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View Full Version : NeverEnding Dungeon - Boss Hawg (FourDeeSpace)

NeverEnding DM
2010-05-11, 02:36 AM
The air surrounding you fairly hums with the residue of magic, an aftereffect of the spell that brought you to this place. A quick glance reveals that you are in a small room, devoid of any life save for yourself. The sound of dripping water can be heard faintly, and the stone walls are slick with moisture. In complete defiance of logic, a torch is already lit, resting in a sconce near the room's single door.


There is a door at C-4, south side.

DM notes:Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=205398)

2010-05-11, 01:14 PM
The Boss spares a quick look around, cursing his sloppy creators for not giving him (it?) true construct eyes. The torch just looks too convenient for my tastes, I'll remove my Everburning Torch and secure it in my backpack or belt to provide light. I'll remove and assemble the 12ft pole and start prodding all walls, ceilings, and floors (every 5ft square), and unless noted otherwise I'll be progressing like this, since I couldn't squeeze trapfinding in.

Assuming nothing interesting happens with my prodding, I'll open the door (what kind of door is it by the way?) and advance while prodding everything: floors, ceilings, and walls at maximum distance from myself (arm + 12ft pole = 14 or 15ft prod range). I assume being a 18 Str robot that never gets tired, I can walk around carrying both the pole and the greatsword in each hand easily, and drop the pole in case of combat?

Also, I couldn't find rules for purchasing non-magical warforged components, could I spend some of my 14.4gp to purchase a locking torch holder for my Everburning Torch, say behind my left shoulder?

And finally, thanks for DM'ing for me! :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-11, 02:17 PM
Some answers to your questions:

The torch just looks too convenient for my tastes,
Does it now? I think it looks very enticing. The way it flickers and dances in this bare room. :smallamused:

(what kind of door is it by the way?)
The door is a thick slab of metal. Very heavy, very sturdy, contains lead. It slides sideways into the wall. Has a small indentation to help you grip it when doing so. In RAW-land, they can only be open or closed, nothing in between.

I assume being a 18 Str robot that never gets tired, I can walk around carrying both the pole and the greatsword in each hand easily, and drop the pole in case of combat?
That's fine. Switching the greatsword to a two-handed grip is a free action.

Also, I couldn't find rules for purchasing non-magical warforged components, could I spend some of my 14.4gp to purchase a locking torch holder for my Everburning Torch, say behind my left shoulder?
We avoid custom items to keep everyone on a RAW even footing. Keeping it in your belt or on your backpack should be fine for most purposes. Unless you plan to strip to your bare construct form for whatever reason. :smallbiggrin:

And finally, thanks for DM'ing for me! :smallbiggrin:
Why it's no problem at all. We're happy to have you.

You make quite a bit of noise tapping away at everything, but nothing happens.

The door slides open easily, revealing an unlit hall running to the south and east.
To the east: After 10', the corridor splits north and south. After 30', there's a door on the north wall. The corridor continues outside of your sight.
To the south: After 20', the corridor splits east. It stops 30' from you at a T-intersection.

So, which way do you want to go? And do you want to automatically poke away down both paths at an intersection or just the one you're heading down?

2010-05-11, 04:15 PM
I'm going to head east, then head north at the first N/S split. When I come to an intersection, I will tap in all directions even if I'm passing it. I figure I'm making a ton of noise, but stealth isn't exactly my forte what with the built in full-plate and no search skill :smallwink:.

Also, my one point of essentia is invested in mantle of flame right now.

2010-05-11, 04:35 PM
Oh. Almost forgot. How hard are you prodding?

2010-05-11, 04:43 PM
Doh, I usually indicate that. I do a light tap, then press down and give a decent push, so however much force I could reasonably generate with one arm with a modest push (not using full combat force), plus some leaning weight if its a floor space.

2010-05-11, 05:03 PM
You can apply your full strength to your reach with the pole, so let's start the poking.

When you poke the ceiling 5' south of the door,
You hear a click.

But nothing happens as far as you can tell.
When you poke the ceiling over the N/S split intersection,
You hear a click.

But nothing happens as far as you can tell.
When you poke the floor 20' down the E hallway (10' past the split),
The floor drops away. There's now a 5' wide pit.

South from the split, there's a door to the east after 15'. The corridor turns west after 20'.
The East passage still goes beyond your vision before you turn down the north split.
You travel north 20' without incident when the corridor turns to the east. It runs east 10' before heading north.

