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2010-06-24, 09:31 PM

"Perhaps she means the other sort, but if there can only be one of this monster, then it shouldn't have them either. Still, Tarrasque eggs... sounds fun." Paimon nods to himself. "Alright, it seems our..." He looks over to Selinda and Shax, then at Luu. It seemed he was outnumbered, "Group would like to join you." Something deep inside simply refused to be part of a 'sisterhood'.

2010-06-25, 01:15 PM

Selinda elbows Paimon in the side, and gets a bruise on her elbow for the gesture.
C'mon, you know you want to be a sister, just admit it to yourself. Give in to your inner femininity. Dont worry, Im not choosy about my partners in that regard. :smallwink:

2010-06-25, 03:25 PM

"Not to spoil the joke, but to be exact I don't have a sex, and while I'm not completely certain about Paimon here, it seems you're the odd one out. At least I think... For a mad wizard scientist, Axan had surprisingly few books on the procreation of all the different creature types."

Apparently the spell is wearing off, not that it helps much.

2010-06-28, 12:44 PM
"Well technically the Tarrasque is only mythical if you don't believe in it. Since I believe in it, it must be real.

And sure I'll clear it up."

She hits her staff on the ground and the chicken on top squawks and lays an egg, which she catches. She smells it before throwing it at the remains of the spider, the remains wand webbing morphing, this time compressing into an almost replica of Paimon (though this one is noticeably "curvy" and has a ponytail of copper wire).

"There, just a touch and you can transfer between your body and this one, if the urge ever takes you. Is there anything you need before we depart?"

2010-06-28, 01:03 PM

Selinda looks to the replica and then back to the original Paimon

Now that brings up a whole new world of possibilities. Tell me, Luu, is it capable of action when he's not in it?

2010-06-28, 01:05 PM
"Well unless you have a soul to put in it it'll be a bit lifeless, but I suppose it could work."

2010-06-28, 02:00 PM

"I've never seen such single-mindedness. Is there anything that actually manages to not turn you on? On another note, where to, now?"

The tone of Shax's voice conveys neither judgement nor annoyance, just plain interest. Well, and the usual presence of amusement.

2010-06-28, 04:18 PM

Paimon looks over what became of he spider, not quite sure what to think. "I'm--- Honored? I Think I Would Prefer To Wear This Body Out First Though---" He pauses for a sec, and smiles.

Then starts chuckling, almost trying to hold it back. His face shifts back to the human appearance. Haha, it seems it would prefer to stay as it is. No sense of adventure, no curiosity." He shakes his head. "I'd like to keep it though, in case Axans work is found... lacking." He looks at his hand, and a few of his fingers begin to twitch. Then he clenches it and smiles almost cruely. "Then you'd best not falter."

He looks up as if nothing had happened. "A single touch will do it then. I guess I have a spare now."

2010-06-28, 05:07 PM

"I've never seen such single-mindedness. Is there anything that actually manages to not turn you on?

Selinda tilts her head to the side for a moment, considering the question from Shax.

Now that you mention it...no, I dont think so

2010-06-29, 01:17 PM
"Well if it's ok with you three I feel the need to move on. I need to get the chicken home before it ****s on me."

Once again she slams her staff on the floor, and as the chicken squawks the world shatters, glass shards of reality swirling around before the reform with you all in a city. Except that you no only have one horse. Once which is a rainbow of colours and has 5 heads, five tails and five legs each of a different colour.

"Well then, I'll go deal with this, you 3 go find out where my egg is. Somebody must know, after all it's not the kind..."

She has turned around and wandered off mid-sentence.

2010-06-29, 08:20 PM
Well, normally in a city I would recommend going to a bar to find information, but given what happened to us last time, Im not sure its a great idea.

2010-06-30, 04:38 AM

"If there is someone here who knows about the egg it is relatively safe to assume that this person is a wizard or something similar. So why don't you just go find a nice place where everybody can see you and wait until all the potential targets in this city try to 'summon' you? Seems like the perfect bait to me... unless we're looking for a straight woman, that is."

2010-06-30, 06:12 AM
Im not sure if I can be summoned when Im already on the material plane...although maybe I can be, no one ever really explained how that works.
And, if need be, I can turn any straight woman to my way of thinking. But, youre right, a wizard is probably our best bet. We should look to see if there is some district of this city where mages tend to congregate

2010-06-30, 06:36 AM
((Gather Info or something will tell you))

2010-06-30, 06:41 AM

Selinda starts to question a few of the passers-by, asking for general directions to either a mage's quarters in the city, or, if one exists, a mage's guild.

