View Full Version : Super Robot Wars ITP: Character Registry

2010-05-05, 06:04 AM
This be the place to place your character entries, and such.


Code Geass:

CC: Piloting A Sutherland (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8441202&postcount=5)


Asuka Langely Soryu / Shikinami, Pilot of Evangelion Unit 02. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8434962&postcount=2) (If you want the A type equipment, you gotta go Rebuild of Evangelion.)

Kawarou Nagisa, Pilot of Mass Produced Unit 05. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8435576&postcount=4)

Shinji Ikari... and his multiple voices in his head. Piloting Principo Eternus / Evangelion Unit 01. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8400692&postcount=67)


Tony Stark, AKA: IRON MAN (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8435497&postcount=3)

Original Characters:

Mulberry Kelly, piloting the Cherry Chomper. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8442046&postcount=238)

I'll be keeping up with the characters put into the registry.

Character Sheets:





Eye Color:

Hair Color:


General Appearance:


Mecha (Name)

Individual Abilities outside of Mech:


Name / Title:


Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot):

Personality (if applicable):



2010-05-05, 06:54 AM

Name:Asuka Langly Soryu


Weight:..good question

Eye Color:blue

Hair Color:red

Personality:BIG time tsundere(a lot more deeper than that, but..listing stuff here would be going to far)

General Appearance: ..ever watched NGE?

Source:Neon genesis Evangelion

Mecha (Name) Artificial Humanoid Evangelion Unit02

Individual Abilities outside of Mech:is sporty, can play the violin, and is a prodigy


Name / Title: Artificial Humanoid Evangelion Unit02

Appearance:Humanoid, skyscraper high, with 4 eyes, and red armour

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot):Super robot

Personality (if applicable):friggin insane....

Abilities:can move like a human, AT-field

Equipment:Prog knife and speer, d type,b type,a type

2010-05-05, 09:32 AM
Tony Stark/Iron Man

Name: Tony Stark

Age: 35

Weight: 175

Eye Color: brown

Hair Color: black

Personality: An alcholic, arrogant, womanizing narcisitic man with delusions of granduer and a "futurist" outlook that tends to lead to him making decisions that go all wrong. Under all that though lies the heart of a hero who will do everything in his power both in his civilian role as the CEO of the Mecha manufactoring company Stark Industries and as the small scale Mecha vigilante Iron Man to right as many wrongs as possible, particularly those that were his fault or the fault of the weapons his company built.

General Appearance: No matter how bad things are looking Tony Stark always and I mean ALWAYS looks like he is in control. He is a CEO of the number one mecha manufactoring company afterall.

Source: Marvel Comics, Iron Man movie series, Iron Man Cartoon Series and Marvel vs. Capcom

Mecha (Name): Iron Man

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Tony Stark naturally is obscenely rich due to being the owner of a very successful company. He also has a network of nanites within his body called "Extremis" that allow him to tap into wireless networks and telepathically take control of unmaned machines tied to said network.


Name / Title: Iron Man Armours

Appearance: Various on avergae though they resemble a six foot tall suit of gold and red mechanical armour.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Real Robot, comes close to super in terms of armaments for it's mass but due to being much smaller than the average mecha and being designed for non-lethal take downs lowers it to real.

Personality (if applicable): Do not let it get struck by lightning or else it will become very abusive unto Tony. Otherwise it has only a basic AI that can be ordered around by Tony when he isn't wearing it but it is prone to taking orders too literally and making stupid mistakes.

Abilities: Flight at speeds and manuverability compareable to that of a fighter jet. Maintains a basic 24 hour life support system to keep Tony Alive in Space or other hostile enviroments.

Equipment: Various weapon layouts

2010-05-05, 09:49 AM

Name: Kaworu Nagisa

Age: 15

Weight: 100

Eye Color: red

Hair Color: white

Personality: Kaworu is an artificially created human/Angel hybird by Seele to moniter NERV and in the event that Gendo Ikari betrays then to initiate Third Impact himself. This changed though when he developed a fondness to Shinji Ikari a fellow EVA pilot. He has very little experience with human interaction so he is unsually affectionate with Shinji but otherwise rather cold and indifferent (if polite) to everyone else.

General Appearance: Kaworu is a teenage albino that for some reason displays none of the health problems normally assositated with that condition.

Source: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Mecha (Name) Evangelion Unit-05 (Mass Production Template Model)

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Kaworu due his angel half is able to take control of an unpiloted Evangelion, float and protect himself from physical harm via his AT Field. He is unlikely to use any of these abilities right now though since he is supposed to be hiding the fact that he is part Angel.


Name / Title: Evangelion Unit-05 (Mass Production Template Model)

Appearance: A large eyeless whale that instead of fins has humanoid limbs and angelic wings sprouting from it's back.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Super, it's smaller size and greater mobility would suggest Real Robot but the fact that it is sentient, posses a willpower based shield and is not actually a robot but a cloned lobotimized angel put it firmly in Super Robot range.

