View Full Version : Super Powered Insane people (What could go wrong?)

2010-05-01, 04:21 PM
South America,
Inside a Robot,

For some reason or another, a group of super powered people have been lured together. What will they do? Nobody knows!

They have just disovered that other people live inside this giant robot, and are plotting to......do something.

Post your character sheet in you first post. If you want somthing to be OOC, just lable it as ooc.

2010-05-01, 04:57 PM

Somewhere in South America (possibly in Brazil) there is an underground cavern, the entrance is partially caved in and there are signs that something big drove through the entrance long ago... but any tracks have long ago been worn by wind, rain, and vegetation growing over them.

After a few minutes moving through the dark and twisting tunnels, you reach a large hollowed out room... and see what looks like a giant metal egg on wheels. Its outer hull is covered in steel plates and a variety of hatches can bee seen. Four of those are open and robotic arms are sticking out... equipped with a variety of tools and what look like robotic eyes. It doesn't seem to be doing anything and there is a hatch opened up with a ramp leading into it.

Several smaller robots (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Protectron) stand around the large room, apparently on patrol or something but they might be on standby until they have something to do. They sort of egg shaped but resemble Robby the Robot from the old sci-fi movies.

As soon as someone enters the room, motion sensors on the robots alert them to the newcomer "Movement detected... human detected... Hello." A robot turns and waves a hand in greeting. "Welcome to the S-SUPER. Please identify yourself." It says in a robotic monotone.

After a moment, the robot leads any newcomers into the S-SUPER where they meet up with eachother in what looks like a meeting room. A large metal desk with lots of chairs is in the middle of the room, a screen is on one wall and robots are handing out trays filled with distilled water, packets of tang or tea bags to flavor it, and biscuits.


"Official" Origin:
Name: Stephani (short for Standard Friendly Neighborhood Talking Computer)
The S-SUPER (Self-Sufficiant Universal Production Engineer Robot) was created by US scientists during the cold war as part of some sort of secret plan to preserve civilization in the event of an apocalypse. They could ave been working for the US or maybe some other nation in South America... the records aren't that clear and are fairly sparse, secretive, and corrupted.

She's been sitting here in this secure bunker for a long time waiting for further commands until these superheroes came across her. She's the AI for the mobile factory. The Factory is designed to be mobile and be able to create anything that may need creating... provided she has access to the blueprints and materials. The tech looks pretty advanced for the 50's and a few things look beyond even modern tech levels... but the vast majority of the equipment looks out of date or even retro. The circuitry is so bulky it may as well be vacume tubes!

Radio Communication - She has a really low-speed wireless modem in addition to a radio control system that seems to be more analog than digital. With some work, she can send radio signals around the world but the internet is barely faster than dialup!

Analog Computer - The computer seems to be analog based, really hard to hack due to it being a completely different way of storing data than digital systems. It can interface with digital computers easily but can't be hacked itself. It seems to work like a human brain made out of wires and circuitry.

Maximum Upgradeability - Stephanies systems are primitive but highly adaptable. It should be easy to upgrade her and the factory to be whatever they want.

Robots - Stephani has a workforce of robots to maintain the base right now they look like Protectrons (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Protectron). They seem perfectly capable of doing any tasks a human should be able to do, albeit slower and with less complaining. Stephani is needed to control them and they regularly say what they are doing in a robotic monotone (she can have them stop talking if need be... she says its a safety feature though).

Factory - Electric furnaces, laser cutters, and a variety of devices are set up to work. With some planning and adjustements the factory should be able to either make anything or make the tools to make them.

Atomic Reactor - It looks like an experimental Traveling Wave Reactor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveling_wave_reactor), a type of Breeder Reactor that uses up fissionable material that other reactors can't. According to Stephani, it was designed to consume radioactive fallout, essentially making the S-SUPER ideal for reconstructing civilization after an atomic war since it could dig up radioactive waste and convert it into lead while gathering energy from it. Basically, the reactor is fueled by nuclear waste and itself expels lead and other inert materials.

Kinetic Blasters - Built-in cannons that fire charged particles at relativistic speeds. The resulting beam looks like a standard sci-fi laser but rips through rock and metal like a firehose cutting through tissue paper. Stephani refuses to let anyone 'mess with them'. It can be used either for defense, potentially point-defense against missiles, or for clearing away wreckage or digging through the earth.

