View Full Version : Let's Play Faerie Mound of Dragonkind - Brennies the Fighter [OPEN GAME!]

2010-05-07, 11:44 PM
Hello there! Welcome to the Faerie Mound of Dragonkind, Brennies the Fighter Edition! I got the idea for this thread from pendell, with his Gnomes-100, Dragons-0 thread (which you can read and participate in here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8312977&posted=1#post8312977)).

This is the first of the solo adventure books (of which Gnomes-100, Dragons-0 is the second). It's not set in any of TSR-That-Was' worlds, but rather a standard fantasy world. The rules are similar to the ones used in pendell's game, loosely based upon 2nd Edition D&D.

This will be one of two open games within the Faerie Mound, the other of which involves Riderich, the Bard. Play in either of them, or both! While two games will be going on, decisions made in one game will have no effect upon the other. Decisions will be by majority vote, and updated twice a week (Wednesdays and Sundays for now). Narration and die rolls will take place on my end, but in the end, everything is your decision.

Due to copyright laws, the artwork will be omitted, and text will be paraphrased where necessary.

This initial post will contains Brennies' current game state, and will be updated as the adventure within the Faerie Mound progresses.

Introduction for Brennies
Brennies is a famed and feared charioteer and swordsman. When he takes the field of battle, his magic sword Heartseeker in hand, his foes quake in terror. However, there is one foe whom Brennies cannot defeat with his prowess at arms.

That foe is, of course, mortality. His lord lies at death's door, struck down by a mysterious malady. He wastes away to die an invalid's death, not the heroic end a king deserves. The magi, in their wisdom, foresee only one cure for this disease - an elixir made from the dust of an ancient faerie king. Without this balm, the king will die.

As the mightiest warrior, Brennies has pledged he would find the dust to cure the king. As luck would have it, the wizards have determined that a faerie mound would appear nearby for the first time in a millenia. His horse and chariot would remain behind, armed only with a few mystic items and Heartseeker, he would enter the mound and find the dust before the king's time ran out.

Objectives (others may come up during the game!)
1. To find the dust of an ancient faerie king.

Brennies can carry up to three Potions, up to two Weapons, up to three Rings, and up to three Other Objects. His current equipment is listed below.
Potion 1. None
Potion 2. None
Potion 3. None
Weapon 1. None
Weapon 2. None
Ring 1. None
Ring 2. None
Ring 3. None
Other Object 1. None
Other Object 2. None
Other Object 3. None

Additionally, Brennies carries Heartseeker (a magical +2 sword), a Potion of Healing (which may be drunk to restore 3 Life Points), a Ring of Protection (which negates the first point of damage dealt in every battle), and a Sphere of Times (which may be smashed at any time to redo one unsuccessful encounter from the beginning). These are in addition to the items he may find during his travels, and do not count against them.

Brennies may utilize any weapons he discovers in the faerie mound. He will successfully strike his opponent on a roll of 8 or less on a d12 roll. Daggers and darts will do 3 Life Points of damage to enemies, while other weapons will do 5 points of damage. Magical bonuses add to the attack roll and to the damage, so Heartseeker hits on a 10 or less and does 7 Life Points in damage.

Current Character Sheet
Life Points: 50

The Elves
The faerie mound is home to countless fae creatures, but most numerous amongst them are the elves. Undoubtedly, you will meet these capricious creatures and they may either help or hinder your quest.


2010-05-08, 07:31 AM
Though you have been through this part of the woods dozens of times, never before have you seen the mound that lies before you. Surely, this is the place you have been searching for. For a moment, you doubt whether you have a chance of succeeding upon your quest if you are to face creatures that can manipulate the world like this - but only for a moment.

You walk around the small mound, but there is no sign of an entrance. You poke and prod the earth, even press your ear against the cool ground to try to hear anything within. You think you hear a faint humming from the mound, but it's hard to say for certain over the noise of the forest at night.

Remembering an old folk legend from your youth, you stand back up. It's said that should you walk widdershins around a faerie mound nine times, the realm of Faerie will open to you. By the completion of your eighth circuit, you feel more than a little foolish, and idly wonder what you will do if the mound does not open up when you finish this last revolution. However, as you walk round the mound for the ninth time, you do see a spot of grass before you glowing. You approach, and the soil parts before you, and an entrance to the mound is now apparent. Bright light flashes out from inside, and it briefly blinds your night-adjusted eyes.

You descend into the mound, and you find yourself in an impossibly huge room, far larger than could ever fit inside the small mound that you'd orbited. "A merry welcome, sir," a voice beside you suddenly says. You start a bit as you notice an armor-clad elf standing near you. His gesture is non-threatening, however, and he sports an easy smile upon his face. "It's a pleasure to see another man of arms here."

The room itself is a grand festhall. On either side, fae revellers eat finely cooked meats, cheeses and fruits, drink endless carafes of wine, and carouse merrily. A besotted dwarf presses a goblet of wine into your hand; though your throat is parched from the journey to the mound, you deign not to drink. Those same stories that granted you entrance to the mound also were very specific about not eating or drinking anything in the realm of Faerie.

At the far end of the festhall, you see a grand throne carved in the shape of a reclining dragon. Seated upon this throne is a short and aged figure you take to be the faerie king. You turn to the armored elf and tell him of your quest.

"Ah, a worthy quest - one that our king will likely not hinder. I do wish I could be more certain than this, but in my many long years, I have not been able to always accurately judge the king's moods. I am sure he will assist you - but who can say what the price will be?" You blanch at the thought of being beholden to one of these creatures, but the elf ignores your trepidation. "A word of advice, between brothers in arms, one that may be of help in our world. If you see no other solution, head for water." As you puzzle his remark, he leads you before the king.

The king is smiling as you approach, but there's something predatory about it. "So," he says, his gaze unflinching. "What is a mortal doing in my realm?" You explain your quest again to the faerie king, and more than a few of the revellers listen to your tale.

"Utter poppycock!" the little king exclaims. He crosses his arms, and looks back at you. "I might be persuaded to allow you to traverse my realm...if you will do a small task for me.

"It's a matter of a lamp, you see. My wife - the queen, naturally - resides in her own audience hall elsewhere in our mound. And she has taken a particularly favorite lamp of mine. If you return with the lamp, I will allow you to leave here with your bauble."

Having no real other option, you agree to find the lamp for the king. "You'll find the queen over that way," and he gestures vaguely to your right. "You'll find a pool in that direction. Leap into it, and it will magically take you to the queen's domain."

The king reclines in his dragon throne, and closes his eyes. You turn to examine your options, and hear a faint voice behind you. "You'd be wise to find some magical items along your path, mortal."

There are several exits from this chamber. A twisted, leafless tree grows on the left side of the chamber - at the base of its trunk is a wide rent, and light flickers within. There are a pair of iron-bound oak doors on the right, shut tight. Also, there is a window at the back right of the chamber.

As for interesting features, a stoppered crystal bottle floats and glows on the left table, as does a lantern on the right. Also on the right table is a lute and a small coffer. On the left table is a sword in a leather scabbard, and a floating skull. There are candles on both tables, but the one on the left glows. There are any number of faeries you could speak with, as well as a winged faerie that scrapes plates into the previously mentioned window.

What would you like to do?