View Full Version : SRWitP: OOC - Chicks dig Giant Robots

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2010-04-29, 04:29 AM
The official tag for SRW in the Playground is [SRWitP]. Please put that tag on any thread titles that involve this universe.


This is a planning and OOC thread for Super Robot Wars in the Playground.
Character registry here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151485), wiki here (http://srwitp.wikidot.com/). http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153984

What is SRWitP?

SRWitP is an RP based on the Super Robot Wars franchise of videogames (sometimes known as Super Robot Taisen). If you're not familiar with it, it's a crossover series which brings together tons of giant robots from different anime, manga, etc. into a single plot, with some original characters to tie it all together. So you could have berserk Eva-01 fighting a Gundam (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YANcvG8G9lA), only to be interrupted by a Rocket Punch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeMXV2zdZ18).

Basically any giant robot is welcome. Heck, it doesn't (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l731-s4_1Zo) even (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQE1hjIf0KA) have (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qon7Ja7_wx8) to be giant - we already have Iron Man. The games balance out power issues by making Super Robots (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRobot) slow and burn through energy quickly, while Real Robots (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealRobot) can dodge like nobody's business and attack from long range.

How is it different from Nexus, 'Anime'ITP, or any other RPGs?

This game's main difference is that not all of the PCs are original characters - the majority of the cast come from existing franchises (though Originals are by no means frowned upon). The second is that the plot is a little more directed than other games around here - most of the general events of the series involved will still happen, though they might happen in different ways, and as such the OOC thread contains some planning on how to tie disparate storylines more closely together.

Also note that SRW in the Playground is not connected to any of the other RPGs on this forum in any way. A character for SRWitP is for SRWitP, and cannot travel between it and, for example, Nexus or BleachitP. You can have a version of the same chatacter in more than one RPG, but keep in mind that they are still different characters.

How do I start?

First, post your intent to play in the OOC thread. The other players can give you feedback on an Original concept, or tell you if someone has claimed a character already. If you're submitting an Original character, give an idea of their direction you expect their storyline to take, along with some associated enemies and NPCs. Once we confirm there's no problems you can post it in the Character Registry and get started.

Should I have played all the Super Robot Wars games before this?

Nope. We won't be following the plot of an existing game, and they're hard to find anyway. More important is familiarity with mecha anime, though that's just to provide a greater range of playable characters.

There are rules, right?

Yes, there are.
1) No godmodding (or godmoding). A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1633965&postcount=5).
2) Communication is key. Please remember that the plot is far more directed than some other games, so make sure you talk things out with other players before you start jumping into established plots or fights. Poor communication leads to OOC arguments and hurt feelings, which no one wants.
3) Don't argue in the OOC. If a problem does arise, please don't continue to prod it in front of everyone else. It only makes the atmosphere that much more unpleasant, and could escalate the argument into something far bigger than it may need to be. If you must discuss something with another player, please try to take care of it through private messages or an IM client before taking it to the OOC thread.
4) Have fun!

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 06:48 AM

This looks like a lot of fun but I have a question:

Are we supposed to use an existing Robot character or for that matter an existing type of robot (Ganmen, Gundams, etc.) or can we make our own from scratch?

2010-04-29, 07:24 AM
I see no reason why both wouldn't be allowable, myself. Every actual game but the first one has both original and crossover characters/mech concepts.

2010-04-29, 07:29 AM

This looks like a lot of fun but I have a question:

Are we supposed to use an existing Robot character or for that matter an existing type of robot (Ganmen, Gundams, etc.) or can we make our own from scratch?Well, we'd probably want to use mostly existing characters. I'll wait for input from others. (EDIT: Ninja'd?)

In general, SRW uses entirely new organisations and classes of mech for its original characters. It rarely has new Gundams, etc. though it may add stuff which only appeared in obscure sources (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUzYsGGkpB8) or is non-canon. One notable exception was Mazinkaiser (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx0U6VywUKU), which was created by SRW as an upgrade for Mazinger Z but later got some anime of its own - now its appearances are based on the anime.

2010-04-29, 12:12 PM
Shall we say that the main power bases are...

China/Human Reform League
Euro Universe/Advanced European Union
ZAFT (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/ZAFT)
(First three are combinations of Code Geass/Gundam 00 factions, last one is from Gundam SEED)

Currently the world is in an energy crisis. After Britannia launched an unprovoked nuclear strike on one of their space colonies, ZAFT spread N-Jammers throughout the Earth which prevent nuclear fission. In response, construction has been accelerated on the Orbital Elevators (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Orbital_Elevator), and Britannia conquered Japan to seize its plentiful energy supplies.

The PCs are most likely allied with the Black Knights (Code Geass) or Celestial Being (Gundam 00). Mithril (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithril_%28Full_Metal_Panic!%29) (Full Metal Panic) may be related to Celestial Being, since it tends to have a lot of splinter organisations which are unaware of each other (for interaction with Gundam 00, the Whispered make use of quantum brainwaves).

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 01:01 PM
Shall we say that the main power bases are...

China/Human Reform League
Euro Universe/Advanced European Union
ZAFT (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/ZAFT)
(First three are combinations of Code Geass/Gundam 00 factions, last one is from Gundam SEED)

Currently the world is in an energy crisis. After Britannia launched an unprovoked nuclear strike on one of their space colonies, ZAFT spread N-Jammers throughout the Earth which prevent nuclear fission. In response, construction has been accelerated on the Orbital Elevators (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Orbital_Elevator), and Britannia conquered Japan to seize its plentiful energy supplies.

The PCs are most likely allied with the Black Knights (Code Geass) or Celestial Being (Gundam 00). Mithril (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithril_%28Full_Metal_Panic!%29) (Full Metal Panic) may be related to Celestial Being, since it tends to have a lot of splinter organisations which are unaware of each other (for interaction with Gundam 00, the Whispered make use of quantum brainwaves).

... *Blank stare*

Who is what now? I get the part with Britain, China, Europe and those other guys are in trouble because Britain messed up and they are trying to built elevators to get energy from somewhere in space. But who are the Black Knights and Celestial Being?

I apologise if it should be obvious, I don't know much about Gundam :smallredface:

2010-04-29, 01:40 PM
Only the "Celestial Being" and "ZAFT" parts are from Gundam, and that's from the most recent couple of full series, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam 00. A quick rundown of the factions Prime32 is suggesting here:

The Holy Britannian Empire (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Union and presumably Gundam SEED's Atlantic Federation) - descendants of the original British Empire, though they're now centralized in North America. They're essentially an imperialist absolute monarchy that hold Britannians to be a sort of master race, and their various colonized people (in particular, Japan) as lessers.

The Empire of China (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Human Reform League) - some bizarre combination of Imperial and Communist Chinas, I guess, and Britannia's greatest rival to advancement in Asia, including Japan.

Euro Universe (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Advanced European Union) - the third of the major terrestrial superpowers, as well as the least militaristic and most prone to economic manipulation.

Each of these factions controls one of the Orbital Elevators that supports Earth's Orbital Ring, which is basically one giant-ass solar energy collector.

ZAFT, the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty (from Gundam SEED, and easily mergeable with a number of other space-based factions from Gundam) - the military arm of PLANT, a collective of colonies built in orbit around Earth for human habitation. ZAFT is mostly made up of Coordinators, genetically engineered humans that are frequently at-odds, socially and politically, with Earth-born non-Coordinators (called Naturals). They're at war with Britannia and possibly the other two Earth-based superpowers due to an unprovoked nuclear attack by Britannia on an agricultural colony (which was prompted by an anti-Coordinator conspiracy within the Earth governments called Blue Cosmos).

Mithril (from Full Metal Panic!) are allegedly a mercenary force, though they function more like freelance counterterrorists, advancing some unknown agenda and keeping world peace. Roughly.

Celestial Being (from Gundam 00) are a group of crazies in insanely powerful mechs that are dedicated to securing world peace by selectively blowing up anyone who engages in or encourages large-scale warfare. Basically, terrorists who hypothetically only target various militaries. Hypothetically.

The Black Knights (from Code Geass) are a resistance group against the Britannian occupation of Japan, led by the mysterious masked figure Zero, who's (it's not spoilers because it's made obvious in the show) actually an incognito disgraced Prince of Britannia who's seeking revenge on his father, the Emperor, for the death of his mother.

Whew. And all that's just from like four shows.

2010-04-29, 01:42 PM
any way I could play someone with a crossover of an EVA and a knightmareframe?

and what about NERV as an organisation? I guess mr. Ikari would have a lot to say about this

2010-04-29, 01:45 PM
...how exactly would that work? Evangelions are cyborgs made out of Angel-clones and human psyches, Knightmare Frames are just small, mass-produced mechanical mechs.

As for NERV, I figure they're off doing their own little paramilitary thing in the mountains of Japan and politely telling Britannia to leave them the hell alone, they're busy saving the world.

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 01:50 PM
Only the "Celestial Being" and "ZAFT" parts are from Gundam, and that's from the most recent couple of full series, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam 00. A quick rundown of the factions Prime32 is suggesting here:

The Holy Britannian Empire (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Union and presumably Gundam SEED's Atlantic Federation) - descendants of the original British Empire, though they're now centralized in North America. They're essentially an imperialist absolute monarchy that hold Britannians to be a sort of master race, and their various colonized people (in particular, Japan) as lessers.

The Empire of China (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Human Reform League) - some bizarre combination of Imperial and Communist Chinas, I guess, and Britannia's greatest rival to advancement in Asia, including Japan.

Euro Universe (from Code Geass, merged with Gundam 00's Advanced European Union) - the third of the major terrestrial superpowers, as well as the least militaristic and most prone to economic manipulation.

Each of these factions controls one of the Orbital Elevators that supports Earth's Orbital Ring, which is basically one giant-ass solar energy collector.

ZAFT, the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty (from Gundam SEED, and easily mergeable with a number of other space-based factions from Gundam) - the military arm of PLANT, a collective of colonies built in orbit around Earth for human habitation. ZAFT is mostly made up of Coordinators, genetically engineered humans that are frequently at-odds, socially and politically, with Earth-born non-Coordinators (called Naturals). They're at war with Britannia and possibly the other two Earth-based superpowers due to an unprovoked nuclear attack by Britannia on an agricultural colony (which was prompted by an anti-Coordinator conspiracy within the Earth governments called Blue Cosmos).

Mithril (from Full Metal Panic!) are allegedly a mercenary force, though they function more like freelance counterterrorists, advancing some unknown agenda and keeping world peace. Roughly.

Celestial Being (from Gundam 00) are a group of crazies in insanely powerful mechs that are dedicated to securing world peace by selectively blowing up anyone who engages in or encourages large-scale warfare. Basically, terrorists who hypothetically only target various militaries. Hypothetically.

The Black Knights (from Code Geass) are a resistance group against the Britannian occupation of Japan, led by the mysterious masked figure Zero, who's (it's not spoilers because it's made obvious in the show) actually an incognito disgraced Prince of Britannia who's seeking revenge on his father, the Emperor, for the death of his mother.

Whew. And all that's just from like four shows.

I see. Thank you a dozen :smallsmile:

Am I allowed to use a robot from another show than these? I was thinking it to be less like that I screw something up if I used something I know about (not much :smalltongue:)

2010-04-29, 01:51 PM
I'm not in charge by any means, but I'd say if you want play a character from any giant robot/power armor-related show, go for it, and just figure out how to work it into the setting. This is a freeform game, right?