2010-05-11, 05:21 PM
Usual tactic from playing Dungeon Crawl is to explore the outer edge if possible then work in, so I'll keep moving E then N while prodding as usual.

If I come to an intersection of any kind after the N turn, I'll prod all around then move in the following order of priority: E, N, W. Any other non-intersection direction changes, I'll just keep moving as well. If I walk by a door or trigger a trap (unless it's an inconsequential one like that 5ft pit I can cross without checks or the ones that do nothing apparent), or come across more than one intersection beyond instructions for the first, I'll come to a halt to evaluate the situation.

Onward to Glory!

2010-05-11, 06:03 PM
Ok, you travel 10' east, then 10' north, where the corridor ends in a T-intersection.
To the west, after 20', it branches north. After 30', it ends and turns north.
To the east, after 20', it branches north. 30' away, a door leads south. It continues beyond your vision.

Pushing the ground 10' east of the intersection,
The floor drops away.

As you head east, you easily jump over the pit and note it is 20' deep.

You head east 20' to the intersection and stop.

To the north, the corridor stops and turns east. There is a door on the north wall of the corner.
To the east, you see it stops and turns south 30' from your current position. There is a door on the north wall of the corner.

Did I follow your instructions correctly? You said to prioritize east first, but I think you wanted west. If I understand what you're doing, "follow the left wall" would have been an acceptable instruction.

2010-05-11, 07:24 PM
Ack, now that I look at it I messed up. I was intending to follow the left wall primarily to generate a border, and swapped E and W. I'm going to turn around and head to the first intersection described in your last post and head W instead. I'll look down the first branch north 20ft away and probe what I can, but I'll continue to where it ends 10ft further and turn north.

Similar directions as last time: at the first intersection I come do, prioritize W, N, E. Stop if I cross paths with a door or trap with some effect, or something else of interest becomes visible, or a second intersection comes up.

edit: yeah, follow the left wall is what I'm going for, unless I walk directly by a door or become hindered in some way, or see something shiny/valuable/suspicious/lethal.

2010-05-11, 09:20 PM
Well, no harm came of that mistake, right? I can't promise that'll keep up. :smallamused:

You hop back over the pit and head west, past the intersection you came from. At the north split, the corridor turns east after 20'.

Pushing the ground 10' in front of you on the north passage,
Triggers a trap!

Acid spurts forth at you!
[roll0] vs. FF Touch AC

2010-05-12, 06:32 AM
A little damage to the paint job then, nothing a good mechanic can't fix. I'm sure odds are good I'll find a friendly gnome or kobold with a toolkit any moment now. :smalltongue: I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but DR 2/adamantite doesn't do squat against energy damage, correct? Anywho, if I can see the trap components now that I've set it off, I'll spit some acid back at it with dissolving spittle. The dungeon architect will have to rebuild that one, rather than reset it. :smallamused: With my petty act of revenge complete, I take off following the left wall. Unfortunately, the only way I can heal myself at the moment is by finding something I can bite or smack with my sword to make myself feel better.

2010-05-12, 06:50 AM
The patch of floor smolders a little from your acidic revenge. If you're the existential sort, you can't help but notice a spitting similarity between the damage you did to the floor and the damage the floor did to you. And no, DR doesn't do a whole lot to energy damage.

You make it west to the end of the corridor without incident.

20' to the north,
The floor falls away as you poke it. You jump the pit.

You travel a total of 30' north, then go east for 20', then south for 10' when you reach a door to the east.

Also, the path turns west here making a loop with the north branch you so viciously retaliated against.

2010-05-12, 06:59 AM
I'll set down the pole and open the door, greatsword in hand, eager to injure something in this gods-forsaken pit besides the architecture.

also, while I usually use chalk to mark walls in dungeons, fuming acid scars in the wall apparently serve the same purpose. That's 1cp more in my pocket for future reference.

2010-05-12, 07:14 AM
Chalk lets you make more precise markings if you want, though.

Opening the door reveals the following room:{table]|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_
There are doors at A3 and F4 south. You are outside the A3 door.
In the room is a gray wrinkled humanoid, crawling low with claws extending from it's hands.
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-05-12, 07:45 AM
Grandpa wants to dance? I'll show him how to roll initiative (I hope)... [roll0]

fail :smallsigh:

2010-05-12, 07:58 AM
With a low growl, gramps charges at you. (Grandpa, what long claws you have!)

