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View Full Version : 3.5 Optimization Challenge: An Elephant Who Never Forgets - TO KILL

2010-05-10, 09:45 PM
I present to you, my fellow forum-goers, a challenge: Make the most interesting/deadly character possible, using an awakened elephant as the race. No good alignment allowed: this Elephant is a killer, not a lover.

2010-05-10, 09:49 PM
Option 1: Druid
Option 2: Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker
Option 3: Hulking Hurler/War Hulk

Darius Rae
2010-05-10, 09:49 PM
What are the stats for the Elephant? Regardless Wizard 20:smallbiggrin:

2010-05-10, 09:51 PM
I can do you one better than mere Awakened Elephant.

Half-Minotaur Incarnate Warforged Were-elephant. Add levels of War Hulk to taste.

2010-05-10, 09:53 PM
Note that I said interesting, as well as deadly, so resorting to old an standby will disappoint me greatly.

2010-05-10, 09:55 PM
Note that I said interesting, as well as deadly, so resorting to old an standby will disappoint me greatly.

Option 4: Cancer Mage

2010-05-10, 09:58 PM
Note that I said interesting, as well as deadly, so resorting to old an standby will disappoint me greatly.
Fighter 20. At level 1, the Elephant takes Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms), and uses the firearm rules from the DMG to shoot people. :smallamused:

There, that different enough for you?

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-10, 10:06 PM
Bear Warrior. I mean, you're an Elephant, that CAN TURN INTO A BEAR.

As for powerful? Well, you qualify for size-based feats. Use improved grab and the multigrab chain, then get drunken master/hulking hurler and bloodstorm blade in, and you can throw people at people, and have the first people come back to your hand. How awesome is that?

2010-05-10, 10:08 PM
As for powerful? Well, you qualify for size-based feats. Use improved grab and the multigrab chain, then get drunken master/hulking hurler and bloodstorm blade in, and you can throw people at people, and have the first people come back to your hand. How awesome is that?

Our current front runner.

2010-05-10, 10:22 PM
Are Loxo, Maelephant or Thaskor allowed? :smalltongue:




Akal Saris
2010-05-10, 10:27 PM
Option 1: Druid
Option 2: Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker
Option 3: Hulking Hurler/War Hulk

I won the first BG Iron Chef contest with an elephant hulking hurler...

Well, technically I had to go with centaur, but the optimized build was Druid 17/Hulking Hurler 3, noting that a standard elephant has immensely strong trunk, able to lift entire trees from its roots. Then add +16 Str to that from Bite of the Weretiger, plus the feat to quadruple carrying capacity, and the result was an incredibly damaging hulking hurler.

And with your own elephant animal companion, you always have something to hurl at opponents. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-10, 10:34 PM
On an off-note, thank you for reminding me of that Futurama episode.

2010-05-10, 11:37 PM
I considered making one using the Book of Erotic Fantasy for a grappler who...ahem...crushed his victims to death.*

But I don't think I will.

*That's what we call a REAL assplomancer, son.

2010-05-10, 11:39 PM
Ah, this brings up memories of Dwarf Fortress. Give the elephant multiple ways to sever limbs, absurd aggression problems (barbarian?) and a penchant for burning to death in lava, along with the ability to ignore crossbow bolts through several organs.

2010-05-11, 12:17 AM
Awakened Divine Minion of Sebek (for Evil Outsider type at +1 LA) Elephant 13/Warlock 1/Fiend of Possession 6.

Every villain the PC's ever face should end up being a dastardly 5 ton elephant in disguise. It would be fantastic.

2010-05-11, 12:28 AM
Divine minion of Set elephant totemist bear warrior with the Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu and Lich Loved feats.

Think about it.

2010-05-11, 12:29 AM
Awakened Divine Minion of Sebek (for Evil Outsider type at +1 LA) Elephant 13/Warlock 1/Fiend of Possession 6.

Every villain the PC's ever face should end up being a dastardly 5 ton elephant in disguise. It would be fantastic.

