and strip 1000 was the same time as Miko went banana. I only hope Rich does a kind of mega 10 page strip :P

2010-04-26, 03:23 AM
Yeah, I get your point :P

But it's still fun to guess, and because there are so many things that can happen between now and strip 1000, you'll probably be far off, as Rich seem to amaze us every time with new plots and stuff :P

But yeah, I thought it would be cool to guess for 300 comics ahead instead of the regular 30 strips ahead guessing :P

2010-04-26, 03:28 AM
There have been tons of "What evil, devilish plot will happen in strip 666" and "What will happen in 700" and well... nothing extremely extraorindary has happened in either.
Maybe 1000 will be different, but really, speculate 300 strips in advance?

Rich might fool us all and finish the strip at 999 for all we know.

Killer Angel
2010-04-26, 03:30 AM
So, maybe it's a little early

indeed :smallamused:

So what do you guys think? Maybe even the end of Oots?

Could be, who knows? Seriously, this is far beyond the usual prediction... :smallwink:

2010-04-26, 03:47 AM
Revealing MiTD would be cool. But it is likely that nothing special will happen. I imagine it must be hard to pace the story so that particular moments happen in particular comics and if Rich felt forced to speed up, slow down or otherwise distort the pace so that something special could happen in 1000, I would rather have nothing special there.

Or, a bonus intermission / readers questions / unrelated fun strip would be a good way to celebrate the 1000.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-04-26, 04:43 AM
So, maybe it's a little early,

You think?

Draconi Redfir
2010-04-26, 04:44 AM
for strip 1000? i want to see the order, team evil (minus Xylon) possibly the liniar guild, the elvin insergants, the resistance, the Azureights, and the goblinoid citisins of Gobbotopia, all celibraiting together.

probibly celibraiting one of the following:

Xylons death, (in witch case Tuski would run off and declare her vengence on the order at the end of the comic)

New Azure City becomeing a province of Gobbotopia (or vice versa) and the new peace between humanoids and goblinoids

the wedding of Roy x Celia and/or Elan x Haley... and/or V x Redcloak... and/or Nale X Sabine... and/or Durkon x Hilgya.

2010-04-26, 05:07 AM
What's a Xylon and who's that witch Tuski?

2010-04-26, 06:20 AM
It's going to be the entire cast of the comic doing an adaptation of the broadway musical Annie.

with Xykon as Annie.:smallbiggrin:

2010-04-26, 07:23 AM
I hope that strip 1000 is just a big full screen portrait of Blackwing in a sombrero.

2010-04-26, 07:52 AM
There's a good chance that we'll be in Book Six by strip #1000, so it's incredibly hard to judge.

I imagine Belkar will be dead by then, though.

2010-04-26, 07:58 AM
With any luck, we'll get a cheesy joke about how they didn't do anything special for strip #1000.

2010-04-26, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I think Rich's pretty much gotten tired of the "special comic" joke.

2010-04-26, 08:58 AM
What I'd like to see: Epic mega-battle between Xykon & Tsukiko, The Order (including Belkar who is now an escaped soul/quasi-Demon from hell so he doesn't have to breath) and the Azure Remains but not V, Redcloak & the newly revealed MitD and the Linear Guild who are supported by V. There would hopefully be a ridiculously long strip that people with theorise will get it's own mini-book.

What will actually happen: Whatever was supposed to happen after 999. Anyone who can ignore 666 isn't going to do anything for the tonne.

2010-04-26, 09:09 AM
There's a good chance that we'll be in Book Six by strip #1000, so it's incredibly hard to judge.

I imagine Belkar will be dead by then, though.

There's consistently (Since NCFTPB at least) 180~ish strips in a book, so we'd be nearing the end of book six most definitely.

I don't think the strip would be over by then. I foresee at least three books (including the one we're in) to go. Unless the entire finale with Kraagor's gate is covered in just one book. So that's around strip 860 we get the end of this book, which will likely end the Girard's gate storyline. Then I'm guessing at least two more, because there seems to be quite a few extra plot threads hanging around to be competing with the final battle at the same time.

