View Full Version : In the Shadows of the Towers

2010-04-30, 05:32 PM
[OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8406867#post8406867]

Zarantyr 10th, 998

An Orion messenger arrives (at whatever place you are staying, you are very much encouraged to specify), a teenage boy, delivering you a sealed letter and hopefully stretching out his hand (it is considered good manners to give an unmarked courier a copper coin in tips, but it is not unusal to not do so).

If you give him a coin:
"Thank you Sir/Madam" The boy bows
"Have a good day Sir/Madam" He says before darting into the streets, accompanied by a courteous smile.

The letter says this:

"My dear friend,

I hope the last few years have been good to you, while the incident with my hand forced me out of service before the war officially ended, I kept an eye on the health of the company and I happily registered that nobody died or sustained critical injury since our last battle, and as I was able to track you down to the city, I must assume that you stayed true to my last order: "don't get yourself killed or something". As you may know, I opened up a tavern in Cliffside, "The Roaring Bear". Spike works here as a bouncer also, you do remember sergeant Spike, no? He still doesn't talk very much, and I had to insist to get him to accept being payed for the job. I would very much like to invite you for dinner today, at sunset, on the house of course, for old times sake, but I do have a job I need done and as I understand, earning some coin is not something you would be opposed to. I have invited a few others as well, I hope to see you there.

Yours Truly, Naan Forgath"

Upper Dura is, unlike the other upper wards of Sharn, not a place for the rich, there are beggars here, and while the slums are far below, there's a distinct feel of bleakness that stands in stark contrast to the otherwise bright sky that actually can be seen this high up in the city, as well as the relatively new construction and well maintained streets. Dreamlily dens and other shady businesses exists almost openly with subtle advertisement in alleyways, perhaps more fashionable and exclusive than their counterparts in the seedier districts below, but clear evidence of the corruptness of the guard detachment in the ward. Clifftop, housing the more reputable of Sharn's two adventurer's guilds has all sorts of businesses vying for the coin of explorers, treasure hunters, swords for hire and their ilk, while Sharn might be dubbed a melting pot, this district is even more so.

"The Roaring Bear" is nested into one of the outlying towers, so high up that it fills the space between the outer walls, the form of a star-shaped octagram, it covers two floors, 90 feet between the walls of the squares. The entrance sits in the northwest corner, the tavern has a rustic interior, mostly light colors. At the middle of the room stands the bar, about half of the seats on the first floor is taken, the stage on the western wall is empty. As you enter, the imposing shape of Spike catches your attention, "Hi" he says, with the same expression on his face that he had when you last saw him, nor does he seem any more talkative, he merely waves one of the serving girls over. "Mr/Ms [your name here], I presume?"

The girl can hardly be more than 15, yet strikingly familiar, you would guess that she would be the daughter of Lt. Dembar, she fell at Kennrun, it would be very much like Sir Forgath to take care of her children. "I'm Margareth, pleased to meet you, we have a private room reserved upstairs, Sir Forgath will be delayed, but he shall join you in time for dinner." She leads you up the stairs, the floor here forms a sort of gallery that should allow music from below to be clearly heard, no guests are in sight. "May I get you anything?" Margareth asks as she opens the door to a secluded room on the northern side, where a table has been prepared.

2010-04-30, 07:47 PM
Curious. How had Naan- or the messenger boy- found him here? It wasn't as though he was advertising his location. Just a small, cramped Middle City apartment, generously provided by a colleague out of town on research. Nothing to tie it to him. Unless the colleague had told someone else of the "house-sitting" or Kell had had one too many drinks or.... No matter. It wasn't as though Naan was someone looking to put a knife in his guts. And even if he was, Belven was sure it would be worth it to see him again.

Belven gave a silver piece to the boy. It isn't easy to navigate Sharn or to find Belven, doing so at a young age was certainly worth a little more than the standard rate. The boy smiled and gave a thankful goodbye.

Belven closed the door to his colleague's residence. "Kell!" he yelled while reading the note. The dragonmarked rogue groggily climbed off of a couch in the opening room. "Yeah?"

"I'll be going to Dura tonight. You mind the place."
"Running a scam up Clifftop-way?"
"No, no scam. Meeting with a... war buddy."
"Hard t'imagine you in the war."
"I know. I know."

Belven had removed all of the lights from the room he had claimed. No reason for them and the darkness gave him some comfort. He read the note over and over again. Did Naan know of his court-martial? How couldn't he? Should he hide his symbionts? Display them? This was... different than with University Professors or low-town drunks... it mattered what Naan thought of him.

He pulled out his old officer's uniform. Worn proudly during the War, worn in jest afterwards... to be worn proudly tonight. He looked down at the skittering claw where his scarab symbiont was attached... and willed the little beast to move itself further up his arm, where it could be hidden up his sleeve. It begrudgingly followed the order.

As he took off his shirt, the breed leech poked itself over his shoulder almost to stare at him. The three slimy mandibles that made up its mouth opened up, almost in protest. He willed it to slide further down his body, finding its place somewhere around his gut. He heard curses in Undercommon from the little thing.