2010-04-29, 01:51 PM
As for NERV, I figure they're off doing their own little paramilitary thing in the mountains of Japan and politely telling Britannia to leave them the hell alone, they're busy saving the world.Seems more like something that would require Britannian backing, with Ikari as a noble. Heck, I could see him being on pretty close terms with the Emperor, given his goals.

I see. Thank you a dozen :smallsmile:

Am I allowed to use a robot from another show than these? I was thinking it to be less like that I screw something up if I used something I know about (not much :smalltongue:)Sure. Those series just provide good material for factions, that's all.

Also Dr. Hell, the main villain of Mazinger Z, is an ally of Britannia (though he plans to betray them, obviously). Britannia's Knightmare Frames run on Photon Power, and they want to find Juuzo Kabuto so they can perfect it.

Britannia found the Saotome Research Labs, but all the men they assigned to research Getter Rays died or went mad, so now they just leave them the **** alone.

2010-04-29, 01:57 PM
Seems more like something that would require Britannian backing, with Ikari as a noble.

That, or NERV's collection of city-destroying weapons and the backing of a global conspiracy.

I feel like we should put UC Gundam in this (we've got CE Gundam, so we might as well, it's the same effing story)...I guess starting with 00 Season 1 and SEED (rather than 00 Season 2 and SEED Destiny) means we would start with original Gundam as well, making Zeon and ZAFT all part of the same alliance. As the plot advances and time moves ahead, then we'd get into Zeta Gundam and further.

2010-04-29, 01:59 PM
How do you reconcile the 0 Gundam and RX-78?

(EDIT: For those who don't understand - Gundam 00 had a blatant expy of the original Gundam, the RX-78)

2010-04-29, 02:01 PM
Celestial Being gave the basic frame design the the Feddies (...UN? Alliance? Whoever's fighting Zeon/ZAFT) when they didn't need it anymore.

Also, I think this is a good time to pimp out giantitp user Behold The Voids's version (http://community.livejournal.com/srw_unlimited/profile) of this concept, done as a freeform roleplay on LiveJournal and AIM.

2010-04-29, 02:05 PM
Also, I think this is a good time to pimp out giantitp user Behold The Voids's version (http://community.livejournal.com/srw_unlimited/profile) of this concept, done as a freeform roleplay on LiveJournal and AIM.
Doesn't letting Nanoha and Digimon in kind of dilute the concept?

...well, Digimon at least. I'm just curious what happened when Lamia met Signum.

2010-04-29, 02:07 PM
Doesn't letting Nanoha and Digimon in kind of dilute the concept?

...well, Digimon at least. I'm just curious what happened when Lamia met Signum.

Massive confusion.

Also Signum can now use Mirage Sign.

Digimon is still weird to me, but there are robotic Digimon

2010-04-29, 02:14 PM
any way I could play someone with a crossover of an EVA and a knightmareframe?
...how exactly would that work? Evangelions are cyborgs made out of Angel-clones and human psyches, Knightmare Frames are just small, mass-produced mechanical mechs.Actually, an Arm Slave equipped with a Lambda Driver comes pretty close.

(from Full Metal Panic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FullMetalPanic) - they're a little larger than Knightmares and the Lambda Driver basically generates an AT Field)

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 02:20 PM
Doesn't letting Nanoha and Digimon in kind of dilute the concept?

...well, Digimon at least. I'm just curious what happened when Lamia met Signum.

There are no mechas in those series...

There are robots sure but none made for anything having to do with this kind of world. Might have missed something though *Shrug's*

So, can I use one of the mecha Monster-of-the-week from Megas XLR with changes made after it's appearance in said show (such as being adapted to space-travelling and having weapons added)?

2010-04-29, 02:22 PM
There are no mechas in those series...

There are robots sure but none made for anything having to do with this kind of world. Might have missed something though *Shrug's*Nanoha is blatantly based on SRW and mecha anime in general. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha)

Which is why I was asking what happened when Lamia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SziDbSthYDA) met Signum (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubNUgZ-NBNc).

2010-04-29, 02:25 PM
Actually, an Arm Slave equipped with a Lambda Driver comes pretty close.

(from Full Metal Panic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FullMetalPanic) - they're a little larger than Knightmares and the Lambda Driver basically generates an AT Field)

Well, if small robot with a forcefield made out of willpower is all iElf wanted, yeah that'd do it.

2010-04-29, 02:27 PM
Well, if small robot with a forcefield made out of willpower is all iElf wanted, yeah that'd do it.How quickly do you think you could watch a 25-episode anime, iElf? :smalltongue:

2010-04-29, 02:29 PM
Counting all three seasons, FMP is 49 episodes (plus one OVA episode). Although, just the first season of 24 eps would probably cover how Mythril, ASes, and Lambda Drivers work.

2010-04-29, 02:43 PM
...how exactly would that work? Evangelions are cyborgs made out of Angel-clones and human psyches, Knightmare Frames are just small, mass-produced mechanical mechs.

Genetic engineering to create smaller versions of them, with an smaller entry plug...you know, forget it. I'll be playing a black knight instead, with a 7th gen frame, and have another character with NERV

2010-04-29, 02:49 PM
big...robotty words...Creed's IQ has low...and so many acronyms...
Can't I just make a backyard beater with a rocket launcher?:smalltongue:

2010-04-29, 02:55 PM
big...robotty words...Creed's IQ has low...and so many acronyms...If it helps, NERV isn't an acronym - they just write it in capitals because it's cooler that way.

On another note, for the love of Banpresto don't let Lelouch Lamperouge near an Evangelion. :smalleek:

2010-04-29, 02:57 PM
If it helps, NERV isn't an acronym - they just write it in capitals because it's cooler that way.

Oh. That makes me feel better. But seriously, can I make a mech out of random stuff?

2010-04-29, 02:58 PM
Oh. That makes me feel better. But seriously, can I make a mech out of random stuff?You should decide on allegiances first (see post #7 by Nerdo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8399115&postcount=7)).

2010-04-29, 03:00 PM
On another note, for the love of Banpresto don't let Lelouch Lamperouge near an Evangelion. :smalleek:

what about using an EVA mounted Ragnarok weapon?.... or combining N2 mines with FREIJA?

2010-04-29, 03:01 PM
If it helps, NERV isn't an acronym - they just write it in capitals because it's cooler that way.

On another note, for the love of Banpresto don't let Lelouch Lamperouge near an Evangelion. :smalleek:

You know, since Evangelions are living things with eyes...

Also, build a mech out of crap you found in a junkyard. You can hang out with Coop from Megas XLR. Or the first monster of the week from GaoGaiGar.

2010-04-29, 03:01 PM
You should decide on allegiances first (see post #7 by Nerdo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8399115&postcount=7)).

Alright then. Let me rephrase this question. Can I be a American gear-head who loosely works for Mithril and own a steam-mech-suit-thingy of doom with kung-fu action?

2010-04-29, 03:04 PM
See my comment on Megas XLR (basically: "yes")

Also I don't think characters would necessarily start on any particular side, though they might want to choose one fairly quickly.

2010-04-29, 03:05 PM
You know, since Evangelions are living things with eyes...

......Smeg......we are so dead......think of the mindrape he could induce... wait ..I'm still doing this wrong.....humanity is doomed.... good thing gendo wears glasses

2010-04-29, 03:08 PM
I. dig. giant robots. you. dig. giant robots. chicks. dig. giant robots.

Giant robots made out of trash make me happy.

2010-04-29, 03:08 PM
Alright then. Let me rephrase this question. Can I be a American gear-head who loosely works for Mithril and own a steam-mech-suit-thingy of doom with kung-fu action?Note that the United States were never founded and that the British Empire moved their headquarters there when Napoleon started taking over Europe (in other words, the Holy Britannian Empire no longer includes Britain).

So you can be American, but the head of your country is an Emperor who lives in a castle and wears a ridiculous powdered wig. Apart from the presence of a noble class, everyday life shouldn't be too different though.

If you want to FIGHT DA POWAH, Japanese citizenship is the way to go - the head of the Black Knights aims to create a "United State of Japan".

2010-04-29, 03:11 PM
Note that the United States were never founded and that the British Empire moved their headquarters there when Napoleon started taking over Europe.

So you can be American, but the head of your country is an Emperor who lives in a castle and wears a ridiculous powdered wig. Apart from the presence of a noble class, everyday life shouldn't be too different though.

oh, ok. Now to comlie a parts list for my mecha... would steam-power be a viable domestic power source in this scenario? or would electricity and nuclear be more realistic as a domestic power source?

2010-04-29, 03:11 PM
Alternatively, we could always make Prime's head hurt and bring in Neo-America (America IN SPACE!) from G Gundam.

Although G Gundam would be better in the backstory for Code Geass, since


2010-04-29, 03:12 PM
oh, ok. Now to comlie a parts list for my mecha... would steam-power be a viable domestic power source in this scenario? or would electricity and nuclear be more realistic as a domestic power source?See stuff re: N-Jammers. Nuclear power is currently impossible.

Steam power seems unlikely unless it involves magical pseudoscience (or just magic).

The most reliable power sources are broadcast power from the Orbital Elevators and the "Core Luminous" used to power Britannia's Knightmare Frames (which is made from a substance found mainly in Japan). That or some unique power source discovered by a mad scientist.

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 03:14 PM
Also, build a mech out of crap you found in a junkyard. You can hang out with Coop from Megas XLR.

I was thinking of doing something similar to that, except that it would be junk bought at an auction and that it was junk because Coop smashed it and threw it in the New Jersey river.

Can I do that? :smallsmile:

2010-04-29, 03:15 PM
See stuff re: N-Jammers. Nuclear power is currently impossible.

Steam power seems unlikely it involves magical pseudoscience (or just magic).

so... so far I've got an Iron-man esque suit (but a bit bigger.) that runs on a car engine. What about solar and wind power? Gasoline engines? Would they be pheasable?

2010-04-29, 03:15 PM
electric would be more common me thinks..... wasn't there a giant solar farm outside of tokyo in code geass?

2010-04-29, 03:16 PM
Frankly, as long as it's not nuclear fission (and that's just for this particular setting), you can run a mech on wound-up rubber bands if you want.

2010-04-29, 03:17 PM
so... so far I've got an Iron-man esque suit (but a bit bigger.) that runs on a car engine. What about solar and wind power? Gasoline engines? Would they be pheasable?

Sounds like Xabungle (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Xabungle).

2010-04-29, 03:18 PM
Frankly, as long as it's not nuclear fission (and that's just for this particular setting), you can run a mech on wound-up rubber bands if you want.

that...actually is a good idea.
Other alternate power sources:

Brain computing...expect a mech concept ready in 24 hours or less...
and size wise I was thinking like 10 feet tall.

2010-04-29, 03:18 PM
See above edit

The most reliable power sources are broadcast power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_power) from the Orbital Elevators and the "Core Luminous" used to power Britannia's Knightmare Frames (which is made from a substance found mainly in Japan). That or some unique power source discovered by a mad scientist.

I think you should consider a Knightmare Frame (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knightmare_Frame).

2010-04-29, 03:23 PM
...has anyone here ever heard of Exicalflowne?
It was essentially this jacked up anime movie amout a mech-god that ran on BLOOD! Major badarse. Just putting it out there...

2010-04-29, 03:23 PM
btw , does anyone know if there is a sub of rebuild 2.0 available already?

2010-04-29, 03:24 PM
...has anyone here ever heard of Exicalflowne?
It was essentially this jacked up anime movie amout a mech-god that ran on BLOOD! Major badarse. Just putting it out there...Vision of Escaflowne? Seen the series.

