View Full Version : The Apocalypse

2010-05-03, 04:32 PM

+Marcel Jones

Fallout PNP RPG Character Sheet

Lv 1, 70 EXP, Lvl 2 at 1000 XP
Race: Human
HP: 30/30
Age: 23
Ht: 5’9”
Wt: 72 kg


AC: 13
AP: 8
Sequence: 14
AP Regeneration Rate (Walk/Jog/Run): +10/+6/+3

Melee Damage: 0
Poison Resistance: 35%
Radiation Resistance: 10%
Gas Resistance: 0I/0B
Electric Resistance: 10%
Healing Rate: 2
Critical Chance: 5%
Small Guns: 56
Big Guns: 24



Leather Jacket (+5 AC)


Scorpio VZ61 Machine Pistol
Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +5 Rng: 15
Shoots single or 3-round bursts
S: 5
T: 5
B: 6

Fast Shot (weapons take one less AP to use)
Bloody Mess (Extravagant Deaths)

Unarmed: 22
Melee Weapons: 22
Throwing: 24
Primitive Missile Weapons: 24
+Small Guns: 56
Big Guns: 24
+Energy Weapons: 52
First Aid: 22
Doctor: 22
Sneak: 26
+Lock pick: 52
Steal: 26
Traps: 26
Science: 24
Repair: 24
Pilot: 26
Speech: 24
Barter: 25
Gambling: 22
Outdoorsman: 20
Climbing: 20
Swimming: 20

Perks (New perk every 3 levels)

Satie Boule (Randel)

Race: Human
Gender: Female

S - 5
P - 4
E - 5
C - 6
I - 9
A - 5
L - 5


Tag Skills:

Tech Wizard (+15% bonus to Science, Repair, and Lockpick. lose 1 perception)
Good Natured (20% bonus to First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter. 10% penalty to starting combat skills.)


Unarmed [SSSA] - [5555] - 20 -10 = 10
Melee Weapons [SSSA] - [5555] - 20 -10 = 10
Throwing [SSAA] - [5555] - 20 -10 = 10
Primitive Missile Weapons [PPSS] - [4455] - 18 -10 = 8
Small Guns [PPAA] - [4455] - 18 -10 = 8
Big Guns [PSSA] - [4555] - 19 -10 = 9
Energy Weapons [PPAI] - [4459] - 22 -10 = 12
First Aid [IIIP] - [9994] - 31 +20 = 51
Doctor Tag [IIIP] - [9994] - 31 +20 = 51 = 102
Sneak [AAPI] - [5549] - 23 = 23
Lockpick [AAPI] - [5549] - 23 +15 = 38
Steal [AAPI] - [5549] - 23 = 23
Traps [APPI] - [5449] - 22 = 22
Science Tag [APII] - [5499] - 27 +15 = 42 = 84
Repair Tag [SAPI] - [5549] - 23 +15 = 38 = 74
Pilot [AAEP] - [5554] - 19 = 19
Speech [CCIP] - [6694] - 25 +20 = 45
Barter [CCCP] - [6664] - 22 +20 = 42
Gambling [LLIP] - [5594] - 23 = 23
Outdoorsman [IIES] - [9955] - 28 = 28
Climbing [EESS] - [5555] - 20 = 20
Swimming [EESI] - [5559] - 24 = 24


Caps: 300

Leather Armor

laser pistol (200 ammo)

Other items:
book (Britney Spears Guide to Semiconductor Physics)

Eugene Roe (King Tius)

STR 4 PE 7 EN 7 CH 4 IN 9 AG 5 LK 4

Good Natured (20% to First Aid, Doctor, Speech, Barter. -10% to Simple + Ranged Weapons)

Primary Statistics
HP: 32
AC: 5
AP: 7

Secondary Statistics
Carry Weight: 125 lbs
Melee Damage: 0
Poison Resistance: 35%
Radiation Resistance: 14%
Gas Resistance: 0/0
Electricity Resistance: 0%
Damage Threshold: 0
Sequence: 14
Healing Rate: 2
Critical Chance: 4%

Good Karma

Tag = (+)
Simple Weapons
Unarmed: 15%
Melee Weapons: 15%
Throwing Weapons: 16%
Ranged Weapons
Primitive Missile Weapons: 20%
(+) Small Guns: 43%
Big Guns: 20%
Energy Weapons: 25%
(+) First Aid: 82%
Doctor: 41%
Sneak: 26%
Lockpick: 28%
Steal: 26%
Traps: 28%
Science: 30%
Repair: 25%
Pilot: 24%
Speech: 29%
Barter: 23%
Gambling: 24%
(+) Outdoorsman: 58%
Climbing: 22%
Swimming: 27%

