View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 90: Shooter McArcher & Aguacatl vs. Jack & Twang

2010-05-06, 02:30 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 90: Shooter McArcher & Aguacatl vs. Jack & Twang


XP Award: 300 XP to each non-DQd member of winning team
GP Award: 300 GP to each non-DQd member of winning team

Shooter McArcher (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=144187) - Master_Rahl22
Aguacatl (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=179458) - Scorer
Jack (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=35141) - vollmond
Twang (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7412) - Psionic Dog

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases

Prior to the match start you may privately plan by spoiler or PM with your partner, but after the start any communications will need to be done in character inside the arena as rules allow.

2010-05-06, 02:59 PM
Jack here



Well, this one's going to be interesting. I can do the scattering thing and hold off the summons for a bit, but now we have ranged to deal with.

edit: also, I can now (just barely) afford Arcanist's Gloves for CL3 KFB, in a pinch. Won't have any effect on Swift Expeditious Retreat, unfortunately. For future reference, do they apply to scrolls?

2010-05-06, 04:33 PM
So, we meet again!


Hmm, so we were fairly lucky last time. I think we ought to consider some way to get concealment since Twang has absurd attack modifiers. Any other ideas?

2010-05-06, 07:48 PM


Well, I still have hat scroll of heat and chill, they may not be aware of that as I reported that purchase in the other match....

Also, I'm out of money, and they come from winning, they've got money now...

LEt's hope they don't buy anything to counter my summons...

Let me go check their sheets to see if I can think of something

Psionic Dog
2010-05-06, 10:02 PM
Hello again.

I'm still in Final's Week + Apartment Hunting + Moving so just a heads up that my posting will be a little slower than normal with a possible chance of no internet access days. I think I'll still be able to get posts in within the normal 2-day (at least most of the time), but I'd appreciate it if no one DQs me should I go over.

EDIT: Wow, the 23 goes last...

I don't know what exactly it is that Arcanist's Gloves do. If they increase the caster level of a spell they'd probably apply to scrolls, but if they increase your caster level then it wouldn't change a scroll's caster level since that's determined by the crafter.

I suppose we could try the scatter tactic, but since Aguacatl can potentially summon from across the sands it may only slow the pet. Attack Actions would be more effective methinks.

I'm planning on buying Twang either another AC buff for more "Make a nat 20 or miss" fun or else a Hide-from-Animals / Protection-From-X to completely ignore the summons.

Should we try doing this about the same way as our last face off against this group and hope our luck is better or is there some other tactic we should try?

2010-05-06, 11:12 PM

I think this time we go for the heavy undergrowth, I would have a +17 Hide bonus there, and I can even try sniping with a -3 mod...

and there we can take advantage of Jack's Murky eyed...

What do you think?

2010-05-07, 06:34 AM

This is very nearly the same init order for our last bout... *sigh*


The exact wording is thus:

you add 2 to the caster level of the next 1st level arcane spell you cast

(hopefully I pared that text down enough that it doesn't violate the IP-police)

It works twice a day, no action to activate. Still trying to decide if it's worth the 500 GP...

Alternatively, I could always use some armor (mundane studded leather at the moment). A masterwork bow would probably not be a horrible idea.

Ohh... I just had a thought. Jack gets Silence as a 1/day SLA. Summon Nature's Ally has a verbal component. Though, Aguacatl has a +6 Will save... does that apply even if I just catch him in the area? Or would he only get a save if I directly targeted him? Reference (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/silence.htm)

edit: meh. I think i'm going to pass on the gloves. They'll be great once/if I hit 3rd level and get Arcane Channeling, but I think they may be overpriced for the benefit I'll get right now.

Psionic Dog
2010-05-07, 11:01 AM
The will save only applies if directly targeted, but I think the Whisper Gnome's Silence has to be centered on himself, forcing Jack to have to personally move within 20ft of Aguacatl to shut down a summon.

If it wasn't for that I'd have said we had a winning tactic.

A few Crazy Ideas that might work:

Crazy Idea #1:
Kelgore's Fire Bolt -> Aguacatl casting
With only a +2 Concentration modifier even minimal damage gives a 45% chance of disrupting a spell.

Crazy Idea #2:
Twang leaves his leather armor at home and we declare as mundane preparations that Jack starts carrying Twang for a heavy load. Twang delays, Jack Swift Retreats to take both of us to W where Jack then drops Twang into V before moving to T himself. Why? Because it lets Twang also get to T on his first move so on round #1 both of us can shoot from hiding anyone/thing in LoS topside.

Crazy Idea #3:
We use a smoke stick to fog up T13/U14 and stand side by side at T so nothing can flank us.

Crazy Idea #4:
We don't run topside at all, but instead stay in the start zone with ready actions to shoot the first non-summon we see.

Just some thoughts.

2010-05-07, 12:22 PM
D'oh, I missed that caveat about the SLA. Too bad.

I think we'll have a lot of luck with #2 and a bit of #1 thrown in. #3 is tempting... if we do it that way, are we susceptible to the miss chance? Jack is Murky-Eyed. I don't think #4 gives us much benefit, since we can't use the time to buff. Also, for #2, is it legal to perform a free action in the middle of a move?

Other thoughts: Shooter has a composite longbow (+1 str) -- I could drop 25 GP on a scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement and remove him from the picture for ranged (no save, though he'll probably guess the plan right away. not sure if he can counter it without dropping 300 gp on a potion of Bull's Strength).

Psionic Dog
2010-05-07, 03:38 PM
Ok, fresh from the waiting room. Dropping an 'object' may be done in the middle of a move action. Sound's like we have a plan. I'll probably buy a psionic tatoo of force screen incase they're slow moving topside to help cover the AC loss.

As for miss chance, only creatures inside the smoke/cloud have concealment. So if we're in a cloud but they aren't then they have to roll a miss chance but we won't.

I'm not sure if Ray of Enfeeblement is worth it. The 1 minute duration and the 25 ft range might be a problem.

Any finally thoughts?

2010-05-07, 07:20 PM

Yeah, looks good. I guess I'll get a MW bow, then.

Psionic Dog
2010-05-07, 09:38 PM
Purchasing one Psionic Tatoo of Inertial Armor. 50gp

No other purchases planed, although a reactionary buy is possible if applicable.