Personality (if applicable): Barely sentiet, a savage and outright cannibalisitc monster that will eat anything it can sense as living within range if Kaworu loses control of it. That should be avoided at all costs.

Abilities: AT Field, a force field based upon Kaworu's willpower. Flight with low manuverability.

Equipment: A large bladed paddle that is able to turn into a replica of the Lance of Longinus to pierce enemy AT Fields if neccesary.

2010-05-06, 04:27 AM


Age:over 900

Eye Color:amber

Hair Color:green

Personality:cynical, and a deadpan snarker

General Appearance: waif like, with very long hair

Source:Code Geass

Mecha (Name)Sutherland

Individual Abilities outside of Mech:several abilities revolving around her code


Name / Title: Sutherland knightmare frame

Appearance: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SwibgzSo23k/SHxjnbt2oAI/AAAAAAAAAb0/oa7zbgZQ2iE/s320/Sutherland2.jpg
about 5m tall
Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot):

Abilities:slash harkens, roller-skates, and a scanning device

Equipment:A mecha sized gun

Mercenary Pen
2010-05-07, 05:06 AM

1: RD from zoids fuzors (http://zoids.wikia.com/wiki/RD) piloting Liger Zero (http://zoids.wikia.com/wiki/Liger_Zero)

2: Gamlin Kizaki from Macross 7 (http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Gamlin_Kizaki) piloting VF-17S Team Leader variant Nightmare Variable Fighter (http://macross.anime.net/wiki/VF-17_Nightmare)

Mina Kobold
2010-05-08, 03:44 AM

Name: Mulberry 'Mul' Kelly

Age: 20

Weight: 130

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Electric purple with a neon green streak on the left side (naturally medium brown)

Personality: Dreamy (AKA doesn't pay attention to reality all that much) and cheery, bit of a cloudcuckoolander too.
Surprisingly good memory of math and mechanics (Unfortunately, I don't have that :smalltongue:)

General Appearance: Standard Earth Coalition uniform, Sturdy boots, protection gloves, just a regular EC mechanic.

Except for the oddly coloured hair that is kept in a long ponytail and the protection goggles on his forehead, which are rarely seen worn normally. That's quite weird.

Extra: What's he doing here!: Mul was the pilot and mechanic of an EC evacuation vehicle when it was shot down by the Glorft, stranding him in the New Jersey Junkyard where another Glorft mecha had been shot down. Quickly, well in less than two hours at least, realising he needed to get away, Mul tried to fly said mecha, but having little luck flying a broken mech he tried to repair it with whatever was at hand, including a cubic mecha with large teeth that had once been pilotted by an intergalactic criminal and a locomotive...

Anyway, upon activating his new mecha Mul acidently had it step on an old Glorft prototype of the Avatar prototype that would become MEGAS XLR and activated it's Trans-Dimensional drive. Thus sending both mecha and pilot through to the world of SRWITP!

Source: MEGAS XLR, Mulberry Kelly is an original character, though.

Mecha (Name): Cherry Chomper

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Skilled at robotics and weapon engineering and somewhat skilled at math-based tasks, when he isn't distracted.


Name / Title: Cherry Chomper

Appearance: A squarish robot at about two stories height made of a dark grey metal and capaple of opening like a large mouth with pointy 'teeth'. It moves with a pair of three-toed Glorft Mecha legs in a dark green colour. Other than that it's only exterior equipment is a combined (small) missile launch pad and locomotive headlight sitting on top of it like a strange hat of sorts.

Inside is the pilot seat which has been upgraded with Glorft technology to protect the pilot against enemy fire and to allow for space-farring, it also include the Glorft Mecha's arms wich are set to Railgun-mode permanently to give it additional firepower.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Semi-real robot.

Personality (if applicable): It doesn't really say much or move on it's own... Or think.

Abilities and Equipment: Can fly to a degree by using the jets in the Glorft legs and can fire missiles and bullets from the respective weapons. Other than that it can bite, dive and has a sparkly headlight.

2010-05-08, 11:07 AM
Kouji Kabuto (Shin Mazinger version)

Koji is the archetype of 'hot-blooded hero'. He is quick to anger and will not tolerate any injustice. While more than a little perverted (granted, no more than a normal teenage boy his age, not to mention that more often than not Koji frequently gets told off or lectured/hit by a jealous Sayaka), Koji nonetheless plays the part of chivalrous hero. Even when things are at their bleakest, he pulls through by virtue of an unyielding will.