Genetic engineering to create smaller versions of them, with an smaller entry plug...you know, forget it. I'll be playing a black knight instead, with a 7th gen frame, and have another character with NERVYou know, you can just play the main characters of Evangelion. :smalltongue: (as I said, SRW tends to create new groups rather than adding to existing ones) The story of this game would start with the beginning of each series, so no 7th-gens right away, though if you want an awesome Knightmare you could play Kallen or Suzaku.

2010-04-29, 03:38 PM
Or a Mary Sue! Everyone loves playing those.

2010-04-29, 03:41 PM
meh...my brain has started to explode with character concepts..... and I've just decided I want my character to have a modified Glasgow.

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 03:48 PM
Or a Mary Sue! Everyone loves playing those.

I hate both playing them and playing with them.

Makes me feel bad :smallfrown:

Anyway, anyone's got a comment on my concept?

2010-04-29, 03:49 PM
Why not just play Coop? :smalltongue:

2010-04-29, 04:03 PM
I dunno, I like the concept behind "building something out of a Monster of the Week someone trashed".

Also, I might go ahead and play someone, though I warn you that my attention span for fast-paced games like this will inevitably be is amazingly small.

Mina Kobold
2010-04-29, 04:06 PM
Why not just play Coop? :smalltongue:

Wuh? Me?

He's too overpowered (seriously, he made the road that Kamina followed by destroying the giant space momster that was there before with soda and candy :smalltongue:) and a bit too stupid for me to have faith in my ability to play him right.

But most of all: I like playing my own original characters in RPGs, because that way I feel like they're actually my characters and not just a role in a play :smallsmile:

2010-04-29, 04:13 PM
So what happens if we put Gendou INSIDE an EVA?

I mean, we're talking about a guy that doesn't begin to describe magnificent bastard well enough.

If Gendou is doing anything BUT secretly structuralizing his plan to turn everyone into orange jello, I WILL be pissed. Also.

You might end up like Spike's woman. (http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?more_url=%2Fmy_favorites&video_ids=H3SzmfZ6F24%2ClP9DKGhUiaY%2CPALxktAMw3I% 2C2rxj2iA8jy8%2C893vqd2Zv5o%2CL_7s3_VDdfk%2C3jIKjk PKoew%2CfN0Wo5UcigU%2CUcrx8oISkKw%2CGvD26Vbgov0%2C BQ-ld9j6FFc%2Cr0VnkVyIppI%2CMnHYCbCnsf4%2CQ27LTko4TsY %2CAok33ySOVNI%2C-BHoIxjwuds%2CQWIt6NnSXLs%2Cz6tMyWBRXxU%2CcJGeqB_uc 6Y%2CZ9DCKahS2No&type=7&index=2&no_autoplay=1)

2010-04-29, 04:17 PM

I might be interesting in joining. The next 2 or so weeks will tell...<_<

If I did, I'd probably want the Virtue Gundam (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gn-005.htm).:smallcool:

2010-04-29, 04:17 PM
So what happens if we put Gendou INSIDE an EVA?

I mean, we're talking about a guy that doesn't begin to describe magnificent bastard well enough.

If Gendou is doing anything BUT secretly structuralizing his plan to turn everyone into orange jello, I WILL be pissed. Also.

You might end up like Spike's woman. (http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?more_url=%2Fmy_favorites&video_ids=H3SzmfZ6F24%2ClP9DKGhUiaY%2CPALxktAMw3I% 2C2rxj2iA8jy8%2C893vqd2Zv5o%2CL_7s3_VDdfk%2C3jIKjk PKoew%2CfN0Wo5UcigU%2CUcrx8oISkKw%2CGvD26Vbgov0%2C BQ-ld9j6FFc%2Cr0VnkVyIppI%2CMnHYCbCnsf4%2CQ27LTko4TsY %2CAok33ySOVNI%2C-BHoIxjwuds%2CQWIt6NnSXLs%2Cz6tMyWBRXxU%2CcJGeqB_uc 6Y%2CZ9DCKahS2No&type=7&index=2&no_autoplay=1)In the Evangelion storyline of one game Shinji fights Gendou who is piloting a duplicate of Eva-01. It's not clear whether it's really happening, whether it's a "mental battle", or if there's any difference between the two during Instrumentality.

2010-04-29, 04:26 PM
To quote Mr. Burns: "Excellent".

I fear my mental prowess do not measure up to Gendou's as far as weaving complex, needlessly intricate plots go, however...

2010-04-29, 04:28 PM
Then whenever this game deviates from the Eva storyline, just stare into your hands and mutter obtusely, then claim credit for whatever happens.

2010-04-29, 04:30 PM
Or I could, y'know. Shoot people. As in, everyone.

And then the world turns to Jello.

I feel like playing a villain of some kind. Were it not for his unexplainable reliance on Baron Ashura, Dr. Hell might be right up my alley...

2010-04-29, 04:38 PM
I feel like playing a villain of some kind. Were it not for his unexplainable reliance on Baron Ashura, Dr. Hell might be right up my alley...IIRC you've watched Mazinkaiser, but have you seen any of the rest? I've only fully seen Shin Mazinger, which is a different continuity (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7w8lbfYuNI). It explains why he relies on Ashura anyway - he knows how to work all the ancient technology.

2010-04-29, 04:42 PM
I'm taking to short series mostly because I'm having trouble finding the organization skills to watch anything longer.

But if that's the case, why doesn't Baron Ashura take over?

2010-04-29, 04:44 PM
But if that's the case, why doesn't Baron Ashura take over?He is undyingly loyal to Dr. Hell for returning him to life, even if he would have preferred to stay as two people. Also, Dr. Hell may have tinkered with their brains a smidge.

Again though, Shin Mazinger has a lot of differences (if you ever watch it, skip ep1 - it's just confusing spoilers from later in the series in random order).

2010-04-29, 05:08 PM
Hmmm... were it not for their utter inability to go into space, I would have considered White Knight Chronicles' Knights. They're basically Guymelefs that people change into, can only be used by those "worthy", etc..

2010-04-29, 05:18 PM
Could they theoretically be modified for space use?

2010-04-29, 05:23 PM
Insofar as they are technically magical mecha, there's only five of them in the game's universe, they belong to a long-lost civilization and thus far only one of them is confirmed to be capable of flight... unlikely.

I'll probably go with an original character/robot combo instead.

Was thinking of something like a giant powered armor that requires extremely specialized telekinesis to use - namely, telekinesis that only works on its internal components, thus making the power entirely useless outside the mecha, but still allowing for it to be "called" remotely.

2010-04-29, 05:59 PM
Shinji Ikari


Name: Shinji Ikari

Source: Shinji Ikari and Warhammer 40k

Mecha: Evangelion 01 / Principo Eternus

Personality: This is NOT the whiny Shinji you all know. Shinji Ikari in this universe is a head strong, determined young man with all the burning blood of any self respecting super robot pilot. However, he also has his quirks. As the founder of "Dah Boyz" he also has a rather odd habit of slipping into "Propah Orky spek", leaving those who don't understand English (Meaning most Japanese pilots), or hell, even some who do... kinda lost as to what he's saying.



Shinji Ikari is a young boy looking to be about 13, or 14 with pale skin, and soft brown eyes. He usually wears a white, button up, dress shirt with a pair of tight looking black slacks. When piloting the Evangelion, he wears a blue and white plugsuit that looks entirely too tight in addition to the A-10 Nerve Clips on his head.

Abilities / Proficiencies:

Do Crazy **** with the AT field: As the title implies, Shinji Ikari does crazy **** with his AT field. Ranging from shooting N2 lasers, to emulating the Burning Finger... There has yet to be something he has tried to do that he has not been able to do... though this is unlikely to hold true past like.. the first or second encounter.

EVA Pilot: Is special in it's own right, in all of the world.. there is only one CLASS of people capable of piloting an evangelion. Though certain spoilerific things may have to do with that.

Psychic: After his stay in Javaal... Shinji is no slouch outside of the Evangelion, able to turn small, unarmored, biologicals to ash with a glance (although this only happened once.. so it may not be something he can repeat.)


Evangelion Unit 01, or Principo Eternus:

Name: Ichi, Principo Eternus, Unit 01, "It".

Appearance: http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd217/KatanasareFun/1eva.jpg


Giant Erfing Robot; Speaks for itself, bigger than GaoGaiGar, and other robots, but not bigger than DieBuster / Gunbuster / Warships / A whole lot of things.

AT field: AT Field is short for "Absolute Terror Field." While in the series the characters always refer to it as "AT Field," the opening credits show the complete expression. It has also been shown once in Death and Rebirth during the flashbacks, and in various documents like the Red Cross Book.
At the beginning of the series, the AT Field is shown as a barrier that the Angels can erect, which is impervious to almost all conventional weapons. The N² bomb can penetrate the AT Fields of some Angels, causing moderate damage that can be regenerated in a matter of hours or days, depending on the Angel in question. Certain Angels are completely unaffected by N² bombs. The Evas can also generate their own AT Fields, and can use them to neutralize the Angels' AT Fields through destructive interference.
Toward the climax of the series, it is revealed that every being has an AT Field, and that it is the literal wall that separates one's identity from other egos and external reality, and which supports one's having a separate existence from others. Thus, it is also the cause of loneliness and pain, and can be related to the so-called "Hedgehog's dilemma" exhibited by main character Shinji Ikari — whereby a person feels (psychological) pain from loneliness, yet paradoxically, the closer he/she gets to someone else (emotionally), the more he/she is 'hurt'.
Plotty things

At the climax of The End of Evangelion, after the Third Impact, the re-awakened Lilith produces a massive Anti-AT Field that neutralizes the AT Fields of all human beings, thus returning them to an undifferentiated state — the "Sea of LCL", a primordial soup of sorts, containing the unseparated consciousness of the entire human race.
The concept of the AT Field could have been informed by the philosophical movement of existentialism as well as by the concept of angst.[citation needed] It also bears resemblance to the "morphogenetic field" of Rupert Sheldrake.[citation needed]
In episode 24 of the anime, Kaworu states that the AT Field is "the light of the soul" — possibly meaning a (physical and/or metaphysical) wall that surrounds a person's soul. It is said that in the context of mainstream psychology, the Absolute Terror Field is comparable to the perceived physical (or mental) proximity within which an autistic person or someone similarly affected by conditions of a heightened ego will panic and become irrational or violent if someone or something that they do not recognize penetrates said proximity. In other terms, it is the threshold of violation of personal space.

Complex eh?

Type A Equipment;

Basically a rocket pack, as shown in the beginning of 2.0 You can (not) advance.

Progressive Knife: A combat knife, often referred to as a "prog knife", stored in the shoulder "wing" of the Evangelion that uses it. It works by vibrating particles at an extremely high frequency, which allows it to slice an object at the molecular level. However, like all of the weapons that Evas use, it has no effect on Angels until an Eva has neutralized their AT Field.
Unit 02 has an advanced version: once the blade is broken, a button is pressed and another blade is extended from the handle. It resembles a utility knife with a multi-segmented, breakable blade, unlike Unit 01's giant Bowie knife.
For "Evangelion: 1.0- You Are (Not) Alone", Unit-01's Progressive Knife has been redesigned into a switchblade, which automatically extends when it is removed from the left arm's utility wing. It has the same function as the original version seen in the series- the edge of the blade glows and it whistles when activated.

Type T Equipment: The Titan modules developed by NHIS (IN HIS NAME), basically super heavy armor incorporating weapons into every piece of the Evangelion.. Even the horn on the Evangelion is progressive.. In this form it is a walking armory of death.. however in this form it also loses access to "Berserker" mode, and has a slightly weakened AT field.

