View Full Version : [Acro/Town] Trog's Tavern 206 (formerly Magtok's Tavern - now under old management)

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2010-05-03, 09:09 PM

*Upon entering the tavern you find it to be rustic, dim, cramped, and smelling of spilled beer. Moving through the crowd, half of which seem to be deadtiming, you spot a fireplace with a banjowood carving on the mantle, you also make out through the haze the curving bar and private booths hidden behind ferns. A side door leading to a patio outside reveals a hungry looking dumpster mimic sneaking towards an unsuspecting customer.

Trog's is a single location that exists simultaneously in the cities of Town and Inside. Somehow. It's best not to question it.

Owner and Proprietor: Trog Magtok Trog
Manager: El Jaspero Elizabeth Ml'Ruse El Jaspero
Bartenders: Memzee, Phoebe, Ashna
Bouncer: Baby (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8627338#post8627338) (Baby is played by happyturtle, but can be godmodded in her absence)

Trog's Tavern hires only the finest NPC servers:
((Since all are NPCs they are up for communal control. Feel free to say what they do or say to you or any other patron. To a point.))

Nina - A fiesty and vivacious tiefling. Mean, self-centered and completely unavailable. You may have seen her recently on the WotC 4E cartoon.
Paige - A sweet, wholesome, flirty elf working her way through PC school.
Cosmo - A quick-witted and oppressed gnome scoundrel. Truly a monster. RAWR!

Chimera Cabernet - A hearty red with a hits of oak and black cherry.
Cormyrian Fireamber - Imported and very good.
Eladrin Carbernet - Official Feywine of the Wild Hunt
Kobold Chianti - Tart. Tangy. Shifty.
Merfolk Merlot - Full-bodied with a hint of rose.
Powerlust Pinot - For those corruptable humans
Shadar-Kai Shadowine - Served in a jagged, broken glass
Spoonake Chablis - Straight from the Underdark!
Warlock Wine - Best served cold
Xorn Zinfandel - Sweet and fruity!

Mixed Drinks:
Aboleth Absinthe - Far Realmilicious!
Black Shadow - A strong concoction guaranteed to send a chill down your spine at any temperature.
Coffee Martini - Buzzzzz.
Djinn and Tonic - Whirling ice cubes, fizzy soda, and one drunk genie.
Dragon Liver Buster - Strongest drink in the house
Dwarf Spirits
Fire Archon Asylum Rum - "FAAR!!!"
Haley's Liquer - Named for the redheaded rogue, a sweet creme liquer, excellent over ice.
Hemo Colada - 100% less coconut, 100% more ichor
Ichor Liquor - Made from a fermented mix of various kinds of blood
Jasphattan - El J's Secret Recipie, vermouth & bitters
Murderita - Wasted away again...
Piña CoLlama - If you're not into yoga and have half a brain.
Rust Monster - Scotch, drambuie shaken in a wooden mixer.
Sneak on the Beach - Peach vodka, cran-pineapple juice, a cat hair
Swampwater - Phosphorescent lemon-lime
White Russian/Wukei - for bounty hunters who dig dairy
Wizard Blizzard - Crushed ice and Bourbon. The effect depends on the spell stored in it.

Beers & Such:
Ales: Archon, Guilders, Balthor's Best
Grim Brewery Ginger Beer - Death-o-licious!
Mind Flayer Mead - Mmm... brains.

Other Fine Beverages:
Darknight Coffee - cream has no effect
Fox Cola - the choice of the furry generation
Llamonade - That cool, refreshing drink for quadrupeds
Oni Tea - From the far east.
Red Minotaur Energy Drink - a-MAZE-ing energy!
Root Beer
Save vs. Slow Slurpees™ - C-c-c-cold
Hot Chocolate - Mmmmmmarshmallows

AbyssalNuts - damned and spicy
Baked Goods - Scones and Muffins and Brownies oh my! We have no cake - the cake is a lie!
Bamhacon - where the ham meets the bacon. Served with eggs.
Court of Stars Salad - Fresh fey greens
Hero Sandwiches - what else? Served with Villain vinegrette
Velvet Elfish - Trogtilla chips and hot meat and cheese dip
Yuan-ti Gyros - Lamb. Or halfling. We're not sure.
Trog's Floor Chili - Don't ask Trog where it came from and Trog won't tell you "the floor"

Dwarven Cigars - From our axe-hewn humidor
Coffin Nail™ Cigarettes - Get Nailed!
Halfling Pipeweed - Bogart™ brand

2010-05-03, 09:15 PM
Foro shakes his head and looks around. He takes a few deep breaths before running around in a panic. " Oh no! Foro slipped into new reality! Everything Foro knew is gone and has been replaced! Foro not safe! "

2010-05-03, 09:15 PM
Adrie sighs looking around and seeing the fire is put out. She stumbles to the bar and orders a large steak with large servings of chili fries and a mug of ginger ale.

She is a bit irritated at a small monkey running around in confusion and she snaps at it. Stop panicking! The fire has just been put out magically!

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-03, 09:18 PM

((We're on page 50... do we want Trog's to be on fire in the next thread too? Or shall we extinguish it now?))

(I would like it extinguished... but people have made it difficult to put out... It's all over the tavern... water can't put it out due to it being alcohol based, and it's too big to be choked out all at once... and I (might) have destroyed the reset button...)

With a sigh Adrie sprints to the little figure and tackles it with her spare cloak covering it all over to put the flames out.
She starts hitting it all over to make sure the fire gets put out.

The Kobold is tackled inches from the remaining alcohol location and is put to the flaming floor.

The fire on the Kobold is put out, and there is a dazed saying of "Tax-free..." before the he falls unconsious in the cloak.

There is still the problem of flames all around...

But look, the fire is now out!

The Kobold is still unconsious... for now...

And in addition, there is a glass for donations to Drifter's Library on the counter... currently, empty...

2010-05-03, 09:19 PM
Foro stops and looks at the mean snapping women. " Foro knows that! Foro thought the fire put outing was fun. But now everything been fixed. Only one explanation makes sense to Foro for that. Alternate universe of Nexus that Foro slipped into. " He says nodding his head affirmatively before resuming his panicking.

((Deadtime for a while))

2010-05-03, 09:24 PM
A man dressed in bright colorful costume, in the manner of a gypsy enters the tavern, his clothes despite the wear appear to be made of a kind of silk and are quite fine. A walking staff is in his hand with what appears to be an intricate carving of some sort of hive on the top. He finds his way to the bar clearly ignoring the chaos around him.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-03, 09:27 PM
(I forgot to post this...)

The Kobold is wearing what used to be rich clothing... but the fire reduced it to rags... He's still unconsious...

2010-05-03, 10:20 PM
Adrie sighs and just tucks into her large steak and chili fries and ginger ale.

2010-05-03, 10:23 PM
Talia undeadtimes. Currently, she hangs from the rafters by her tail. She looks a round a little, and is glad to see that the fire is out.

2010-05-04, 01:57 AM
(sing anyone?)

Adrie finishes her meal and leans back against the bar feeling a bit happier. Her eyes roam around idly noticing Talia up in the rafters and the wolves scatter around the place.

Her slowly healing hands twitch a bit every time her eyes lands on the brown wolf. Must resist glomping again. NOOO Do not glomp wolfy Do not Glomp wolfy. runs through her mind.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 09:38 AM
The Earth Wolf, who is twice as tall as a normal wolf and five or six times larger, is licking his paws which have become slightly singed from the fire.

His big muddy eyes then look around Trog's, and he lies down and rests his muzzle on the ground.

Meanwhile, the Leader of the Wolf Pack, who has been kicked outside for catching someone on fire, is rather depressed that he missed such a neat fire. With longing in his eyes, he whines and paces around, the black wolf following him back and forth.

In addition, there is a woman here in Trog's. She has beautiful olive skin and long black hair. Her general demeanor is that of a gypsy.

She sits at the bar, and orders a strong (yet normal) drink, before leaning back against the back of her chair, content.

2010-05-04, 10:45 AM
Memzee has stoled Dyna's job!

Why's that?

Well, simply enough, Dyna has plenty to do around the City. This is the sort of place that attracts all kinds of horrible doomish things. Memzee, however, is a bit more limited in her scope of activities. And simply wandering around gets dull in a hurry.

Bad spot for the Warden.

Good spot for the reluctant demoness.

Which means...

Memzee's behind the bar trying to figure out where her apron went! Every time she's gone for any length of time it has this nasty habit of making itself scarce. Stupid thing. No doubt Cosmo has something to do with the-


Oh. She seems to have just noticed all the random wolves.

The bar-maid shakes a finger at them in a rather admonishing fashion. "You all had better not be looking for trouble."

2010-05-04, 10:54 AM
Dipsnig slips into Trog's and notices the gypsy-looking girl. Yup, that's her. Now just to figure out the best way to get her to NO's employers. He sure hopes the wolves aren't hers.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 10:57 AM
For my own sake, I'm going to try to remember which colors there are...
Outside of Trog's, there's a black wolf and a red wolf, with a jacket that somebody gave to them as they felt sorry for them. Inside Trog's, however, there's the large brown wolf, a green wolf that has a putrid smell, worse than gym socks, a blue wolf by the window and a yellow wolf with her head laying on the blue wolf, and a cyan wolf who seems rather chilly, who is the one that Memzee scolded.
...yup, that's them.

The cyan wolf looks back at the demon barkeep, and bares her fangs, for scolding.
She doesn't like getting scolded.

Back to my human character, the gypsylike woman, who had just received her drink right before Memzee came back, downs the entire drink in one go. However, since she doesn't want to get (too) drunk, she doesn't order another, but rather grabs a paper and starts doodling on the back of it. It's a doodle of Memzee, and not Dipsing, because demons stick out in her mind more than goblins.

2010-05-04, 11:05 AM
Dipsnig oders himself a glass of blue-colored goblin beer, pondering the possible plans.

2010-05-04, 11:18 AM
To be honest Memzee's nature isn't painfully obvious. She looks... pretty much exactly as she had before the corruption ever took place. Though... her body language is certainly a bit different. More confident, self assured... and not to mention alluring. Aside from the horns and the fact that her ears look like they've been replaced with bat-like wings she appears... human.

Though obviously there's something up with her.

She growls right back at the wolf.

"Don't you dare give me any lip or you'll be out on your fuzzy technicolor tush!" so there! That said she retrieves the goblin's drink for him. "There you are! Hope you enjoy it!"

Mmm.... oddly colored booze...

Once various customers have been served Memzee gets back to her task of arranging the various bottles and ingredients behind the counter more to her liking. Someone has been fiddling with her stuff!

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 11:26 AM
That shut the wolf right up.

