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View Full Version : Fun things to put in a weird world... [3.5] My players stay OUT!

Lord of Syntax
2010-05-04, 01:14 AM
I am creating a fun new world to torture my players in.
It is a multiphased game show. (Imagine a cross between The World Ends With You and the Cube movies)
Basically, (in the first phase) they are in this plane that is made up of a bunch of rooms in a 8x8 arrangement and as they travel, the cubes they leave move through time 1d1000-500 years. (Not effecting any party member)When they would reach a end, they just wrap around to the start. To get out, they have to a) Survive and b) Do... something. (Have not figured that part out, help would be nice)
Any fun ideas to put in there?
I am thinking of having them meet a young wizard studying the plane, a old wizard seeking immortality, and a Lich Wizard BBEG. (This was my starting idea, and I wanted to come up with a fun way to do it)

2010-05-04, 01:25 AM
What level are they?

Maybe make the BBEG a Psion (Nomad) Lich, who uses Time Hop to take opponents (or their gear) out of the fight temporarily. He should have a Contingent Time Regression which triggers upon his destruction, which would actually cause the contingent effect to be reset so it would re-trigger every time they would destroy him, effectively making him unkillable.

Maybe there's a puzzle in one of the rooms which rewards them with an item that keeps them in a constant time frame. It would make them immune to the Lich's Time Hop, and if his contingent Time Regression triggered time would not reverse for them, so they would still perceive him as destroyed. The item would also act as a key which opens the way out of this place.

Lord of Syntax
2010-05-04, 02:06 AM
15th level.

2010-05-04, 02:25 AM
Could do something like meeting the same wizard in different rooms but the wizard is a different age in each rooms. Each have to do a certain quest in certain order or they can't get out? :P

2010-05-04, 02:44 AM
I suppose the most important question is: why does the complex exist, and how did they end up in there?

1) The complex is actually the entrance to a magical engine that is sealing away an elder evil. The BBEG wants to free the evil and has chucked them in there in the hopes that they blow the dang thing up in their desperation to escape. In this case the way to get out (without bringing down the apocalypse at any rate) is to find a macguffin that can forcibly summon their captor to them, and when they defeat him, they find a 'key' on him that lets them escape.

2) The complex is an experimental prison designed by some higher power. They got shipped in due to... clerical error :smalltongue:. To get out, they have to find a way to communicate with the bureacracy (probably needing research on the prison and a series of macguffins) and tell them of the error. And after that there might be more stuff to do.

2010-05-04, 05:29 AM
Just to clarify, are the young wizard, old wizard, and lich wizard the same person? (because of the time hops and whatnot)

2010-05-04, 07:10 AM
I was going to suggest making the wizards (young, old, undead) the same person. Also, an elf, because of the possible time periods involved. Also, the older he is the more obsessed with escaping he becomes. Of course, the Lich is so obsessed with getting out of the cube that he hasn't left his one room in centuries.

Be sure to have at least one expendable NPC come along, so he can die to the first trap in the dungeon. That way, they can later find his mummified remains the next time the enter that room. That should make things more obvious.

Also, the key to escaping the original cubes was an obscure numeralogical code. You might want to work up such a code for the players to figure out (through either OOC effort or dice rolls). Doors in the roof/floor are also recommended for true added confusion.

Raging Gene Ray
2010-05-04, 08:32 AM
I remember this thread... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79135&highlight=hypercube)

2010-05-05, 10:29 AM
How about creatures? Do any other entities apart from what you have mentioned exist in the world?
Does the world sustain itself through magic, through "conventional means," other? Please specify.

For "fun things to torture players" there's always the nukémon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149755).

2010-05-05, 10:44 AM
Tumbleweeds of Wonder.

Lord of Syntax
2010-05-07, 07:27 PM
It is a world outside logic, anything can exist there.
Basically, it sucks things into it from across the planes to compete in a game show for fiends.
(They do not need food or water)

2010-05-07, 09:20 PM

Ever read Dr. McNinja or Atomic Robo? Might give some ideas.

An idea. A room with tons of doors.

None of them should be opened, as:

One opens on Azathoth sleeping in the nightmarish center of reality.

One opens into the vampire dimension, circa 1990s. A high spot check reveals Jenkins in the distance.

One opens into a vacuum.

One opens into one of the nine hells.

And one opens into a room with a moose.

A will save must be made on leaving the room to avoid saying "We will never speak of this again."

2010-05-08, 09:45 AM
Well, I have yet to find a chance to implement this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7748892&postcount=31) into a D&D scenario. If your players have some basic spatial orientation skills and will be making their own maps, they should be fine. Nothing says insanity like a good dose of Escher. :smallbiggrin:

Generally this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139329) thread had many good ideas.

2010-05-08, 10:19 AM
you should include a hallway with many doors with people running in and out of them, a la scooby doo, where walking into one doesnt necessarily guarantee which one you will come out of.

also, have random woodland critters come around and give strange advice, as if they were deep southerners, and therefor have extremely creative metaphors in their dialect

also have a room with a catapult that pies people from great distances.

2010-05-08, 10:42 AM
you should include a hallway with many doors with people running in and out of them, a la scooby doo, where walking into one doesnt necessarily guarantee which one you will come out of.

also, have random woodland critters come around and give strange advice, as if they were deep southerners, and therefor have extremely creative metaphors in their dialect

also have a room with a catapult that pies people from great distances.

I second these. Especially the last two.

2010-05-08, 01:02 PM
also, if you are a monty python fan, you could always have a group of people walk in a rather silly manner, and call themselves the ministry of silly walks?

and one could always have some church inquisiters show up in the middle of an otherwise ordinary event, and call themselves the spanish inquisition. the only way to summon them would be to say that they didnt expect the spanish inquisition.

hilariousness would obviously ensue whenever someone gets asked too many questions.