View Full Version : Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Your own lineup

2010-05-08, 04:04 PM
So Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced, even though only a handful of characters have been confirmed. For those who haven't already, the official trailer is all over the internet, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it. Word of God says that there will be about 15 characters for each side. No word if there will be DLC characters or not.

The trailer confirms Ryu, Wolverine, Iron Man, Morrigan, Hulk, and Chris Redfield.

My question for you is this: What lineup for the game would YOU like? Which characters do YOU want to play as?

Assume 15 for each side as mentioned, but if you don't want anyone already announced like Hulk or Chris, feel free to leave them out of your lineup.

Here's my dream lineup.


1. Spider-Man
2. Captain America
3. Iron Man
4. Thor
5. Wolverine
6. Mr. Fantastic
7. Dr. Doom
8. Magneto
9. Cyclops
10. Gambit
11. Nightcrawler
12. Phoenix
13. Juggernaut
14. Deadpool
15. Apacolypse


1. Ryu
2. Chun Li
3. Guile
4. Zangief
5. M. Bison
6. Akuma
(Street Fighter)
7. Demitri
8. Morrigan
9. Mega Man
10. Dante (Devil May Cry)
11. Amaterasu (Okami)
12. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
13. Edward Falcon (Power Stone)
14. Arthur (Ghosts & Goblin)
15. Dragon Ryu (Breath of Fire)

2010-05-09, 04:52 PM
Deadpool. Absolutely Deadpool.

Spider Man is mandatory, but I want the Civil War StarkTech suit as a costume.

I want an Xbox 360 exclusive Master Chief character. (Who doesn't? At least DOA4 got Nicole...) You PS3-ers get a Helghast. I have respect. Maybe a Servbot style Sackboy?

Sentry would be cool...

Ultron is propably the coolest supercomputer/evil android ever.

Ultimo would be nice as a nod to the concept Stan Lee created for Hiroyuki Takei's EXCELLENT manga. (He's a Karakuri Doji. Google him.)

Albert Wesker?


Doctor Salvador?

Leon Kennedy?



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(That's just me going insane.)

A new character from an unintroduced Capcom IP? (It was done with Galen Marek in SoulCalibur IV, it can be done in MVC3.)

I'll be updating my new ideas...

2010-05-09, 11:09 PM
Deadpool. Absolutely Deadpool.

Spider Man is mandatory, but I want the Civil War StarkTech suit as a costume.

Completely agreed. I never liked having 2 Wolverines in MvC2 (I don't care if one had different colored claws they were the exact same!) but a StarkTech Spider-Man could actually be an interesting with the metal arms.

I'm not sure who Majini or Dr. Salvadore are though.

2010-05-10, 12:12 AM
Get me the biggest dragon in Monster Hunter and I'll play this game.

What? It's technically a Capcom character.

Mando Knight
2010-05-10, 12:25 AM
In the grand tradition of not-really-clones-honest, throw in War Machine or another Iron Man variant armor.

I'd like to see RockMan.exe in there... or ProtoMan.exe. Though the RockMan.exe characters would only really be familiar to the Nintendo-playing fans...

2010-05-17, 01:23 PM
So, cool news.

The following characters have been confirmed for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (besides the obvious 6 from the trailer of course).

Deadpool and Captain America on Marvel's side, and Felicia and Dante from the Devil May Cry series on Capcom's side.


2010-05-17, 01:31 PM
The only real wish I have for MvC3 is that it doesn't devolve into there being 5-6 characters worth using and the rest being rubbish.

2010-05-17, 01:46 PM
The only real wish I have for MvC3 is that it doesn't devolve into there being 5-6 characters worth using and the rest being rubbish.

Totally agree here. 52 characters was way too many to balance well. anyway here’s a short list.

Spider man
Captain America
The human torch
Doctor strange
Dr. Doom
Doctor octopus
The Shocker

Not really sure on a Capcom yet.

2010-05-26, 02:13 PM
I've been doing a bit of research on the various promotional bits out there, since there's a lot of promo art with silhouettes just to tease us of characters who'll be in it. The official trailer is here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzvE7e94Z_A)

Now, there are 4 pieces of promo art to take a hard look at. The first two are directly from the trailer itself, and the latter two are promo art released by Capcom.

