View Full Version : Shadows over Galzarel 3.5 (IC)

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Jair Barik
2010-05-04, 08:11 AM
It is a dark and stormy night. The rain batters down heavily on the windows of your office in Lamp Street. The infamous lamps of the street bathe it in a green glow as a result of their fuel being stored too close to the University, tonights shade of green is particularly unsettling. The streets are quiet tonight and the cells are empty. Its been awhile since you had any cases and so it came as something of a surprise earlier tonight when somebody dropped a bundle of notes through your door. None of them are dated but taking a wild guess you would say some of them are a week old at the very least, once again beurocracy gets in the way of justice and slows your organisation down to a halt.

There are a number of small domestic disturbances and reports of break ins but looking at how they are written you would say the possibility of acting on any of these has probably long since passed, really people should come direct to you for help, some of these aren't even from your area of authority.

A number of interesting cases stand out to you all though.
A distressed museum curator from the museum of adequate art on the poorly labelled 'Meanhyr Rood' (nobody is quite sure what it is meant to be called), several cases of people having reported missing family members who work down at the Forsthy Warehouse down on the docks, a letter from one brother Thomas requesting urgent help at the holy Church of the Sun Gods and an angry letter from Old man Withers next door complaining about the noise.

2010-05-04, 12:05 PM
Yet another glorius day in the watch... Graham shuffels through the notes, picking out the missing people reports. Of course these would be the workers, an executive would have the guilds on our backs telling us to stay away from their enquirys. Oh well, we should go do what we get paid for.

After a cuppa. Afew more minutes wont hurt week old messages. (Puts kettle on)

2010-05-04, 06:21 PM
we should take a walk down the docks, Jayme says quietly, looking out the window. but in this rain, I'd just as soon leave it for tomorrow. They're probably long gone anyway, with the postal system in this city.

2010-05-04, 07:41 PM
Engelsson lit up as he wandered over to the sheets. He nods to Jayme as he does. "Yeah. 'Cause once several people have gone missing, it usually stops on it's own, right?" He flicked through the notes and shook his head.

He grabbed his cloak and wrapped it around himself, whistling for his bird. "I'll look into it. Maybe you can take Old man Withers in the morning."

2010-05-04, 08:22 PM
Getting up, he says No, I'll come with you. I'm just saying they're probably all dead by now. A bit of decomposition is the least of their problems.

2010-05-04, 10:12 PM
Heavy footsteps clomp on the porch outside, and the door bangs open as a very wet and bedraggled figure clomps his way inside, a lit lantern swinging from his hand. The waterproof cloak over his back is drenched, and water drips from the edge of the curved iron City Watch helmet on his head. As he kicks the door shut behind him and shakes the water off his cloak, he reaches up and doffs his helmet, revealing a dour and hard-bitten man with a few days of stubble. Hanging his helmet on a peg by the door, he whips off his cloak and hangs it as well, revealing a banged-up iron breastplate, chainmail tunic and oiled leather boots, the same uniform as the rest of the City Watch.

Even though Nick Jolson hadn't been an official member of the Watch for a few years now, he found it useful to hang onto the old uniform and keep walking his same old beats. Old coppers never die, and old habits die hard. A good copper always keeps his ear to the ground, and the local Watch House was more than happy to pay for Nick's pasties whenever he dropped by. Old Watchmen gossip like washerwomen, and Nick was just as happy to pass along any tidings he came across...after his own little group had vetted them, of course. As a group of private investigators, they tended to take on jobs that people felt too scared or too paranoid to go to the Watch about. Most of the time they solved the cases themselves, but whenever they had leftovers or someone gave them something too big to handle or outside their jurisdiction, it was Nick's job to take it down to his buddies in the Watch and pass it along.

Reaching into his belt, he fishes out a half-finished cigar and lights it with a flick of a tindertwig, then sticks it behind his ear. Next, he reaches beneath his breastplate and pulls out a battered and well-used canteen, taking a long swig and punctuating it with a raspy cough before sticking the cigar back in his mouth.

With that little customary ritual completed, he finally looks up at Jayme and Engelsson and gives them a weary nod. "Still nothing?" he asks by way of greeting.

2010-05-04, 11:12 PM
Englesson nods to the old watchman. "Mornin', Nick. Papers're on the desk. We're heading to the docks, if you wanted to come." He exhaled, smoke curling around his face.

2010-05-04, 11:17 PM
watching the smoke waft up to the ceiling from nick's cigar, Jayme mumbles a greeting.

2010-05-05, 11:24 AM
Hey nick, We have a case down portside, coming with? Graham donned his armour and said his prayers in a side room. Knowing without a daoubt that there IS a god does this to people.

2010-05-05, 01:58 PM
Nik gives him a long-suffering look. "I just got out of the rain," he complains. Nevertheless, he sticks his cigar back behind his ear and dons his helmet and cloak again, pulling it low over his brow to keep his lit cigar safely dry. "Let's go."

2010-05-06, 03:22 PM
Well, no time like the present. Let's go.
With that, Jayme walks out the door.

2010-05-06, 03:27 PM
Graham follows Jayme, Cupping his tea in his hands and taking a sip now and then.

2010-05-06, 08:44 PM
Stepping out into the rain, I take a look around to see if there are any people in the streets, and to get my bearings.

Jair Barik
2010-05-07, 02:50 AM
The streets are empty at the moment. People rarely come out in the rain nowdays after a recent 'experiment' gone awry at the University started turning rain droplets into frogs. This would not have been an issue had they not splattered a fair bit upon impact with the ground. Regardless the rain looks normal enough today. The port is a few streets away if you head south from here.

2010-05-07, 10:22 AM
Nick winces as he steps around the splatted corpse of yet another frog. Still, he supposes that it's providing work for the street-sweepers and giving fertilizer to gardeners, so that's something. Say what you will about this city, someone will always find a way to make a profit out of whatever happens.

Sighing as he feels the chill of the rain enter his bones again, Nick adjusts his cloak and heads south.

2010-05-07, 06:02 PM
No wonder the sweeper was whistling today...
I start heading down to the port.

2010-05-07, 07:42 PM
Engelsson shudders under his cloak, wrapping it tighter around himself. His falcon, clearly unhappy about being out in this downpour, snuggles under the blonde man's cloak as much as possible. He strokes the bird gently, muttering something soothing.

A few minutes later he spits out his now-sodden cigarette. "Blasted endless rain."

Jair Barik
2010-05-08, 07:02 AM
Making your way down onto the docks you find most places closed or dark. One of the few exceptions to this is the Forsthy warehouse where a number of guards stand around the main doors bearing lanterns.

2010-05-08, 07:23 AM
Evening Gel'men there were reports of a missing person ere so weve been called out of the warm to sort this out so, if you would be so kind let us in, please Graham addressed the gaurds, not expecting much help. no-one arround here got much from obeying the authoritys. But Oh when they wanted help, "please officer, can you rescue my cat?", "please officer can your direct me to the post office?" "Please officer..."

Jair Barik
2010-05-08, 07:47 AM
A short man (possibly a halfling or Gnome) runs between the pair of guards on door duty and walks up to Graham. He appears slightly flustered and slightly deprived of sleep.

"What are you on about missing persons? I have reported no such thing and I would consider you just barraging in here a groos invasion of privacy! I am quite sure it is not within your power to just go barging into peoples homes and places of work without good reason!"

2010-05-08, 09:11 AM
Engelsson pulls another stick from a pocket and lights up. "Calm down, beanpole. Just doin' our job."

2010-05-08, 09:40 AM
Now now, Sir, anyone can call upon the watch, foremen or workers, so If we could just see your workers and ask them a few questions, then mabey we could get this over with. Graham said. What he thought was, What a prat, should do im for obstruction...

2010-05-08, 01:12 PM
Jayme, seemingly losing interest, starts looking around.

Jair Barik
2010-05-08, 01:36 PM
"All of the workers are off at the moment. The next shipment we are expecting is running very late and so they have all been given time off until it arrives. Most of them only take work as it is needed and so we can hardly afford to pay them all for standing around doing nothing."

2010-05-08, 03:11 PM
Well, could we have a look at your employment records? you must have those...

Jair Barik
2010-05-08, 03:36 PM
"Ummmm... Listen even before we had to remove everyone from hhere about three of the workers had stopped turning up to work anyway. I'm pretty sure they just decided to quit and find work somewhere else or something."

2010-05-08, 03:49 PM
rolling sense motive cos thats a lie. [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-08, 04:16 PM

You are positive he is lying about them quiting but more than that you think he may also be lying about the other wprkers being given time off due to a late shipment.