[roll0] Gather Information

Not sure how much you want that RP'd out, if you require more, I can oblige

2010-06-30, 06:48 AM
((I assumed you'd just Sugestion/grope someone :smalltongue:))

After 23 seconds Selinda has amassed a crowd of men of all ages and races, small boys with eyes popping out of their heads and assorted angry parents and partners wondering what's going on.

There is a Mage's Guild which is a huge pink tower on the left side of town, but in exchange for a kiss from a Wizarding apprentice you have also found out about a lesser known domain for the leaders of the guild; a strip club that claims (and so far has always delivered) to be able to get you anyperformer you want.

There is also one Elven girl sneaking glances at Paimon, her younger brother trying to climb on Paimona ((as I have named her)).

2010-06-30, 07:33 AM

Selinda spends a bit more time with her adoring public, handing out kisses and gropes with a few lucky contestants, and then begs off, saying that she has pressing business that she must attend to. After collecting a few addresses for more personalized visits when she gets the chance, she turns to her group.

I think that when we consider what we are looking for, the strip club would be our better option. More likely to specialize in the sort of rare stuff we are looking for, and less likely to ask questions better left unasked. Besides, I should be able to get us in the door of a place like that, even if I werent a dancer, which I am.

If Shax and Paimon agree, she will lead the way to the club.

2010-06-30, 08:07 AM

"Strip club, eh? Then I wasn't that far off with my suggestion. Sounds mildly amusing, lead on!"


Btw, Shax will take the horse along everywhere, just tell me when a handle animal and/or speak with animal might be necessary.

2010-06-30, 11:31 AM

"I thought wizards had to be caste in order to work their magic... Must only be a rumor then if one can spend so much time in a gentlemen's club." His shape remains as one of a handsome, black haired human's in iron armor, and when he notices the elven girl he turns and gives her a knowing smile.

Catching a glimpse of the child's antics though, he simply gives a short laugh. "Boy, do be careful, won't you. We wouldn't want anything being broken, would we?" If they boy has climbed onto Paimona, he flicks out his right arm's blade and lifts the boy by his shirt's collar, placing him back on the ground. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we really must be going, and children aren't al..." He pauses, considering Selinda's last display "aren't usually allowed to see what happens in there."

He sends Paimona off behind behind Selinda, puts his blade away, and gives the pair of elves a smile and a nod before following suite.

2010-07-01, 04:01 AM
The boy and his sister freeze when you shoot a sword out of your arm, but once the boy is down he starts cheering to himself, apparently this was a big day for him.

You find the place and after some "negotiations" the guard agrees to let you enter. Inside is exactly what you expect, except that it is about 50 times bigger than the building would seem to allow (apparently one of the owners was a Mage who had spent his life studying Bags of Holding, and had figured out how to make it work with buildings).

There are 20 mini-stages, each with a dancer of a decidedly unusual origin, and they have at least 1 spectator each, some (Planetar) have more fans than others (one guy in a corner is alone watching a Red Slaad).

I'll let you decide what negotiations meant (I imagine you'll each have a very different opinion :smalltongue:)

2010-07-01, 04:21 AM
(Considering the combination of clients and employees, Shax probably just followed Selinda's example for a peaceful way in.
Is there some kind of main stage anywhere?)

2010-07-01, 09:32 AM

Selinda would have just presented herself to the guard, and asked for entry for herself and her two 'bodyguards', as she was looking to do some part time dancing work in the establishment. If pressed, she would give a short display for the guard to prove that she has some actual talent
[roll0] Perform: Dance
And once she gained entrance, she would look for the owner/manager to go about doing some dancing in the club.

2010-07-01, 04:06 PM

Assuming Selinda's antics are enough to grant them access, Paimon does his best to play his role as the lady's bodyguard.

Once inside though, he decides to blend in. He finds an empty spot near the back with a nice view of Selinda's stage and takes a seat. He leans back, rests his left foot on his right knee, and crosses his arms behind his head. Paimona stands tall behind him while he looks on with a smile, eager for the show to begin. Now this was life.

2010-07-02, 12:31 PM

Shax looks around for a moment, sizing up each of the dancers. Then she slithers over to the most central stage and climbs on it, pushing off it's current occupant if necessary. After putting herself into a pose that shows off her body, especially her tail, she starts speaking loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen! If you'll your eyes off these second-rate 'performers' you'll have the singular opportunity to see yours truly, the one and only of my kind, enchant you with the most beautiful voice you have ever heard. And to make this experience even more exceptional," she motions for Selinda to enter the stage, "the most striking creature in the entire multiverse will show you what a truly mind-blowing striptease is supposed to look like."

Without further ado Shax starts her performance, opting for an old Nymph ballad in Sylvan, which tells about the many and varied sexual excesses of the Dryads, Nymphs, Satyrs, and the other old forest creatures. Although the text is rather vulgar, the ethereal sound of the tune and the various abstract flourishes by Shax make the whole ballad sound like a true masterpiece of art.