For Backstory... See Up until Chapter... 30 I believe. (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3886999/1/Shinji_and_Warhammer40k)

2010-04-29, 06:02 PM
SRW had this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-v-ezBGvyo), you know. And Shinji is less of a wimp due to being held down by the most hot-blooded men in anime while Bright slaps him repeatedly.

2010-04-29, 06:04 PM
You my friend, lack the knowledge of the Great Bolter... It shoots 100 exploding rounds that can tear apart a house a minute, and then the G Impact Stake..

2010-04-29, 06:07 PM
and then the G Impact Stake..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI1rgoRfRY8 :smallconfused:

2010-04-29, 06:08 PM
Dude....the Shinji from "Shinji and Warhammer 40,000" might, just might, be a bit much.

Go with the "Nobody Dies" Shinji instead. All the psychological stability, none of the overpowered AT field usage! :smalltongue::smallwink:

2010-04-29, 06:10 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI1rgoRfRY8 :smallconfused:

I know of that G Impact Stake, I was reffering to the one Asuka uses... Is way different.

And KD.. I considered the NGE Nobody Dies one... but that one has the Dirac Armory... Which I also thought might be too much.

Also.. We have... THIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC28aMN_WTk) as a staple feature... how is this Shinji too much?:smallconfused:

Lord Raziere
2010-04-29, 06:15 PM
giant mecha?

you guys have made a mistake.

one of my friends with a giant mecha guru and has Ph.D in awesome, I've trained under him.

oh and I like to think myself a mad scientist.

I will be back....with a mecha that will end all mecha.

2010-04-29, 06:15 PM
I will be back....with a mecha that will end all mecha.Sorry, too late (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EztAWwvfRao).

2010-04-29, 06:16 PM
I know of that G Impact Stake, I was reffering to the one Asuka uses... Is way different.

And KD.. I considered the NGE Nobody Dies one... but that one has the Dirac Armory... Which I also thought might be too much.

Also.. We have... THIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC28aMN_WTk) as a staple feature... how is this Shinji too much?:smallconfused:

Yes, but Nobody Dies Shinji means we get Nobody Dies Gendo.

You know, ND!Gendo Ikari, Greatest Father of All Time.

2010-04-29, 06:18 PM
The SRW@ series actually does End of Evangelion twice.

In Alpha 1 when the Mass-production Evas revive to attack Asuka, this happens (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbhCVICGARE#t=3m18s).

In Alpha 3 when everything starts turning to orange juice, most of the characters are inhuman or just so hot-blooded that the anti-AT field doesn't work on them immediately.

You can fight and defeat "crucified Eva-01". And then get Gai Shishioh to shout about courage and wail on him with his hammer until Shinji snaps out of his depression and stops melting everyones' souls.

2010-04-29, 06:25 PM
Please do. I'm curious as to how Gendou can get more badass.

2010-04-29, 06:26 PM
Prime... Look up Deus Machina Demonbane.. From what I hear it's even bigger than CTGGL, and fights Azathoth.

As for Evangelion.. Well I want it to be handled like Shinji Ikari and Warhammer 40k.. to me it's not a proper representation of Evangelion unless it has some form of mindscrew involved.

2010-04-29, 06:28 PM
You mean Gendo being awesome, and Asuka being the ultimate Woobie, isn't enough of a mindscrew? :smalltongue:

2010-04-29, 06:30 PM
I mean.. I want Gendo as an antagonist, and Asuka is ALWAYS a woobie, even in gakuen datenroku... So that doesn't really change.

2010-04-29, 06:32 PM
I mean.. I want Gendo as an antagonist, and Asuka is ALWAYS a woobie, even in gakuen datenroku... So that doesn't really change.There is that.

Just be careful, I suppose.:smallwink:

2010-04-29, 06:34 PM
There is that.

Just be careful, I suppose.:smallwink:

Of course, although if we go by regular Super Robot Wars... It has End of Evangelion Gendo Ikari...

Lord Raziere
2010-04-29, 06:36 PM
Sorry, too late (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EztAWwvfRao).

I already know of that mecha.

it will be a wimp compared to my mecha, also powered by Spiral power, but also includes an Improbability Drive and a Bistromathics generator from Hitchhikers guide to galaxy.

also, back up generator that draws from Discworld's magic supply, darksteel plating, controlled by a complex network of FMA arrays, has four arms, has access to magic through a built in Mirari, wields four giant double-bladed lightsabers, uses an Anti-Gravity engines to fly, and uses Lohengrins and Tannhausers from Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny as pistols, while having Odin's All-Seeing Eye built right into its head and protected by Glassteel so that the pilot can see everything.

It will be called, the Crazy Mech, and it will be piloted by Tony Stark. Why? cause its so crazy and unlikely to work, that the only person in existence who would climb into it would be a drunk Tony Stark, and the Improbability Drive, which is the crux of all this, would calculate the chances of this thing actually working,come up with something absurdly high, and it would work like a charm.

thus, completing the craziest, most awesome mech ever, and effectively putting the TTGL to shame.

2010-04-29, 06:37 PM
So...why would we bother playing the game if such a mecha is in play? There's no drama. You "beats all mecha" can just solve all problems ever.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-29, 06:40 PM
So...why would we bother playing the game if such a mecha is in play? There's no drama. You "beats all mecha" can just solve all problems ever.

.....and welcome to the world of finding out that I wasn't serious. :smallamused:

2010-04-29, 07:28 PM
I'd argue that such a mecha can't be built on the basis that there is no such thing as PhD on awesome.

You can only be truly awesome by spitting in Death's face, and there's no school for that.

2010-04-29, 07:36 PM
Or a Mary Sue! Everyone loves playing those.
Mary Sue? More like Amuro Ray, amirite? Nothing beats me.

2010-04-29, 07:48 PM
Actually, Amuro is a Whiny Sue.

2010-04-29, 07:49 PM
Actually, Amuro is a Whiny Sue.
Whiny Sue? More like Shiny Sue. My Newtype flash gives Bright seizures.

2010-04-29, 07:53 PM
He doesn't get to be useful until Bright pimpslaps him into shape... and even then he STILL whines.

Amuro is a masochistic she-dog.

2010-04-29, 08:00 PM
You'd "whine" too if you were infinitely more awesome than everyone else around you silly old type.

2010-04-29, 08:06 PM
If by 'awesome' you mean 'virgin'...

2010-04-29, 09:33 PM
Did I murder the conversation?

2010-04-29, 09:41 PM
Me thinks NC just had to go...

Anyways... who wants to pilot the other evangelions? Come on.. it'll be fun!

2010-04-29, 09:57 PM
Being unfamiliar with the fanfic, and thinking Gendou is underappreciated, I'll have to pass.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-29, 10:02 PM
I'd argue that such a mecha can't be built on the basis that there is no such thing as PhD on awesome.

You can only be truly awesome by spitting in Death's face, and there's no school for that.

tell that to my friend, DarkDr.Gon, he has a PhD in awesome. I don't, mine is a Quantum PhD, meaning I'm a PhD in whatever I say I am, its my own invention.

You may say that there is no school for being awesome, but that is just decline in quality high education these days, it has decayed so far that most people don't even know that there are schools that teach awesome. :smallwink:

2010-04-29, 10:22 PM
You poor, deluded soul.

You should've learnt at first grade. There is no such thing as a school OF awesome, MADE OF awesome, or that CONTAINS awesome.

2010-04-29, 10:44 PM
If by 'awesome' you mean 'virgin'...
Someone hasn't heard of the novel Beltorchika's Children in which Beltorchika is pregnant with Amuro's child. In the novelization of Mobile Suit Gundam he also gets it on with Sayla Mass, his rival's sister.

Me thinks NC just had to go...


Lord Raziere
2010-04-29, 10:45 PM
You poor, deluded soul.

You should've learnt at first grade. There is no such thing as a school OF awesome, MADE OF awesome, or that CONTAINS awesome.

In your reality yes, but not in mine. :smallcool:

Mina Kobold
2010-04-30, 03:44 AM
... *More blank staring*

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, dang my poor knowledge of anything remotely related to what I need to know! :smalltongue:

So, can I make a character who pilots the robot formerly piloted by a small green thing with supersonic yelling from the seventh episode of Megas XLR which has been upgraded with Glorft technology and (possibly) train parts?

I just realised that I'm probably the only one who remembers it...

2010-04-30, 11:08 AM
It's times like this that I wish Shinji & Warhammer 40k wasn't so far beyond my tl;dr horizon it was practically a text singularity. Alas.

Also if nothingclever plays AMuro I think I might kill myself. Or just play Char.

2010-04-30, 12:09 PM
If there is a super robot game starting I'd like to try incorpoating Bokurano into it if only for playing Dung Beetle but that would require other people to step up and play some doomed kids. Anyone want to play some kids who will die horribly and undergo bad home lives that make the EVA pilots look well adjusted?

So, can I make a character who pilots the robot formerly piloted by a small green thing with supersonic yelling from the seventh episode of Megas XLR which has been upgraded with Glorft technology and (possibly) train parts?

I just realised that I'm probably the only one who remembers it...

Hey! I remember that episode. :smalltongue: I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be allowed but it's not my call.

2010-04-30, 01:10 PM
Also if nothingclever plays AMuro I think I might kill myself. Or just play Char.
I think that could be pretty fun.

Elpeo Ple is tempting too.

2010-04-30, 02:34 PM
Actually, I think Puru (Ple, whatever) is a little more suited to your personality, NC.

Unfortunately I lost that "what if Puru posted on 4chan" stuff, or I'd show you what I mean.

2010-04-30, 03:33 PM
Or we could be Athrun and Kira (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLc1pkOz4jA).

2010-04-30, 06:28 PM
We don't look nearly enough alike to play SEED characters and you know it.

Mercenary Pen
2010-04-30, 06:30 PM
Any objections to my bringing zoids into this, or should I stick to Super Robots from Earth? (Must resist urge to roleplay the Deathsaurer (http://zoids.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Saurer)- charged particle beams are not explicitly nuclear powered, so N-Jammers might well have no effect on them)

2010-04-30, 06:32 PM
I'd say go for it and just expect most or all of the plot to get moved to Earth, like GoLion/Voltron in SRW W, among many others.

2010-04-30, 06:34 PM
If there is a super robot game starting I'd like to try incorpoating Bokurano into it if only for playing Dung Beetle but that would require other people to step up and play some doomed kids. Anyone want to play some kids who will die horribly and undergo bad home lives that make the EVA pilots look well adjusted?

Hey! I remember that episode. :smalltongue: I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be allowed but it's not my call.

You my freind, have not seen End of Evangelion.

It somehow gets MORE messed up.

Mercenary Pen
2010-04-30, 06:48 PM
I'd say go for it and just expect most or all of the plot to get moved to Earth, like GoLion/Voltron in SRW W, among many others.

Okay, All I need to do now is decide exactly which zoid I wish to make my own... and no, it won't be the Death Saurer...

Think I'll go with the Liger Zero... hopefully we can get in a battle between that and the Impulse Gundam, just for the ultimate conflict between converting armament mecha.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-30, 06:48 PM

anyways I'm gonna be playing a guy piloting a cat mech, you know, four legs and all that.

Mercenary Pen
2010-04-30, 06:54 PM

anyways I'm gonna be playing a guy piloting a cat mech, you know, four legs and all that.

zoids has plenty of cat mecha if you want to do some research... For example, the Liger Zero is a big cat (and is mine), but there are quite a variety of animal mecha in the various zoids series.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-30, 06:56 PM
zoids has plenty of cat mecha if you want to do some research... For example, the Liger Zero is a big cat (and is mine), but there are quite a variety of animal mecha in the various zoids series.

whoa saida I wasa gunna copya offa alla thata? I'ma makinga mya owna!