2010-05-12, 08:02 AM
That's a hit! 7/13 hp now. Forgot to roll for my maneuvers, but I need to roll to see how much Gramps here feels the burn from Mantle of Flame. The maneuver's are numbered on my character sheet. I don't like playing crusaders because of this mechanic, but a guy has to get his healing somehow. :smallsigh:

1st - [roll0]
2nd -[roll1]
MoF - [roll2]

2010-05-12, 08:05 AM
I got Douse the Flames and Vanguard Strike, both equally useless without an ally next to me. :smalltongue:

Boss Hawg throws himself at his singed enemy, swinging with his sword and trying to take a bite as well.

greatsword - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

secondary bite - [roll2]
damage - [roll3]

next maneuver: [roll4]

edit: I think I can live with those rolls :smallsmile:

2010-05-12, 08:17 AM
Well, it's claws aren't adamantine, so you only took 1 damage there. I should also remind you that you have a steely resolve pool and furious counterstrike, further boosting each of those two attacks.

Gramps falls limp with the first swing of your greatsword. Adding insult to injury, you then take a ragged bite of the poor creature's spine with your maw.

You're all healed up with those two attacks and martial spirit.
*ding* +150XP

2010-05-12, 08:28 AM
Thanks for points out the DR. :smallwink: The healing is nice too, getting around the warforged healing penalty. Question: if I knock someone into the negatives, is the fight automatically over, or can I coup-de-grace or smack 'em one more time for +2 hp? Or, wait for Crusader Strike to come up and hope it doesn't bleed out in the meantime? Of course the last one would be for an emergency, I'm hoping that +2 hp a hit and 2/ada DR will keep me going at least for the first floor. As soon as I can, I'm grabbing a level of cleric and buying a wand of lesser vigor (for a nice 11/15 hp/gp ratio).

I digress... I rummage the old man for stuff (was it an old man? In my mind I sort of imagined a corpse-like figure crawling at me, so I thought it might have been undead) and head out the door at F4 south, after retrieving my collapsible pole.

2010-05-12, 08:52 AM
Well, it was already in the negatives before you bit and killed it. I think the encounter is still going until they're dead, but I'll get back to you after I check with Term1nally.

No, "gramps" was only humanoid in the sense of 2 arms and 2 legs. Gaunt, naked, and a loose ashen-colored skin that seems much too large for it. Not undead, but it gives more or less the right mental image. Nothing of interest on this guy.

You open the F4 door back into the other hallway. 10' south of you is the long E-W passage we had the mix-up on. 10' east, the path turns north. On the wall 10' east of you hangs a red note card.

2010-05-12, 09:01 AM
I'll head E 10ft to the note, but I won't read it, not yet anyway (saving it until I clear the floor out, and preferably level up), I'll stick it in my backpack or in a pocket somewhere. I'll head N here with the standard follow the left wall strategy until something interesting happens as previously defined.

edit: I just bought some graph paper, now to find the stuff. I'm starting to need a map.

2010-05-12, 09:17 AM
Errr, actually am I going East? Regardless, I'm just following the left wall which is currently taking me in a NE direction.

2010-05-12, 09:38 AM
You pocket the mysterious red note. Of mystery. Nothing seems to happen when you take it.

From the note, you travel 30' north.
20' along the way it branched east: There's a door south 25' down the branch. It turns south after 30'.

You then reach a T-intersection.
The east path turns north after 20', but you don't go that way.

10' west, you poke the ceiling and
Click. Nothing seems to happen.

You travel 20' west from the intersection and the path turns north.
It branches east at 10' and 20'. It ends and turns east at 40'. There is a large green notecard sitting on the wall at 20'.

There's a door to the east at the end of the first eastward branch. You can see that the two branches connect into a small loop 10' to the east.

Here's a map of what you've seen with almost rogue-like graphics quality. If it's too hard to read I can upload a cropped map like the other DMs do.

You just left the upper room and after a brief stint heading east, are now decidedly moving northward.
The "n" is the green notecard mentioned above.

# #
# #......|# ?
# ##>......|#
# # |......|#
# # ------^##
# # # .
----- # . ?
|...|# .
# #
# #
# >.

Let's see if I covered all that clearly enough. :smalltongue:

2010-05-12, 10:12 AM
The map is fine, thanks! :smallbiggrin: Cropped would be good if it was essential, but if I get lost I'll just call a "take me somewhere I haven't been" if that's all right, so I won't worry about extreme precision. My graph paper map seems to be doing good for me, and I get effective battle maps from you already.