She suddenly stops growling, but doesn't back off her stare. It's not a territorial matter; it's a matter of pride. Staring with her icy eyes, the wolf watches every little movement that the barkeep makes.

The gypsy woman, also watching Memzee, although for an entierly different reason (the reason being, she can sense demonic influence), finishes her doodling. For good measure, she adds a cat, a tree, four bubbles, and a squiggly line to the picture.

Completely unaware of what Dipsing has planned for her, she looks around for the next most interesting person in the Tavern. Sadly, for her, Dipsing comes in third, because a masked wrestler just walked in and up to the bar. "Oi! Gimme the strongest thing a human can handle!" he orders. "Because I am O LUTADOR MASCARADO, and I can handle it!" He was a bit hammy, and rather rude.

2010-05-04, 11:32 AM
Oh, Lord Below. Dipsnig sighs. Then again, this huge idiot may provide a distraction he needs.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 12:15 PM
The masked wrestler decides to bother an NPC while waiting. He turns towards a man, and starts talking, in a loud voice so that everybody can hear him, about how large his muscles are.

They're pretty large...

The beautiful olive-skinned woman chuckles at the silly man, and sketches his crazy spandex outfit onto the paper, as well. She leaves out the glitter, though, because glitter is hard to draw.

2010-05-04, 12:33 PM
Dipsnig's sitting on his stool grumpily. He has a few ideas as to how to kidnap the woman, but how to do it so that noone suspects him? He'd rather he wasn't banned from Trog's for good.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 12:39 PM
Dipsing could always feign innocence by claiming they were playing a game akin to chess.

Or, he could wait.

Because the attention of the young woman has switched from the second most interesting person in the tavern, to the third most interesting person in the tavern. And, because she doesn't know what goblins are, she gets up and walks towards him. "Excuse me," she starts, "but are you a dwarf? Or a gnome? I've never met one."

2010-05-04, 12:45 PM
Dipsnig's momentarily furious at the suggestion he's a dwarf of all things but hides it well and smiles pleasantly. No, miss. I'm a goblin.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 12:49 PM
"Oh...a goblin?" It takes a couple seconds for her to remember the fairy tales she heard while growing up.

"Y-you mean...goblin?" Incredulous! Her eyes go wide. "Like, the 'steal naughty children while they sleep' kind?"

Obviously, she hasn't heard good fairy tales about goblins.

2010-05-04, 12:52 PM
Dipsnig looks surprised. Why on earth would I do that?

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:00 PM
"Well, maybe not you," she says apologetically in an effort not to offend him. "But, it's just that...all the stories say that's what goblins do."

She sits down on a nearby chair, finally, and sets the paper on the tabletop.

2010-05-04, 01:02 PM
The stories must be wrong then, because I can assure you, we don't steal children. Maybe some losers on other worlds who call themselves goblins do.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:11 PM
"Oh, that...that's good," says the woman. "I used to always have nightmares..."

However, it's no big deal. She shrugs off the feeling, and then goes back to looking at her paper.

2010-05-04, 01:12 PM
Dipsnig tries to steal a glance at what's on the paper.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:18 PM
On the backside of the paper, there's the sketches that she made earlier. This is the side that Dipsing can see.

On the other side, he may be able to figure out that it's a letter, by the inked words that barely can be seen through.

She glances up at Dipsing when she notices that he's looking at her letter over her shoulder, pretty much. The woman does not stop him, though, because it's just a sketch. "You like it?" she asks.

2010-05-04, 01:20 PM
Yes, the drawings are very good, he says, pretending not to have seen the letter.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:26 PM
"So what's your name, goblin?" she asks him, smiling at his compliment.

She folds the letter back up, and sticks it in a pocket.

2010-05-04, 01:30 PM
I'm Dipsnig Razortooth, miss. And you? Dipsnig really doesn't like being called "goblin", but he swallows it this time, since it might give him the much-needed opportunity.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:44 PM
"Cneajna Călugărul," (Ugh. I hate trying to find out how to do accents on letters) she responds. "Pleasure to meet you, mister Razortooth."

2010-05-04, 01:46 PM
((Huh. Is that the Romani language?))
Mutual, I assure you. Now, may I ask what you are doing in this fine estabilishment?

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 01:50 PM
((Yup! You got it!)) (It makes it sound better when names that match their nationality are given)

"I'm travelling," she says with a shrug. "I got thirsty as I passed this building, so I decided to drop in for a visit."

2010-05-04, 01:54 PM
((That's definetly true.))
Ah. So you're a traveller, then?

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 02:01 PM
"Well, yes," the woman says with confidence.

"However, it wasn't a choice that I made. My mother couldn't afford to keep me at home, and it's easier for a woman to get a job on the road than it is back home." Miss Călugărul uses slight hand motions as she talks. She might know a sign language.
Either that, or she just likes to use her hands to talk.

2010-05-04, 02:04 PM
Hm, interesting. So what exactly do you do on the road? Keep talking, and an opportunity will come up...

Je dit Viola
2010-05-04, 02:54 PM
"I'm an artist," she says.

(Sorry for not posting. And sorry for the short post. Also, I have to deadtime right now. Bye!)

2010-05-04, 03:22 PM
Dipsnig grumbles as the deadtime ooze foils his plans.

He shakes his head. "Not exactly. They combined tech and magic to make horrifying creations. I was at the center of the blast of a Pinwheel Bomb when I was sent here by it."

They combined technology and magic? Sounds like a logical course of action if both are present... except it didn't work out alright from what you're saying.

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-04, 05:41 PM
The door of the tavern opens, revealing what appears to be a walking pile of weapons and ammunition. Revolvers, rifles, double barreled shotguns and even a small cannon bristle from the pile, which moves over to the bar.

"Whisky on the rocks."

The bundle divests itself of most of its burdens, leaving a rough shaven, thirty year old man, wearing chaps, spurs and a manic grin.

"Greetings, t'y'all. M'name's Jackson, Brett Jackson, marksman extrordinaire. Y'name it, I'll hit it, but I don't pay fer Damages."

He's still carrying four revolvers, a rifle, a shotgun, six bandoliers and more derringers, than I can count on both hands.

2010-05-04, 08:23 PM
Adrie undeadtimes from longing at the brown wolf and launches herself into the air to glomp it. Anyone who sees that will see a flying elf head straight for the brown wolf with huge eyes and hear a sqeee coming from her mouth.

2010-05-04, 10:30 PM
Talia undeadtimes, still hanging from the rafters.

2010-05-04, 11:54 PM
Kandri undeadtimes after rather a while, mysteriously back to normal after the scuffle with the magic armor thingy. With her are two tigers, and she seems to have mysteriously acquired an ocelot as well.

2010-05-04, 11:58 PM
Kandri might notice a woman covered in blue fur, hanging from the rafters by her tail.

Talia sure notices Kandri. And the cats.

2010-05-05, 12:07 AM
They combined technology and magic? Sounds like a logical course of action if both are present... except it didn't work out alright from what you're saying.

He shakes his head. "Oh no, that's the thing. It worked perfectly. That was the problem. Pinwheel bombs, magic mines, infinity clips..." he sighs sadly. "It went on and on..."

2010-05-05, 09:44 AM
Kandri is still wondering where the man with the scorpion symbols went.

2010-05-05, 11:14 AM
He shakes his head. "Oh no, that's the thing. It worked perfectly. That was the problem. Pinwheel bombs, magic mines, infinity clips..." he sighs sadly. "It went on and on..."

Hmmm, so it's not that magic and technology don't mix but that they mix too well... interesting. I'll keep that in mind if I return home... it may be backwater and primitive now, but it marches on... at least some parts of it do, she adds a mite bitterly.

2010-05-05, 11:20 AM
He raises an eyebrow. "Let me guess, the part that advances keeps the others enslaved?"

2010-05-05, 11:22 AM
No, actually. What I mean is that the world seems to be advancing... only not the part where I used to live. She sighs.

2010-05-05, 11:33 AM
Viscose nods. "Happened where I was from, just not any time in the past hundred years. Used to have huge gaps in technology levels depending on where you went."

2010-05-05, 11:41 AM
Yes, I know what you mean... just compare human kingdoms to orcs, for instance. But it doesn't make being the most stagnant human nation any less frustrating.

2010-05-05, 03:15 PM
Not seeing the scorpion-man, Kandri looks up at the woman hanging from the rafters. "Well hello there."

Earl of Purple
2010-05-05, 03:40 PM
In the corner by the bar is a red-skinned man with a black goatee and stubby horns. He's wearing a red t-shirt with a black two-tailed scorpion symbol upon it and jeans. As well as this, he is wearing a silver amulet depicting a two-tailed scorpion.

On the bar is a stack of leaflets. Each leaflet has a black, two-tailed scorpion symbol emblazoned at the bottom.

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 04:09 PM
Brett finishes his whisky and reaches into his bundles of guns and pulls out a sandwich board. This probably wouldn't actually fit into any of the bags.



This he places near the bar and sets about cleaning his guns.

"I'll start in a jiffy, don't go away folks."

2010-05-05, 04:11 PM
Kandri turns to the scorpion guy. "Oh there you are, been looking for you. I picked up one of your pamphlets in the streets."

Earl of Purple
2010-05-05, 04:19 PM
"Really? And you're interested in the Church, are you? Well, I'll try and help." The tiefling looks at Kandri with much interest and barely-concealed excitement. This may just be the first PC convert to the Cult, and he's the one who'll get the credit!

2010-05-05, 04:21 PM
"I'm curious anyway. Could you tell me about this church?" Kandri is not actually likely to join but she's rather curious and all. She's a cleric of Brindi, but Brindi hardly demands exclusivity from his followers.

Earl of Purple
2010-05-05, 04:35 PM
"We offer praise to Dalachrech, the Lord of Invertebrates. He is truly the most important god around, as without invertebrates there could be no life. No bees or butterflies to pollinate our plants, no flies or beetles to remove our waste, no plankton to feed the fish. There are, of course, more unpleasant invertebrates too, but without them the Balance of the World would be compromised and that would be a Very Bad Thing. I could, if you want, show you around the nearest temple?" The tiefling still looks excited. He doesn't know he's talking to another cleric. Although, Kandri may recognise Dalachrech as being a Demon Lord, but since he only gained that status 150 years ago he's not yet a big name in demonology.

2010-05-05, 04:51 PM
For background, Brindi is the god of music. CN for those of you D&D people. Kandri has probably heard that it's a demon lord, she just doesn't really care. "I would be quite interested in the temple, thank you."

Earl of Purple
2010-05-05, 04:57 PM
"Excelent. Please, follow me and try not to get lost."

Defelent the Tiefling Cultist will then lead Kandri to The Temple of Dalachrech located Inside. However, they will have to arrive tomorrow as I must now Deadtime.