That... I may have to use that, now. You kill the evil mayor and a demonic elephant warlock pops out.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-11, 12:30 AM
I don't want to think about that. Might be the most awesome family tree ever though.

Seconding fiend of posession. For the lulz.

2010-05-11, 12:31 AM
I prefer the complete opposite. A awakened elephant rogue/assassin. Sneaking around, dressed in tight black clothes and backstabbing his friendly neighbors. Very discreet. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-11, 12:46 AM
A phrenic incarnate construct effigy lycanthrope (T-Rex) elephant dragonfire adept/warlock/dread pirate.

Yes, it's a psychic t-rex transformer elephant pirate that breathes fire, with frickin' laser beams firing from its frickin' eyes.


A deity kaiju elephant cleric 20/druid 20.


2010-05-11, 12:59 AM
A phrenic incarnate construct effigy lycanthrope (T-Rex) elephant dragonfire adept/warlock/dread pirate.

Yes, it's a psychic t-rex transformer elephant pirate that breathes fire, with frickin' laser beams firing from its frickin' eyes.

In other words, it's a robot dinosaur that shoots beams when it roars. (http://www.arcadebomb.com/play/robot_dinosaurs_that_shoot_beams_when_they_roar.ht ml)

In other news, I am totally making every single villain in my next campaign an elephant. Especially the bands of kobolds.

"Okay, you dealt 11 damage to the kobold, killing him. You suddenly realise it's an elephant."

2010-05-11, 01:08 AM
Elephant bard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZEoONDRgN4) with Perform (Ballet) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pbQdtkbCcQ) and Leap Attack.

How about an elephant bard/loremaster, for an elephant that REALLY doesn't forget?

A pseudonatural farspawn half-aboleth weresquid elephant wizard/alienist. More tentacles than any elephant has a right to.

Half-fiend half-celestial midget dvati were-elephant. One for each shoulder.

A rare pink elephant drunken master with a ring of superior invisibility.

2010-05-11, 01:28 AM
Awakened Elephant
Huge Magical Beast (Augmented Animal) currently Gargantuan
Racial HD 13/ Ur-Priest 7
Divine Metamagic: Persistent, Ability Focus: Trample
DMM: Persist spells:
Divine Power
Righteous Might
Footsteps of the Divine (Fharlanghn) from Complete Champion
Strength 40 +15 (30 base, +6 Enhancement, +4 Size)
Trample damage 2d8+22, average 31

Assuming 20 hours remains on Footsteps, that's +120,000 ft. for one round, plus the initial +50 ft. it grants, on the elephant's 40 ft. land speed. That's 120,090 ft. land speed, it moves double speed when Trampling, and he occupies a 20 ft. space, or sixteen squares, so he can trample 768,576 squares in a single round. Also, I'm pretty sure nothing in the rules says you can't trample back over the same creatures multiple times. Given ideal circumstances (32 medium creatures in a 20x40 ft room), Stampy can trample out an average of 23,825,856 damage in a single round.

2010-05-11, 01:32 AM
Insectile elephant monk. Name it Ganesh.

2010-05-11, 02:58 AM
This thread is made of win. I especially like some of Lycanthromancer's basic ideas: an Egypt-flavored Undead Totemist elephant, and a ballet-based elephant.

I would also like to nominate:

An elephant factotum with a monocle and a British accent. Maybe Factotum/Archivist?

An elephant Ranger with favored enemies Animal and Humanoid (human) and an Australian accent. Named Steve.

An elephant Binder/Knight of the Sacred Seal. With a focus on the vestige Dantalion, makes a great "never forgets" theme. (Too bad Scion of Dantalion is human-only ...)

EDIT: Really, any character concept is just better when you add in "elephant."

A vengeful elephant Hexblade/Blackguard?

A Spymaster focused on Disguise? (That should go over well.)