Caps 300
Knife (DMG 1d6 + MD, RNG: 1, AP S: 3, T: 4, B: N/A)
Colt 6520 10mm Pistol (12 MAG, DNG: +4, RNG: 25, AP S: 5, T: 6, B: N/A)
200 10mm rounds

Jenny (Frosty)

Name: Jenny Age: 18 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 06 Hit Points: 037/037 Sequence: 010
Perception: 05 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 08 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 002%
Charisma: 08 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 175 lbs.
Intelligence: 10 Damage Res.: 020% PE bonus to Range: 09 hexes
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 016% Electricity Res.: 40%
Luck: 02 Poison Res.: 040%

::: Traits :::
*Sex Appeal (+40 Speech/Barter and +1 CHA vs people attracted to women.
-40/-1 CHA for others)

::: TAG Skills :::

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Primitive MW.... 012% [ST/ST/PE/PE]
Small Guns ..... 016% [PE/PE/AG/AG]
Big Guns ....... 015% [PE/ST/ST/AG]
Energy Weapons . 018% [PE/PE/AG/IN]
Unarmed ........ 016% [ST/ST/ST/AG]
Melee Weapons .. 042% [ST/ST/ST/AG]
Throwing ....... 018% [ST/ST/AG/AG]
First aid ...... 025% [IN/IN/IN/PE]
Doctor ......... 025% [IN/IN/IN/PE]
Sneak .......... 052% [AG/AG/PE/IN]
Lockpick ....... 018% [AG/PE/PE/IN]
Steal .......... 021% [AG/AG/PE/IN]
Traps .......... 018% [AG/PE/PE/IN]
Science ........ 023% [AG/PE/IN/IN]
Repair ......... 019% [ST/AG/PE/IN]
Pilot .......... 019% [AG/AG/EN/PE]
Speech ......... 052% [CH/CH/IN/PE]
Barter ......... 019% [CH/CH/CH/PE]
Gambling ....... 009% [LK/LK/IN/PE]
Outdoorsman .... 024% [IN/IN/EN/ST]
Climbing ....... 018% [EN/EN/ST/ST]
Swimming ....... 022% [EN/EN/ST/IN]

::: Inventory :::
Leather Jacket - A snappy addition to any ensemble.
W: 5 lbs. AC: 8 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10
P: 0/10 E: 0/20 Elec: 30%

.223 Pistol - A .223 rifle modified and cut down to a pistol.
(5/5 .223 FMJ) Min. ST: 5 W: 5 lbs. Val: 3500
Dmg: +16 Rng: 30+9 AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A

.223 FMJ - Ammo (200 left). Values are set at per 50 rounds.
Val: 200 Weight: 2 lb. AC: -20 DR: -20% Dmg: 4d4

Louisville Slugger - An all-American, hardwood baseball bat. Not aluminum!
Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Val: 300
Dmg: 2d10+MD Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A

Knife - A basic knife for cutting things. Or critters. Or people.
Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Val: 40
Dmg 1d10 + MD Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A

Misc stuff

Baseball - W: 1 lb
Book (Britney Spears's Guide to Slutty Prancing) - W: 1 lb

Total Weight: 40 lbs.


Super Mutants

Super Mutant
AC: 15
HP: 20
XP: 80

S 7
P 3
E 4
C 3
I 3
A 3
L 3

Equipment: Hunting Rifle or Nail Board

Super Mutant Brute
AC: 16
HP: 35
XP: 110

S 8
P 3
E 6
C 3
I 3
A 4
L 4
Equipment: Assault Rifle or Sledgehammer

Super Mutant Master
AC: 18
HP: 50
XP: 130

S 9
P 3
E 6
C 3
I 3
A 4
L 4

Equipment: Chinese Assault Rifle, Minigun or Supersledge


AC: 10
HP: 15
XP: 70

S 6
P 5
E 5
C 6
I 4
A 5
L 5

Equipment: Metal Jacket, Knife and Assault Rifle, SMG, Chinese AR, or a 10mm Pistol.

Raider Leader
AC: 12
HP: 25
XP: 90

S 6
P 6
E 6
C 6
I 5
A 7
L 6

Equipment: Metal Jacket, Knife and Assault Rifle, Chinese AR or a 32-cal pistol.

