View Full Version : (Vortex Rebirth ) Station 5

2010-05-08, 03:00 PM

The Vision
The idea behind the creation of Vortex it's supposed to be an epic space tale with humans and aliens a world where there are no black and white only shades of gray. This is a roleplaying experiment to bring the idea of goal based RP to the FFRP boards. This is intended to be a controlled slightly more rule heavy environment that can be run by any player towards one of the goals of either faction. The other idea I want to emphasize in this experiment is the idea of a well developed character a character who has his or her own personal goal in addition to the goal of their branch an idea I hope to spread to FFRP. Players are encouraged to run plots to further their own goals and that of their branch. This is a free RP setting with slightly more rules the most important of which is have fun!!

It was the year 2063 and mankind had expanded far up into the stars and large stations where created in which many people lived, space colonies a base had been established on both the moon and mars and science was advancing rapidly. On earth an uneasy peace had settled leaving the nations to instead race to see who could advance the furthest into space. Of these ambitious projects the most ambitious was the German Station 5 project it was the most advanced station ever built, could house a quarter of a million people and was fairly self-sustainable assuming some fuel and food supplies. It placed at the far edge of our solar system by Pluto. One day the communications to Station 5 simple went dead, and it and all nearby ships vanished off the scanners. Something had gone terribly wrong. You see unknown to all but the highest government officials and a few select scientists an experiment was taking place on Station 5 to create a new kind of engine, only in the testing something went horribly wrong. The last thing the men and women of Station 5 and the surround ships can remember is a sudden blinding flash of light coming from a small room in Station 5 the engine had exploded and taken its secrets and the lives of the scientists with it to the grave. The first thing the survivors noticed when they could see again was that Pluto was gone and they were somewhere else entirely different there are many theories about what happened that day now known as the Cataclysm after the engine the scientists where experimenting on. The two most accepted are it took Stations 5 and the surrounding ships to another solar system. The other is that Station 5 is in another dimension one way or another, Station 5 residents found themselves in a dangerous new place with many dangerous creatures and no outside help, and they must survive. It has been 20 years since the Cataclysm and very little progress has been made, fuel and food is running low, and most resources have to be used in defense this is the world you find yourself in; good luck!


1. No godmoding/godmodding please this is supposed to be fun and it just makes people mad
2. Please try and keep posts longer than one or two lines of speech. Description is appreciated. This is a serious RP experiment and I'd like to ask you put thought into what your character is doing. If one or two lines sums it up fine but please make it interesting.
3. If you want random smashy hahaN00BlulzFun, here's not the place. Anything spammy, random, or just plain annoying, can go! This is a serious ongoing drama comedy when appropriate is great but only if it is in character.
4. No smut/RP sexual activity. Romances are encouraged, random he he lol sex is not.

Repeated rule violaters (in nearly all circumstances OOC, but perhaps IC), can be punished by being IC banned from the thread. And therefore OOC banned to, under threat of mod being called to remove you for breaking thread rules.

If you have any issues or Questions please bring them up in the OOC com link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143704)

Please PM me your Character name and and a link to their profile in the Vortex Personnel Registry (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143697) (VPR) and I will place it here

Make sure you read all of this before entering the vortex it will help a lot!

Now that you have a basic idea of Vortex, here's Station 5 the only SEG outpost in the Vortex.

Station 5:


You find yourself on the massive command deck of Station 5 the most advanced space station every built by humanity, all around you people busy themselves at flashing consoles spread across the command deck. In the center of the organized chaos a long figure sits on a large chair. This is Captain Spirus the commander of Station 5 and beyond him all around you stand the massive triple reinforced plexiglass windows and beyond them the vastness of the vortex stretches out before your eyes, yet uncharted starts and planets await out there.

Back in the station you find your way through the maze of ship to the general quarters, along your way you pass small cargo bays the requisition offices the mess and of course the offices of the heads of the two branches of the Cataclysm mission.

Operation Spyre
Operation Catalyst

all crew member find themselves under one of the two branches to advance the goals of the Cataclysm mission

Members of Operation Spyre are attempting to further the growth of humanity in the vortex and desire to build colonies and expand the human sphere of influence. Short term goals include obtaining sources of necessary resources for station 5

Member of Operation Catalyst work towards the return of station 5 to normal space. They attempt to reverse the Catalysm. Short term goals include gathering knowledge and exploring to try and figure out where exactly they are.

Both operations have to contend with the many threats to be found in the vortex and even one another as they try and accomplish their missions. Good luck! :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-08, 03:21 PM
Doctor Frauenknecht is in one of the mess halls, stabing at some soy synth food with her fork "gott weis wie ich das zeug hasse" she grubles to herself in her native tongue

2010-05-08, 03:28 PM
While on an ordinary day the good doctor might have been able to enjoy her food in peace; today is not her lucky day as she has barely had time to start on her meal when a voice blares out from the intercom, "Doctor Frauenknecht please report to the Captain's office immediately. "

I'll be back shortly just eating lunch

2010-05-08, 03:36 PM
Maria grumbles again, and gets up, heading to the captains office, and knocking on the door

2010-05-08, 03:38 PM
"Come in" The captain waits patiently for her to open the door.

