View Full Version : Is Direct2Drive Trustworthy?

2010-04-27, 03:11 PM
Or at the very least, is Direct2Drive sub-par as a place to buy games? I read posted in another forum by someone who never didn't respond to questions for more details) that: "every single Direct2Drive version of a game that I've followed turn out to be a crippled POS. Never, ever buy from D2D."

Does anyone know what he might be referring to? How's your D2D experience been?

2010-04-27, 03:17 PM
I've had no problems, although I do only have the one game. I got a complete Civ 4 from them, redownloaded it after that computer died, and have since burned it to CD and installed it from there. Crippled, it most certainly isn't.

2010-04-27, 03:39 PM
Oooh, bonus. Civ 4 Complete is half the reason I was asking about this. :smallbiggrin: Can you tell me if you have to patch the game through D2D, or can you download patches as normal?

2010-04-27, 03:49 PM
I've never had any problems. I generally use them for their awesome sales that they run every now and then, because otherwise their prices are often worse than Steam or Impulse.

2010-04-27, 04:07 PM
Oooh, bonus. Civ 4 Complete is half the reason I was asking about this. :smallbiggrin: Can you tell me if you have to patch the game through D2D, or can you download patches as normal?

I can't remember. I think I just patched as normal - in fact, I must have done if I installed it from a burned CD copy, right?

warty goblin
2010-04-27, 04:27 PM
I've never had any real trouble with D2D, and I've bought two or three games there. Mostly they just rank a bit behind Good Old Games (which is so good I'll pay more to get a game there), Impulse and Steam. They're still ahead of Gamersgate, but then the only thing Gamersgate is ahead of in my book is actually buying PC games retail *shudders*.

2010-04-27, 04:54 PM
I bought Rome: Total War Gold, X-Com and HoMM 3 from them, all of which function admirably. Their download rate is absolutely amazing; Rome took about 20 mins for a 4 GB game, which is roughly the best speed I've ever had.

Overall, I prefer D2D to Steam. At least I can play my games offline without massive hassle when I get them from D2D, and I don't have the annoying Steam loading times and "database errors"*

*I seem to have far more problems with Steam than most people, but my experience with it has been overwhelmingly negative.

2010-04-27, 06:46 PM
My only issue with D2D was installing Civ4 on Vista64, and from my understanding that was a game related issue and had nothing to do with D2D. I swap between them and Steam for my game purchases, depending on the prices/deals.

2010-04-27, 06:47 PM
I've bought 6 games or so off of D2D and haven't had a single problem with them. The issues people tend to have with d2d have nothing to do with the service itself, its usually the DRM the developer/publisher put into their game, or some conflict with their system specs and the game. Both of which would be a problem if the person had bought hard copies or downloaded from another online store.

2010-04-27, 09:54 PM
I've bought 6 games or so off of D2D and haven't had a single problem with them. The issues people tend to have with d2d have nothing to do with the service itself, its usually the DRM the developer/publisher put into their game, or some conflict with their system specs and the game. Both of which would be a problem if the person had bought hard copies or downloaded from another online store.

Not quite true. Games downloaded through Good Old Games have no DRM, and are updated to work on modern computers. I recently purchased and completed Fallout and am in the midst of Fallout 2 on my 64bit vista laptop. Also, the games come with a lot of cute freebies, like sound tracks and art. Its really pretty cool, I couldn't be more impressed with them.

I mean, isn't it cool to be able to legally download a game like Fallout onto your girlfriends PC? Or your best friends?

Not to be a miserable shill, but if Good Old Games has what you want, buy it there. Best deal for you, the consumer.

2010-04-28, 08:36 PM
My only problem with D2D is all their special offers are somehow "only available to US customers"

Crispy Dave
2010-04-29, 02:03 PM
I bought a couple games from them a while back in their $5 games sale. One of the games was replaced by a steam pack before I played it and the other has been enjoyed for many hours. All around the service isn't bad, I would say that overall I prefer steam over D2D but they're still not a bad service.