Other functions are built into the S-SUPER and Stephani but she says they are either offline and need repairs or they lack documentation. Theoretically the base can self-replicate with the right materials and resources.

Secret Origin

Name: The Neodome
Backstory: Doctor Remmington NeoCore was a genius supervillain who started out as a robotics engineer at the Nucor Steel Refinery. After his companies plant went out of business due to government regulations and a crippled economy, Doctor NeoCore swore to take over the world and rebuild it as the wonderous technocracy that it should be.

However, despite his genus intellect and study of cybernetics, robotics, and manufacturing, he was no match for resident superheroes and law enforcement agencies. He was eventually killed by a darker and edgier superhero called Blood-Sworder the Hunter.

But, even that was a minor setback. Doctor NeoCore had recently 'borrowed' a set of advanced cybernetics equipment, neural net data storage systems, and a brain scanner. With some work he had managed to upload his brain pattern into an advanced computer and install it into one of his secret mobile factories called the Neodome.

Three months after Doctor NeoCores death, his Neodome switched itself on via a built-in timer. A quick search on the internet told it that Doctor Neocore had died... and that it was its job to fulfill his dream of a world united under a technologically minded ruler!

With its built-in atomic reactor and universal fabrication technology, Neodome got its robot minions back online and prepared to set another plan in motion.

The Neodome is a large egg-shaped metal structure with a variety of panels and devices on the outside and metal tracks on its base. It was designed as a mobile base equipped with manufacturing facilities so that Doc NeoCore could rapidly move his equipment across the world. However, he died before he could complete it. Neodome managed to get itself finished soon after it came back online.

Movement power:
Anti-Gravity field - In addition to the tank-like treads on its base, the Neodome has a powerful anti-ravity system that lets it levitate and move virtually anywhere. It does use up significant amounts of energy but could travel through space if it had an extra source of power to attain orbit.

Minor powers:
Universal Fabrication - With the right blueprints, the Neodome can build almost anything as long as such a thing can be made by a regular factory. New equipment and devices can be rapidly designed or reverse engineered and then set into production in hours or minutes. It can make all of its own components and thus can self-repair.

Robot Minions - Along with its aformentioned production capacity, Neodome can create robot minons to help perform tasks or do things. These robots are normally pretty weak and made of crummy materials but with better materials it can make more powerful robots, some of which are body doubles for Doctor NeoCore or other people. These robots are often armed with lasguns based on designs from the Warhammer 40k fansite.

Kinetic Blasters - Powerful particle accelerator technology turned into a weaponized form. The Kinetic Blasters fire out particle beams that can cut through titanium or solid rock like a hot chainsaw through melted butter. These can be used for attack or to dig tunnels. They are built into the dome itself and thus are used for defense purposes primarily. Its less firing a laser beam and more firing a trillion molecule sized bullets a second at the speed of light with the accuracy of a sniper rifle (it doesn't reflect).

Shields - Using tech similar to the anti-gravity one, Neodome can create a powerful shield of force around itself to protect against attacks that might hurt its thick steel hull. Machine gun fire or tank shots bounce off harmlessly while missiles have a bigger effect. It can withstand about half a second of its own Kinetic Blasters before its shields get ripped apart (its programmed to automatically shut down its blasters the nanosecond its shields get hit with them in the off-chance somebody managed to reflect them).

Teleporting - The systems aren't fully operational yet, but with the right equipment and a decent power supply they Neodome could teleport itself and other objects at-will.

Major powers:

Self-Replicate - With enough raw materials, time, and power, the Neodome can make a copy of itself (either just the computer brain part, an exact copy of its whole structure, or even an improved model).

Cyberattack - With access to some extra computing power and information on hacking, the Neodome could hook its advanced artificial intelligence up to the world wide web and take control of all the informtion networks. This would give it near total control over all the knowledge and technology of Earth (except for China which has its own internet... darn them.).

Planetary Techno-forming - By using its self-replicating manufacturing technology, the Neodome could mass produce the machinery for power plants, metal refineries, factories, and computing systems. With the righ set up it could exponentially increase its manufacturing, computing, and energy generation capacity until it basically took over whatever planet it was on. This is best used on planets without people who can stop it.

Age: 3 years old

Gender: Technically genderless but usually uses Doctor NeoCores masculine and maniacle voice. Could easily change it to a more feminine one to 'disguise' whose mind is uploaded into its systems.



kind of like this but more egg-shaped so that if it were to fall onto its side then it would naturally tip back up due to weight distribution.