Okay, how are my chances to actually roll high here... Using Improvise spell before starting performance:

2010-07-02, 01:12 PM
The crystalline creature you pushed off looks thoroughly angered but succumbs to the paralysis spell of one mage who seems to take an immediate shine to Shax.

2010-07-02, 05:49 PM

Selinda takes a moment to arrange her dancing silks exactly right and then takes to the stage.
I call this dance, the Dance of the Tarrasque's Egg. I hope you like it.
Her dance starts off slow and sensous, her silks only fluttering around her lightly. As the music builds, her speed increases, her silks now billowing, giving the most teasing glances of bare skin. One by one, the silks come off as the speed increases, flying into the crowd or littering the stage, but true to her skill as a strip tease artist, while the glimpses become more frequent and prolonged, no one seems to get the full show.
Finally, the last of the silks comes off and the full beauty of Selinda shines through. Her dance transforms back to its slow, sensous style, Selinda seems to be able to make every patron think she is dancing for him or her alone, yet bring everyone into the performance. She makes sure to make eye contact with each person in the audience, each glance seeming to convey athe promise of a world of undreamed of pleasures, just waiting to be sampled.
At its final end, Selinda drapes herself across the stage, her back arched almost impossibly high, staring off at the ceiling.

[roll0] Perform: Dance

2010-07-02, 05:56 PM
Selinda's performance is met first with stunned silence, then rapturous applause, even from the other performers. The assorted goodies flung at you include 1000pp, 2000gp, an amulet, a bracelet, a ring and a staff. There are also a dozen scrolls, as well as innumerable "business cards" and assorted other crap.

A team of 9 huge Bugbears step out of the shadows (literally) and those who were looking like they might lose their composure instinctively step back, apparently the bouncers have a reputation.

2010-07-02, 06:06 PM
Selinda stands and basks in the applause, blowing kisses to the audience. She gestures to Shax and calls her up on the stage
A hand for my musician as well
and continues to blow kisses and bask in the applause. Once things quiet down, she will collect her "earnings" and move off stage with Shax, selecting a table that is currently empty but in view of all, seeig what visitors her performance might bring to her.

2010-07-03, 07:43 AM

Shax makes several curtsy-like motions and then begs the room to be silent.

"Since I doubt you'll be able to concentrate on a long speech right now, I'll make it short. We're looking for an egg of the fabled Tarrasque. Any useful information will be compensated with a special private show," Shax tries her very best sultry gaze (though she doesn't quite manage to suppress a definite sarcastic undertone) and gives Selinda a very explicit come-hither look. Then she grips her scythe and closes in on her with several artistic swings, stopping right before her throat, and glaring threateningly at the audience. "Anything else will be met with a slow and painful death."

Then, as if nothing has happened, she joins Selinda at the table.
"I should have said it vice versa. Now I'd rather have some wrong information..."

2010-07-03, 06:48 PM

Paimon joins the crowds celebration with a vivid clap and a smile. Nodding his head, he stands and moves to join Selinda and Shax. "Come..." Paimona follows.

It had been quite a performance, part of it had never seen anything like it, and part of him had seen plenty, but never quite like this. However, what he felt had been very subtle, and past experience told him that he should have felt the burning, maddening rush that the rest of the audience had enjoyed. To think that so much of it depended on... chemistry... was rather disappointing.

He sighs, Axan's toy was far from perfect. "Very nicely done. I performance that I doubt will be matched until you take the stage again." He doesn't take a seat, simply standing a distance behind they celebrities and listening to the negotiations.

2010-07-06, 04:32 AM
Shax's worryingly twirling scythe and a complimentary Bugbear guard keeps the oglers away, though you do catch the occasional dirty look from the other performers; apparently you're a tough act to follow.

After a few drinks though an elderly Gnome does step forward. "Were you serious about the egg? Because I might know where to find one."

2010-07-06, 09:02 AM

Selinda immediately moves into the seat occupied by the gnome, half perching herself in his lap.

We certainly are serious about the egg, honey. Why dont you tell us all about it.

2010-07-06, 10:04 AM

With a smirk across his face, Paimon simply shrugs, "Our lady knows what she wants." Afterwords resuming his amused, cross armed, stance.

2010-07-06, 10:44 AM

"I'm also serious about the rest I said, so think twice before you say anything. Doesn't look like you've got anything to gain here, anyway", she adds scathingly.

2010-07-12, 04:23 AM
"Well, besides the...lovely company I do have a slightly ulterior motive. You see my speciality is in air magic, but I can't summon at all. I was hoping this most talented woman could bring me a Vrock to study.