And finally, he came to the mirror. How different he looked from the sallow-cheeked noble officer Naan would remember. But even then, he had used spells and enchantments to alter his appearance. Just as his parents had taught him to do. He looked... unnaturally pale and his face had a slight nervous tic to it. That could be covered up with just the right spell. He just had to remember how he looked....

He finally exited his room, dressed in his old officer's outfit with the symbionts willed to conceal themselves. "How do I look Kell?"

"Like a right honorable veteran who could cheat your chair out from under you."



Belven liked Upper Dura. All of the seediness of the Lower Wards, with the air of sophistication about the Uppers. Purses were bigger here too.

He ducked into an alley before coming to the Roaring Bear and with the right mutterings and gestures, cast disguise self. A few crinkles here and there, from smiling too much, a slightly healthier skin-tone, a lessening of the bulge where his breed leech lay on his stomach, a smoothing of his right sleeve where the scarab was.... and he hoped that would be enough.

Disguise check- to hide symbionts and make facial features a little more handsome. Cast Disguise Self from 1st level slot. Duration 50 minutes.


And finally, Belven enters the Roaring Bear tavern. Sergeant Spike, no more talkative than usual, waves over a serving girl. While in the army, he'd liked the man's silence. In his current line of work it'd be an annoyance.

The serving girl, who looked somewhat familiar, asked what he'd like. "Unity wine, if you have it."

And so he waited for his drink, Sir Naan and the others to show up.

Frozen Messiah
2010-04-30, 08:30 PM
"How interesting,” Turverash says to himself as he strokes his chin in thought after giving the boy a copper, "Knight Major Frogarth is holding a dinner and I am invited. Odd I was not part of his unit." Turerash walks back into his apartment and sits down and records the event in his notebook. After completing that he goes about getting ready for the dinner. He washes and shaves and while leaving he grabs his long navy blue coat and an apple which he puts into his pocket.

He gets to "The Roaring Bear" slightly early and was pleased about the opportunity to walk about a bit in Upper Dura. It was pleasant for him since he did not look like an upper class he was able to walk without many beggars bothering him because there were targets with larger coin purses to pursue. He walked a large circle that would bring him back to "The Roaring Bear". {Why does he want to speak to me? and How does he know me? Did he go through the military archives just to find my name, or someone else’s name that was in Cyre as spy? How did he know where to find me? There are many questions that need to ask. Remember stay calm, you ask the questions and he gives the answers.} Turverash thought to himself as he walked.

Turverash got into the tavern just after a man in a military uniform. Once he walked in he was greeted by the man presumed to be Spike. He showed Turverash to a hall. As he walked in to the hall he saw the man in the uniform. "I would assume that you are here for the same reason that I am here you have gotten an invitation from Knight Major Frogarth. You would not know me I am Turverash, I was in the Brelish forces but not your unit." Turverash says to the man there putting out his hand so he may take it.

would we have to make a save against believing the disguise self spell?
{}= thinking, just for future notice

2010-04-30, 08:40 PM
You need to interact with the illusion, as in touching it to have a chance to notice that it feels different than it looks, to even get a save

2010-05-01, 12:19 AM
A boy, they had sent a boy to deliver something. One of these "messengers" that were all the rage in Sharn. How the boy had made his way into Dorian's rented room in Firelight, the man could not begin to guess. Months he'd been in Sharn, and except for Savia's (the establishment he was in at the moment), he had not stayed in one place most of that time.

Dorian stood and lazily fetched a robe from a nearby chair before electing to take the letter from the messenger. The gnome and halfling were still asleep, though the Valenar elf seemed to have collected her things and gone. The nights events seeped back to Dorian in patches, hiring the Valenar, playing a few rounds at Lucky Nines, taking his companion to The Burning Ring in the early hours and then purchasing some dreamlily . . . where the small ones fit into the picture he was unsure.

Dorian broke the seal on the letter and read, muttering words like . . . Lies you bloodly *******, you never liked me . . . Oh, you need something eh, well the food better be good.

He looked at the messenger, still waiting for his tip, palm outstretched, and glared at him.

"You want a tip? Something to reward your hard work? Fine. Here it is: Nothing comes from hard work boy, you find yourself dead long before everyone else does. The realization is what makes us turn from boys to men, a grim and secret transmutation indeed."

Dorian goes back to find his purse, and pulls ten gold coins from among the letters of credit.

"This establishment costs one and two coppers a girl. Once you become bored with this money, spend the rest on the other pleasures of Firelight. Time to become a man. If you spend a copper on food or medicine for your silver-haired mother, I will find you."


After a short stop off at his apartment, Dorian headed for Upper Dura, soon coming to the Roaring Bear. Spike's greeting is met with a wispy laugh, Dorian's voice long since moth-ridden.

The daughter of Lt. Dembar looks every bit the woman her mother did, and Dorian couldn't help chuckling at himself when she asked if there was "anything" she could get for him.

"Well Maggie, since you ask, I'll have something flammable and sweet, at least half a dozen small glasses of it."

