View Full Version : [FMAITP] Character Registry

Moon Wolf
2010-04-27, 04:55 PM
This is the Full Metal Alchemist in the Playground (FMAITP, for short) character registry thread. Please post any finalized characters that you will be using for the role play in this thread.

Second, this thread is only for posting character stats. Please discuss characters in the OOC thread.



Link to the character in the OOC thread, and discuss it there.

Character List:
State Alchemists

"The Nightmare Alchemist", Jason Blackhand
"The Deadbolt Alchemist", Franken Stein
"The Wasteland Alchemist"
"The Stone Alchemist", Alexander Barca
"The Flame Alchemist", Dorothea Althaus
"The Liquid Alchemist", Brian Navy


"Wrath", True Homunculus
"Sloth", True Homunculus
"Lust", True Homunculus
"Greed", True Homunculus
"Gluttony", True Homunculus
"Freedom", Lesser Homunculus

Amestrian Military

Fuhrer Barret L. Ackart
Generals Tallea and Isabel Morgan
Major General Panzer Semovente
Corporal Leonard Schirmer
First Lieutenant Genavive M. Abrams

Non-Military Amestrians

Jacobs Weston, Automail Engineer


Galdron, Ishvalan soldier


Talnieza, Red Fox/Human Chimera
Johann Vulpes, Arctic Fox/Human Chimera

Other than that....have fun, guys! :smallsmile:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-27, 05:00 PM
Name/Rank: "Generals Morgan", Tallea and Isabel Morgan. Commanders of the Amestrian troops in Ishbal.
Age: 23.
Birthdate: May 11, July 8.
Height: 5'8'', 5'7''.
Weight: No one knows except them.
Gender: Female.

Amestrian Military

The Fuhrer


Currently Positioned In: Central.

Appearance: Both are similar in height and weight, but look very different. Tallea has milky white skin marred by a few freckles on her cheeks. She has long, flaming scarlet hair with streaks of daffodil yellow here and there. Her hair is voluminous and always seems to be tinged with a fine film of black ash. Her eyes are a startling electric blue. She always wears her military uniform with the jacket undone to reveal a dark brown shirt.

Isabel's skin is the creamy brown colour of hot chocolate. She has plump lips and large eyes framed by heavy black lashes. Her hair is close-cropped to her skull and is straight. It is teal-coloured and seems to sparkle like it is wet. Her eyes, however, are a piercing murky orange, like molten lava. She too wears her military uniform at all times, but with the jacket done up. She can always be seen wearing a gray military-style hat.

Omake-style pictures:


Manga-style pictures:


Personality: Both girls are extremely suspicious and shy. They became attached to each other as soon as they met. A unique trait of Isabel's is that she speaks to no one save the Fuhrer and Tallea. They are both very smart and cunning, and never the ones to make the first move. They are so close that you might think they are one spirit sharing two entities, which might be why their name seems like the name of a singular person instead of two people. Tallea is fiery and passionate about her work, and is rather agressive, bordering on violent, when provoked. She is the voice of instinct out of the two. Whenever orders are issued, she is usually the one who does most of the talking. Isabel is calm, cool, and mellow, but when she is proven wrong, she can lose control easily. She is more the voice of reason and ethics.

Country and Beliefs: Tallea and Isabel fully support Amestris and both pledged their full efforts to try and exterminate every last member of the Ishvalan race. Tallea is fueled by a personal grudge, because her cousin was killed by an Ishvalan warrior priest. Isabel, being part of Tallea, feels this grudge as well, although not as strongly.

Role In The War: Together, Tallea and Isabel have pretty much full command of the troops in Ishval. They rarely fight themselves. They plot strategies, assign duties, locations, and sectors, and basically control the war. The only exception to this is whenever the Fuhrer issues them an order.

Abilities: It is a known fact throughout Amestris and all of the surrounding countries that Tallea and Isabel will inherit the title of Fuhrer after the current one. Isabel is very smart and can make almost any conversation go her way. Since they don't like to fight often, very little is known of their real powers. Although, Tallea is rumoured to be a deadly accurate shot with almost any kind of gun, and Isabel is said to be a vicious and beyond capable swordfighter.

Quotes: "We even have secrets that the Fuhrer himself doesn't know about. Primarily, a big-ass chocolate stash in our office."

"Tallea? Just....no. Okay? No."

2010-04-27, 05:15 PM

Name/Rank: Wrath, True Homunculus
Age: 208
Height: 6' 5" (Variable)
Weight: 180 Ibs. (Variable)
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The True Homunculi, his Creator.
Currently Positioned In: Ishval