I'm going to walk that small loop of the two eastward branches opposite of the green card, which I'm going to pocket without reading as well. I believe there was a door there I could see? I'll go ahead and enter that as well.

Boss Hawg issa ready to put them Duke boys in thur place! Yeeeeeee Haw... *gzzzzzerrrrrr- CRACK* Voice File Access Error #100101110....reboot and engage greatsword and threat detection subroutines.

ooc - gotta add some spice to the monotony of walk-smash-loot-repeat :smalltongue: not saying it's not fun monotony though, the joys of a math obsessed brain.

2010-05-12, 10:20 AM
When you grab the green card
Nothing happens. You pocket this one too. A green mystery card!

Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door at A-6 west, which you are just outside of, another at A-1 North, and another at E-3. You see a nearly 7' tall, horned hobgoblin-esque creature, wearing studded leather, and wielding a scimitar.

You are at A-6 west.

2010-05-12, 10:23 AM
Initiative - [roll0]
1st Tech - [roll1] - Stone Bones
2nd Tech - [roll2] - Charging Minotaur

2010-05-12, 10:30 AM
"If you're a hobgoblin, I'm programmed to hate you, foul creature! Of course, your only hobgoblin-esque at the moment, so I'll default to general goblinoid programming: kill swiftly without pleasure. It's your lucky day."

Boss Hawg charges the creature a delivers a Stone Bones swing with his greatsword at the end.

Attack - [roll0] - (if crit) [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
DR 5/adamantite for 1 round if hit.

edit: I'm really hoping that gibed him. :smallamused:

2010-05-12, 07:18 PM

Sorry for being needy, I've just seen your green light on for a while and was afraid you didn't get a notification email, as the site is prone to do from time to time. :smallredface:

2010-05-12, 07:26 PM
Sorry, I've had your thread open since you rolled initiative, but I've been trying to figure out the mechanics for spring attack at close range.

I've been told that the goblinoid can walk around you as the initial movement for spring attack. This dungeon has been my crash course in a lot of D&D's mechanics since I'm relatively new to the game. I'll just go ahead with what I was thinking of.

He's pretty bloodied by that attack, but not dead yet.
The goblinoid cries out as it darts around you to the west and takes a shot at you with his scimitar as he springs past.

He then continues out the door, disappearing south back the way you came. He's muttering in a language you're not programmed to understand. He provokes no AoOs via Spring Attack, I think.

@DMs Only
He moves his full distance, ending at the T intersection south of this room.

2010-05-12, 07:37 PM
ooc - Ah, a rules issue, whatever the reason is fine, I was just curious, and a bit tainted by several problems (on both ends) of threads coming to a halt because of issues with the automatic email response system. :smallsmile:. I'm getting back into it myself, trying to get to the point to DM as well with a couple ideas I have floating around, so I'll have patience for you if you have patience with me, lol. (edit: also you're right about spring attack, but I had to look it up myself, no AoO from the defender only)

The goblinoid is scorched from my mantle of fire for [roll0], hopefully dropping him as he runs off. If not, I'll follow him down the passage one move (30ft move speed). If he's in melee range I'll take a swing at him ([roll1] - [roll2]), and if he's within 30ft I'll assign my essentia to Dissolving Spittle and spit an acid loogie at him (ranged touch attack [roll3] - [roll4] acid damage). If after 30 feet I can't see him because he rounded a corner, or if he's beyond 30 feet, I'll move towards him again.

edit: the goblinoids scimitar leaves little more than a scratch in my built in plating, much less hp damage. This elicits a most unnatural chuckle from the construct.

2010-05-12, 10:03 PM
And of course, I forgot about your Mantle of Fire. :smallcool:

The goblinoid tries to dash past you, but is surprised when the wreath of flame around your body engulfs him. He screams one last incomprehensible curse as he falls unconscious.


2010-05-12, 10:49 PM
What does CDG mean? :smallconfused:

I'll head through the door at A1 north, after looting anything the poor wretch has on him. Same follow the left wall while poking everything within reach tactics.

Is that another 150xp?

2010-05-13, 02:59 PM
CDG = Coup de Grace. The poor thing wasn't completely dead yet.