Dorian noted the two men already in the room, a kalashtar and an officer. Kalashtar didn't fight in the War, bunch of cowards, worse than the concies. That this one had made an exception was not impressive, only strange. And an officer, oh how Dorian "loved" Brelish officers. So proud and smug that they got the most out of the War, like sickly ants clinging to a once proud carcass.

Dorian sat down and swung his filth-caked boots up onto the table.

"You are both weirdos. What are we here for again?"

2010-05-01, 12:28 PM
Maria Carmella was sitting at her desk in the office of the Factor of Carmella, poring over various reports and notes whose importance ranged from utterly trivial to mildly interesting. It was a slow weak, at least for things that directly related to her country. She sighed and was about to pick up the next unimportant memo when her assistant entered the room. He was an older man, but his bearing and his musculature betrayed his formal military training and abilities. The amazing thing was that he was as good an assistant and Factor as he had been a soldier. He could probably run this entire thing himself ... but then, she wouldn't be learning anything, would she? And that would never do ...

"What is it, Captain?" she said, pleasantly.

"There's a messenger outside for you. A teenage boy, an Orion unless I miss my guess. Should I show him in, or just take the message myself" Captain Jarvis replied.

Maria thought for an instant. "Send him in, " she said. "I know that they always like to deliver their messages personally, and it'll distract me from these reports, if only for a little while."

Only a light twinkle in Jarvis' eye betrayed his amusement as he stepped out of the room. It was only an instant later that he returned, with a teenage boy in hand. The boy handed her the message, and stood there with his hand outstretched. However, Maria took the time to open and read the message, and then said to the boy, "Thank you. Captain Jarvis, could you make certain that the boy receives something for his trouble?"

"Certainly, " Jarvis replied, leading the boy out of the room.

Maria turned her attention to the note. She smiled at the note hinting that payment would bring her running; Naan Forgath had never really understood her position and why she was in that conflict in the first place. But, that aside, he had been a good commanding officer, and an honourable one as well, and if he needed her to do a job she owed it to him to at least hear him out.

Telling Captain Jarvis that she would be going out, she headed home to change. Her regular, day-to-day attire was a beautiful yet practical longer dress that wasn't all that special. She was going to need something else for a meeting such as this. Breaking out the really good dresses didn't seem to make sense; she was going to be dining with at least one soldier, who hadn't stood on formality. So that left the outfits that she used when doing adventuring. But she still wanted to look impressive, and as it turned out she had just received a lovely travelling outfit made of Glamerweave. She'd decided to buy it for just such occasions, but hadn't expected to need it so soon.

She dressed in the outfit, which had a white blouse over black pants, with black boots. It went well with her somewhat paler skin and firey red hair. Even she had to admit that it looked impressive. She dug her old officer's badge out and quickly had it attached to the outfit, knowing that it wouldn't fail to impress her old commanding officer. She also took her rapier, but left her armour at home. She wanted to impress, but didn't expect to be getting into any major combat.

When she arrived, she noted with a smile that Spike had not changed one bit; he was still as taciturn as ever. She found it mildly comforting that there was at least one constant in life. She noted the serving girl and her heritage with some interest, but didn't remark on it. "A glass of wine would be nice, thank you, " she replied, and went into the room.

Three other ... gentlemen, were in the room when she arrived. One of them had just swung his boots up on the table and called the others a name, and demanded to know what they were all doing there. Striding imperiously into the room, she stated, "I don't know what WE'RE here for, but you clearly are here to act like a brute and get totally drunk. Since when did good manners go out of style?"

OOC - Not sure how this will work here, as I'm not well-versed in this system, but I'll make an Intimidate check here: [roll0]

Without even waiting for the man's reply, she turned to the others and said, "Good evening, gentlemen,"

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-01, 12:59 PM
Turverash retracts his hand before the man in full uniform could take it due to his attention being pulled towards a man that had walked in and had addressed both him and the other man as "weirdos". Turverash was of the idea that ignoring him would be better than saying anything but a young red-haired woman came in with the opposite in mind.

Three other ... gentlemen, were in the room when she arrived. One of them had just swung his boots up on the table and called the others a name, and demanded to know what they were all doing there. Striding imperiously into the room, she stated, "I don't know what WE'RE here for, but you clearly are here to act like a brute and get totally drunk. Since when did good manners go out of style?"

Without even waiting for the man's reply, she turned to the others and said, "Good evening, gentlemen,"

"Good evening to you also madam. Now may I ask, why do you react so harshly to this man? He did not insult you and I am not offended by his ignorance, so there is no reason to protect me. I thank you for the effort though." Turverash says with a small smile on his face truly hiding his thoughts. {she reacts far to quickly, she must have gotten to her title by some other means rather than through service. What of the brute? What he ordered from the girl and how he entered means either he feels he has nothing to prove or everything. How interesting this night will be.} Turverash thinks to himself as he watches the woman and the man begin what will most likely be the beginning of many arguments to come.

2010-05-01, 01:21 PM
"Proper respect is something that should be shown in circumstances such as these," Maria replied coldly. "Normally, I allow the uncouth to be uncouth, but this was far too flagrant and far too disrespectful to an honourable host to be tolerated."