Appearance: In his natural form, Wrath appears as a young man. He is tall and well muscled, but not excessively so. He has short black hair, with red eyes and a small nose. He has a large mouth with subtly pointed teeth. His skin is well tanned by long exposure to the sun. Wrath favors dark clothing, typically wearing a sleeveless black shirt, dark camouflage pattern pants, and heavy combat boots. He also wears fingerless black gloves that go up to his elbows, lined with strips of metal along the back. He also usually wears sunglasses.
Personality: More than anything else, Wrath loves to fight. He seeks out violent conflict whenever possible. On the battlefield, "Friend" and "Foe" have little meaning to him; if he doesn't have a good reason not to, he'll kill anyone that crosses his path once his blood is up. He does, however, have a strong sense of personal honor and dislikes senseless slaughter; as he puts it, he likes to fight, not just kill. Anyone that gives him a good fight can earn Wrath's respect. Wrath is unsubtle, informal, and straightforward, and doesn't really think things through, acting impulsive and rash. Despite this, Wrath is actually very intelligent, and when he cares enough to actually think about what he's doing he becomes much more dangerous. Wrath is also doggedly loyal to his creator, willing to even override his personal beliefs in their service. He is also very loyal to the other True Homunculi that he respects (if any).
Country and Beliefs: Amestris is his country of origin. Wrath loves the war, just as he loves all violent conflict.
Role in the War: Wrath is an instigator, traveling all around Ishval to ensure that the war continues to flare. If one side seems like it's about to break in an area, he uses his abilities to disguise himself then tips the scales back towards an even state. Wrath also acts as an assassin for his creator, due to his ability to disguise himself.
Abilities: Like all Homunculi, Wrath is stronger, faster, and tougher than he looks. Wrath is an extremely proficient combatant, and would be very dangerous just from pure skill even without his enhanced physical abilities. Wrath can effectively use almost any weapon, although he prefers melee weapons like swords. In most cases, Wrath just uses his fists, which are more than enough for most enemies.

Like all of the True Homunculi, Wrath's core is a Philosopher's Stone, with all of the benefits that entails. He currently has the better part of seven hundred lives left. Wrath can regenerate physical wounds, but his rate of regeneration is slow and requires serious concentration, making it all but useless in battle. Wrath's real skill, however, lies in manipulation of his body. Wrath can alter his appearance at will, enabling him to disguise himself as someone else. This ability is somewhat limited, however, as Wrath dislikes the ability, and lacks practice with or fine control over it, so he cannot imitate other people. He also cannot change his apparent gender or age with it. Wrath is good at combat transformations, such as extending limbs or bulking up. The most powerful expression of this ability is his carbon manipulation. Wrath can alchemically alter the carbon in his body to form diamond hard armor on any or all of his body using his Philospher's Stone. He often adds claws or spikes to this armor to increase its offensive capabilities. Additionally, Wrath can create weapons out of his hardened carbon, which he can separate from his skin and wield normally. Wrath dislikes this ability, as under his warped moral code he feels as though it's "unfair." If an opponent earns his respect, however, then he will begin using it, at first in a limited manner, then more and more until they're dead. He rarely becomes fully armored.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-27, 06:01 PM
my characters, Freedom, Galdron and Talnieza

Name: Freedom
Age: he looks 19, but he is a homunculi...
What he is: a lesser homunculus
Gender: male
Appearance: he has pale skin, messy dark red hair, and Uroboros symbol on the back of his left hand and an array on the back of his right. because of this he is always seen wearing gloves. He is tall, wearing a tan long-coat over his black homunculus clothing. (you know those weird black stuff they always wear) His eyes are an eerie green and he is skinny like a skeleton
Affiliation: none, though technically he is the leader of this "Freedom Gang" he has formed.
Personality: he obviously likes and champions freedom, not caring for war or any factions like that. He does what he likes, whenever he likes, however he likes, he does not care for the rules and ultimately works towards stopping everyone from keeping him from having his freedom and fun with the world.
Beliefs: Since the war has an increased likelihood of killing him and imposes stricter laws in place, its a detriment to his freedom so he is working to end the war- by whatever method he deems necessary.
Role: he is a rogue homunculus working to stop the war.
- normal lesser homunculus abilities, longevity, regeneration, and all that.
- he can copy any array by making it appear on his right hand, but he can only use one array at a time and it takes him at least one minute to copy the array.
copied arrays:
Sculpting Clay Array: allows him to transmute dirt, stone, rock, sand and similar materials into clay and manipulate the clay.
The Sculpting Clay Alchemist considered him a good man.
He knew that the war would harm everyone in some way, but he did not want the war to harm a certain someone- his son, whose mother died giving birth to him.
The Sculpting Clay Alchemist wanted to protect his son, so he forbid him to leave the house. Even he was 18 he forbade him to leave, to stay at home where it was safe. His son thought this was garbage and so rebelliously left. The SC Alchemist when he found out about this, went into a panic and gone looking, tracking down his son, learning that he had gone into the military. Now really fearing for his sons life, the SC alchemist went to the frontlines....only to find his son dead.
Broken from grief, the SC Alchemist took his son body back home, researched into human transmutation and tried to bring his son back to life- only to result in the creation of the homunculus, Freedom.
Freedom promptly copied the Sculpting Clay Array and killed the Alchemist.
He now works to secure ultimate freedom for himself, picking up two people along his way- Galdron, an Ishvalan soldier he found that had been rescued by an Amestrian automail mechanic and Talnieza, a fox/human chimera he rescued from a Chimera lab and they all works towards stopping the war for various reasons.

Name: Galdron
Age: 28
What he is: soldier
appearance: he has the signature red eyes,white hair and tan skin of Ishvalans, he is muscular, big and tall. both his arms and both his legs are automail. He wears a hood to hide his Ishvalan features when he is in Amestris and wears a big coat plus a lot of long sleeve clothing to hide his automail, even in the desert.
personality: He is stoic and stubborn like a rock, he is determined to do whatever goal to the best of his ability and is faithful to Ishvalla- its practically the only thing keeping him sane and headed in the right direction.
because he worked out a lot and has automail, he practically has super-strength, able to smash through walls, leap great heights and run faster than any ordinary human

affiliation: Freedom's Gang, Ishval
beliefs: that he will be able to save the most lives if he can end the war early.