Like many hot-blooded main characters patterned after him, Koji occasionally lets his mouth run without thinking. On one occasion, on the unveiling of the new support unit Jet Scrander (that would allow Mazinger to fly), he gushes so much his younger brother Shiro teases that he speaks of the Scrander like it was his girlfriend; Koji instantly retorts the Scrander is far better than any girlfriend, completely forgetting that Sayaka, his partner and love interest, is standing right behind him. Also, in Mazinger Z he shows some degree of sexism, somewhat toned down in Mazinkaiser; he more or less often comments on how girls shouldn't be in the battlefield, only to find himself in the receiving end of Sayaka's insults, scowls or slaps.

Unlike many similar hot-heads, though, Koji is actually exceptionally bright when he allows himself to think things through. This is demonstrated both in the Mazinger Z series, when at least twice he had to completely disable mechanical beasts with hostages inside (one of them being Sayaka's crippled cousin, Yuri); and in the Grendizer series, where he builds his flying saucer all by himself and later develops the Cylone Beam. He is also an excellent shot (demonstrated in the Mazinkaiser VS Ankoku Dai Shogun movie when he shoots Archduke Gorgon in both his tiger head and human head with one shot).

Koji's most famous trait (and indeed, his legacy) is his habit of yelling out weapon names before using them. His most famous battlecries, "Rocket Punch!" (that sent one or both of Mazinger's forearms flying at a foe), "Breast Fire!" (which activated the red heat sinks on Mazinger's chest, melting most enemies to slag) and "Mazin Go!" are well-known in Japan, even by people who have never watched Mazinger before. This has since become the trademark of Super Robot pilots everywhere.

Mecha: Mazinger Z
Super Robot

Built in the image of Zeus from the invincible Super-Alloy Z, and powered by the perfected Photon Power Reactor. Cockpit is a flying vehicle, the Hover Pilder, which docks with Mazinger's head.

Rocket Punch: The original. Accept no substitutes.
Photon Beam: Energy beams from Mazinger's eyes.
Rust Hurricane: Wind/acid from Mazinger's mouth.
Breast Fire: Flames from Mazinger's chest.

Eventual upgrades
Jet Scrander: grants flight capacity
God Scrander: improved flight and additional attack.

Juuzo Kabuto
Kouji's grandfather. A mad scientist who laid the way for the Photon Power systems used in Britannia's Knightmare Frames. When he realised how his work was being put to use he went into hiding with his grandsons. Britannia want to find him so they can perfect Photon Power.

Kenzo Kabuto
Kouji's deceased father. Was also a mad scientist and built Energer Z, the prototype for Mazinger Z, piloted by Tetsuya Tsurugi who is presumed dead.

Shiro Kabuto
Kouji's little brother.

Nishikori Tsubasa
The mistress of Kurogane House would best be described as... a formidable woman. Her onsen has not changed since the Britannian invasion of Japan, its traditional appearance seeming oddly out of place. She did not resist the occupation, but has contacts among a number of resistance movements and will sometimes aid them on a whim, though they know better than to ask for her assistance. An expert doctor, and former assistant of Dr. Hell.

The Kurogane Five
Five of the most dangerous men in the world, who had their lives saved by Nishikori Tsubasa and now work in her onsen. Have weapons made of Super-Alloy Z.

Photon Power Labs
A Britannia-sponsored laboratory where accquaintances of Juuzo and Kenzo Kabuto work on perfecting Photon Power. Led by Yanosuke Yumi, whose daughter Sayaka pilots one of the experimental mecha they have developed.

Detective Ankoukuji
A detective who gets caught up in all this and spends most of his time goofing off.

As above, but replace "detective" with "delinquent".

Dr. Hell
Along with Juuzo Kabuto, Kenzo Kabuto and Nishikori Tsubasa, discovered the lost island of Bardos, which contained an army of Mechanical Beasts left by the ancient Mycanean civilisation. Plans to use them to take over the world, but for now he is allied with Britannia to make his job easier, since both of them want to find Juuzo Kabuto. Possibly the greatest doctor in the world.

Baron Ashura
One of Dr. Hell's generals, created from the remains of a Mycanean couple he found entombed in Bardos Island. His left half is male and his right half is female. He is undyingly loyal to Dr. Hell for returning him to life.

Count Brocken
One of Dr. Hell's generals, a disembodied head. He has a number of robotic bodies to wear or carry him, which are dressed in military uniforms.

Viscount Pygman
One of Dr. Hell's generals, a man with strange voodoo powers. While he does not command Mechanical Beasts, he is possibly the most dangerous general by himself.

Significant events
Shiro runs off to Germany. Kouji goes there to bring him back.

Everyone enters the memories of a "Kedora" from Mycanae. Effectively they go back in time, but messing things up won't change history.

Invasion of gods - could be combined with the end of New Getter Robo.

Lord Raziere
2010-05-08, 12:26 PM

Name: Velsta

Age: 18

Eye Color: blue eyes

Hair Color: green hair

Personality: Determined, rebellious, brave, she is reckless and doesn't trust authority, she works alone and she loves loves to charge in ahead.