2010-05-07, 09:55 PM
Reactionary? You're laughing at us? :smalltongue:

2010-05-07, 10:01 PM
Selling my bow and buying a masterwork composite bow (+37.5, -400 gp)

So, should I start holding my bow, or the smokestick + tindertwig? I can't decide if I think the smokestick is worth it. If I get to the top and they're visible, I should take a shot. If they're not visible, shouldn't I ready an action for a shot?

Here's where I go into frozen-strategy mode :smallsmile: indecision...

2010-05-08, 01:32 PM
Sounds good. I think I'll have you cast that Cat's Grace on me, if you don't think it will kill you this time. :smalltongue: I will also get a potion of Shield of Faith, and at least one Cure potion to pour down your throat.

Psionic Dog
2010-05-08, 03:02 PM
Idle Chatter...

@ vollmond
I'll most certainly want you to start holding me and the bow. If it's possible to carry the smoke stick/ tinder twig around without it interfering with your shooting or casting you may as well hold it, but if holding an extra item would make your casting or archery less effective you'd probably be better off keeping it packed up.

So... you're not planing on buying a bag of caltrops and a wedge of apocalyptic cheese? :smallconfused:

I suppose in hindsight it seems unlikely, but this being the arena one never knows. So if y'all are ready to start without a purchase then feel free to get the first round started. :smallcool:

2010-05-08, 03:37 PM
Before I buy a bread loaf...


But... Aren't scrolls wasted when failing Caster check?

As far as I remember I ruined yours scroll :smallredface:

2010-05-08, 05:36 PM
Scorer, Rahl
yes you did, the scroll is gone. Sucks, I know

2010-05-09, 12:57 PM
Purchases: Potion of Shield of Faith: 50gp
Potion of Faith Healing (Sam Jones, Jr.): 50gp
Potion of CLW: 50gp

You ready, Scorer?

2010-05-09, 07:53 PM
Yes I am, I guess I start this...

Aguacatl 1st Turn

Start in B13 with two scrolls in hands and Run to F1

Tunatl starts in A13 and double moves to G1

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ B13
Aguacatl ended @ F1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll SNA I
Hand 2 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill Metal

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @A13
Tunatl ended @G1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-09, 08:40 PM
Shooter, Turn 1

Start in B-14 with bow in hand, all 3 potions in belt.
Run to F-2.

End of turn.


HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

Psionic Dog
2010-05-09, 10:31 PM
Twang - Round 1

Starting Preperations:
Buckler is Equipped. Leather armor is left at home. Welding crossbow, which is loaded with a masterwork bolt.

Twangs weight including gear is 54 lbs.

Twangs starts in the same square as Jack being held by Jack. I believe this puts Jack at a heavy load provided the glave is left at home.

Free Speak Wishper to Jack:
Ok: Just as we planned. Quick Retereat, do a half move forward, drop me on my feat, and continue up to just short of the top of the stairs for cover where so if we're lucky we can strike from hiding there soft flat footed AC.

Twang Delays to act after Jack.

Jack's go.

HP: 9/9
AC: 18 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

2010-05-09, 11:13 PM
Jack, turn 1

StartingStarting in Y-13, holding Twang in one hand, glaive left outside the arena (as noted by the weight listed in parens on his charsheet - leaving it outside is the default)


Swift: Cast Swift Expeditious Retreat
Begin Move: to W-13
Free: Drop Twang on his feet in V-13
Complete Move: to T-13, drawing my bow as I move


Hide/MS rolls include -5 penalty for more than half-speed movement

Turn not complete, need LoS.


Location: T13
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-05-10, 06:43 AM
one thing before LoS check

How are you holding a scroll and a heavy shield in the same hand? That only works with bucklers and light shields

Also, Heat and Chill Metal are two separate spells, so you have to choose which of the two to carry

2010-05-10, 08:30 AM

Oh right... got used to Oro's buckler. Let's say I have it on mouth...

And I bought Heat and Chill on the same scroll.

2010-05-10, 09:32 AM
Y13 to T13 are 9 squares, 45 feet.
Swift Expedious Retreat changes your base speed to 60, with medium/heavy load that's reduced to 40. It seems your plan was to drop Twang along the way to get some extra movement for being in a light load again. You move 3 3 squares with the heavy load, then 6 with light load again. Since the load reduces your speed to 2/3, this may work out, though I'm really not sure on it. I'll just go ahead with it for now and leave it to a High Ref to intervene if it doesn't work that way


no LoS apart from your teammate

no LoS apart from your teammate. He's holding a scroll in his mouth now instead of the hand occupied by his shield

no LoS apart from the goblin you dropped

no LoS apart from the big meanie dropping you

New Initiative Order:

edit: missed something

Your AC has 16 squares with a double move, he can't make it to G1 because it's quadruple movement cost

oh, this holds up play I fear, stay tuned

2010-05-10, 06:43 PM

Oh yeah, the undergrowth... forgot that. Then let him stay in... E1

2010-05-11, 06:36 AM

no LoS apart from your teammate

no LoS apart from your teammate. He's holding a scroll in his mouth now instead of the hand occupied by his shield

no LoS apart from the goblin you dropped

no LoS apart from the big meanie dropping you

New Initiative Order:

continue with Jack Turn 1

2010-05-11, 08:16 AM
Jack, turn 1 continuation


Standard: Ready Action
To attack if I gain LoS to an enemy

Turn complete, Twang's back up.


Location: T13
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-05-11, 08:25 AM

Move to T-14 stealthy like.
If Twang doesn't see anything he'll activate a Psionic Tatoo of Inertial Armor.



HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 600/600

2010-05-11, 11:27 AM

no change

no change

no change

no change, so Psionic Tattoo it is

onward to Aguacatl again

2010-05-11, 10:58 PM
Aguacatl 2nd Turn

Aguacatl double moves to H1 and hides.

Undergrowth and movement MODs applied
Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

Tunatl double moves to I1 and also hides.

Hide [roll4]
Move Silently [roll5]

Free: Drop scrolls
Free: Whisper "What is the plan now?"

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ F1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Free
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA and Heat Chill are on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @E1
Tunatl ended @I1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-12, 06:56 AM
Shooter, Turn 2

Move: Move to G-1
Free: Whisper: "I suggest we wait for around a minute with readied actions to attack."
Standard: Ready an action
Attack the first enemy that comes into LOS


End of turn.


HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-12, 09:31 AM
well, with this much dirt between them no chance at Listen checks

no LoS apart from your teammate

no LoS apart from your teammate

no LoS apart from your teammate

no LoS apart from your teammate

carry on

2010-05-12, 09:37 AM
Jack, turn 2


Free: Whisper to Twang
I don't see anyone. What do you think -- stay here with ready actions, or go looking? They may be sneaking around the sides...

