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View Full Version : clarafication on Rebuking rules

2010-05-10, 09:46 AM
Now i've seen many times on this forum (and others) where some one has asked how to make an undead army. This is promptly followed by many suggestions, the most promentant however is the concept of "indirect control" i.e. use undead leadership to gain control of (for example) a Morg and feed it victims and order it to order its newly spawned zombies to follow your orders leading to you having a personal army of zombies. This techique is however rendered unacheivable by a simple rule handed out in Libris Mortis.

Libris Mortis P33 Top left column First paragraph.
"When an undead cohort or follower creates a spawn, the creature must release or destroy the spawn unless the character is of sufficiently high level for the spawn to be a follower in its own right"

Now at first glance this solves the problem of indirectly controlled undead armies but does leave one gapping loop hole. If you Rebuke the Morg it doesn't fall under the leader ship cap as it doesn't count as a follower or a cohort. Or at least thats how i interpret it. This essentially removes the need for an undead leadership feat
So the question is, does anyone know of a similar rule for rebuking

2010-05-10, 03:43 PM
I don't know of a similar rule for rebuking and the text in the Vampire Create Spawn section indicates that such an army could exist. The first vampire controls his spawn who control their spawn. Thus the first vampire controls his spawn's spawn and so on for however many vamps he wants. I'd always assumed it worked the same way for rebuking undead, but that could be left up to the DM. It'd be interesting if the rebuked undead had to obey you, but it could use it's spawn to try and kill you to break free.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-05-10, 03:48 PM
So the question is, does anyone know of a similar rule for rebuking

There isn't one.