2010-05-11, 03:59 AM
Insectile elephant monk. Name it Ganesh.
But only if he befriends an awakened wombat.
And if you haven't read this webcomic. . .*bad Arnie voice* DO IT NOW!

2010-05-11, 04:38 AM
elephant assassin?

2010-05-11, 05:00 AM
wizard 20 :)

Although, every wizard needs a good meat shield, and an elephant chain tripper would rule!

joking aside, Biffoniacus_Furiou has the perfect build. with it having 13 useless RHD it is in a pretty bad place to begin with... Ur Priest is the best solution.

2010-05-11, 05:27 AM
Fighter 20. At level 1, the Elephant takes Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms), and uses the firearm rules from the DMG to shoot people. :smallamused:

There, that different enough for you?

If the firearm is an heavy machine gun instead of the DMG ones, you sold it to me.

Alternatively, an awakened elephant with a flame thrower and a permanent insanity effect...

2010-05-11, 05:45 AM
Step 1: take famous fictional character.

Step 2: change race to awakened elefant.

Don't believe me?

Elephana Jones: Awakened Elephant Rogue 3/Archivist 4. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip.

Obi-phant Kenobi: Awakened Elephant Soulknife 3/Swordsage 5.

Continue until awesome is achieved.

Alternatively: Were-rat elephant. Because I always wanted to see an elephant transform into a mouse.

Killer Angel
2010-05-11, 06:21 AM
Alternatively: Were-rat elephant. Because I always wanted to see an elephant transform into a mouse.

Can we apply the swarm subtype? :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-11, 06:28 AM
elephant assassin?

This idea in ineligible until your present an effective method for hiding said assassin.

2010-05-11, 06:29 AM
Problem is, to qualify for werebeast, it needs the giant or humanoid type.

Magical beasts can gain the giant type via the Half-troll template- so an Awakened elephant with the half-troll subtype could be a werebeast.

It would still need to be within one size of the werecreature in question though.

Killer Angel
2010-05-11, 06:36 AM
This idea in ineligible until your present an effective method for hiding said assassin.

A master of camouflage (http://rookery3.viary.com/storagev12/1255500/1255655_7ce8_625x1000.jpg)!

2010-05-11, 06:54 AM
This idea in ineligible until your present an effective method for hiding said assassin.
Just put it in the living room (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ElephantInTheLivingRoom)!:smalltongue:
My apologies for linking to the Site of Time Consumption, but it seemed. . .appropriate.

2010-05-11, 06:57 AM
This idea in ineligible until your present an effective method for hiding said assassin.

Either enough ranger levels for camouflage or hide in plain sight.
Shadowdancer levels, maybe?

2010-05-11, 07:40 AM
Elephant expert 3, focusing on Profession (Baker) and Profession (Prostitute). Because nothin' says lovin' like a bun in the oven.

Elephant aristocrat 1: Lion King, eat your heart out.

Half-troll tauric elephant divine minion of Set Ganesh were-elephant druid (with elephant animal companion)/bear elephant warrior with the Servant of Tem-Et-Nu Ganesh feat, Lich Elephant Loved, and lots and lots of Handle Animal for more elephants. There's always room for JellO elephant. Except when there's not.

2010-05-11, 07:49 AM
Either enough ranger levels for camouflage or hide in plain sight.
Shadowdancer levels, maybe?

These do not negate or mitiagte the massive penalties to hide.

2010-05-11, 07:54 AM
This idea in ineligible until your present an effective method for hiding said assassin.

The elephant is pink. It's not so much that the elephant is hidden, it's that no one is willing to acknowledge its presence.

It only kills because it wants to be recognized!

Keld Denar
2010-05-11, 08:08 AM
You could throw a level of Contemplative on the Ur-Priest build for the Heroism domain (OA) to get Giant Size. With Practiced Spellcaster and some other shananigans, you could get up to CL18 and do the Colossal Elephant Shuffle.