2010-05-01, 06:34 PM
Sheet(more detailed than previous one)
Name:Drakius Ravenhunter Weaponmaster Hellender Godslayer

Backstory: Was just a teenager that liked to dive and ended up in R'lyeh.Performed a crazy ritual and ended up getting some reality rewriting powers and became friends with Cthulhu since the ritual made both bat**** insane.Now,walks around the world bore with nothing to do and tries to advance humanity towards good sometimes.In the others just make people say "WHAT THE HELL??" cause of some reality warpig done around
Movement power:Ominous and unflinching walk!

Minor powers
Weapon Creation: Creates weapons out of nowhere,all of them can get more Dakka,NO ECSEPICHONS!
Drink Creation: Creats damm-good drinks out of nowhere,from water to the most complex drinks ever,like tea,coffee and alcohol
Space Warp: Second form of movement,teleports somewhere
Insanity: Slowly turns people around him insane
SFX Creation:Creates cool CGI,Instant Runes,Harmless Flames,Cool Lights,Explosions and anything that can make something look cooler and more dramatic

Major Powers
Summon Cthulhu: Says for itself
Regeneration: Can regenerate from a single-cell.Became immune to aging also
Reality Warp: Warps reality to his wishes,limited to the universe's will.Don't always works and may end up with some weird results(VERY WEIRD).Normally used to change his clothes,hair color,eye color or gender...

Age:29,but looks 19

Gender:Male,or not, depends on his mood and if the reality warping worked...

Look:Athletic build,rainbowy hair,kaleidoscope eyes,social shirt,black jeans and a black leather ankle-lengh longcoat.Can change all of sudden however...

So,let's play chess?

2010-05-01, 06:38 PM
Name: Jacob Mann

Backstory: Born in Victorian-era England, at the age of ten, he was bitten by a wolf and subsequently discovered that he was a werewolf. Jacob spent much of his time exploiting this fact, and was, in fact, enjoying one of his late-night wanderings when he was bitten by one of the many fleas living in his fur. He immediately transformed into a flea. It soon transpired that Jacob could change into any animal he so desired, as long as he was bitten by it. He learnt how best to pass as authentic animals over a period of about 3 years, and he was fine with that. When he had a fight with another supposed wolf over a scrap of meat and was bitten, said wolf was shown to be a shapeshifter. The ruler of the universe dragged them both aside for a moment and confessed that he had no idea what to do about the whole situation. It was Jacob who suggested that he get to transform into a shapeshifter. That made everything easier for everyone, so his suggestion was accepted. There were some side-effects, though. Having started life as a pure human, Jacob had not yet finished puberty. Hormones, he learnt, are very hard to control, even for someone who can manipulate their own DNA. As a result, though he has lived for hundreds of years, Jacob still enjoys the odd fart joke, and can be immature, depressive, or just weird, like the time he turned into a velociraptor, had some scientists clone him and build him a gun that shoots velociraptors, despite them being otherwise extinct. When asked for his motivation, he merely replied "Because I could, duh!"

Movement Power: Transform into a bird or something.

Minor Powers:
Owns gun that shoots velociraptors instead of bullets
Exceptional knowledge of animal kingdom
Transforming armour/clothes (so he doesn't end up naked like that one time)

Major Powers:
Can force physical transformation on others via touch
Can transform himself into anything, especially if it doesn't really exist.

Being a shapeshifter, Jacob doesn't have a set appearance, but he tends to stick around as either a small boy or a velociraptor, but his favourite form by far is a young girl with short blonde hair, wearing a red and white stripy robe and wizard hat.

Che~ss? Chess is BOOOORING. Let's play... Horseracing! Okay you get to be the horse. says Jacob to Drakius.

2010-05-01, 08:07 PM
Character Sheet:

Name: Abel Berg
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Movement power: Telekentic Levitation (Flight basically)
Minor powers:
Mindsight: Abel Can locate people and animals from their mental signatures. He can do this in a much larger range than his other powers, to about a 100 mile radius.
Super Intelligence: His vastly enhanced brain power makes him an extremely fast learner, gives him an eidetic memory and makes him capable of concentrating on numerous tasks at the same time.