Turn not complete


Location: T13
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-05-12, 10:01 AM
Lets wait one more round before we go checking. They could be in ambush on the opposite stairs waiting on us, or they may just be laying low in hopes that we use and loose our Law buffs... so don't activate until we see one of them!

2010-05-12, 10:06 AM
Jack, turn 2


Standard: Ready action
Attack if I gain LoS

Turn complete, go for Twang.


Location: T13
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-05-12, 02:29 PM
Twang - Round 2

Ready Action
Shoot the first creature to approach withing 30 ft, cast a spell, attempt to leave LoS, ready an action, drop prone, or end turn while holding any object.

If Twang can hold his old hide result he will, if not then


HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 599/600

There, I don't think that changes LoS any.

2010-05-12, 03:06 PM
Aguacatl 3rd Turn

Tunatl hides again.

Hide [roll0]

Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

Move: Pick up Scroll of Heat/Chill
Free: Whisper "Who do you think I should use the heat/chill spells on?"

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @I1
Tunatl ended @I1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-12, 06:14 PM
everybody's :mitd: in purgatory

no change

no change

no change

no change. Readying an action doesn't break hiding, so you can keep your previous roll

carry on

2010-05-12, 09:15 PM
Shooter, Turn 3

Free: Whisper: "Twang is the only one with significant metal."
Standard: Ready an action
Move: Hide again
Attack the first enemy that comes into LOS


End of turn.


HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-13, 08:49 PM
Jack, turn 3


Move: to S7 (30')
Standard: Ready action
Attack if I gain LoS


Counting full speed penalty

Turn complete


Location: S7
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-05-14, 08:35 AM
well, one makes a move

no change

no change

no change

no change


Psionic Dog
2010-05-14, 04:18 PM
Twang - Round 3

Twang breaks hiding and moves to S-19.

Standard: Ready Action
Shoot the first creature to:
• approach within 40 ft
• take a standard action
• attempt to leave LoS
• start to drop prone
• or end turn while wearing armor or holding an object.

Passive Checks:




HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 598/600

2010-05-14, 06:46 PM
Aguacatl 4th Turn

Tunatl keeps his hide check (22)

Aguacatl hides again

Hide [roll0]

If needed
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @I1
Tunatl ended @I1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-14, 07:49 PM

Shooter is in G1

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1

Twang is in S19

Jack is in S7


2010-05-16, 02:18 PM
Shooter, Turn 4

Keep current Hide check
Standard: Ready an action
Attack the first enemy that comes into LOS


End of turn.


Location: G-1
HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-16, 04:59 PM
Jack, turn 4


Move: to P3 (30')
Standard: Ready action
Attack if I gain LoS


Counting full speed penalty

Turn complete


Location: P3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-05-17, 08:51 AM
Now it gets interesting. Precedent says

Cliff squares slope directly from the highest elevation they are adjacent to down to +0ft.
That should mean that there's LoS between Jack and the opposing team on the first line; he has cover thanks to the elevation, they don't, but the undergrowth gives concealment, so both sides can hide
Team Red fails to beat his Hide because of Distance penalty. Tunatl is too far away for Scent. They beat his MS of 11(Shooter by 1 because of distance as far as I can tell, Aguacatl by 4). Generic direction should be east
Jacks spot fails, as does Listen because there's nothing to hear for now. But he sees the scroll on the ground in H1

Shooter is in G1. You hear movement to the east

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1. You hear movement to the east

Twang is in S19. You see a scroll lying in H1. Does this change your action?

Jack is in P3

clarification needed from Jack

2010-05-17, 01:56 PM
Jack, turn 4 revised


Move: to S3 (25') refsAssuming I saw the scroll when I entered R3, then moved east instead of west
Free: Point down and north (into the gap at the edge of the map). Then, hold one hand flat in front of me, palm facing me, and run my other index finger in lines across that palm.
Free: Drop to kneeling
Standard: Ready action
Attack if I gain LoS


Counting full speed penalty

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-05-17, 06:47 PM
Twang - Round 4

Free: Speak:

"Seen anyone? Nod once for each of our humanoid foes in sight, or shake your head for no."

Move: Sneak south to S-24

Dice Rolls:

LoS needed...

2010-05-17, 06:59 PM
This will be hella tough to tell his teammate without speak that he saw no enemy, just a scroll :smallbiggrin: While he did make good descriptive pantomime for a piece of paper with script, a situation like this is just nothing you'd expect

Shooter is in G1.

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1.

Twang is in S24, you hear him speak. You see a scroll lying in H1. Note that your new set of rolls is invalid, you still use the ones from your initial turnpost

Jack is in S3. No other LoS

continue, Psidog

2010-05-17, 08:07 PM


Free: Shake head

Back to Twang

Psionic Dog
2010-05-18, 07:52 AM
Twang - Continued

Maintaining hiding attempt...

Free: Point down/south/west and shake head, shrug.

Standard: Ready Action.
Shoot the first creature to:
• leave cover/concealment
• take a standard action
• attempt to leave LoS
• start to drop prone
• or end turn while wearing armor or holding an object.


HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 597/600

2010-05-18, 12:09 PM

Shooter is in G1.

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1.

Twang is in S24.. You see a scroll lying in H1. No other LoS

Jack is in S3. No other LoS

back to Aguacatl

2010-05-18, 08:24 PM
Aguacatl 5th Turn

Tunatl keeps his hide check (22)

Aguacatl hides again

Hide [roll0]

Ready an Action

Cast Chill Metal upon LoS

If needed
Listen [roll2]1d20+8

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @I1
Tunatl ended @I1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-18, 09:59 PM
Shooter, Turn 5

Keep current Hide check
Standard: Ready an action
Attack the first enemy that comes into LOS

End of turn.


Location: G-1
HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-19, 12:06 AM
well, that changes... nothing
Fixed Listen for Scorer [roll0]

Shooter is in G1.

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1.

Twang is in S24.. You see a scroll lying in H1. No other LoS

Jack is in S3. No other LoS

2010-05-20, 07:31 AM
Jack, turn 5


Standard: Ready action
Attack if I gain LoS


Keeping my previous Hide of 22

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-05-20, 01:19 PM
Twang - Round 6

Moving half speed sneak back to S-23 and then onward to Q-24.