General Appearance: She has green hair tied in a ponytail, cat ears, wears casual t-shirt, jacket and pants when she is not piloting, and a orange-and-white suit when she is piloting. She also has a cat tail.

Source: Original Character!

Mecha (Name): The Great Gato

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: she is an alien from outer space, meaning she has super agility, reflexes and dexterity plus better aim.
These abilities are primarily why she can pilot the Great Gato in the first place.


Name / Title: The Great Gato

Appearance: Looks like a giant mechanized tiger with blue glowing eyes with turrets on its back.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): real robot.

Personality (if applicable): probably not.

can turn invisible
is designed for speed, can go faster than most mechs.

Laser Claws
Two front machine gun turrets.
Tail tank cannon

2010-05-13, 06:47 PM
Here goes nothing.


Name: Ushiro Mae

Age: 21

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Short, light brown

Personality: Serious, but Not So Stoic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotBlooded) in battle. Loves his mama (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenBadMenLoveTheirMamas). Likes to Shoot The Dog (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShootTheDog), though he probably won't often get to. Makes a good Lancer (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheLancer) to someone else. Not very good with mechanics, unlike his mother, but decent enough at grasping the basic ideas behind construction that she uses him for inspiration. Some of Sobako's 'try it and see what happens' attitude has rubbed off on him, and he's all for trying out new moves with little chance of success.

General Appearance: Taller than average. Dresses in casual clothing, even inside his mech. (The few extra euros they saved on the pilot uniform went towards a halway decent emergency mechanism for the cockpit.) Prefers Psychotic Smirks (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychoticSmirk) to actual smiles.

Source: This one's kind of weird. It draws mostly upon EVA with a healthy side of Code Geass for a backdrop, but the mecha concept is influenced by XLR as well, plus a sprinkle of Japanese mythology. Call it a Chop Suey Original Character.

Mecha (Name) Oomagatsumi

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Athletic, quick thinker, fast reflexes (more out of necessity than actual training, all of these are required for piloting Oomagatsumi). Can handle light firearms with decent skill.


Name / Title: Oomagatsumi

Appearance: A humanoid mech the size of a small house covered in used-looking armor and dubious devices. At some points, the base creature's pitch-black skin is visible between armor plates. The arms and legs are bifurcated at the elbows and knees, respectively, and though it isn't obvious when Ooomagatsumi is inert, all joints can rotate at nearly 360 degrees. (This and the rather... economic equipment also makes it a living hell to pilot.) The mech's legs end in semi-prehensile claws. What might be its face is covered by a featureless white mask that doesn't seem to be part of the armor.

Classification (Real Robot, or Super Robot): Given its supernatural origins, obviously a Super Robot.

Personality (if applicable): Not really applicable, as the original creature is held dormant. Even if it were to be released (hello, foreshadowing!), it's basically an Eldritch Abomination (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination), albeit more or less benevolent, and thus doesn't really have a discernible personality.

Bifurcated limbs ending in prehensile hands/claws, resulting in an effective total of eight prehensile limbs.
Increased land speed through crawling on all eights like a spider.
The base body acts as a mostly self-contained power source, so it doesn't run out of power as quickly as the bigger mechs.
Relatively easy to repair, no danger of pilot turning into orange juice.
Can take much more punishment than is obvious at a glance, making it perfect for shielding innocents.
Do stuff with 'impurity'. Hell if I know what that entails.

Jury-rigged safety armor.

Possible future upgrades
Anti-grav/Flight unit.
Ability to release the actual Oomagatsumi.

Oomagatsumi's technology was heavily based on SEELE's Evangelion prototypes, but due to budget constraints and, more importantly, the builder having left SEELE at a rather early point, much of its technology had to be... improvised. Most notably, the creature used as a base is not an Angel, but the half-dead body of the shinto god of impurity (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PhysicalGod). Most of its accessories are jury-rigged out of spare parts. As a result, it's smaller, quite hard to pilot, and doesn't possess an AT Field of relevant strength, but it does have some other advantages.

Supporting Cast/NPCs
Sobako Mae: Hot Shounen Mom (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotShounenMom) of the Mae family and the builder of Oomagatsumi. She was originally a researcher for SEELE, but fled Japan to Europe with her family when Britannia invaded. There she built her own mech and remains the Gadgeteer Genius (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChristmasCake) behind the Oomagatsumi project to this day. Don't mention her age (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OlderThanTheyLook) in any way, shape, or form in her presence if you know what's good for you, or the fact that she's currently single (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChristmasCake) even though she has two children. The fact that she looks younger than she is often leads to uncomfortable but hilarious misunderstandings (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ParentalIncest) as to her relationship with Ushiro.