Spoiler'd for size.


Okay, first we have what appear to be all Capcom characters. From left to right:

Felicia, pretty obvious silhouette with the big poofy hair and tail and she's already been confirmed.
Frank West of Dead Rising fame. It's a pretty generic silhouette, but I have reasons from other bits of the art to suspects it's Frank. Not to mention he's already appeared in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. I really hope we don't have any more zombie killers besides he and Chris. They're enough.
This one's really hard. It looks like a generic female with long hair, but all the speculation over blogs and everything suggest it's probably Trish from Devil May Cry. I hope that's incorrect, as I always found Trish to be a pretty bland and uninteresting character.
Chun Li, obviously.
Another pretty generic male silhouette, but it does look an awful lot like Dante, who's already been confirmed.


Onto the Marvel side, once again from left to right.

The wingtips make it pretty obvious that it's Captain America, who's been confirmed anyway.
A hooded character who could be any number of characters, but I think the coolest option would be Dr. Doom.
The face-mask, the katana, the slight raised finger showing up on top of Dr. Doom's silhouette. Gotta be the merc with the mouth Deadpool. Once again, already confirmed.
This is where it gets tough. See the weird goblin ears? The same silhouette appears in the other promo art below, and it appears to be Super Skrull. Another hint to this is in an interview, one of the developers of MvC3 was talking about characters they wanted to get but couldn't get for the game. They mentioned throwing out some Resident Evil monsters like Tyrant and Nemesis because putting them in would up the rating for the game, and that in talks with Marvel, Marvel rejected putting the Fantastic Four in, but suggested some "alternatives". As vague as that sounds, Super Skrull, who has all the powers of the Fantastic Four, could be a very interesting pick to play. Not to mention apparently Super Skrull has a following. Who knew?
That last one is really tricky. I've checked several blogs and gaming sites, and no one seems to have a real clue as to who it is. The weird spike on the arm throws a lot of guesses out. If I had to wager a guess, I'd say either Venom or Carnage, as their body shapes tend to include weird stuff like that.


Next up is basically the six characters from the trailer with all the silhouettes in the background. From the bottom left clockwise.

Felicia, even clearer than before.
Super Skrull, and his silhouette's a little clearer this time, what with those menacing shoulder pads of doom and all.
Captain America
The hooded figure I assume to be Dr. Doom
Deadpool, poor guy gets the spot in the picture behind the Hulk,
Chun Li
Same guy from before, even more obscured. Once again, Venom or Carnage is my guess.
Trish or, god willing, some other chick.
Frank West


Finally, we have what could be cover art for the game. The silhouettes are very different this time around, but mostly the same characters from the looks of it. Probably because Capcom is still deciding which characters to put in the game. Starting from the top right.

The same goblin-eared Super Skrull silhouette from before, but this time we get to see big, beefy arms like the Thing's, kind of driving home the whole Super Skrull theory.
Okay, THIS is interesting. Unless, this guy's the same as our spikey-armed friend from the previous promo art we have a new character, one who either has flowing hair or who's head is on fire. And before you excitedly scream Ghost Rider, take a look at the rest of him. Weird shoulder spikes, poofy round shoulders. I'm at a loss on this one. The best guesses I could find from the gaming sites were either Mephisto or Dormmamu. Mephisto might be cool but I'd rather not have him in, but Dormmamu? A Dr. Strange villain? Really? Now THAT'S obscure. When they've already said they're putting about 15 characters from each side, I'd rather not they put in random characters of obscurity (I'm looking at you Shuma Gorath *shakes fist*) when there are so much more deserving characters on either side.
We have our long-haired chick here in a pose that Trish would work with. But, me being optimistic here, I'm going to hope that this isn't the same as the silhouette from the previous three promos. Maybe the previous one was just a guy with long hair, Capcom has plenty of those. Maybe this one is someone different and might even be a Marvel character. It could Storm or Phoenix. That would be cool.
Deadpool, in a much clearer pose than before.
Chun Li
Felicia, her face becoming very clear now
Captain America
Frank West. Now I know it looks vague from here, but one particular blog I found did a side-by-side comparison of Frank West and this silhouette, and it's the exact same build, hair, clothes, and pose. The two match up perfectly.
Dante, and you can even see his sword this time, which is consistent with his usual style of swords.
The ominous hooded figure, once again here's hoping it's Dr. Doom.