"But you need not worry about my defending you; it was the honour of this poor, defensless table that I was defending." she continued with a glint of humour in her eye and a slight smile on her face.

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-01, 03:46 PM
"Proper respect is something that should be shown in circumstances such as these," Maria replied coldly. "Normally, I allow the uncouth to be uncouth, but this was far too flagrant and far too disrespectful to an honourable host to be tolerated."

"But you need not worry about my defending you; it was the honour of this poor, defensless table that I was defending." she continued with a glint of humour in her eye and a slight smile on her face.

"Ah, you have wit to match beauty. Now then may ask the name of the champion of furniture that I speak to?" Turverash says with a smile back to the lady attempting to maneuver her away from the impending argument and maybe gain an ally among this group. {For having worked together in the Brelish forces they seem to be strangely at each others necks, this is strange. Could something have happened between them that caused them to dislike each other?} Turverash thinks to himself as he speaks to the woman.

2010-05-01, 04:11 PM
Soon after Maria's arrival, Margareth appears steering a soarwood tray through the air, glasses of wine for those requesting that, a small glass with a clear liquid for Dorian. She puts a Pitcher with beer and a bottle of wine on the table, as well as a few additional drinkware. "I did not get an order from you, so help yourself" she says to Turverash.

2010-05-01, 05:38 PM
A Kalashtar... beautiful. Belven hated them- professionally speaking. They could be nice enough people, but they liked to bring their art of the mind into places it shouldn't wander- such as Belven's mind.... he remembered a little Kalashtar girl fainting at a University gala after trying that.

"I'm Belven, Belven-" he said softly before a man whose looks screamed "MARK" brought his boots up on the table and the Kalashtar withdrew his hand to stare at the brute.

It was tough, being out of his element. This wasn't some scam, this wasn't some University archive, this was a social event that he actually cared about. He didn't know these people, but he knew that Naan did- and he didn't want to appear the way he did at his normal functions.

Belven quietly watched as a pretty woman wearing glamerweave came in and- believe it or not- threatened the dumb brute. Her looks were exotic- did they betray some Changeling or perhaps, sorcery in her blood? No matter. He wasn't here for a woman and besides, unless she drank quite a bit or he wove his magic just right, she wouldn't be bedding him. Any one with any sense about them could notice a breed leech squirming on his gut- and not many women seemed to tolerate that revelation.

He tried to count the time his disguise self had been active [OOC: I would like to know the approximate duration left, so it can be accurately refreshed]

The Kalashtar and the woman wearing glamerweave spoke, for a second, in a playful back and forth at the brute's expense. Then the serving girl came by with wine and beer, and Belven finally spoke up.

"Now, we're all here for Naan, correct? I think we can take our unkind words elsewhere and wait for our host, if that is all we have for each other." He lifted up the pitcher of wine. "Now, who would like some Unity Wine? Its an invigorating vintage, woven with the magics of the Khoravar. Just the thing to lift spirits at a meeting of strangers such as this. Can you drink, Turverash, is it? I understand your people follow some restrictions on the matter. If not, I'd suggest an exception be made in this case.

"I'm Belven, by the way, Belven Martein" he said, after pouring himself a glass of the wine. He drained it back quickly, feeling cheerier as soon as it hit his throat. "I served with Naan in the War. How did all of you meet our host?"

2010-05-01, 05:55 PM
[Depends mostly on how you went there, by foot it would take you 55 minutes (bonus for good enough knowledge(local) applied), by aerial transport it would be 25 minutes, assuming the duration is 60 mins, you'd either have 5 or 35 mins left when you stepped through the door]

2010-05-01, 07:06 PM
OOC- Level check [roll0]

Dorian quickly removed his boots from the table at the command of an officer of substance. The woman was, to put it bluntly, quite stunning and commanded a certain aura about her. He would have to see how far that went. His feet now lowered, he took time to brush the remaining mud and dirt off the table before retrieving a yellow ribbon from his breast pocket on his greatcoat. Tying his grayed and splintered hair back with the ribbon, he retrieved a tindertwig box from his waistpocket and lit the small clear drink, dropping a few small black-brown seeds/beans into the drink glass. He allowed the burning mixture to sit for a moment before blowing out the corona of flames and scoffing the whole glass.

Idle chit-chat not withstanding, no one was saying anything important, and so Dorian coughed loudly and wiped his mouth with his hand.

"I'd prefer if you both would include me in any conversations regarding myself when I am present. You speak of poor manners but we seem to be even as I see it."

He saluted to the officer with the hand holding the glass.

"Ma'am. I don't believe we've been properly introduced, though I remember you from the War. You're remarkable mainly due to the fact I haven't . . . ."

He remembered her severity a moment prior, and stifled himself. He turned to Belven.

"I met good old Naan twice in my life, once during the push at Kerrnan, and once before in Cyre. The Cyre incident not withstanding, I found him an agreeable if prudish man."