Ueko Mae The cute younger sister, about 14 years old. Somewhat absentminded. Likes flowers (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InnocentFlowerGirl) and painting them, so she mostly sits in her room all day and paints the walls with flowers. When she's done, she switches rooms. May or may not have semi-precognitive abilities (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OracularUrchin). If she does have them, they're mostly limited to ominous foreshadowing. Wise beyond her years (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WiseBeyondTheirYears), and likes describing everything in flower-related metaphors (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlowerMotifs).

Some corrupt EU politicians could serve as villains.

Am i doin it rite?

2010-05-14, 09:54 PM
Alright, here is my character, Jake Kurtis Stampede, and his faithful mecha, Judas!! Wait... :smalltongue: This along with the rest of his crew, as well as their headquarters, The Shining Saint.

Pilot:Name: Jake Kurtis Stampede
Age: 34
Weight: Err... thin but athletic? I don't know.
Eye Color: Greenish-gray
Hair Color: Blonde
Personality: Big time lady's man, no doubt about that. Protects the weak and the innocent. Clever, possessing a quick wit. A little bit of an adrenaline junkie, he always loves an adventure. Of course, it helps if said adventure also happened to involve money, or a good-looking woman.
General Appearance: Around 6 feet tall, thin but not emanciated. Fairly athletic looking. Handsome looking fellow, with hair down to a little above the middle of his ears. He almost always wears a hat similar to this (http://www.villagehatshop.com/media/thumbsup.php?image=http://images.villagehatshop.com/media/gg-t-bird.jpg&width=375), except black, felt, and with a hatband with a lot of silver stuff on it.
Sometimes wears a black leather longcoat that reachs down to his ankles, decorated with silver conchos, rivets, and things like that. Underneath he wears a loose fitting light tan button-up shirt, and a pair of pants that look like a cross between dark denim jeans and black leather chaps. Wears boots almost always.
Source: Original Character

Mecha (Name): Judas (Jake's idea of a joke, seeing how he acquired it.)

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: Shoots fast and accurately with a hand gun. Pretty good with a mixture of martial arts and brawling moves.

Mecha:Name/Title: Judas
Appearance: Gundam-like. Slightly more jet-fighter looking. Size-wise, around the high end of M. Light and dark yellowish-brown with small black accents. Has a rocket system attached to its back, and an uplink coming from its hip.
Classification: Real Robot... for now :smallamused:
Personality (if applicable): Due to the fact that it is a Real Robot, no.
Abilities: Can fly with fair maneuverability and height and provide aerial support. Has less dexterity than a human. Runs on a solar-charged battery (see NPCs for details). Rifle is semi-automatic, but has a 1 second waiting period between shots. Shots from rifle can hit a ground target from the air.
Equipment: Two beam sabers, two particle-beam pistols, one uplink-charged particle-beam long-distance rifle, rocket system.

NPCs:The Paladins of Steel: A mecha-pilot-for-hire band consisting of Jake Kurtis Stampede, Josephine "Joe" Kruschev, Timmy Lacroix, Sakura Tomonori, PRAYER-03, and Captain.

Josephine "Joe" Kruschev: The team's resident mechanic and engineer. Medium height, quite well endowed and attractive, very fit and muscular, and age-wise, in her mid-30's. Wears her red hair fairly short. Has brown eyes. A bit of a... okay, very much one of the boys. Can out-cuss, out-drink, sometimes out-smoke, and out-fix almost any tough guy out there. Quite intelligent.

Timmy Lacroix: The team's resident computer geek, obscure-knowledge-provider and technician. Around 10 years of age. Short (of course), skinny, pale complexion, cute (dare I say, almost kawaii) due to him being a little kid. Has almost white blonde hair, worn constantly in a state somewhere between neat and orderly and complete mess. Has green eyes. Very mature for his age. Almost constantly has a smile on his face and a new piece of tech in his hands. Has a bit of an obsession with insects. Absolute frikking genius, hence why he is on the team. He, along with Helga, created a portable solar power plant, which explains the power source for Judas.

Sakura Tomonori: The team's secretary. Age-wise, mid-20's. Around 5" 3', fairly attractive, but mostly in a moe sense than a sexy sense. Orange-red hair, worn at shoulder length, very straight. Has brown eyes, wears glasses. Shy, work-aholic, very organized about everything, but a bit of a klutz. Pretty much her entire existence is some kind of moe.

PRAYER-03: The team's resident robot (okay, A.I.) and mechanics crew. Due to its nature as an A.I., it doesn't have a set form. It often is housed in the repair equipment, but when it needs to interact, it is housed in a humanoid robot. The humanoid robot form is white with blue accents, very fluid and smooth looking. Very matter-of-fact. Created by Timmy and Joe to act as Helga's mechanic crew.