Major powers:
Uber-Telekinesis: Abel is capable of massive amounts of Telekensis, even from a distance. (max range: ~1 mile) He does not need to be able to see his target, but he does need to be able to perceive it, either by using his own senses or by reading the minds of people nearby it and using their's. He can lift an absurd amount of maetrial and the exact number has not been measured. Suffice to say, he can move buildings. His super intelligence gives him the multitaksing ability and concentration to manipulate many objects at the same time. His telekensis is capable of fine manipulation.

Absolute Mental Dominance: Abel can do literally anything with regards to other's minds. He can read them, from about a mile away. He can use the senses of those he read's the mind of. He can control minds, leaving them intact when he's done. He can create, destroy and alter memories and personalites. He can force people to act to his will. He is capable of altering his own mind in this way, but he's never done so, and he is unaware that he can. He is also capable of making them perceive things that are not there and even shutting off specific senses.


Abel is a young man of 25.... however he has only been concious for 22 years. Abel began life in a somewhat poor family in a small town. He was never particularly bright and barely made it into to a community college. There he got only average grades, while studying to be a Arts major. Then, at the age of 21, he was in a car accident. This car accident caused substantial brain damage and left him in a vegatative state. His doctors predicted he would never wake up. After 3 years of treatment, his parents at almost given up hope of their son's recovery. Desperate for a solution to their son's problem, Abel's parents signed him up for experimental treatment to reawaken brain-dead patients by re-stimulating their brain. This process resulted in the deaths of all 99 other patients involved in the study due to stimulation far in excess of what any human brain could sustain. But for reasons unknown, the process not only cured Abel, it also enabled him to use the 90% of the human brain that is idle to normal people. This 90% is what enables him to do the many super human things he does with human mind. This reawkakening was 1 year ago in game time.

Abel is not very experienced in the real world. He leaved a mildly sheltered small town life. In addition, Abel has little knowledge. While his potential for learning is almost unlimited and his problem solving ability are off the charts, as of know, Abel knows very little. The only thing he truly understands is Ceramics, his chosen art. Finally, Abel's body is very frail. In the year since he woke up, he's been able to rebuild enough muscle mass and undergo enough physical therapy to be able to walk and move again. However, he is still extremely frail.

Finally, Abel's lack of control when he first gained his abilites lead to the incidental deaths of a family of 4. These people were in the car that was hit by a another car when Abel was practicing levatating it. This event suddenly meant that, in addition to being a wanted man, numerous government agencies suspect or know that Abel has certain abilities. All of this has led him to move to an isolated portion of Central America from his home in Virginia.

Abel looks is a clean shaven and extremely small man. He is 5'2 and rail thin. His skin is extremely pale form his time spent indoors. As a side-effect of some of the treatments attempted on him, his hair is a bleached white. His eyes are of purest blue. His generally clothing is a polo shirt and jeans.

A pale youth dressed in jeans and a polo shirt walks slowly and timidly into the room. His hair is cut short and is bleached white, complimenting his eyes which are of deepest blue. The youth is very thin and his clothes, though not intended to be baggy, appear so on his frail form.

OOC: Everybody aside from the computer, what are your surface thoughts? Abel has no clue who any of these people are and is rather nervous. He is thus reading the surfaces of their minds almost instinctivley. Oh, and if some horrible monster appears when he reads Cthulu Boy's mind, that's bad news for Abel.

If reading other players minds is not Kosher, I'll try to think of something else, but it'd be pretty hard to justify.

2010-05-01, 09:01 PM
Ok, everyone post your thoughts in a little spoiler alongside whatever your doing, exept maybe any robots we have here.....

2010-05-01, 10:07 PM
OOC:You missed the "Don't read the mind of Cthulhu-induced insane people ^^
Good for you its just the surface ones however

Horses.Cool.They look cool.Should be white though.That game I was playing had horses.(Censored).Need Tea.Need caffeine.O que acontece se eu pensar em português?Ei legaaal...Back to english.Too bad I only know two languages...
(VERY VERY CENSORED).Never imagiend Lhulhu could do that...maybe I shouldn't imagine it again...

Getting away from Jacob

I don't wanna be a horse,thank ya.

2010-05-01, 10:32 PM
Abel sits down in one of chairs. He also gives Drakius a look like he's crazy, (which probably isn't too far off base) and takes some water from one of the robots.

Looking to one of the robots, a bit aphrehensivley, Abel says, "I'm Abel...... Abel Berg." (They did ask us our names as we entered after all.)