2010-05-08, 05:03 PM
Okay sweetcheeks pull the other one, I didnt come here to get lied at, thats obstrtruction the cause of justice that is, now, TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON OR,by The platinum dragon, I swear Ill take you back to the station and chuck you in the the Slammer and let you ROT!

With talk like that its intimidaten time! [roll0]

2010-05-08, 08:40 PM
Engelsson stares at the little man coolly, watching to see his reaction.

2010-05-08, 10:04 PM
Noticing the tension, I turn back to the man and start staring at him strangely.
@JairStudying for a Assassin's death-attack ability.

2010-05-09, 01:11 AM
Nick facepalms. "Oh, for crying out loud..." he mutters.

The grizzled Watchman strides over to Graham and pokes a finger in his chest, lowering his voice to a fierce whisper. "You shut up and you listen good, Graham. I don't know where you learned your people skills, but badgering people isn't the way to conduct an investigation. 'Obstruction of justice' doesn't mean jack squat from your lips, and you know why?" he snarls. "Because you're not a copper. Coppers get the law and justice on their side, but we've only got the authority of plain citizens. Very nosy and well-intentioned citizens, but that's it, because that's what we are. Now shut up before you ruin it for all of us."

With his tireade complete, Nick steps back from the other man, then turns and approaches the short man, his tone reasonable. "I'm sorry about the confusion, sir. We might have gotten our paperwork mixed up."

He pulls out his notebook and makes a show of flipping through it. "We've heard several reports of missing persons filed by some of the workers at... Forsthy Warehouse. That's this business right here, I believe. I assume you're Mr. Forsthy? We're simply here to help resolve the issue in any way that we can. Is there anything you might know about this situation?"


Jair Barik
2010-05-09, 04:06 AM
The man ignores Graham for the time being and turns to Nick. "I am not in fact Mr. Forsthy, I am Mr. Ferrin, I am in charge of looking after the warehouse and overseeing that the goods get deposited and picked up correctly. Mr. Forsthy has very little to do with the business other than signing pieces of paper for what we are actually having delivered. I'm quite sure he doesn't decide on how much to charge for a given job, he's really just another rich noble with businesses that run themselves if you ask me. As I said about three of our workers had stopped turning up for work and rather than look for them it was much easier to just hire some new guys to replace them."

Mr. Ferrin seems to have calmed down a fair bit now that he is talking to Nick.

2010-05-09, 04:20 AM
"That's a little cold, Mister Ferrin. You didn't even let these guys know?" Engelsson raised an eyebrow and drew in some death-laced air. "Why don't you let us go 'round their places, see how they're doin'. Where do they live?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-09, 04:31 AM
"You'd think I could but I can't. A few years back there was a change in law caused by the united action of the Assassins guild, Legitimate business mens guild and the University. In the case of a dock workers dismissal or mysterious death and or disappearance all records of that person held by the workers employer are to be handed back to the person or his nearest kin. As you can imagine there was some opposition from the workers guild union but they agreed to sign in exchange for a restoration fund paid into by the employer in case of them coming into contact with poison or exotic creatures."

2010-05-09, 04:35 AM
"So you do admit they disappeared mysteriously, huh?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-09, 05:54 AM
"No! It is just much better to apply the laws in a vague and uncertain matter, carrying them out on cases that might not even be the slightest bit mysterious than to find out that you are viable to be sued for not having done something you didn't think you had to do! I have no records so I cannot help you!"

The calm composure he seemed to have regained has degenerated into another angry rant.

2010-05-09, 08:30 AM
Well, we are sorry to intrude on your time. Aside to Nick, Graham whispers If the watch arent coppers then who are? Small change? Cos enough of them will get law and justice on your side you can bet your bottom piece on that.

2010-05-09, 08:39 AM
Engelsson raised his hands, mouth curved into a half-smile. "Hey there, little guy. I didn't mean no offence. What're their names, who're their friends."

2010-05-09, 07:11 PM
Nick ignores Graham. "Sir, I understand you don't have the records of the exact employees that disappeared. Would it be possible to speak with your other employees that might be here right now?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-10, 03:21 AM
"I don't have any employees in there at the moment. As I said we are closed until our next shipment comes in."

2010-05-10, 03:50 AM
Nick nods reasonably. "That's fine. Do you know when that might be?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-10, 03:52 AM

The man is really seem to take a dislike to you all. Especially Engelsson.

2010-05-10, 11:39 AM
@ Jair
going to make a listen chack to see if I hear any sounds of working inside the warehouse [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-10, 12:04 PM

It sounds pretty quiet inside. Almost errily so...

2010-05-10, 01:32 PM
Nick nods, then makes a show of checking his notebook again. "Hmmm. A moment please, sir."

He then walks back to the rest of his group and signals for them to gather around. Lowering his voice, he mutters, "Talking to him is looking like a dead end. He's not cooperating, thanks to someone--" He shoots Graham a glare. "--and I don't think we're going to get permission to walk in and start poking around. The way I see it is we either get someone to slip inside later and investigate more thoroughly, or we wait fo that next shipment and ask questions then, and just put this whole thing to the side for now. Any ideas, people?"

2010-05-10, 03:00 PM
Im all for someone to sneak in, it sounds like someones trying to be quiet in there theres no background noise or anything....

2010-05-10, 07:26 PM
I could probably get in without him noticing.

2010-05-10, 11:13 PM
I keep an eye on the man while we're talking, positioning myself so I can watch him inconspicuously.

2010-05-11, 08:57 AM
Engelsson shrugs. "I'm wonderin' why we need his permission to look around, but I guess if we can do it on the down-low, that's fine." He rubs the back of his neck and glances around. "Maybe we can ask around the docks, see what the word on the street is."

2010-05-11, 02:58 PM
Nick nods to Jayme. "Good, do that. Wait a little while before you head in, he's still on his guard right now. Be careful, because if you get caught, there's not a lot we can do to help."

He glances over to Engelsson. "We needed his permission because if we don't have it we're tresspassing, and we're supposed to be working on the side of the law, not against it. The law can be bent a little bit in cases like this, but never outright broken."

Jair Barik
2010-05-11, 03:16 PM
((OOC: Are you leaving the warehouse for the time being then?))

The warehouse has two main doors. This small door with the man and two guards, and the warehous doors themselves, a large pair of double doors that would probably take multiple people to open. This second pair of doors appear to exist to allow large things to be brought into the warehouse as they face out towards the water.

There are no proper windows but high up near the roof are numerous panes of glass that run around the top of the warehouse in a band. They appear to have no purpose other than to allow light into the building.

2010-05-11, 07:23 PM
"Yeah, I guess. I just meant- surely we can get some pressure applied. His boss- a judge- that sort of thing."

2010-05-11, 08:15 PM
You guys look around the docks, but stay close. I will go inside when an opportunity presents itself. Besides, if it gets sticky, I'll just deal with it.
OOC:Does this break the no splitting up taboo? If so, please ignore my post.

Jair Barik
2010-05-12, 03:56 AM
((If you want to this is fine. It was more 'no splitting up with half the party doing nothing' or 'no splitting up with half the party going on one quest the other on another.' There are still things the others can try around here but you will be writing in spoilers for the next section so they don't know whats going on. If you want to begin then outline your entry plan and make some rolls.))

2010-05-12, 11:51 AM
I could probably get someone up there. As long as they werent too heavy. These arent just for show you know graham unfurls his wings and jabs a thumb at them. However, im not the sneaky type. Ill probably just expose you, so once your in there your on your own.

Im gonna look around for tall buildings in the nearby vicinity [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-12, 12:41 PM
This is the docks so there aren't really any tall buildings about. There are multiple warehouses and a few small shops but other than that it is relatively spacious around here.

2010-05-12, 01:26 PM
Everyone cool with this? cos once we start its final, not stopping halfway through

2010-05-12, 06:10 PM
I can get in on my own, thanks. The back door will be fine for little old me.
Jair: I will use ghost sound (one of my assassin spells) to make the two guards think the man inside is calling them over, and then walk through the door while they're not looking. What rolls might I need to make for this?

Jair Barik
2010-05-13, 02:46 AM

The two guards are already with the other man. The three of them are standing by the side door and the main door is much too large to open discreetly or by yourself.

2010-05-13, 07:38 PM
Jair: I will stand where I can watch the door inconspicuously until something changes (one of them walks away, etc) hide check if necessary: [roll0]

I'll just wait until I get a chance to go in. You guys do your thing out here, and I'll be waiting here when I get back out.

Jair Barik
2010-05-14, 03:27 AM
After about a half an hour one of the two guards goes off to get something or do something elsewhere.

2010-05-14, 11:48 AM
Graham walks around the cornerand unfurls his wings. Using the fly/glide tequniche characteristic of dragonborn he flies onto the roof. Well, no-one should be without back-up he mutters to himself.