Captain The team's other (actual) resident robot and pilot of The Shining Saint. 7 foot tall behemoth. Appearance is very much like a man in his 50's in a military general's uniform. Always seems to have an ornamental pipe in "his" mouth. Very jolly, but fiery when it comes to... a lot of things actually. Controls the ship, basically, weapons and all. Of course, he has a killswitch installed in him by Timmy (just don't tell Captain that). Also created by Timmy and Joe.

The Shining Saint:Name/Title: The Shining Saint
Appearance: Around the middle of LL size-wise. Fairly fluid-looking, in a sort of spade shape. White with gold accents.
Classification: Not sure to be honest.
Abilities: Runs on solar power. Has atmospheric flight capabilities, and potentially space capabilities.
Equipment: Standard sensory equipment for a battleship. Two laser turrets, and one photon burst launcher. Force Shields.

2010-05-15, 01:37 AM
Name: Amuro Ray
Amuro Ray is a sort of antisocial person. He doesn't get along well with people in canon and can be quite a rude jerk. He doesn't show much sympathy for others and decides to help defeat Zeon because it gives him a sense of purpose, a place to be and his crew counts on him since he's their best pilot by far. After the One Year War he's reluctant to fight once again. He's largely indifferent to everyone. He does the right thing when it counts but doesn't seem very enthusiastic about it. I plan on making my version of Amuro an arrogant comical parody of the original. He is supremely confident in himself and believes that he is the best mech fighter ever in the entire universe. He is an insensitive snob that does whatever he likes at the expense of others.
General Appearance:
Age: 29
Height: 5'8" or 180cm
Weight: 170
Slim and athletic

Source: Universal Century Mobile Suit Gundam
Individual Abilities:
Amuro Ray is a natural engineering genius capable of repairing his mech and inventing highly advanced artificial intelligence such as his Haro. He is a very powerful Newtype. He is capable of sensing threats in and outside of his mech using his psychic abilities. A person could be completely undetectable to his regular senses but he could feel their intent to kill him and predict where they are if they suddenly decide to attack him. When fighting multiple opponents in a mech his senses are so great that it appears he has eyes in the back of his head. Amuro can dodge attacks from behind without any warning of them and can pretty much predicate where people are or will be. He can spin around and pick off multiple opponents each with one shot coming at him from various directions with barely any delay between them. His senses are impressive but not infallible. He can pick up a weapon such as a sword and use it decently despite having no prior experience with it because of his psychic intuition as seen when he fights Char at one point. He can feel the emotions of the people he fights. He has been shown to be able to communicate telepathically with his allies when in highly dangerous/stressful situations. Amuro has even been able to telepathically guide one of his allies out of a dangerous area to safety without being able to see her surroundings meaning he was somehow able to psychically see where she was. He also predicts that an explosion will occur at a certain time and tells her to pause for a moment to avoid it before continuing on her path suggesting he can predict events to a degree. I of course wouldn't use these last abilities unless doing so was solely for the purpose of furthering the plot and people suggested their use because they'd be ridiculous if used all the time. Mech:
Name: RX-93-2 Hi-v Gundam
Height: 20 meters
Weight: 27.9 tons

Classification: Real Robot
Can fly. Has 6 funnels on its back that can be controlled by a Newtype pilot's brain. These funnels are rectangular pieces of metal that can fly around freely from the mech and can be used while simultaneously piloting it with great accuracy. The funnels are capable of shooting brief blasts of energy that are significantly weaker than the Gundam's rifle. They can also be used together to create force fields which can defend against physical and projectile attacks. It is possible to align them to create a pyramid shaped forcefield with one at each point that completely protects whatever is inside it from all angles. A sufficiently powerful attack will break the forcefield. The funnels can of course be shot down and taken out with a single hit. The funnels are capable of traveling at the same speed as the Gundam they come from.
2 Beam sabers
6 Fin Funnels (on the back)
1 Beam Rifle
2 Vulcan Guns (1 on each side of the Gundam's head. They can rapid fire small weak energy projectiles.)
2 External propellant tanks eject-able (the 2 tubes on the back)
1 Shield

2010-06-01, 07:57 PM
I ask that only those REALLY curious click the spoilers...

Name: Muwagi Michima
Age: 14
Series: Evangelion (alternate)
Hair color: Black with silver highlights
Eye color: Brown (left), burgundy (right)
Personality: Big at fooling around. Casual to the max. Doesn't seem to care about authority. Has a habit of pushing his glasses up as he thinks and speaks at the same time. Intelligent, but doesn't go out of his way to show it. Occasionally displays elements of Calm Fury as well as nekketsu tendencies in battle (intermittently, of course). Closet flirt in that he tends not to look like he's flirting, in general.
And now, what general people don't know.
He's a cold, manipulative bastard. Tends to see people as assets and pawns. Does NOT value anything above himself. His easy-going personality is all a façade.

