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View Full Version : I want a low-level utility belt....

2010-04-29, 06:14 PM
Going WBL in a level 5 game. I had 5k. I've spent 1k on a symbiont. So, I have 4k.

I still need to get arms and armor, so aiming lower would be great.

I haven't played a skillmonkey (Beguiler) before, and I want a variety of mundane and magical tricks for any occasion.

So, any help would be appreciated.

2010-04-29, 06:21 PM
A Belt of Hidden Pouches can hold up to 30 small items. Each pouch can hold up to 5 lbs of stuff, but the dimensions can't be more than 6 inches on a side. It costs 5000 gp, so you might want to wait for your utility belt. Other than that, a good old Bag of Holding or Heward's Handy Haversack should suffice.

2010-04-29, 06:22 PM
Alternatively, the "Packrat" feat lets you effectively turn any pack into a utility belt of sorts.

2010-04-29, 06:25 PM
How strong are you? Hewards handy haversack is generally useful and if you are using encumberance rules & have say 10 strength you're going to need it. Also useful for having caltrops or rope or whatever ready when they'd otherwise be at the bottom of the pack. 2000 gp.

Dust of tracelessness (150 gp) is a neat trick. Better than the pass without trace it's based on.

2010-04-29, 06:27 PM
8 Str. Light load is 26 pounds.

Where is the Packrat feat located?

2010-04-29, 06:36 PM
8 Str. Light load is 26 pounds.

Where is the Packrat feat located?
Dragon #354. Basically, you budget yourself gold value and encumberance, without specifying what you're buying/carrying with it, and get to decide on the fly what it is. Your 5th level character could have 50 gp and 15 lb in unspecified items, and if you suddenly really need a corkscrew then you can have it, and the price/weight of the corkscrew comes out of the 50 gp / 15 lb. It's a useful little feat.

Baron Malkar
2010-04-29, 06:40 PM

Just remember you dont have to use a full bag.

2010-04-29, 06:49 PM
My Adventurer's Belt would contain the following things (all chosen for low cost):
2 Healing Potions.
Lockpicks (if you have the appropriate skill)
Rope (ALWAYS bring rope)
A Dagger (special material if possible)
Everburning Torch
1 flask Alchemists Fire
1 Tanglefoot Bag.

Then, if you're a scoundrely type, have your boots hold hidden compartments containing
2 or more platinum coins (For bribery)
Another set of Lockpicks

2010-04-29, 06:57 PM
My Adventurer's Belt would contain the following things (all chosen for low cost):
2 Healing Potions.
Lockpicks (if you have the appropriate skill)
Rope (ALWAYS bring rope)
A Dagger (special material if possible)
Everburning Torch
1 flask Alchemists Fire
1 Tanglefoot Bag.

Then, if you're a scoundrely type, have your boots hold hidden compartments containing
2 or more platinum coins (For bribery)
Another set of Lockpicks

Have Darkvision, but the rest of this is a real help. Thanks!

2010-04-29, 09:58 PM

Just remember you dont have to use a full bag.

If you buy the entire contents of Shax's Indispensible Haversack Type I *without* actually buying the Haversack, then it only costs 3809 GP, which comes in just under 4K with a bit of beer money left over. Spend 8 GP on either a donkey or a mule, and another 4 GP on saddlebags, and the donkey/mule can carry your 120 lbs of equipment until you can afford the actual Haversack. (Mules are easier to keep alive, but medium-sized donkeys are easier to fit down dungeon passageways.)

Note: You might have enough money to buy a Wolf, Hyena, or Donkey trained for war (Warbeast template, MM2). Clawfoots and Fastieths (Eberron) are also great. All of these would be 3HD, cost 150 GP for a fully-trained mount, and get a bonus feat as well. If you need a large mount... Dire Ape or Lion Warbeasts are very nice (550 GP, 6HD, bonus feat), although of late I've become rather enamored of the Footpad Lizard (Drow of the Underdark p. 134, climbs walls, 10' reach, improved grab).