View Full Version : Valdesh's Vengence

2010-05-04, 07:39 PM
Ok, there is my first post OMG, this shouldn't be as exciting as it is...

This is a map of the town you are in. You have been here for 1-5 days; long enough to have a basic idea of where things are. You have a room in one of the inns.


2010-05-07, 06:23 PM
You each hear shouts being passed frantically; “Fire! Fire! The market is in flames!” You rush toward the center of town, and as you get there you see that several tables and carts are indeed aflame. Merchants are creating mess and mayhem as the try to move their own wares away from the fire.

Spot Check; DC 15: Under one of the burning tables is a strange creature. It appears confused; little puffs of smoke curl up around its nostrils. As you move to stop it before it can alight anything more it flickers once, twice, and then it is gone. Knowledge the Planes check; DC 15: The creature is a Flamebrother Larva basically they are really hot; like deal fire damage with a mere touch. It would probably not be here unless summoned.

Buckets of water are being passed, hand to hand, and within minutes of your arrival the flames are doused to smoldering ruins. Merchants move closer to their tables to calculate the damage.

Most people quickly move back to hawking their wares as soon as the flames reside, but a few worried looking people whisper urgently.

Listen Check; DC 15: You can just barely hear the scattered whispers of the people: “It must have been Valdesh…How… someone must stop…who could…who would…how…”

Gather Information Check; DC 18: Valdesh came through this town two years ago, a sorcerer of some power. He demanded to be made king, but was banished from the territory. Rumors say that he swore to send plagues, and many people are convinced he is responsible for the increased number of “accidents”. Fires, floods, and other problems run rampant, as they never heave before. Some people (mostly children) have even gone missing near the Censhal Mountains.

Spot Check; DC 37: You notice a Halfling holding a cat. The cat is looking directly at you. It turns away the instant you see it watching.

guys, remember not to post yet your still observers, but please ask questions for clarification on the OOC if you need any, and yes, I am using red, I don't have to read this to know what it says, I've previewed it half a dozen times in black.

2010-05-08, 07:07 AM
That evening while sitting in your room a scrap of paper is slid under your door. Spot check should you look out the door before reading the letter; DC 37: You see the tail of a cat just as it passes around the corner.

You turn back to the letter; it reads “Someone must find and stop Valdesh. Meet me in the dining hall of Lion’s Den at dusk. ~R”
From what you can recall of the city’s layout, you must leave immediately to make the meeting.

2010-05-08, 07:29 PM
You enter the ground level of the inn to find a spacious dinning hall. To one side you see a raised stage with a pair of elves singing and playing their harps and flutes. As you survey the assembled crowd you can see one large group of friends and a few loners, but you have no way to know which may be R. You choose a seat, from which you could order refreshments and watch as people filter in and out of the room.

You see a Halfling walk in wearing a close fitted outfit. The woman walks up to a halfling sitting in one corner. He is swathed in robes and carrying a staff.

Spot Check; DC 37: You see a tabby cat following the woman. As soon as the Halfling sits the cat leaps into her lap and almost vanishes from sight.

Listen Check; DC 19: You can hear most of what the woman “Greetings traveler, I am Renin. I would like to offer you employment on behalf of the city. Let us ask the other adventureers if they will join us on this quest.”

2010-05-08, 07:38 PM
Other adventurers you say? Well I'm sure I have no idea to whom you are referring The robbed little man replies. And then, turning to the general crowd, OY! Anybody want to join me in some "employment on behalf of the city?"

2010-05-08, 07:51 PM
Some sort of elf woman with glowing red eyes walks up to the table.
"What would said employment entail?" she asks in an lightly echoing voice.

2010-05-08, 08:55 PM
"And how much does it pay?" asks Jack, a human dressed in red who walks up and leans against the wall. He smiles politely at the woman.

(Spot and Listen Checks in the Room)

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

(Pips, bat familiar on shoulder)
spot [roll2]
listen [roll3]

(Knowledge Local and Nobility and Royalty to identify the woman and inn)
Local [roll4]
Nobility and Royalty [roll5]

[[wow, 1/400 odds right there too]]

2010-05-08, 09:19 PM
[[Seeing what else I know about Valdesh]]


2010-05-08, 09:27 PM
Hadron watches the events from off to the side before standing, cupping the end of his glaive in one hand as he steps forwards. I think I might be interested. Depending, of course, upon the answers to the questions my potential coworkers have asked. He says, smiling slightly.

Bardic Knowledge to know what such jobs usually entail

Also, on who this woman is

2010-05-08, 09:52 PM
A large orc jumps up from a table in the corner of the bar where he had been trying (and failing) to drink a large tankard of beer discreetly.

Hur, Kradus would like to help. Can smash puny men. Er, for.. justice. Yar, Kradus smash puny men for justice!

The orc's eyes shift left and right out if his eye sockets as he grins hopefully, revealing a large mouth full of pointed fangs.

EDIT: Bah, missed punctuation...

2010-05-09, 10:58 AM
well, as for pay, I have 5,000 gold to split between those who will help me now. I know that a thousand gold may not seem like much, but there will be more upon our sucessful return, and no doubt treasure along the way. The halfling stops and looks the orc up and down, As for the justice, there can be no greater justice than that of saving a town from the evil Valdesh has committed.

The halfling leans down a little to scoop up a cat which she puts against her shoulder and pets absentmindedly.

Our goal should you choose to follow me is to travel the road that leads northeast out of the city and to the Censhal Mountains. There we will find and destroy whatever evil Valdesh has summoned or created.

A waitress walks over to your party with a saucer of milk and tall glass of water. She sets them both on the table nearest you, and Renin lets the cat slip out of her arms and onto the table taking the water for herself.

So, who's in with me?

2010-05-09, 12:03 PM
Well, that sounds good. I'm all for it. Hadron replies.

Bardic Knowledge on Valdesh

2010-05-09, 12:47 PM
"I shall go with you. This Valdesh seems like the kind of person who needs to be put to an end," Lelina says, her voice getting louder as she speaks.

2010-05-09, 02:04 PM
I'm in as well. Though I feel I must ask whether I get a finder's fee for getting this little group together?

2010-05-09, 06:30 PM
Kradus beams at the prospect of doing good. Yar, Kradus also in. Just show Kradus evil puny man and Kradus will fix evil puny man.

2010-05-09, 07:29 PM
"Hmm. Sounds like it could supply an oppurtunity for some fun." Jack replies. "Will you tell me more about this man, Valdesh , and yourself on the way?" He asks with a smile.

Diplomacy [roll0]

After his attempt at building diplomacy and the recognition that everyone has agreed to the terms, Jack asks, "Oh, and who exactly is our employer in this enveavor?"

[[Are we going to get our knowledge results in PMs?]]

2010-05-09, 08:23 PM
I, too, would like to know the nature of this Valdesh, along with that of our employer. Hadron says, sowing skill rather than magic into his voice.

Hope my rolling luck turns around.

2010-05-10, 04:15 PM
Renin shifts her wait from one foot to the other then takes a seat at the table near the cat. She strokes the tabby for a moment then looks Jack, I am from the town called Jepnisen. We were once plagued by Valdesh. He tired to overthrow the democratic council that was in place. I have been looking for him, following rumors of his whereabouts. The latest I have heard was that he was here, and seeing the Flamebrother in the square earlier I am sure that a path I thought was cold is still vital.
She pulls a map from the fold of her cloak and sets it on the table:
I've been through the plains, the Tankate Forest, and now the rumor is that he is in the Censhal Mountains.
Renin sighs and pushes the map away from herself for you to see better. She scoops the cat into her lap and waits several moments before continuing.
Spot check DC 27The way that the cat nuzzles against Renin's check seems odd somehow, you've never seen a cat do anything like this.
As for our employer. I am employed by the city of Jepisen, and I was given leave to employ any other adventurers that I wish. Let us make plans to leave in the morning. There is a trail leading out of town to the Northeast. I am not sure how far the path goes, but it will start us on the way to the mountains.

Knowledge Check (of any type)DC 18 about Renin after you've left the inn There are many rumors about the halfling woman. Some people worry that she is a spy for Valdesh, others talk about her being royalty from one of the islands to the west. No one seems to know for sure where she came.

2010-05-12, 02:44 AM
Sense Motive (to see if she was lying at any point) [roll0]

Jack noticeably thinks it over carefully and decides that it could be fun to travel with the mysterious halfling woman and other adventurers for a while. "Alright then, lets meet at the northeast gate in the morning," he says to the group and then turns to walk out the door.

Once outside he immediately wanders off to ask his better contacts for any information about someone called Valdesh.

Gather Information [roll1]

2010-05-12, 03:53 PM
Well, this should prove interesting... Hadron says, returning to his drink and mulling over this new mission the strange woman had given them. This could prove...interesting.

2010-05-12, 05:53 PM
When you get to the gate Renin is sitting on a small pile waiting. As you approach you can see that what she has is a very simple tent and bedroll.
Spot DC 18She in fact has two bedrolls.
Greetings Friends!She calls excitedly.Shall we be off? This path should lead us to within a day's walk of the mountains. Once there we will be able to smite the evil Valdesh!
She checks her pockets and backpack twice before shouldering the tent and bedroll.

2010-05-12, 06:11 PM
"Then let us set off!" Lelina cries cheerily.

2010-05-12, 07:50 PM
Kradus walks up arms stuffed in his pocket and sporting a huge toothy grin which covers most of his face.
Yar, Kradus also ready!

2010-05-13, 05:26 AM
Hadron lifts an eyebrow at the strange behaviours of their employer, but shrugs. Right, then. Let's fly! He says projecting his voice for the last two words.

2010-05-14, 02:55 AM
Jack joins up with the group and goes with them outisde of the city without saying a word.

2010-05-15, 08:36 AM
You begin walking down the road together. For about a mile the road is wide and seems well kept, but as you go the road begins to get smaller. Soon you are picking your way through low grown shrubs and other undergrowth. Your progress is slowed greatly by the encounter of the undergrowth, but thankfully the trees that you see are all clear of the path so you don't need to tramp through any thick undergrowth. You continue on your way until the sun is high in the sky, and you stop for lunch.
I'm going to take a look around. I'd love some fresh berries, and I bet I can find some not too far from this path.She slips quickly into the undergrowth and away.

Spot DC 26Renin stops not far from the path and scoops up the cat that she had in the inn. They are nuzzling and Renin appears to be talking to it.

After about 10 minutes Renin comes back to where you are finishing your meals.It's odd, I can't seem to find anything edible in the immediate area. I guess perhaps I will need to wait to find some nice fruit. I wish I had thought to buy some from town before we'd left.she shoulders her packs, I suppose we should continue, if my information was correct, and we press on until dusk we should be able to reach the mountains by late morning tomorrow.

2010-05-16, 09:16 PM
As you are walking, you see ahead of you that a tree has fallen covering all of what you were hesitantly referring to as a path. You will need to move into more difficult terrain to continue. (reduce your speed by 5ft/turn in all spaces a-c and k-l)

Spot Check; DC 18:You hear a rustling sound from ahead, perhaps there is something on the other side...


Renin 15+3=18
Suil 16+2=18
Lelina 12+3=15
Hadron 6+7=13
Jack 7+6=13
Kradus 11+2=13
2+2 check DC 4then the monsters even if you failed the above spot check

Without a word, Renin changes her direction so that she is moving toward A10 where there is a small opening in the branches of the tree. She takes her bow from her shoulder, and notches an arrow as she crouches using the underbrush for maximum cover. (ends at B6 if my math was good) OOC:I'm too sleepy to start another post; I just want to ask that as you guys move you post your end locations in a smaller type size I used size one it'll help me to upkeep the map. Also As I'm sure you can guess, I'm using everyone's initials in sandybrown to show good/neautral/ probably shouldn't kill it nature. Thanks guys!

2010-05-18, 02:01 AM

Suil walks up to the group, breathing heavily and mutters If anybody asks I've been here the whole time, and pauses to catch his breath.

Since I didn't manage to post before we all left:smallredface: Also, I didn't make the spot, so I don't know that anything untoward is happening, so... yeah, doing nothing.
Rolling spot, I'll edit in my actions after I see it.

2010-05-20, 11:32 PM
"What's going on?" Lelina asks Renin.
She moves to the tree, raises the wand in her hand, and says an incoherent word.

Move 30' to J8. Activate Wand of Shield.(this is the only wand I'm holding)

Sorry I took so long, I got mixed up about the initiative.

2010-05-22, 01:50 PM
Hadron, unsure of what to do, decides to follow Lelina. 30' to J6.

I think we're about to begin our first battle, comrades. He says.

I ready an action to begin an Inspire Courage if any monsters or hostile entities show up.

2010-05-23, 01:48 AM
Jack knocks an arrow to his Longbow and sends his bat flying over toward the fallen tree to check things out.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Pip the Bat
spot [roll2]
listen [roll3]

[[Wow, I thought we were in a battle already. Why are we acting in initiative order if no enemies have appeared. That makes zero sense.]]

2010-05-23, 11:44 AM
Kradus' eyes grow wide as he takes out his greatsword. Kradus is ready to start stomping, but where are the puny men?


Gar, are they ahead? Kradus hears rustling. Kradus tightens his grip on his greatsword and narrows his eyes. Come out to play puny creatures! Kradus sings with an evil grin.

2010-05-24, 04:34 PM
Ahead of just at the top branches of the tree you see that a man has appeared. He is looking at Renin as though she may be a piece of meat. He moves to take another step towards her when he hears Kradus sing. He looks back and forth between the two, then regards the rest of the party.
Sylvan speakers only! roll listen DC 18:Six; relay to base!

Renin gasps and curses silently then lets the arrow lose. She curses again as the arrow flies wildly into the tree.

Spot check DC 37 yeah, I don't know why I bother...You see that cat again; she springs from a branch of the tree onto the ground behind the man who appeared. She vanishes further down the path.

2010-05-27, 01:02 PM
In an attempt to ensure that he is ready for anything that may happen Suil waves a hand over himself and mutters Cathéide

I cast Mage Armor on myself.

AC: 19 (T14, FF17)
HP: 31/31
Spells per day:
Cantrips: 4/4
First Level: 3/4
Second Level: 4/4
Third Level: 2/2

Duration remaining on active spells:
Mage Armor: 600 rounds. (1 hour)

2010-05-27, 08:26 PM
Lelina sends a blast at the man and then climbs onto the tree and looks over just enough to see what is beyond.

Eldritch Blast
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Climb speed 20ft

AC: 23 (T13(17 vs incorp), FF20)
HP: 14/14

Shield: 9 rounds (54 seconds)
Beguiling Influence: 13798 rounds (22 hours, 59 minutes, 48 seconds)
Spiderwalk: 13799 rounds (22 hours, 59 minutes, 54 seconds)

2010-05-28, 09:20 AM
Hadron moves to D6 and draws his weapon. If 'A' moves up one square he's within my threatened spaces.

2010-05-29, 02:42 AM
Jack moves to E5 and shoots an arrow at A.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2010-05-29, 11:37 AM
With a bloodcurdling scream, Kradus charges the man with his great axe, throwing all of his might into the swing.

So Kradus charges, for double movement, +2 to attack, -2 to AC next turn. When he reaches 8B, he power attacks for full, so:
Attack: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation, just in case: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2010-05-29, 04:43 PM
Seeing over the tree, Lelina yells to her allies, "There are two more over there, and another just ran away, probably to get reinforcements."

2010-05-31, 11:43 AM
The man directly in front of Kradus flinches slightly. He then raises his hand and throws a net that you hadn't seen at Kradus. Kradus finds himself covered in sticky web.
The man at A10 throws the same web covering Renin.
Web info:On your turn DC 13 Escape Artist or DC 17 strength to free yourself from the web. (If anyone else tries to help, each net has 6 hp and an AC of 3, so you can just apply damage rolled if you are within range to hit it with a melee attack. Using a ranged attack will result in hurting the entangled person At DM's discretion!)
The third person climbs onto the tree (Lelina; he does not appear to have taken notice of you)


Renin struggles against the web for a moment then begins sobbing uncontrollable.

2010-05-31, 12:29 PM
Seeing his friends are in danger Suil points toward the enemy with one hand, lifting his staff in the other and shouts Isteach! The air in front of his finger seems to blur, as if you were looking through a heat distortion. The distortion darts forward, and two others follow it, striking, unerringly.

I cast Magic Missile [no, not at the darkness] at the guy in B9. All three missiles. [roll0]

AC: 19 (T14, FF17)
HP: 31/31
Spells per day:
Cantrips: 4/4
First Level: 2/4
Second Level: 4/4
Third Level: 2/2

Duration remaining on active spells:
Mage Armor: 2,999 rounds. (oops, I messed this up before. It should have been 5 hours...)

EDIT: (won't influence the game in any way and anybody can look if they want)
If anybody is curious as to what I'm saying when I cast spells you can look here (http://www.irishdictionary.ie/dictionary?language=irish&word=cath%E9ide)

2010-05-31, 09:03 PM
Lelina rises and sends a ray of fey energy at the man closest to her.

Stand up

Eldritch Blast at H10
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 23 (T13(17 vs incorp), FF20)
HP: 14/14

Shield: 8 rounds (48 seconds)
Beguiling Influence: 13797 rounds (22 hours, 59 minutes, 42 seconds)
Spiderwalk: 13798 rounds (22 hours, 59 minutes, 48 seconds)

2010-06-01, 01:12 PM
Kradus growls menacingly, and attempts to break free of the webs.


Failing miserable, Kradus howls his rage.

Startled by the sound of crying, Kradus looks over his shoulder to see Renin. His expression softens to one of innocent confusion. Grr, why Humie upset? he asks her. His tone suggests that he is trying to be sympathetic.

EDIT: Bah, I somehow managed to forget Initiative. :smalleek: Disregard the check, my bad....

2010-06-01, 04:03 PM
Oh, great. Hadron says. Step to C7 and attack the A-man!

Of course. Horrible attack, great damage. Really, the best roll I made in-game was an 11. There is no way...

2010-06-01, 05:58 PM
Renin looks toward the orc's voice, and wails loudly before softening to sobs again.

crap...I went over the damage to the enemy in front of Kradus because something seemed off...I somehow added some points rather than subtracting...Suil's Missiles did kill him...

2010-06-01, 06:58 PM
Jack does a dance of triumph!

[[Unless there are more enemies still here or something.]]

2010-06-02, 06:42 PM
A2 aims an arrow at Jack, but his shot is slightly high, missing and causing no damage. A3 steps forward and takes a bite into Kradus's exposed neck.Damage:5 points reg damage & DC 13 fort if failed also take 7 points strength damage (ooppss, the strength damage is secondary...don't apply it (if you need to) until after you attempt breaking the web)


When Renin sees the man bite Kradus she struggles wildly against the web again then stops crying and becomes as still as a statue, almost like she was paralyzed.

2010-06-02, 07:37 PM
Deciding that it has finally become necessary for him to truly enter the fray, Suil moves to a more advantageous position.

Double move to C7

AC: 19 (T14, FF17)
HP: 31/31
Spells per day:
Cantrips: 4/4
First Level: 2/4
Second Level: 4/4
Third Level: 2/2

Duration remaining on active spells:
Mage Armor: 2,998 rounds.

2010-06-02, 08:15 PM
Lelina continues her assault up on the man closest to her, then hops down from the tree and runs to Kradus while drawing a wand.

Eldritch Blast at A2 (H10)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move to I8, then C8 while drawing Wand of Cure Light Wounds

AC: 23 (T13(17 vs incorp), FF20)
HP: 14/14

Shield: 7 rounds (42 seconds)
Beguiling Influence: ~23 hours
Spiderwalk: ~23 hours

2010-06-02, 08:16 PM
Critical confirmation: [roll0]
Extra damage if confirmed: [roll1]

2010-06-04, 10:19 AM
I'm at c7, not c5.

Anyways, I'll attack A3.

Damage(yeah, right)

There's no possible way I'm getting a crit, but...
If confirmation is needed

2010-06-07, 03:34 PM
Jack shoots at A3 (or whoever is alive) using one inspiration point to boost his attack and another one to boost his damage.

inspired attack [roll0]-1=29
damage 1d8+5

-2 inspiration points

2010-06-07, 03:36 PM
[whoops, typed it in wrong]

damage [roll0]-1=12
critical confirmation [roll1]-1=22

damage [roll2]-1=10
damage [roll3]-1=5

(and i added +5 instead of +4 to my totals on accident, the minus 1 is to adjust for that)

2010-06-07, 05:44 PM
Kradus lets out a bestial roar as he attempts to break the webs holding him.


Fort Save

EDIT: Bah, just missed it...

2010-06-10, 02:24 PM
A3 throws his web at Hardon (Escape artist DC 13 or strength 17 to get out) And shrieks pulling back behind the tree. (I show where he is, but from where you are he can't be seen until you move back into line of sight). A2 pulls another bow and hits Jack (7pt damage)

Renin seems to have temporarily gotten over her hysterics, and pushes against her web encasement.well, at least I wasn't poisoned, but I just missed my escape by one point too...bad rolls is going to be a plague

2010-06-10, 04:50 PM
Seeing that his new friends are in trouble, and having some experience with spider webs when he was a child, Suil carefully steps so that all three of his web afflicted friends are around him. Don't worry, I'll have you out of there in a jiffy, he says, as he takes his staff up into both hands, holding it so that it's parallel with his shoulders. Doigh ar mise, he murmmers softly to the wood, which promptly bursts into flames. Being very careful not to touch any of the people in the webs, he swiftly sweeps the staff in a semi-circle, catching the bottoms of the webs, knowing form experience that Fire+Web=No More Web.

I move to B7, and cast Blades of Fire. And do the rest of what I already said I did, cuz I think the in-character description is about the same as the out-of-character description.

2010-06-10, 09:22 PM
Lelina puts away the wand she drew originally. "Here, I thought you could use some help," she says to Kradus as she uses the wand she's holding on him.

Store Wand of Shield

Use Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Kradus
Healing: [roll0]

AC: 23 (T13(17 vs incorp), FF20)
HP: 14/14

Holding: Wand of Cure Light Wounds

Shield: 6 rounds (36 seconds)
Beguiling Influence: ~23 hours
Spiderwalk: ~23 hours

2010-06-12, 10:15 PM
I need to roll a 10 on my Escape Artist. This is impossible, knowing my luck.

Why do I even try?

Heh. I was hoping that would work. :smallamused:

2010-06-15, 11:42 AM
Jack suddenly dissapears in a puff of purple smoke for being too forgetful and slowing down the campaign so badly.

[Next person's turn.]

2010-06-15, 01:23 PM
Suddenly free and rejuvinated thanks to his allies, Kradus grins gleefully at Suil and Lelina. Kradus very thankful! Kradus not used to so much nice people!

Kradus then utters a bloodcurling war cry and charges at the man standing behind the trees.

So Kradus charges over the trees to power attack for full the man on E11 (Kradus is on D11).
Moving Kradus' strength down to 15...
1d20+4 Attack
2d6+8 Damage

EDIT: That's weird... I'll post the rolls again...

2010-06-15, 02:17 PM


Yay, it worked!

2010-06-23, 05:46 PM
A3 readies action. A2 shots a slimy web at Suil (Escape artist DC 13 or strength 17 to get out) then jumps down behind the tree. (again, you can see him on the map, but can't see him until you move to line of site)

Map: As far as I can tell, no one moved, please tell me if I'm wrong...

Renin looks wide eyed at Suil, then pulls an arrow and shoots at A2 just as he disappears from sight.

2010-06-24, 11:53 AM
As the mage gets stuck in the web he realizes that his first instinct was probably correct; stay back and let the bigins take care of the fighting! He'll remember that next time...

Okay, [roll0] Oh, and I should be in B7 now.

2010-06-24, 03:42 PM
Great. My first good roll wasted. Anyways, instead of slipping out of the web, Hadron starts to talk.

Now that we have removed these webs, our victory is assured. Now, we must seize the chance and strike! Grasp at victory and it shall be yours! We shall be victorious!

His speech is so rousing that you are all Inspired to be Courageous! +1 to attack and damage.

2010-06-25, 04:24 PM
Lelina climbs back up onto the tree and blasts the man she was shooting at before.

Climb onto Tree

Eldritch Blast at A2
Attack: [roll0]+1=16
Damage: [roll1]+1=12