General appearance: He's a lean 14-year-old male of asian descent with short, black hair with highlights of silver near the edges. Has differently colored eyes - brown and burgundy. Dresses like a high-schooler, with the addition of black leather gloves (the kind that seems to be for motorcycle-riding). Wears a pair of square-lensed glasses.

Background: As far as everyone knows, Michima is high-schooler from an alternate dimension Tokyo-3 that got picked along with Toji Suzuhara, Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley-Sohryu to pilot the Evangelions. He's a Second Impact orphan raised by Yui Ikari.
And now, the part people don't really know.
Michima Muwagi is actually... Gendou Ikari.

Here's how it went. After the contact experiment that took Yui away, Gendou learned that Fuyutsuki was actually aware of Yui's original intent. This was seen as a betrayal by Gendou, whom promptly took his revenge on his old tutor - and simultaneously changed him into an even more paranoid individual than he actually was to begin with. He disappeared from the public eye for a couple of years, but slowly manipulated the inception of the Instrumentality Project behind the scenes. He carefully concocted a plan that would end up allowing him to fulfill his obsession of ressurrecting Yui. There was a problem, however. His plan relied far too much on the EVA units - and by extension, its pilots. In his reality, he chose never to use Shinji in the first place, assuming that the interaction between him and Unit 01 presented an unassumable risk. The only way he could conceivably carry his plans out without a hitch was to ensure he had a pilot with his own interests in mind - in other words, himself.
Using the combined technology that allowed Rei's "birth", but using his own DNA and Adam's as a base, as well as the technology that implanted Naoko Akagi's personality into the MAGI system, Gendou created a perfect hybrid clone of himself, complete with his memories and personality. He took a step further and gave this clone control over an EVA Unit - specifically, Unit 04. Unit 01 was kept in storage since it wouldn't take anyone for a pilot (and Gendou wanted to make sure Yui's soul remained intact).
Michima quickly outshone the other EVA pilots. With two minds working behind the scenes, Gendou actually managed to improve on the EVA Units' original design by implanting an S2 Engine that replaced the EVAs umbilical cable, and a LCL recycling device in the entry plug itself. This allowed the EVAs to operate independently for extended periods of time (though after a while, they still had to stop to cooldown and recharge, otherwise risking an explosion like the one that took out NERV-02 in the original series). It also presented a dangerous side effect: the active S2 engine meant that the EVAs' restraint units became much less of a leash. Synchronization with the pilot became more literal, as it allowed him to make more specialized usage of the AT Field to produce a variety of effects, including but not limited to allowing limited fligh to the unit. The price, however, was that the pilot's mind itself came in contact with the Angel's. Michima is the only one who can actually make use of this modified unit, and even so he uses anti-psychotic medication to keep potential side effects of the contact under control.
However, Gendou ended up underestimating SEELE. When he initiated his attempt at Instrumentality, SEELE reacted faster than expected. This led to a series of events that ultimately gave Michima's universe a similar fate to the original cast's own, with one additional complication - the interaction of Unit 04's S2 Engine running amok with Lilith's anti-AT Field shunted him to an alternate reality.
Thankfully, that reality was similar enough to his own that he could still contact NERV - specifically, that reality's Gendou Ikari.
Madness ensues.

2010-06-03, 06:46 PM
Name: Geovaris
Type: Super-Long Range Exploration Vessel
Manufacturer: Vesprian Central Commission
Size Class: LL (battleship grade)

Length: 333 meters
Beam: 111 meters
Height (total): 222 meters
Crew: None!*

*A.I. controlled. A.I. subdivided along Command, Tactical, Communications, Science and Engineering directives.

All-Environment construction (capable of operating in Space, Atmosphere, Underwater, Sub-Stellar Gas, etc.); Anti-Gravity systems; Super-Long Range Sub-Aether Drive system; Gravity Manipulation system; Modular multi-system construction; On-Board Refinery and Manufacturing systems.
Full-Spectrum sensor clusters; Gravity Wake sensors; Sub-Aether Navigation system.


Point defense lasers x many; mineral extraction/core sampling laser x 4

2010-07-31, 12:46 PM

Name: Ishmael Altan

Age: 46

Weight: 183 pounds

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Personality: A man who is strict business, rarely takes anything personally, usually works for the highest bidder, though will never do jobs that involve direct attacks against civilians.

General Appearance:
A middle-Eastern man with long black hair down to his shoulders, a thick beard, usually wears a gray business suit and sunglasses.

