View Full Version : Kobold Chancellor's life expectancy...

2010-05-02, 09:33 AM
Okay, the Chancellor is probably a kobold with wings, right? (maybe half-dragon or using some of the funky feats from Races of the Dragon, but still probably a kobold--small size, orangish coloration, snout, etc.).

What are the odds he'll survive more than two strips, five at the most, in Belkar's presence, when the rescue attempt is executed? (And what will his head and/or wings be utilized for?) :smallamused:

2010-05-02, 09:41 AM
Given the wings and his non combat position i'd say pretty good.

"Oh look, adventurers"

*flap flap flap*

2010-05-02, 09:57 AM
Given the wings and his non combat position i'd say pretty good.

"Oh look, adventurers"

*flap flap flap*

Since we're talking about a rescue attempt...

* Durkon restores Vaarsuvius' strength *
V: Disintegrate
* Kobold Chancellor is now a pile of white dust on the ground *

2010-05-02, 10:38 AM
* Kobold Chancellor is now a pile of white dust on the ground *

Except that he's not a priority target. He's not a spellcaster. V's order of operations would be to blast the Arcane caster, Divine caster , fighter type, rogue type, non combatant bureaucrat, arcanum user. that gives him plenty of time to skedaddle

Hmm scratch that, the green one can use scrolls, he goes before the big fighter type.

2010-05-02, 10:47 AM
Arcanum user?

Incarnum user:


might actually be quite high on the priority list- an incarnate, or a totemist, can be more dangerous than a fighter.

2010-05-02, 11:24 AM
Actually I think he'll be around for awhile, in order for him to have an encounter with Nale when Nale & co. arrive.

Gift Jeraff
2010-05-02, 11:54 AM
10 gp says he's capable of whooping Belkar's arse. :smallamused:

EDIT: But Belkar does end killing Kilkil, and doesn't make an item out of his corpse (or does so in private, or maybe lets Mr. Scruffy have the honours) in order to keep up his act.

2010-05-02, 12:16 PM
The kobold will be used as a glider (to help escape).

Silver Swift
2010-05-02, 02:42 PM
Arcanum user?

Incarnum user:


might actually be quite high on the priority list- an incarnate, or a totemist, can be more dangerous than a fighter.

I thought the point of that comic was to show that an (18th level) Incarnum user was less usefull then a bushel of fortune cookies and a magic 8 ball.

2010-05-02, 02:59 PM
Did Belkar ever follow through on the Litterbox thing? 'Cuz Kilkil's head would be a great litterbox. But I also like binyamin's idea about the glider.

2010-05-02, 03:18 PM
Well, I think that any kobold's life expectancy is directly proportional to the patiente of The Belkster.

2010-05-02, 03:40 PM
Most creatures measure lifespan in years.

Kobolds measure theirs in Belkars.

Survival here will depend on location. The Chancellor is doomed if they catch him inside, assuming Belkar isn't tired of this gag. He can always reach 10 feet with a running start, and that's without knowing if he has ranks in a class skill he likes to use.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-05-02, 04:09 PM
I thought the point of that comic was to show that an (18th level) Incarnum user was less usefull then a bushel of fortune cookies and a magic 8 ball.

The joke is probably that most people have troubles understanding the Incarnum, system. From what I've heard, it's a pretty useful set of classes.

...well, I've heard two of them are, at least.

2010-05-02, 04:43 PM
Okay, the Chancellor is probably a kobold with wings, right? (maybe half-dragon or using some of the funky feats from Races of the Dragon, but still probably a kobold--small size, orangish coloration, snout, etc.).

What are the odds he'll survive more than two strips, five at the most, in Belkar's presence, when the rescue attempt is executed? (And what will his head and/or wings be utilized for?) :smallamused:

well might not be so bad. chancellor is a important title.

plus, can't be a half-dragon since he is small, and wouldn't get wings.

dragonwrought kobold can get wings at level 3, but can't fly until level 12. or else he could be a dragon disciple, but that would make him at least level 14.

so much tougher than your typical kobold

2010-05-03, 05:14 PM
Since we're talking about a rescue attempt...

* Durkon restores Vaarsuvius' strength *
V: Disintegrate
* Kobold Chancellor is now a pile of white dust on the ground *

As of now, they've done nothing wrong/illegal. The only thing that's happened is a mistaken case of identity so why would they want to actually get into trouble and kill someone who hasn't harmed them at all?