2010-05-05, 05:21 PM
Danelshes undeadtimes at the bar, looking through his pockets for money.

2010-05-05, 05:24 PM
Roxie, the pixie, flitters in with her pet on a leash made of fine gold chain.


"Sit Fluffy," she orders when she gets to the bar. "I'd like a thimble of foxglove nectar for me and a bathtub full of broth for my baby."

Her pet is a Dire Half-Dragon Rancor named Fluffy.

2010-05-05, 05:26 PM
That's just terrible.

Danelshes falls out of his seat in startlement at seeing Fluffy. Looks like one of those cyborg war-machines that'd just been set lose.
"Hallo. Wha's that you got there?"

2010-05-05, 05:32 PM
Fluffy sits down in a place large enough for him and keeps his tail and wings close, wary of hitting people. He seems to raise an eyebrow at Danelshes. It? Sheesh. His name was Fluffy. Just because he couldn't speak very well didn't mean he was simple.

2010-05-05, 05:35 PM
Roxie sits on Fluffy's head, leaning back against one ear. "This is Fluffy. He's a good boy, aren't you?" She reaches down and scritches along his eyebrow. "Yus you are!"

2010-05-05, 05:36 PM
Then he shouldn't be on a leash.
((Sorry, but I have to deadtime him suddenly.))

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-05, 05:36 PM
"So lovey, how was your day today?"
"It's been pretty good so far. Managed to find a little store with some proper flower equipment."
A young couple sits at one end of the tower, each member sitting in the opposite side of the booth leaning slightly over the table.

"And then there was this big...thing!"
"What kind of thing?"
"I dunno, I can't describe it. It had all these eyes and mouths and...the air was filled with voices! I think it was some sorta extraplanar critter or whatever they call them here."
"A few people have been mentioning those lately..."
Three middle-aged men in simple, but sturdy looking hunting gear sit at a similarly small table, without meals but not appearing to desire them.

"Tag, you're it!"
"Aw, no fair! I'm always the one getting tagged!"
"Then move faster!"
"Yeah, slowpoke!"
Four young children run around the tavern, clearly enjoying their game.

2010-05-05, 05:46 PM
Fluffy gives a pleased growl at the scratchings. Okay, maybe he is a bit simple, but he's not stupid. He carefully watches the children and waits for his drink.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 05:50 PM
After a brief visit to the primary MagCave to have a catgirl's damaged dress replaced with something that doesn't imply fighting against hungry velociraptors, Magtok viciously tears a hole through time and space. The hole appears as a brightly colored oval on a wall, stretching and swirling about until that strange thing called a telewarp portal appears.

Out of this portal, stepping in sideways with his shiny chrome left side forwards, is Magtok, his forehead reflecting the strange lights and swirling colors of his portal as he slinks in. With a sick grin on his face, he menacingly waves a futuristic-looking gun about in the air, before stepping all the way through, revealing his biological side and the equally insidious catgirl holding his right hand.

Ladies...and gentlemen. And Dire Half-Dragon Rancors. And...wait, what?

The cyborg blinks, and turns back towards his accomplice.

Shoot, they've got a Dire Half-Dragon Rancor. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Shaking his head and clearing his throat to buy himself a moment to reclaim the courage and reckless daring he came in with, Magtok puts a smile back on his face and continues.

Ladies! Gentlemen! Rancors! And whatever else in here that doesn't fall under the first three categories!

It's very nice to meet you all. My name is Magtok, this is Elly, we're taking over the business, and these guns here say there isn't a darned thing you can do about it. If you have any complaints, objections, or any other sort of death wish, feel free to voice it now. Otherwise, sit down, shut up, and keep drinking.

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-05, 05:56 PM
The happy couple glances over and considers the situation.
They decide now is an excellent time to leave and not potentially die.
They move to do so.

The four children completely ignore Magtok and Elly and their shiny little portal, being horribly engrossed in their game.
Look! They're jumping tables! And possible Fluffy's tail!

The three men at the table, however, eye Magtok rather neutrally.
Assessing him. Is he a threat? Probably no more so than that rancor over there, but he seems more aggressive.
So they speak up.
"Hey, what do you want this business for, exactly?"

2010-05-05, 05:57 PM
Falkane walks in yawning.
He's walking straight ahead into the middle of the inn not really paing attention due to his nose deep in a book or tome of some sort.
But not yawning at Magtok.
It would be embarrassing if he took it the wrong way wouldn't it?
He stumbles a bit over a nail in the floor.
Stupid hunk of metal!
He curses at the nail.
Not Magtok...
But then again, how would he know he was cursing a nail?
Am I trying to get my character killed?
But I'm bored so oh well.

He also looks like this.
http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1003/d15/2357/1e16397.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/35452348)

2010-05-05, 05:58 PM
"Shh, it's okay. Some idiot managed to kill it with a door before, you can do better." Elle smiles and waves the shotgun around in a vaguely threatening manner. Fun! "And... Drinks are on me for the next hour! Not literally, if you value your life, or bone marrow..."

Well. Trog's, but would Magtok keep the name? Hopefully. It'd cut down on the confusion. The catgirl looks around a bit more, then heads for the bar confidently enough. "What would everyone like?"

2010-05-05, 06:02 PM
"Ummm...what exactly are you taking over here? And why? I'm sure there are a lot more profitable places around here to take over." Kandri is a bit confused.

2010-05-05, 06:04 PM
"A thimbleful of foxglove nectar for me and a bathtub full of broth for Fluffy," Roxie says to Elly, not moving from her relaxed position against Fluffy's ear, or seeming particularly perturbed at the change in management. It's not her bar, after all.

Baby, on the other hand, doesn't approve, and steps in front of the catgirl, looking rather stubborn. "Bar not yours." :smallannoyed:

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 06:18 PM
Magtok shakes his head with that awful grin still plastered on his face, as if some small child were trying to convince him of the existence of Santa Claus, instead of being menaced by a dwarf and some NPCs.

Why? Why, for money, for profit, for those humongous six-bazillion platinum piece tips people leave every other week! We can't just watch poor Cosmo, burdened by the weight of all those weighty gold coins, and then simply leave with clean conscience, can we? No, of course not, and anyone who thinks otherwise ought to have their head checked.

Turning his head and tilting it askew, he faces Baby, quickly assessing the dwarf as a potential risk.

And speaking of dementia pugilistica...I suppose you'd rather have that scaly old geezer then, miss?

2010-05-05, 06:22 PM
Kandri raises an eyebrow just as deadtime hits her.

2010-05-05, 06:22 PM
"On the few occasions Trog has graced the tavern with his presence, I always recall him being buried in bills." Felix sips his glass of wine and gets up out of his seat, "I think you'll find this place a little less profitable than you anticipate." As he talks he walks over to the bar to order another glass of wine...

The old man doesn't seem at all bothered by the guns.

"Besides, as the confused dwarf has just pointed out, this bar isn't yours."

2010-05-05, 06:30 PM
Falkane looks up for a moment.
He realizes what he said.
Thankful that no one noticed just sorta slinks away.
Then thinks for a moment.
Scratching his chin wishing there was an awesome goatee there.
He then speaks up.
Surely someone of your...
Resources could invest into something with a higher and more reliable yield.
Instead starting a quarrel that may lead to a bloodbath, hurting you and more of your minions I'm assuming you have some given your... Stature.

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 06:31 PM
Four gaunt figures in black kinetic armor, tinged with red and grey.They move with startling speed, and they have the room covered with odd looking weapons, and, less tactful but just as effective, combat knives in their off hands.

"Check your targets, return fire only."

NYA Black ops sleeper agents, better known as nightmare squads, the best of the best.

"I'm sorry, but this is a private owned establishment, and besides, hostile takeovers are our job."

2010-05-05, 06:34 PM
"Baby protect bar!" Baby says firmly. She may not be the smartest person in the room, but she knows that a bouncer isn't supposed to just let anyone behind the bar. She draws her double axe and holds it in front of her.

2010-05-05, 06:38 PM
Elle pats Baby, and smiles, "Don't worry. I work... here." She comments laughingly, and then notes the creepy show ups. "Hey, Magtok. What say we have a good old, hello-goodbye for our new friends?" She racks the shotgun, ah that ever-recognizable noise, and blasts the nearest one with diamond shards.

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-05, 06:41 PM
The bills probably exist due to all the people that don't pay for their drinks, sadly.

And don't resent the NPCs! We here they dangerous in swarms.

"What can you and your attachment do to the all of us, if we decide not to let you have this tavern?"
"With just those weapons, I doubt you can take everyone."

2010-05-05, 06:43 PM
Fluffy doesn't seem too bothered by Magtok showing up, only bothered by the lack of food in his stomach. To hasten things along, he lets out a low growl, which sounds a lot like subwoofers at large rock concerts.

Meanwhile, at the end of the bar, the man with the strawberry fizz reaches into a pocket, pressing the button inside and hopes it works.

2010-05-05, 06:45 PM
"Oy! Whichever one of you lot is running the place, get me my damn drink!" Roxie yells, her voice surprisingly loud for a creature that's about three inches tall. Fluffy will probably sense her irritation.

"Catgirl not work here," Baby says, and tries to thwack Elly across the head with the flat of one axe blade.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 06:46 PM
How long has it been?

Long enough, apperently.

The Kobold finally regains consiousness. He's wearing scorched rags and a cloak that someone put over him.

He looks over at Magtok, and raises an eyelid (because he doesn't have any eyebrows). "You do know that if you take the place over, you'll have to pay more taxes, right?

Speaking of taxes, can anyone point me towards the rulers of Town? I would like to apply for a job of a tax collector. Someone has got to do it, so why shouldn't it be me?"

2010-05-05, 06:49 PM
Just gonna hide under a table...
Not that anyone cares...
He slowly slinks underneath a table slowly pulling out a wand for anyone that wants to mess with him.
And what does he do?
Does he prepare for the upcoming fight?
Does he take a quick nap?
Does he write his last words?
What about take a cheap shot at some un-knowing person?
He reads.

Because he's a mage...
They are always reading.
Even in the worst situations.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 06:50 PM
Magtok frowns, not really caring for the flood of questions and complaints. He really ought to just shoot those people for being so rude and impetuous, but then everyone would go elsewhere for their drinks, and he'd have to take over the Generica and Lulz Bar too, and that'd just be impractical, even if one accounts for whatever hostile debt-collection system MagCorp might employ.

And then some SWAT ninja wannabes barge in, totally try to steal his spotlight and rip off his entire plan. Jerks. There's only one proper response to that, and it involves a lot of violence. Luckily, Elle already seems to have exactly the same thing in mind, leaving him open to figure out his own plan for attacking the black ops team.

In a second, miss!