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-01, 08:45 PM
"Now, we're all here for Naan, correct? I think we can take our unkind words elsewhere and wait for our host, if that is all we have for each other." He lifted up the pitcher of wine. "Now, who would like some Unity Wine? Its an invigorating vintage, woven with the magics of the Khoravar. Just the thing to lift spirits at a meeting of strangers such as this. Can you drink, Turverash, is it? I understand your people follow some restrictions on the matter. If not, I'd suggest an exception be made in this case.

"You are very knowledgeable Belven. Yes and no, my kin do not partake in vices that leave them vulnerable but one drink should do nothing and I would not like to refuse an offering of such a fine vintage from someone." Turverash said as he poured himself a glass and sipped at it slowly, closed his eyes so that he could taste every nuance of it's flavor and magic as he drank. "Belven later in the night we must speak of our schooling and our areas of expertise, but that can wait, oh and the wine is very good." Turverash continues while he attempted to understand exactly how much he knew.

When the brutish fellow reacted positively towards the woman he then felt that it would be appropriate to speak with him. "Well, now that you are in a better mood to partake in conversation than I would be glad to provide that courtesy to you." Turverash says with a slight hint of condescension in his voice and a small smile. After he finishes speaking to him he takes another sip of his wine and then spoke to the group about how he came into the picture.

"As far as I have known I have never met Knight Major Frogarth, I was actually not even near the front lines while the war raged. I was gathering intelligence for the Brelish army in Cyre, why I was chosen I cannot begin to ponder but all that I know was that I was invited here and so here I stand." Turverash said as he looked over everyone’s faces to attempt to catch something in their reactions.

2010-05-02, 07:06 AM
Belven waited as Turverash and Dorian spoke their peace. He found Turverash a more immediate interest. You were in Cyre? I find that.... hard to believe. I stood not far from the border and watched the... Mourning approach." Belven brought a hand down to his stomach, where the breed leech was squirming at the memory of its predecessor. "I can still remember that sinking feeling in my gut," he said and gave a laugh. "We really must talk later, Turverash, especially if your story is true."

Give no clue that there is more than your speech and he'll have no reason to try and peer deeper. Unsettling to have to play cat-and-mouse with a Kalashtar, especially one that seems sincere. Wouldn't want him to get the shock of peering into the mingling of Xoriat that ran through Belven's mind.

He turned towards Dorian, who seemed to be waiting for a response."And you were at Kennrun as well, Dorian? That was my first- and last- taste of real combat. Command had me sitting behind a desk most of my time in the War. Naan was the one who recommended me for the infiltration squadron. Of course, he was the one who had me at a desk for all the time before." Belven shifted uncomfortably after saying all of that. Perhaps he was being a bit too open with these people, especially as Dorian looked the sort who would scoff at anyone who hadn't been fighting for every inch of retreat and advance. But, these were friends or interests of Naan... and Naan wanted all of them here for some purpose. So perhaps he could trust them... if at least with things of the long-gone past.

And then he gave a glance to the woman who still stood at the table."And uh, Miss? I don't believe you shared your name- or your connection with Sir Naan."

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-02, 08:13 AM
Belven waited as Turverash and Dorian spoke their peace. He found Turverash a more immediate interest. You were in Cyre? I find that.... hard to believe. I stood not far from the border and watched the... Mourning approach." Belven brought a hand down to his stomach, where the breed leech was squirming at the memory of its predecessor. "I can still remember that sinking feeling in my gut," he said and gave a laugh. "We really must talk later, Turverash, especially if your story is true."

"Oh, I apologize I was not entirely clear on that. Bureaucracy saved me from being swallowed into the mists because I was given a letter a week before for me to come back to Breland because I was given a new position in the army. I was saved but I cannot say if the same happened to my allies behind the lines." Turverash says calmly after he took a sip of his wine and then took a seat at the table and turned it so that when he sat in it he would still be able to face the conversation.

2010-05-02, 09:01 AM
The sweet drink trickled warmly through Dorian's digestion, and he cracked his knuckles and arm joints before turning to Belven. His humour was once again becoming more balanced after his previous night.

"Both you and Turverash were victims of bureaucracy, the dirty scoundrels (present company not withstanding, ma'am), and for that I must say I feel sorry for you. I was chest deep in gore at Kerrnan, using thje bodies of my friends and enemies alike as brick and mortar for cover. That was what I'm best at. I take it you and Turverash were both put to your best uses as well. Not every heel can be in the trenches, for not every enemy is there. And I think we all have been unpleasantly used by the bureaucracy in our lives."

2010-05-02, 10:34 AM
Maria noted the soldier's quick reaction to her order with a bit of pleasure; it seemed that he hadn't forgotten all the discipline he would have needed to have to be part of the army. Since they were all here, she expected that if they took Naan up on his offer they'd all be working together, and it was nice to get a sense of how the others might react.

"Bureaucracy, like most things in life, is a double-edged sword. There are times when it can be useful, such as in saving our friend's life, " she pointed her glass at Tuverash, "But too often it puts those lives in position to be killed. It's when the rules are followed for the sake of following the rules that bureaucracy breaks down.