Well, that's what I've found so far. Personally, the only way I could really be disappointed with this lineup is if they don't include Spider-Man and Mega Man. It really just wouldn't feel complete without those two.

2010-05-26, 07:01 PM
hey, now...i liked playing as shuma gorath in earlier version

2010-05-29, 07:22 PM
Not much of a Marvel comics fan, but I'll post my Capcom wishlist:

Zero (Megaman X), already in TvC, so chances may be good.
Nathan Spencer (Bionic Commando Rearmed), the Rearmed version of the character, not that dork with dreadlocks.
Fou-Lu (Breath of Fire IV), that series Needs More Love.

2010-05-29, 09:37 PM
I want Oro from 3rd Strike as long as they don't nerf his awesomeness.
And both Street Fight boxers.

2010-05-29, 11:21 PM
I'm not sure who Majini or Dr. Salvadore are though.

Majini are the "zombies" from Resident Evil 5.
Dr. Salvador is the chainsaw man in RE4.

UPDATED! Deadpool is confirmed, and one of his supers is beating his opponent to death with their life bar. So is Chris Redfield. And the Civil War/Secret Invasion era Iron Man too.

2010-05-29, 11:22 PM
Not much of a Marvel comics fan, but I'll post my Capcom wishlist:

Zero (Megaman X), already in TvC, so chances may be good.
Nathan Spencer (Bionic Commando Rearmed), the Rearmed version of the character, not that dork with dreadlocks.
Fou-Lu (Breath of Fire IV), that series Needs More Love.

I hate to break it to you, but the 2008 Nathan is the canonical Nathan, as he is appearing in BCR2.

2010-05-30, 01:47 AM
I hate to break it to you, but the 2008 Nathan is the canonical Nathan, as he is appearing in BCR2.

Pity, I was hoping they'd bow to fan reaction and throw that game out of canon.

2010-06-21, 10:04 PM
New trailer (http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2010/06/15/e3_2010:_marvel_vs_capcom_3) for the game from E3, including some (albeit cinematic) footage of Deadpool and Dante shooting each other up. Trust me, it's well worth it.

But more than some cool cinema teasers, we get shown a new character. Well, 2 really. Spider-Man's silhouette is in the opening, and in the actual trailer we get, of all people, this guy. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormammu) Linked instead of directly stated so people who want the dramatic reveal from the trailer can get it.

Talk about a character from left field though. Was there really a demand on having him playable?

EDIT: Looking at some gameplay videos. Best part I can find is Deadpool's dying cry, "YOU PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON!" Glorious.

2010-06-21, 10:08 PM
Needs more Nextwave.

Seriously, if the marvel line up in its entirety was:

Aaron Stack
Monica Rambeau
Tabitha Smith
The Captain
Elsa Bloodstone
Fin Fang Foom
Devil Dinosaur
Furbush Man
Dirk Anger

I would be content.

2010-06-22, 12:06 AM
Talk about a character from left field though. Was there really a demand on having him playable?

More demand than for Abyss.

My partial lineup:

The Hulk
Human Torch
Ghost Rider (2099 if I can really get what I want)
Green Goblin
Sentinel... or maybe Nimrod
The Punisher
The Sentry

Captain Commando
Mega Man

2010-06-22, 08:31 AM
But more than some cool cinema teasers, we get shown a new character. Well, 2 really. Spider-Man's silhouette is in the opening, and in the actual trailer we get, of all people, this guy. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormammu) Linked instead of directly stated so people who want the dramatic reveal from the trailer can get it.

Talk about a character from left field though. Was there really a demand on having him playable?

...Is he Playable? Maybe he's the "villain" in the so-called "epic storyline" they have planned. He is, after all, ridiculously powerful.

Also, I don't think I could be happy if they didn't include Viewtiful Joe after making the reference with the combo description of "Viewtiful!"

2010-06-22, 10:20 AM
...Is he Playable? Maybe he's the "villain" in the so-called "epic storyline" they have planned. He is, after all, ridiculously powerful.

I thought about that possibility. While it would be appropriate, I don't find it likely since Dormammu's silhouette is on the promo box art as just "one of the regulars." Still possible, but my guess is no.