Once you do so (or let the squishy meatbag bleed out), yes.
*ding* 150XP.

You find a MW scimitar, MW Studded Leather, and a potion (of mystery :smalltongue:).

You exit to the north. As you tap the walls to the west of you,
You roll a fortitude save.

2010-05-13, 07:53 PM
Hmmm, maybe I should feed the potion to the goblinoid... if it's bad, I'll know for further reference, and if it's healing, I'll just get to whack him for more xp, right? :smalltongue:

Nah, I'll put the wretch out of his misery with a clean stroke from my greatsword. Why must the fleshlings be so messy when they fall in combat, my craftmarks are barely visible from the gore. :smallsigh:

Right, fort save coming up [roll0]. Here's a list of things I'm immune to that may result from a failed fort save, for your convenience.A warforged is immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that would cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

Afterwards, I'll continue as before, after though a quick look at my character I noticed I've been forgetting an ability. Before I go into a room or round a corner, I want to scan the area with my Detect Good at will spell-like ability. I know, fat lot of good detect good is going to do in here, but safety first. :smalltongue:

edit: oh yeah, I loot everything not nailed down or bleeding profusely.

2010-05-13, 09:12 PM
You feel uncomfortably warm as an unbearable wave of heat washes over you. You take [roll0] nonlethal damage. Luckily your tireless body is immune to the accompanying fatigue. On the other hand, unlike a fleshling, you're unable to shed layers to cool off; your plating is integral to your sturdy frame.

Unfortunately detect anything isn't going to do all that much. The doors are literally made of lead and the walls are thick enough to block detection on their own (if they don't contain lead as well).

15' west from the door, the corridor turns south back onto the path you came up.

You travel 5' east and then 10' north to a 4-way intersection.
To the east, the corridor goes 20' before turning south.
To the north, the corridor goes 10' before turning east.
On both the east and north paths, the floor in front of you drops away as a pit trap.

You travel 10' west where the corridor turns north.

It runs 40' before turning east.
You stop at a pair of doors (one east, one west) 20' down the corridor.


# #?
# #
# ?
# |.....|
# |.....|
# |.....<
# #.....|
# ------?
# #......|# ?
# ##>......|#
# # |......|#
# # ------^##
# # # .
----- # . ?
|...|# .
# #
# #
# >.

2010-05-16, 12:11 AM
Ahh, thanks for the updated map. I will follow my trend and open the left door, cool things tend to be behind doors. I'll set down the pole and open the door, greatsword at the ready. Initiative if necessary [roll0]

2010-05-16, 02:19 AM
Opening the door reveals the following room:
5|||C [/table]
There is a door at A-2, and another at C1 east. There is a large lever with a bright red handle in the center of the room. There is a cake in the southeast corner of the room, on a tray bolted to the floor, with frosting reading something. . A note attached to the wall above the cake reads something else.

You are just outside of A-2.

2010-05-16, 01:53 PM
I have a nagging suspicion that the cake is a lie... :smalltongue:

I'll grab the note like the others, prodding my way across the room of course, and stash it without reading it. I will make an active effort to not read the explosive frosting. What color is this note, and the cake frosting?

Before proceeding through this new door, I will turn around and open the one on the opposite side of the hallway from the one I just entered.

Initiative if necessary - [roll0]

2010-05-16, 04:04 PM
The note is on crisp white paper, with an oddly regular script that seems to be made of evenly spaced dots.

The cake is white with yellow lettering and trim. It is delicious and moist. :smalltongue:

Opening the door reveals the following room:
3||||| [/table]
There are doors at A3 west and E3 east.
A string of 4 notes hangs in the center of the room.

Out of curiosity, what do you plan to do with all the notes you're collecting? :smallamused:

2010-05-16, 04:10 PM
Well, my typical strategy in rogue-like games where everything is unidentified unless tried, I usually gather all the scrolls in a level and read them once I'm reasonably sure of my safety, in case I become stunned/unconscious/incinerated/poisoned/etc I would like to be standing right outside the open door to the next level so I can crawl to safety is something goes awry, maybe holding a potion in my robo-jaw so that if I collapse it'll be poured down my throat. :smallwink:

As for the new room: I prod everything, collect the notes without reading them and stash them (that's 7 now I think, lol). I suppose I'll try the door at E3 east, to see what I can see.

2010-05-16, 04:19 PM
You get 4 notes on a string. Also of mystery.