With a dive, Magtok attempts to get behind the bar, and use the thing as cover whilst opening fire on the nightmare squad. Simultaneously, he tosses a small, hovering chrome orb with spindly robot arms out of his pocket, which proceeds to completely ignore the fight, instead mixing and handing out drinks for the cowed crowd.

2010-05-05, 06:52 PM
Felix frowns and casually tosses a handful of copper coated bones behind the bar, right near where Magtok landed.

At the same time he takes out a hip flask and pours a little water on the floor and starts mumbling...

Seems Felix intends to get involved too.

2010-05-05, 06:57 PM
There's a pair of ISF landspeeders arriving outside Trog's. Coming inside now are 2 ISF squads of six men each, two men in each squad armed with pulse scatterguns (basically shotgun-y weapons) over the standard pulse carbine. All of them are armed with Perforator Heavy Pistols (plasma weapons, yay) over the standard laser pistol. Huh. One calls out. "What's going on here?"

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 07:01 PM
Wow, firing a weapon at someone wearing ZXC82 reflective kinetic armor.

Nice plan.

Magtok's own shots are flung back at him by the Black ops' armor.The bar should stop most of them however.


The kinetic bursts the squad return however, don't really take cover into accout, each shot tearing halfling sized holes in the bar.They pack about the same force as a thirty mile an hour horse, but far more concentrated.It's not a good idea to try to weather their fire.And cover rapidly runs out.

{I'll give you ninja wannabees.}


The nightmare squad activate the devices that give them their name. To each person who even tries to look at them finds their own worst fear staring back at them, making it impossible for all but the strongest willed to even bear to stay in the same room as one.

The mass of solid fear makes for the door.

2010-05-05, 07:01 PM
A young girl and a middle-aged zombie walk into the Tavern.
The first runs over to try to join in the game of tag, while the other stands blankly by the door.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 07:03 PM
The kobold squeaks and dives under a table...

"Oh, hello sir," he says. "What are you reading?"

... the same table that the mage is under, surprisingly.

2010-05-05, 07:06 PM
"I hat-" Thwack! The side of an axe in the head and Elle's aim goes wide, the next burst going off toward the kobold instead of the idiot soldiers. She stumbles, away from the bar, and peers suspiciously at the soldiers. Well. They're made of babble and vague defences, just like ninja-wanna be's.

Time to make things more interesting! ...if the room would stop spinning. Elle leans on the closest table, and rubs the side of her head. "Oww..."

2010-05-05, 07:08 PM
Falkane just tries to drag him and his table to a nice corner...
He'll step in maybe if people weren't shooting ionized horses at each other.
Silly Bergett, horses can't be ionized... I think.

He looks at the Kolbold with him.
Oh, a book about experimental magic concerning the manipulation of magnetism, quite interesting actually.
Almost ironic seeing as people are firing magnetically sped mass, and ionized gases at each other using electromagnets.
He goes into more in depth scientific magic mombo kumbo with lots of equations and a few yelps as shots land near him.

Almost mid sentence he adds.
Watch out for that axe.

2010-05-05, 07:11 PM
A piece of shrapnel explodes up from the bar, hitting the pixie. She falls off the rancor's head, unconscious and bleeding from the skull.

Baby is rather proud that she kept Elly from getting behind the bar, but when someone starts shooting the place up, that's much worse.

And then she sees her worse fear. Baby goes berserk and charges the nearest Black Ops dude, quite ready to slay her worst fear dead. She's a dwarf barbarian wielding an orcish double axe, and this time she's not using the flat. She's aiming to chop the guy in half at human waist lefvel. Even if the armor itself can resist a sharp axe, the momentum of the blow could well shatter his spine.

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 07:14 PM
Technically they don't fire anything. They produce short short bursts of raw kinetic energy. Works off the same stuff as most NYA equipment. A traditional power source activating a sorcerous kinetic energy generator.


{Were they ninja wannabees, you wouldn't see them in the first place.}

The momentum of Baby's axe is turned against her and the axe is thrown backward sfrom the soldier, taking her with it if her grip holds out.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 07:14 PM


:smalleek:"MY CLOTHES! MY TAIL!":smallfurious:

The Kobold gets out from under the table, holding up what remains of his clothes around him (mainly to keep this a G environment). "Watch your aim... Urg... not again..." and the Kobold falls unconsious again.

His tail is detached from his body right now, and he's bleeding...

2010-05-05, 07:16 PM
Oh, that's not good!

Felix looks across just in time to see the pixie go down. He quickly finishes his work, leaving a freshly made water golem behind to smack whoever becomes the most annoying...

But that can be determined later.

Now, Felix is no healer, but his bones essentially act as a magical utility belt. He has a lot of spells carved into those bones of his, including a few healing ones. Nothing special, but enough to, say, make sure the pixie bleeding out of her skull doesn't die.

He runs towards her, searching for the right bone.

2010-05-05, 07:18 PM
At the sight of the ISF squad, the man at the counter points to them with the device he used as a signal to give himself credibility. He quickly dives away from the counter at the gunfire, getting hit by wooden shards in the leg.

Fluffy feels Roxie fall from his head and looks at her. Not Roxie! :smalleek:

He tries to catch her and turns to the people responsible, the Nightmares. His eyes and scales go red, as he lets out an angry growl. The cloaks will have no effect on him as his worst fear already happened.

They hurt Roxie.

The Nightmares will see the gladiator(Fluffy) step in front of them. Given his extremely large mass, he'll effectively block the door. With a roar, he lashes out with a half-ton fist, with over a ton of force behind it, at the group of people who hurt his mummy.

2010-05-05, 07:19 PM
The little kid screams at the top of her lungs to see the nightmare armor, and runs back out of the tavern.
The zombie is confused, and decides it would be wisest to tear the ninja wannabes apart.

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-05, 07:21 PM
Oh hey, a new person in the game of tag!

The four original children happily receive the new playmate. Probably via whapping her with the metaphorical "it" stick.
Them's the breaks when you join a game run by children.
Or that would have happened, if the child hadn't fled.

Meanwhile, the three NPC men watch the shootout and retreat towards a corner.
This was going to get out of hand.

And 'lo!
Something dangerous this way comes.
"Custard pudding goo dip slide fall stick rain amidst between among within turkey chicken red kiwi scarlet jade meal dinner hills trees feast."
From behind a small fold in space behind a hydrogen particle, approximately four feet away from the nightmare squadies, an enormous, glistening black spider the size of a van strides in, held aloft on extraordinarily long, spindly legs ending in brutal sword-sized and sharpness spikes. Most of it's girth is in the form of an immense teardrop shaped body, while a small portion of it is a small section of the spider, where the legs connect, and two infantile-appearing arms lurk below an eerie face. Several eyes, befitting spider-status and a gaping maw filled with numerous fangs.

It glances around.
"Click clock green free bonus polar flippant."

Thanatos 51-50
2010-05-05, 07:22 PM
Into Trog's Tavern for the first time, wanders Alexander Wright.
He is immediately met by what can only be described as a mass of tangible nothingness. A vague, inky-black stain across Reality.
And people were attacking it.
The gunslinger quickly threw himself away from the black mass of nothing and activated his N-Spacers, summoning a pair of marvelous kinetic pistols he acquired from a Rogue Trader into his hands.
The cyborg took a moment to place the guns on the floor and N-space a servitor robot and a crude, steel pavise into existence, immediately hiding behind the cover and transmitting a signal to order the robot to look for explosives.

Loathe to fire blindly into the inky black, he glances about the room.
"What the hell is that thing?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 07:23 PM
Drifter has arrived!

The problems: anarchy in the tavern, and there is a giant blocking the doorway into the tavern, so Drifter is stuck outside.

Also, the kobold is still bleeding...

2010-05-05, 07:25 PM
The ISF troopers, unfortunately for the Yiridians, saw them before they cloaked.

And heard them announce their cloaking. The squads falter, but the four fireteam leaders rally their men. "Hold! Detectors, now!" The ISF troopers don their stealth-detecting visors, designed to be able to pierce any and all illusions and stealth functions. Magical invisibility included.

Energy pulses soon begin raining on the Nightmare Squad from eight pulse carbines, the four scattergun troopers firing on them with plasma shots from their Perforator Heavy Pistols instead.

Given that these are both essentially energy weapons, the kinetic reflection should not work.

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 07:26 PM
The Rancor's own strength is turned against him as his fist is flung backwards with the same force, probably shattering the door frame.The soldier's armor can be heard using additional power to reflect the blow, filling the bar with a high pitched hum.

Plasma, being made of particles, can be DEflected by the armor, and the opposing forces from the pulse carbines will cancel against the kinetic field.Now they just have to hope their batteries don't run flat.


One of the soldiers uses his weapon to blast a large hole in the exterior wall, and the four of them make a run for it, scattering NPCs.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 07:29 PM

Magtok hits the ground with a thud, and just lies there for a moment or two, making certain he's not quite dead yet.

Okay, so...there are holes in the bar. When and why did that happen? And why's there a massive bloody wound in the side of Magtok's chest? He certainly doesn't recall any sort of counter-attack. The injury hurts an awful lot, and the sooner he can figure this out, the sooner he can consider his next course of action and-

Oh hey, there's a bone here. Hope it's not one of Maggy's, as that chest wound looks nasty enough as is. Now let's...limp back up, peek out from the bar just a bit to see what's going on up there, and...Oh crap, they have that on their side? But...but it's been permanently deadtimed for years! (S)he can't be back, much less with three extra clone of herself as back-up! And...oh gods, she was disguised as those soldiers, wasn't she?! Why else would his laser volley so effortlessly get deflected back?! He's back to get him, back to finish where she left off! :smalleek:

Figuring he hasn't a chance against the most savage and disturbed foe he's ever faced in his life, the cyborg limps away from the bar and the Fear-impersonators, trying to quietly and inconspicuously put as much distance between himself and the blond gender-benders as poss-Oh thank gods, they're leaving. Throwing his chest against the counter for support, Magtok breathes a sigh of relief and begins looking over his wound to try to figure out if he'll be getting out of this alive. Ugh, looks pretty foul. Probably not.

2010-05-05, 07:29 PM
The momentum of Baby's axe is turned against her and the axe is thrown backward sfrom the soldier, taking her with it if her grip holds out.

The momentum may turn, but it's an orcish double axe. She's trained in using both ends of it, and uses the momentum to flip it around and whack him again, this time aiming for the hip joint, where armour is usually most vulnerable.

((Darkening, you need to watch the godmodding. You can attempt to turn someone's force against them, but it's up to them whether it succeeds))

2010-05-05, 07:30 PM
Suddenly, banging is heard from outside the door, followed by a loud scratching and an ominous moaning. Whether it was sunny, rainy, cloudy, foggy, hurricaney or whatever outside, thunder roars as the door bursts open.