The Mage is obviously nervous, his hands are shaking an he seems to be working very hard on not sweating profusely.

2010-07-12, 07:07 AM

A vrock? Why would you want one of those disgusting things? All nasty and smelly, and those rotten spores they spew? Ewww.
Selinda takes a moment to nibble on his ear, and then kisses it playfully.
But if youre really serious, I suppose I could try to summon one up. What would I get in return for this service?
Selinda snuggles closer to him as she asks.

2010-07-12, 09:17 AM

In the background Shax imitates throwing up.

"I think this is already disgusting enough without any additional help."

2010-07-12, 11:57 AM
His eyes bulge at the Succubus' actions, but seeing Shax keeps him sane.

"Well...I know the co-ordinates to where the Tarrasque was last beaten and sunk back into the Earth, and...and all sources agree that that is where it reverts into an egg to be reborn. That's why it's always hungry, every time it comes out it's a newborn."

2010-07-12, 01:40 PM
Do you have a way to control or bind the Vrock I summon, honey? Because Vrocks are very stupid and stubborn and hate being summoned. Just because I can summon one doesnt mean I can control it, I have to bargain and make deals with them to get them to co-operate.
Selinda kisses the mage again
I think we can come to an agreement here, I'll summon the Vrock for you, if you give us the last known location of the Tarrasque. But you'll have to bind the demon, because it sure wont want to be studied
Selinda gives the mage a wink
I'll even throw in a free night with me if you can identify these little trinkets our performance earned us
*showing him the amulet, bracelet, ring, staff*

2010-07-12, 02:07 PM

"This one of the moments when I wished someone had cast a deafness spell upon me. I bet there are a lot of way more handsome mages out there who would give about anything to identify your equipment. Let's find one of those before we leave. Pretty please?"

2010-07-12, 02:11 PM
"I can bind it, don't worry about that. And as much as I would love to take you up on your offer, believe me, the snake lady scares the hell out of me, so I won't."

2010-07-12, 02:15 PM

Selinda looks at Shax for a moment, with annoyance written all over her face. She "speaks" to her, telepathically.
If some other, more handsome mage would step up to the plate, I would be glad to take him instead, but I have to play with the hand Im dealt, dont I?

She turns back to the gnome mage.
We have a deal then. And about the second part, it would just be with me, if she scares you too much.

2010-07-12, 02:22 PM

Paimon looks over the seen with an incredulous look. "To decline such an offer out of fear..." He simply shakes his head. "The gift of flesh is wasted on some."

2010-07-12, 03:07 PM

"I promised a private show for the information. You were the one who added the rest."

Shax shudders at the thought, before she adds under her breath:

"Luckily I don't sleep, or I would have nightmares for a week..."

Turning to the gnome she grins evilly.

"Just don't kiss him, I wouldn't want him to already be dead if the coordinates turn out to be false."

2010-07-12, 07:02 PM

Selinda fixes Shax with one more angry glare, then turns back to the mage, ignoring the woman for now.
So when will you be ready to bind the demon? And where do you want to do it? Given what goes on here, we probably wouldnt be out of place with a summoning, but you probably want a bit more privacy than that?
And are you sure you dont want a night with me as reward for identifying the items?

2010-07-13, 02:11 AM

At Selinda's last glare Shax's expression changes from gleeful to one of genuine interest, but she remains silent for now.

2010-07-17, 05:44 AM
"Erm, there's a back room which is apparently very private. Can't say I've ever been in there since a performer has to take you through or you get warped to Limbo and Dimension Locked.

And I know a woman who would be very interested in that train of thought if you'd be willing to let her play around with you" he says looking at Paimon.

2010-07-17, 08:00 AM

Well, Im a performer and so is Shax, so we could easily take you there. Paimon should come too, just in case theres some unpleasantness with the vrock. Shall we go?
Selinda stands, offering the mage her hand.

2010-07-17, 02:20 PM

"Well, I haven't received any contract, but lead the way. The worst that'll happen is seeing you go to the Loony Plane."

After emptying her drink, Shax follows the two.

"By the way, who's that woman you're talking about? Sounds like an interesting person."

2010-07-18, 09:37 AM

The mage's comment makes Paimon stutter briefly. He nods at Selinda's plan, but offhandedly "Of course..." his mind is else where.

He turns back to the mage. "That would very much depend on what that woman can do."

2010-07-24, 05:33 AM
You follow the Mage's directions, and though the Bugbears don't look especially keen, they do give Shax & Selinda a simple silver wire necklace with 2 pearls on it each. ((Shax will have to hold Paimon's hand to get him through.))

In side is a large room, assorted orbs freely roaming around the ceiling giving off dim light. There is a 1-man stage on one side of the room and a large red velvet sofa (almost a very long bed) opposite it.