In fact, i'm going to make a prediction. The next book will involve them on the world we saw at the end of the last book.

2010-04-26, 05:24 PM
I think that there will be so many side-quests (like the one we have now, I mean, being kidnapped makes me think as a side-quest :P) that they are nowhere near Xykon at all..

That's well over 200 strips away. They can easily be done with this side quest (probably before strip 800) and back to the Gates.

Pie Eater
2010-04-26, 07:31 PM
I'd say that its going to be another boring one
like 100

Maximum Zersk
2010-04-26, 09:02 PM
No, I don't think it'll be like 100, mainly because I don't think the Giant doesn't care anymore, if 700 is any indication.

Or I could be wrong, and he might do something epic. Who knows, really.

Gift Jeraff
2010-04-26, 09:08 PM
:xykon: Strip #1000 will come with real kids.

2010-04-27, 01:32 AM
Vaarsuvius' gender will be revealed.

Miko will face divine judgment.

Mr. Scruffy will be revealed to be Tiger in disguise.

2010-04-27, 03:27 AM
Vaarsuvius' gender will be revealed.


Mr. Scruffy will be revealed to be Tiger in disguise.

I think we all already know V's gender[/poking the bear] :smallwink:

I like Mr Scruffy being some powerful being in disguise (like bunny from Looking for Group). Maybe it's the avatar of Asmodeus, waiting for the right time to collect on the debt that Belkar owes him for his stabbity awesomeness.

Scarlet Knight
2010-04-27, 07:48 AM
Phil Foglio comes in & does a special XXXenophile style comic, which sparks a new debate about :vaarsuvius:'s gender since the placement of all the bodies is still confusing... :smallredface:

2010-04-29, 04:46 PM
I say cthulhu comes in, allies wih xykon, and everything dies.

2010-04-29, 04:55 PM
The Giant makes his first appearance in the strip as the Giant, and answers all the plot-irrelevant but hotly debated questions from the forums as questions from the OOTSers.

2010-04-29, 05:02 PM
The Giant makes his first appearance in the strip as the Giant, and answers all the plot-irrelevant but hotly debated questions from the forums as questions from the OOTSers.

I approve of this theory. First panel has a pause sign and he steps on from the side.

The Pilgrim
2010-04-29, 05:45 PM
The resurrection of Miko and the death of Belkar.

2010-04-29, 05:48 PM
I'm guessing by that time, Belkar/Lien/all the Linear Guild but Thog and Nale and Sabine (again)/Tsukiko/all the hobgoblins in azure city are dead, and the survivors have destroyed the rest of the gates and fight the Snarll who turns out to be Mr Scruffy or someone unexpected like that.

But thats just me.

2010-04-29, 10:03 PM
Mr Rogers in a blood-stained sweater?

2010-04-29, 10:16 PM
1000 should be the climax of the seiries. Xykon may be permanently destroyed, some super epic battle probably, or Rich could use that same old "And everyoen was expecting a big battle for the _00th strip" joke.

2010-04-30, 03:18 AM
Well, you want to know what will happen in 1000th? in just one word:


2010-04-30, 08:09 AM
1000 should be the climax of the seiries. Xykon may be permanently destroyed, some super epic battle probably, or Rich could use that same old "And everyoen was expecting a big battle for the _00th strip" joke.

That's not nearly enough time to wrap up all the major plotlines and loose ends.

I don't think he should try to force anything into a specific number. If it happens, it happens, but it shouldn't be a requirement.

2010-04-30, 02:57 PM
There have been tons of "What evil, devilish plot will happen in strip 666" and "What will happen in 700" and well... nothing extremely extraorindary has happened in either.

This was probably pointed out at the time, but strip 668 was an important, fiend-related strip that revealed the IFCC's actual plans for the Gates as well as their use of the Linear Guild as their puppets. Had it not been for the unexpected deaths of Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, both of whom received well-deserved tribute comics that were mostly removed from the ongoing storyline, that comic would have appropriately been #666.