Should I roll for a listen check now or later? cos when/if hell breaks loose ill swoop in...

2010-05-14, 08:21 PM
@Jair, is the man we spoke with still there or no?

Jair Barik
2010-05-15, 03:31 AM
Yes. He and one of the guards are on the door, the other guard has left but you don't know why.

2010-05-15, 11:13 AM
I follow the guard that walked off for a little ways.
Move silently: [roll1]

Jair Barik
2010-05-15, 11:16 AM
The guard appears to be headed down to a shop on the shoreline. The shop in question has its lights on and appears to sell food and drinks. It could be a bar.

2010-05-15, 04:48 PM
Jair:I head back to the building. Once waiting nearby where I can see the door, I cast ghost sound to sound like somebody is breaking in via breaking a wall or window.[Volume limit is the equivalent to 8 people shouting]

2010-05-15, 04:50 PM
While his comrades investigate the warehouse, Nick quietly begins sweeping the area, questioning local residents, asking if they might have heard anything about the disappearances or other strange goings-on around the warehouse.


Jair Barik
2010-05-15, 05:02 PM
The guard runs off to investigate and the other man calls out and runs towards you in the direction of the shop. he doesn't seem to see you but appears to be Headed to go get the second guard.

Nick can only find a few people along the docks at this time of night in the rain. hose he talks to haven't really heard of missing workers. Somebody talks about how lately everything around these parts has been going to hell though and somebody else perks up at them Forsthy, mentioning that they believe he has just recieved a massive windfall.

2010-05-15, 05:03 PM
"What kind of windfall?" Nick asks.

Jair Barik
2010-05-15, 05:08 PM
"Not sure... A friend of my pal Brian told him that he had heard some noble talking about how Forsthy had got some lucky deal with some guy. Something like that anyway. How Forsthy was loaded any way but this was going to have him made if he could do it. I think anyway..."

2010-05-15, 05:56 PM
Jair: Hide Check for when he passes me? I then move into the building while nobody is watching the door. I find somewhere inside and wait to see if the inside guard keeps looking or goes back to the door. Hide and move silent, respectively [roll1] [roll1d20+14 Edit: this roll is in the OOC thread

2010-05-15, 08:38 PM
Nick nods thoughtfully. "Could I talk to your pal Brian? Do you know who his friend might be?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 03:49 AM
"Sure! Brian lives on the other side of town. I don't have his address but I'm sure we could find him. He's normally found about the pubs so even if we couldn't find him we might still have a good time eh?" it becomes increasingly apparent that this man may have been drinking and that he has no idea who you are.


The two guards and their companion re-assemble but none of them even check inside the door. You do however hear one of them lock it. They talk a bit but seem to have decided the sound didn't come from their warehouse. Inside most of the shelves are covered with old crates and empty boxes. Down at a crossroads between the isles is a medium sized crate with its top open and on the floor. A man appears to be sleeping in the shadows of one of the isles near this box.

2010-05-16, 04:04 AM
"Sure! Brian lives on the other side of town. I don't have his address but I'm sure we could find him. He's normally found about the pubs so even if we couldn't find him we might still have a good time eh?" it becomes increasingly apparent that this man may have been drinking and that he has no idea who you are.


The two guards and their companion re-assemble but none of them even check inside the door. You do however hear one of them lock it. They talk a bit but seem to have decided the sound didn't come from their warehouse. Inside most of the shelves are covered with old crates and empty boxes. Down at a crossroads between the isles is a medium sized crate with its top open and on the floor. A man appears to be sleeping in the shadows of one of the isles near this box.

Uhhh, I'm not inside the warehouse.

Nick shakes his head wearily, deciding to let the drunkard keep talking rather than risk shutting him up with wariness. "What's Brian's last name?" he asks. "Brian's a pretty common name. Does he have a pub he likes to hang out at most?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 04:18 AM
((Oopps. Fixed))

"Brian Fenegeneson. I can't remember wether he does or not. Their all good if you ask me though wouldn't you agreee?"

2010-05-16, 04:39 AM
"Oh, I don't know..." Nick waffles as he tries to sift through the more popular and well-known pubs in his mind.


2010-05-16, 02:17 PM
Jair:I take a look inside the crate, and then go take a closer look at the sleeping man. OOC:Would I know what the missing people look like? from a poster or something?

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 02:30 PM
The Raging Bear is a popular joint if your memory serves you well so you use that one.

"Perhaps... but he also likes the Cheeky Swan."

the man then proceeds to trip over and fall on his face which causes him to launch off a string of obsceneties that I couldn't hope to get through the forum language filter.


Approaching the crate there is a foul smell in the air. Looking inside there is all manner of strange objects inside including pickled body parts, unusual apparatus and dried...objects. Turning to look at the man you quickly decide he is not in fact sleeping but dead. You decide this because he has a distinct lack of skin. High above you in the rafters of the warehouse you hear something fluttering about.
OOC:You don't know what the people look like no.

2010-05-16, 02:52 PM
Nick sighs and shakes his head, bidding the drunkard farewell before he heads off for the Cheeky Swan.

2010-05-16, 03:01 PM
Jair:I look up to where I heard the noise. OOC: Am I aware Graham is on the roof, or maybe I see him through a window?

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 03:13 PM
The cheeky swan is all the way over on the other side of town, well out of your jurisdiction.


You are unaware of the dragonborn sitting on the roof. The windows are in completely the wrong places to allow a decent amount of moonlight in but you can just make out a small black shape flitter through the little light there is. You can discern no fine details.

2010-05-16, 03:16 PM
Jair: Assuming the dead man is clothed, I go through his pockets for anything in them. (Identification, tools, keys, etc) After that, I walk through the aisles to see if there is anything here of note besides the one crate and dead man. Meanwhile, I draw my short sword and stay on guard.

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 03:28 PM
The mans clothes are quite torn up. Whatever killed him did a thorough job of it and theres not a strand of skin left upon his body. You find a few copper pieces but nothing else of note. It appears this man was probably day labour as the clothes match those of a worker. You hear fluttering noises above you again and an empty box is knocked off of a shelf on the isle behind you but you can still not make out what is making the noises.

2010-05-16, 03:35 PM
Jair:I go up and down the aisles, looking for anything else of interest. I listen for whatever is fluttering around, and if I hear it I turn quickly to where it is. Listen:[roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 03:38 PM

Down one of the isles you find a sword skewered through what appears to be a lump of skin. Another isle you find a spear in a similar state. The sounds are louder and more numerous now and are reminiscent of the sound of bird wings fklapping in the breeze.

2010-05-16, 03:40 PM
Jair:I go near the door I came in through. I heard the door get locked you said, so I check if they are inside or outside the door. ooC:Thanks for posting so much so quickly, but I have to go for a bit now.

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 03:58 PM

It appears the men are outside the door at the moment as is the key.

2010-05-16, 04:12 PM
jurisdiction? I wasn't aware we had any limits on geographical jurisdiction, as private investigators. Doesn't that that defeat the whole purpose of being PIs if we can't actually investigate things?

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 04:32 PM
jurisdiction? I wasn't aware we had any limits on geographical jurisdiction, as private investigators. Doesn't that that defeat the whole purpose of being PIs if we can't actually investigate things?

((you can still investigate there but you don't have the same power. e.g. if yousaw a crime committed you couldn't arrest the guy, you'd have to report him. Unless of course you got permission before hand. You can do anything you want anywhere really but there are other city watches for other areas of the city so occasionally you may get in an argument with them if they feel you are stepping on their toes. Perhaps jurisdiction was the wrong term.))

2010-05-16, 04:50 PM
Nick sighs and tries to remember where the Raging Bear is.

Jair Barik
2010-05-16, 05:11 PM
The raging bear is more local. It is about a 5 minute walk back into the city headed away from the port.

2010-05-16, 05:28 PM
Nick nods to himself and heads over towards the Raging Bear.

2010-05-16, 06:20 PM
Jair:I look in the area that would be directly seen as you open the door, look around from the doorway, walk in, etc. Are there shadows, boxes, a good hiding place?

Jair Barik
2010-05-17, 03:16 AM

Yes there is a crate that looks big enough to hide behind

Are you taking the drunk with you Tyrael?

2010-05-17, 03:49 AM
((Sure, he can help point out who this Brian guy is.))

2010-05-17, 06:31 PM
Jair: I look around to check if I can see whatever has been fluttering around. I then look what is in the crate, and assuming it is empty or there is nothing significant in it, I will proceed to pick the lock to the door, but not open it yet. [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-18, 02:58 AM
The two of you proceed to the inn. It is open and the sound of laughter echoes from within, light shining out of the windows and the small of drink in the air.

You still cannot see what is making the noise. You succeed at picking the lock having first found the crate to be empty.