A short man, covered in dirt with blackened clothes that may have been fancy a long time ago walks in. His hair is messy and unkept and his skin is rotting away from his feet to the lids over his bloodshot eyes. Looks like it's been rotting away for quite a while. In fact, his left ear is gone and his right hand is mostly skeletal.

He makes his way towards the closest supersoldier and strightens out his clothes, mostly as a manerism. It doesn't look like those clothes could ever remotely look presentable.

His voice sounds a bit hoarse. He could probably do with a drink. Yet, he speaks in a very sophisticated British accent. "Excuse me, sir? I am under the impression that you are using weapons of raw kinetic energy? They have some sort of kinetic energy generator? Is this correct?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 07:33 PM
Drifter goes around to the new "doorway" and starts yelling. "Come visit the Eternal Library across the street! Your knowledge needs in one stop! Now open during construction!"

Then he sighs. "Who needs healing?"

He doesn't notice the Kobold, which is bleeding next to a table in front of a mage...

2010-05-05, 07:33 PM
Chaos and confusion!

Gnrlshrimp is rapidly losing track of what's going on.

Fluffy is, er, holding the pixie now, right? Right? Please tell me I've kept track of at least that bit...

Anyway, assuming that Gnrlshrimp is right about that, Felix kinda...stops...and looks at the Rancor. "Um..." Yeah, he's really not sure how to deal with this. "I can help your friend?"

2010-05-05, 07:34 PM
@DarkeningCloud: (So you're saying their armor can reflect...no reverse the force of a car ramming into them? :smallconfused:)

Fluffy is used to controlling his blows, so is easily unaffected by the reflection. Still angry, he tries to wrap a hand around one instead to catch it. His hands are easily large enough to be able to do so. It's not actually hitting him so there's no reason for the reflections suits to work on it.

Unfortunately, Fluffy isn't in the right state of mind to reply to the offer of help. He's barely containing his acidic breath weapon, let alone logic. :smallfrown:

2010-05-05, 07:36 PM
Falkane winces at the fate of the Kobold.
He crawls forward a his to do his best to help.
He pulls some bandages to try to stop the bleeding but that's all got.
On quick notice anyway.

2010-05-05, 07:38 PM
Drat. In his confused state, Gnrlshrimp forgot something!

Those bones...that Felix threw...

Unfortunately he didn't predict that Magtok would get shot badly.

And unfortunately for the cyborg, he's now sharing the area behind the bar with half a dozen copper coated skeletons...

Darkening Cloud
2010-05-05, 07:38 PM
The second blow strikes the soldier just under the hip.His batteries are low and the armor can only lessen the blow.As he falls someone in his high command activates his kinetic reverser.The soldier is rapidly crushed down to a small pebble of metal.Someone's watching, and pulling the plug. The other three soon follow, leaving only four pebbles, and a trail of destruction.

Sounds of warfare echo through Inside. On the fields Outside, an old score is being settled.

2010-05-05, 07:40 PM
"Woah... Um... Sorry, there." She tries to apologise to the kobold, but instead topples behind the counter, "Oh, god. Magtok! Telewarp out! You'll be okay!" She flails helplessly, "Magtok, come on. You have to be okay!" Oh dear, she's crying now. No making this clone disappear and die somewhere...

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 07:42 PM
Drat. In his confused state, Gnrlshrimp forgot something!

Those bones...that Felix threw...

Unfortunately he didn't predict that Magtok would get shot badly.

And unfortunately for the cyborg, he's now sharing the area behind the bar with half a dozen copper coated skeletons...


Drifter rushes up to them, and raises his Holy symbol.


There is a weak burst of light and he attempts to drive the Skeletons away.

"Go back to the darkness! Return to the Abyss!"

Right... and the Kobold...

The bleeding is stopped... but what about that tail?

2010-05-05, 07:42 PM
The zombie does its best to collect the pebbles and shamble away.

Calmed down, Alkania comes back to look for her zombie, and after getting ti to stand still, goes back to try to tag people, remembering that she'd been hit earlier.

2010-05-05, 07:44 PM
The ISF troopers blink as their opposition implodes. "The hell just happened here!?"

2010-05-05, 07:48 PM
I don't think anyone really knows.
Falkane says slowly coming out from under the table.
He funds the Kolbold's tail.
Oh lovely.
He picks it up and goes back to said Kolbold.
I have no idea where to start.
He considers just tossing it on the bugger and running for it.

2010-05-05, 07:53 PM
Baby shrugs and hits the Dukt Ape brand FIX EVERYTHING button.

Unfortunately, it does not fix people.

2010-05-05, 07:53 PM
Fluffy scowls but suddenly remembers the injured Roxie and looks down at her in his other hand, whimpering a bit as he looks her over. His scales start turning back to their normal black.

2010-05-05, 07:54 PM
Ignored, the British Zombie walks to the bar and sits, ordering a Drink. He hopes XVIIth. Century Pounds will be an accepted currency.

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-05, 07:54 PM
Meanwhile, that massive spider is trodding gingerly across the room towards the bar.
Not avoiding the tables, no.
It's avoiding the floor, carefully walking across all the tables, somehow not leaving behind any holes in the wake of its feet-spikes.

And it also appears to be swiping every other spoon.
"Round pleasant spiral finesse terra place base chase bless."

And those children have continued their game of tag, although it has inevitably led them up on top of the bar, for some reason.

2010-05-05, 07:56 PM
Silly spider. The floor isn't dangerous.

The little kid jumps up on the bar with them, whistling quietly.

2010-05-05, 07:56 PM
Roxie is still unconscious, and bleeding. Scalp wounds bleed a lot, so it probably looks a lot worse than it is.

2010-05-05, 08:01 PM
Felix bravely tries to tap Fluffy on the arm to get his attention. "Um...I can help her?" He feels rather foolish saying this. It probably can't understand him at all, and yet here he is trying to communicate with it.

Oh, and two of the skeletons fall over, not from the effects of the turn undead attempt, but rather from the always hazardous exposure to such ludicrously complicated rules. Trying to turn undead is lethal to everyone...reading that section of the rules and trying to understand it is like playing russian roulette, with a danger of your brain exploding...

The other four don't do anything.

2010-05-05, 08:04 PM
Fluffy looks down at Felix and whimpers a bit before deciding and holding Roxie out to be healed. If it weren't for the tusks, he'd try saying please, but all he can do is whine and try to help.

2010-05-05, 08:09 PM
Felix nods and takes a bone out, one of the runes carved into it already glowing.

Moments later the healing magic stored within flows out of it in a bright white stream, and into the wounded pixie. It'll hopefully be enough to heal her and, well, if the wound ever was serious it shouldn't be after this.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 08:11 PM
Ignored, the British Zombie walks to the bar and sits, ordering a Drink. He hopes XVIIth. Century Pounds will be an accepted currency.

They are. Or at least, they will be for as long as Magtok's rule goes unchallenged, which is probably going to be all of a few days, if today's events are anything to go by. A small hovery robot hands the zombie his Drink, whilst Magtok bleeds on the counter.

Speaking of Magtok, he's really not looking too good right now. With skeletons (albeit skellies being blasted with turn undead) behind him, possibly unfriendly Imperial goons hanging around with the crowd, and whoever else might try to hurt him, the odds are quite clearly stacked against him. At least he's got Elly here, for whatever a bawling catgirl might be worth at the moment.

I...can't feel my legs.

...I came in here with legs, right? Or at least the hover...thing. That's not working. Would you-

The BartendingBot floats by and accidentally tips over a salt-shaker, spilling some of the contents into the bloody mess. Magtok grits his teeth, shuts his eye tight, and swears something profane about it under his breath, and wobbles slightly back towards his end of the bar before picking up where he left off.

Left outer pocket, purple gel packet, it's marked "EMERGENCY", all-caps, not the other one, that's intentionally mislabeled poison. Cut it open and pour everything in there.

2010-05-05, 08:11 PM
Roxie sits up slowly, holding her head. "Ugh... what happened?"

2010-05-05, 08:14 PM
The Zombie walks over and looks over Felix's shoulders. "Some sort of trouble there, chap?"

Zombie Man then looks at the bleeding cyborg and takes the pack from his pocket. "This one?"

2010-05-05, 08:19 PM
"Hmm?" Oh...zombie...surprisingly rare in this place actually. "Oh, I think she'll be alright now. Poor girl took a rather nasty blow to the head." Felix turns back to face Roxie, "Are you okay now?"

2010-05-05, 08:20 PM
"Umm... Emergency in capitals..." Elle goes browsing in Magtok's pockets, despite the zombie beating her too it, not accidentally feeling around at all, nope, "Yes, you came in with legs, and... here's the thing... Oh. Wrong one... Looks like the zombie has it..."

2010-05-05, 08:23 PM
Zombie cuts it open and pours the contents of the pack, then sits back to watch.


2010-05-05, 08:23 PM
Roxie will see Fluffy holding her close, sniffing and close to tears. Being careful, he takes the tip of the golden chain leash and offers it to her.

The man who had the strawberry fizz at the bar can be seen drawing out long splinters of wood from his leg and bandaging it up.

2010-05-05, 08:33 PM
"Sure, I'm fine," Roxie says to Felix. She kisses Fluffy on the end of the nose, then flies around him to make sure he's unhurt. Which puts the badly injured kobold in sight. :smalleek: "Hold onto your leash for a minute. Mummy needs to help another monster."

She flies over to the kobold, sprinkling healing pixie dust on him.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-05, 08:34 PM
The wound bubbles briefly, and just like any good sci-fi healing goop should, it begins to clean out and reform the lost flesh and blood and such, even doing some minor repairs on the bruised cybernetic prostheti-spine. The robes are still a tattered mess in that particular spot, though. And the blood's still a huge icky mess, of course. In fact, unless you look reaaaaal closely, you can hardly tell he's any better at all. Well, aside from the fact that he's lifting his dumb ugly face off the counter and limping back towards Elly, keeping a hand on the counter as a crutch as he shuffles along.

Half...half off your next purchase, corpsey. I...Elle, going to fall, could I have a hand?

Well, that certainly could've gone a lot better. There's nobody denying his claim to the Tavern now, so I guess it's a kind of win, maybe. Not a very good kind, though.

2010-05-05, 08:39 PM
Fluffy takes his leash back with surprising delicacy and settles back done. Mummy was okay, but what was he forgetting....

His stomach growls loudly. Oh, right, the food...

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-05, 09:11 PM
Drifter backs away from the remaining undead, and heads to a corner near a window.

"How do I get people to come and visit my library, I wonder..." he muses.

He tries to avoid the attention of any other undead. He can only turn them once a day!

As for the Kobold...

The healing dust heals him... but no one ever reattached the tail!