2010-06-22, 01:59 PM
Well, I like the Marvel side better (and know it better) so that's where I'm heading...Capcom...well, I like a few of those characters, so I'll toss out the ones I like...

Marvel "Certains"
Big/Slow Characters
Hulk - Melee
Sentinel - Ranged

Skill/Fast Characters
Spiderman - Melee Mix
Gambit - Ranged
Storm - Ranged
Wolverine - Melee (even though I don't like him)

Midrange Characters
Captain America - Melee
Iron Man - Ranged
Thor - Mixed

Marvel "Maybes"
Choose one from each line:

Cable/Hawkeye - Ranged
Black Widow/Electra - Melee
Daredevil/Namor - Melee
Dr. Doom/Punisher - Ranged
Deadpool - Melee Mix (I know, everyone else loves him, so not a Maybe)
Juggernaut/Abomination/Venom - Melee

Marvel "Whims"
They won't happen, but would be fun/pretty:
Dr. Strange - Ranged
Nightcrawler - Melee
Sandman/Blob - Grappler
Iron Fist - Melee counter (one of my favorite characters)
Phoenix - End character for the Marvel side...goes from Marvel Girl to Phoenix to Dark Phoenix

Capcom Certains

Capcom Whims
The Yeti

I think my problem is most of the Capcom characters I like are Darkstalkers-cutsies (Yeti, Mummy, Felicia, the Fishman...) so they don't gel as well with the Marvel characters...to tell the truth, I'd probably only play as the Marvel types anyway (like I do in MvC2) with the exception of Ryu.

- M

2010-07-23, 10:26 PM

On the Marvel Side:

Dr. Doom
Super Skrull

And on the Capcom Side:

Chun Li
Trish from DMC
and Amaterasu from Okami

Gameplay videos are abounds on the Youtube and the characters lall look good and fun to play. Dr. Doom seems to play similar to his previous incarnations in the series.

2010-07-23, 10:38 PM
Amaterasu is in the game.

I will buy this now, for sure. I don't care about anything else.


Mando Knight
2010-07-23, 10:53 PM
DOOM!, Thor, and Chun-Li were shoo-ins. No way they could actually publish MvC3 without them. Ammy is a bit of a surprise addition, but looks like she could do well. She missed her chance at beating up one of her own opponents by being left out of TvC, though.

I'm waiting for them to announce which Mega Man they're throwing in this time. Not "if," since the Blue Bomber is Capcom's most famous character, even beyond Ryu. It'd be like making MvC without including a single X-Man or Avenger in the lineup.

2010-07-24, 12:05 AM
Spider-Man and Mega Man are definite shoe-ins, I don't see how they could NOT be in the game.

The only question is whether they'll stick to classic Mega Man or go with the Legends model like they did in TvC. I personally never cared for the latter. I liked going Hyper Mega Man in the other Marvel vs Capcom games.

But I digress. Dante, Deadpool, Amaterasu, Doom, Thor, even Super Skrull? It doesn't matter who the other characters are, this is already the best lineup in ANY of the MvC games.

(Though I wouldn't object to seeing Cyclops and Phoenix in the game.)

2010-07-24, 12:07 AM
Amaterasu gameplay (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6L-Q6gVCtc)

My fanboy-ism... Gah...

Can't... *gargle*
Imagine what will happen when Okamiden comes out...
Screw sleeping, I'm playing the Wii and PS2 version of Okami now, at the same bloody time. Time to beat my speed run records.I literally beat the PS2 version with my feat... So I can play both... No joke... It was fun

Mando Knight
2010-07-24, 12:18 PM
The only question is whether they'll stick to classic Mega Man or go with the Legends model like they did in TvC.

They might also use X, .exe, Model ZX, or Star Force Mega Man. And possibly throw in Zero (either X or Zero series) or Proto Man (either classic or .exe). Roll is a probability, her .exe version a good bit less so (I personally prefer the latter, though...). Bass hasn't been in a Capcom vs Whatever game yet, but he's another choice, either classic or .exe...

2010-09-13, 09:04 PM
Viewtiful Joe and Tron Bonne have both been confirmed with gameplay and cinematic videos.

Silver Surfer, though not confirmed via video, has been leaked and confirmed.