View Full Version : Doppelganger Help

2010-05-13, 11:07 PM
So I'm planning a big revealing of a doppleganger in my own game and I'm having a bit of trouble. I've always had trouble hiding NPC identities from my players and I was wondering, can anyone in the playground give me some advice on keeping a doppleganger secret?

Fuzzie Fuzz
2010-05-13, 11:19 PM
For starters, it would help if we knew what the job of this doppelganger is. Is he replacing a party member? Is he an NPC traveling with them?

We can't give useful advice without a more specific situation. :smallsmile:

2010-05-14, 10:11 AM
If possible I would like to add myself to this thread, as i too am playing with the idea of making a doppelganger character.

My question would be:
If a Doppelganger changes into someone who has wings and at-will flight, does he also gain at-will flight?

2010-05-14, 10:19 AM
If possible I would like to add myself to this thread, as i too am playing with the idea of making a doppelganger character.

My question would be:
If a Doppelganger changes into someone who has wings and at-will flight, does he also gain at-will flight?

I can answer this one. If it is a movement mode of his new form then yes he would get it.

The creature gains the natural weapons, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form.

But if it is a special quality of his new form then no.

2010-05-14, 10:37 AM
If possible I would like to add myself to this thread, as i too am playing with the idea of making a doppelganger character.

My question would be:
If a Doppelganger changes into someone who has wings and at-will flight, does he also gain at-will flight?

Depends on the system. I believe that would work in 3.5, but not 4e. Someone else should correct me on that though.

I have two big questions for when it comes to doppleganger shenanigans. Do the players have any reasons to suspect dopplegangers? Does the doppleganger have any interest/interaction in/with the pcs?

2010-05-14, 10:44 AM
Out of curiosity: Are you running the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil?

I'm gathering from your post that either you're a terrible liar or your players are particularly genre-savvy, or both.

In the case of the former, don't lie if they'll know when you're lying. If you're sweating bullets every time Kerrick has to fib, the cat'll be out of the bag in no time *meow*. Instead, settle for a nice blend of half-truths, misleading statements and the occasional lie. For example, when Mila Kunis said, "I'm going to be 18," in response to the casting director's question "How old are you?" the latter assumed (rather logically) she was 17. In fact, she was 14 - Mila has said she was going to be 18, but not specified what year. :smalltongue: You'd be surprised what outrageous conclusions you can gently guide people towards.

If you merely have some snooping players, throw out a red herring or two to distract them.

Yes, Severus does seem the type, doesn't he? So useful to have him swooping around like an overgrown bat. Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell?

I could go on, but you have the idea and I'm started to ramble like an insane...ly tired person, so I'll put a sock in it.