The Kobold in burnt and sliced rags finally sits up and leans against a table leg.

"Better," he says... "But still, something is missing... Wait... I can't feel my tail!"

(Edit: Deadtiming...)

2010-05-05, 09:19 PM
Adrie undeadtime glomping a brown wolf. Her eyes are wide at the mess. She goes back to glomping the wolf. You cute thing, I wish I could take you as my pet. She doesn't really care where she is right now as she is in glomping world of her own.

2010-05-05, 09:24 PM
Of course she didn't reattach it. The tail was separated from its blood supply too long.

"Oh don't worry. It should grow back over the next week or so," Roxie says. She's a healer for a gladiator arena after all. Missing extremities are pretty routine stuff.

2010-05-05, 09:26 PM
Talia undeadtimes, hanging in the rafters.

2010-05-05, 09:31 PM
Adrie looks up and see Talia up there. Hey Talia theres lots of wolves around and in different colors too! All in deadtime! This brown one is cute. She glomps the brown wolf again.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-05, 09:36 PM
In deadtime?
Nonsense. They're technically NPCs, as they were never intended to last more than a night.

While the large brown wolf was being hugged, he licked Adrie's face, since he liked that.

2010-05-05, 09:37 PM
Talia smirks a little, then drops down, landing on all fours. She stands back up. I take it you like wolves.

2010-05-05, 09:44 PM
(Ah cool their NPCs. SO I take it the brown wolf is an Earth wolf so it must have some kinda powers?)

No just this brown one. Hes cute. Adrie replies

Looking at the brown wolf in the face Wanna be my pet?

2010-05-05, 09:48 PM
Talia smiles. I used to know a girl who could turn into a wolf.

2010-05-05, 09:55 PM
Kandri undeadtimes and turns to talia "One of the lycanfolk you mean?"

Viera Champion
2010-05-05, 09:56 PM
This fine young girl enters Trog's Magtok's:

2010-05-05, 09:59 PM
Talia shakes her head at Kandri. Actually, no. She was what's called a mutant. Basically, a human with mutated DNA. I'm one, too.

The girl that walked in might notice Talia. Hard to miss a woman that looks like Nightcrawler.

Je dit Viola
2010-05-05, 10:01 PM
(Pretty much. That is, until I can find someone willing to fight them. Then they get upgraded back to a Random/Plot Encounter)

As a response, the large brown wolf, who does indeed have some sort of earth powers, licks her face, then pants and wags his tail.

The other wolves glance at him as if he's a traitor, but then give him no heed since he's the bottom of the pack anyway.

To be specific, the Earth Wolf's powers are that he is rather massive, and he can dig extremely fast. He also has rapid regeneration, as long as he touches dirt, and can mildly control stones and make them levitate.

Viera Champion
2010-05-05, 10:04 PM
Hey Kerfluffy! Remember Violet?! Course ya do! The girl walks over to Talia.
Um... Excuse me... Could you tell me where I am?

2010-05-05, 10:04 PM
"Well, the lycanfolk are a specific sort of mutation." Kandri demonstrates by turning into a housecat with blue-grey fur and gold eyes.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 10:07 PM
A figure enters the door, wearing a black cloak, with the hood covering his face. It limps forward--with a rather uneven pace and gate, with a metallic clanking sound with each haphazard step the thing makes. Whatever it is, it reeks of narcotics.

2010-05-05, 10:07 PM
Talia responds to Kandri first. Well, yeah, I guess. But with mutants, it's more genetic. A person's born with the mutant gene, and their powers usually come around when they hit puberty.

She turns to Violet. Sure. This is Trog's...no, wait, it isn't anymore. It's Magtok's tavern.

Viera Champion
2010-05-05, 10:09 PM
Did you say mutant? I'm a mutant.

2010-05-05, 10:12 PM
"Well I guess. I'm from a lycanfolk family, so that's pretty similar to my life. I think I first changed at 11." Kandri pauses. "You're a mutant you say? In what way?" She's addressing both Talia and Violet here.

2010-05-05, 10:18 PM
Talia nods. Yep. Mostly mutant, actually. My grandfather on my father's side was actually a demon, so I'm quarter demon. That part is actually where all my looks come from.

As for my powers, I can create explosive energy spheres, and take control of a person for up to twelve hours. But I can only do that one once a day.

2010-05-05, 10:22 PM
The tavern's front door flies open, pushed too hard by the black-iron gauntleted arm of a disgruntled young elf. He was dressed in loose fitting robes of light fabric in shades of brown and cream, the upper left of his chest was covered in a dark, rust colored stain that looked suspiciously like blood. muttering to himself in low, growling tones, he finds a place near the fire and collapses into a chair.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 10:24 PM
Blood begins to drip down between the feet of the lumbering figure. It hobbles over towards the fire, tracking the blood all the way. it seems to breath fairly loudly as moving takes a certain amount of effort for the thing. once it sits down, it still keeps its face and hands concealed.

Viera Champion
2010-05-05, 10:25 PM
I don't know exactly. Doctor's keep telling me that it's a regular gene mutation, but more severe than normal. So much so that it grants me powers. I can control plants. And these two are special flowers I've had as long as I can remember. The violet creates a barrier, and the rose...
She points to the violet in her hair, then pulls the rose out. She flicks it, and it extends into a thorny whip. She whips down, and the whip cuts through a table like butter.

2010-05-05, 10:28 PM
The elf looks up at the figure, annoyed that it was coming near him. however, his opinion quickly changes when he notices the blood. "Ai-ya! You're injured! What's happened to you?" He asks, standing and stepping closer.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 10:31 PM
"Unspeakable... vile things." He says, with a deep hoarse voice and an imperial accent. his breath smells of tobacco, alcohol, and yet more narcotics. He speaks rather slowly.

2010-05-05, 10:34 PM
Talia nods a little at Violet. Nice. She extends a three-fingered hand. Name's Talia Wagner. Nice to meet you.

2010-05-05, 10:41 PM
"Dear goddess help him." The elf whispers in prayer, before casting a spell to allow himself to better see the extent of the man's injuries. His blue eyes take on a soft golden glow as he searches for the source of the blood, and perhaps some of the more damaging toxins that might be coursing through the poor man's system.

Viera Champion
2010-05-05, 10:46 PM
Violet places the rose back in her hair before shaking the hand.
Violet Rose. Nice to meet you too.

2010-05-05, 10:53 PM
Kandri turns towards Violet. "Name's Kandri d'Ferra." She curtesys.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 10:53 PM
"Goddess?" He says, with a small amount of distaste. The spell will reveal the man is covered in various manners of injuries - punctures, slices, fractures, and so on. It also will detect him as not having one leg from the knee down, one entirely missing, as well as lacking on hand and several fingers on the other. It may also detect several organs not existing or behaving rather odd. The bleeding seems to be cause by a wound that was stitched; but through some manner or another several parts of it broke thus re-opening the wound. The substances he will probably detect are amounts of tobacco - that of a semi-frequent smoker, as well as trace amounts of marijuana. the rest of the the chemicals in his system seem to be narcotic pain killers - including Morphine, hydromorphone, lortab, hydrocodone, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen; as well as several psychological medicines - particularly to prevent depression and post traumatic stress syndrome.

2010-05-05, 10:55 PM
Talia gives a bow in return to Kandri.

She doesn't curtsey.

So, what brings you two around here?

2010-05-05, 11:07 PM
The elf's eyes go wide in shock. How was the man even alive? So many wounds. So many poisons.

"I... I meant no harm by it." He stammers. The spell fades, his eyes returning to their normal color. He runs a hand through his sandy blond hair, looking a bit bewildered. "You're... very badly injured. I may be able to heal you, if you'll allow me..." he offers.

2010-05-05, 11:11 PM
Kandri pulls a flute out. "I'm a bardess and a priestess. I travel around collecting lore." She begins to play on her flute. The elf might feel his healing abilities strengthen.

2010-05-05, 11:30 PM
That sounds like a lot of fun.

Me, I've spent time in a few different dimensions, helping where I can.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 11:33 PM
"I'm damaged beyond repair..." He responds; removing his cloak. He wears a kilt, with multiple stains of blood. One of his legs is mechanical from the knee down, and another is entirely replaced. Both are made from gleaming metal with exposed wires and components. His left hand is made from the same technology of prosthetics, and on his right hand he has a mechanical middle finger and pinkey. He wears a white shirt that is torn revealing many scars and bruises, slash wounds, horrible burns burns, disfiguring scars, stitches, bits of shrapnel still embedded in his flesh. There are multiple wounds which are very clearly gun shot wounds, as well as arrow wounds. Some scars bare the precision of a surgeon, and others seem to have been brutally inflicted deep wounds. He is wrapped on the majority of his arms and parts of his chest with gauze tape, and has multiple large bruises on his chest on top of cracked ribs. One of his arms seems to be swelling massively; probably another fracture. worst of all is his face... burnt, disfigured, partially skinned, missing several pieces of flesh, a scar across both eyes, one of which is dead and white, the other of which is robotic, with a lense. his lip is split and swollen as well.

2010-05-05, 11:44 PM
Renault (for that is indeed the elf's name, I was getting tired of not using it) stumbles back in surprise and horror. How could anyone inflict so much on one man? How could he survive it? What monster replaced his body with parts of a machine? The elf mutters another prayer under his breath, visibly disturbed by what he was seeing.

Chas the mage
2010-05-05, 11:51 PM
"the faint-of-heart have gotten the same mental afflictions I have simply by looking at my deformed body. I was a soldier for a once great empire, which made a final stand against rebels in a Pyrrhic victory, crumbling soon after... they did what they could to replace my damaged and overused organs and limbs but I am still a scarred man; in every perceivable form of the word" He says, obviously disgusted with his present form.

((Alas, I must deadtime for sleep))

2010-05-05, 11:52 PM
Kandri changes her music somewhat. It's not going to actually heal any damage, but any pain the man feels should be dampened.

2010-05-06, 02:23 AM
Adrie is quite happy to have a pet now. ^_^ She giggles happily and glomps the brown wolf again. Hmmm what should I name you? Would you like a name wolfy?

She sits there thinking next to the brown wolf.

2010-05-06, 08:37 AM
Kandri's mysteriously growing collection of felines heads over to play with Adrie. Currently she has 2 tigers, an ocelot, and a small white kitten.

2010-05-06, 10:17 AM
Dipsnig, who's hidden somewhere while under the deadtime ooze, tosses a vial of concentrated rust monster Venom at Magtok, then grabs his crossbow and fires a bolt at Elly's head. If they're still there, that is. If they aren't he's sitting by the bar waiting for his target to undeadtime and thinking how to get Trog's out of Magtok's slimy paws.