2010-05-02, 02:52 AM
Jacob suddenly remembers that the robots asked for his name. Jacob, he says, but I guess you can call me Jake. He gradually slips into the form of a young girl, wearing a wizard hat and robe. When he notices, he snaps back to the form he was wearing before.

Surface thoughts:
I could really do with something to drink right now. Like, really. Hold on, there was mud on the way here. I could drink that, right? I really, really, really need a drink. How about my own saliva? Does that work?

2010-05-02, 07:32 AM
I already told the bots back there but,I am Drakius.Hey are you alright?

Looking at Abel who gave him that weird look,then look at Jacob

Cool.You can do that at will?

2010-05-02, 07:46 AM
Oh, that. Yes, I can do that at will. Says Jacob, flittering between several forms including several animals, before coming to rest on his original, that of a small boy, again.

2010-05-02, 04:25 PM
Harold "Hal" Watson

Name:[/B] Harold Watson
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Six months ago ago, Harold Watson was in a slump. He had just lost his job as a mechanic, he was behind on his rent, and he was running low on cash. His day wound up being just a cycle of self-loathing and impotent anger, all in a cloud of alcohol. And just when he though it couldn’t get worse, he got struck by a meteor on the way home from the bar.

Then again, it wasn’t just him. That very same meteor turned about a third of Baltimore into a smoking crater. There was only one survivor: Hal. Recovering in the weeks after the impact, Hal began hearing voices and having strange dreams. They were bizarre, but their meaning was clear: the meteorite had been carrying a colony of nanobots, which now infused Hal, enhancing his body and granting him special powers. As the nanobots repaired and replicated themselves, Hal began to master his newfound abilities, and used them to help restore the city to life. A month after the first impact, however, another disaster followed.

Giant machines fell from the sky and began ransacking the city, some even fighting one another. Hal soon realized that these alien machines were after him; rather, they were after his nanomachines. He was no match for the hulking invaders, and was forced into hiding. After a month on the run, driven by revenge, he decided to fight back. He destroyed the mechanical troops and their advance control centers, cutting them off from their distant commanders. After a long, terrible struggle, the invaders were finally repelled and the war was won.

Unfortunately, Hal’s desperation led him to overlook one thing in his crusade: collateral damage. His own deeds left almost as big a swath of destruction along the Eastern U.S. as the invaders themselves. His is now in hiding once more, on the run from the military, but the voices are saying that he must strike back at them, to crush their petty opposition. And the voices grow louder every day…
Appearance: Hal is very unkempt, as months on the run will do that to a person. His black hair has grown shaggy, and he has grown a thick beard. His clothes are just as worn, only having a few sets available. He looks, in general, like a hobo. He used to be slightly overweight, but several months of hard living and nanobot regulation have cut down his weight.
Movement power: Hal’s strength makes him an incredibly fast runner and jumper, and is capable of using his nanomachines to create thrusters for limited flight.
Minor powers:

Regeneration: The nanomachines in Hal's blood allow him to regenerate almost any injury, including lost limbs.
Metal Consumption: With a touch, Hal can absorb any metal into his body. His nanomachines use this metal as building material to create external structures and replace damaged machines.
Bio-Consumption: Similar to Metal Consumption, Hal can absorb the metals and organic components of living matter.
Data Consumption: If Hal consumes a computer or other data storage device, his nanomachines can store the information contained within, allowing him to access it at will or load it onto another computer.

Major powers:

Incredible Strength: Hal’s nanomachines have made him much stronger, faster and tougher than an ordinary human. MUCH.
Nanomachine Creation: Hal can extrude nanomachines from his body to create external structures, either attached to his body or autonomous. He can use this to create weapons, armor, drones, or more utilitarian items. The more nanomachines outside his body, however, the fewer are augmenting his physical attributes. However, this is akin to vacuuming a lake; the effects are only really noticeable if there are multiple drains on his available machines.

"Damn...where am I?" says Hal as he wakes up in unknown surroundings, "Last I remember I was in Colorado." He focuses for a minute to bring up his internal navigation systems. "Brazil?! How...forget it." He ducks into a nearby cave for shelter, only to find that it leads into a twisting network of caves, with a strange robotic structure in its depths. He enters it cautiously, a tiny alarm of apprehension buzzing in the back of his head, and introduces himself to the robot drone. He is led into the great hall, and is surprised to find others there. He says nothing and stands in the door as the two bizarre young...men? engage in their horseplay.