2010-05-18, 03:20 AM
Nick takes the man inside and asks him to look around for Brian.

2010-05-18, 06:26 PM
Jair:I check if the door opens inwards or outwards and if it seems rusty or squeaky, if I can do this without opening it ((please make any necessary rolls for that, as I don't know what they would be.)) I also listen at the door for if I can hear whether all 3 are still on the other side, and what they're doing. Listen:[roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-19, 03:54 AM
Entering the bar with your drunken 'friend' you are quickly welcomed.

"Back for another drink are we? Thought we'd seen the last of you for tonight Alec." the barman says.

"Brian! Brian!" 'Alec' enthusiastically points at the barman.


It sounds as though they are still out there, you can't tell what they are up to. The door opens inwards and the hinges are not well kept.

2010-05-19, 02:33 PM
Nick's spirits rise for a moment. Barmen, as every good copper knows, are great sources of information and local rumors. They hear everything that goes on in their establishments, and often have a few contacts of their own.

Nick gives the drunken fellow a pat on the shoulder, then slides into a seat at the bar. "My new friend Alec here tells me you mix a fine drink," Nick says warmly with a grin. "Surprise me."

2010-05-19, 05:56 PM
Jair:With my sword ready. I try to very quietly open the door as to not make any noise, but to open it only a crack, so I can look out and see them, but hopefully without them noticing.

Jair Barik
2010-05-20, 03:27 AM
Outside the warehouse you hear the man at the door scream and he and his guards violently pull at the door trying to keep it closed.

The bar keep smiles and taking alarge glass from off of the shelf puts it to one of the pumps. A throthy yellow beer pours into the glass and he places it down in front of Nick.
"Alec not been giving you the run around I hope? Man was pretty drunk when he left here an hour ago. Here, we call this one Dragon's piss. Enjoy."

The door opens with a loud squeaking and you here somebody shout out in fear on the other side. The door is then quickly pulled against you back into the closed position.Something behind you falls from the ceiling and drops onto the floor with a slightly wet thud.

2010-05-20, 08:49 AM
Was that me????? for the sake of narrative comedy it was.
Graham assesed the situation. ****-up seemed the most likely description. luckily, wings have more than one use. well, bugger.

2010-05-20, 01:41 PM
using the Tight circles function of wings i only take 1d6 of faalin damage [roll0] or do I take any?

2010-05-20, 02:05 PM
Nick nods to the barkeep. "Thanks. He's been telling me a lot about you. You're Brian?" He takes a draught.

Jair Barik
2010-05-20, 02:54 PM
At the Warehouse
The three men are very surprised perhaps even shocked to see Graham descend from their warehouse roof. The surprise on their faces shows quite clearly that they were unaware of his presence there until now.

At the Bar
The beer is fiery hot yet not unpleasent. It is quite clear where it gets its somehwat crude name from.

"Has he now? All good I assume? Yes I am Brian though the man could do with learning that. Far as I'm aware he's 'good friends' with every barman in town. Not that he can ever remember which one works where."

2010-05-20, 03:17 PM
Nick nods and looks at the glass speculatively before shrugging and taking another drink. As he sets it down, he lowers his voice and comments, "So anyway, I've been asking around, and in my experience a good barman like yourself keeps his ear to the ground. Do you know anything about Forsthy Warehouse, or Mr. Ferrin? People have been saying some odd things, and I'm just wondering what your take on the whole thing is."

2010-05-20, 05:23 PM
Jair: If there is enough light for me to see, I slowly turn around, and if there is nothing in front of my I look down to the source of the thud and then up above it.
If there is not enough light, or nothing of interest, I shove my sword through the door to scare them, hopefully making them let go of the door, and I then yank it open.

Jair Barik
2010-05-20, 05:40 PM
The barman frowns. "Hmmmm Forsthy you say? Well some nobleman who cam in here a week back was complaining about Forsthy had managed to secure a high paying deal with some Wizard types. Didn't catch the guys name though. Then shortly after some of the guys from his warehouse came in for a big drink. And I mean big. Far as I could tell they'd all been laid of by Forsthy, every single one of them, after the last shipment had come in. Nobody was really sure why though."


It appears as though it is a lump of flesh sitting about 30ft behind you. You cannot however see anything above it.

2010-05-20, 05:47 PM
Jair:I yank on the door again to try and get it open.

2010-05-20, 06:06 PM
Nick frowns curiously. "How long ago was this? Do you know any of the guys who got laid off personally?

((Also, I just realized we're both using Green. Should I change?))

Jair Barik
2010-05-22, 05:13 AM

"Not personally no, but you know how it is. The barman is everybodys best friend. If I see any of them around again I could gtell them your looking for them but I can't remember most of their faces."


The door isn't going to budge under the weight of the three men pushing against it.

2010-05-22, 07:13 AM
graham looks around to see what the situation is.
spot check[roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-05-22, 07:27 AM
The three men appear to be leaning on the door quite vigorously to keep it closed. One of them is putting the key in the lock.

2010-05-22, 08:54 AM
Draw falchion, walk over silently [roll0]
And tap the guy turning the key in the door on his shoulder.

2010-05-22, 10:04 AM
excuse me genlemen, could i have a moment of your time?
intimidate check. [roll0]

2010-05-22, 12:00 PM
Jair:You told me the door opens inward? if they leaned on it it would swing open.

2010-05-22, 03:05 PM

"Not personally no, but you know how it is. The barman is everybodys best friend. If I see any of them around again I could gtell them your looking for them but I can't remember most of their faces."

Nick sighs. Another dead end. "Heard anything else about Forthsy or the warehouse, then?" he asks.

Jair Barik
2010-05-22, 03:42 PM
Clearly the men have all this time been pulling on the door as opposed to pushing. This has always been the case and will likely continue to remain so :smallredface:. The man you spoke too is clearly outraged at your behaviour.
"How dare you draw a weapon on me! What kind of policeman are you!? The law may allow a number of things but it does not allow you to intrude on my business without a permit and certainly does not allow you to pull out weapons on innocent citizens! I will be launching a formal complaint to the head of the guard if you do not leave this very instant!"

At the bar....
"I'm sorry I can't be much more help. Haven't heard much else about the Forsthy warehouse I'm afraid. If it's of any help though I can give you the address of Forsthy's local residence. He sends men round occasionally to buy our imported beers and such. He has a manor somewhere back in the empire but as most of his little businesses are here in Galzarel he has a second house round these parts."

2010-05-22, 03:56 PM
Jair:I shove my sword through the door (stab the wood) to try and scare them into letting go. I then pull on it once more.

2010-05-23, 03:34 AM
Sorry, sir but there is clearly a dangerous criminal on the other side if it takes three of you to close the door. Or worse, you know what them at the university are like... so if you would require some help Graham thought: well, going in like I own the place never seems to work.... should probably stop doing that.

2010-05-23, 03:43 AM
At the bar....
"I'm sorry I can't be much more help. Haven't heard much else about the Forsthy warehouse I'm afraid. If it's of any help though I can give you the address of Forsthy's local residence. He sends men round occasionally to buy our imported beers and such. He has a manor somewhere back in the empire but as most of his little businesses are here in Galzarel he has a second house round these parts."

Nick nods and drains off the last of the Dragon's Piss. Despite his disappointment, he feels himself starting to enjoy this case despite himself. It'd been a while since he had had to do much in the way of actual investigation like this. "That'd be great, Brian. Thanks. You said that's just one of his houses, right? Do you know if he's in town right now?"

Jair Barik
2010-05-23, 04:19 AM
A sword sticks through the door and almost maims one of the men. They look incredibly surprised by this and let go of the door revealing Jayme on the other side.

"Intruder! Arrest that man!"

At the bar....
Brian hands you the mans address.
"Far as I'm aware thats his only local address but you know how it is with nobles. If they have something they want to keep hidden from their wives they could have any number of other properties under other names. Don't know if he is in town at the moment though no."

2010-05-23, 08:55 AM
And dressed in a watch uniform too.. thats a very serious offense....
Charge Jayme using pwer attack, shock trooper, and the wing expert buffer options but dealing non lethal. Cos were freinds. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] next turn Jayme makes dc 20 flex or I gain+2 to attack and I have AC 10 EDIT dang. forgot to add the charging benfits and penaltys, with that it would be 8 AC. and +2 to both the attacks..

Jair Barik
2010-05-23, 09:46 AM
The dragonborn barrells into Jayme knocking him unconscious (46 non lethal damage).

2010-05-23, 12:43 PM
Graham puts mancales on Jayme Not what coppers do he mutters under his breath.well sirs Ill be on my way, have a good day. he slings jayme over his shoulder and marches out.