Feral Ghouls

Feral Ghoul
AC: 9
HP: 15
XP: 55

S 6
P 5
E 5
C 3
I 3
A 5
L 2

Equipment: None

Feral Ghoul Roamer

AC: 11
HP: 22
XP: 65

S 7
P 4
E 5
C 3
I 3
A 6
L 4

Equipment: None

Part I--Slavers
Quest 1: Rivet City

Current Objective: None.

The year is 2072, and life, to say the least, sucks. Radiation poisoning is everywhere, raiders and mutants wander the wastes of Washington, DC, and slavery is on the rise. You are one of several mercenaries brought together by one Marcel Jones to lead a liberation of Paradise Falls and abolish slavery in the wasteland forever.

You are at a bar with the other PCs in Rivet city. People all around you are drinking, eating, and buying. A young man with long, brown hair and green eyes approaches your table.

The name's Marcel Jones, and I'm the one who brought you here. Tell be about yourselves.

2010-05-03, 08:32 PM
Satie Boule

Satie sits at the table, drinking a small glass of cheap wine. The color was nice, most likely a mutfruit wine with a little Pungo in it as well. Wine was always a better drink than beer in the wastes since the heavier isotopes tended to get filtered out during the natural fermentation process... the plant matter bonded with the radioactive material while in the barrel, thus when the wine maker put the stuff in bottles to age it then they were almost as pure as purified water... a simple examination of the color after a while would determine how hot it was... the pigmints in the wine would deteriorate if left in a bottle with radioactive material in it.

She takes another drink and looks at the glass. Unless of course they dropped in food coloring into the mix when they find all the hot bottles... there didn't seem to be stains on the side of the glass so it looks like this is a good bottle. Better get a Geiger Counter one of these days.

"I'm Satie Boule, if you need some scientific, technical or medical skills then I'm your girl. I'm not exactly great with a gun... never really had use for it before." she looks at the others in the group. "But, if we are dealing with crooks and thugs then I will be willing to pull my weight in the combat department."

She looks like she has a question, but is willing to let everyone else introduce themselves before she speaks.

King Tius
2010-05-03, 08:41 PM
A rather laid back man sits in a brown leather jacket with a red cross patch sewn on it. He sits smoking a dirty brown cigarette and looks rather disinterested with pretty-much everything.

"Folks call me Doc Roe. Bit of a traveler, guess you could say.'

2010-05-03, 11:42 PM
Spoiler for stats. I will keep it updated myself during combats and such.

xx July 22xx 0824 hours

Name: Jenny Age: 18 Gender: Female
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 06 Hit Points: 037/037 Sequence: 010
Perception: 05 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 08 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 002%
Charisma: 08 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 175 lbs.
Intelligence: 10 Damage Res.: 020% PE bonus to Range: 09 hexes
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 016% Electricity Res.: 40%
Luck: 02 Poison Res.: 040%

::: Traits :::
*Sex Appeal (+40 Speech/Barter and +1 CHA vs people attracted to women.
-40/-1 CHA for others)

::: TAG Skills :::

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Primitive MW.... 012% [ST/ST/PE/PE]
Small Guns ..... 016% [PE/PE/AG/AG]
Big Guns ....... 015% [PE/ST/ST/AG]
Energy Weapons . 018% [PE/PE/AG/IN]
Unarmed ........ 016% [ST/ST/ST/AG]
Melee Weapons .. 042% [ST/ST/ST/AG]
Throwing ....... 018% [ST/ST/AG/AG]
First aid ...... 025% [IN/IN/IN/PE]
Doctor ......... 025% [IN/IN/IN/PE]
Sneak .......... 052% [AG/AG/PE/IN]
Lockpick ....... 018% [AG/PE/PE/IN]
Steal .......... 021% [AG/AG/PE/IN]
Traps .......... 018% [AG/PE/PE/IN]
Science ........ 023% [AG/PE/IN/IN]
Repair ......... 019% [ST/AG/PE/IN]
Pilot .......... 019% [AG/AG/EN/PE]
Speech ......... 052% [CH/CH/IN/PE]
Barter ......... 019% [CH/CH/CH/PE]
Gambling ....... 009% [LK/LK/IN/PE]
Outdoorsman .... 024% [IN/IN/EN/ST]
Climbing ....... 018% [EN/EN/ST/ST]
Swimming ....... 022% [EN/EN/ST/IN]

::: Inventory :::
Leather Jacket - A snappy addition to any ensemble.
W: 5 lbs. AC: 8 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10
P: 0/10 E: 0/20 Elec: 30%

.223 Pistol - A .223 rifle modified and cut down to a pistol.
(5/5 .223 FMJ) Min. ST: 5 W: 5 lbs. Val: 3500
Dmg: +16 Rng: 30+9 AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A

.223 FMJ - Ammo (200 left). Values are set at per 50 rounds.
Val: 200 Weight: 2 lb. AC: -20 DR: -20% Dmg: 4d4

Louisville Slugger - An all-American, hardwood baseball bat. Not aluminum!
Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Val: 300
Dmg: 2d10+MD Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A

Knife - A basic knife for cutting things. Or critters. Or people.
Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Val: 40
Dmg 1d10 + MD Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A

Misc stuff

Baseball - W: 1 lb
Book (Britney Spears's Guide to Slutty Prancing) - W: 1 lb

Total Weight: 40 lbs.