2010-05-11, 08:08 AM
Awakened Elephant Psychic Warrior/Swordsage, with Chameleon, Compression, and Catfall, as well as Sudden Leap and Flame's Blessing.

Strategies include forcing characters into precarious settings where he can take advantage of high tumble, balance, and (if a failure is made) catfall. Further makes use of strategic flaming blockades that he can make it through with Flame's Blessing.
Also capable of using Compression to fit himself in really small places.

I call him the Elephant Clown.

2010-05-11, 08:25 AM
Awakened Elephant Psychic Warrior/Swordsage, with Chameleon, Compression, and Catfall, as well as Sudden Leap and Flame's Blessing.

Strategies include forcing characters into precarious settings where he can take advantage of high tumble, balance, and (if a failure is made) catfall. Further makes use of strategic flaming blockades that he can make it through with Flame's Blessing.
Also capable of using Compression to fit himself in really small places.

I call him the Elephant Clown.Hey, that's not funny.

If it were funny, it wouldn't be a clown.

2010-05-11, 08:39 AM
1) Awakened Elephant (weighing approximately 12,000lbs).
2) Take some levels in Psion.
3) Take the feats Up The Walls (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#upTheWalls) and Run (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#run).
4) Take the power Catfall (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/catfall.htm) (also add Burst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/burst.htm) to taste).
5) Run up a really high wall next to an opponent (with Run and Burst you can move diagonally up the wall to reach 200ft without having to start next to them and provoke attacks of opportunity).
6) Drop.

You're taking 20d6 damage from the falling, minus whatever you put into Catfall (there are probably more elegant ways to stop the falling damage, but whatever).

Whoever you fall on is taking 20d6 falling damage plus 60d6 from your weight.

Ok, it's nowhere near 23 million, but I find the idea of an elephant running up a wall and elbow dropping 200ft quite amusing.

edit - I missed out all sorts of buffs, but I'd like to add someone casting Animal Growth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animalGrowth.htm) (I suppose it'd have to be UMD'd) to increase the damage to 480d6, plus the 20 from falling. You also get a little DR to lessen the impact of the fall.

500d6 damage from a falling elephant!

2010-05-11, 08:53 AM
At this point, I'd just suggest a ring of feather falling to negate the falling damage entirely.

Deth Muncher
2010-05-11, 08:54 AM
Give it as many size-increasing things as possible, so you can make an oliphant. No class levels. Just permanent magic items. O_o

Aaaaaand, lessee...Anthropomorphic Elephant Cleric (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=83738)20? Who wields a warhammer (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=205270)?

2010-05-11, 08:57 AM
At this point, I'd just suggest a ring of feather falling to negate the falling damage entirely.

I was avoiding that since it would limit falling damage, but I don't suppose the extra few d6 matter too much.

2010-05-11, 08:57 AM
Whatever his build he is aided by his friend and constant companion Citizen Snips!

Awakened Crab/Two-weapon Fighting Sneak Attack Build.

Scarily enough that would be fairly easy to optimize.

2010-05-11, 09:02 AM
edit - I missed out all sorts of buffs, but I'd like to add someone casting Animal Growth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animalGrowth.htm) (I suppose it'd have to be UMD'd) to increase the damage to 480d6, plus the 20 from falling. You also get a little DR to lessen the impact of the fall.

500d6 damage from a falling elephant!
Would animal growth work on an awakened elephant? Technically, they are not animals any more, but magical beasts.
Yes, I am being pedantic and a rules lawyer, but the RAW seems to say no, in my opinion.

2010-05-11, 09:06 AM
Would animal growth work on an awakened elephant? Technically, they are not animals any more, but magical beasts.
Yes, I am being pedantic and a rules lawyer, but the RAW seems to say no, in my opinion.

Good point. In which case, change to Psychic Warrior and take Expansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm). Then you can do it all at level 1, anyway.

This also has the possibility of the second size increase multiplying your weight by 8 again. 3840d6 damage.

2010-05-11, 09:12 AM
Good point. In which case, change to Psychic Warrior and take Expansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm). Then you can do it all at level 1, anyway.