Standard: Ready Action.
Shoot the first opposing creature to:
• leave cover and concealment
• take a standard action
• attempt to leave LoS
• start to drop prone
• or end turn while wearing armor or holding an object.



HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 596/600

2010-05-20, 01:37 PM
Only one with LoS who didn't roll Spot himself is Shooter and even with a 20 he can't beat Jacks hide

Shooter is in G1.

Aguacatl is in H1, Tunatl in I1.

Twang is in Q24.. You see a scroll lying in H1. No other LoS

Jack is in S3. No other LoS

2010-05-21, 06:46 PM
Aguacatl 6th Turn

Tunatl keeps his hide check (22)

Aguacatl hides again

Hide [roll0]

Ready an Action

Cast Chill Metal upon LoS

If needed
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @I1
Tunatl ended @I1
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-21, 08:33 PM
Shooter, Turn 6

Free: Whisper to Aguacatl "I'm going to see if I can spot them"
Move: Move to J-1

Not done, need LOS


Location: J-1
HP: 12/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-21, 09:22 PM
Far as I can tell P3 to H1 is 11 squares(8 horizontal, 2 vertical, 4 down), so Jacks spot fails vs Hide 17 and Aguacatls Spot draws with Jacks hide(22 vs 27-5 distance). Jack wins the draw because of higher modifier, so no LoS on Scorers turn
Spot Shooter: [roll0]
Jacks spot beats Shooters hide when he tries to move

No change

one moment please before continuing

You beat Shooters Hide check when he tries leaving G1 to the east. Your readied action triggers, you take it?

no change

2010-05-21, 09:29 PM

Jack's readied action triggers, for an attack on Shooter.

Dragonsbreath arrow
[roll1] (the +1 is Fire. DC15 Ref save vs Catch On Fire)

Back to regularly scheduled programming

2010-05-21, 09:31 PM


[roll1] (using same damage as Dragonsbreath arrow. Should it be -2 for the fire damage? should it be 2d6 instead of 2d4, for base bow damage? I leave it to someone more knowledgeable than I...) edit: in fact, i'm going to ask about this in the waiting room.

Back again

2010-05-21, 09:45 PM
Interestingly enough, that's no crit because Aguacatl gives him cover, even though Jack doesn't see him
Now the readied actions trigger one after the other and all hell breaks loose :smallbiggrin:

You see Jack in P3 after he shot Shooter
Your readied action triggers, you take it?

When you try to leave your current square, Jacks readied action triggers and he shoots you for 2 damage(1 fire). Roll miss chance. If hit, Reflex DC 15 or catch on fire
Jack is in P3

Waiting on miss chance to see if you hit and possible reflex save

You see your teammate fire an arrow

New initiative order:

2010-05-21, 10:37 PM

Yes I do, I do take it! =D Cast Chill Metal :smallamused:

2010-05-21, 10:53 PM
... well I had to ask. Sorry, the spell fizzles, P3 is more than 30 feet away from your current location
Still need CL check to avoid a mishap again

Aguacatl casts a spell from a scroll

Aguacatl casts a spell from a scroll and appears in H1

Nothing new

2010-05-21, 11:11 PM

Isn't "Out of range" considered as illegal action?

I'm guessing not, right?


Ok, [roll0]

2010-05-21, 11:29 PM
I think I have seen precedent of an out of range spell simply failing, but tracking that one down would be some work. If you think it is an illegal action(can't blame you, 150 GP down the drain for nothing is harsh) take it to a High Ref, I can't make final rulecalls on something like that myself

2010-05-22, 02:46 AM
Refs/Aguacatl:Precedent, you say? Right here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131783&page=3). The spell fails.

2010-05-22, 09:04 AM
well, that's taken care of then

back to Shooters turn after a string of interruptions

2010-05-23, 07:43 AM
If still hit:

2010-05-23, 08:03 AM
So I failed my reflex save. What are the consequences? I seem to remember that some kind of action can be used to put out the fire, but what happens if I don't?

Shooter, Turn 6 continued

Standard: Shoot Jack

End of turn


Location: J-1
HP: 10/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-23, 09:57 AM

Catching On Fire

Characters exposed to burning oil, bonfires, and noninstantaneous magic fires might find their clothes, hair, or equipment on fire. Spells with an instantaneous duration don’t normally set a character on fire, since the heat and flame from these come and go in a flash.

Characters at risk of catching fire are allowed a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid this fate. If a character’s clothes or hair catch fire, he takes 1d6 points of damage immediately. In each subsequent round, the burning character must make another Reflex saving throw. Failure means he takes another 1d6 points of damage that round. Success means that the fire has gone out. (That is, once he succeeds on his saving throw, he’s no longer on fire.)

A character on fire may automatically extinguish the flames by jumping into enough water to douse himself. If no body of water is at hand, rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with cloaks or the like permits the character another save with a +4 bonus.

Those unlucky enough to have their clothes or equipment catch fire must make DC 15 Reflex saves for each item. Flammable items that fail take the same amount of damage as the character.

So d6 damage immediately after you were hit, another d6 next round if you fail the save again

You forgot to roll the initial d6 fire damage, do so now please

2010-05-23, 09:13 PM
Is it Jack's turn proper now? Not sure how the readied action falls out



2010-05-23, 09:19 PM
The Initiative order is


next up is Twang

2010-05-23, 09:28 PM
Good enough.



Free: Hold up two fingers, then point west and down.

Psionic Dog
2010-05-24, 05:00 PM
Twang - Round 6

Double Move to R-12


HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 595/600

2010-05-24, 10:34 PM
Aguacatl 7th Turn

Aguacatl starts casting a spell


Tunatl goes to attack and so double moves to F8

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @I1
Tunatl ended @F8
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-24, 10:53 PM
Jack, turn 7


Swift: Activate Law Devotion (AC)
Standard: Cast a spell (Spellcraft DC 16) Kelgore's Fire Bolttargeting Aguacatl
[roll0] RefHalf DC 13

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 2/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 9/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
13x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-05-24, 10:55 PM

Reflex Save DC 13

Concentration check DC 13 or 11

2010-05-25, 08:24 AM
Shooter, Turn 7


Not done, need to see results


Location: J-1
HP: 10/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-25, 08:27 AM
Shooter, Turn 7 continued

5ft step to K-1
Full round: Rapid-Fire Jack

End of turn


Location: K-1
HP: 10/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-25, 10:44 AM

Tunatl has to move through H1 and G1, both quadruple movement, so he could only make it to F6. Revise your ACs movement please

nothing new

well, uh, you see everyone

nothing new

back to Aguacatls last turn

2010-05-25, 09:38 PM

Are you sure?
I checked again.
He's got 40' speed, and the two undergrowth are 40, plus another 40 he gets to F8 without diagonals...