Name: Talnieza
Age: she is only 17, poor thing.
What she is: a red fox/human chimera
appearance: she has short light orange hair and fox ears. she has blue eyes, is skinny and wears a grey top and tan pants, baring her midriff. She has a set of daggers fastened at her belt and wears leather brown boots.
personality: since she is trained to an assassin, she has an outward serious sharp exterior, but this is mostly a mask, underneath it all she is nervous and afraid like no tomorrow.
she being a fox/human chimera, she is much quicker and better at evasion than most, she is stealthy, she is also very wily and cunning and has better hearing and sense of smell.
She is good at using daggers, acrobatics and other skulduggery stuff since she was trained from birth to be an assassin.

affiliation: Freedom's Gang
Beliefs: that to stop the Amestris military from creating more Chimeras, she must end the war so that they wouldn't be necessary anymore.

2010-04-27, 06:29 PM
Name/ Rank: Jacobs Weston
Age: 18
Birthdate: Jan. 12
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 98 lmbs
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Amestris citizen, but makes automail for any and all customers.
Currently in: East City, he owns a small store there called "Weston Engineering"

Appearance: Jacobs is unhealthily small and takes a supplement medication to stimulate his growth. He is so small because of the fact he rarely eats, mainly because he is almost always making automail. But not generic automail. Most of the time, Jacobs works on his custom combat automail masterpieces.

Jacobs wears a pair of military issue pants that belonged to his father, an Amestris soldier killed during the war. Jacobs mother was also a soldier, and was killed a few months ago. These pants are several sizes too large and Jacobs secures them with a number of toolbelts and other straps. Besides that, he wears only a black tanktop and a brown leather jacket. The jacket he wears only when he leaves his store. Jacobs has an automail hand from an old fabrication accident.

Jacobs owns and operates "Weston Engineering", an automail store than handmakes each and every piece. Jacobs' father, Johnathan, founded the store before he went off to war, and Jacobs has been working it ever since. The store has no employees, and Jacobs does all the work himself. He makes traditional and less conservitive models, notably the "Automail Mark II Saber", an automail arm with a spring loaded blade, and the "Automail Mark IV Panther", an automail arm with retractable claws, like those of a cat. Jacobs has a small stock of genericly sized automail body parts as display pieces. He invents 90% of the automail he sells, but because of his small production crew (himself and his brother, Jason) he has gained little fame in the engineering world. Each piece that he creates is stenciled with a red "J", his makers-mark.

Personality: Jacobs is thoughtful and funny, but has more customers than friends because of his perfectionist, workaholic, knowitall attitude. His eating and sleeping cycles are dependent on need, not time.

Country and Beliefs: Jacobs is an Amestris citizen, but that's where his loyalty ends. His parents both died in the war based on a poor tactical decision, and he dislikes most higher-ups in the military because of it. The foot-soldiers of the war, however, he gives a discount at his store. One man who lost both arms even got twin automail arms for free. Jacobs has a high regard for his country all the same, but still will sell automail to anyone who wants to buy it. He views himself as a medic, repairing people's bodies and souls.

Role In The War: Jacobs makes automail, and that's where his involvement ends. He just handles the damage after battles.

Abilities: Jacobs is a genius, and has no trouble flaunting it. His automail abilities are his greatest virtue however, as he appiles his genius and his fine motor skills to create truely masterful works of automail.

"East City Rage!"


Name:Jason Blackhand, as a State Alchemist his rank was equivalent to Major
Birthdate (optional):???
Affiliation (What country are they from? Who do they directly pledge allegience to?): Merecnary, prefers Amestris
Currently Positioned In (Are they troops stationed in Ishbal? Aerugo? Amestris?): East City.

Appearance:See Below
Personality:See Below
Country and Beliefs (Do they support the war? Are they against it?):Amestris Mercenary. He supports it.
Role in the War (What is their duty? What do they do? Why is it important?): Merecenary
Abilities:See Below

Codename as State Alchemist: The Nightmare Alchemist
Background/ Description: Jason prefers to use a special kind of alchemy that he spent years creating. The main idea is to provide impetus to the nightmares of his enemies, reading their fears from their actions (using psychology) and alchemically recreating them. Besides that, Jason is quite adept at creating weapons through alchemy. He is physically weak, and weighs about 102 pounds and is 6'1''. Jason grew up in the slums, using his innate alchemical knowledge to get a foothold in the world. He was hired as a State Alchemist, and resigned a week later. Ever since he has been perfecting his alchemy, wandering the world. Today, Jason is a merecenary, selling his services to the highest bidder. He favors working for Amestris, but will work for others. He wears a long black coat and sunglasses, under which he wears a black t-shirt and jeans. He prefers to go by his military codename when dealing with Amestris, and the name 'Lexicon' when he deals with anyone else.

2010-04-27, 08:09 PM
Name/Rank: Corporal Leonard Schirmer
Age: 25
Birthdate (optional): Oct. 14
Height: 6" 0'
Weight: 185
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Amestris Military
Currently Positioned In :Amestris, East City

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. He's youthful and has been in a few skirmishes but is still innocent to the true horrors of war. Can usually be seen with a small smile and his uniform is always proper and clean. Of course he just came back from a scouting mission. His left forearm is auto mail but nothing very fancy.

Personality: A happy sort of guy with a bit of humor but knows when to be serious. Has raised through the first couple of ranks with his small amount of leadership skills and intellect.

Country and Beliefs: Amestris, would prefer not to fight but his duty is to the country, if there in a war he'll help fight it.