2010-04-30, 07:05 PM
So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?

2010-04-30, 07:07 PM
So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?

Erm.. I'm actually asking for other pilots... I was going to ask if I could play the angels though. >_>

2010-04-30, 07:14 PM
So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?

Don't think so. Compare, say, the Mazinkaiser cast to the Gundam Seed one...

2010-04-30, 07:15 PM
whoa saida I wasa gunna copya offa alla thata? I'ma makinga mya owna!

2010-04-30, 09:20 PM
So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?

I wasn't planning to, but given our relatively low number of interested parties that's not a terribly bad idea. Or at least control the/a "protagonist" group, whatever that might be. It'd end up being something like that Intergalactic Warfare game I played once...except actually freeform and not full of godmoding 40k fanboys. I hope.

2010-04-30, 09:34 PM
I wasn't planning to, but given our relatively low number of interested parties that's not a terribly bad idea. Or at least control the/a "protagonist" group, whatever that might be. It'd end up being something like that Intergalactic Warfare game I played once...except actually freeform and not full of godmoding 40k fanboys. I hope.

We here at Acro teach the newbies NOT to God mode.. It still happens, but hey. We can at least have a general assumption that most people here are Good RP'ers.

I know Prime is personally, can't speak for anyone else aside from you, who I also know is very good.

2010-04-30, 09:46 PM
Well, the godmoder was WhiteKnight777, who is a tremendously freaking awesome RPer. He just played (accurately, I might add) the most ridiculously hax backstory version of the Imperium of Man he could.

2010-04-30, 10:16 PM
We don't look nearly enough alike to play SEED characters and you know it.
I don't know anything of the sort old bean.
Alternatively we could be Lockon and Tieria or Mashymre and Haman.

2010-04-30, 10:21 PM
Well, I don't plan to be pulling anything too hax compared to certain super robots, so it should be fine.

Unless you guys are adverse to Evangelion, and the nature of it all on it's own.. I don't plan to pull anything crazier than what's presented in canon.. / not saying much.

Mercenary Pen
2010-05-01, 03:49 AM
Having picked the Liger Zero, I need to decide exactly which series I'm working with, because it served as a protagonist in both New Century Zero and Fuzors...

I'll probably go with fuzors for the enhanced strike laser claws, the combination capabilities (though I'll bring back the New Century Zero Conversion Armour Systems) and access to zoids such as the Giga Gojulas.

Mina Kobold
2010-05-01, 05:25 AM
So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?


I thought we just controlled our own characters?

Otherwise it just gets confusing

2010-05-01, 05:26 AM
agreed.....and EVA and Geass have allready been taken.....wouldn't it be better just to make our own?

2010-05-01, 08:30 AM
You my freind, have not seen End of Evangelion.

It somehow gets MORE messed up.

Oh I've seen End of Evangelion. I even spent three months hunting down a DVD of that damned movie to appease my Evangelion Completest nature.

Bokurano is worse. Much worse.

So... right now it's looking like people pick a series and control every character in it.

Will this work?

That will not work under any cirumstances for Bokurano.

2010-05-01, 11:13 AM
agreed.....and EVA and Geass have allready been taken.....wouldn't it be better just to make our own?

It would really... Hence why I'm still asking for other pilots...

2010-05-01, 02:09 PM
It would really... Hence why I'm still asking for other pilots...

Which EVAs are left?

2010-05-01, 02:30 PM
Which EVAs are left?

00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06.

2010-05-01, 03:43 PM
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06.

You couldn't have just said all of them? I'll gladly play Shinji and Unit-01.

Has anyone said anything on Iron Man? I have some ideas on how he'd work in this setting.

2010-05-01, 03:47 PM
then I'll take asuka and EVA 02. I like playing tsunderes , and I can post in german without using babelfish

2010-05-01, 04:18 PM
Has anyone said anything on Iron Man? I have some ideas on how he'd work in this setting.Give him Extremis (http://marvel.wikia.com/Iron_Man_Armor_Model_30), a Proton Cannon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZdMBEfdiZ0&fmt=18#t=1m38s), the shapeshifting armour from season 2 of the cartoon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBbnT-cIDVM&fmt=18), and a Kill Sat. That should be enough to stand on even ground with, say, Mazinger Z.

EDIT: Oh, and don't forget this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ-av7YhA8g).

2010-05-01, 04:24 PM
Give him Extremis, a Proton Cannon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZdMBEfdiZ0&fmt=18#t=1m38s), the shapeshifting armour from season 2 of the cartoon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBbnT-cIDVM&fmt=18), and a Kill Sat. That should be enough to stand on even ground with, say, Mazinger Z.

Well obviously his armour has all those fun toys (plus the transforming factory that fires full Iron Man Armors as bullets from Earth-X) but I was meaning in terms of how Stark Enterprises interacts with the other factions. Obviously in a SRW verse it manufactures mecha, probably real robots which it primarily sells to Britania/Union with some backroom deals done behind Stark's back to the less reputable factions namely the Black Knights. Possibly with Sentenials coming later to counter Geass powers instead of mutants.

2010-05-01, 04:27 PM
I don't think Stark Industries Stark-Fujikawa Industries had anything to do with Sentinels.

There's always House of M Iron Man. Or the Red Ronin, which is an actual Super Robot owned by Iron Man.

Idea: Stark Industries built Gigantor (aka Ironman-28).

I'm just curious what side Tony would be on.

2010-05-01, 04:37 PM
The Original Sentenials were built under Stane's run of the company when Tony was too overcome with his battle with alcholism and being a superhero to run the company and he later built the manned Senentials that were used to "protect" the mutants after House of M.

I know next to nothing about Gigantor other than it was the basis of The Big Guy from Big Guy and Rusty though, so it's not the best choice for my Tony.

At least initially he'll be with the Union/Britannia, since he's building their mecha in his civilian identity.

2010-05-01, 04:44 PM
Here's some stuff on the cartoon version of the armour (8:55) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpLJ-Iib8Bs#t8m55s)

I know next to nothing about Gigantor other than it was the basis of The Big Guy from Big Guy and Rusty though, so it's not the best choice for my Tony.I saw the 80s version, but I don't remember much about it either (other than a pair of trucks which combine into a robot, and the phrase "use the Combat Spiral!") - I was thinking more as backstory.

2010-05-01, 05:10 PM
You couldn't have just said all of them? I'll gladly play Shinji and Unit-01.

Has anyone said anything on Iron Man? I have some ideas on how he'd work in this setting.

Gack. Sorry.. I already have a Shinji up and running.. I accidentally edited it in when I remembered 06. >_<

2010-05-01, 05:44 PM
Gack. Sorry.. I already have a Shinji up and running.. I accidentally edited it in when I remembered 06. >_<

Drat. What about Kaworu and the Girlfriend of Steel continuity Unit-05 (a mass produced EVA anywhere else)?

2010-05-01, 07:19 PM
Drat. What about Kaworu and the Girlfriend of Steel continuity Unit-05 (a mass produced EVA anywhere else)?

Kawarou is available, as is the Girlfriend of Steel variant.

Also, you do know that

Spoiler unless you've seen 2.0 you can (not) advance

he is the canon pilot of 06 right?

He's also the pilot of the Phoenix Trident Warborn if you'd like to keep with the Shinji Ikari and Warhammer 40k deal...

2010-05-01, 08:19 PM
Kawarou is available, as is the Girlfriend of Steel variant.

Also, you do know that

Spoiler unless you've seen 2.0 you can (not) advance

he is the canon pilot of 06 right?

He's also the pilot of the Phoenix Trident Warborn if you'd like to keep with the Shinji Ikari and Warhammer 40k deal...

The Rebuild movies haven't shown us what Unit-06 is like in a fight yet and I haven't read Shinji Ikari and the Warhammer 40K yet. I'll stick to Mass Produced Eva varient for now.

2010-05-01, 08:22 PM
The Rebuild movies haven't shown us what Unit-06 is like in a fight yet and I haven't read Shinji Ikari and the Warhammer 40K yet. I'll stick to Mass Produced Eva varient for now.

Well, I'd say it's as good as Unit-00, but not getting owned all the time, and clearly with better construction.

2010-05-01, 08:59 PM
Interested. I'd pick a grapearl from Gurren Lagann, but I have no idea how a post apocalyptic earth setting would fit into this. So I'm tossing around a few other ideas as it is.

2010-05-01, 09:09 PM
Interested. I'd pick a grapearl from Gurren Lagann, but I have no idea how a post apocalyptic earth setting would fit into this. So I'm tossing around a few other ideas as it is.

An alternate future from which a mishap with Spiral Energy flung you back in time?

Not really Earth but a different planet altogether that just so happens to sppear physically identically?

Being trapped in suspended animation a long time and the Earth rebuilds and recovers in that time?

Mina Kobold
2010-05-02, 02:05 AM
Interested. I'd pick a grapearl from Gurren Lagann, but I have no idea how a post apocalyptic earth setting would fit into this. So I'm tossing around a few other ideas as it is.

Well, I was planning for my character to arrive by the help of Coop's* Trans-dimensional Thingamajig,** maybe he could pick yours up on the way there?

*Megas XLR
**See the second to last episode

2010-05-03, 02:11 PM
Well, anyone else up for playing any Super Robot Goodness? /bump

2010-05-04, 07:02 PM
Well I'm ready.

2010-05-04, 07:20 PM
I'm thinking of joining...can't decide between playing Samus or playing Bright Noa.

Mina Kobold
2010-05-05, 04:28 AM
Well, anyone else up for playing any Super Robot Goodness? /bump

Maybe we should set up a Character Registry?

And an IC thread at some point.

2010-05-05, 06:18 AM
Maybe we should set up a Character Registry?

And an IC thread at some point.

Silly Keveak, you need CHARACTERS before you can have an IC thread. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 06:29 AM
I'm still not sure If I should play asuka with EVA 02 or just make my own character...

2010-05-05, 06:31 AM
I'm still not sure If I should play asuka with EVA 02 or just make my own character...

Both are fine, I AM looking for Eva pilots though.

Evangelion, Fan Fiction Version or not, is not Evangelion without 00, and 02.:smallsmile:

2010-05-05, 06:44 AM
Both are fine, I AM looking for Eva pilots though.

Evangelion, Fan Fiction Version or not, is not Evangelion without 00, and 02.:smallsmile:

Asuka Langly Soryu meldet sich zum diesnst!:smallbiggrin:

2010-05-05, 07:41 AM
...I have an idea.

Sosuke, from Full Metal Panic!

...actually, do all the characters have to be mecha pilots? If not, I might go Kaname. :smallamused:

2010-05-05, 08:16 AM
...I have an idea.

Sosuke, from Full Metal Panic!

...actually, do all the characters have to be mecha pilots? If not, I might go Kaname. :smallamused:You could always be both. I had great fun playing both Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Slayers). :smalltongue: (it gives you something to do when nothing else is happening) If someone's playing Sousuke, we need a Heero (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Heero_Yuy) and a Setsuna (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Setsuna_F._Seiei). The latter has the added bonus of Kurz meeting Lockon and Gauron meeting Ali.

For the character registry, it might help if it was organised by series (with OCs at the bottom).

2010-05-05, 08:28 AM
Well, that could be... interesting.

Plus! It would give us an objective in some of the battles!