"But I don't mean to lecture. And since the question has come up a few times and yet the conversation has flowed right past it, my name is Maria Carmella, and I, like almost all of you, it seems, served with Naan Forgrath in the war."

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-02, 12:55 PM
"Both you and Turverash were victims of bureaucracy, the dirty scoundrels (present company not withstanding, ma'am), and for that I must say I feel sorry for you. I was chest deep in gore at Kerrnan, using thje bodies of my friends and enemies alike as brick and mortar for cover. That was what I'm best at. I take it you and Turverash were both put to your best uses as well. Not every heel can be in the trenches, for not every enemy is there. And I think we all have been unpleasantly used by the bureaucracy in our lives."

"Indeed I was and so was my study of the mind a Korranburge University. I was put to the job of interrogation of the prisoners of the war. I seemed to take to it quite well, although I was not fond of the more physical aspects of the interrogation they were necessary at times." Tureverash says glad that everyone was becoming settled.

He was again pleasantly surprised by the intelligence that was displayed by the soldier. {He may prove to be far more interesting than what I had first thought he would, this night just keeps getting more and more interesting.} Turverash thought to himself as he took another sip of his wine.

2010-05-02, 04:03 PM
The door opens, and in strides the tall figure of Sir Forgath, his right hand is the first thing to catch attention, it looks very much like a warforged hand attached to the arm, one of House Cannith's inventions. Dressed in practical clothing, tailored to look well on him, his proud gait of confidence in no way being diminished since the end of the war. His hair has, however, receded over the temples and his then raven black hair is now mostly gray, his blue eyes have perhaps an even more deep hue to them now. The respect this man commands by his mere presence has perhaps only grown stronger.

"Ah! Good to see you all, I trust that you have made yourself comfortable? I suppose though, that first I must introduce myself properly to the one person here I have not really met before" His hand is outstretched to Turverash "Naan Forgath, but I insist that you drop such "Sir Forgath" nonsense that many stick to, many who deserved it was granted no titles, while some that did not still received one, Naan should suffice.As he sits down, Margareth and the other serving girl enters with trays, setting the table and placing two large plates containing various foodstuff in front of you. "Appetizers" Sir Forgath begins"Cheese from Karrnath, Thrane style vegetable skewers, pastry from Aundair, and some local chicken and fish and other mouthfuls, as for the main course, on the menu today we have beef boranel, spiced pork, with our chef's secret mixture and what I'll be having, trout that I caught up in the river this morning. So what will it be?

Allowing Margareth time to take orders, he helps himself to some cheese and vegetables, while his artifical hand seems to function like a normal one, it moves a bit slowly, as if it takes extra time to react to mental commands.

I do not wish to soil this meal with business talk, so for now I'd like to know what you've been up to these last four years

2010-05-02, 04:44 PM
"Here and there. Last year I took a boat as far as Stormreach, but there was some trouble with my letter of marque."

2010-05-02, 04:49 PM
"That was short, you wouldn't be able to elaborate more, would you?

2010-05-02, 04:59 PM
"That was short, you wouldn't be able to elaborate more, would you?

"Well you see, the man I bought it from told me it was genuine, but it turned out to be a forgery, and a rather poor one at that. I was charged a hefty fine when I returned home."

2010-05-02, 05:47 PM
Belven felt his nerves shoot up when Naan walked into the room. He could almost feel that he was approaching as the others had talked on bureaucracy. He had his own opinions on bureaucracy, in ways the others wouldn't understand. Well, maybe Dorian could understand his sentiments.

He brought his wine glass up to his mouth to conceal the muttering and waved his hands under the table to refresh his disguise self spell (Conceal Spellcasting skill trick, OOC: [roll0]) He gave a smile as Naan sat down at the table and began barking out his food orders.

How to respond to his questions about life after the war? Perhaps it would be best to wait for him to address Belven directly.

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-03, 07:08 PM
"Ah! Good to see you all, I trust that you have made yourself comfortable? I suppose though, that first I must introduce myself properly to the one person here I have not really met before" His hand is outstretched to Turverash "Naan Forgath, but I insist that you drop such "Sir Forgath" nonsense that many stick to, many who deserved it was granted no titles, while some that did not still received one, Naan should suffice.As he sits down, Margareth and the other serving girl enters with trays, setting the table and placing two large plates containing various foodstuff in front of you. "Appetizers" Sir Forgath begins"Cheese from Karrnath, Thrane style vegetable skewers, pastry from Aundair, and some local chicken and fish and other mouthfuls, as for the main course, on the menu today we have beef boranel, spiced pork, with our chef's secret mixture and what I'll be having, trout that I caught up in the river this morning. So what will it be?

"I am both honored and pleased to make you acquaintance, Naan. You speak true and wise words; it is indeed true that the true heroes go unknown where as those who were merely present at the event gain glory. The true definition of a hero would be someone who does the deed and accepts no title, these people are few and far between." Turverash says as he accepts the gesture. After he has been introduced to Naan Frogarth he takes his seat only after Naan has done so.