Role in the War : Stationed in East City to help maintain the peace, awaiting further orders, possible to be shipped out to Ishbal soon.

Abilities: Has shown promise with side fire arms and low caliber rifles. Follows orders well and has keen eyes and ears. Can move silently fairly well. Possible scout and may have future in special ops or sniper groups. Left forearm automail has two small hidden compartments, one with a knife and one with a small firearm. All in all pretty average soldier with potential in firearms, stealth or leader ship. May want to keep an eye on to see where he goes, may be useful later on.

Mina Kobold
2010-04-28, 10:07 AM
Name/Rank: Johann Vulpes, abomniation
Age: 17
Birthdate: December 1
Height: 5'
Weight: 100lbs
Gender: Male

Former Amestris
Other Chimeras

Currently Positioned In: East City.


Johann typically wears the standard military coat of the Amestrian army as a souvenir from his time as an Amestrian soldier and patchwork clothing underneath. He wears a standard rifle in a holster on his back
Physically he is well fit but skinny and low of stature. His hair is one of the most defining features of him, white in colour and reaching below his shoulders. his skin is similarly pale, though it looks more like a genuine skin colour than a lack of the same. His only other visible difference from a normal human are his canines(the teeth) which are enlongated as an actual arctic fox's would be.

Personality: A snarky but serious person who los faith in Amestris and the wars ever getting peaceful outcomes, he is currently a follower of Whither's plans. Whatever they are.
Johann has a tendency to be snarky and militaristic and have a liking of cold beverages, red meat and especially rabbit meat.

Country and Beliefs: Formerly Amestrian but after the Chimerization process he have gone rogue and joined the underground gang lead by Whither.

Role In The War: Johann is currently in service of Whither.

Abilities: Johann is a chimera, an artic fox/human chimera to be exact. Thus he inherit the cold resistance and endurance of an artic fox on top of his changed physical appearance and the improved senses (especially scent) that is common among chimeras. Other than that he is a pretty good shot with a rifle and a experienced tracker. he can brawl but is not especially good at it.


[Will update later]

2010-05-01, 04:22 PM
Name/Rank: Franken Stein, Lt. Colonel.
Codenames: "Experiment 76", The Deadbolt Alchemist
Homunculus: Isolation.
Age: 19.
Birthdate: August 22nd.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: approx. 175 lbs.
Gender: Male

Amestrian Military

State Alchemists


Currently Positioned In: Amestris

Appearance: Stein has stitches all over his body, from meeting Truth. He seems to have created a theme with this, wearing a lab coat covered with stitches, as well as a shirt covered in stitches, but with a death's head on the front. He has a bolt going through his head, which he uses to "screw his head on straight", and alter his power level, as it holds his red stones. He has white hair and glasses, and is usually smoking. He's well aware it's illegal, and nobody seems to want to tell him that, seeing as he's got full rights to ripping them apart. He carries around a scythe all the time, and it rather freaks everyone out. His scythe is made in a steampunk-esque way: pure clockwork. It can transform into a polearm, a gauntlet, a scythe, or a clockwork sword. His Homunculus sign is very well hidden, as it's on the backs of his eyes. When he uses incredibly powerful alchemy, and his eyes glow red, you can see it, if you can see through the glow of power...

Personality: Stein is incredibly calculating, but he's also insane. He would rather dissect his enemies then fight them, and is usually found reading a book that he keeps in his coat pocket. He is incredibly curious, but he rarely shows any actual emotions.

Country and Beliefs: Stein doesn't give a damn about Amestris, doesn't care about the war, but he participates in it. He will defeat anyone who gets in his way, regardless of whatever they do.

Role In The War: Stein is the espionage for Amestris, with his red eyes and white hair he fits right in with the Ishvalans.

Abilities: Stein is the Deadbolt Alchemist, which means he's only used when they desperately need him, and is a reference to the bolt in his head. But, he often goes around assigning himself assignments, and he adapts to situations incredibly quickly. Due to being Experiment 76, he has seen Truth twice, once where he died, and was resurrected with the Stone, and then again. He can transmute without a circle, has the usual Homunculi grade speed and strength, and his ability is to manipulate his stitches.

Backstory: When Stein was born, his parents sold him to Central, where he became Experiment 76. He was forced to a single Human Transmutation, and Truth decided it'd be interesting to see what he could do without his skin, which Stein believed represented the spirit of Ishvala. He of course, died, and was brought back with the Stone, which backfired on it's user that time. Being a good experiment, Stein went and commited another transmutation, where this time, he lost his skull. Somehow, his brain didn't fall out, but he of course died. The scientists, arguing that it would be better to have him alive then dead, selected one to commit a human transmutation, and this man died, as well as bringing Stein back as a lesser Homunculi, after they implanted the bolt in his head, and gave him a new skull of course. Stein grows like a normal human, as he became a Homunculus in his own body. His weakness is his skin. He became a state alchemist at the age of eight, allowed to take the test by the Fuhrer, and passing using his skills.
Quotes: "Is that really all you can do? Come on, you wouldn't even make a good test subject..."

"I am Franken Stein, Experiment 76, The Deadbolt Alchemist, and I don't answer to vermin."

Mina Kobold
2010-05-04, 11:26 AM
Name/Rank: ??? (Goes by Dust or Whither), The Wasteland Alchemist
Age: ???
Birthdate: ???
Height: About 5'2
Weight: About 105 lbs
Gender: ???

It's goals
The oppressed

Currently Positioned In: East City.

Appearance: The Wasteland Alchemist is a mysterious person, always cloaked in heavy clothes and always wear a hooded cloak that hide the only non-covered part of Dust's body, it's eyes. Dust's gloves have transmutation circles for Whithering Alchemy on them.

Nobody has been known to have seen any more of the Wasteland Alchemist than this.

Personality: Whither is a manipulative and mysterious criminal who'se goals are known only by itself and it's followers.

Whither cares much for it's followers and it's goals, very little else is clear except for the fact that a lot of Dust's crime have been centered on jewels, alchemical knowledge and sabotage against the Amestrian government,

Country and Beliefs: The Wasteland Alchemist has no known home country but have mainly been committing it's crimes in Amestris until it's disappearing a few years back.

Role In The War: Causing the Amestrian government as much trouble as possible while benefiting as much as possibly from it. A side-goal of it is to hire those who wish to join it in it's goals.

Abilities: The Wasteland Alchemist got it's name from it's speciality in alchemy that focuses on the second stage of alchemy, the breakdown. it's a type of alchemy that causes the target material to whither and dissolve. Rock turns to sand, trees turn to dust and so on. The wasteland Alchemist can use regular alchemy but draws a transmutation circle for such purposes.

The wasteland Alchemist is agile enough to outrun most pursuers and knows how to get away, it is a poor combatant without it's alchemy, though.


[Will update later]

T3h Otaku
2010-05-04, 03:12 PM
Genavive M. Abrams (Viv), First Lieutenant – Amestrian Military

Name/Rank: Genavive M. Abrams (Viv), First Lieutenant – Amestrian Military
Age: 27
Birth Date: February 1, 1876 (provided that the current year is 1903 as stated in the Setting summary)
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 122 lbs
Gender: Female


The Amestrian Military

The Fuhrer

All Superior Officers

Origin: Both of her parents are from Xing (hence her appearance), but Genavive herself was born in Armestris, allowing her to become a citizen and join the military.

Currently Stationed In: Ishval –Currently on the Eastern Front

Appearance: Genavive is a rather diminutive woman whose figure is fairly slender and boyish, and whose skin is lightly tanned, with a somewhat sallow tinge. She has narrow shoulders, no chest to speak of, a well-defined waist, slender hips and shapely, though not curvaceous, limbs. Faint muscular definition is evident, but not to such an extent as to be unpleasant or overtly masculine. Her face is narrow and somewhat angular, with a pointed chin, pert nose and thin, pale pink lips. Deep chocolate-brown, narrow, slanted eyes glisten from under neatly shaped black brows. Her waist-length, straight black hair is tightly bound in two symmetrical braids down her back, tied with perfect navy blue ribbon bows, with not a stray hair in sight save for a single strand that falls in front of her left eye (though even that feels carefully planned).

Genavive is as fastidious in her appearance as she is in all aspects of her work. Her navy blue, gold-trimmed military jacket is always neatly pressed, and fits her exactly, as though tailored to her body. Beneath the jacket she wears a plain white button-down shirt, under which her forearms are tightly bound with several layers of gauze bandages. Her mini-skirt is worn at exactly regulation length, flattering her shapely legs, her white knee-high socks are spotless, and her black combat boots are always polished to a mirror-bright finish. She also wears a neat navy blue pillbox-style military hat pinned in her hair, perfectly centered of course. The only differences between her uniform and that of any other female military officer are the badge that indicates her rank as a First Lieutenant and an inconspicuous black leather belt that she wears cinched tightly around her waist, which has holsters for her revolver, mess-dagger and sword.

Personality: In many ways, Genavive is the perfect soldier. She is incredibly disciplined and polite, and has never dreamed of disobeying or disrespecting any of her superior officers, regardless of any misgivings she may have towards them. She abides by every single military code, formality and routine with unwavering rigidity. She never shows any of her true emotions, displaying only what is expected of her within any given situation, and even then, only what can be conveyed through a movement of the head, a twitch of the lip, a roll of the eye or a luminescent blush. Genavive is also incredibly shy, though given her other, more dominant personality traits; this is not always immediately evident. It is due to this shyness that she is so easily flustered, hence her infamous blush, not that she ever admits to allowing it affect her to any extent that goes beyond superficial facial coloration. She speaks infrequently, and makes a concentrated effort to use the fewest words possible, though she will engage in minimal conversation if the topic of discussion interests her. Genavive also has what could best be described as a moderate case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, in that she is compelled to be perfect and to make everything around her equally neat, pristine and exact. This also translates to the orders that she carries out, as she strives to complete them accurately, precisely and in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, this incredible discipline and determination to follow orders has a more sinister side. Genavive’s mental state has become highly unstable through the trauma she has experienced in military service, and thus she has become dependent upon the structure that executing commands provide to her life. As a result, she will follow any order that is given to her by a superior/commanding officer without question, not pausing to consciously consider such things as implications, morals and the abstract principles of right and wrong. She will carry out any order given to her to the best of her ability, even if she knows that she will fail, or it is fundamentally impossible. Whether the order would cause harm to herself or others, or go against her nature has no bearing on whether it is followed. When orders conflict, she will follow the order given by the officer that ranks more highly, but in the case that both officers are of the same rank, she will abide by the order that was given first (chronologically speaking). This trait is not without negative implications on Genavive’s physical health, injuries resulting from self-destructive or highly dangerous missions aside. Due to the extent of the conflict that often exists between what is commanded of her and her own harshly repressed feelings, capabilities and desires, she has privately resorted to self-mutilation in an attempt to release her pent-up frustration, hence her bandaged arms. At present, no-one is aware of this behavior, and Genavive would rather that it remained that way.