Hmmm... Nanoha? :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:35 AM

Hmmm... Nanoha? :smalltongue:http://srwog.velv.net/mecha_images/weissritter.png (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry2WbdcJAwE#t=1m49s)

2010-05-05, 08:37 AM
That's the mecha she has a hundred Shout Outs to, I assume?

But no- I mean just plain Nanoha, bringing the cycle full circle as she returns to her origins.

And befriends them. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:45 AM
The biggest issue with Nanoha is that it introduces easy interdimensional travel to the setting. Which should probably wait until things have been established for a while.

EDIT: Lamia Loveless is basically just Signum with a stutter, but she's also a member of a faction from another dimension. It's more workable in her case though, since their travel ability is severely limited. I maintain that anyone familiar with Signum could play Lamia with minimal information. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:46 AM

Maybe her Convenient Multidimensional Travel Device is broken? :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:48 AM

Maybe her Convenient Multidimensional Travel Device is broken? :smalltongue:"The Ace of Aces has disappeared! Launch a rescue expedition containing a fully equipped interdimensional warship!"

2010-05-05, 08:49 AM
Which may take time to find her. Since her rescue beacon is conveniently broken as well. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:50 AM
Which may take time to find her. Since her rescue beacon is conveniently broken as well. :smalltongue:Who needs flares when you have Starlight Breaker? :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 08:53 AM
Starlight Breaker can do a lot, but last time I checked, it can't signal across dimensions. :smalltongue:

You're doing an awful lot of nitpicking... :smalltongue:

And I actually like the idea of using Nanoha.

2010-05-05, 09:09 AM
And I actually like the idea of using Nanoha.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BpOpb7d-so

What age?

2010-05-05, 09:12 AM
So, yes or no? :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 09:36 AM
Well, apart from the issues of dimensional travel (the existence of a single, unreliable gate between dimensions has driven entire plots before in SRW), Nanoha would also set a precedent for non-mecha characters, which would threaten to take the focus away from mecha and turn this into an ACRO clone (which would promptly collapse in face of competition). We haven't even got that many mecha characters established, so Nanoha would make up a significant portion of the setting.

Basically, I think it's too early.

2010-05-05, 09:40 AM
All right. I'll just go for Sousuke, then.

2010-05-05, 09:54 AM
I find it a little funny that Horngeek tends to gravitate towards characters with romance established around them. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-05, 10:00 AM
I find it a little funny that Horngeek tends to gravitate towards characters with romance established around them. :smallbiggrin:I think he's below-average for BleachITP, actually. :smalltongue:

KnightDisciple: "My wife, Hollow_Zaraki, is safe, but now I have lost my best friend, strawberryman, and my mentor, Hollow_Zaraki! Maybe my girlfriend, strawberryman, can console me."
strawberryman: "Hollow_Zaraki got me pregnant!"

Heck, I had at least two relationships with Hollow_Zaraki. You can really feel the love in that RP. :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2010-05-05, 10:36 AM
Do your character have to be a character from one of the series?

2010-05-05, 10:42 AM
I think he's below-average for BleachITP, actually. :smalltongue:

KnightDisciple: "My wife, Hollow_Zaraki, is safe, but now I have lost my best friend, strawberryman, and my mentor, Hollow_Zaraki! Maybe my girlfriend, strawberryman, can console me."
strawberryman: "Hollow_Zaraki got me pregnant!"

Heck, I had at least two relationships with Hollow_Zaraki. You can really feel the love in that RP. :smalltongue:

Oh, bite me, Prime.:smalltongue:

Prime32: "My boyfriend, Hollow_Zaraki, is dead! And this is after my brother, Hollow_Zaraki, helped kill me!"

2010-05-05, 11:34 AM
You could always be both. I had great fun playing both Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Slayers). :smalltongue: (it gives you something to do when nothing else is happening) If someone's playing Sousuke, we need a Heero (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Heero_Yuy) and a Setsuna (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Setsuna_F._Seiei). The latter has the added bonus of Kurz meeting Lockon and Gauron meeting Ali.

For the character registry, it might help if it was organised by series (with OCs at the bottom).

I'll do this when we get enough characters for there to be multiple entries..

I also planned to do it alphabetically.

2010-05-05, 11:35 AM
Oh, bite me, Prime.:smalltongue:

Prime32: "My boyfriend, Hollow_Zaraki, is dead! And this is after my brother, Hollow_Zaraki, helped kill me!"

I feel... unloved, by comparison.

Though there IS an ongoing game at MW where my Binder has developed a good deal of friendship with, of all things, a Cleric of Pelor.

2010-05-05, 11:54 AM
Eh, romance never really interested me RP wise, hence why I rebuked those Vince, and Tai rumors.

Anyways, we need moar robots.

We already have 3 powered armor applicants...

Mina Kobold
2010-05-05, 11:58 AM
Do your character have to be a character from one of the series?

Reposting because I really want to play a character for this, but I can't really find any canon character from Megas XLR whom I want to play and who has been named.

I can find some that has not, but that would be kinda weird :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 12:01 PM
You are allowed OC's...

In fact, I encourage OC's...

Mina Kobold
2010-05-05, 12:58 PM
You are allowed OC's...

In fact, I encourage OC's...


Then I'll be adding my character to the registry... Tomorrow, when it's not fifteen minutes till I have to get off the computer :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 01:07 PM
On Nanoha:

If we stick to loli-Nanoha, who met all of one patrol vessel from the "Time-Space Administration Bureau", it shouldn't be a problem.

For the record, transdimensional travel isn't a huge deal in the SRW Unlimited Generation game I linked because a) we have a bunch of other series that do it and b) the TSAB got kind of canon-abused into bureaucratic jerks who'd only send one squad to help Earth (Section 6, of course) for various interdimensional legal reasons.

Personally, I think any canon that involves combat with complex, somewhat ridiculously-powered mechanical weaponry should at least in theory be eligible, even if those weapons are tanks, starfighters, or robot-wand-gun-things.

But hey, I got distracted from this thread for three days and still don't know who I'd want to play.

2010-05-05, 01:16 PM
Anyways, we need moar robots.

We already have 3 powered armor applicants...I forget if you're familiar with New Getter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8bztTtddi0&hd=1). If you are, I could play Benkei or something.

Otherwise, I could SHINE IN THE NAME OF ZEUS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3OZ5apjSwk).

2010-05-05, 01:23 PM
You know what? Screw it. I've gone through over a year of that SRW LJ game without actually playing someone from my favorite show. So therefore, I submit to you guys, my character for this game.


2010-05-05, 01:26 PM
You know what? Screw it. I've gone through over a year of that SRW LJ game without actually playing someone from my favorite show. So therefore, I submit to you guys, my character for this game.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-71l-k0goEYes, you should totally play Gekiganger 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSY-EKocWGY).

2010-05-05, 01:28 PM
You know, I finally understand why Gai and Tsukomo both look exactly like Ken from Gekigangar. It's the same reason the vast majority of 70's Super Robot heroes look exactly like Kouji Kabuto with a couple of details changed. I have no idea what that reason is, but damn if it's not probably the same.

2010-05-05, 01:29 PM
...Ok, it's great that you guys can link SRW micro-vids and totally know what you're talking about, but I keep getting lost.:smallsigh:

A little regular wiki/tvtrope linkage action won't hurt no one, now will it?

Also, I'm still unsure on if I'll be able to play in this. But...who knows.

I had tentatively claimed the Virtue Gundam, but would rather play with others in the same "group". So...what other series/mecha/group/characters have been chosen?:smallconfused:

2010-05-05, 01:34 PM
...Ok, it's great that you guys can link SRW micro-vids and totally know what you're talking about, but I keep getting lost.:smallsigh:The character Nerdo wants to play (Gai Daigouji from Martian Successor Nadeisco) is a Hot Blooded fanboy of a fictional mecha anime called Gekiganger 3 (which is a parody of Getter Robo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzs1D3M-9CA)).

I expressed interest in playing a character from New Getter Robo or Shin Mazinger Impact: Z Chapter, remakes of Getter Robo and Mazinger Z respectively.


2010-05-05, 01:35 PM
I just decided on GAI DAIGOJI! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gai_Daigoji#Gai_Daigoji) (aka Jiro Yamada) from Martian Successor Nadesico, a test pilot-turned-combat-pilot for the Mega Corporation Nergal.

I'd also kind of be interested in Secchan Setsuna F. Seiei...let me see if I can keep up with one character, let alone two.

2010-05-05, 01:45 PM
I'd also kind of be interested in Secchan Setsuna F. Seiei...let me see if I can keep up with one character, let alone two.I could claim via crazy-logic that I'm the only one here qualified to play Lockon. And hope that kamikasei doesn't show up. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 01:47 PM
I could claim via crazy-logic that I'm the only one here qualified to play Lockon. And hope that kamikasei doesn't show up. :smalltongue:

Well, that would give us 3 of 4, if I went with Tiere.

2010-05-05, 01:49 PM
I'm conflicted. My three favourite Gundam characters are Amuro, Puru and Yazan.

On one hand there's Amuro which I'd enjoy playing a very narcissistic version of but then there's Puru which is just d'awwwwwww. And then there's Yazan who would fit perfectly in any plot since he's a heartless mercenary type character that'll fight on any side. Yazan's mech is also great for justifying being able to run away from a losing battle since his Hambrabi (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RX-139_Hambrabi) has a highly maneuverable core fighter like form. Then again Puru has been shown to have newtype hax which could also justify her escapes such as when she creates a psychic energy shield to protect Judau or helps Bright snipe Haman's battleship with the hyper mega particle cannon by pinpointing its location despite it being out of range of the Argama's sensors.

2010-05-05, 01:58 PM
I could claim via crazy-logic that I'm the only one here qualified to play Lockon. And hope that kamikasei doesn't show up. :smalltongue:

What do you mean? I've never killed anyone with a sniper rifle.

I used a steak knife.

2010-05-05, 02:00 PM
What do you mean? I've never killed anyone with a sniper rifle.

I used a steak knife.Uh...*points at Prime* I never said he could be Lockon! I never claimed Lockon!


2010-05-05, 02:06 PM
Even if there are two candidates then (SPOILERS).

What do you mean? I've never killed anyone with a sniper rifle.

I used a steak knife.Calm down, Kamia-chan.

2010-05-05, 02:19 PM
Even if there are two candidates then (SPOILERS).
Only one of them seems to potentially get romantically attached to Tieria Erde though. :P

2010-05-05, 02:22 PM
Only one of them seems to potentially get romantically attached to Tieria Erde though. :P

You will be stabbed. In the face.

2010-05-05, 02:36 PM
I forget if you're familiar with New Getter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8bztTtddi0&hd=1). If you are, I could play Benkei or something.

Otherwise, I could SHINE IN THE NAME OF ZEUS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3OZ5apjSwk).

I'm familiar with anything up to Getter Emperor (the manga reveal)...

Also, Mazinger / Mazinkaiser /Grendizer are okay as well... Although I don't think I spelled the last one right.

2010-05-05, 03:00 PM
I'm familiar with anything up to Getter Emperor (the manga reveal)...

Also, Mazinger / Mazinkaiser /Grendizer are okay as well... Although I don't think I spelled the last one right.New Getter is apparently closer to the manga than the original anime, and makes the main characters more violent. There is no Dinosaur Empire, and Getter-3 is piloted by Benkei Musashibo. It takes place in an alternate universe to the manga, though it crosses over with it briefly (the manga-verse is the source of Getter Rays).

Shin Mazinger is very different from the original continuity, adding elements from Z Mazinger and non-Mazinger works.

2010-05-05, 03:34 PM
You will be stabbed. In the face.