When you prod the ceiling over where the notes where hanging,
You roll a reflex save

2010-05-16, 05:06 PM
Yipes! I fear for my metal friend. Fortunately, Boss Hawg feels no fear as us feeble humans do. That is why the robot overlords will rule us all. But they need to start small, like by making reflex saves.... [roll0]

edit: awww, a most likely failed save, and two rooms in a row with nothing to slay. Weaksauce. :smalltongue:

2010-05-16, 05:31 PM
The ceiling crumbles, pelting you with loose bricks.
[roll0] (Bludgeoning. NOT adamantine.)

Along with them, falls a sack. It is full of something.

2010-05-16, 05:58 PM
I'm sure it's a Black Mamba or Fiendish Scorpion or the like, but I'll temp fate and open it, using the 12-foot pole to try and dump the contents out, and failing that the greatsword if it's bound with rope.

After that, I'll go ahead and try the door at E3 east.

2010-05-16, 06:02 PM
You find that the sack is full of hay. Dumping the contents across the floor with your 12' pole, you find 2 potions buried in the hay.

Outside the door, you find a hallway that runs 20' to the north and 10' to the south. Both ends are T-intersections.

2010-05-16, 06:05 PM
I think I'll head to the room across the hallway, and try the unopened door in there.

2010-05-16, 06:18 PM
To the south, the hallway runs beyond your light without anything of note. To the north, it turns west 5' away.

Much more interesting is the large red & white bullseye painted on the floor in front of you.

2010-05-16, 06:49 PM
Heh, bullseye huh? This is apparently the part of the dungeon that Target owns. I'll back up and poke the bullseye in the middle with my pole, and if that doesn't do anything I'll jump over it without stepping on it. I suppose I'll head around the corner to the north, following the path until an intersection or obstacle.

2010-05-16, 06:57 PM
You poke it, and
Nothing happens.

You then try jumping over it, but
You make it across fine. Nesting spoiler tags is fun!:smallbiggrin:

The corridor runs 30' west before turning north. 15' along the way, there's a door to the south.

2010-05-16, 06:59 PM
You had me going there! :smalltongue:

I'll enter the door to the south I come across, greatsword in hand and jaws ready for a-bitin' somethin' as the resident hillbillies would say.

2010-05-16, 07:07 PM
Opening the door reveals the following room:
Around a fire are sitting 2 humans. A better look reveals one of them to be an elf and the other has another set of sharp teeth. Elf is #2. They have equipment. There is a door at A5 south, E5 south and D1. You're outside D1.

2010-05-16, 07:11 PM
Initiative - [roll0]

edit - sweet

2010-05-16, 07:16 PM
If I'm outside D1, am I directly outside, as in I could 5ft step to the Elf?

If so I will do that and full-attack him. If not I'll move towards him anyway with a regular attack.

Greatsword - melee - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

Bite - natural secondary - [roll2]
damage - [roll3]

edit: Bah, maybe my mantle of flame will do better than I do.

2010-05-16, 07:27 PM
The elf's frail form crumples with your first blow.

Toothy grins, then mutters a few words and the room fills with a misty vapor, obscuring everything from sight.

Spot and Listen checks are probably a good idea.

2010-05-16, 07:32 PM
Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

If I can detect him, I'll transfer my essentia to Dissolving Spittle and hawk a acid loogie his way.
Ranged touch attack - [roll2]
Acid damage - [roll3]

2010-05-16, 07:40 PM
You see and hear nothing but the mist.

As per obscuring mist, you wouldn't be able to see him if he was more than 5' away anyways.

Do you want to do something else with your actions?

2010-05-16, 10:33 PM
Aye, I figured as much. I'll head south 20ft to D5 to feel around to see if the door has been opened. If it is, I'll move through it and double move if necessary to catch the fleeing enemy. If that door is closed, I'll maneuver along the wall to the door at A5 (which will certainly require a double move) to see if that door is opened, heading in that way with my remaining move. If both doors are closed, I'll extend my limbs and spin around to try and find him if he is hiding in the smoke.

2010-05-17, 12:27 AM
You fail to find him.

A few muttered words and a flash of color erupts from somewhere to the north.
Roll a will save. (You're not immune to Color Spray, are you?:smallamused:)

2010-05-17, 04:15 PM
Everything but color spray it seems. :smallfrown: Will save, I choose you! [roll0]

If that fails, I can only hope my mantle of flames kills whoever tries to CDG me. :smalltongue:

2010-05-17, 05:32 PM
One could only hope.