2010-04-30, 03:17 PM
This was probably pointed out at the time, but strip 668 was an important, fiend-related strip that revealed the IFCC's actual plans for the Gates as well as their use of the Linear Guild as their puppets. Had it not been for the unexpected deaths of Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, both of whom received well-deserved tribute comics that were mostly removed from the ongoing storyline, that comic would have appropriately been #666.

And interestingly enough, using that same math knocks the introduction of Gobbotopia to strip 700. Whatdaya know, he did do a major plot point.

2010-04-30, 06:44 PM
I predict the strip ending at #1000. After all, there's only two Gates left, and while there's a few other subplots left, I don't think anything like the party split arc will happen again.

2010-05-01, 04:32 AM
I predict the strip ending at #1000. After all, there's only two Gates left, and while there's a few other subplots left, I don't think anything like the party split arc will happen again.

You mean like it just did?

Bavarian itP
2010-05-01, 04:52 AM
Strip #1000 will reveal the true mastermind behind the whole story ... Hilgya! No, Samantha! No, Goblin Dan! No, giant space cats! No, Lien's Boyfriend! No, Michael Jackson! No, Salt Lorkyurg! No, the squid-thingy! No, the apple saleswoman! No, the acid-breathing shark!

And definitly not O-Chul.

2010-05-01, 04:58 AM
I predict the strip ending at #1000. After all, there's only two Gates left, and while there's a few other subplots left, I don't think anything like the party split arc will happen again.

He's gone off track before. I expect he will again. Since he's mined the "we're not doing anything special at this benchmark strip" repeatedly, I think he'll do SOMETHING to celebrate Strip 1000, but I doubt it will be anything like a major event.

2010-05-01, 09:48 AM
I predict the strip ending at #1000. After all, there's only two Gates left, and while there's a few other subplots left, I don't think anything like the party split arc will happen again.

There's more than a few, and strip 1000 is only 280 comics away. At 180ish comics per book and the last one starting at 673, that makes the last book only 150ish comics.

Unless the final gate is just "Oh, we're here, we fight, yay team!", they are not going to finish up in two books. Still dangling subplots include:

For starters, the three, possibly more way battle between Xykon, the Order, the IFC, and any others.
The nature of that planet they saw in the rift
The Dark one isn't going to just go "Oh darn, they beat my mortal champion! I'm going home now
Elan and Nale's father
Haley's dad
The liberation of Azure City, which is already becoming a pretty involved plan
Durkon's prophecies both need to occur
Belkar's prophecy, which is not just going to be "Oh, he's dead, move on."
The nature of the feud between the Order ofthe Scribble, which again, is probably not just going to be "Girard and Soon are mad, boooo".
Right Eye's daughter
Fyron's son is still floating around the plot-o-sphere.
V's punishment for the Familicide spell

And even if Rich did cram all that into the remaining two books, the strip will end around 1130+ if the book sizes remain consistent. There's just too much to get done for the strip to finish by 1000.

2010-05-01, 04:46 PM
Here's what happens, The story ends at 1000.
Page 1000 is a four page strip, In the first two the order has another showdown with team evil Kraggar's gate and belkar is swallowed by the snarl. Before anyone can figure out if he is really dead, it cuts to TGI Wednesday's and every member of the cast is eating as Elan plays journey songs in the background. The last panel fades to black leaving everything unresolved.

I would love to see the forum responses

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-05-01, 06:17 PM
Belkar will die at the hands of O-Chul and take over hell! :belkar:

The Dark Fiddler
2010-05-01, 06:51 PM
No, Michael Jackson!

I think you're drifting into another sketch comic, sir. (http://antiheroescomic.com/comic/22)

2010-05-01, 10:45 PM
It will involve another trip to the theatre lobby and snacks for the MitD.

Bavarian itP
2010-05-03, 05:11 AM
I think you're drifting into another sketch comic, sir. (http://antiheroescomic.com/comic/22)

No, I'm not (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0413.html) :smallamused:

Belkar will die at the hands of O-Chul and take over hell!

Belkar couldn't take over hell on the most hell-overtaking day of his life even if he'd use an automatic hell-overtaking machine.

I use this joke too often. :smallfrown: