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View Full Version : [Exalted] Forcing a Deathlord Into Lethe And It's Effects

2010-05-04, 09:34 PM
aka "Rubbing Salt in The Neverborns' Wounds. All Of Them."

Well, we all pretty much assume-by fanon if not canon-that if a Deathlord is finally forced back into the grave permanently, he'll be eaten by the Void. Logic, karma, and all that.

I, however, think that an even more fitting fate-if only due to the "IRONY!" factor-is to be forced back into the cycle of reincarnation they so hate.

Of course, there are several problems with this-trying to fit the "hekatonchire" part of them into Lethe, which is only slightly easier than the "unfortunately impossible" factor of Neverborn, is the big one-but that's doable via Labyrinth Necromancy or Solar Sorcery. Then there's the fact that there's going to be some poor schmuck who inherits the soul of what is quite possibly in the top ten of the most evil and insane beings in Creation, and then the other guy who gets the actual Deathlord hun, and even worse problems. True, they're completely different people, but being one of two halves of someone who both (A) gleefully entered into a contract with eldritch abominations out of their own selfishness and (B) spent the rest of their existence being Hitler-Stalin-Menegle only worse is going to have "Insert Plothook Here" written above him in neon letters.

So, should a Deathlord be thrust into the gentle, memory-drowning tides of the River of Reincarnation (metaphor, seems to be the popular conception of what Lethe is), what do you see happening to the balance of life and death (obviously better than what happens if actual Oblivion rather than Whispers gets in, but still, it's part of the Neverborn)?

EDIT: And by "Whispers" I mean "The background", which from what little I know is expunged from the soul if it reincarnates.

EDIT2: Just realized that the "hektatonchire" part of the Deathlord doesn't reincarnate.

Just ignore the "two halves" part and move on.