I hope that Hi Ref Hat is not getting to your head :smalltongue: just kidding

2010-05-26, 01:08 AM

Hm you're right, I misscounted somehow :smallconfused: This was before my High Reffage btw :smalltongue:
Your spell fizzles after taking 1 stinging damage

Not burning any more
you can't 5 foot step through difficult terrain. Revise please

well, uh, you see everyone. Aguacatls spell fizzles, Tunatl leaves LoS

nothing new

back to Shooters turn

2010-05-26, 07:02 AM
Shooter, Turn 7 redux

Move: Move to K-1
Standard: Shoot at Jack
Sigh even worse attack roll than before. :smallannoyed:

End of turn


Location: K-1
HP: 10/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-26, 10:23 AM
You'd keep your previous attack roll as there are no significant changes in the situation, but it misses either way

doesn't hold up play

Psionic Dog
2010-05-27, 07:49 PM
Oh right, initiative change.

Twang - Round 7

Move: R-6
Standard: Ready Action
Shoot any opposing humanoid that appears in LoS.


HP: 9/9
AC: 22 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor)
Law: Unused.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 9
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 594/600

2010-05-28, 12:40 AM
I have a ref question before taking my turn

Does Kelgore Fire Bolt requires to roll miss chance as well, due to Undergrowth?

If so, we didn't rolled it...

If not, well, I'll take my turn normally

2010-05-28, 12:48 AM
Aguacatl:No, it doesn't have an attack roll, so there's no miss chance.

2010-05-28, 12:59 AM
Aguacatl 8th Turn

Standard: Cast Cure Minor Wounds on self
Move: Hide

Tunatl double moves to H11 (double checked)

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ H1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @F8
Tunatl ended @H11
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-05-28, 01:54 AM
Two things:
If people are observing you, even casually, you can’t hide Or maybe it just means you couldn't hide from Jack, but it would work on anyone else without LoS right now

Last turn your animal companion left your LoS, so you can't control him anymore, he won't hear your commands. You wrote "Tunatl goes to attack", I take that to mean you instructed him to engage the enemy, upon which he moved towards to stairs to reach the location where he saw Jack, though he may attack Twang if he finds him first. You want to go with that?

2010-05-28, 07:45 PM

Oh yeah, forgot about AC thingy, yes control his attack.

2010-05-29, 09:44 AM

nothing new

nothing new

You see Tunatl appear in H11. You still see Aguacatl as he can't hide from you when you're observing him

You see Tunatl appear in H11. Your readied doesn't trigger since you specifically only chose humanoids as targets

2010-05-30, 07:13 AM
Is it my turn or Jack's?

2010-05-30, 09:30 AM
It is Jack's

2010-05-30, 09:31 AM
I should have a post up sometime today. Bit delayed due to holiday weekend in the US, unforutunately.

2010-05-30, 09:32 AM
What is the holiday you celebrate?

2010-05-30, 09:50 AM
Memorial Day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_day), better known as the day pools open and everybody who wasn't already grilling starts. Reminds me, I need to buy some steaks...

2010-05-30, 09:57 AM
hah, lucky guys. We had a couple days nice weather, I went biking through the woods, then the next day it rains, and rains and rains... Normally Heidelberg has nice weather most of the time, now's an exception it seems

2010-05-30, 12:42 PM
Oh yes, I watched the friendly match Mexico vs Gambia, and it was raining, the match was on Germany.

2010-05-30, 09:14 PM
Ref question (doesn't impede play)
How do the cliffs affect cover? My assumption is that I have cover from Shooter and Aguacatl, but that they do not have cover from me. Is that accurate? Why or why not? (if that last question isn't too impertinent :smallwink:) Just making sure I'm making the right assumptions.

Jack, turn 8


Standard: Attack Shooter with a Dragonsbreath arrow (Law to attack)
[roll1] (+1 is Fire damage. Ref save DC 15 to avoid Catch on Fire, [roll2] if you fail.
Free: Smirk condescendingly (Law to AC)

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 2/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 8/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
12x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-05-30, 09:20 PM

2010-05-30, 09:22 PM
yes you have cover, even if the cliff weren't there. Since you're 20 feet above them they can't see 2 of your 8 corners because of the edge of the elevation you're standing on

one of you has to roll for the concealment miss chance, as far as I know it doesn't matter who

2010-05-30, 09:23 PM
Shooter, Turn 8

Full round: Rapid Fire at Jack

End of turn


Location: K-1
HP: 8/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-05-30, 09:24 PM

2010-05-30, 09:30 PM
Hit on Shooter, no fire. Both attacks on Jack miss(+3 Law Devotion, +4 cover)

onward to Twang

2010-05-30, 09:36 PM
Do they also have cover, or are they in the open?

By my count, that's 12 damage to Shooter now, right? 10 total from that first hit on page 3 (2 base + 4 crit + 4 fire), then 2 more now.

2010-05-30, 09:40 PM
they're in the open, though, well, concealment

That was no crit, Aguacatl provided cover for AC 20 even though you didn't see him at that time

doesn't hold up play

2010-05-30, 09:42 PM
Fair enough. Play on!

Do continue, mon ami. </bad french>

Psionic Dog
2010-05-31, 06:45 AM
Twang - Round 8

Crossbow is still loaded so no time wasted reloading.
Swift: Activate Law Devotion (attack)

Move: Sneak half speed to Q-3.

Need LoS...

2010-05-31, 09:48 AM
Spot Shooter [roll0] Listen [roll1] -4 distance each
Spot Aguacatl [roll2] Listen [roll3] -6 distance
Spot Twang [roll4] -6 distance
A LOT of checks....
and almost all of them fail spectacularly

Shooter K1, Jack P3. You see Twang appear in Q3. He's not wearing armor

Aguacatl H1, Jack P3

Aguacatl H1, Shooter K1, Twang Q3, Tunatl H11

Shooter K1, Tunatl H11, Jack P3

Psionic Dog
2010-05-31, 02:20 PM
Twang - Continued

Standard: Shoot Shooter.
[roll0] [roll1]
Free: Law to AC.

Done: Probably need LoS again.

HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 10/10.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 8
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 593/600

2010-05-31, 02:27 PM

Twang appears in Q3 after shooting you(Attack roll 15, damage 7). Since he shot you from hiding you were flatfooted

One of you roll concealment vs Twangs attack please

Psionic Dog
2010-05-31, 04:50 PM
Twang - LoS (doesn't hold anything up)
[roll0] Miss Low

2010-05-31, 04:55 PM

Shooter K1, Jack P3, Twang Q3

Aguacatl H1, Jack P3, Twang Q3. Twangs attack misses

Aguacatl H1, Shooter K1, Twang Q3, Tunatl H11

Shooter K1, Tunatl H11, Jack P3[/QUOTE]


2010-06-01, 09:57 PM
I'm so confused with people posting when it's not their turn. Who is up?

2010-06-01, 10:05 PM
Twang just completed, Aguacatl is now up.


2010-06-02, 09:39 AM
Thanks a lot!

Aguacatl 9th Turn

Move out of LoS to


Refs, please control Tunatl (remember to trip if hit)

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ H1
Aguacatl ended @ F5
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @???
Tunatl ended @???
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-06-02, 09:53 AM
Jack, turn 9


Standard: Attack Shooter, again, with a Dragonsbreath arrow (Law to attack) (death to Shooter)
[roll0] edit: gah. RNG fail.
[roll1] (+1 is Fire damage. Ref save DC 15 to avoid Catch on Fire, [roll2] if you fail) [roll3] 1-3 misses
Free: Smirk condescendingly (Law to AC)

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 2/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 7/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
11x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-06-02, 11:37 AM
Need LoS check here, Refs need to move my AC

2010-06-02, 11:54 AM
Congratulations, for a moment everyone sees everyone(except the AC). Shooter is in K1, Jack in P3, Twang in Q3, Aguacatl appears in H1, then goes to F1 and leaves LoS to the south
Everyone sees a scroll lying in H1. It was hilarious seeing Vollmond trying to communicate that to Twang with gesturing :smallbiggrin:

well, the AC can reach you with a double move. I'm torn if an Int 2 creature would stop at O4 once it reaches an enemy or continue to P4 where it would threaten both of you. I'll go with the latter for now, if you think that's too smart for animal intelligence we'll ask another High Ref to give his opinion. If you want to object, please do so before a potential AoO of the AC is rolled
Tunatl moves to P4, looking hungry

rewind to the start of Jacks turn

Psionic Dog
2010-06-02, 05:07 PM
wait... I thought Jack was kneeling in S-3?

I'm a fan that animal companions, summons, etc close with and attack the closest creature unless instructed otherwise... but I can't where my hat for this match.

2010-06-02, 05:18 PM
sorry everyone, seems I missed a turn revision from Jack. He indeed is in S3, not P3 like he initially planned to. Far as I can see right now this didn't make any difference for any attacks thus far, they'd still hit/miss no matter if he's in P or S3. But if anyone demands a rewind I guess you have the right to it from the moment I gave the false information regarding Jacks location

well, given Jacks location Tunatl will move to P4

2010-06-04, 06:59 AM
Ooops, missed the rewind. Hoping to have a turn up at some point today, but please don't DQ me if circumstances intervene.

2010-06-07, 12:00 AM
Ooops, missed the rewind. Hoping to have a turn up at some point today, but please don't DQ me if circumstances intervene.

well, I guess that counts as a notification of absence as the Arena Manager guidelines, so no DQ for now

2010-06-07, 08:44 AM
Ok, I am back. Sorry for the length of absence (lots of circumstances intervened in annoying ways).

Having reviewed the information, my turn 9 stands. I wouldn't have done anything different given the new information.

2010-06-07, 08:52 PM
Shooter, Turn 9

Double move to H-1

End of turn


Location: H-1
HP: 8/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

Psionic Dog
2010-06-08, 05:30 PM
Twang - Round 9

Free: 5-ft back to R-3.
Move: Reload crossbow(normal)
Free: Law -> Attack
Standard shoot the dog
[roll0] [roll1]
Free: Law -> AC


HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 9/10.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 8
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 592/600

2010-06-08, 05:38 PM
well may as well control the AC now since it's Scorers turn
5 foot step to Q4
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] um... well, nevermind, misses anyway
Trip if hit: [roll2] +4 size

the doggie is hurt after Twangs attack, but still hungry

Aguacatls turn

2010-06-09, 12:31 AM
Aguacatl 10th Turn

Start Casting SNA I

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ F5
Aguacatl ended @ F5
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @???
Tunatl ended @???
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

No summons yet

2010-06-10, 03:27 PM
Jack, turn 10


Standard: End Shooter with a Dragonsbreath arrow (Law to attack) (death to Shooter)
[roll1] (+1 is Fire damage. Ref save DC 15 to avoid Catch on Fire, [roll2] if you fail) [roll3] 1-3 misses
edit: *grumble* stupid low damage
Free: Yell a limerick about the other team's mothers (Law to AC)

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 2/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 6/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
10x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-06-11, 07:00 AM
Shooter, Turn 10


Not done, need to see results


Location: H-1
HP: 6/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-06-11, 07:10 AM
Shooter, Turn 10, The Return

Move: Move out to G-1, then out of LOS to the south
End move in F-3
Standard: Roll on the ground to put out the fire

End of turn


Location: F-3
HP: 5/12
AC: Full 16, FF 12, Touch 14
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1

2010-06-11, 07:33 AM
Refs, Shooter

Fire damage from your turn: [roll0]

Also, woooo fire stuck for once.

does not delay play

2010-06-11, 08:04 AM
Rahls HP total is off, looking over the match it seems he missed the 4 fire damage
So far he took
2(1 fire), no crit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8539365&postcount=65)
4 initial fire after failed save (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8551111&postcount=77)
2(1 fire) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8596417&postcount=105)
2(1 fire), another 1 fire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8672358&postcount=135)
3 fire for failing Reflex again on his turn
I'm not sure when exactly the fire damage is taken(End of Shooters turn?), but he goes down with -2 HP unless I missed something

this DOES hold up play

Psionic Dog
2010-06-12, 07:21 AM
Opps. I appear to have overlooked a match hold. :smallredface:
For now please ignore post: depending on resolution it may not come to pass.

out of order turn:

Twang - Round 10

5-ft step to R-4
Move Reload crossbow (normal)
Free: Law -> attack
Standard: Shoot the dog.
[roll0] [roll1][/s][/s]


HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 8/10.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 8
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 591/600

2010-06-12, 05:23 PM
still need feedback from Shooter and Jack to resolve a situation

2010-06-13, 12:46 PM
Well &*$#@, if I'd known I was that close I would've used a potion or taken an action to get another save. Guess I'm down.