2010-05-08, 03:40 PM
she comes in "you called for me sir?"

2010-05-08, 03:45 PM
"Yes I did, you know how our situation has been recently in the void. However we believe we may have made an important discovery on one of the smaller moons, what appears to be the wreck of an old earth ship has been discovered, perhaps we are not the first to have been whisked away here, I want you to assemble a team to go investigate, you'll be in charge of the scientific aspect of the team and sergeant Branders will go with you to deal with the protection aspect of the mission. Is that understood." He stands to salute her. "Any questions Doctor?, if not assemble in hanger bay D in 4 hours"

2010-05-08, 03:48 PM
"what are the current conditions on the moon?" Maria won't be going without that knowlege first

2010-05-08, 03:55 PM
"It's only been recently discovered by one of our patrols, who discovered the wreck during a quick surface scan. The moon has an atmosphere that is breathable to humans, and has rather lush flora, we are unable to provide any data on the fauna unfortunately, any other questions?"

2010-05-08, 03:56 PM
"that will be all sir. I'll go assemble my team then" she turns round and walks to the door, hoping other people will turn up soon

2010-05-08, 03:59 PM
As I am as am I. If not you can take an NPC team down and I can have other players be sent down to aid you as they show up.

"No thank you doctor, good luck"

2010-05-08, 04:07 PM
Falkane the mechanic can be found in maintenance some tunnels near the mess hall fixing up some circuity.
He's currently listening to a mp3 player with some 80's American Rock and Roll.
Damn he's so American.

He has his walkee talkie and toolbox with him.
He's currently making some very certain circuit boards for the repairs using his arm to melt down the right amounts of silicon and other elements used in circuitry.

2010-05-08, 04:10 PM
(Based on your backstory I assume Falkane is part of project Catalyst am I right? Sorry about OOCness but I need to get this clarified first.)

2010-05-08, 04:15 PM
((I will clarify as needed.
He is a mechanic on the station who was called in because some folks in the military got him in, he was never directly involved in the Cataclysm, because he was put on cryogenic stasis when he arrived to be there if needed, and he was kept in cryo until 10 years ago.
Do to the need of more mechanics he was unfrozen and has been working around since.
But he was never directly involved in the Cataclysm nor did he work on the engines.))

2010-05-08, 04:19 PM
Well it seems he's been drafted for this mission.

As a voice from his walkie talkie informs him "that that he has been volunteered to leave the ship to investigate a ship they found on a planet, and because of his engineering skills he was suggested. He should probably pack his bags and meed at Hanger D at 06:00 hours, he has the rest of the day off "

2010-05-08, 04:24 PM
He stops his work to listen into the walkie talkie.
Oh geez, work either then the usual.
An interesting day indeed.

He leaves the tunnels coming out of a floor panel in the hallway.
He returns to the room to collect his things.
His toolbox full of various tools and his travel pack.
He arrives in the Hanger at about 5:48.
There's a good chance he did so to inspect the ship prior to departure.

2010-05-08, 04:36 PM
Fast forwarding to 5:48,

He arrives in Bay D, it's massive and a large number of fighters sit at rest in their take off zones, right near where he's entered is a small ship which appears to being prepped for launch, the thing looks old, it has a fair bit of battle scarring across it's left side and nose, mounted on the bottom bellow the cockpit is a single automaser turret. A hatch is opened in the back where three soldiers are loading gear into the small cargo area at the back of the ship, along the walls of the ship are a number of tiny cabins, and at the front is a cockpit, it appears the ship can carry a crew of ten and be fairly cramped. Other then that she's a pretty basic ship, with a pair of inboard, mach II engines, that have had a little bit of upgrading done on them. She's unpainted with a just raw metal look save for a red and a black stripe that run side by side down her side, and a name, Mirror Cat. She practically dominates even the massive hanger bay.

2010-05-08, 04:46 PM
Doctor Frauenknecht and a few lab assistants enter the hanger carrying some equipment with them

2010-05-08, 04:53 PM
Not the best ship but she'll do.
He glances longingly at one of the fighters.
I'd much rather use one of those babies again.
Granted those are the German designs and not atmosphere based fighters like I remember.
I was out of the military for awhile.
A lot of that was said to himself.
He approaches the hatch.
He sees the science team.
Oh ho ho, seems this is going to be an educational trip.

