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View Full Version : Unsure about Minotaur RP [3.5]

Scarey Nerd
2010-05-06, 12:22 PM
OK guys, within the next year I am going to be a member of an evil-party, and will most likely be playing a Minotaur Barbarian. I am however unsure of how one would go about RPing such a thing.

It's base stats would probably be around:
Str 25
Dex 14
Con 17
Int 4
Wis 15
Cha 8

How would you go about it?

2010-05-06, 12:26 PM
Can you take the Half-Minotaur template instead?

It's much, much better than straight minotaur.

Scarey Nerd
2010-05-06, 12:28 PM
Can you take the Half-Minotaur template instead?

It's much, much better than straight minotaur.

I have not seen said template, we've only been getting our races from the standard MM, could you post a link to it? Or say what book its in?

2010-05-06, 12:31 PM
I have not seen said template, we've only been getting our races from the standard MM, could you post a link to it? Or say what book its in?

It's from Dragon Magazine, but look in here (http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Templates.pdf)for it.

2010-05-06, 12:36 PM
It depends if you're allowed dragon magazine. Which, actually, you might not be.

Here's Crystal Keep's Big ol' List of Templates. (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crystalkeep.com%2Fd20%2Frules %2FDnD3.5Index-Templates.pdf&ei=AwHjS9GONdLp-QaPs5zoDw&usg=AFQjCNGnLpcbLpvuXxeuKdVL9x5ffWmRKQ) It's a PDF download with lots of different templates, all from official sources/Dragon Mag. Half-Mino is on page 11, and the important thing to remember is that increasing in size category does more than just make you take up a 2x2 square.

2010-05-06, 12:36 PM
It's from Dragon Magazine, but look in here (http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Templates.pdf)for it.The template is quite strong at +1 LA, but at least you don't have to worry about RPing something with 4 Int.

2010-05-06, 12:38 PM
With Int 4, Wis 15, Cha 8, I would play him more or less as an animal, but a very cunning one.
Talking isn't his strength, and could be limited to "yes", "no", "give me that" and "RAAAAAARRRRGH!!!". Everything that would be too complicated for a first grader probably would be too difficult for him to understand.
But he isn't stupid. Even if he often has no idea what people are talking about, he's very aware when someone tries to sneak up to them or if the group is walking into an area that might possibly be very dangerous if someone has laid an ambush. He knows when an enemy is too tough for him and definately cunning enough to use very cheap and dirty tricks to win anyway. Nothing like building a complex contraption of poles and ropes, but chosing the right spots for ambushes and making great use of the environment.
With Charisma 8, he wouldn't be very headstrong, but not less than most other savage warriors. He's happy when others decide where they are going and whom to attack, and doesn't make too much trouble when he doesn't like what his master commands him to do.

If you have played Half-Life 2, I'd play him exactly like Dog. Just not that playful. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-06, 12:41 PM
How to go about roleplaying it?

Well if you're looking at an INT of 4 and a WIS of 15, you're savvy enough to know that you shouldn't be doing the talking. Plus, you'd be wise enough to find someone to partner up with that needs you as badly as you need them. (A caster, for example.) Because evil parties tend to cull their own members unless they're vitally needed, and WIS 15 certainly qualifies you to realize this, if only instinctually.

If you do partner with someone, you're going to be the cunning brute that listens to the other guy's plan. Your weak spot is your 4 INT; any time you have to use individual initiative it's not going to be pretty, and could be quite entertaining to the players.

Go beefcake. :smallamused:

2010-05-06, 12:49 PM
OK guys, within the next year I am going to be a member of an evil-party, and will most likely be playing a Minotaur Barbarian. I am however unsure of how one would go about RPing such a thing.

It's base stats would probably be around:
Str 25
Dex 14
Con 17
Int 4
Wis 15
Cha 8

How would you go about it?

As someone else said, you're wise enough to know you're not smart... you're Forrest Gump with a greataxe. You will probably prefer your part in things to be very straightforward (i.e. not a lot of "if, then" statements, only a few steps), but you're not so stupid that you're going to fall for "Just hold off the red dragon for a minute" unless you can realistically hold off the red dragon for a minute.