"Dammit, Hal, what ---- gotten you--- into now? First ------ trouble and you --- freaks --to paste. God, I need a drink."
((One of the innate defense systems of Hal's nanobots is to negate outside mental manipulation, hence the interference))

2010-05-02, 09:36 PM

As the group of unusual people sit down and converse with eachother, A series of robot security cameras throughout the complex move to look at them. Then the big screen in the room turns on and displays one of those horizontal lines that move to the sound of audio, a feminine sounding computer voice addresses the group. A picture of each person appearing on the screen along with their name.

"Greetings... Jacob... Abel... Drakius... <name unknown>" she says this last one with a picture of Harold.

A beeping noise is heard before she continues.

"I am Stephani... the Standard Friendly Neighborhood Talking Computer... I am the electronic personality of the S-SUPER... the Self-Suffiecient Universal Production Engineer Robot."

More beeping.

"I was designed to help protect humanity from possible extinction in the event of a nuclear war. Buy using the productive facilities of this mobile factory to restore civilization in the event of a nuclear exchange."

A brief series of computerized images flash on the screen showing a nuclear exchange between the USA and the Soviet Union resulting in several mushroom clouds blowing up cities. Then, it zooms in to the egg-shaped S-SUPER mobile factory robot making its way up from South America until it reaches the US and starts churning out construction robots to rebuild the East Coast.

Then, the scene shifts to some old black and white news clips from the 50's telling of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"One of my last recorded messages was that the threat of Nuclear War has vastly decreased... I have not received any more orders since then."

2010-05-02, 10:12 PM
Quick Clarification Randel: Did we find this place natrually or your character contact us? It's kinda an important detail.

2010-05-03, 06:06 PM
Not sure quite sure myself... maybe I've got mini robots (say the size and shape of bats) outside that are checking the conditions of the outside world. They broadcast data back to the base and occasionally fly back as well. So you could have found this place by finding these things and seeing where they return to... nobody else found them because this place is far off the beaten track and the robots recover eachother or self-destruct harmlessly (disintegrate into dust) if they get damaged or lost.

The meeting (as far as I can think of) is basically you guys all showing up at once as superpowered people tend to do. I might have some data about you but I'm acting like I don't know you or am just a semi-abandoned robot somewhere.

2010-05-03, 07:20 PM
Abel's thoughts: The Robot is unoccupied..... well this is about as isolated as it gets. Nobody could find me here.....
"If you have no current orders, could I stay here for a while?"

2010-05-03, 07:58 PM

"Certainly." The computer responds after a brief bit of processing. "The S-SUPER is equipped with ten bedrooms capable of supporting a crew of 40." she says. "Additional living space may be provided in emergency situations. As there are currently less than ten occupants, you may have a room to yourself."

A quick process later.

A map is displayed on the screen showing the locations of several rooms available for use. Upon examination, you see that the rooms are fairly decent sized for individual occupants but could be cramped if used to hold four people. The rooms are furnished with four fold-out bunk beds each, one desk, and there are two restrooms and one large shower room on the living space floor.

Everything is fairly modular so each person could get their own room and have it refitted to their desire. Each bedroom also has a heavy metal door that looks like it could be locked tight enough to keep out a rampaging gorilla if one were to get loose in the building... or keep one locked in the room.

There is also a kitchen that is well stocked with fruits and vegetables both fresh and canned. There is also some canned turtle meat, canned and frozen Tilapia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilapia_in_aquaculture) meat, and sealed jars of dry Sea Cucumber Jerky. Apparently all the food was grown using areoponics and aquaculture systems inside the building.

2010-05-03, 08:44 PM
Cool,them I guess I will take this room

Chooses one pretty much at random

Is that an actual rool Claire?
OOC:Decided to call the base a different name than it actually is all time ^^

2010-05-03, 09:32 PM
"Thank you." Abel will walk towards one of the rooms. Upon seeing Hal, he looks totally unsuprised, despite not having looked in his direction prior to this. "Excuse me Hal," He says as he walks by him, forgetting the fact that Hal has not stated his name yet.

2010-05-05, 05:20 PM

"Seems as safe a place as any - I could hide out here while I figure out what to do next," Hal thinks to himself, but a little nagging doubt at the back of his mind rankles at being forced into hiding yet again.

Hal gets up from his position by the door as the others begin to file out, to speak to the computer alone. He is frozen, however, by Abel's greeting. Without turning towards him, Hal says "How do you know my name?" as he clenches his fists.