"I prefer not to partake of meat, I mean no insult with that but I will only partake of the vegetable skewers, cheese and pastry for this meal." Turverash says as he pulls out the apple from his pocket and begins to eat it as he finishes what he had to say. "As for my actions of the past four years they have been used working for the guards of Sharn to gain information form criminals who prove to be...uncooperative. i have also taken this time to study the mind, mostly in the area of thoughts and fears. Both of these intermingle quite nicely, I can study the minds of criminals and I can also test different theories, an interesting theory that i have developed over the past year is the nature that fear is felt equally by all races and variety of people meaning that there must be something that is universally feared, isn't that intriguing?" Turverash says finishing by taking a large bite out of his apple.

2010-05-03, 08:22 PM
Dorian tucks into some beef boranel and karrnathi cheese.

2010-05-04, 08:02 AM
Maria smiled at Naan Forgrath's description of the food choices. "While eating what you've caught with your own skills is appealing, I believe I'll try the pork. I'm always interested in seeing how special a chef's special blend is."

When it came her time to answer Forgrath's questions about the past four years, she commented, "What might be expected: home for a bit to deal with issues there, and now back here to represent Carmella in the lovely city of Sharn."

An observant observer might catch a hint of a cloud on her face when she mentions the issues in her homeland.

2010-05-04, 02:34 PM
Mostly listening to the stories, Naan does take the word as the desert comes in, some sort of pudding, with the sweet taste of strawberries. "No meat or such in this one, Turverash, I can assure you. As it happens, you do actually know me, but mostly through intermediaries and disguises, so it would be more appropriate to say that I know you. Kennrun, or at least the events that transpired shortly afterwards, was essentially the end of the war for everyone here, for me it was the end of military service as well, a soldier that no longer can use his best arm to swing a sword is of little value, I did however receive a nice pension and a grant of land, although I never fancied myself a farmer so I rent it out, I probably should sell it, but that would be to insult the king, I doubt he'd mind, but he's a good ruler so he deserves that. Not that I need the money, happiness is having a roof, a job and good friends.

I came here, bought this tavern from the former owner who was getting too old, with his children either fallen in the war or after other pursuits, I later learned that Margareth's father died in an accident, some kid kicked a pebble off a bridge from above, and even a pebble can get deadly if dropped from high enough. The war took away my chances of starting a family, so I sort of adopted her as my own daughter, her mother was a good woman, those of you that served directly under me remember Anne, right? The girl has talent, good singer, good judge of character, the chef says she'll surpass him in skill in a few years, so I suppose she can get as far as she likes in this city.

A bit of fatherly pride can be seen in his eyes when talking about Margareth.

And then there's Spike, he came here after the treaty of thronehold and the disbanding of much of the armed forces, much to my surprise really. First of all I have to insist on paying him, though I suspect that those money will collect dust in a kundarak vault for decades if not longer. Secondly, he's bored, his body language is difficult to read, but he secretly hopes that one of the clients starts trouble so he can throw them out. Why he doesn't go to the guard, admittedly, he'd be more suitable to join the redcloaks, where he would do what he likes a lot more often. It's no use trying to get an answer on that from him, so he's changed little. Still I have the best bouncer in the city, and considering that there are establishments further down that have ogre's, and according to what I hear, there's one down in Khyber's gate that has a troll, so that is no small accomplishment. Most drunkards doesn't know much about the warforged sergeant that singlehandedly smashed through the gates of fort Kennrun with the force of a battering ram swung by ten men.

With the Dessert being finished, Sir Forgath's voice changes a bit, takes a bit of a darker hue, hinting that he intends to come to the reason of his invite. I like Clifftop, the place gets a good bit of sunlight, and there's not much crime and that sorts of things here, but it's not ridiculously demanding either, the clientelle also tends to have all sorts of stories to tell, and many are fellow veterans of the war, the district largely catering to the adventurer's guild and such, you may be interested in a membership of the guild by the way, the Dragon's Hoard across the street gives a 5% discount to the guild's members, sells a lot of useful magical trinkets, or so I hear.

But while there is not much crime here, the conflict in the lower wards does have it's effect, there was this halfling in here the other day, representing the "honorable house Boromar" that "offered the service" of protection, I told him that Spike was protection enough, though he said he'd be back on the 11th, that would be tommorow of course, right before closing "in case I changed my mind" he promised to "demonstrate the effectiveness of house Boromar". Margareth tells me that the monsters of Daask are pushing the Boromar clan hard, and that they are attempting to raise more money to hit back. Well, I am not particularily fond of Daask, the Boromars generally avoids killing people, but they make their lives miserable nontheless. And while I do have much more money than I need, I'd much rather hire others to make them not want to show up again than give in to their demands.

Spike is formidable, and spends every single hour that we are closed up here sparring with that illusion thing he bought for the money he received for his service in the war, he managed to get it cheap on auction, Cannith had to close down the production line of warforged as you know, and had no further need for it. But even so, and while I can swing a sword in my left arm almost as well as I could with my right, the odds the two of us would face in a fight are far from what I can like. It would be even better if I could put up a show of force that would avoid bloodshed, but I have my doubts on that part. I am willing to pay you 250 gold each for assisting me in this, Spike will take part, of course, I myself is not as good as you, or he, but I shall l certainly be present. So, what say you?