Jair Barik
2010-05-24, 07:17 AM
The men close the door behind you as you leave clearly happy with how events have worked out. It will take about an hour for Jayme to regain consciousness.

2010-05-24, 03:05 PM
You'd better tell me somthing good ya nitwit , ya wave the shiny sharp thing in front of their face but ya never use it! Murder is a crime, scaring someone is not! Graham goes back into the watch house and lays Jayme on his bed. He puts a pot of tea on. Should be about ready when he comes around. Now, wheres my notepad.. Graham writes notes on the activitys of the day.

2010-05-24, 06:39 PM
((Let me know when I wake up?))

Jair Barik
2010-05-25, 02:51 AM
((I am assuming that Nidogg has justed waited the required hour for you to regain consciousness so you can be up whenever you want to))

2010-05-25, 03:50 AM
At the bar....
Brian hands you the mans address.
"Far as I'm aware thats his only local address but you know how it is with nobles. If they have something they want to keep hidden from their wives they could have any number of other properties under other names. Don't know if he is in town at the moment though no."

Nick nods and tips his helmet to the man as he gets up. "Thank you kindly, Brian. You run a good bar here. I'll keep in touch."

After paying his tab, Nick cups his hands, lights his cigar, adjusts his helmet, and steps out into the rain-slicked city streets, on the hunt once again...this time for a certain nobleman who has a lot of questions to answer.

Jair Barik
2010-05-25, 03:55 AM
Following the address you come to the house of Lucio Forsthy, directly opposite the temple of the sun Gods. The sun is starting to rise now and it is the early hours of the morning the rain continues though. The house is walled and gated off. There doesn't appear to be anyone on guard duty and the lawn leading up to the house is overgrown. It is more like a small manor than a house.

2010-05-25, 06:15 AM
((I am assuming that Nidogg has justed waited the required hour for you to regain consciousness so you can be up whenever you want to))

yep Im cool with that.

2010-05-25, 02:47 PM
Nick walks around the perimeter of the house wall, looking for some sort of alternate way in or other gate that might be able to be opened.

Jair Barik
2010-05-25, 02:50 PM
Nick can't find any 'legal' entrance into the property but it seems to be in a state of semi-disrepair. There is a hole in the wall that could be crawled through or vines that could be climbed over. In his thorough observations he notices one odd thing though. namely that there is a perfect circle of glass missing from one of the manors windows, easily big enough for a man to climb through, on the buildings first storey by a balcony.

2010-05-25, 03:13 PM
Nick frowns to himself. The circle of cut glass makes him think that an unguarded manor house like this would easily present a tempting target for a burglar...However, would it be considered breaking and entering if he himself was discovered? Probably, and aggravating a nobleman that he hoped to ask questions from was a bad move, investigatorily. On the other hand, he could say with perfect truth that the cut window had given him cause for suspicion and he had moved to act on those suspicions, which was well-covered under the law...

Nick nods to himself. Besides, if there is a burglar, and Nick doesn't investigate, he might be blamed for it later on, and that wouldn't look good.

Clamping his helmet solidly onto his head and sticking his cigar behind his ear, Nick attempts to crawl through the hole in the wall. Once through, he creeps over to the cut window and looks inside.


Jair Barik
2010-05-25, 03:25 PM
As it is on the first floor you have to climb up a trellis to get to the window on the balcony. It is easy enough to walk through but you don't need to even walk through it to see whats in the room...

@Tyrael only

((OOC:Now on post in spoilers for this bit))

Lying on the floor is the dead body of a nobleman with a crossbow bolt protruding from his head. Judging from the smell he and the other man in the room have been here for some time, their congealed blood forming an ugly mess on the ground. The other man you can just about recognise even with a crossbow bolt lodged through the bottom of his jaw and protruding out through his skull. It is Mr.Ferrin from the warehouse. he is slumped in an armchair with a small hand crossbow lying on the ground beneath his cold outstretched fingertips. The room appears to be a master bedroom, a large comfortable looking double bed in the centre of the room, an open door leading off into a small ensuite and another door closed directly opposite you. There is all sorts of fineries here but no sign of a struggle. There is a large walk in warbrobe that is currently open and the carpet is spoiled.

2010-05-25, 04:16 PM
Nick climbs into the room carefully, then goes over to examine both bodies. Does he recognize the second nobleman at all?

After that, he stands up and begins searching around the room for any more clues about what might have happened, or any pieces of evidence possibly relevant.


Jair Barik
2010-05-25, 04:23 PM
Looking at the noblemans face and around the room you can identify it as being Mr. Forsthy. He has a large oil painting of himself on one wall that allows you to identify the body. Feeling over the body of Ferrin for clues you find he has no thieves tools (or diamond window cutters) and has no quiver nor any spare bolts on him. These items can't be found elsewhere in the room either. It appears the bolt went through Forsthy face first. Nothing of interest is in the waredrobe other than Forsthy's clothes but a couple of jackets are on the floor. Closer examination of the bed shows a bloodstain and hole in one of the pillows.

2010-05-25, 07:30 PM
As I wake up, I jump to my feet yelling What the hell is wrong with you!? We have to go back and arrest them!

2010-05-25, 07:39 PM
Nick kneels down and feels the blood, trying to determine how wet/recent it is. He knows this couldn't have happened long ago, he just saw Ferrin last night.

Getting to his feet, he looks around the room again and thinks. What could be behind this? So the nobleman is dead. Who benefits? Who profits? A prominent businessman might have many enemies. Following that train of thought, why kill both Forsthy and Ferrin together? It clearly looked like a murder-suicide on the part of Mr. Ferrin, but Nick was certain the man was an administrator, had never touched a weapon in his life. Additionally, if it was a murder on the part of Ferrin, there would be signs of a struggle. No employer would calmly let his lackey kill him and then himself. No, the suicide option was definitely out. There was no reason for it as far as Nick could tell. The company wasn't in dire straits that he had heard or could tell, and Brian hadn't mentioned any personal or family troubles.

Therefore, it seems clear to Nick that it was a double-murder simply arranged to look like a suicide. The Watchman gets to his feet and thinks again. If he was the killer, how would he have done it? Who benefits? Who profits? More importantly, where would he be now?

(OOC: Rolling Sense Motive to think more like the would-be murderer and to try to puzzle out reasons behind the killing, and rolling Intelligence to double-check his logic.)

2010-05-26, 03:52 AM
Calm down. You attacked them. You dont do that. You wave the shiny sharp thing infront of ther face, Shout "this is what happens if you put a toe out of line!" But unless they have put a digit in the wrong direction, you dont... do...anyth... hang on, why do we need to arrest them, as far as I know they havent done anything....

Jair Barik
2010-05-26, 04:06 AM

Looking at the blood you can tell it's not recent. A couple of days? A week old maybe? Trying to get into the murders mind it does appear more like a case of double murder than suicide. Forsthy and Ferrin don't appear to benefit from it. The workers in general don't appear to get anything out of this. Which really just leaves the three missing workers, some relative hoping to inherit or a customer of the company. Inheritance does seem less likely though as you need the death to be discovered in which case you'd expect this to have been found out by now.

2010-05-26, 06:54 PM
They were using that place to butcher people. I found at least one body, and parts to make a few more. Not to mention there was something.. not human.. in there. They were trying to trap me in there, you saw it. There was no other way to get out.

2010-05-27, 05:09 AM
Crap. You know what that spells? Wizards. Probably some sick joke when the cleaner says she only has one pair of hands. Oh, my SCALES! ENGLESONNS STILL IN THERE!!!

((Or does he still exist?))

Jair Barik
2010-05-27, 05:45 AM
((OOC: Who knows. Have pmed him and if he doesn't post soon he is likely going to be found dead somewhere))

2010-05-27, 03:01 PM
Nick nods to himself and paces back and forth as he ruminates. This put a new spin on things. If the bodies are really this old, then several conclusions inescapably follow: 1) The "Mr. Ferrin" they spoke to last night at the docks was not Mr. Ferrin at all, 2) For the bodies to be this old and still undiscovered, Mr. Forthsy is a very private person with little-to-no friends, social life, or business life. Nobody visits his home, nobody pays any social visits to this mansion. In addition, 3) Either the home has a small-to-nonexistant serving staff, or they too have been murdered.

Nick pulls his cigar out from under his helmet and gives a few reflective puffs, thinking some more. So. Workers at the factory report missing family members, then are all laid off from their jobs at once. Few people know them. Rumors abound, but nobody can prove anything. Next, Forsthy and Ferrin are dead for several weeks. Nobody heard about it, nobody reported it. The bodies were not concealed, but arranged to look like a suicide. Evidence of violent entry was not concealed, either.

He blows out a smoke ring and ponders. The killer was obviously confident that the murder-suicide explanation would be accepted at face value. Therefore, either he didn't have much faith in the deductive ability of those who would eventually find the bodies, or he underestimated the tenacity of the investigators.

Nick nods to himself. Well, this wasn't the first murder scene he'd discovered. First things first. He digs into his belt and pulls out a piece of chalk, then carefully outlines both bodies exactly as they lie on the floor. He then also outlines any personal possessions nearby, as well as all other loose objects on the floor. After that, he flips open his notebook and begins writing.

Around dawn, current date.

Got a tip from Brian, the barman at the Raging Bear inn. He suggested checking out Mr. Forsthy's mansion so I could ask him a few questions about the dock workers' missing family members. But when I got there, I found the bodies of Mr. Forsthy and Mr. Ferrin, both dead from a crossbow bolt through the brain. Ferrin is slumped in a chair with a hand crossbow pointed towards his head. The bloodstains are a few days to a week old, but the other investigators and I just spoke with Ferrin last night. Something fishy's going on. Clearly Ferrin isn't who we think he is. He was very secretive and furtive when we talked to him. Got an impressive pair of bouncers at the front door, too. Could be hiding something inside? Best not to jump to conclusions.

If the bodies are this old and still undiscovered, that means that nobody visits this place, or at least not very often. It also means that there's either no serving staff at all (hard to believe for a nobleman of Forsthy's stature), or they're dead as well (more likely). No evidence yet to support that, just a hunch.

There's no sign of a struggle here. No scuffed carpet, no out-of-place marks on the nobles themselves...bolts through the brain, at that angle, says to me that they were probably killed in their sleep, then carried here. Just another hunch, though. Let's see what poking around will reveal.

Nick flips his notebook shut and puts both chalk and book and pen back in his belt. Nodding to himself, he then exits the room and moves to explore the rest of the house, looking for the bedrooms but keeping his eyes open for any other clues.


Jair Barik
2010-05-27, 03:19 PM

Exploring the rest of the manor you find it to be quite deserted. There are no more bodies and no other people. From the amount of finery on display it seems unlikely that robbers have been in here but if a single item were to be missing it would likely to be impossiblt to tell, a policemans dilemma. The furniture in the other rooms is all covered in white sheets to prevent dust and there is no food in the pantry. A small layer of dust has built up but it appears undisturbed. I doesn't seem as though anyone has been living here.

2010-05-27, 05:40 PM
Engelsson isn't in there, he didn't go in with me. But more importantly, we need to go take those men down before they hop town, like I was trying to before you tried to kill me.

2010-05-27, 06:10 PM
Fair enough, but we need a plan, Englesonn said he was going in so I take you back there , handcuffed to me to keep up the "intruder is a felon and definitley not a watchman" facade and you say you werent acting alone, which isnt technicly a lie, and there may be someone else in there again, not lieing. But first the wait has to give time for some fake interrogation, Fancy a cuppa?

2010-05-28, 12:28 AM
Or we could just go over and arrest them. I know they're killing people, and if they're not then there's something worse inside, bad enough to make them too scared to tell us. Either way there's no time to waste.

2010-05-28, 01:59 AM
Nick finishes his tour of the house and flips open his notebook again.

No other signs of struggle, nothing else apparently missing. Bedrooms are fine. This points to an assassination right while they were sitting in the living room.

However, everything is dusty. Sheets are hanging over the furniture, all the cupboards empty...nobody's lived here for a long time. If that's the case, what were Forsthy and Ferrin doing here? How were the crossbows fired at such an angle? Why would they be sitting in the living room of an abandoned estate?

There's too many questions, and I think best when I bounce it off other coppers. Could be they think of something else I'm not seeing here.

He flips his notebook shut again and pockets it. After going through the house once more to make sure he hasn't missed anything important, he carefully climbs back out of the hole in the window and heads back to the Watch House, his brain still stewing over all the questions.

Jair Barik
2010-05-28, 02:40 AM

You will get back to the watch house before the others leave again.
OOC: You are aware the bodies were found in the master bedroom?

2010-05-28, 06:00 AM
Didnt ya Listen to nick? We are little more than citizens who can poke their nose in anybodys business. I admire your effeciecy but has it occured to you that they may not even know what their storing in there? Money talks and sometimes it says "You didnt see anything."

2010-05-28, 02:16 PM

You will get back to the watch house before the others leave again.
OOC: You are aware the bodies were found in the master bedroom?

Uh, no, I wasn't aware of that. From the initial description I thought it was the living room. Damn. If I had known that, I would have checked out a few more things, like the bedsheets, dresser and closet.

2010-05-28, 07:52 PM
I sit down, and say Fine. Tell me when we're clear to move.

Jair Barik
2010-05-29, 03:49 AM

If you read through the descriptions I gave you most of that is covered. I did mention it was the master bedroom in the initial post.

2010-05-30, 06:09 AM
Well first we have to get you ready. Thake your uniform off. Put yer civvies on. Conceal any weapons ye feel happy carrying.

2010-05-30, 11:18 PM
I conceal my weapons and put on civilian clothes, as he said. Did you get my sword back, at least?

2010-05-31, 01:34 AM
Well, phooey. Well, I can't take back actions now. I continue going back to the Watch House.

Jair Barik
2010-05-31, 04:02 AM
As the two of you prepare to leave Nick comes back in from the rain.

2010-05-31, 05:12 AM
No, I left it in the door, of couse I got it back, do you think I'd leave evidence lieing around? Oh, Hi nick, we were about to go back to the docksand try and find englesonn cos He's still in the warehouse and Jayme said he saw dead bodies there. Of course we dont want to find Englesonn in that state so let's roll. Graham Manacles one of Jaymes hands and holds the other end and puts Jayme's sword on the table. ((OOC Dejavu anyone?))

Jair Barik
2010-05-31, 06:13 AM
((OOC: Engellson never entered the warehouse, in fact your not even sure the guy was ever a policeman in the first place. More he was an annoying pest who hung around you guys and you just sort of put up with it. Thats my explanation for the write out and I'm sticking with it :smallamused:))

2010-05-31, 10:29 AM
((OOC: Aww, no engleson zombie? Or golem? Cos that would be hilarious. Especially if he came back and was like "Oh noes! I got slaughtered like a pig!!!":smallamused:)

2010-05-31, 11:07 AM
Unlock the manacle, so I can pull my hand out if I need to.

2010-05-31, 11:48 AM
Okay, but it's gonna have to be kept shut graham unlocks the manacles Lets go. Don't worry nick, one of these days you will be able to get in for five minuets before coming out again.
((OOC: can we just assume Ive just explained the plot to nick?))

2010-05-31, 11:57 AM
Nick gives him an exhausted look. "Why? Where are you going now?"

2010-05-31, 01:02 PM
I walk out the door, and look around.

2010-05-31, 02:08 PM
Back to the docks, were gonna take Jayme and say he had an accomplace whe he broke in to try and get a better look around. And he has to keep his arm in that manacle so they think he's a felon in order that we dont get immediatly rumbled.

Jair Barik
2010-06-03, 08:16 AM
bumpity bump

2010-06-03, 08:18 AM
Dito Et Ditto

2010-06-03, 02:42 PM
Nick groans and facepalms. "Fine. Whatever. I've got news of my own, but I'll tell you when you get back."

He drops into his chair at his desk and sighs.

2010-06-03, 05:33 PM
Are you sure it can wait? It would be better if we knew what you found out.

2010-06-03, 06:34 PM
Nick sits up, thinking. "Actually, you know what? No, it can't wait. Listen up."

He sighs. "I did some asking around, talked to some folks, followed a few leads. Turns out that Forsthy, the guy who runs the warehouse, has a penthouse mansion here in town, one of several around the country. I went up there to ask him some questions, but the place looks like it's been abandoned for months, if not years. Weeds everywhere, nobody answering the door, sheets over all the furniture, cupboards empty. One of the windows had been sliced open. I worked my way inside, and..."

He pauses and takes a swig of ale from his flask with a grimace. "Up in the master bedroom were the bodies of both Mr. Forsthy and Mr. Ferrin. Crossbow bolt through the brain, fired from a low angle up through their jaws. Ferrin had a hand crossbow in his hands, and they were both just sitting in chairs. The blood was a few days to a week old, and they were starting to smell a bit, so they'd been there a while. Nothing valuable appeared to be missing, but then again, if something was missing, Q.E.D., I wouldn't be able to see it, would I?"

He takes another swig. "No ruckus, no signs of a disturbance. They were all neatly arranged in the chairs. Looked like the perfect picture of a suicide, which made me immediately distrust it. Double-suicides, or even murder-suicides, are never this neat and tidy. Plus, the sliced window gave away that someone had clearly broken into the house."