2010-05-06, 11:29 AM
four almost identically dressed people enter the tavern, all wearing the same white gas mask and full body hazmat suits . the one in front, who has a green armband speaks "We are here to remove Magtok" they draw assult gun like weapons and aim them at Magtok

2010-05-06, 01:27 PM
Elly, who was busy trying to reassure that Magtok was okay, and figure out what the heck a Dire Halfdragon Rancor ate anyway, first tries to shoot the nearest hazmat-guy with her shotgun, that was sitting on the counter... And then gets a bolt in the head and promptly topples over, blood pouring down her face.

2010-05-06, 01:33 PM
one of the hazmat guys goes down, a sound coming from his radio that sounds like someone flatlineing . they open fire at magtok

2010-05-06, 02:11 PM
The hazmat guys will have a dwarf orc barbarian charging them, swinging her orcish double axe in a wide arc to try and sweep them off their feet. If they're close enough, she might knock over all of them.

2010-05-06, 02:19 PM
the leader of the bunch notices this before he is charged by the dwarf orc, and shouts into his radio "BACKUP! BACKUP!"
all of them are overrun, and several APCs stop in front of the door, the EDEN logo printed on the sides(which I'm quite proud of btw:smalltongue:)

2010-05-06, 02:31 PM
Felix groans and shakes his head...Trog's was being attacked far too much these days. The four remaining copper coated skeletons move away from behind the bar, preparing to deal with this new threat. The water golem silently turns and watches the doorway as well.

Felix, meanwhile, walks round behind the bar as quick as he can, muttering as he goes. By the time he gets over to Elly, a rune on the bone in his hand has flared up with a bright blue glow, and a stream of healing magic flows over to her...hopefully it'll help enough to give him time to remove the bolt. Magic isn't going to provide any permanent solution while the bolt is stuck in Elly's head.

Poor old man, he's no cleric or healer...

"Could you all stop trying to kill each other? PLEASE? I only have a limited number of uses of this thing!"

2010-05-06, 02:35 PM
Although Dipsnig's ancestors urge him to shoot the dwarf in the back, he stays where he is and doesn't shoot until he sees what his poison did to Magtok. But since Elly is down, at least half of his plan succeeded.

2010-05-06, 02:36 PM
((He calls for backup and it arrives in the same post? :smallconfused: But yus, it is a very nice logo. :smallsmile:))

Baby will then try to thump each of the guys over the head with her boot to try and knock them out.

2010-05-06, 02:42 PM
Man, EDEN is just batting a thousand today, aren't they? First they're beaten back with almost no effort, and now they've managed to attract the attention of Fluffy.

He sees the APC's and puts two and two together. He wasn't going to let Roxie be hurt again, and after making sure he has his own leash, lumbers out of the Tavern, stretching to his full 20meter tall form with a roar, noxious acid mist fuming from his mouth.

This time, he wasn't letting anyone get near his mummy.

2010-05-06, 02:50 PM
the 50 men storm out of the APCs and start firing at Fluffy with MP5s. apparntly someone has requested more backup... the roaring of hovertanks can be heard in the distance....

2010-05-06, 02:54 PM
Baby sees the men outside and does something unexpected.

She locks and bolts the door.

It's a very sturdy door too. *nodnod*

Roxie flies over to attempt to sprinkle healing pixie dust on Elly and Magtok.

2010-05-06, 02:57 PM
The same message is being broadcast on all EDENviewpoints around inside
" a group of terrorists have been discovered in trogs tavern. for your convince and safty, all buildings in a 50m radius should be cleared. EDENprotection is currently trying to apprehend said terrorists"

2010-05-06, 02:58 PM
Fluffy gives a snort of mild amusement as the bullets are easily stopped by his thick black scales. In retaliation, he lowers his head, breathing out a stream of acidic breath at the men. Even if it doesn't hit right on, the acid will stay in the air for a while, making it extremely hazardous to wander.

2010-05-06, 03:02 PM
grade A hazmat suits.... they don't care about acid in the air. the tank noises get louder , and a heavy weapons squad arrive per helicopter, firing RPGs at the rancor . the helicopter circles around it's head

2010-05-06, 03:12 PM
Thecla finds everything confusing (and since I don't plan on reading the past 5 pages to find out who is fighting who). :smalltongue:

She stays under a table for now, yellow eyes looking out at the chaos.

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 03:14 PM
The red-skinned man with the black hair & goatee and stubby horns undeadtimes. He's wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, the t-shirt has a large, red two-tailed scorpion design upon it. There's also a silver amulet around his neck, depicting another two-tailed scorpion. The poor tiefling looks confused and disorientated; somewhat as expected due to the fact the Tavern's under siege.

2010-05-06, 03:15 PM
Dipsnig decides that
a) Everything's gotten too big for him alone and
b) As long as Magtok is booted out of here it's fine
and crouches under a table.

2010-05-06, 03:25 PM
((iElf, Sorry, but this is getting too ridiculous. Being immune to the acid is fine, as well as a tank or two, but helicopters, and RPGs? That's a bit too much. Not to mention you can't bring this kind of firepower into the city without someone noticing.))

2010-05-06, 03:28 PM
the helicopter pilot is thinking to himself "wait....why do we have copters in the city already...?" and the helicopter disappears in a poof of logic. another APC arrives, going straight for the door. 2 men get out, and apply a charge to the door , attempting to blast it open.

2010-05-06, 03:34 PM
((Thanks. :smallsmile:))

Fluffy scowls(With a face like his, how can you tell? :smallconfused:) when he sees the acid not working and instead goes about trying to bash people with his massive fists and tail. The people at the door may want to watch their surroundings as his tail is rather large and flailing about.

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 03:37 PM
The tiefling cultist starts to chant under his breath in Abyssal. He's looking out a gap in a window some NPCs barricaded with tables and chairs. Should the prayer he's chanting be successful, a cloud of pretty butterflies will appear around the Haz-Mat guys. Whilst pretty, these butterflies do have a dangerous componant; their wings are razor-sharp, and may slice straight through the suits.

2010-05-06, 03:41 PM
the men in front of him run for better cover, but too late. 7 of them are killed pretty quickly, and 5 more die of butterflys and acid . the men at the door manage to dodge the tail ,and run for cover, as the door is most likely blown off it's hinges. the hover tank (basically a ipod looking ATT from the star wars prequells) hovers round a cornver, and now has direct line of sight to the rancor. it charges up it's main canon

2010-05-06, 03:44 PM
Roxie, fluttering around with her pixie dust, discovers that Elly is dead. Aww, she hates seeing monsters die. :smallfrown:

She flutters over to sprinkle healing pixie dust on Magtok now.

The door is indeed blown off its hinges, smacking Baby hard and knocking her out.

2010-05-06, 03:50 PM
Fluffy sees the tank and is actually smart enough to recognize what it is. And how dangerous it could be. He tries to pick up one of the APCs to throw at the tank, or at least get it in the way of the shot.

He's fought similar creations before in the Arena and survived, even if he doesn't comprehend how they work, he knows how to defend himself from such things.

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 03:58 PM
The cultist starts chanting again. This time, the prayer should wake Baby up and heal her wounds. It might feel slightly different than when healed by other clerics as the tiefling is not a cleric of a diety that actually heals much.

2010-05-06, 03:59 PM
the thrown APC gets disintegrated by the beam of the tank, which now is charging another beam. the new squads storms into the tavern , and activate a brown note grenade . everyone in the tavern should be loosing their breakfast right now

2010-05-06, 04:03 PM
The squad won't be getting past the doorway, I'm afraid. No sooner do they show their faces than the water golem charges straight at the door, intending to send them straight back out before they can even get more than two steps inside.

2010-05-06, 04:05 PM
((where the heck did that come from???))

2010-05-06, 04:07 PM
Amiria looks up from her spellbook and takes a sip from her raspberry milkshake through the drinking straw.

* slurp *

"Huh, that's new. I can't remember that things such as these ever happened under the old management."

2010-05-06, 04:08 PM
((It's been sitting there, staring very intently at the doorway for a while now.))

2010-05-06, 04:10 PM
Dipsnig keeps sitting under one of the tables, waiting for the fight to end one way or another. He hopes he got Magtok as well as that bootlick of his.

2010-05-06, 04:13 PM
((ah well.)) one of the EDENprotection agents activates a scroll, and tries to use the spell to throw the elemental back, and hold it. if he is successful, the brown note grenade gets thrown(not an explosive grenade. one that gives off a infrasound note , that forces anyone who hears it to vomit))

2010-05-06, 04:16 PM
Amiria doesn't really know what is going on but she tries to disintegrate the grenade should it be thrown. She's just acting on the maxim of "No Fireballs Indoors" here.

2010-05-06, 04:18 PM
Noticing that people are getting past him, Fluffy also tries to take out a few more at the doorway, knowing that keeping Roxie safe is a bigger priority than the tank. Even so, he tries to use a wing to shield himself from the soon to come blast.

2010-05-06, 04:21 PM
an ultrasound emitter on one of the APCs is directed at Fluffy. it should give him a piercing headache. the tank is still charging

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-06, 04:23 PM
Drifter jerks out of deadtime, and starts muttering apolegicically.

The Kobold in rags also slips out of deadtime, looking at his detached tail, no longer bleeding.

"Could someone get me some paper and a pen and ink?" the Kobold asks. "I would like to... get this place organized, so to speak."

2010-05-06, 04:24 PM
((Grr...why does everyone call it an elemental? It's a GOLEM, dammit! :smallfurious:))

The golem is held in place. Felix doesn't look particularly annoyed by this, though. He simply sighs and sips his wine. "I'm disappointed that you've been so...determined in your attempts to capture the criminal behind the bar. What about the innocents you've hurt? What about the rest of us who've done nothing wrong aside from trying to keep this tavern a safe, friendly place to have drink?"

Felix points at Baby, who was knocked out by the door. "She's the tavern's current bouncer. She's done nothing aside from trying to keep the tavern safe. The "terrorists" here aren't exactly holding us at gunpoint, and you're "kick the door down" or in this case "blow the door up" tactics, have already knocked her out, possibly severely injuring her!"

2010-05-06, 04:26 PM
Dipsnig snickers. He has no idea why this little lizard guy would need a paper and a pen, but it might be funny. He slides the requested items across the floor to the kobold from his hiding place.

2010-05-06, 04:27 PM
a hazmat guy with a green armband turn to him and says "that is none of your concern sir. we are acting only in your best interests." they try to grab magtok

2010-05-06, 04:28 PM
Fluffy lets out a growl at the headache and starts to turn red, which isn't a good sign for those he's against. He'll continue to bash at the men though, trying to prevent too many from getting into the tavern.

