View Full Version : Forth they came on silver wings (IC)

2010-04-30, 10:14 PM
The outsiders split all the Material Plane into segments, and the mortals must live on . . .

This is their story.

More soon.

2010-05-01, 10:04 PM
This is a town. It has no name, save what the locals call it, but it's true name is forgotten, long gone since the days the heavens split open and the bowels of the earth wrenched forward the judges and damners of mortal souls. One hundred of those souls dwell within the walls of packed earth that denote the town, and each soul knows the naked truth, that they are nothing in comparison to their lords and masters, infernal, divine or modron though they be.

The town is dead quiet, the streets abandoned, as the first dawn light creeps above the crest of the hills and pours morning twilight into the valley below. In this twilight, the people of the town start to creep out, keeping their heads craned to the sky for the telltale sign of wings silouetted against the rising sun or a flicker of hellfire to warn them of an outsider.

This morning, the damage is severe. One of the outlying houses was culled by passing slaad, and a family of three is now gone, probably to be found on the morning forage, left in the woods a mile or two away.

2010-05-02, 06:54 PM

Medici went to the center of the town. "Has anybody seen any trace of where the lost family might be?"

2010-05-02, 06:59 PM

Medici went to the center of the town. "Has anybody seen any trace of where the lost family might be?"

"Only a few drag marks into the forest. But nothing good comes from interfering with the chaos frogs."

Much wringing of hands follows.

2010-05-02, 08:57 PM
Tuan, wrapping his navy blue cloak around him, joins the impromptu gathering at the centre of town. He sighs heavily as he hears the news of last night's events. "Another attack? Have they not taken enough already, that they must also take what little remains for us?" He asks rhetorically.

"Only a few drag marks into the forest. But nothing good comes from interfering with the chaos frogs."

Tuan turns to the speaker. "And hoping that they'll leave us alone has worked so very well," he responds sarcastically. "I, for one, am getting sick and tired of huddling in fear. This time I'm going after them - if those taken can't be rescued, then maybe they can be avenged."

2010-05-02, 09:19 PM

"Sir, I doubt they know the concept of 'enough'," Kyra said slowly, stepping somewhat awkwardly out of the shadows and looking up at Tuan. "They are slaadi: if they want something, they take it, and never mind if they've taken a thousand such before." She hesitated, nervously twining her fingers together. "I'll come with you. That family put me up once, when I arrived here. I owe them a favor, even if...even if it's only a proper burial." She swallowed hard.

2010-05-02, 09:29 PM

The healer steps forward to Tuan. "I will join you as well. We've had far too many taken to stand for this. We might not be able to save every life, but we'll save what we can. It's all we can do."

OOC: Do we already know each other? I assume so.

2010-05-03, 08:00 PM

The warrior runs his dark eyes over the healer and the young sorceress, and assumes a contemplative expression, as if listening to a voice only he can hear. He then nods curtly. "Good. I suggest we gather what armaments and supplies we may need, and meet back here shortly." He raises his voice slightly. "If we can find anyone else willing to come with us - or any who may have witnessed the slaad attack last night - so much the better."

Tuan abruptly turns and takes long strides towards his domicile, intent on gathering additional weapons, his armor, and some supplies.

OOC @ Rauthiss: In a town of only a hundred or so people, it's probably safe to assume that we at least know of each others existance.

2010-05-04, 10:39 PM

Kyra trotted through the crowd after Tuan, keeping her head down. A little ways past the last of the throng, she turned left and made for her little hideaway, a ramshackle outfit on the edge of town. She let out a tuneless whistle as she approached, holding up a thin arm. A shadow obligingly leapt from the roof, circling down to meet her. One wingbeat, two, and the small owl neatly backwinged to settle on her forearm.

"Hey, Slip," Kyra said affectionately as she went inside. She set him on a perch and started mechanically putting on her gear. "We're going out soon." Belt on her waist, dagger at her hip. "Slaad, this time." Token spell components on the other side, full belt pouch in back. Check the backpack. "Tuan an' Medici are comin' with us." Crossbow over one shoulder. Padding on the other.