2010-06-13, 01:03 PM
all cleared up, back to Twang

No LoS

down and bleeding. Roll stabilization beginning next turn

Shooter goes down. You see Tunatl and your teammate

LoS on Tunatl, Jack and Shooter. Shooter goes down to fire damage and is unconscious. You may revise, though I guess you won't

so what happens to an unconscious character who is on fire?

2010-06-13, 07:45 PM
I would assume he auto-fails his each-round reflex save. Perhaps a teammate could sub for the full-round action to put it out?

Psionic Dog
2010-06-14, 04:57 AM
Nothing invalidated the out of order turn, so I guess this still stands. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8684550&postcount=140)

2010-06-14, 04:49 PM
My turn then?

2010-06-14, 06:11 PM

Tunatl goes down with -2 HP.
Stabilization on Scorers turn [roll0]

2010-06-14, 07:04 PM
Aguacatl 11th Turn

A Cold Wolf appears on H4 Please control him, he should charge if posible and trip it hit.

His MODs are: +5 att 1d6+3 damage +1d6 cold, trip mod +3

Move: To F1

Standard: Ready an Action

to cast the other metal spell to anyone who approaches range

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ F5
Aguacatl ended @ F1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @???
Tunatl ended @???
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

Cold Wolf 1/2 Rounds

2010-06-14, 07:08 PM
oh, sorry I missed something important

Um, when exactly would take Shooter his additional fire damage, start of his turn or end of it? I need to know in which square exactly he collapsed

2010-06-14, 08:02 PM
Fallen:Start of his turn.

2010-06-14, 08:13 PM
thanks Sallera :smallsmile:

when reaching F2, you see Shooter unconscious and burning in H1. You may revise from there


a cold wolf appears in H4 and charges to Q4

a cold wolf appears in H4 and charges you, ending in Q4
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] cold
Trip if hit [roll3]

2010-06-14, 08:26 PM

No revision

Carry on

2010-06-14, 08:37 PM
back to Jack then

the cold wolf missed your teammate

2010-06-15, 07:49 PM

Can I get a book reference on the Cold Wolf? I'm not familiar with it.

2010-06-15, 07:54 PM

Never mind, I figured it out. Had to go refresh my memory of Beckon the Frozen

Jack, turn 11


Whisper to Twang

What do you think? Total Defense for a turn to wait it out, or try to tumble past so as not to waste a turn of Law Devotion?

Not done.

Psionic Dog
2010-06-15, 08:18 PM
I can't tumble and need to reload anyway, so I'm planing to just ready myself to step out of reach and reload against it attacking.

However if you think you can tumble past it then go for it: the beast will probably make it's next attack against me if you stay out of reach.

2010-06-17, 03:43 PM
Jack, turn 11


Double Move: to J3
[roll0] DC 15 to avoid AoO from the wolf

Turn complete


Location: J3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 1/3 (note -- this changed due to my forgetting to count the Swift Expeditious Retreat from my first turn)
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 5/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
10x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-06-17, 03:58 PM
Who's turn is it now refs?

2010-06-17, 04:09 PM
Stabilization Shooter [roll0]
Ongoing fire [roll1]

AoO on Jack [roll2]
Damage [roll3] + [roll4] cold
Trip if hit [roll5]

Ah, damn, I missed that you see Jack in S3 when entering F1. You may request a rewind

I missed that you see Aguacatl when he entered F1. He may request a rewind, if he denies you can request one. You're in S3 right?

2010-06-18, 07:44 AM
I was in S3, correct. If he ended his turn in LoS, then yes I would like a rewind. Thanks!

2010-06-18, 11:18 AM

no, not really, no rewind, not much I can do anyways...

2010-06-18, 11:36 AM
Scorer declined a rewind, you can redo your turn. You see Aguacatl in F1, he readies an action

back to Jacks last turn

2010-06-18, 11:55 AM
Jack, turn 11 redeux


Standard: Attack Aguacatl with a Dragonsbreath Arrow (hopefully that readied action wasn't to move out of LoS...) Law to attack
[roll0] edit: now that's just annoying edit2: it's hours later and i'm still annoyed at this. a decent roll here, and this game would be over. *grumble*
[roll1] (the +1 is fire. Catch on Fire, DC15 RefNeg. Initial fire damage on fail: [roll2])
Is he subject to concealment where he is? Roll in case he is (and I'd like a ref answer for future reference): [roll3] 1-3 misses
Free: Whisper (Law to AC) He's in F1 for the moment

Turn complete


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 1/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 5/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
9x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

Psionic Dog
2010-06-19, 11:04 AM
Twang - Round 11

Ready Action.
Take 5ft step and reload crossbow if the wolf attacks or disappears


HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 7/10.

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 8
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

Inertial Armor: 590/600

2010-06-19, 11:15 AM
on Aguacatls turn, the wolf attacks
I think the thought here is that the readied 5 foot step makes the attack wasted and you get a free shot, right?

Psionic Dog
2010-06-19, 11:25 AM
Pretty much.

Readied action triggers. Twang steps to R-3 out of reach and reloads his crossbow (with masterwork).

What does that make the new initiative count?

2010-06-19, 11:30 AM
hm, interesting question in fact, depends on if the summon or Aguacatl is supposed to act first or if they share an initiative. I'd go with the latter, meaning your place is right ahead of Aguacatl/summon, so in fact no change in initiative

2010-06-19, 01:10 PM
Aguacatls turn

2010-06-19, 01:16 PM
Aguacatl 12th Turn

Please control wolf, same, he should charge if posible and trip it hit.
His MODs are: +5 att 1d6+3 damage +1d6 cold, trip mod +3

Same with Tunatl, please.

Keep Readied Action

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ F1
Aguacatl ended @ F1
HP 5/5
AC 21 (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield) Touch 17 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @???
Tunatl ended @???
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

Cold Wolf 2/2 Rounds

2010-06-20, 10:13 AM
Jacks Turn

well let's do this now
Stabilization [roll0]
Ongoing fire [roll1]

2010-06-21, 07:14 AM
What happened with the wolf that was up here with us? The continuation of this turn depends on knowing its location and/or existence.