This also has the possibility of the second size increase multiplying your weight by 8 again. 3840d6 damage.
Well, this is nice, very nice. However, there is the question of space. Most dungeon tunnels or halls are only about as high, or a bit higher, then they are wide. With the Expansion your going to still do ridiculous amounts of damage even from short falls, but your going to need a lot of healing after each 'DEATH FROM ABOVE!' attack-a-splat, so it isn't so good against many foes. Still, the look on the DM face when you take out a boss this way for the first time will be beyond priceless.

2010-05-11, 09:20 AM
Good point. In which case, change to Psychic Warrior and take Expansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm). Then you can do it all at level 1, anyway.

This also has the possibility of the second size increase multiplying your weight by 8 again. 3840d6 damage.

And lets you take Autohypnosis which allows you to perfectly memorise information.

2010-05-11, 09:24 AM
Whatever his build he is aided by his friend and constant companion Citizen Snips!

Awakened Crab/Two-weapon Fighting Sneak Attack Build.

Scarily enough that would be fairly easy to optimize.

Can we use an awakened That Damn Crab? Or wasn't that an animal type creature. I forgot.

2010-05-11, 09:25 AM
Coinkidink: I just saw this episode the day before I saw this thread. Based on that, I believe I can say: it needs a bite attack and/or Swallow Whole somehow.

2010-05-11, 09:28 AM
Can we use an awakened That Damn Crab? Or wasn't that an animal type creature. I forgot.
Crabs are Vermin, and cannot be Awakened.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-11, 09:29 AM
The falling damage vs falling objects is b0rked.

Damage taken from a falling object is increased by weight.

Damage taken from falling is not.

If you can do hundreds of d6 from weight, you can just get 10' above them, and take 1d6 yourself, to do a coupla hundred damage, no save, no attack roll. Just a jump/climb check.

2010-05-11, 09:31 AM
Actually, there's still an attack roll - a square has AC5. Not much of a roll, but you can still get a 1.

2010-05-11, 09:32 AM
The falling damage vs falling objects is b0rked.

Damage taken from a falling object is increased by weight.

Damage taken from falling is not.

If you can do hundreds of d6 from weight, you can just get 10' above them, and take 1d6 yourself, to do a coupla hundred damage, no save, no attack roll. Just a jump/climb check.

Sorry, yeah, that's what I meant. Back at my first post I said that from the drop the elephant would take 20d6 whilst the enemy would take 80d6. Sorry if that was unclear.

The only reason there was falling damage is because I felt the damage from weight alone was too low - now it should be fine to go without the wall. Still, I like the idea of the elbow drop.

2010-05-11, 09:35 AM
1) Awakened Elephant (weighing approximately 12,000lbs).
2) Take some levels in Psion.
3) Take the feats Up The Walls and Run.
4) Take the power Catfall (also add Burst to taste).
5) Run up a really high wall next to an opponent (with Run and Burst you can move diagonally up the wall to reach 200ft without having to start next to them and provoke attacks of opportunity).
6) Drop.

You're taking 20d6 damage from the falling, minus whatever you put into Catfall (there are probably more elegant ways to stop the falling damage, but whatever).

Whoever you fall on is taking 20d6 falling damage plus 60d6 from your weight.

The problem here is that those rules are for falling objects, you are a faling creature, and should only deal damage as for an unarmed attack.

2010-05-11, 09:37 AM
The problem here is that those rules are for falling objects, you are a faling creature, and should only deal damage as for an unarmed attack.
If you are temporarily dead, and then come back to life, you count as an object. So get a cohort with Revivify and leap ho!

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-11, 09:37 AM
^^^By strict RAW, correct, and is as it should be :smallbiggrin:

In fact, by strictest RAW, you should deal no damage whatsoever, unless there are rules for attacking during a jump.

The above is hilarious, and very reminiscent of the omniscifer.