She was ready now, ready to go and...look for them...The little knot of grief she'd kept tucked away burst, and she hugged Slip tightly to her chest, tears rolling down her cheeks. "They took Jeran an' Winry, Slip," she whispered. "Dag, too." She remembered him flashing that elder-brother grin at her, even though they'd known each other barely a day. "The world's lonesome enough without they keep takin' friends away." The little owl didn't understand her, of course, but he felt her sadness, and spread a wing against her side to try to comfort her.

At length she raised her head, and lifted Slip onto her shoulder. "Time to go," she said quietly. "We'll do what we can, an' hope it's enough." The shack's door squeaked as she closed it on her way out.

2010-05-05, 08:36 AM
Medici walked around the town square for a moment before returning to his home. A few moments later, he exited, carrying his haversack with his supplies, constantly kept packed in case of the need for a quick escape. He went back to the town square and waited for the others to join him.

2010-05-05, 12:00 PM
A large man, dressed in a sturdy leather jerkin and wearing a heavy apron is standing in the square. He has with him rations and water for the adventurers going to risk their lives.

"Slaad stalk the woods I'll remind you, but others do too. Be aware, and be ready."

2010-05-05, 12:34 PM

Kyra accepts the water and the advice, but turns down the rations. "I have my stores, sir. Extra will only be a burden." Her speech has reverted to the stilted, formal tone she uses around adults.

2010-05-06, 12:02 AM
Tuan returns, attired in breastplate, pauldron, vambraces, greaves, and a three-quarter helm. In addition to his usual two-handed sword - hilt seen jutting over his right shoulder - he carries a recurved bow over his left shoulder and quiver of arrows at his right hip, while a heavy dagger graces the left hip. He is leading a chestnut coloured riding horse by the reins.

Wordlessly, he accepts the offered supplies, stowing the rations in the saddlebags carried by the horse and securing the extra waterskins to the pommel of the saddle. Tuan's dark eyes gaze over the others. "So, just the three..." he spies Slip perched upon Kyra's shoulder. "Err, fou-" he is interrupted mid-speech. "All right, five of us." He gently touches a large, clear crystal prism hanging from a strong chain around his neck.

He nods to the town elder. "Thank you for the advice, and the supplies." Tuan then turns to Kyra. "You know those who have been taken? Can you lead us to their house?"

OOC: Assume that both Tuan and his psicrystal have taken 20 on Concentration checks to become psionically focused.

2010-05-06, 01:08 AM

"Yessir," Kyra answered in a subdued tone. "It's just up that way, past the old church," and she pointed.

2010-05-09, 10:50 PM
Tuan nods and heads in the indicated direction at a steady walk, still leading the horse. They pass by houses and buildings, some still occupied but bearing varying amounts of damage, others completely abandoned or little more than piles of rubble - all evidence of the frequent destructive incursions by various Outsiders.

As they near the outskirts of the town and the home of the latest victims of the interlopers, Tuan releases his grip on the reins and draws his bow from it's sheath. Quickly stringing it and nocking an arrow, he surveys the recent signs of destruction before proceeding slowly and carefully towards the house.

It's unlikely that any remain within the town walls, he states in silent telepathic communication to the crystal around his neck. But best be wary in any case.

Tuan Spot [roll0]
Tuan Listen [roll1]
Psicrystal Spot [roll2]
Psicrystal Listen [roll3]

2010-05-09, 11:40 PM

Kyra was perversely glad she had decided to join this expedition. Otherwise, she'd have stayed away from this place a good long while, in case the slaadi decided to make a return visit. More importantly, though, it meant she had something to do here, and with others counting on her too: she wouldn't break down and cry on Slip again, because she couldn't afford to. Her breathing was fast and shallow through a constricted throat as she stared around, hollow-eyed; but she could put that down to nerves, and try to concentrate.

Spot: [roll0] (+3 in areas of shadowy illumination)
Listen: [roll1]

Slip Spot: [roll2] (+8 in areas of shadowy illumination)
Slip Listen: [roll3]

2010-05-10, 08:38 AM
Nothing is left in the house, except for some scarce furniture and a little girl's doll. The path of destruction leads into the woods not far away.

2010-05-12, 12:40 AM
Tuan apparently notices Kyra's nervousness, because he pauses momentarily to give her a blank stare, but says nothing.