Beliefs: Genavive herself has no known feelings about the war. It is unknown whether she supports or denounces it, since she has never been ordered to voice her opinion. Her public opinions, however, coincide with those of her commanding officers. Simply put, if she is told to fight and support the cause of the war, she will do so without fail.

Role in the War: As a First Lieutenant, Genavive is mainly responsible for reporting to superior officers, compiling reports, detailing attack schematics, supplies lists, requisitions and other paperwork. She also sees frontline action, though primarily during periods of particularly intense combat when tanks, machine guns and heavy artillery reinforcement are required (as per her specialty).

Abilities: Genavive is a mediocre close-quarters combatant, with limited swordsmanship skills. This is not as a result of a lack of practice, but merely the fact that she is tentative and hesitant when fighting directly against another armed opponent (unless ordered to be ruthless). As a result, her attacks are rarely as effective as they could be, and thus she prefers to avoid melee combat.

She is far more adept with a pistol, rifle or other light ranged weapon, though not incredibly talented. Her aim is impressive, particularly at very long range, but she has a tendency to wait too long between shots, losing any surprise advantage she might have had, and sometimes accidentally revealing her position in the process. It is with heavy artillery, ranged weapons and military vehicles that Genavive excels. Her excellent aim transfers well to larger ranged weapons, and the longer reload times for these heavier weapons means that hesitation does not severely limit her effectiveness. She is also an incredibly skilled and surprisingly fearless driver, particularly when it comes to military vehicles, able to navigate through even a minefield or frontline supply route without incident.

Finally, Genavive is an excellent cook, able to craft an excellent meal even using the most meager and bland military rations, though she rarely has a chance to exercise this skill. She also seems to have infinite patience when it comes to completing endless stacks of reports in her perfectly neat and rounded handwriting.

Quotes: “Yes, sir." “Of course, sir. Anything you say.”

2010-05-04, 06:44 PM
Alexander Barca State Alchemist

Alexander Barca

Age: 25

Alchemist Name: The Stone Alchemist.

Height: 6’5

Weight: 199

Hair Color: Pure white

Eye Color: Frosty blue

Alexander has a slightly different approach to Alchemy than others; he considers it to be an extremely serious business. You cannot leave even one detail to chance, from your circle to the effectiveness of your powers. He even refuses to simply wear his Alchemy circles on gloves; they are drawn on the palms of his hands with an ink that Alchemy made sure could not be removed.

His personality is sometimes difficult to understand, he was always a paranoid person as a child and he didn’t bother to interact with many of the other children. However to those he did associate with, he was loyal till the end. He considers betrayal to be the worst crime one can commit short of murder.

His powers almost all consist of using stone as a weapon, from using spears conjured by transmuting the stone in the ground to creating solid walls for defense.

2010-05-13, 06:05 PM
Name/Rank: "The Flame Alchemist", Dorothea Althaus, State Alchemist
Age: 18
Birthdate: Febuary 15th
Height: 5'9"
Weight: About 70 kg
Gender: Female

Amestrian Military

Currently Stationed in: Amestris, in transit to Fort Briggs

Appearance: Dorothea is a young woman, with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She wears a red coat, with a black shirt underneath it, as well as black trousers, and she wears two white gloves, each with an alchemical circle on the back.

Personality: Dorothea has a fair degree of intelligence- and knows it, although she doesn't shove it in people's faces- but she's not the best at social skills, and detests large social gatherings, often making up a variety of excuses to not go to them. She cares for those she view as her friends, though, being very loyal to them, and putting her life on the line to help them. She also hates the harming of innocents.

Country and Beliefs: Dorothea is in a very difficult position at the moment. She believes the common people of Amestris are worth serving- the reason why she became a State Alchemist- but the massacre of the Ishbalans... she doesn't want to be forced to participate and assist in it. If she's sent to Ishbal, she will have a very difficult choice to make.

Abilities: Dorothea is a prodigy of an Alchemist, being versed in a wide variety of physical transmutation. However, her true skill (and her primary combat use of Alchemy) is Flame Alchemy. She has a pair of gloves which are made out of pyrotex, which she can make sparks with by snapping his fingers. She manipulates the concentrations of oxygen and flammable materials in the surrounding air, raising them to the level where she can control the path the combustion takes.

Normally, this is the only type of Alchemy she uses in combat, as she has Transmutation circles ready-made for it on her gloves.

2010-05-15, 04:18 PM
Panzer Semovente

Name/Rank: Major General Panzer Semovente, The "Iron Shield of Amestris"
Age: 39
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 Ibs.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Amestris, Briggs Soldiers
Currently Positioned In: Briggs Fortress