2010-05-05, 06:00 PM
New Getter is apparently closer to the manga than the original anime, and makes the main characters more violent. There is no Dinosaur Empire, and Getter-3 is piloted by Benkei Musashibo. It takes place in an alternate universe to the manga, though it crosses over with it briefly (the manga-verse is the source of Getter Rays).

Shin Mazinger is very different from the original continuity, adding elements from Z Mazinger and non-Mazinger works.

Sounds pretty cool to me..

2010-05-05, 06:06 PM
So, series which seem to be involved so far:

Full Metal Panic
Getter Robo? (maybe New Getter)
Gundam? (UC timeline, but not sure what point)
Gundam 00
Iron Man
Martian Successor Nadeisco
Mazinger Z? (maybe Shin Mazinger)

UC Gundam, Mazinger Z and Getter Robo are in almost all SRW games, for tradition's sake.

2010-05-05, 06:11 PM
Well, the other reason for me wanting to use Nanoha is that she's got flashy attacks that I can easily see fitting into SRW.

Sousuke... doesn't. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 06:12 PM
So, series which seem to be involved so far:

Full Metal Panic
Getter Robo?
UC-verse Gundam?
Gundam 00
Iron Man
Martian Successor Nadeisco
Mazinger Z?

UC Gundam, Mazinger Z and Getter Robo are in almost all SRW games.

Sounds cool to me.

G Gundam should also be involved, if only so we can have "ANSWER ME DOMON! THE SCHOOL OF THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST?!', and the wonderous amounts of Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 references we can have.

2010-05-05, 06:16 PM
So what about Gundam SEED and Code Geass? We don't have anyone playing characters from there so far, but the stuff they could bring to the setting is cool (and hard to introduce later).

Well, the other reason for me wanting to use Nanoha is that she's got flashy attacks that I can easily see fitting into SRW.

Sousuke... doesn't. :smalltongue:How much of the series have you seen? :smallconfused: Sure, he pilots Reals, but they have AT Fields.

2010-05-05, 06:18 PM
So what about Gundam SEED and Code Geass? We don't have anyone playing characters from there so far, but the stuff they could bring to the setting is cool (and hard to introduce later).

I'll throw my hat in as Schniezel, or Lelouch Vi Britannia if no one else will... I even have an avvy to go with the latter, and my location is also linked to it... and I've read Nightmare of Nunally...

2010-05-05, 06:19 PM
I'll throw my hat in as Schniezel, or Lelouch Vi Britannia if no one else will... I even have an avvy to go with the latter, and my location is also linked to it...Better to go with Lelouch first, since Schneizel doesn't really do anything until the end of the series. As long as you give all players permission to throw unpredictable and insane obstacle in your way. :smalltongue:

and I've read Nightmare of Nunally...I'm sorry.

2010-05-05, 06:20 PM
Good point there. :smalltongue:

My third reason for prefering Nanoha is that I've actually seen far more of it that FMP. :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 06:20 PM
I'm sorry.

I call it Geasshammer 40k.

Grand Inquisitor Rolo... Heresy... Charles all but declaring himself God Emperor. The HOLY IMPERIUM of Britannia?

So blatant.

2010-05-05, 06:22 PM
I call it Geasshammer 40k.

Grand Inquisitor Rolo... Heresy... Charles all but declaring himself God Emperor. The HOLY IMPERIUM of Britannia?

So blatant.You focused on WH40K rather than the absurd levels of lolicon, which it didn't even look like the writer was asked to put in? :smallconfused: Well I suppose that's one way to retain your sanity. *rocks quietly*

2010-05-05, 06:23 PM
Actually, it occurs to me that the only real HM shows I've seen enough of to have a really good idea are... Macross and TTGL.

The first is workable, I suppose. The second? :smalltongue:

2010-05-05, 06:24 PM
You focused on WH40K rather than the lolicon? Well I suppose that's one way to retain your sanity. *rocks quietly*

That I did, that and the outrageous lesbianism.

@HornGeek: Even COURAGE has it's limits in every other show... including Getter Robo... I'd shy away from Gurren Lagann personally. Literally unlimited power kinda defeats the point for their to be other characters.

2010-05-05, 06:25 PM
Actually, it occurs to me that the only real HM shows I've seen enough of to have a really good idea are... Macross and TTGL.

The first is workable, I suppose. The second? :smalltongue:How much Macross have you seen? I've only seen Frontier.

@HornGeek: Even COURAGE has it's limits in every other show... including Getter Robo... I'd shy away from Gurren Lagann personally. Literally unlimited power kinda defeats the point for their to be other characters.Let me sum Getter Robo up for you: the Ganmen are made of Phazon.

Pre-timeskip TTGL wouldn't be too bad, but it would be very difficult to fit into the setting.

2010-05-05, 06:28 PM
How much Macross have you seen? I've only seen Frontier.


Frontier. But a single season is still enough for a good idea of the type of stuff that can be pulled off.

2010-05-05, 06:29 PM
How much Macross have you seen? I've only seen Frontier.

Let me sum Getter Robo up for you: the Ganmen are made of Phazon.

Pre-timeskip TTGL wouldn't be too bad, but it would be very difficult to fit into the setting.

That it would...

But... I'd still rather not have to deal with a SUPER TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LAGANN...

Unless we're including Deus Mechanus Demonbane.

2010-05-05, 06:33 PM
Unless we're including Deus Mechanus Demonbane.Speaking of which, I've seen clips of the thing being launched from hangars. Do you have confirmation of its size?


2010-05-05, 06:39 PM
So, series which seem to be involved so far:

Full Metal Panic
Getter Robo? (maybe New Getter)
Gundam? (UC timeline, but not sure what point)
Gundam 00
Iron Man
Martian Successor Nadeisco
Mazinger Z? (maybe Shin Mazinger)

UC Gundam, Mazinger Z and Getter Robo are in almost all SRW games, for tradition's sake.
Hm. That's a lot of series.

2010-05-05, 06:43 PM
So, Nanoha (advantages: I know her moves better than I know any other potential options, has links to SRW anyway) or Macross (advantages: Actually is a Giant Robot. :smalltongue:). Hmmm...

No matter what we do, I agree that we should keep the style of SRW: that is, big, flashy attacks type thing.

2010-05-05, 06:44 PM
Speaking of which, I've seen clips of the thing being launched from hangars. Do you have confirmation of its size?


Just that it fights an Awakened Azathoth.. Which is actually the Universe itself, and when he awakens everything within (which is his dream) is supposed to die... and they get bigger than him. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonbane)

2010-05-05, 06:48 PM
So, Nanoha (advantages: I know her moves better than I know any other potential options, has links to SRW anyway) or Macross (advantages: Actually is a Giant Robot. :smalltongue:). Hmmm...

No matter what we do, I agree that we should keep the style of SRW: that is, big, flashy attacks type thing.

Or...you could play with this mech (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gn-003.htm). It works almost like a veritech, and we can always explain things to you. And it rounds out Celestial Being for us. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-05, 06:49 PM
Or...you could play with this mech (http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gn-003.htm). It works almost like a veritech, and we can always explain things to you. And it rounds out Celestial Being for us. :smallbiggrin:

I'd... really prefer to stick to a series I know, really. Which, as I have explained, is part of the reason I'm gravitating towards the Ace of Aces.

2010-05-05, 06:49 PM
Just that it fights an Awakened Azathoth.. Which is actually the Universe itself, and when he awakens everything within (which is his dream) is supposed to die... and they get bigger than him. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonbane)I would really like to see clips of this (or scans, or whatever). Is Azathoth stated to be that large in the series itself or is that just in the Cthuulhu Mythos?

2010-05-05, 06:50 PM
I'd... really prefer to stick to a series I know, really. Which, as I have explained, is part of the reason I'm gravitating towards the Ace of Aces.

You should watch Gundam 00 anyways. It's not that long, and it's pretty good.

2010-05-05, 06:52 PM
You should watch Gundam 00 anyways. It's not that long, and it's pretty good.Plus, the number of similarities to Full Metal Panic are kinda silly.

2010-05-05, 06:54 PM

If I have time (and bandwidth). I'm trawling through FMP at the moment, actually.

Really, Nerd-o-Rama has put what my justification is:

On Nanoha:

If we stick to loli-Nanoha, who met all of one patrol vessel from the "Time-Space Administration Bureau", it shouldn't be a problem.

For the record, transdimensional travel isn't a huge deal in the SRW Unlimited Generation game I linked because a) we have a bunch of other series that do it and b) the TSAB got kind of canon-abused into bureaucratic jerks who'd only send one squad to help Earth (Section 6, of course) for various interdimensional legal reasons.

Personally, I think any canon that involves combat with complex, somewhat ridiculously-powered mechanical weaponry should at least in theory be eligible, even if those weapons are tanks, starfighters, or robot-wand-gun-things.

So, I'll stick to Nanoha from A's if the collective approves- she'll have cartridges, but not the Blaster system.

2010-05-05, 06:59 PM
Restating my objections:

Easy dimensional travel is a big can of worms, as is the power of an organisation like the TSAB.
There aren't that many mecha characters yet, Nanoha sets a precedent for non-mecha which could cause this RP to lose its focus. And it's been shown that FFRPs need a focus or they will collapse.

On TTGL, Getter Emperor and Ideon might at least be able to distract it (no such luck for Diebuster, Genesic GaoGaigar w/Goldion Crusher, and berserk Eva-01). STTGL? It might be able to see Getter Emperor if it squints.

2010-05-05, 07:00 PM
Well, the people who made the Deus Machinus Demonbane are VERY copy right heavy.. so There isn't exactly much of it on youtube.. >_>

2010-05-05, 07:04 PM
I'm one to talk I'm playing Iron Man but I'm against Nanoha too.

I have no problem with the interdimensional travel, hell that could help us since it could justify mecha that don't fit into our vaugely established mish-mashy timeline.

The problem with her is that why yes she has tech-ish weapons that are very flashy she does not fit the basic criteria estabilshed in the opening about this being a game of pilotable robots. Which opens the door to everything, we already have lots of catch all games in the Town, Acros and Lynching games. Let's try to keep the focus here.

2010-05-05, 07:11 PM
Well, the people who made the Deus Machinus Demonbane are VERY copy right heavy.. so There isn't exactly much of it on youtube.. >_>Looks like an Eva cosplaying Banpreios. (http://www.collectiondx.com/system/files/Demonbane2_15cm_May2009_toysplannin.jpg)

2010-05-05, 07:21 PM
Eh, I'm not saying I'm big on it, I just mentioned it so Mr.TTGL could have some competition.

2010-05-05, 07:50 PM
Eh, all right.

I demand we make a NanohaitP at some point, though. :smalltongue:

Macross it is, then!

2010-05-05, 08:42 PM
I don't understand people watching Macross Frontier without watching any other Macross shows first. It's basically one ludicrously long continuous reference to the original, Seven, Plus, and Zero. Especially Zero.

And if it's like Macross 7, they probably threw in some digs at Macross II as well, but I didn't notice any.

And it seems the majority's against me on Nanoha, so I'm not going to bother restating my case again. I don't even want to play someone from it.

2010-05-06, 04:17 AM
Macross it is, then!Frontier is set on a deep-space colony travelling away from the Earth as fast as it can. Earlier installments are actually set on Earth.

Macross (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3izRIqNKzE)
Macross Plus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOGJN9uYo5w)
Macross 7 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga_aTC1MCY0)

Oh, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh25-V63IBk


2010-05-06, 04:20 AM
...I haven't watched earlier seasons. And I don't have the bandwidth to do a Season trawl.