Quickly searching the house, he grimaces at the signs of wanton destruction and the path it leads to the woods. "At least they left us a clear sign to which direction they went."

Un-nocking his arrow, Tuan returns it to his quiver; then, returning to his horse and gathering the reins in one hand, he starts walking towards the woods, on the alert for any signs of movement or sound.

2010-05-12, 04:31 AM

Nobody here. They had already known, she had already known, but now the part of her mind that whispered, They're okay, you don't have to worry, everything's going to be all right, snapped off with agonizing finality.

Nobody here. Her head snapped up, the motion as well as her mood startling Slip into flight with an undignified hoot. Then they were out there, somewhere, and so were the monsters that had taken them. A fire lit behind her eyes, and she was off, trailing the path of carnage towards the forest's edge. Tuan had been too fast for her, before; now it almost seemed he was too slow, and she outdistanced the others as they approached the treeline.

2010-05-12, 09:59 AM
The woods are quiet, the birds and animals having fled from the slaad's unnatural presense. It was unusual but not impossible that they took this long to return.

The trail of the slaad is obvious, they are not subtle creatures.

2010-05-12, 11:09 PM

"Kyra?" Tuan asks in surprise, as the young sorceress sprints past him towards the woods.

"Kyra!" he hisses desperately, afraid to call out too loudly lest anything that might lurk in the woods be alerted to their presence. Weighed down as he is by armour and weapons, she quickly outpaces him and vanishes into the cover of the trees. Cursing under his breath, he momentarily considers mounting up to chase after her, but decides against it as the sound of galloping hooves may carry far. Instead, he picks up his pace, regretting that he might miss some clue but at the same time afraid that Kyra might be ambushed.

The warrior follows the same trail of destruction into the woods; pausing as he enters the trees and noting the unnatural stillness. He scans the area, calling out again in that same hushed hiss, hoping that Kyra hasn't proceeded too far, fearing that she might run into the slaad or other hostile creatures with her mad dash.

2010-05-12, 11:30 PM
Medici Follows behind slowly, staying alert for any sort of loud noises or screams from Kyra or Tuan. He looks back at the house and frowns. "Truly a shame..."

2010-05-13, 01:08 AM

Tuan's cries did not reach her as she barreled through undergrowth, chasing them, chasing the enemy. She felt as if flame were beating against the surface of her eyes, trying to get out--and indeed, unbeknownst to her, they were turning red. A small shape shot out of the trees above her, descending fast. With a snarl, Kyra pulled her knife from its sheath, lips moving in incantation as she looked up...and Slip flew straight into her chest, calling out for all he was worth.

Kyra froze. The flames in her sputtered and went out, until eventually she was just an ordinary girl awkwardly looking down at the hooting bird she was holding.

What am I doing?

2010-05-17, 12:25 AM

Unwilling to let the party get any more separated than it already is, Tuan halts at the woods and waits for Medici to catch up.

"Any idea what has caused Kyra to behave like that?" Tuan asks when the healer arrives.

Bow in one hand and reins in the other, Tuan sets off at a more sedate pace, following the path of ruin into the woods. Keeping in step with Medici, he remains alert for any signs that might reveal the presence of Kyra - or the Slaad and their victims.

OOC: Apologies for the delay in posting - an attack of Real Life occurred, and it won initiative. :smalltongue:

2010-05-17, 01:31 AM

Kyra looked around shakily. She'd been so angry...and now she'd left the others behind. What was she going to do if she ran into the Slaadi alone? Run away, maybe. That's all she was good for, after all. Shut up, shut up, shut up! At any rate, it would be best if she got back to the group. At least the slaadi's trail had been obvious even in her feverish rage. (Caused by what? She shivered.) Setting Slip on her shoulder, she carefully began making her way back along the same route she'd raced through but a minute ago, towards the forest's edge. But Slip took off again, despite her empathic entreaties, and flew ahead.

"I'm sorry, Slip," she murmured. She'd never injure the bird, and yet here she'd almost killed him. At least it wasn't wild fear she felt through their link. More like...relief? Well, if he'd felt a tenth of her emotions over the link, he had every right.

