View Full Version : Jeff Winger I thought you were dead! (I love Community)

2010-05-07, 06:50 PM
So, anyone else catch last night's community?

Because, well, Community's been pretty solidly good to great all season, but...

This might have been the best episode of any show this year.

Sorry Lost.

Anyone else watching? Or all you all living sad, empty lives?

2010-05-07, 06:58 PM
I watched it. It was quite possibly the greatest half-hour of TV I have ever seen.

2010-05-07, 07:22 PM
''The Prize!''

2010-05-07, 08:41 PM
This might have been the best episode of any show this year.

Now, I may be an unrepentant lurker of the worst kind, but given that I watched this episode this morning online and had literally the exact same thought, I can stay quiet no longer. I like the way you think, Chiasaur.

And, so I'm actually on topic some, I consider Community to be the cherry atop a pretty respectable little sundae of Thursday night programming NBC's got going on these days. I like Parks and Rec, I want to like The Office again, and I love 30 Rock, but the writing of Community, especially all things Abed, puts it in a class all its own.

Lord Seth
2010-05-07, 11:24 PM
I've found Community's episodes to be a bit hit-or-miss, but this one was a gigantic hit.

2010-05-08, 11:30 AM
I generally like Community, but it there are definitely some lesser episodes.

...this one was pure awesome.

Also, Ken Jeong is the man.

2010-05-08, 11:43 AM
I had never even heard of Community, nor had my boyfriend or his parents. His parents just had it randomly on NBC and we were like "Wtf? Awesomest game of paintball ever?"

It definitely had us cracking up without knowing anything about what was going on. :)

2010-05-08, 11:56 PM
This episode was brilliant! How many references was in there? Predator, Hardboiled, Scar Face, Die Hard, The Warriors, The Matrix, what else? Some 28 Days later/I Am Legend when Jeff wakes up?

Easily my new favorite show, and better than a lot of whats out there :smallsmile:

2010-05-08, 11:58 PM
Best new show of the year by miles. Love it!

Didn't see the Britta/Jeff thing finally happening, though.

2010-05-09, 01:55 AM
This episode was brilliant! How many references was in there? Predator, Hardboiled, Scar Face, Die Hard, The Warriors, The Matrix, what else? Some 28 Days later/I Am Legend when Jeff wakes up?

Easily my new favorite show, and better than a lot of whats out there :smallsmile:

Terminator as well with Abed's intro. Not to mention about a billion movies with Troy's death. I'm just shocked nobody commented on Black Dude dying first. Moonlighting/Cheers Sam/Diane with the sexual tension. The ending was out of Rambo 2. The golden guns comes from both Hardboil and the director's later work in Face/Off. Shirley comes off as mix of that sniper in Saving Private Ryan and Boondock Saints in the quoting bible versus before firing.

And several Warriors beyond just the Disco 70's and Study group come out and play. I forgot about the bathroom scene from there.

2010-05-09, 10:48 AM
I don't usually watch community, but this thread made me watch that episode.

Thank you.

2010-05-09, 10:51 AM
"Come with me if you don't want paint on your clothes."

2010-05-20, 10:23 PM
Sorry for the double post, but did anyone catch the finale?

I was a bit disappointed, to be honest.

Everyone was talking about how the penultimate episode felt a lot like a season finale (which it did), so it stood to reason that the Community crew had to have something really awesome up their sleeves for the real finale...

...but they didn't. It was a pretty boring episode, actually. And while I love John Oliver, the fact that he was suddenly playing a major role in the episode after being absent for most of the season felt a bit odd, especially when coupled with the fact that Abed, one of the show's richest characters, was barely used. Additionally, Slater's sudden return and Britta's sudden competition with her for Jeff's affection both seemed contrived. Even the jokes of the episode felt somewhat forced and lackluster to me.

That's not to say that the episode was bad, and the conclusion was pretty much exactly what everyone has been waiting for (not surprising, given how strongly Dan Harmon seems to take fan reaction into consideration when deciding where to take the plotlines), but it didn't even come close to the heights that earlier episodes of this fantastic season have reached.

2010-05-20, 10:39 PM
Sorry for the double post, but did anyone catch the finale?

I was a bit disappointed, to be honest.

Everyone was talking about how the penultimate episode felt a lot like a season finale (which it did), so it stood to reason that the Community crew had to have something really awesome up their sleeves for the real finale...

...but they didn't. It was a pretty boring episode, actually. And while I love John Oliver, the fact that he was suddenly playing a major role in the episode after being absent for most of the season felt a bit odd, especially when coupled with the fact that Abed, one of the show's richest characters, was barely used. Additionally, Slater's sudden return and Britta's sudden competition with her for Jeff's affection both seemed contrived. Even the jokes of the episode felt somewhat forced and lackluster to me.

That's not to say that the episode was bad, and the conclusion was pretty much exactly what everyone has been waiting for (not surprising, given how strongly Dan Harmon seems to take fan reaction into consideration when deciding where to take the plotlines), but it didn't even come close to the heights that earlier episodes of this fantastic season have reached.


Although Troy's mention of Happy Days amused.

2010-05-20, 10:45 PM

Although Troy's mention of Happy Days amused.

Although the whole Abed-relationship-cookie plot was kind of half-baked (lulz!), I did enjoy seeing Troy show up with a smaller and smaller cookie each time.

Also, his delivery of "How could something that's delicious make me sick?" was brilliant.

2010-05-22, 04:52 PM
And thus the shippers rejoiced.