Jack, turn 12


Standard: Attack Aguacatl with a Dragonsbreath Arrow (this match is getting expensive) Law to attack
[roll=Damage]1d4+1 (the +1 is fire. Catch on Fire, DC15 RefNeg. Initial fire damage on fail: [roll1])
Is he subject to concealment where he is? Roll in case he is (and I'd like a ref answer for future reference -- I didn't get one the last time I asked :smallconfused:): [roll2] 1-3 misses
Free: Make a funny face (Law to AC)

Turn not done


Location: S3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 1/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 4/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-06-21, 07:15 AM
broken damage roll: [roll0]

2010-06-21, 11:22 AM
:smallsigh: I really should pay more attention, I misread Twangs movement. On Aguacatls turn, he 5 foot steps to R3 and reloads his crossbow, so every player sees every other player. Twang R3, Jack S3, Aguacatl F1. This may give Aguacatl a rewind

the reason for this confusion is that you said you step out of the wolfs reach, so I thought you back off 5 feet, but in fact you stepped to R3, which is still in the reach of the wolf in Q4

So you get the attack of the wolf
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+ [roll2] cold
Trip if hit [roll3]

and an AoO for reloading
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]+ [roll6] cold
Trip if hit [roll7]

2010-06-21, 01:00 PM
I keep turn as stated...

2010-06-21, 02:12 PM
In that case Jack hits you with a Dragonsbreath arrow in his turn for 3 damage(1 fire), Reflex DC 15 to avoid catching fire for another 3 damage and game

2010-06-21, 03:17 PM
Minesave [roll0]

2010-06-21, 03:23 PM
still going then :smallwink:

oh, everyone of you sees Shooter burning while unconscious, but he's still alive

2010-06-21, 03:24 PM
oh great... now that i have no more healing...

2010-06-21, 03:32 PM
well I told you as soon as you saw him, not that it helped

Oh, when does a character stabilize on the d100, high or low roll? I just rolled it without defining when it would happen...

2010-06-21, 03:40 PM
just a comment :smalltongue: don't take it to heart.

Actually this game is mostly done for...

And I also use low on my RL table, but that's me...

Psionic Dog
2010-06-21, 06:03 PM
*face palm* Oh. Oh wow, I completely forgot where I and the wolf were and where I was going. Maybe I meant to move to S-3, maybe I thought I was in Q-3, I don't know.

Well, luckily it was a lot less fatal than stepping into lava would have been.

So, question: Is the wolf still around or has it now vanished?

2010-06-21, 06:05 PM
well, it had 2 actions, so it will vanish at the start of Aguacatls next turn, according to what you told me regarding summons in our Round 89 match

not Aguacatl
and yes, you really got off lucky there :smallbiggrin:

Psionic Dog
2010-06-22, 05:57 PM

Twang - Round 12

Law -> Attack
Standard: Shoot Aguacatl
[roll0] [roll1]
Law -> AC
Move: Reload.


HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 6/10
Inertial Armor: 589/600

Crossbow: Loaded(MW)
Amo: Masterwork: 7
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

2010-06-22, 06:02 PM
Aguacatl 13th Turn

Ok, I don't know where my wolf was but if that was within range please AoO, if not appliable, then he just poofs now into oblivion... Also, where's Tunatl?

Move: To G1
Free: Drop prone
Standard: Full Defense

End of Turn


Aguacatl started @ F1
Aguacatl ended @ G1
HP 2/5
AC 25 +4 ranged (10 +6 dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +2 shield, +4 Dodge) Touch 22 FF 15

99 Sling bullets left
(none carried)
5 Alchemist Fire left
(2 carried)

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll Heat/Chill
Hand 2 Wielding: Shield
Scroll SNA is on ground H1.

Spells Prepared:

L0 - Cure Minor wounds x3x2
L1 - Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds

No consumables used yet

Tunatl started @???
Tunatl ended @???
HP 13/13
AC 16 (10 +2 dex, +4 natural armor) Touch 12 FF 14

2010-06-22, 06:03 PM
Miss. Narrowly

and the AoO right before the wolf goes poof
[roll0] no law devotion on AC
[roll1] + [roll2] cold
Trip if hit [roll3]

edit: wolf went poof, I asure you he attacked to the best of his abilities

As for Tunatl, well, you don't see him. Maybe Jack and Twang will tell you if you ask kindly enough :smalltongue:

2010-06-23, 07:12 AM
Jack, turn 13


Move: to M3
Standard: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt targeting Aguacatl
[roll0] RefHalf DC13

Turn complete


Location: M3
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 0/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: 3/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist
1x Smokestick
1x Tindertwig

2010-06-23, 11:36 AM
Why spoiler if we all se everyone? :smalltongue:


2010-06-23, 11:41 AM
yeah. And this is nearing it's end anyway

Stabilize on low [roll0]
Ongoing Fire [roll1]

High Ref TheFallenOne

Shooter finds a Death in Fire! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FuBhLgVwvo)

2010-06-23, 01:21 PM
Bah, of course you couldn't nat-one a reflex save just this once, could you? :smalltongue: I crave that last HP.

edit: and the spoiler is pure laziness on my part... I always copy my previous turn for each new turn, and they all had spoilers haha

Psionic Dog
2010-06-23, 03:42 PM
Twang - Round 13
Law -> Attack
Move: Moving half speed to R-4 to break LoS, hide, and then sneak back to R-3. [roll0]

Standard: Fire on (a hopefully flat footed) Aguacatl
[roll1] [roll2]
Law -> AC

HP: 9/9
AC: 25 (+1 size +1 shield +6 dex +4 armor +3 law)
Law: 5/10
Inertial Armor: 588/600

Crossbow: unloaded
Amo: Masterwork: 6
Amo: Standard: Lots.
Amo: Alchemist Fire 1

2010-06-23, 04:04 PM
hm, moving away to break LoS, hide and return to the same square... A bit strange, but absolutely legal as far as I can tell

Aguacatl can't beat that hide with -7 distance on spot. The crossbow hits for game

High Ref TheFallenOne

Jack & Twang decimate opposition and wildlife with fire and (crossbow)

hm, though let's give Scorer a bit to rules-fu himself out of this before updating the Round

2010-06-23, 07:29 PM
Actually, still need to roll miss chance...

[roll0] Low = miss

Ok, that's game :smalltongue:

2010-06-23, 07:30 PM
huh, yeah. Totally missed that, sorry.

In case you're wondering, Tunatl was shot down brutally and efficiently by Twangs crossbow a while ago

I'll set up the Round 90 Final then

2010-06-23, 07:55 PM
I kind of guessed that happened to my little pal...