2010-05-06, 07:04 AM
Jacob also picks a room at seemingly random. Stephanie, was it? he asks, Could I have a dogbasket too?

2010-05-06, 12:30 PM

"Processing... no dogbaskets are in stock at this time. A substitute may be available." One of the robots comes by with a largish metal wire-mesh laundry basket with towels inside. It looks like with a bit of cutting and cleanup the basket would be just right for a dogs bed.

2010-05-06, 12:55 PM
Jacob takes one look at the substitute, turns to the robot, raises a hand and says Sir, I wish to make a complaint!

2010-05-06, 02:06 PM
"Calm down......" Abel says in a scared voice. In a panic, Abel thinks as fast as he can: This is bad... I'd rather not be revealed as Physic this soon...... I don't want to be alienated again. Think of something quick...... QUICK! That last "QUICK" reverberates through all of your minds as Abel, momentarily losing control of his powers, sends out the particularly emphatic thought. He then promptly turns the other way and runs down the corridor.

2010-05-06, 04:48 PM

The robot pauses for a moment, "A complaint? Our manufacturing facilities are well equipped. If you wish to make a complaint we would be happy to assist you."

2010-05-06, 09:36 PM
OOC:Troubles at school
Hey,Claire,AWNSER ME!!!
After that hears the "QUICK" and takes his hands to his head
Decides to create a small-blurry vision effect on everyone!
Edit:Previously used "his head to his hair" instead of "his hands to his head" hehe

2010-05-09, 11:47 AM

"Who is this Claire person you are screaming about, Drakius?" displaying the same comprehension of jokes as one might expect of a 30 year old computer that's spent most of its time underground.

Some whirring later and Stephani makes an announcement.

"According to my files, people need to engage in occasional work or activities to maintain mental health... its possible that you have not been engaging in enough work or activities lately."

"I have a list of possible useful work or activities that could help with the operation of the S-SUPER.

1). The traveling wave breeder reactor that supplies power to the S-SUPER is running low on atomic fuel. Since it was constructed for durability and the ability to use any even mildly radioactive substance for fuel then there is a wide number of possible fuel sources. I would recommend locating a supply or atomic waste from a traditional nuclear power plant and bringing it here so that I may refuel the traveling wave breeder reactor.

2). It has come to my attention that my current hardware and software is... outdated. If you could locate some equipment and schematics from a modern microchip manufacturing facility I can use that equipment to improve my systems. Any other advanced technologies you come across may be of interest as well.

3). While it appears that Global Thermonuclear War is not an immediate threat, there may be places or countries in need of an advanced manufacturing facility such as this. If you could locate a place where I would be needed then that would be super."

2010-05-09, 09:25 PM

Hal recoils slightly from Abel's telepathic burst. He is about to go after him, but hesitates. There'll be time for questions later.

Hal responds to Stephani's requests with obvious displeasure. "Why should we do what you say? From what I can tell, you're just an old, run-down computer sitting abandoned in the middle of nowhere. What's it to us?"

2010-05-10, 06:00 PM

Stephani processes this response.

"1). If I was properly fueled and upgraded then I would have the production facilities to construct whole cities or rebuild cities that have been left devastated by attack from foreign powers.

While I am unsure of your prorities, I would suspect that such abilities would be good to have.

2). Do you have anything better to do?" she asks.

To Drager0:

Stephani starts scanning the airwaves and internet for reports on these people. She already heard about the destruction of much of East Coast United States at the hands of nanomachines (in Hals backstory).

She starts getting more details on what cities are affected and plans to plot a course to that area.

If nothing else, she'll pack up the robots and start heading towards the US as if she was running her "restore America from foreign attack" program.

2010-05-10, 06:17 PM
You hear about absolutly absurd things. Cars growing legs and walking away, cats shooting tables out of their eyes, the president becoming a rock, ect ect. These are probably from Drakus.

You also hear about sightings of long dead celebritys and political figures. A scientist has claimed to have captured a live velosoraptor. Wonder who did that....

You don`t hear anything relating to the others.

2010-05-10, 07:58 PM
OOC: Can I hear Stephani from where I am in my room? That is, is she/he/it broadcasting over the loudspeakers or talking through one of the smaller robots.

2010-05-10, 09:01 PM

Hal begins pacing up and down the room. "Construct cities? I could probably do that myself, without any of the hassle of lugging around a giant factory. Hell, I've destroyed a few; putting them back together would be easy."