Hey, you've posted the most of all of us, don't apologize. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-19, 12:11 AM

Catching a slight flicker of movement in the woods, Tuan releases his hold on the reins and swiftly nocks an arrow to his bowstring. He holds the bow bent, until the movement reveals itself to be Slip, followed closely by Kyra. Exhaling in relief, Tuan gently eases the pressure on the bow and returns the arrow to its quiver.

Looking over Kyra as she approaches, he notes no obvious signs of injury or other harm.

"That was a rather foolish thing you did, running ahead like that," he says somewhat sternly to Kyra, his voice a soft baritone. "You endangered not only yourself, but Medici and I, too." His expression and tone of voice softens slightly. "I am glad that you're alright."

2010-05-19, 02:41 AM

"'M sorry, Tuan," Kyra said, hanging her head. In her state of emotional disarray, she forgot her formal speech. "Dunno what happened t'me there. I was...mad." She didn't pause to think on what she meant by that. "I'm not goin' on a fool's trip like that again. Slip'll make sure o'that, if I don't." The bird in question chose that moment to land with a solid thunk on her shoulder, chittering softly.

2010-05-20, 11:04 AM
OOC: Spot and listen checks everyone

The woods creak and moan, almost alive with fear and revulsion at the monsters that have raged through. In the distance, loud sounds can be heard of slaad stomping through the undrebrush, but hairs stand on end all round, as if the monsters were closer, or some other threat posed itself in the gloom.

2010-05-20, 03:49 PM

Had she really rushed through this wood alone before? Kyra stuck herself firmly between Tuan and Medici, and had to restrain herself from squeaking at every creak and moan.

Presuming we are in areas of shadowy illumination:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Slip (low-light vision)
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2010-05-21, 09:04 AM

About to reply to Kyra, Tuan breaks off before he can respond at the distant sounds of something moving through the underbrush. He nocks an arrow to his bow and scans the trees for whatever might be causing the noise.

Tuan (Darkvision 60'):
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Psicrystal (Telepathically sighted 40'):
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

Do we have enough time to take a standard action? If so, Tuan will manifest Vigor (augmented by 2 extra PP) on himself and his Psicrystal, for 15 temporary HP each.

2010-05-24, 11:33 PM
You see a mud slaad hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce

2010-05-25, 12:17 AM

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1] to learn about the mud slaad (Collector of Stories skill trick)--in particular, are slaad immune to mind-affecting abilities?

2010-05-25, 07:28 AM

"BEWARE! It's in the bushes!" Tuan yells, and looses his arrow at the lurking slaad.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack (longbow): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Miss Chance (if required): [roll3]

2010-05-27, 10:18 PM
Mud Slaad
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Tuan takes 8 damage.

Kyra, you learn that they indeed are not immune to mind-affecting. They also are known to cringe in fear when near death, spread a chaotic disease, and have a sonic screech.

2010-05-29, 07:58 PM

"Watch out--it screeches," Kyra called, backing away slowly. She hastily muttered under her breath, and the ground under the slaad grew slick.

If in melee range, 5-ft step away; else, get to 30 feet away. Cast Grease, Reflex DC 14.

2010-05-29, 08:14 PM
(OOC: My bad for the late replies, guys. My subscriptions here seem to arbitrairily drop stuff. :/)

Medici quickly moves behind Tuan, placing himself opposite the Slaad. He lays a hand on Tuan's shoulder and mutters a few syllables. Tuan's wounds close, and Medici stands ready to heal him again if needed.

Cast Cure Minor Wounds on Tuan, healing him 5 hit points. (1 + 4 from healer's blessing)

2010-05-30, 09:55 PM

Tuan staggers slightly as the slaad claws at him. Dropping his bow, he unsheathes his greatsword and swings at the creature, feeling a surge of energy pass from his psicrystal and into the blade.

Free action: drop longbow.
Move action: draw greatsword.
Standard action: attack with greatsword, expending psicrystal's psionic focus on Psionic Weapon as a free action.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I didn't get a ruling on if we had enough time for Tuan to manifest Vigor or not. If we did, the damage he took was only to his 15 temp HP, and therefore Medici's healing didn't do anything.