Appearance: Semovente is an intimidating figure. At first, the source of this isn't obvious; he is neither unusually tall nor particularly heavily muscled. He dresses in a standard Amestrian military uniform, with a well made but standard sword and a pistol in his belt. What really does it is his eyes. Semovente has penetrating, intense eyes the color of ice, set in a hard, weathered face. He has short black hair. He rarely smiles or frowns. Semovente walks with the balance intrinsic to all skilled fighters.
Personality: Semovente is a hard, uncompromising man. He has lead the fortress of Briggs for many years, and this has left its mark on him. He believes in absolute discipline, and allows no dissension from his subordinates, but holds even higher standards for himself. Under his leadership, Briggs is stronger than ever. Despite his harsh personality, Semovente is a fair leader and is very loyal to the soldiers under his command, who are in turn highly loyal to him. He is also a brilliant tactician and fearsome fighter. It is said that his presence is the sole reason that war has not broken out with Drachma, and any who have met him would have little reason to disregard this claim. Semovente drills his soldiers constantly to keep their skills sharp, and typically at least half of the Briggs fortress personnel is out on drills or patrols at all times.
Country and Beliefs: Semovente is from Amestris. He cares little for politics or the affairs of the outside world, and has little interest in rank or the rest of the military. He has a job, and that is all he cares about. His main dedication is to protecting Amestris to any threats to it, no matter what those threats may be.
Role in the War: Semovente is the leader of the Briggs Fortress, and as such is the military leader in charge of dealing with Drachma. As it stands there is no war with Drachma, but if one broke out Semovente would lead the fight against them.
History: Semovente was born on the outskirts of Amestris in a poor mining town. Growing up in abject poverty, Semovente refused to give up, as many of his contemporaries did. At the age of twelve, Semovente was orphaned by a mine collapse. He worked tirelessly for the next few years, swearing that he would rise above his humble origins for the sake of his parents. Eventually, he built up enough money to travel away. When he was old enough, he bought a train ticket to Central and joined the military.

Semovente quickly proved to be a hardworking and extremely dedicated individual, and moved through the ranks of the Amestrian army at an extremely rapid pace. At one point, his unit was sent on training exercises on the Drachman border. Semovente took a liking to the incredibly harsh environment, and successfully requested a transfer. Semovente quickly earned respect, and soon realized a talent for arctic and defensive warfare. Within a few years, he was commander of Briggs. Since then, he has remained committed to his duties and executed them with efficiency and skill.
Abilities: Semovente is an extraordinarily skilled combatant. He has trained extensively in the use of both the sword and the pistol, his trademark weapons, and can use them simultaneously while fighting, although he prefers to use one at a time. Physically, he is at the peak of human ability. He is also highly experienced, and has a brilliant tactical mind. Semovente has a very high tolerance for pain and has iron willpower. He also has in depth knowledge of every weapon and vehicle used by the Amestrian army, and familiarity with most weapons and vehicles that have been used by Amestris' enemies.

The right side of Semovente's ribcage and chest is made of automail. This can shield him from attacks, and also contains several storage compartments. At any time, several of these pockets have spare combat knives, pistols, or rations in them, while several are empty if they are needed. A fully automatic gun is also housed in the automail, but it has an extremely limited ammo capacity.

2010-05-22, 02:24 PM

Name/Rank: Sloth/True Homunculus
Age: 317
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Male
Affiliation: True Homunculi
Currently Positioned In: Amestris

Appearance: Sloth is a thin, emaciated man with a long face and gangly limbs. His sunken eyes, scraggly brown hair and generally unkempt features combine to make him an unappealing sight. He devotes no time to self grooming of any kind, to the point that only his inhuman body chemistry prevents him from smelling too repulsive to approach. He usually dresses in shabby old clothes that might once have been fashionable but now wouldn't be out of place on a dishevelled tramp.

Personality: As with all the Homunculi, Sloth's key trait is given in his name. His laziness is chronic and affects every aspect of his life, whether its his decisions, appearance or speech patterns. Most of this stems more from ennui than dislike of physical activity, though; Sloth is a diehard fatalist who has always believed that the whole Universe is just a pointless contraption winding down towards an inevitable end. As such he sees little point in contributing to it, since it's all just going to be destroyed in the end anyway. Forbidden by his creator to simply commit suicide, he settles for procrastinating and making as little constructive impact on the world as possible. When obligated to intervene he tends to follow the barest interpretation of his orders and nothing more, performing only that which was explicitly instructed.

Country and Beliefs: Sloth claims no place as his home and believes in nothing but the futility of existence.

Role in the War: Sloth's assignments mostly consist of sedate tasks like surveillance and guard duty. Whenever a job which is too important for grunts but also incredibly boring comes up, it usually goes to him.


Irresistable Force: Sloth dislikes moving at anything quicker than a leisurely walk, but when he does gain momentum he becomes very difficult to stop. Once a decent speed has been reached even sturdy obstacles such as stone and metal provide little resistance to the implacable Homunculus, usually being broken or displaced with ease. Unfortunately for Sloth this ability only works against stationary barriers; An oncoming train or a well-timed punch will have much the same effect as usual.

Immovable Object: This is by far Sloth's favourite ability, since it requires him to stand very still. All True Homunculi are more resilient than humans, but while immobile Sloth's capacity to resist damage appears to reach ridiculous levels. To the layman's eye he seems totally invulnerable, shrugging off anything from light blows to heavy machine-gun fire with ease. Though it's not obvious at first glance, the power actually works by removing the momentum of incoming attacks just before they hit, rendering them harmless. This makes it much more potent than traditional armour abilities, but it also prevents Sloth from doing anything in return...which suits him very nicely.

Maximum Zersk
2010-05-29, 05:10 PM
The Fuhrer

Name/ Rank (If part of the military): Fuhrer Barret L. Ackart
Classification: Fuhrer
Birthdate: September 18
Age: 38
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: ?
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has dark, mid-length hair and brown eyes . Wears a military uniform with a gold stripe on the left side going down. He has a silver necklace of the Amestris Coat of Arms.
Personality: To others, cold and calculating. To his relatives, friends, and subordinates, crazy, and zany. He's the reason every female member of the military has to wear, yes, TINY MINISKIRTS!!! Has a penchant for spicy foods. Hates sweets. LOVES... birds.
History: Unknown for the time being.