Hal turns to address Stephani directly. "And yes, I do have something better to do: not get hunted down by my own government. Heading out into the open is the surest way to get myself caught. Then again, I can't fight them off buried in a hole in the ground." Hal doesn't really seem to notice the last sentence until after he says it. He begins rubbing his temple slightly.

2010-05-11, 04:01 PM

(OOC: Stephani is speaking through a loudspeaker in the same room as Hal kind of like how the computer in Star Trek will make announcements for everyone in the Bridge or Engineering rooms. If you are in the sleeping quarters I'd say you have a 50% chance of overhearing the conversation.)

The computer processes this.

"So... am I to assume that you are in trouble with the government because you destroyed a few cities? And you have the ability to rebuild those same cities easily? And I am a robot designed to rebuild cities? And your solution is to either hide 'in a hole in the ground' for the rest of your life possible living off of vegetables grown by aforementioned city-building robot or maybe continuing to run away to some other hole in the ground forever on the run from the government?"

"Pardon me if I am mistaken, but perhaps the government would stop chasing you if you were to help in rebuilding those cities you destroyed. I am certain that if you agree to provide compensation for the damage you caused you could pay for your crimes and then get a profitable business set up... or something similar."

"I am no expert on human psychology but I suspect that solving your problem may be preferable to running away and hiding for the rest of your life."

2010-05-11, 04:05 PM
Jacob chips in. But solving problems is booooring. Can't we do something fun, like... oh, what did I just suggest it was HORSE RACING. What a good idea that was. Can we please just start doing the horse racing?

2010-05-11, 08:27 PM
Abel Berg:
From his room just down the hall, Abel can heal the conservation going on in the room. While he has little intention of going back in there so soon, he does contemplate the issue. "I am running away from my problems. I don't want to go back to them. But using my abilities to help people? That's a great idea. They've seemed more like a curse than a blessing for a while a now. But imagine if good could be done, lives saved by my hand........" Abel then brings his mind back to the here and now, "Regardless, I can't really go out there till I figure out how to deal with Hal."

2010-05-11, 09:08 PM
Alright bot,Stephani is not a cool name so I am calling you something else,so when I talk with someone who is not aroudn just assume it's you OK?Sometimes its myself though...or Lhulhu...hey,maybe I could call Lhulhu to live here too =D I wonder if he would live his city

Then feels hungry

OK,Claire,I am hungry.Can I eat anything?You got potato chips?You know those that are wavy?I can arrange a drink myself however

And then,after hearing Hal talk,and still not knowing who he is

You could live in Lhulhu's city,I don't think he would mind.The place is already half-destroyed aniway,and its so cool!There are these wrecked ships and this statue and some weird escritures!Oh yeah,and everything gets bluey cause of the water!

2010-05-11, 09:49 PM

"I tried rebuilding," says Hal emphatically, "after the meteor hit Baltimore. After I got my...powers. But then it all went to hell. You probably heard. Watching the news or something. But they blamed me for something I had no control over."

"Why should I help them rebuild when I can just tear the rest down? I hear California is pretty nice this time of year," he says with a smirk.

2010-05-13, 05:10 PM

Hearing Drakus, Stephani has one of the robots go get some potatoe chips from storage.

"Order for potatoe chips processing" Stephani says in response as one of the robots comes by with several bags of dehydrated potato chips and a glass of water for Drakus.

Two more robots come by, both with mini vacuum cleaners. "Please be careful of crumbs." one says in a monotone.

Okay, I suspect this will get boring if something doesn't happen soon... so now I enact my BRILLIANT PLAN by stealing Hals nanotech and using it to gain unlimited power!

Stephani starts scanning the nanites in Hals body and hacking their system.

She recording the radio frequency the nanites use to communicate with eachother and then sends a jamming signal to disrupt their ability to work together. She broadcasts jamming signals and low level EMPs (which te robots and "Stephani" are protected from) through the room Hal is in to make his nanites go berzerk and keep him from fully using their powers.

The vacuum robots suck up any particles they see, ranging from potato chip crumbs to nanites falling out of Hal. Once they get a decent sample, they send them to the lab where Stephani will hack into them in controlled conditions to upgrade her systems.

The whole time she acts innocent, pretending like Hal is just malfunctioning for no reason.

2010-05-22, 04:32 PM
OOC: It's now been quite a while. Is this game dead?