Everything I've picked has had problems :smallfrown:... I'm inclined to just either have an OC, or drop altogether.

2010-05-06, 04:29 AM
have added the first code geass character to the list! ..but if anybody else would like to play C.C. ....

2010-05-06, 04:33 AM
I actually think I will play Sousuke and Kaname. I think I've got their personalities, and I can read up on the abilities of the Arbalest.

2010-05-06, 04:36 AM
I actually think I will play Sousuke and Kaname. I think I've got their personalities, and I can read up on the abilities of the Arbalest.There are what, 12 episodes in the first season?

2010-05-06, 04:38 AM
Six hours of video chews up our monthly bandwith to a horrible extent, something my mum's drilled into me quite a bit. :smalltongue:

I can, however, read the various manga.

2010-05-06, 05:03 AM
Six hours of video chews up our monthly bandwith to a horrible extent, something my mum's drilled into me quite a bit. :smalltongue:

I can, however, read the various manga.They were originally novels.

2010-05-06, 05:06 AM
Yes, I know that. Beside the point.

I'll trawl the FMP wiki, and the manga to find out Sousuke's AS's capabilities.

Mercenary Pen
2010-05-06, 05:31 AM
Okay, I think I can probably run a second character for this, and I'm thinking of going for Lt. Gamlin Kizaki of Macross 7's Diamond Force in the VF-17S Nightmare. Hope that steers clear of any characters that other people wanted.

Mina Kobold
2010-05-06, 10:08 AM
Hi again guys! As promised I made an original character, feel free to point out what's wrong with it :smallbiggrin:


Name: Mulberry 'Mul' Kelly

Age: 20

Weight: 130

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Electric purple with a neon green streak on the left side (naturally medium brown)

Personality: Dreamy (AKA doesn't pay attention to reality all that much) and cheery, bit of a cloudcuckoolander too.
Surprisingly good memory of math and mechanics (Unfortunately, I don't have that :smalltongue:)

General Appearance: Standard Earth Coalition uniform, Sturdy boots, protection gloves, just a regular EC mechanic.

Except for the oddly coloured hair that is kept in a long ponytail and the protection gogles on his forehead, which are rarely seen worn normally. That's quite weird.

Extra: What's he doing here!: Mul was the pilot and mechanicgoggles of an EC evacuation vehicle when it was shot down by the Glorft, stranding him in the New Jersey Junkyard where another Glorft mecha had been shot down. Quickly, well in less than two hours at least, realising he needed to get away, Mul tried to fly said mecha, but having little luck flying a broken mech he tried to repair it with whatever was at hand, including a cubic mecha with large teeth that had once been pilotted by an intergalactic criminal and a locomotive...

Anyway, upon activating his new mecha Mul acidently had it step on an old Glorft prototype of the Avatar prototype that would become MEGAS XLR and activated it's Trans-Dimensional drive. Thus sending both mecha and pilot through to the world of SRWITP!

[/B]Source:[/B] MEGAS XLR, Mulberry Kelly is an original character, though.

Mecha (Name):[B] Cherry Chomper

[B]Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Skilled at robotics and weapon engineering and somewhat skilled at mat-based tasks, when he isn't distracted.


Name / Title: Cherry Chomper

Appearance: A squarish robot at about two stories height made of a dark grey metal and capaple of opening like a large mouth with pointy 'teeth'. It moves with a pair of three-toed Glorft Mecha legs in a dark pilotedgreen coaccidentallylour. Other than that it's only exterior equipment is a combined (small) missile launch pad and locomotive headlight headlight sitting on top of it like a strange hat of sorts.

Inside is the pilot seat which has been upgraded with Glorft technology to protect the pilot against enemy fire and to allow for space-farring, it also include the Glorft Mecha's arms wcapablehich are set to Railgun-mode permanently to give it additional firepower.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Probably qualifies as Super Robot.

Personality (if applicable): It doesn't really say much or move on it's own... Or think.

Abilities and Equipment: Can fly to a degree by using the jets in the Glorft legs and cfaringan fire missiRail-gunles and bullets from the respective weapons. Other than that it can bite, dive and has a sparkly headlight.

...So, good enough?

2010-05-06, 10:26 AM
Hey Prime.

If there are two people wanting to play Macross Sequel characters, perhaps we can simply have 7 and Frontier still closer to Earth. Or at least in positions that are still easily reachable by Fold.

2010-05-06, 10:53 AM
Hey Prime.

If there are two people wanting to play Macross Sequel characters, perhaps we can simply have 7 and Frontier still closer to Earth. Or at least in positions that are still easily reachable by Fold.I'm hardly an expert on Macross. If you think that would work...

Hi again guys! As promised I made an original character, feel free to point out what's wrong with it :smallbiggrin:


Name: Mulberry 'Mul' Kelly

Age: 20

Weight: 130

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Electric purple with a neon green streak on the left side (naturally medium brown)

Personality: Dreamy (AKA doesn't pay attention to reality all that much) and cheery, bit of a cloudcuckoolander too.
Surprisingly good memory of math and mechanics (Unfortunately, I don't have that :smalltongue:)

General Appearance: Standard Earth Coalition uniform, Sturdy boots, protection gloves, just a regular EC mechanic.

Except for the oddly coloured hair that is kept in a long ponytail and the protection gogles on his forehead, which are rarely seen worn normally. That's quite weird.

Extra: What's he doing here!: Mul was the pilot and mechanicgoggles of an EC evacuation vehicle when it was shot down by the Glorft, stranding him in the New Jersey Junkyard where another Glorft mecha had been shot down. Quickly, well in less than two hours at least, realising he needed to get away, Mul tried to fly said mecha, but having little luck flying a broken mech he tried to repair it with whatever was at hand, including a cubic mecha with large teeth that had once been pilotted by an intergalactic criminal and a locomotive...

Anyway, upon activating his new mecha Mul acidently had it step on an old Glorft prototype of the Avatar prototype that would become MEGAS XLR and activated it's Trans-Dimensional drive. Thus sending both mecha and pilot through to the world of SRWITP!

[/B]Source:[/B] MEGAS XLR, Mulberry Kelly is an original character, though.

Mecha (Name):[B] Cherry Chomper

[B]Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Skilled at robotics and weapon engineering and somewhat skilled at mat-based tasks, when he isn't distracted.


Name / Title: Cherry Chomper

Appearance: A squarish robot at about two stories height made of a dark grey metal and capaple of opening like a large mouth with pointy 'teeth'. It moves with a pair of three-toed Glorft Mecha legs in a dark pilotedgreen coaccidentallylour. Other than that it's only exterior equipment is a combined (small) missile launch pad and locomotive headlight headlight sitting on top of it like a strange hat of sorts.

Inside is the pilot seat which has been upgraded with Glorft technology to protect the pilot against enemy fire and to allow for space-farring, it also include the Glorft Mecha's arms wcapablehich are set to Railgun-mode permanently to give it additional firepower.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Probably qualifies as Super Robot.

Personality (if applicable): It doesn't really say much or move on it's own... Or think.

Abilities and Equipment: Can fly to a degree by using the jets in the Glorft legs and cfaringan fire missiRail-gunles and bullets from the respective weapons. Other than that it can bite, dive and has a sparkly headlight.

...So, good enough?Seems more like a Real (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealRobot) than a Super (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRobot) (it's more "tank with legs" than "piloted superhero").

You probably don't want this guy to wander around randomly, so what mecha anime are you familiar with? I'm sure he can find a place in some faction (Junk Guild maybe? :smalltongue:). Failing that, an original faction could be created if there are enough participants.

2010-05-06, 11:10 AM
Updated the character registry, everyone that's made a character so far has been put in.

If I missed you, I'm sorry, and could you please post a sheet link?

Mina Kobold
2010-05-06, 11:13 AM
Seems more like a Real (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealRobot) than a Super (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRobot) (it's more "tank with legs" than "piloted superhero").

You probably don't want this guy to wander around randomly, so what mecha anime are you familiar with? I'm sure he can find a place in some faction.

I thought about that, but Tvtropes mention Real Robots being mass-produced and cynical of nature, which I couldn't see apply to a giant Evil Robo-Pacman!* built in a junkyard and piloted by a guy with purple hair :smalltongue:
But I see your point of it not being very "unrealistic" like the Super Robots either... Well, you're the expert, Real Robot it is!

... Well I have read some of the manga version of FullMetal Panic but the only anime I've seen that has mechas in it is Tengen Toppa Gurren Langann :smallredface:

I plan on taking a look on Mazinger Z one of the days, all your talk about Mazinger made it look interesting :smallsmile:

*Just wanted to write that

2010-05-06, 11:14 AM
I thought about that, but Tvtropes mention Real Robots being mass-produced and cynical of nature, which I couldn't see apply to a giant Evil Robo-Pacman!* built in a junkyard and piloted by a guy with purple hair :smalltongue:
But I see your point of it not being very "unrealistic" like the Super Robots either... Well, you're the expert, Real Robot it is!

... Well I have read some of the manga version of FullMetal Panic but the only anime I've seen that has mechas in it is Tengen Toppa Gurren Langann :smallredface:

I plan on taking a look on Mazinger Z one of the days, all your talk about Mazinger made it look interesting :smallsmile:

*Just wanted to write that

While your at it.. I suggest you take a look at The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar... I transitioned into it from TTGL and it opened me up to quite a few other super robot shows.

2010-05-06, 11:30 AM
While your at it.. I suggest you take a look at The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar... I transitioned into it from TTGL and it opened me up to quite a few other super robot shows.This. GaoGaiGar is a classic.

2010-05-06, 11:33 AM
I'm gravitating towards the Ace of Aces.
What? You aren't gravitating towards me. That's for sure. Nanoha isn't the Ace of Aces, I am. Next you're going to tell me she's called the white devil too. Excuse me, but I didn't see her defeating 14 Rick Doms at the Battle of Solomon. Then again Beltorchika and I end up having a child and I guess she's a decent candidate for such a role in a magical girl series. She'll have to beat me in a core fighter battle before I recognize her as one of my own though.

Mina Kobold
2010-05-06, 11:42 AM
While your at it.. I suggest you take a look at The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar... I transitioned into it from TTGL and it opened me up to quite a few other super robot shows.

Sure, I'll put it on the list.

If my calculations are correct I will have watched the first episode sometime in 2012 with the list I have :smalltongue:

2010-05-06, 11:42 AM
Excuse me, but I didn't see her defeating 14 Rick Doms in the Battle of Solomon."He defeated 25 Zakus and Goufs in 2 minutes?!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wNoeuHNE0s) (plus 3 battleships, and he did it without harming the pilots)

2010-05-06, 12:27 PM
Pffft. Real men don't beam spam like chumps. Back in my day we didn't use funnels and other silly shenanigans. That's what Haman and her girl scouts used. Besides if I wanted to use such cheap tricks I'd just pilot my completed Hi-v Gundam (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RX-93-2_Hi-Nu_Gundam).

2010-05-06, 12:37 PM
Pffft. Real men don't beam spam like chumps. Back in my day we didn't use funnels and other silly shenanigans. That's what Haman and her girl scouts used. Besides if I wanted to use such cheap tricks I'd just pilot my completed Hi-v Gundam (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RX-93-2_Hi-Nu_Gundam).

HIV Gundam?

Sounds like a nightmare to me. :smalleek:

2010-05-06, 03:52 PM
Soooo, I was playing Front Mission today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks...

Anybody wanting to make a Real Robot OC can just make a Wanzer pilot.

Dibs on Royd Clive, myself.