2010-05-08, 04:57 PM
Fräulein Frauenknecht frowns at him "what's wrong with German design?and yes, this trip will hopefully be very educational , otherwise it won't be worth the fuel" her assistants start loading the gear into the ship

2010-05-08, 05:01 PM
Heh, nothing's wrong with german design, this station is proof of that, it's just not American.
Think an American pilot would be able to hop in a German plane after flying around in a Wildcat?
Probably not.
What an obscure WWII reference.
The Germans are exceptional at their work in engineering and physics don't get me wrong.

2010-05-08, 05:22 PM
"so.. you will be comeing with us to the moon I suppose. do you know if anyone else will be joining us?"

2010-05-08, 05:25 PM
At this point the Sergeant arrives with two other soldiers, and two pilots. Greetings Doctor, I'll be in charge of the military side of this operation

2010-05-08, 05:26 PM
I don't-
He stops talking as the military guys arrive.

2010-05-08, 05:32 PM
"the military......is this really necessary Sargent?I am perfectly capable of defending myself , and I'm sure the chance of hostiles is very low "

2010-05-08, 05:34 PM
Captains orders, I was told to go down to the planet and defend your team, I'm just following orders, I'm sure this isn't going to be a problem Doctor.

2010-05-08, 05:34 PM
Falkane scratches his head he's pretty neutral here.
I mean it's always nice to have some guns if something goes wrong.

2010-05-08, 05:49 PM
Marie frowns "then a least issue me a side arm. an heckler & koch MG4 if you've got one"

2010-05-08, 05:56 PM
The sergeant sighs, alright then big boy, don't hurt yourself with this. He passes the Doctor a sidearm it's a basic, Shcolt 48 pistol, 4; 10mm bullets to a clip, very low jam rate, and a medium rate of fire, it's solid and reliable, but all things Polish are :smallwink::smalltongue:

It's possible the that Sergeant intended that giving of a Polish pistol and insult when he requested a German one as Poland and Germany are fairly competitive rivals, and their rivalry is far from friendly

2010-05-08, 06:01 PM
Falkane sniffs a bit confused as to why a scientist would be so eager to be able to shoot things.
but you never know.

2010-05-08, 06:09 PM
she's ex Bundeswehr and the h&k MG4 was the gun she trained:smalltongue: with
"hmm...not my weapon of choice...but it'll do. so, is anyone else coming?"

2010-05-08, 06:20 PM
Lets see, you've got your sciency team, we got the engineer, and we have my personnel and the pilots. I'd say we are good to get going so long as you lot all have your geared stowed. As he speaks his men finish up with the last crate they had.

2010-05-08, 06:25 PM
Maria gets on bored "let's go then..."she goes to sit in an passenger area

2010-05-08, 06:30 PM
Alright, going to fast forward a little bit to up in space so I can deadtime and you two can chat if you so desire...

You all find your way into the Mirror Cat she's a nice enough ship but with all of you in her it's a bit cramped. After you've all found your way to your cabins or the passenger seats she takes off. With sudden jet from the engines she shoots out of the bay, and away from station 5, as you fly away you witness the station where you have lived for a long time now get smaller and smaller and soon at that can be seen is the stars around you and the planet of Lucellum I, the moon is a couple days flight so you have some time to kill till you get there.

Deadtime I'll be back later, but for now have fun. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-08, 06:46 PM
Maria is currently in the hold checking the equipment

2010-05-08, 11:37 PM
Falkane can be found walking around places in the ship examining it, so the cargo hold why not.
He's just sorta looking over any machinery he can find.

2010-05-17, 10:45 PM
Alright life isn't finished screwing me over yet but it's given me enough of a respite to post. So the ship travels through the deep blackness of space of a few days before arriving at your destination, you are orbit over a planet so covered in flora that the it appears almost green, save for the bright azure seas and lakes that dot the planet. As the ship slowly sets in to land you hear the loud sound of wing beats

2010-05-20, 03:14 PM
Maria runs to one of the view ports , wanting to catch a first glance at any new species

2010-05-22, 12:37 AM
Falkane finds himself looking through one of the viewpoints as well.

2010-05-22, 01:28 AM
Flying past one of the viewports is a huge lizard like animal, with gigantic feathered wings, the thing is about half the size of your ship... It's huge!

2010-05-22, 01:29 AM
Falkane backs up in surprise and a bit of fear.

You didn't find any animal like that on Earth.
What the...?

2010-05-22, 01:35 AM
The massive, animal roars once more, a huge sounds that shakes your ship. Before diving below the clouds once more.

(ielf feel free to have your next post come before this one)

(Deadtime, I'll be gone until late sunday or early monday.)

2010-05-26, 04:54 PM
Maria looks at the beast in fascination. she's giddy like a school girl on her first trip to the zoo "wow! ..I mean..Brilliant! such wings, and the body. a reptile form....analogue evolution..or did sapients come out here and breed them?.....I need to know more!"

2010-05-26, 06:49 PM
Falkane wants nothing to do with something that big and scary.
He's never seen any creature larger than a eagle that flies.
I think.