Background is done!

Jenny doesn't remember where she was born. In fact, she doesn't remember much of anything from beyond a few months ago. Now, amnesia, while uncommon, is not always a bad thing, considering how many bad things in the wastes that could've caused the mental trauma in the first place. It's especially not that bad when you still possess your skillsets. What IS problematic, however, is her particular skillset. The fact that Jenny knows how to sneak up on people and then kill them with a garrote or a deco-filament wire disturbs Jenny greatly. The fact that she she walks her first instinct is to swing her hips and present herself in the most appealing manner also disturbs Jenny slightly, but she has learned that her attractive body and innocent face makes things much easier for her than would otherwise be the case. The fact that she remembers NOTHING about how she got the skills...nothing about her childhood...nothing about her family...nothing at all really before waking up one day in the wastes with nothing but the clothes on her back and a knife...that disturbs her more than anything else.

In this case, what she doesn't know CAN in fact hurt her. Until a few months ago, she was an experimental subject in the hands of the Enclave. The military scientists were testing behavioral modification and genetic augmentation on wastelanders in order to produce obedient, effective, and perhaps expendable operatives. Jenny was one slated for assassination assignments, but she somehow escaped. Whether it was the trauma of being a test subject or some sort of fail-sake memory-wipe initiative from the Enclave, Jenny doesn't know any of this. Nor does she know that the Enclave are quietly sending people out to look for her. In fact, as far as she knows Jenny is not even her real name. She only took it when others gave her the the nickname 'Unlucky Jenny' due to her constant strings of bad luck.

For now, she wanders the capital wasteland, trying to survive and find out more about her lost memories.

Physically, she is not imposing in her 5ft. 4 inches frame, although some women may find her exceptionally curvy body to be somewhat intimidating. With luscious dark hair and nearly flawless skin, this 18-year old girl of Japanese descent certainly stands out when she wishes to be seen.


Unlucky Jenny

A petite young woman with obviously east-asian features sits in between Satie and smoking man. Her silky, black hair goes down to just below her shoulder blades, and her eyes are puddles of brown. She looks barely 18, maybe 19 tops and sports a fairly frilly, light-blue short skirt, a white tank-top that barely contains her generous chest, and a pair of leather boots. A brown leather jacket hangs from the backof her chair, and bottle of nuka cola rests on the table in front of her seat, its contents half-consumed. A hint of red lipstick can be seen on the bottle's mouth.

The woman appears to be reading a book titled "Britney Spears's Guide to Slutty Prancing", although she would've spoken to the other two at the table cordially should any of the two have spoken to her. When Mr. Jones approaches. the young lady sets her book down, and leans across the table to extend a hand to Mr. Jones.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Jones. I'm Jenny, a girl of many talents. If you need me to infiltrate any slaver groups, I can handle it."

2010-05-07, 06:54 PM
Marcel Smiles.

Call me Marcel. I'm pleased to meet your aquatence. How about a drink?

He orders a drink for everyone. You guys like beer, right? On me. Try not to drink too much, though.

2010-05-10, 01:20 AM
Unlucky Jenny

Jenny shrugs. "Beer is fine, although I prefer brahmin milk. Help a girl grow y'know?" She winks at the older man.

2010-05-10, 06:25 AM
True enough. I don't think they have brahmin milk here, though. Oh, well.

2010-05-22, 10:14 AM
Everybody sits down and has a nice drink. Suddenly, the door to the bar is thrown open and four men--armed with pistols--walk in. They are approximately 9 meters (hexes) away.

"Everyone, hand over all the money you got and noone gets hurt!" One says.

Fight time!

Order of Combat:


Marcel draws his pistol (2AP), then fires a 3-round burst at the nearest thug (5AP, reduced from 6 because of fast shot)

Shot 1:
Small Guns skill = 56

Shot 2:

Shot 2:
HIT (Barely)

The first of four raiders bites it. Every member of the party gains 70XP. There are three Raiders left.