"Of course, we all talked to Mr. Ferrin, or a man calling himself Mr. Ferrin, at the warehouse just last night, which means something's fishy down there. The thing I just can't figure is motive. It seems pretty clear that someone killed both Ferrin and Forsthy, then tried to cover it up as a murder-suicide. But why do it in a place that hadn't been disturbed for months or years? Why go to the trouble of putting them in a place where nobody would find it, but still covering it up in case someone did find it? Why leave the house untouched? How would they go about killing two men in the first place without any sign of struggle at all? Most of all, who profits? What's the motivation? Nearest I can figure is relatives of the employees whose families disappeared, or agents of whoever disappeared the employees' families to begin with."

"Couldn't find any leads on the employees themselves," he continues. "Nobody knew them well or by name, nobody knew where they lived, just a lot of rumors."

Nick shakes his head. "Too many questions," he mutters as he takes another gulp. "I hate questions. Anyway, before you go back down there and hand Jayme over to them in handcuffs, it might be a good idea to consider the notion that "Ferrin" and his "employees" might not be all they seem to be."

He sighs. "What happened to you two down there, anyway?"

2010-06-03, 11:55 PM
Well, I broke in, and took a look around. It looked pretty innocent, until I made it into the center of the warehouse. There was a box with body parts in it, and tools that probably don't belong in that kind of warehouse. I found a body by the crate, skinned pretty thoroughly. I looked around, there were some chunks of flesh, some impaled flesh, weapons sitting around. Pretty routine compared to the box... Of course...
Jayme shudders, and then continues after a moment.
Sorry. It seemed pretty cut and dried, some sadistic freak taking his problems out on workers, which wouldn't normally get to me, but there was something in there... Something not human ((not Humanlike? something monstrous? Not sure what term I should use)) . It was flying, and it seemed to be pretty small. I didn't get a good look at it, as it was too dark. I would normally think whatever, it's a bat, but... It followed me. No matter where I went, the thing just followed me around. I don't want to say it's a vampire ((They would be common knowledge and might exist in or around the area, right? If not, ignore this part)), because they don't do their prey like that.

2010-06-04, 12:01 AM
Jayme pulls out a knife, and absently fiddles with it as he continues.

Anyway, I got a little spooked, so I tried to get out. But when I open the door, I screwed up and they busted me. This is the part where normally I would get stabbed, or my head bashed against the ground, that kind of thing. But they didn't even seem mad I was going around in there. They just looked... Scared... They seemed so worried by the fact that the door was opening than they completely ignored the fact that I was in there, and just tried to keep it shut. That or they decided the most horrible way they could kill me was to leave me with whatever was in there. Either way, something is wrong. Seriously wrong.

2010-06-04, 12:41 AM
Nick nods. "Agreed. Mr. Ferrin isn't what he seems to be. However, I think that the discovery of Ferrin's body up at the mansion would prove that whoever the Ferrin at the docks is, he's clearly up to something not good. Personally, I think it's about time we called in the Watch. This sounds a lot bigger than just 3 gumshoes can handle."

2010-06-04, 01:31 AM
No, let's handle this ourselves. We started it, we'll stop it. Besides, I mumble, I can't really get another breaking and entering charge on my record.

2010-06-04, 06:23 AM
Damn. Well, I can explain the Flying thing. it was Me, For all I knew you could have neded up like those body parts, so I followed you from the roof. But your right. Three men trying to keep a door shut in one man? Seems like someones pulling yet another fast one. Waiit, their waiting for a shipment? What IIF their waiting to export what evers in there to another place? We could have an international crisis here.... this is more than a freindly look and a mug of tea can solve...

2010-06-05, 12:10 AM
So what do we do boss?

2010-06-05, 01:14 AM
Nick shakes his head. "You're right. This is way bigger than us. Personally, I think the evidence up at the mansion alone is enough to warrant an official investigation. Like I said, this is more than three private investigators can handle. I think we should go down to the Watch and let them in on what we know. Just because started a thing doesn't mean we can't get some help to finish it."

2010-06-05, 08:01 AM
So what are we waiting for, we have to stop them before that shipment, they could finish what they started and who knows what THAT is? Graham picks up his mug of tea and puts his cloak back on.

2010-06-05, 05:10 PM
So are we alerting the watch or dealing with it ourselves? You guys lost me

2010-06-05, 06:05 PM
well were alerting the watch, they should care about this kind of thing and may have been watching them and tell us what they know... or they could be on the ferrin payroll and tell us nothing but we have nothing to lose but our Kneecaps so lets go!

2010-06-05, 09:01 PM
Nick grins wearily under his helmet. "There's a pleasant thought," he comments as he stands up again, stretching. "Let's go."

2010-06-06, 02:31 AM
I'll take off these handcuffs then.
I take them off and stand up.

Jair Barik
2010-06-06, 03:40 AM
Heading to the central headquarters of the city watch you are acutely aware of the noise coming from inside. The large building used for holding minor felons and organising watch business is constantly awake with crooks being escorted in and out of it on a regular basis. Sitting at the reception desk downstairs is a big mantis like bug with four arms, each arm is engaged in some sort of task constantly.

2010-06-06, 07:18 AM
Good morning Sir, or madam errm.. Grahan seems to pull himself together We have been investigating the Forsthy warehouse and would like to see If you know anything about the place?

Jair Barik
2010-06-07, 10:44 AM
The creature looks at you (you think it might be glaring) and makes a low growling noise.

"I have not heard anything about the Forsthy warehouse. I would suggest that you go and speak to whichever watchmen are in charge of order in that part of the city."

2010-06-07, 01:15 PM
Nick rolls his eyes. "He's got a point," he reminds Grahan. "These are coppers, not witnesses, remember?"

The former Watchman thinks for a moment, trying to remember who would be assigned to that part of the city. [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-06-07, 04:38 PM
You are the coppers in charge of that particular area but your immediate superior would be Tholdrik Gallgan and his men of black. He and his black cloaked guards are responsible for all the dock side area but it is smaller groups of guards such as yourself who handle the little social intrigues and mysteries. He and his men are city guard not watch, trained to repel invasion and any monsters of the deep that may come to the fair city from the sea.

2010-06-08, 10:25 PM
On second thought, maybe we should just tell Gallgan.

2010-06-09, 12:59 AM
Nick nods and turns to the insectoid Thri-Keen? secretary. "Where can we find Gallgan?"

Jair Barik
2010-06-09, 04:02 AM
The Thri-keen stabs out one of its arms pointing down the hallway.
"Last door on the left"

2010-06-09, 11:29 AM
Graham walks up to the door of what is supposedly Mr Gallagan's office and knocks on the door.

Jair Barik
2010-06-12, 11:42 AM

a gruff and elderly voice calls you from the other side of the door.

((OOC: Was waiting for Tyrael and Mabuhay to post as well but I'll continue anyway))

2010-06-12, 02:55 PM
I open the door, but move aside for the others to go in first.
"After you."

2010-06-12, 04:43 PM
Nick steps inside, removing his helmet in respect.

Jair Barik
2010-06-12, 04:58 PM
The man insidethe office is an elderly gentleman with ragged beard. None of you have ever actually had cause to meet with Gallagan before but you assume this is him. He is an old human man who is wheelchair bound. He has a servant in the room with him, a thin pasty skinned man in black who you believe to be Shien Taf. Rumour has it that he is some sort of undead.

"Ah! Nick i believe yes? Good to finally meet you in person. Heard good things about ya Nick. What can I do for you today?"

2010-06-12, 09:52 PM
Just realized I never posted what Nick's face looks like.

Nick nods to him, as one professional copper to another. "Well sir, we've been investigating the Forsthy warehouse down by the docks, and we've found a few things that I think you might want to hear about. What do you know about the place?"

Jair Barik
2010-06-13, 03:41 AM
"Son. You know how long the docks are? If I were to know every single warehous off by heart then I would barely have room in my head to know anything else. Now then whats so special about this one?"

2010-06-13, 03:49 AM
Nick explains, "Well, we received reports of the family members of some of the workers at this warehouse were disappearing, and they wanted us to look into it. We went and spoke to a man who identified himself as Mr. Ferrin. He wasn't very cooperative, unfortunately. I did a bit of poking around afterwards and found the estate of Mr. Forsthy, the man who owns the warehouse. Apparently he's a fairly rich nobleman, with his house here being only one of several wealthy estates spread throughout several cities. However, upon investigation of the mansion, I found that someone had broken in."

Nick flips open his notebook and begins summarizing. "Mr. Forsthy and Mr. Ferrin are both dead, and have been for several days, perhaps as long as a week. Someone, presumably the same person who broke in, arranged the bodies to make it appear as a murder-suicide. Nothing else in the home appeared to be touched, with valuables still intact and in their places. The age of the bodies leads me to believe that the man we spoke to at Forsthy warehouse could not have been the real Mr. Ferrin, because he was already dead at the time. Seems clear to me they're up to something."