Finding an ally... someone to be Master to your Blaster... is probably a good idea.

2010-05-06, 01:16 PM
As someone else said, you're wise enough to know you're not smart... you're Forrest Gump with a greataxe. You will probably prefer your part in things to be very straightforward (i.e. not a lot of "if, then" statements, only a few steps), but you're not so stupid that you're going to fall for "Just hold off the red dragon for a minute" unless you can realistically hold off the red dragon for a minute.
If he can realistically fend off a red dragon for a minute, he doesn't NEED if/then statements, he can just break things with an axe.

Finding an ally... someone to be Master to your Blaster... is probably a good idea.
Oh ho ho, I see what you did there. Good one, sir, good one. :smallamused:

2010-05-06, 01:31 PM
Cha 8: There's nothing necessarily *wrong* with him, but there's something about him that's slightly irritating over the long term. And he's got a touch of introvert about him.

Int 4, Wis 15: He's really good at noticing stuff, and because of that can react to changing circumstances pretty fast. He's pretty good at recognizing truth from fiction. Cause and effect however, is a mystery. Planning ahead isn't something he can do at all, and he'll rely on instincual reflexes a lot. He'll also recognize this planning problem he has, and will likely latch onto another character who *is* good at planning ahead, who he trusts. (And since he's reasonably good at recognizing liars, it's going to be either someone who is trustworthy or someone very good at seeming trustworthy.)

2010-05-06, 01:36 PM
He doesn't even have to be irritating, just not very good at convincing people to have things done his way. Either because he has a hard time at presenting his point, or because he doesn't really care that much if others make decisions above his head.

2010-05-06, 01:42 PM
If he can realistically fend off a red dragon for a minute, he doesn't NEED if/then statements, he can just break things with an axe.

True. But we did not note the size or age of the dragon. ;-)

Oh ho ho, I see what you did there. Good one, sir, good one. :smallamused:

Beware of Bards with weird hair, and acrobatic strangers.

2010-05-06, 01:54 PM
True. But we did not note the size or age of the dragon. ;-)
I believe you suffer from a disease, Mark, and that disease is called "smartarse". :smalltongue: I say this in the best possible fashion.

Beware of Bards with weird hair, and acrobatic strangers.
Indeed, indeed. :smallamused:

Scarey Nerd
2010-05-06, 02:05 PM
I want to thank you for showing me the Half-Minotaur template, I am severely inclined to agree to its superiority over a normal Minotaur, and I am having ideas for how to use it effectively :smallbiggrin:

However, I still might go with Minotaur, as I am getting a good picture of how to fit it into our party, so please, if the good people of this forum have suggestions, post please! :smallbiggrin:

And thanks to the RP suggestions as well guys (I thought I should say thanks seeing as it is the whole point of the OP :smalltongue:)

2010-05-06, 02:46 PM
I believe you suffer from a disease, Mark, and that disease is called "smartarse". :smalltongue:

Suffer my rosy red cheeks. ;-)

2010-05-06, 03:25 PM
If you have a few hours down, you could always read some fantasy novels with or about minotaurs for some inspiration. Dragonlance comes to mind for a few notable characters (Huma's friend, or Mina's #1 later on). There's also The Price of Honor (http://www.amazon.com/Price-Honor-Minotaurs-Algoron-ebook/dp/B001DBTWCM/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&s=digital-text&qid=1272594732&sr=8-12), which pretty much revolves around them in a similar setting.

2010-05-06, 04:25 PM
i would disagree with using stuff from dragon lance minotaurs their not stupid at least not 4 int stupid.

I second the idea of treating him like an extremly smart animal any thing an animal could think up you can and then some.

As far as charisma i disagree that you should necisarily be subserviant to someone smarter then you thats only one aspect of charisma and his high wisdom means he would also have a strong will power. he could just be biligerant, or smell bad, or do things not neccisarily aceptable to normal society and all would be equaly valid ways of showing a slightly low charsima.

2010-05-06, 04:34 PM
If you want to use the half-minotaur template, I recommend you ignore the part where your size increase grants you the extra stat bonuses. +12str for a measly +1LA is way too strong, IMO.