2010-05-06, 04:30 PM
another 17 of the men running across the road to secure magtok are killed. the tank fires a blast at Fluffy

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 04:34 PM
The green-armbanded guy trying to grab Magtok may discover his eyes have stopped working. By speaking, he's given the still-confused tiefling demonolater a target for his favorite spell. Fortunately for the Haz-Mat Guy, the curse can be removed by any good remove curse magic but otherwise won't go away. Oh, wait, that's not actually fortunate for the Haz-Mat Guy. The tiefling also has a dagger in his hand.

2010-05-06, 04:37 PM
another brown note device is activated in the tavern. vomit ahoy! a guy with a blue armband uses another scroll to remove the curse

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-06, 04:38 PM
Dipsnig snickers. He has no idea why this little lizard guy would need a paper and a pen, but it might be funny. He slides the requested items across the floor to the kobold from his hiding place.

Drifter raises an eyebrow.

The Kobold takes the items and begins writing. "Thanks," he says. "Let's see..."

Tax Form: To Magtok
Status Tax: 100gp
Building Multiplier: *3
High Adventurer Locations: *6

Original Building Discount: Trog's Tavern Magtok Base -50gp
Donation Discount: N/A

Hostile Takeover Fee: +100gp

Total Due: 1850gp

Form completed by: Nep, Kobold Tax Collector of Town

Payer's Signature:_______________

"This will show him to take over places without proper paperwork!" The Kobold walks over to the bar and drops the form, ink still wet, on Magtok.

2010-05-06, 04:41 PM
Thecla is beginning to pity poor Magtok, all these people against him and why the worry? After all, Trog's has been taken over before with less fuss and mess. She starts to slowly creep towards him, her tail down and her body pressed to the floor as she attempts to get closer to him. No, she doesn't want to bite him or anything else, more she wants to try and help him.

2010-05-06, 04:44 PM
Amiria vomits thoroughly, specifically right at whoever had thrown the grenade. Then she moves around and casts a Prismatic Wall to shield herself and whoever else wants to take no part in the battle from further collateral damage.

[.ooc]]Yup, Prismatic Wall. Mooks might be affected by its shinyness, otherwise everyone might be affected by crossing it.[/ooc]

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 04:44 PM
The tiefling is chanting quickly. If he finishes the prayer before the grenade goes off, the grenade will radiate a sphere of no sound; if the grenade goes off first then the spell doesn't work as the tiefling is too busy going to the toilet. The tiefling worshipper of Dalachrech won't, however, let go of his dagger.

2010-05-06, 04:45 PM
((Magtok's here, so let's wait for his post before any more action))

Roxie has just finished sprinkling pixie dust all over the cyborg, hopefully healing his organic parts. She can't do much for his cyberware.

Then she vomits. Fortunately, being 3" tall, there isn't much to it. Magtok probably won't even notice it.

Baby starts to regain consciousness just after the vomit bomb, so she just has a roaring headache. She gets to her feet and grabs up her axe.

2010-05-06, 04:46 PM
Fluffy gives a loud roar of agony as his wing is utterly destroyed by the blast, as well as a large chunk of his right shoulder. His scales turn blood red and boiling hot vapor streams from his mouth. Using his powerful legs, he leaps, trying to land on the tank and crush it under his multi-ton weight.

((Thecla is a wolf, I doubt people would point guns at her. :smallconfused:))

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-06, 04:47 PM
The Kobold looks at the growing crowd that is causing a battle over the first person he taxed.

"Stop it now!" He yells. "Or I'll find some way to increase the taxes on you!"

2010-05-06, 04:51 PM
The brown note grenade unfortunately is perhaps not a good idea...not around weak-lunged individuals at least. The noise, unfortunately, causes Felix's lungs to collapse...

The old man falls to the floor, unable to breathe.


2010-05-06, 04:56 PM
waiting for lord magtok to post....
@Gnrlshrimp.... after what green band guy said to you...do you really think they care? most of my characters would be appalled by this....

the tank is destroyed....and it goes BOOM in fluffys face, sharpenell flying everywhere

Earl of Purple
2010-05-06, 04:58 PM
The tiefling cultist quickly rushes over to the collapsed man and chants a prayer. The prayer should heal Felix, and if it does so it may feel odd, far odder than the same prayer cast by a different cleric. This would be because the tiefling is not good at using healing spells and the diety that's granting it isn't good at carrying them out; it's used to harming more than healing.

((Deadtime; should type tomorrow))

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-06, 05:13 PM
Meanwhile, that massive van-sized spider remains in the tavern, legs perching it off the floor via four different tables.
Those four tables have been vacant for some time, either due to the spider filching all the spoons or the fact that it seemed to remove the face of one patron without paying attention, then folding the face into the shape of a spoon.

And then a bunch of soldier-types storm in and throw in odd grenades everywhere!
The spider watches curiously, apparently unaffected by the grenades. This is likely due to a different anatomical structure than the various bipeds in the tavern, whom the frequency was designed to affect.
"Roaring flooring grin tin yawn prawn mildew mold mushroom dome sphere cat drat orb wall."

And then it steps behind a fold in space, behind an errant helium atom.

There it is again! Stepping out from behind a lilac-scent molecule near the various soldiery types. It's gazing over at the bar, while one leg snatches a spoon and another leg distractedly swings over in what is apparently an idle attempt to decapitate someone.

2010-05-06, 05:16 PM

2 men go to ground, their heads rolling on the floor:smallbiggrin:

Lord Magtok
2010-05-06, 05:17 PM
With a tax form shoved against his chest, chunks of catgirl and cerebral fluid on his hood face, blood spatter on his right, and rust monster venom bubbling and tearing through his left, Magtok probably looks worse than he has in a long, long time. After a brief double-take and blank stare confirms that yet another one of the catgirl's lives has been extinguished, his eyes fill with a sort of dark, frigid hatred, a sudden compulsion to see that each and every soul in the Tavern immediately cease living. Given Magtok's lack of OMGWTF power, he'll have to settle for a longer, messier conflict, one where he'll only have time to tear through those genuinely responsible. A shame.

It's not quite time to go on the offensive just yet, though. Linger a moment, Mag. Gather up your fury, concentrate on ignoring the agonizing pain in one side, wait until you see the whites of their eyes, and above all else, don't show any of them, not a one any kindness, any mercy, any chance of getting out alive. They won't be doing you any favors, so why should a single soul there be allowed an open-casket?

Magtok simply stands his ground, doing nothing at the moment aside from wincing in pain. Despite the pixie magic, his technological wounds go untreated, and some bits of flesh on his arm and cheek not meant to be exposed to open air suddenly find themselves visible.

2010-05-06, 05:20 PM
Thecla is steadily creeping closer to making her way around the bar. She's down low, going around people/creatures when necessary. It's a slow process.

She whines a little and her tail wags slightly when she peers around the corner and spots her target.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-06, 05:20 PM
The Tax collecting Kobold looks at the heavily wounded Cyborg and slowly takes back the tax form...

"You've got enough on your plate for now..." he mutters... "I return this when you're better..."

Drifter looks at Magtok and starts over, dodging around any conflicts.

A lot of people have been wounded around Magtok, so healing is needed.

2010-05-06, 05:22 PM
the EDENprotection guys step back. if you could see their eyes, you'd see feer "uh...what do we do?" "I don't know..."

2010-05-06, 05:25 PM
Dipsnig steps backwards, deeper into the shadows, keeping silent despite his amusement at Magtok's sorry state and deadtimes.

2010-05-06, 05:26 PM
Felix breathes again, though a little unsteadily considering the...oddness...of the healing spell. He looks rather out of it though.

And with him not able to control them properly, the four copper-coated skeletons immediately attack those who nearly killed their controller.

And that'd be the EDEN guys.

'course, the skeletons only use bone clubs, but four unexpected bone clubs swung at four different heads might still be effective.

2010-05-06, 05:28 PM
tree more out cold mooks litter the floor. the last one gets into hand to hand combat with the skeleton

2010-05-06, 05:29 PM
Fluffy, badly injured, his body riddled with shrapnel, lumbers back to the entrance of Trog's, and if there's any of the EDEN troops left outside, will use his breath weapon on them. Instead of simply an acid cloud, in his enraged state, it's a superheated stream of corrosive chemicals, much stronger and much more focused than before. It doesn't last nearly as long however.

Of course, if there's none outside the tavern, he simply heads back, bleeding from massive wounds.

Chaotic Bob
2010-05-06, 05:32 PM
The spider, meanwhile, busies itself collecting the corpses of those people it just beheaded it, while it's small infantile arms cradle a sizable collection of spoons.

After corpse-collection is completed (they'll be tucked behind yet another fold in space, oddly), the creature will resume roving the tavern for spoons, all the while babbling what appears to be utter nonsense.

2010-05-06, 05:33 PM
"Fluffy!" :eek: Roxie, who has just finished vomiting, sees her baby is almost dead and flies to him, sprinkling on him the last of her pixie dust.

Next to Magtok, a telewarp portal appears and Mainframebot steps out. Your orders? it asks, inside Magtok's head.

2010-05-06, 05:36 PM
the 15 or so EDENprotection guys that are unfortunate enough to be outside , are now only 5. they tun for the APCs and get the hell out. the 7 left in the tavern are crowding together unsure what to do

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-06, 05:36 PM
Drifter looks at Magtok, and starts reviewing some mechanical things in his head...

I hope I can do this...

...and Drifter attempts to repair Magtok's mechanical wounds.

"I can't do much... but I hope this works... have you concidered dropping by the Eternal Library or making a donation, by the way?"

2010-05-06, 05:36 PM
Odds are that a single skeleton won't last too long...

Which is why the other three are moving to help it deal with the single eden mook.

Felix very, very slowly moves to a sitting position, his breathing still sounding a little ragged. He looks a bit better now though, but still isn't able to do, well, anything much at all.

Lord Magtok
2010-05-06, 05:39 PM
Dropping his laser gun and knowing full well that there's no way he's going to be able to shoot properly with the venom digging into his left arm significantly unbalancing his aim, Magtok limps around to the customer's side of the counter, his arm still clinging to it to keep steady as he slowly making his way towards the copper skeletons and the EDEN soldiers. It seems the enemy seems to be doing fairly poorly at the moment. Good, that only means he can save those scum for later.

Picking out one that doesn't look involved in anything too important, he leans forward, attempting to pull a femur loose for his own purposes. Should that succeed, he'll limp a few feet away, stare blankly at Mainframe for a moment, at the corpse of the catgirl, and then respond very simply as his gaze returns to the robot.

Kill everyone in here with a crossbow.

Edit: ((Magtok's technology-based injuries are pretty bad, they involve a lot of melted metal, broken wires, and steaming copper. Can he really fix all of that so quickly?))

2010-05-06, 05:45 PM
"...****" the EDEN protection guys start to panic, and try to get to the door