Greed, True Homunculus

Name/Rank: Gluttony, True Homunculus
Age: ? Looks 35
Birthdate: ?
Height: About 1.8 meters
Weight: 160 Kg
Gender: Male


Appearance: Gluttony looks slightly pudgy. Not too much, but enough to be just slightly noticable. He has a small beard covering his chin and the sides of his face. His hair is black, and his skin is pale. His hair is cut slightly short. He usually wears a sort of robe when he's not fighting.
Personality: Gluttony acts like a kindly man. He seems knowledgable, and can always be found reading a book. He has what could be called a hunger for knowledge. He will actively seek out new facts and such, even if he had to kill someone.
Abilities: Gluttony has the ability to suck memories and knowledge out of someone's mind. To do this, he must have his hand on their head for at least five seconds. Afterwards, the person will be unconcious for at least a minute.

2010-08-02, 07:07 PM
Name: Brian Navy
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120 lbs
Gender: Male
Affiliation): Private
Currently Positioned In: Central

Appearance: See Below
Country and Beliefs: Amestris. He believes that people can master their flaws and use their traits to become a peaceful civilization.
Role in the War (What is their duty? What do they do? Why is it important?): Brian transmuted blood into solid iron to prevent soldiers from losing too much blood before they reach safety.
Abilities: Brian's speciality lies in making liquids take solid form and vice versa (for example, he could create a chunk of salt from the Sodium and Chlorine in sea water). However, he can't cause molecules to become gas.

Codename as State Alchemist: The Liquid Alchemist
Background/ Description: Brian is timid (though not shy). He doesn't like to spring into action unless it's a life or death situation, as some noted during Ishval to their distaste or approval. He grew up in a small village by a lake, dabbling in Alchemy since his childhood. His first accomplishment was extracting the juice in a small chunk of fruit using Alchemy, and the enthralled boy began to experiment to learn more and more Alchemy until the whole village was impressed with his talents. Enventually, when he became 19, he attracted the attention of the State Alchemists, who he was recruited to.
Brian has sandy blonde hair, viridian eyes, and pale skin.

2010-11-10, 01:13 PM
Name/rank: Pride/None (Formerly Johan von Sieger, Lieutenant-Colonel)
Age: Indetermined
Birthplace: Central
Height: 189 cm
Weight: That is a secret!
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Father
Currently stationed in: Wherever Father sends him to

Pride is a tallish gentleman of obvious Amestrician descent. He has light blonde, mid-back wavy hair and burgundy eyes. Usually, he keeps his hair bound in a ponytail or a braid. When not in his Homunculus garb (to which he adds a half-face mask), he can usually be seen in a pair of black trousers, white undershirt, a black vest, a red bowtie and black leather shoes (with a 8/11 black longcoat over it, or not). He is also often seen carrying an instrument of some sort, typically a violin.
Pride is a consummate gentleman who has a hard time letting his emotions flow naturally. He tends towards strange emotional outbursts at the strangest possible times. He is also fond of innuendo and wordplay, and his reputation as a womanizer in Central (where he showcases himself as a musician by the name of August Hammerun) is something of a legend. The nastier tongues rumor him as being the kind to hit on anything that moves. He is seen as typically a happy fellow, though for what reasons is often unknown.
At heart, Pride is a hedonist. Like his namesake, he holds his skills in high regard, and believes himself to be the consummate example of what a man should be. He will often use the charade of a sexual predator to disguise his intelligence, and mock his opponents for underestimating him.
Country and Beliefs:
Pride is thankful to Father for his second lease on life, and as such, his loyalty to the creator of the greater Homunculi is unquestionable. Though he will often act lazy and mockingly attempt to dismiss his duties, this is merely part and parcel of the charade he chooses to enact. He values Father's knowledge and intellect as the guiding hand behind Amestris, and as such, knows better than to question him.
Role in the war: Pride's function is twofold. While in Central, his duty is to obtain information from the higher-ups by means of manipulation and his own power (often but not always seducting their wives as a means of gaining entry into their homes). Whenever ordered to go to Ishbal, he uses his powers to manipulate the flow of the war itself, as though conducting a Symphony of Destruction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyWJCd1GYhw).
Abilities: Pride is what you'd call a Musical Assassin. By manipulating soundwaves either through the use of instruments or his own voice (though he tends to build the illusion that instruments are necessary to the use of his powers so as to lead his opponent into attacking them instead of himself), he can produce a variety of effects. The most basic of them consists of blowing things up and slashing with the power of music. He can also induce hallucinations, loss of balance and/or hypnosis by affecting the target's brain with his songs (or even voice commands, though this requires the target be put into a suggestionable state first). Neither of the latter powers are infallible, and a target with sufficient willpower and/or the knowledge of how his abilities work can overcome it (and, naturally, deaf targets are unaffected, though simply covering your ears merely lessens the effect). He can also disguise his music to be inaudible (by using frequencies of sound the human ear cannot detect).
Besides this, Pride also possesses the formidable strength, speed and resillience inherent to all Greater Homunculi. As a fighter, he could be considered skilled against a human opponent, though in a direct fight with other homunculi, he'd be considered weak.