Nick closes his notebook. "They found something too," he adds, gesturing for Jayme and Graham to speak up.

2010-06-13, 04:09 AM
We found Bits of bodies inside the warehouse, Well, I tell a lie HE Graham points at Jayme found the bodies and I was back up, not to good at the whole "being quiet" thing But I belive they are either funding the wizards or starting a disount meat trade...

Jair Barik
2010-06-13, 05:08 AM
"Interesting. But what part of this means you need to call in me on it? If it is wizards not much I can likely do. If you think they're just murderers you can probably handle itwithout needing extra support can't you? What makes this case so different from all the others?"

2010-06-13, 05:32 AM
Appart from the fact that the people we're dealing with are well connected enought to break into a noblemans mansion and kill the occupants without sign of a stuggle and NOT take their belongings and replace the foreman of the warehouse without anydistubances or reports from workers or the surrounding warehouses, no, this is just like any other case.

Of mass murder.

2010-06-13, 10:41 AM
Also, Jayme speaks up from in the corner, And there's something inside the warehouse. Something even the (suspected) murderers are afraid of.

Jair Barik
2010-06-13, 11:08 AM
"Hmmmm" Gallagan taps his hands together and spends a few moments in thought.

"I am a just man. I like the law to be upheld. You say you only suspect the involvement of wizards? In which case I have no reason to believe wizards are actually involved. Now monsters on the other hand... they don't have many rights in the city but a monster is a broad term. In my books something mysterious that people fear and lurks around a murder scene could easily be mistaken for a monster even if it wasn't. How many men do you think you'll be needing?"

2010-06-13, 01:15 PM
"Not much more than 6 or so," Nick replies. "Just a warrant and enough manpower to ensure it can be carried out."

Jair Barik
2010-06-13, 01:27 PM
"Hmmmm. I can right you up a warrent easy enough. Shien, go see if you can round up some men."

Shien nods and then leaves the room.

2010-06-14, 06:12 PM
Somebody that can see in the dark would be appreciated.

2010-06-15, 11:26 AM
Well the way I look At it, we need someone who can convince them to let us in, someone to be an "or else ill set him on you" Someone who has worked in a dockhouse and knows where someone would hide summat, and someone who knows what the can get away woth and what they cant....

Jair Barik
2010-06-15, 12:05 PM
"Don't worry. Shien will fetch you the best men available at the moment."

2010-06-18, 12:59 AM
As long as we're waiting, how's the wife sir?

Jair Barik
2010-06-23, 05:17 AM
"Don't have one and you know it..."

Shien quickly returns and whispers something in Gallagan's ear.

"The men are ready and waiting outside."

2010-06-23, 02:27 PM
I turn to leave. We'd better get moving then. No time to lose.

2010-06-23, 04:17 PM
Graham walks out of Galagans office and inspects the men they have been provided with...Right You lousy lot lets Move!

Jair Barik
2010-06-23, 05:23 PM
The men in question are the following.
A human with a bow strapped to his back.
A gnoll with a flail.
A kenku with no obvious weapons.
A dwarf with a battle axe.
And an Ogre of some sort with a heavy looking club.
Each wears the black uniform of their place in the guard.

2010-06-23, 05:46 PM
Nick nods. "Let's get this party started."

Jair Barik
2010-06-24, 05:11 AM
The guardsmen will loyally follow you wherever it is you now intend to go.

2010-06-24, 03:29 PM
Nick summarizes their mission to the other guards, then with warrant in hand he leads them down to the docks.

Jair Barik
2010-06-25, 03:55 AM
Going down to the docks it doesn't look as though anybody is standing guard on the warehouse anymore.

2010-06-25, 10:34 AM
I look around carefully for anything out of the ordinary.
Spot: [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2010-06-25, 12:03 PM
Strange, if somthing dangerous was inside then why would they leave the main gate ungaurded.... unlesss they let it out....

Jair Barik
2010-06-25, 12:35 PM
Bar the missing guards you don't notice anything else unusual.

(OOC: Could youwrite in the third person like everyone else Mabuhay? Its nice to have everyone posting in the same style)

2010-06-25, 03:41 PM
Nick frowns. "Hmmm. Maybe they heard we were coming," he muses. Glancing behind him to the rest of the men, he nods authoritatively. "Right, then. Well, we've got a warrant. Let's see what we can find in there."

With that, Nick leads the other guardsmen inside the warehouse.

Jair Barik
2010-06-25, 03:44 PM
Before Nick can get inside one of the guardsmen grabs him by the shoulder, turning around he sees it is the gnoll.

"Eh boss. Dontcha think somody should stey outside praps? One guy at least, in case dey comes back ere laters."

2010-06-25, 06:08 PM
Yeah, good thinking that man, we should leave two outside incase they come out with more men than one man can handle, we have one volunteer here... Ill stay out with you!
Graham thought: Dont like this guy, wanting to stay out of any glory hunting, bet he's getting a bit of moolah on the side to sabotage this joint.

2010-06-26, 11:43 AM
Jayme shakes his head, and says I don't think they'll be back.

Jair Barik
2010-06-26, 11:49 AM
"Well then ja want anyun to stay outside or not then?"

2010-06-26, 10:16 PM
Jayme looks towards Nick for a decision.

2010-06-26, 11:31 PM
Nick nods. "Two men outside as sentries," he orders. "Graham, you get up on the rooftops and give us some eyes in the sky. The rest of you, with me to help look around inside. Let's move, people!"

2010-06-27, 04:46 AM
Sir! See you 'round! Graham Flies up onto the roof and looks down through the skylight
spot [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-06-27, 05:36 AM
Graham is finding it hard to see into the warehouse. Its pretty dark inside anyway and he is looking upside down through a window on the wall while standing on the roof. The gnoll starts keeping watch of the area looking for any suspicous individuals or civilians who are rising early. Everyone else forms up behind Nick with weapons readied.

2010-06-27, 11:41 AM
Nick nods to his men. "Well, here goes...."

Walking up to the door, he raps on it smartly with his truncheon. "City Watch!" he calls through the wood. "We have a warrant to search these premises!"

Jair Barik
2010-06-27, 01:16 PM
There is no answer and Nick can hear no sound from the other side of the door.

2010-06-27, 01:25 PM
Jayme, assuming it's locked, moves forward to open the door. Allow me.
Pick lock: [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-06-27, 01:35 PM
The door was indeed locked but only in a simple fashion, the tumblers proving no match for Jayme's tools.

2010-06-27, 02:18 PM
Nick nods his thanks to Jayme and cautiously pushes it open.

Jair Barik
2010-06-27, 02:26 PM
Inside most of the shelves are covered with old crates and empty boxes. Down at a crossroads between the isles is a medium sized crate with its top open and on the floor. A man appears to be sleeping in the shadows of one of the isles near this box and a lump of flesh hangs from a crate up at your left.

2010-06-28, 05:33 PM
As a warning, that man is dead, it seems he was skinned alive. Could somebody check that crate? There were some... tools... inside it, but I wasn't sure what I was looking at.

Jayme scans the ceiling and the air above them for the thing that had been following him before.
Spot: [roll0]

Jair Barik
2010-07-05, 05:21 AM
(OOC:You don't need to wait for me to respond to a single persons post before posting your own actions guys. I much prefer everyone to post something than to reply to your psosts one at a time.)

2010-07-05, 11:30 AM
((well Im mostly waiting for somthing to happen, suppose it wouldnt hurt to make another spot check....))


Jair Barik
2010-07-05, 12:22 PM
(OOC: I don't particularly get why you have positioned yourself where you have Nidogg. You have a really poor view from there, the 'skylight' isn't sitting in the roof to look down through. its a set of dirty windows on the walls)

2010-07-05, 02:34 PM
Nick nods. "Spread out," he orders the men tersely. "You're all coppers just as much as I am. Stay alert and report if you find anything else interesting."

2010-07-05, 03:59 PM
Graham tries to search for the hole through which he fell into the first time
[roll0] search check

Jair Barik
2010-07-05, 05:14 PM
The policemen begin to spread out at Nick's command but Jayme can't see anything moving. The human calls out that the body is definitely dead and one of the other men calls over that theres another two bodies he can see from where he's standing.

(OOC: What hole did you fall through? I don't recall that ever happening and can't seem to find it)

2010-07-06, 11:39 AM
((My mistake))

Graham circles tightly and drops to the floor, he makes His way to Nick There's no- one on the roof, and It would be pointless to have someone up there, Nick, they'd have to drill there way through the roof and we'd here that coming a mile off....