2010-05-11, 09:38 AM
Crabs are Vermin, and cannot be Awakened.

Has there never been an "awaken vermin" of some kind? Surely in all those books, someone must have thought of that.

2010-05-11, 09:42 AM
Has there never been an "awaken vermin" of some kind? Surely in all those books, someone must have thought of that.

The mindless nature of Vermin rather goes against that.

There's were-insects, but no awakened vermin AFAIK

2010-05-11, 10:14 AM
The name of this thread alone makes it awesome. If I can avoid derailing my campaign, this will be used.

2010-05-11, 10:39 AM
I'm fairly disappointed that that won't work, but new (and much less cool) idea.

Awakened Elephant Psion 9. You will need:

A ring of Feather Fall
A wand of Shrink Item
X Platinum Pieces
12 Ranks in Craft (Elephant Statues)
Some Ranks in Acrobatics

At the start of your adventuring day use X number of Psionic Major Creations to create X sets of platinum elephant statues (hence the craft), which should weigh 1,342lbs per cubic foot if my research is correct. As each one is 9 cubic feet, each one weighs 12,078lbs. Assuming you spend an hour doing this you will have 6 platinum elephant statues. Now use your wand of Shrink Item on each of them. They each now weigh just over 3lbs. Congratulations.

Take your elephant statues. Head out adventuring. When you find an enemy, fly over them as a move action and cast Dispel Psionics in an area on you. As a free action, drop all the statues. Don't forget the acrobatics check to do a wicked cool aerial backflip, if allowed. Float gently down after them as they have 6 attack rolls each doing 60d6 damage plus falling damage.

I much prefer the idea of an elephant elbow dropping, but since that apparantly doesn't work we'll have to do with 6 plantinum elephants seeming spontaneously appearing in the sky and falling on someone. Feel free to add in a quickened power as well.

2010-05-11, 11:04 AM

They took his mother away from him. They had no idea how far he'd go to get her back. After a night of heavy drinking, he turned to his dark masters to offer a pact: give him the power to gain vengeance, and he would provide them with a harvest of souls.

Laugh at me, will they? Mock me, will they? They'll never see it coming when this elephant starts to fly. :smallfurious:

Fell Flight. Leadership; Moon Rat cohort (Bard with a high bluff check).

2010-05-11, 11:13 AM


Stampy can trample out an average of 23,825,856 damage in a single round.

A trampling creature can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.

Unfortunately it can't be done to one creature. Still, against an army...

2010-05-11, 03:00 PM
Second for the flying elephant warlock.

All blasts are shot out his trunk.

Perhaps better would be some (still flying) Illusionist specialist capable of mass-hallucinations. All spells cast look like shooting soap bubbles out of its trunk, but in fact trap PC's inside ForceCage bubbles or when the bubbles pop they are Sonic (alternative energy substitution) fireballs

2010-05-11, 03:45 PM
Has there never been an "awaken vermin" of some kind? Surely in all those books, someone must have thought of that.

Lord of the Flies (Savage Species p. 80) has awaken vermin as a SLA at 9th level.

If you get creative with template abuse, usually by slapping Celestial/Fiendish/Pseudonatural onto vermin, you can give them an Int score, and bump it up with the Phrenic template or something.

Another example: Use the Skitterhaunt (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20021123a) template to turn the crab into an ooze, then add the Sentry Ooze template to give it an Int of 2. Pseudonatural to go up to Int 3, then Phrenic for Int 5.

2010-05-11, 04:00 PM
Remember that Babar book where all the elephants paint scary faces on their backsides and walk backwards over a hill to look like monsters?

I kinda want to do something like that.

2010-05-11, 04:12 PM
How about an elephant grappler who uses that /tg/ build focusing on hilarious epic escape artist checks? He grabs people with his trunk and then disappears up their backside.

2010-05-11, 04:47 PM
But only if he befriends an awakened wombat.
And if you haven't read this webcomic. . .*bad Arnie voice* DO IT NOW!