Source: None

Mecha: Metal Gear REX

Individual Abilities outside of Mech: A decent shot, quite capable in hand-to-hand combat


Name / Title: Metal Gear REX


Classification: Real Robot

Personality: None

"Street Fighter" Program installed allows the Metal Gear to kick with its legs with devastating force

Two 30mm Vulcan Guns
One free electron laser under the cockpit area
Anti-Tank missiles on the back
A durable Radome connected to the VR interface, it provides information about the surrounding environment, allowing the pilot to remain safely inside the cockpit. Should it be destroyed, the pilot will have to pen the cockpit to see, exposing themselves in the process.
A large rail-gun designed to either launch a nuclear shell to almost any place in the world, shoot down enemy ICBM's or satellites, or launch regular artillery strikes.

2010-09-03, 03:16 PM
Name: Jessica "Deadeye" Winters
Age: 22
Weight: funny question you got here
Height: 6'1
Eye Color: Heterochromatic, Hazel with a ring of red around the pupils
Hair: more Dirty than Blond
Figure: toned and a little beat up. She has a scar here or there and more often than not a bruise somewhere visible, nothing too dramatic.

General Appearance:

Personality: Tired, jaded, a bit bitter, but an altogether decent person. She is someone who believes in the greater good and is quite willing to do whatever is necessary to protect the people of the Earth Sphere. While she might be ruthless she is so in her own way: professional, quick, and with respect to all parties involved.
*likes cheesecake, and honest men
*dislikes unnecessary things "Really. You didn't have to.........:smallfrown:"

Background: A average girl, with an average childhood, from an average All-Britannian backwater in the Midwest region of the continent of North America. Growing up she wasn't quite like the other kids. Holding herself, at least in her opinion, to a higher standard. A dedicated if somewhat average student, and a real stickler for the rules. In other words someone who was no fun at all. This didn't change much when she entered college, a dull and disappointing experience for the most point, but she did find a mentor of sorts during her time there. Smith a old janitor and veteran from the pacification of area eleven.

The old retired pilot regaled Jess with old war stories, and more importantly of how exhilarating it was to pilot a mech. She was caught hook, line, and sinker. Dropping out of college she joined the Union Armed Forces. She proved to be a good soldier, and while she wasn't the most skilled pilot she was dependable, a quick thinker with a knack for improvisation, and a natural leader. On her end being a grunt pilot for the Union wasn't bad. Piloting was everything Smith had promised and more the sense of power and freedom she got from controlling a mech was tempered only by her dedication to protect the citizen's of the Earth and even the colonies in space. Eventually after three years of service Jess was reassigned as a test pilot for the Union's newest weapon.

Leadership- Jessica has extended experience in leading men into combat. While she isn't a tactical or strategic genius she is able to quickly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of her teammates and apply them effectively to the situation at hand.

First-Aid training- The only useful thing she got out of college.

Marksman- She's a good shot in and out of the cockpit.

Newtype Potential: While not a confirmed Newtype, it has been hinted at that her high situational awareness and coordination aren't natural. Though even if she is a new type it would take a amazing crucible to unleash her potential, and years of practice to master it.

Assigned Mech: GX-9900 Gundam X

Source: Original/ After War Gundam X

Themesong: Show Me How to Live


Name: GX-9900 Gundam X
Classification: satellite system loading mobile suit (Real)
"Deadeye" custom colors
Flight- The G-X has a integrated Minvosky Drive. Microthrusters on it's "wings" provide maneuverability

Flash System (Newtype use only)- A advanced operating system on loan to the Union direct from the Holy Throne of Britannia modeled after the former Principality of Zeon's Psycommu system. The system actively scans its pilot's brainwaves and reacts accordingly. This improves the suit's responsiveness, agility, and reflexes. In addition the flash system can be used to control special unmanned weapons, the G-bits.

Satellite System- The G-X can absorb energy from any device that emits microwaves to supplement the power provided by its reactor. However, its primary purpose is to absorb a concentrated microwave beam from a fortified station on the moon to power the satellite cannon.

30mm vulcans x4, 2 mounted in head, 2 in chest- standard MS anti-infantry/aircraft weapons. Not effective against other mecha, but a lucky shot might jam a important joint or two.

Large Beam Sword x1, Stored in recharge rack located on the end of the satellite cannon stock. A enhanced beam saber for close combat.

Shield beam rifle x1, mounted on/ held in left hand- A durable beam rifle that can critically damage a regularly armored mobile suit with a single well placed shot, can unfold to double as a shield.

Hyper Bazooka x1, mounted on weapons latch on the G-X's back- Fires a 350mm bazooka round at accelerated speeds. useful underwater, or in situations where heavy firepower is needed but the satellite cannon is unable to be deployed.

Satellite Cannon x1, mounted on back until deployed. The sole reason for the G-X's existence a high intensity beam cannon that is capable of completely destroying a entire space colony in one shot. (3turns charge, ready to fire on 4th turn)

-locked weapon-
G-bit x25, stored in secret hangars throughout the world. Unmanned mobile suits controlled by the pilot of the G-X via the flash system. armed with all the weapons of the G-X including the fearsome satellite cannon.