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View Full Version : Maxing my 4e Arcana skill

2010-05-05, 09:08 AM
I'm looking for some guidance in building my 4e dwarf wizard (currently Lvl 4). I'm playing him as power hungry lunatic who's only real goal is to master the arcane arts, and therefore I'm trying to max out my Arcana Skill at all costs.

I'm obviously planing on putting points into INT at every opportunity, I've taken skill focus arcana, and have a book Imp familiar.

The Sage of the Ages Epic Destiny seems the way to go, however I haven't found a paragon path that seems to fit or help.

Any suggestions for feats, paths, or items that could help here would be greatly appreciated.


2010-05-05, 10:24 AM
Just follow this link to the 4e charop board at wizards website for how to maximize Arcana. It might be a little bit dated, but you'll find close to everything here.


2010-05-05, 11:26 AM
Thanks a lot Tcrudisi, that's exactly what i was looking for.:smallbiggrin:

2010-05-06, 06:36 AM
I don't recall any rules suggesting that skills have a limit on how high they can be raised, in 4e.

So theoretically, beyond the items in the books, you could get your DM to give you home-brewed items raising your INT to infinity, even.

Kurald Galain
2010-05-06, 06:46 AM
So theoretically, beyond the items in the books, you could get your DM to give you home-brewed items raising your INT to infinity, even.

Sure. On the other hand, there exist zero items in the books that modify your stats, so this strikes me as not such a feasible idea.

2010-05-07, 06:42 AM
Sure. On the other hand, there exist zero items in the books that modify your stats, so this strikes me as not such a feasible idea.

I guess it depends on what you're trying to accomplish with such an item.

Also, an item with stat enhancements that otherwise just serves as fluff, or a means through which to explain an in-game scenario, seems fairly reasonable to me, at high levels.

For instance, I'd allow a super duper INT swelling headband if it was necessary to power some sort of magic device, but otherwise wasn't useful in battle.

Tiki Snakes
2010-05-07, 10:31 AM
I'd like to chime in and say I'd strongly consider picking up an arcana related Skill power or two. Arcane mutterings in particular, as it would allow your Dwarf to basically blind people with 'techno babble' and effectively double, now and then, as a party face.

I'm reasonably sure there's an item set that helps with Arcana, too. Not entirely sure, so best to check. If there is, it's a great way to boost your score, and will likely have plenty of flavour written into the set too.