2010-05-05, 12:02 PM
"Ah, yes, that does sound like something that 'honourable House Boromar' would try. If they were more honourable, they might be able to get some support. But it's hard to get behind them -- even in a reasonable cause -- when they stoop to these measures; one always has to wonder how far they'd push it if ever freed from their problems.

I'm going to guess that no last minute negotiation would work? I'd be willing to give it a try, but I do suspect, knowing their reputation, that they'll need to be given a bloody nose first before they'll be willing to be reasonable."

Maria paused in thought for an instant. "Very well. For the sake of our shared history as comrades in arms, I'll be more than glad to assist you in this matter. And I won't hear of being paid for my help; one should never expect to get paid for assisting a comrade in arms, and I personally refuse to accept such payments."

2010-05-06, 05:47 PM
"Money and a chance to beat some criminals into submission? Count me in!"

2010-05-06, 05:57 PM
Noble of you Maria, though I suspect that certain people may not be thrilled about being told "no" and there might be further complications involved. Unlike Spike, you understand the act of declining payment, so I will find some other worthy purpose to allocate funds to if that is your wish.

Last minute negotiations when my position is that the Boromars will not receive a single coin from me will be difficult, but a resolution that does not result in bloodshed would of course be best.

2010-05-07, 08:39 AM
"These men are thugs, to try and rob a man like you, Naan. I would think nothing of helping you end this situation- violently or otherwise." Belven says, biting into a vegetable skewer. His breed leech squirmed at his gut and the throwing scarab clacked its claws inaudibly.

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-09, 01:10 PM
"Well than everyone seems in agreement and since I do work with the guards from time to time what sort of a person would I be not to help you Naan?" Turverash says with a small smile on his face, "Now may I ask, do you wish to deal with this with violence or a more subtle means? I am able to facilitate both if the need be."

2010-05-09, 02:27 PM
If you can solve it peacefully, then that would be best, I have a feeling that it will not be possible to avoid, however.

2010-05-10, 04:33 PM
There is a knock on the door and Margareth enters.

Sir, the owl delivered the message, you wanted to be informed.

Thank you Margareth, but none of that formality nonsene, how many times do I need to tell you to call me Naan?

As many times as it will take to grow tired of it, sir

She smiles and leaves. Sir Forgath shrugs watching after her as she disappears. I must leave you now, I have a meeting scheduled with someone that you do not keep waiting. You are free to use this room for planning and more catching up on old times, I must thank you all, once again, for your support in this, I can expect that you will be present in this room, ready for anything, at midnight tommorow?

2010-05-12, 07:41 PM
"Well if you guys need me, I'll be drinking myself into a stupor."

Dorian goes to drink and shine his weapons/armour.

Frozen Messiah
2010-05-12, 08:37 PM
"Well than, we will get you if we have need of you." Turverash says absent mindedly as he then begins to move towards the door. "I have need of rest baqck at my residence,, I shal be back here an hour before the supposed time that the arrival will happen, I bid you all a good evening." Turverash says as he steps outside of the door."

Turverash puts his hands in the pockets of his coat and walks. He thinks about all of the people he met, their speech patterns, their reactions, and their relations with Naan. As he walks he moves his mind over to the more pressing matter of how to deal with the thugs that will be appearing at Naan's tavern. he decides that he should attempt to infiltrate their minds to allow for the other members to dispatch them, he had no need to actually deal damage to them when there are people like Spike and Dorian who would most likely revel at the chance.

When Turverash walks into his apartment he calls to his psicrystal and waits at the door. Soon a large fused crystal on ectoplasmic spider legs walks up to him. The crystal then climbs up his leg and onto his shoulder. Turverash smiles to himself and then closes the door and walks into his apartment, taking off his coat as the crystal migrates from one shoulder to another to keep from falling off. Turverash walks to his bedroom that also passes for his study, as he passes by the table in the entrance he grabs an apple off of it.

Once he gets into his bedroom he sits in a simple yet comfortable chair that is facing a large window that lets the sun come in the morning. He then reaches over to the large leather bound book that he keeps at his bedside and beings to read about his studies on the mind. He let's his minds wander and he begins to think about a place where fish fly in the sky and there are large worms that fly there to and eat them who are colored in every possible shade. Turverash quickly opens his eyes and he sees that a new day had begun; he had nodded off as he read the other day.

He goes over his notes on the mind and also his notes on interrogation that he had before he set off to return to Naan's tavern.

2010-05-13, 10:39 AM
Maria stood to leave as well. "I'll return tomorrow, then.".

She went home and spent an uneventful day handling minor business and preparing for what seemed likely to be a fight the next evening. She did not tell Captain Jarvis about her evening plans, knowing that he'd insist on either accompanying her or sending guards. And this was a personal mission, that she wanted to handle herself. Donning her armour and carrying her rapier, she went to the inn and arrived slightly before the appointed meeting time.

2010-05-20, 11:02 AM
Dorian goes to the closest place to drink and orders more of his favourite drink, a sweet clear alchohol.