When you wake up,
Toothy is apparently gone.

You've been looted! He took the 14gp 4sp you were carrying. It looks look the elf was searched as well.

Sorry, no XP. As a consolation prize, the elf has Studded Leather, a Longsword, & a Light Steel Shield.

2010-05-17, 07:15 PM
Whew, that could have been considerably worse. I hope I find toothy around here somewhere, though...

Did I go through one of those doors, of I get color sprayed while maneuvering through the fog in the room? I'll continue through whichever door I started through, or D5 if neither, standard movement procedure.

2010-05-17, 07:49 PM
Whoops, forgot to mention that. No, all the doors were closed, except the one you entered from. He colorsprayed you on his turn after you were done spinning your arms in the corner.

The doors are in A5 and E5 (not D5, though you can see the E5 door from there).

Exiting out the E5 south door, the hallway runs straight south 20' before turning east. There's a door to the west 5' from you.

2010-05-18, 06:45 PM
I'll take that door 5' to the west I suppose, ready to project my aggression for my recent exodus of funds on the first NPC I see. :smallmad:

2010-05-18, 07:16 PM
Forgot a comma.:smallredface: The door leads to the west. It is 5' south of the door you just left.

Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door at A-1 west, B-1, and another at C-1 east
There is a gnome sized figure with a white dragon’s head, ivory scales and short swords standing in the room

You're outside C1 east.


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2010-05-19, 04:19 PM
Forgot initiative - [roll0]

2010-05-20, 03:59 PM
It scampers to A1 and breathes an icy cone at you. [roll0]

2010-05-21, 05:28 PM
Hrmmm, I misread gnome-sized figure for gnome, and was wondering why it had a breath weapon for a second. Is it a kobold? Regardless, I forgot to roll for maneuvers as well, so here they go...

[roll0] - Crusader Strike
[roll1] - Stone Bones

2010-05-21, 05:48 PM
I charge the little bugger and deliver a Crusader Strike at the end. 2 damage in my delayed damage pool, 3 non-lethal damage, 9/13 hp otherwise,

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Healing - [roll2]
+2 hp healing for stance per hit (I forgot I get healing on hits, I'm going to have to go and recalculate my hp. Also, doesn't healing also cure non-lethal damage as well?

errr, nevermind. If that hit I'm back to full hp anyway, and the poor ice-breather would probably been gibed.

2010-05-21, 06:39 PM
Barely knocks him unconscious.

No, they're little lizardy guys with dragon heads and scales. The MM description actually says they're "gnome-sized" for some reason, which only really conveys "small size" as far as i can tell.

Anytime you heal hit points, you heal an equal amount of nonlethal damage, so you'll deal with it easily enough.

2010-05-21, 06:58 PM
Guess I'll CDG and loot up anything on his person or in the room and move on, opening the door in A1 west after finishing up in here. He did have some decent hp though, for a little fella' (I know that doesn't impact hp at all except for constructs, but still). It is nice to topped off again health wise. I'm fresh and ready for that no good, thieving, color-spraying finger-waggler that ran off with my money (and my xp!) :smallfurious:. If only I had more precious money... muahahahahahaha, all the money in this dungeon will soon be mine!

The evil laugh of a monotone wood and metal killing machine covered in the blood of his enemies (and those who are slightly annoying, or at least within melee range) is most disturbing. God help us all if Stephen Hawking should ever gain access to such a contraption to serve as his body, enabling the murderous rage I've been warning about from the beginning! But I digress... :smalltongue:

2010-05-21, 07:09 PM
*ding* 150XP
You find 2 short swords and 4 darts (all small-sized of course). Having more than 1HD certainly helps his hp pool.

I'm sure we can find more ways to part you from your precious moneys. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-21, 07:24 PM
I'll head out the door in A1 west after I'm done in here. Sorry, I kinda hid it in the first wall of text without clearly labeling it.

2010-05-21, 07:57 PM
It runs north and south.
To the north, it goes 5' and turns east. There's a door that leads back to the room with two people. Just around the corner is another red and white bullseye painted on the floor. Maybe you have found the Target store.
To the south, it runs 25' and turns east.

Here's a map. You started in room 12. You were just in room 9.
http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5665/bhfloor1.png (http://img171.imageshack.us/i/bhfloor1.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)