Actually, the Statue of Ganesh would be a construct, not an awakened elephant :smallwink:.

But yes, that was was my first thought as well when reading that reply. Good old Statue.

2010-05-11, 06:12 PM
Would animal growth work on an awakened elephant? Technically, they are not animals any more, but magical beasts.
Yes, I am being pedantic and a rules lawyer, but the RAW seems to say no, in my opinion.

I've kind of assumed that the Subtype (Augmented Animal) meant they could be affected by things that affect Animals, but I haven't found a rule that states this as clearly as I'd like.

2010-05-11, 07:11 PM
Bear Warrior. I mean, you're an Elephant, that CAN TURN INTO A BEAR.

As for powerful? Well, you qualify for size-based feats. Use improved grab and the multigrab chain, then get drunken master/hulking hurler and bloodstorm blade in, and you can throw people at people, and have the first people come back to your hand. How awesome is that?

I much prefer the idea of an elephant elbow dropping, but since that apparantly doesn't work we'll have to do with 6 plantinum elephants seeming spontaneously appearing in the sky and falling on someone. Feel free to add in a quickened power as well.
So with the combined ideas, you have basically created Iron Tager?

Akal Saris
2010-05-11, 08:03 PM

They took his mother away from him. They had no idea how far he'd go to get her back. After a night of heavy drinking, he turned to his dark masters to offer a pact: give him the power to gain vengeance, and he would provide them with a harvest of souls.

Laugh at me, will they? Mock me, will they? They'll never see it coming when this elephant starts to fly. :smallfurious:

Fell Flight. Leadership; Moon Rat cohort (Bard with a high bluff check).

Man, I've seen a peanut stand, and I've seen a rubber band, but I ain't never seen an elephant fly!

Edit: Man, I just re-watched that song and pink elephants on parade on youtube. Dumbo was one creepy movie. :smalleek:

2010-05-11, 09:24 PM
Get some sort of regeneration, then destroy the ivory market by flooding it! :smalltongue:

2010-05-11, 10:03 PM
Actually, the Statue of Ganesh would be a construct, not an awakened elephant :smallwink:.

But yes, that was was my first thought as well when reading that reply. Good old Statue.
Oh he's awakened all right, just stoned. *ba-dum-TISH!*
*crickets of silence*
Thank you, you're too kind.
Bad,and I mean bad, puns aside, I simply adore Digger-of-Unnecessarily-Convoluted-Tunnels.

I've kind of assumed that the Subtype (Augmented Animal) meant they could be affected by things that affect Animals, but I haven't found a rule that states this as clearly as I'd like.
I looked up Augmented Subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typessubtypes.htm), and it's really not clear. I would still say no, personally.

2010-05-12, 01:30 AM
After reading the suggestions about having the elephant land on enemies as an attack, I remembered a thread my friend and I started a while back:
A bunch of the stuff in there was miscalculated, etc, but the idea is still there. I just thought it would be relevant for me to link to it, don't resurrect the old thread.

2010-05-12, 04:10 AM
Soul Eater (BoVD) is very easy to get into, and would be pretty cool for this build.

Imagine an evil, intelligent elephant that drains levels by touch...then assumes the form of the creature it drained to death! :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-12, 04:55 AM
Get some sort of regeneration, then destroy the ivory market by flooding it! :smalltongue:

forget destroying it.. single handedly provide it with all the supply it needs without going overboard (aka, don't make prices collapse), making yourself unimaginably wealthy... then use that wealth to fund your ascendancy. (wealth = power)

2010-05-12, 08:35 AM
Man, I've seen a peanut stand, and I've seen a rubber band, but I ain't never seen an elephant fly!

Edit: Man, I just re-watched that song and pink elephants on parade on youtube. Dumbo was one creepy movie. :smalleek:

Who do you suppose the "Dark Masters" were supposed to be? :smallamused: Seriously, it took them until "Friends on the Other Side" to do something half as creepy.